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OFFICE OF FEDERAL & STATE RELATIONS THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM April 6, 2017 Dr. Thomas D. Welton, “94 Le Sentvia electronic mail Dear Dr. Welton: ‘Thank you for inviting a representative of the Texas A&M University System to attend the meeting your group has scheduled on Sunday. April 9 in Conroe regarding Jones State Forest. Although we will not have a personal presence at your meeting. I would like to provide you with some brief information which I hope you and your group will find relevant to your interest concerning the forest. As you may already know, in 1926 the Legislature appropriated funding to acquire this property and designated it as a state forest. Historically. the forest has been a valuable state asset for research, demonstration and education purposes. ‘The intent in asking Senator Creighton to file this bill was to open up for discussion the purpose of finding a higher and better educational use for a small tract that is overshadowed by whan growth. The remainder of the property is, intended to continue to be preserved and remain in its natural ecological stare As Senator Creighton stated in his March 27 letter and March 28" press release. “Whether or not the University uses a portion of the forest should be a public discussion... The bill has been referred to the Senate Higher Education Comunitice where it awaits a hearing Respecting the legislative process and Senator Creighton’s intention to have an open-public discussion of the bill, we avait notification from the Senate Higher Education Committee for any further action om this bill Additionally, public comments may be submitted using the following email address: comments@tamus.ed, Finally, further information is available a the following website: hitps:/www tans edu/jones-state-forest ‘Thank you for your interest in Jones State Forest and in how this treasured asset can best be used for the benefit of the state and its people ‘s/ Tommy Williams Vice Chancellor for Federal and State Relations ‘The Texas A&M University System 1303 Sao Antonio Sneet, Suite 850 + Austin, Texas 78701 (12) 542-7930 + Fax (512) 542-7852 + seetamus ed

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