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Lesson Plan

Name: Patrick Giugliano Professor: Maria Esposito

COURSE EDU: 527 Date: 4/25/17

GRADE: 3 TOPIC: Geography Content Area: Social Studies

Number of students: 27, 9 Special Ed. Number of ELLs: 5

Instructional Objectives:

Following a short video from Brain Pop Junior, a class discussion, and reading the

worksheets about each continents pen pal and field guide, students will identify and

write about the earths geography with 100% accuracy according to a teacher created


NYS-CClS/ NYS Standards:

Applicable standards:

Grade 3: Communities Around the World

Geography, Humans, and the Environment

3.1 Geographic regions have unifying characteristics and can be studied using a variety of

3.1a Earth is comprised of water and large land masses that can be divided into distinct regions.

Students will identify the continents and oceans, by using globes and maps.

Students will locate the selected world communities in relation to oceans and continents.

Indicator: This will be evident when students can identify all the continents and where each
ocean is on a map.
3.2 The location of world communities can be described using geographic tools and

3.2a World communities can be located on globes and maps.

Students will examine where each selected world community is located.

3.2b World communities can be located in relation to each other and to principle parallels and

Students will examine the location of each selected world community relative to the United
States and other selected world communities. Students will locate each selected world
community in relationship to principal parallels (equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of
Capricorn, Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle) and meridians (Prime Meridian) using
cardinal and intermediate directions.

Indicator: This will be evident when students can identify where each continent is located on a
map and what countries are in each continent.

Instructional Resources/ Materials:

Worksheets Pencils Computer Smartboard Teacher made worksheets

Teacher made exit tickets Dry erase markers Small white boards Crayons

Markers Scissors Glue Staples Globe Maps Brain Pop Jr.


Motivation (Engaging the learners):

Before the students begin their assignments they will watch a Brain Pop Junior video on

Continents & Oceans.
Developmental Procedures:

The teacher will introduce the topic of Geography (continents & oceans) using a Brain

Pop Jr. Video and anchor chart. The teacher will discuss examples of geography with

students using the keywords oceans, continents, landscape, and so on. This will pre-

assess and activate prior knowledge.

As a class, the students will read the worksheets with each continents pen pal and field


Each student will be given a questionnaire for the given continent, to test if they

understood the lesson. This questionnaire will consist of questions such as Continent

landmarks, Number of countries, largest country, smallest country, population, and

continent facts.

Instructional Strategies:

Strategy: Scaffolding
Indicator: This will be evident when the teachers will work with the individual small

groups that the students have been assigned to. The teachers will also circulate while students

are working independently.

Strategy: Interaction/ Cooperative Learning

Indicator: This will be evident when the students will be grouped into small groups where

they will be able to work interactively with each other.

Strategy: Independent Learning (Indirect Instruction)

Indicator: This will be evident when students are completing there given assignments.

Strategy: Questioning

Indicator: This will be evident when the teachers are asking a variety of different types of

questions to assure the students understand what geography is.

Strategy: Discussion

Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher engages the students in a meaningful

discussion about geography.


The student with LD and high distractibility will have preferred seating in the front of the

classroom to avoid distractions.

The student with an OHI will be allowed to take breaks as needed when he feels

overwhelmed or an outburst ensuing.

The student who impulsively calls out during class discussions will be monitored through

a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

The student who struggles to work in small groups will be encouraged to select his/her

own peer group.

The student who profiles with grapho-motor challenges will be provided with the special

scissors during the project

The student who is an emergent (beginner) English learner will be provided with a

bilingual dictionary or word-to-word translation device and a list of vocabulary with

definitions to help the students better participate in the lesson.

The students who are struggling readers will be given teacher created worksheet with

simplified text

The Transitional ELL will be provided prior to the lesson; lists of vocabulary with

definitions to help the students better participate in the lesson.

For the ELL learner they will be provided a translated copy of the video to help them

follow along.

Differentiation of Instruction

The Student who is a visual learner will benefit from the brain pop junior video

The student who is a Kinesthetic or tactile learner will benefit from creating the

continents & oceans booklet


The teacher will circulate and assess as students are participating in their group lessons.
Students will have a questionnaire with a designated inheritance that they must use their

newly learned knowledge about geography to answer.

The students will also take a quiz on the earths geography (oceans & continents)
Independent Practice

The students will complete a continent & oceans questionnaire

Following the conclusion of the group work, students who finish early will be asked to

write about their favorite continents and why they would want to visit that continent

Direct Teacher Intervention

The teacher and student will, together, work on the continents & oceans booklet.

Academic Enrichment

Students will be asked to write a journal entry on what continent they would like to visit

and give at least five reasons why they want to visit the continent they pick.


Brain Pop Junior: Continents And Oceans. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2017,



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