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A power station supplies the following loads to the consumers:

Time Hrs 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-22 22-24
Load MW 30 70 90 60 100 80 60
(a) Draw the load curve and estimate the load factor of the plant
(b) What the load factor of a standby equipment of 30 MW capacity if it takes
up all loads above 70 MW? what is its use factor?

(a) Energy generated=1560 MWh

Average load = 1560 MWh/24 h =65 MW
Load factor = Average load/Peak load= 65/100= 0.65
(b) Energy generated =180 MWh
Time= 8 h
Average load = 180 MWh/8 h =22.5 MW
Load factor = Average load/Peak load= 22.5/30= 0.75
Use factor= Energy generated/(plant capacity x operating hours)
=(180/30 x 8)= 0.75
2. The peak load on a power plant is 60 MW. The loads having maximum demand
of 30 MW, 20MW and 14 MW are connected to the power plant. The capacity of
the power plant is 80 MW and the annual load factor is 0.5. Estimate:
(a) the average load on the power plant, (b) the energy supplied per year,
(c) the demand factor, (d) the diversity factor.
(a) load factor= average load/ peak load
Average load= 0.5 x 60 MW = 30 MW
(b) Energy supplied per year= average load x 8760 h=30 x 8760
=262.8 x 106 kWh
(c) Demand factor = maximum demand/connected load=60/(30+20+10+14)
= 60/74=0.811
(d) Diversity factor=individual max. demand/ max. demand
= (30+20+10+14)/60 =1.233
3. A thermal power plant of 210 MW capacity has the max. load of 160 MW. Its
annual load factor is 0.6. The fuel consumption is 0.3 kg per kWh of energy
generated and the fuel cost is EP 700/tonne. Calculate:
(a) Annual revenue if energy is sold at EP 0.25 per kWh
(b) The capacity factor of the plant
Annual load factor= average load/ peak load
Average load = 0.6 x 160= 96 MW
Energy supplied per year= average load x 8760 h=96 x 8760
=840,960 x103kWh
Fuel /year=840,960 x103 x 0.3=252.3 x 103 tonnes
Cost of fuel= 252.3 x 103 x 700=176,610,000 EP
Cost of Energy=840,960 x103kWh x 0.25=210,240,000 EP
(a) Revenue/year=210.24 x106 -176.61 x106= 33.63 x106 EP
(b) Capacity factor= average load/plant capacity=96/210=0.457
4. A power plant has the following annual factors: load factor=0.75, capacity
factor=0.65, use factor=0.65. Max. demand is 60 MW. Estimate:
(a) Annual Energy production (b) Reserve capacity
(c) the hours during which the plant is not in service per year.
(a) Load factor= average load/ peak load
Average load= 0.75 x 60= 45 MW
Annual Energy production= 45 x 103 x 8760=394.2x106 kWh
(b) Capacity factor= average load/plant capacity
Plant capacity=45/0.6=75 MW
Reserve capacity(over and above the peak load) 75-60=15 MW
(c) Use factor= Energy generated per year/( Plant capacity x hours in operation)
Hours in operation=394.2x106 kWh/ 75x103x0.65=8086 hrs
hours not in service per year=8760-8086=674 hrs

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