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Glycolysis is a series of reactions,

Enzymatic actions, energy transactions,
Takes glucose, a molecule so sugary,
Breaks it down for NADH and ATP

Its an anaerobic cytoplasmic pathway that amazes

Organized easily into three phases,
Investment, cleavage, and energy harvest,
Tell me later which one you like best.

Investment: activation energys supplied,

Cleavage: our six carbon sugar divides
Harvest: we get our energy yield,
So beautiful, so intricate keep your eyes peeled

Come on sugar, come on sugar, for the breakdown. For the breakdown.

Investments like striking a match,

That energy you put in makes the fire catch
For glycolysis investments two ATPs,
Which act as activation energy

Enzymes take phosphate from ATPs

Jam em on a glucose rearranging it to fructose,
Leaving Fructose 1- 6 bisphosphate on the table,
With two phosphates, its highly unstable!

Moving us to the second phase

The cleaving of Fructose bisphosphate
Cause glycolysis means splitting sugar, you can see
cleavage yields two molecules with carbons three

One is glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate G3P

It continues on our pathway broken down for energy
But the second one an enzyme will immediately,
Convert into a second G3P


Phase 3: G3P gets rearranged and oxidized,

By an enzymatic assembly line,
That harvest energy from each G3P
One NADH and 2 ATPs
Double this yield per G3P
To two NADH and 4 ATPs
Thats the gross yield for every glucose in
A generous accounting of glycolysiss win

But 2ATPs were invested in phase 1

So you net just two you can use to jump or run,
Put two in, get four out, your net gain is two,
Two ATPs that you can use.

If that doesnt seem like very much, its cause it aint,

Theres tons of energy left in pyruvate,
The two three carbon molecules were left with at the end.
And what happens to pyruvate is gonna depend,

On the metabolic pathway where pyruvate gets sent,

If its anaerobic itll be fermented
But in aerobic cells pyruvates termination
Will be the Krebs cycle and total oxidation!


Review: glycolysis starts with investment

of two ATPs to the glucose that we started with,
The product is cleaved into two G3Ps
From which the cell harvests NADH and ATPs.

This anaerobic pathway is respirations first phase,

Its billions of years old evolved in ancient days
before O2 accumulated in the seas, before
eukaryotic cells like ours arrived on the scene

Its everywhere, ubiquitous, in every organism,

Bacteria, sequoia tree, no matter your metabolism,
Happens in the cytoplasm doesnt need no organelles.
You wanna find glycolysis? Look in any cell!
2.1 Lirik Lagu dan Terjemah

Welcome to this story about cell energy

The goal is explaining how cells make ATP

It happens in the mitochondria which you can think of

As the cells energy factory

Selamat datang pada cerita mengenai energi sel

Tujuannya untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sel membuat ATP

Ini terjadi di mitokondria yang dapat kau pikirkan sebagai penghasil energy pada sel

Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles,

An inner membrane and an outer one as well

The mitochondrial matrix is the fluid inside

Its where reactions like Krebs cycle reside

Glycolysis and Krebs make NADH and FADH2 from energy in food
Mitokondria adalah organel bermembran ganda

Membran dalam dan membran luar

Matriks mitokondria adalah cairan yang terdapat di dalamnya

Itu adalah tempat dimana reaksi seperti siklus Krebs berlangsung

Glikolisis dan Kreb menghasilkan NADH dan FADH2 dari energi dalam makanan

These electron carriers make their way From the matrix to the inner membrane.

And thats where you find the electron transport chain

Its a series of enzymes embedded in the membrane,

Which take the electron carriers electrons

And uses their energy for pumping protons

Pengangkut elektron ini membuat jalan mereka dari matriks menuju membrane dalam

Dan disitu kau dapat memnemukan rantai transport elektron

Ini adalah rangkan penempelan enzim pada membrane

Yang mengambil elektron dari pengangkut elektron

Dan menggunakan energy mereka untuk memompa proton


The mitochondrial electron transport chain

Uses electron energy for pumping protons

From the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space

Increasing proton concentration in that place,

Rantai transport elektron mitokondria

Menggunakan energi elektron untuk memompa proton

Dari matriks mitokondria menuju ruang intermembran

Meningkatkan konsentrasi proton di tempat itu

The only way the protons can escape

Is through a channel and an enzyme, ATP synthase.

Which uses diffusing protons kinetic energy

To make ATP, from ADP and P

Satu satunya cara proton dapat keluar

Adalah melalui satu saluran dan satu enzim, sintesis ATP

Yang mennggunakan energy kinetik difusi proton

Untuk membuat ATP dari ADP dan P

The chain is a series of enzymes in a row

Each accepts electrons, then lets them go

To the next carrier in this transport chain.

Its kind of organized like a bucket brigade

Rantai ini adalah rangkai enzim yang berurutan

Masing masing menerima elekton, kemudia melepaskan mereka

Menuju pengangkut berikutnya dalam rantai transport

Ini sangat terartur seperti sandaran jembatan

Is the growing level of each carriers electronegativity

What drives electrons down this enzymatic series

And to oxygen electrons ultimately fall

Its the most electronegative of them all

Yang menggerakan elektron dalam rangkaian enzimatis ini

Adalah tingakatan pertumbuhan dari masing masing elektonegativititas pengakut elektron

Dan pada oksigen lah eketron akhirnya jatuh

Oksigen memiliki elektonegativitas paling besar diantara semuanya

Its NADH that starts this run

Donating electrons to Complex number I

This powers active transport as protons are displaced.

And get pumped from the matrix to the intermembrane space

From Complex I electrons flow to

Ubiquinone, also known as Q

Which floats through the inner membrane happily

NADH yang memulai perjalanan ini

Mendonasikan elektron menuju kompleks nomor I

Kekuatan ini mengaktifkan transport selagi proton digantikan

Dan terpompa dari matriks ke ruang intermembran

Dari aliran elektron komplek I ke

Ubiquinon, yang juga dikenal sebagai Q

Yang mengapung di membran dalam dengan bahagia

And brings its electrons to Complex III

And you can guess the function of Complex III .

Its another proton pump using electron energy

Protons jam up in that intermembrane compartment

Like a hundred people in a one bedroom apartment!

Dan membawa elektron-elektronnya ke komplek 3

Dan kamu dapat menebak fungsi dari komplek 3

Ini adalah pompa lain yang menggunakan energy elektron

proton-proton bergabung dalam ruang intermembran tersebut

Seperti seribu orang di dalam apartemen yang memiliki satu kamar tdur


Complex II is for FADH2

Which donates electrons, which then get passed to Q

Which once again passes them to Complex III

Which pumps protons using electron energy

From Complex III the electrons proceed

To another mobile carrier, Cytochrome C

Which donates the electrons to Complex IV

Another proton pump, could you ask for more?

Komplek 2 adalah untuk FADH

Yang mana mendonasikan elektron yang nantinya akan dikirim ke Q

dan yang sekali lagi mengirimkannya kej komplek 3

Yang memompa proton menggunakan energy elektron

Dari komplek 3 elektron-elektron diproses

Ke pengangkut lainnya, sitokrom C

Yang memberikan elektron ke kompleks 4

Pompa lagi, apakah kau masih mau meminta lagi?

After Complex IV electrons flow,

To oxygen which is ever so

Electronegative it pulls electrons down the chain,

Keeping them moving like the cars of a train.

And as O2 does this electron grabbing trick,

It also grabs protons from the matrix.

Setelah kompleks 4 elektron mengalir ke oksigen

Elektronegatif menarik elektron keluar dari rantai

Menjaga mereka tetap bergerak seperti gerbong kereta

Dan oksigen melalakukan trik menangkap itu

Oksigen juga menangkap proton dari matriks

They all combine to form H2O
Electron transport chain, watch it go!

Mereka semua diabungkan untuk memebentuk h2o

Rantai transport elektrok, lihatlah bagaimana ini berjalan!


Now all these protons in the intermembrane space

Are trapped they cant get out of that place

Cause protons are charged and could never get through

A phospholipid bilayer, they cant diffuse

Sekarang semua proton ada di dalam ruang intermembran

Terjebak, mereka tidak dapat keluar dari ruang itu

Karena proton bermuatan dan tidak akan dapat melewati lapisan fisfolipid, mereka tidak dapat

But like all particles, theyre dying to go

From where their concentrations high to where its low
Stuck in the intermembrane space theyre frustrated.
To diffuse to the matrix, theyre highly motivated.

Tapi seperti semua partikel, mereka menginginkan untuk pergI dari tempat dimana konsentrasi
mereka tinggi ke rendah. Terjebak dalam ruang intermembran, mereka frustasi. Untuk berdifusi ke
matrix, mereka sangat termotivasi.

And this gradients been made steeper by O2

Which absorbs protons from the matrix stew,
So from proton pumping, and oxygens actions.
Add another force, electrochemical attraction!

Dan peningkatan ini ditingkatkan oleh O2 yang menyerap proton dari matriks yang matang. Jadi dari
pemompaan proton dan aksi oksigen menambah kekuatan lain, tarikan elektrokimia
Think of all those trapped protons, each ones positive.
The matrix, in comparison is negative.
Opposites attract, so the protons are dying
To get to matrix, oh how theyre trying!

Pikiran semua proton terjebang, masing masing positive

Sebaliknya, pada matriks adalah negative

Tarikan berlawanan, jadi proton proton sekarat untuk menuju matriks. Lihat bagimana mereka
berusaha keras!

Theres only one channel that lets the protons pass,

And they use it like high school students busting out of class,
Its a channel and an enzyme, its ATP synthase
The closer in this game, an energy ace

Hanya ada satu saluran yang dapat dilewati proton dan mereka menggunakan itu seperti anak
sekolah menengah atas keluar dari kelas. Itu adalah satu saluran dan satu enzim, sintesis ATP!

Penutup dari game ini, energy berlimpahan

ATP synthase is embedded in the inner membrane

How it works is so cool its insane.
Its got channels for diffusing protons running right through it.
When cells make ATP, well watch how they do it

Sintesis ATP melekat pada membrane dalam

Bagaimana ini berkerja sangatlah keren, ini luar biasa. Ini mendapat salurkan untuk
menghamburkan proton melewati saluran ini. Ketika sel membuat ATP, lihat dengan baik bagaimana
mereka melakukannya

The matrix side of ATP synthase has binding sites

For ADP and P which come in and bind.
And as ATP synthase lets protons barge through
Their kinetic energy gets put to use

Sisi matriks dari sintesis ATP memiliki tempat berikatan untuk ADP dan P yang masuk dan berikatan.
Dan saat sintesist ATP membiarkan proton bergerak, energi kinetik proton digunakan

Like water through a turbine proton movement generates rotation.

Changing synthases binding site conformation.
Which catalyzes chemical bond formation.
ADP and P make ATP that energy sensation!

Seperti air yang melewati sebuah turbin, gerakan proton memutar, berubah menyesuaikan tempat
berikatan yang mengkatalis pembentukan ikatan kimia. ADP dan P membuat ATP, sensasi energi

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