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Model Driven Framework for Networked

Application Software Generation
K.Ramesh, T.Ramesh

Abstract— This paper presents a domain-specific, component-based framework to model networked systems and to automate
the networked application software generation. The framework employs two-level model, one for specifying system-level
architecture, and the other for process-level. The former contains unified models for networked elements called as Networked
Nodes(NN). With the instrumentation of Networked Node as a Generic Modeling Environment (GME) metamodel - NetProc, a
networked system becomes composition of NetProcs, Sub-Systems, Shared Objects and their interconnections. At process-
level, modeling of connection management, event detection, de-multiplexing, event dispatching, and composition of dynamically
configured services which are specific to networked elements is supported. The exported model in XML has been parsed and a
proper intermediate structure is constructed. Applying appropriate code generation techniques and by reusing components, the
software generation is automated. The proposed framework supports customization of a networked system and is found to
increase the software productivity.

Index Terms— Metamodeling, Model Driven Development, Frameworks, Distributed Systems.

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Distributed computer environments are based on distri- interfaces that provide access to its services. Components
buted computer systems, which consist of a set of serve as building blocks for the structure of an application
processing components connected by a communication and can be reused.
network. Networked computing is characterized by sev-
eral sequences of jobs, which arrive independently at var- One of the most suitable design paradigms for domain-
ious nodes. The jobs are designed and implemented more specific modeling methodology is Component-Based De-
or less independently of each other and are loosely sign (CBD)[4]. With main features of reusability of com-
coupled. The distributed system serves primarily as a ponents, and higher level of system abstraction, complex
resource-sharing network. In client server systems, the software systems can efficiently and intuitively be con-
clients represent the users of a distributed system and structed from the prefabricated and reusable components.
servers represent different operating system functions or The software production can be achieved in effectively by
a commonly used application. The development of net- modeling systems rather than programming approach. A
worked application software is still expensive, time con- proper generative programming approach could be de-
suming, and error prone even with the increase in net- veloped to fill the gap between the conceptual system
work bandwidth and computing power. The solution for design models and the concrete system simulation or im-
building high-quality networked software in a time-to- plementation. Automating software product generation
market-driven environment is to provide a way to reuse from a domain-specification and reusable components is
successful software designs and implementations that called Generative Programming (GP)[3][9]. Generative
have already been developed. Systematic reuse is an in- programming automates system implementations from
tentional and concreted effort to create and apply mul- high-level abstractions represented as graphical models.
tiuse software architectures, patterns, frameworks, and Model Driven Development (MDD) is an important tech-
components throughout a product line. This depends nology for meeting the growing demand for highly cus-
largely on how well frameworks model the commonali- tomized-yet reusable-solutions [5]. The challenges of
ties and variability in application domains, such as busi- MDD have been addressed by the well-known approach
ness data processing, telecom call processing, graphical of Commonality-Variability Analysis (CVA).
user interfaces, etc. [1][2][6]. A component is an encapsu-
lated part of a software system that implements a specific This paper describes the use of an integrated Model-
service or set of services. A component has one or more driven Architecture and code generation techniques to
enhance the level of abstraction of networked system, so
———————————————— that automatic synthesis or simulation from system mod-
 K.Ramesh is with the National Institute of Warangal A.P. India 506004. els is the result. Based on generative programming me-
thod, a domain-specific, component-based has been con-
 T.Ramesh is with the National Institute of Warangal A.P. India 506004. structed to automate the distributed networked applica-
tion software generation[12]. The meta-modeling ap-
proach of framework components in the component de-
sign aspect, and the code generation techniques for com-
ponent implementation aspect are shown in Fig. 1.
generic so that they can easily be adapted to specific
needs. The success of a good framework design lies in
identifying these essential parts and keeping it flexi-
ble[7][8][10]. One requires domain-specific knowledge to
find out these essential parts.

The developed framework is component-based, with its

domain as distributed networked application systems. It
supports computation and communication within the
system and communication among the networked sys-
tems. It also provides modeling techniques in the solution
space of networked application systems. The system
model contains component structures, interaction and
hierarchy. The framework employs a two-level architec-
tural model to specify the system architecture. The first
level (system level) contains a set of intercommunicating
sub-systems, processes and the shared objects. At the
second level (process level), the process contains commu-
Fig.1. Model-Driven Approach for the Framework Com- nication points, communication parameters and function-
ponents. al services.

The meta-models of the framework components are Communication part is described with three kinds of de-
represented as the UML class diagrams provided by the tails. First of them is the binding data, which could be the
meta-modeling tool GME [10], a configurable toolkit that IP addresses and port numbers, URLs, and I/O ad-
supports the creation of domain-specific modeling and dresses. Second one involves the connection types as di-
program synthesis environments. For implementing the rect and indirect. Direct connection is the one established
system, the required basic components are fabricated i.e. between the NetProcs directly and can be of active or pas-
coded in its application domain, using a network API sive type. Indirect connections are between the NetProcs
(e.g. Socket API components in ACE framework[11]). and shared objects. Thus NetProcs communicate with
These components are wrapped into the framework com- each other via shared object. IPCs(Inter-Process Commu-
ponents and stored under the repository for reuse. Com- nication) and RPCs(Remote Procedure Call) come under
ponents with more functionality can be generated using indirect communication. The connection management,
these wrapped components. They also can be stored un- event detection, de-multiplexing, and event handler dis-
der the repository as templates for reuse or for develop- patching is supported by the last part called as behavioral
ing similar components. Consequently, these components logic as shown in Fig. 2.
are used to generate the code, which could be used for
simulation or deployment in the real environment.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: After the

introduction in Section 1, Section 2 discusses the design
concepts of the developed framework. The described me-
ta-model, and the modeling of a networked system with
the usage of components of the framework is addressed
in Section 3 through an example. Section 4 describes the
code generation algorithms, which synthesize the frame-
work. The generative programming approach, its applica-
tions, and related research are summarized in concluding


Fig.2. NetProc Design (Conceptual)
Application frameworks consist of ready-to-use and semi-
finished building blocks. The overall architecture, that is, The modeling in the framework is based on two perspec-
the composition and interaction of its building blocks is tives – component aspect and procedural aspect. The
predefined as well. In general, an application framework component structures in the application are described
standardizes applications for a specific domain. using the generic object-oriented approach. The proce-
dural structures are portrayed by action sequences.
Various aspects of an application framework have to be
The behavior of a Process or a Method can be described
Action sequences can be represented as flowcharts, which by an Action Sequence.However, a Method has additional
consist of action (i.e. action blocks, tasks, method calls properties - a set of Parameters and a Return Value.
and communication calls), action controls and logic flow.
The architectural view of the NetProc for its correspond- An Action Sequence can be represented using Actions,
ing conceptual view is shown in Fig. 3. Action Controls, Logic Flow, Joins and Instantiated Objects.
An Action is identified by an Action Block, Task, Method
Call or a Communication Call. An Action Block describes a
sequence of computation. It contains the code or the location
of the code to be attached. This code is meant only for com-
putation, and the variables declared in it have local scope.
Action Controls or Method Calls are not intended to be in
the Action Block. A Task composes of another Action Se-
quence which is intended for a particular service. It identi-
fies a whole functionality, abstracted into a single unit. A
task can run in two modes - as a thread, or as a process.
Hence, concurrently running tasks are supported by provid-
ing multiple tasks following an action. Repeatable actions in
the action sequence can be described as an Action Control,
where a block represents a loop. The loops are of 3 types:
Repeat If, Repeat Until and Repeat N times. Conditional
actions are identified using the ’If’ construct, like in any
flowchart. The sequence is identified by connections be-
tween these blocks. These connections are called Logic
Flows. If an Action or a group of Actions are to be executed
Fig.3. Architectural Design of NetProc. after the completion of other multiple Actions, Joins are
used. The outgoing Actions from the Joins are executed only
after the completion of all the incoming Actions. The Action
2.2 META-MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Sequences also contain Instantiated Objects, which are used
by the Actions, for different operations.
Meta-model involves the formal specification of ab-
stracted components in different aspects. The entire net- To describe communication in the model, Communica-
worked application is modeled as a System. The System tion Methods are used. A Communication Method is defined
contains Sub-Systems, Processes (NetProcs), Shared Objects as a method which supports communication (either as the
and Connections between them. Processes are components, source or destination) through exactly one connection (e.g.
which carry out their activities using different objects (which connect or accept methods in socket API). The references to
are instances of predefined classes). The Shared Objects are the call of Communication Methods become the Communi-
instances of predefined classes, which will be used by more cation Points.
than one process or sub-system. They form the nodes for indi-
rect communication between the processes in the system. The Thus, a system becomes a set of interconnection of Net-
object’s Classes are always identified under their corresponding Procs, Sub-Systems and Shared Objects, where each connec-
Namespaces. The Class, like in any other object-oriented defini- tion represents a logical communication link. The system
tion, is a set of associated Properties and Methods. would always be viewed in the component aspect. As many
of the networked nodes are involved in computation apart
In Direct Communication, processes and/or Sub-Systems from communication, the NetProc’s definition includes both
communicate using their Communication Points. A Com- component and procedural aspect.
munication Point in a NetProc, is a reference to a Communi-
cation Call. Communication calls can be referred at a differ- 2. 3 EXAMPLE
ent hierarchical level (i.e. process level or sub-system level),
as they must be viewable at the system level as a Communi- As an example of networked application system devel-
cation Point. In Indirect Communication, Processes and/or oped under the framework, an ATM Service where the ATM
Sub-Systems communicate using Shared Objects. These clients interact with the Banking Service is considered. The
objects are instances of Classes that encapsulates the neces- Banking service consists of a Transaction Management
sary operations. Operations defined on a shared object can Server communicating with a Backup Management Server.
be executed by several processes.
Both of these servers interact with the Bank Database. and Error Management. Procedural Aspect of the Transac-
The conceptual design of this system is shown in Fig.4. tion Server’s model developed in GME is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig.4. Banking Service – Conceptual Design

This design can be modeled with the ATM Client as a

NetProc and the Banking Service as a sub-system, as
shown in Fig.5. This is modeled under GME at the System Fig.7. The process level view of the transaction server,
Level. modeled using GME



Though the description of the framework helps to under-

stand the approach towards modeling a generic net-
Fig.5. ATM Client Process communicating with Banking worked environment, the formalization of the framework
Service Sub-system is essential for its implementation. This formalized defini-
tion of the system clearly identifies its components with a
The Banking Service sub-system can be further modeled pre-defined syntax and static semantics. Such a definition
into the Transaction Server directly communicating with of the target domain is by identifying its corresponding
the Backup Server. Both these processes can interact with meta-model. The development of the meta-model is a
the bank’s Database as a Shared Object. The connection recursive process which can be conceptually presented as
from the ATM Clients to the Transaction Server is ex- in Fig.8.
posed at the sub-system level as a communication point.
The corresponding model developed is shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6. Components in Banking Service sub-system

Fig.8. General meta-modeling process as applied in the
At process level, the Transaction Server consists of mul- framework.
tiple tasks, an instantiated TellerManager object, the com-
munication points to the ATM Client and Backup Server,
and the Behavioral Logic as a flowchart. The tasks include
services like Data Management, Transaction Management
Meta-model of the framework describes the following These descriptions of the System and NetProc have been
abstractions: formalized to the GME-metamodel as in Fig.9

 System as a collection of intercommunicating sub- The metamodel definition of the Action Sequence, Object
systems, processes and shared objects Dependency and Communication Point are as shown in
 Process as a set of communication points, compo- Fig.10 and Fig.11.
nents and control logic.
 Different attributes of the components and the de-
scription of the dependencies between the compo-

Fig.9. Meta-model of a NetProc developed using GME.

Fig.10. Meta-model of Action Sequence developed using GME.


Fig.11. Meta-models of Object Dependency, Communication Point and Communication Connection developed using

The XML model generated by GME consists of various

4. PARSING AND CODE GENERATION types of elements. They are:
 Models: Models are container elements which contains
the other GME elements in it.
The framework’s code-generation mechanism is de-
 Atoms: Atoms are the leaf level (indivisible) elements
picted in Fig.12. After the networked application sys-
in GME. They symbolize objects which just have
tem has been modeled using the framework compo-
attributes, but no containment.
nents based on the developed meta-model, it is ex-
 References: A reference in GME is an element which
ported to an XML file. This file is parsed by providing
refers to another element in the system. This is used to
the structure of the parse tree to be generated. From point to the components that are instantiated in the de-
the parse tree, the components are identified, and the veloped framework.
reusable components are separated out by referring to  Connections: These are individual links between two
the repository. Then the code generator generates the models or atoms and specify the type of connection be-
final code from the parse tree by generating the new tween them. They also contain the source and destination
components, and reusing the separated components. IDs of the GME elements which are getting connected.
The necessary framework templates are provided to
the code-generator, so that the code fits to the specified 4.1 XML PARSING
After exporting the model in XML format, it is to be
parsed for the generation of a parse tree, referred as Object
Tree. The exported XML file embeds the model and meta-
model-specific information. The ACE-XML, a validating
XML parser built in C++, has been used to parse the XML
file to produce the object tree as intermediate representation
of the system and the dependant components. During pars-
ing, the required design is converted into the object tree,
with models as non-leaf nodes, and atoms as leaf nodes.
Each node will have a set of attributes including the Object
ID, Parent ID, Name, Kind, Connection properties, Refer-
ence ID and the available attribute set as described in the
Meta-model. The main steps parsing are:
Fig.12. Automatic Synthesis of the framework.

 XML element identification: The ACE-XML parser The whole model can be traversed using these base ob-
is used to identify the contained elements and the im- jects stored in the object pool.
mediate parent for any given element. Based on this
structure, the object tree is constructed with each node The pseudo-code for the Object Tree generation is as fol-
representing a GME element. The attributes associ- lows.
ated with the node (referred as Model Object) are:
GenerateObjectTree(XMLmodel) {
1. ObjectId: This is the identification value of the for each element in XMLmodel, do {
model object. Every model object has a unique id modelObject = createModelObject();
through which it is identified. modelObject.SetAttributes( element.Object ID, ele-
2. ParentId: This is the identification of the immedi- ment.Parent ID, element.Name, element.Kind, ele-
ate parent of the model object. ment.position);
3. AssociatedModel: This is the node in the code if element.Kind is Connection
generation tree to which the model object is modelObject.ConnectionProperties = ele-
mapped. ment.ConnectionProperties;
4. Name: The name of the model object. for each innerXMLmodel in the element, do
5. Kind: The kind of the model objects i.e. method, modeObject.Children = GenerateOb-
class, system, process etc. jectTree(innerXMLmodel);
6. Reference Id: If the model object is a reference to BaseObjects.add(modelObject);
another model object, this attribute holds the ID of ObjectPool.add(modelObject);
the referenced object. }
7. Children: This is to identify the immediate child return BaseObjects;
objects. }
8. Position: The position of the object in the model, Hence, in the system model, the system becomes the
given in XY coordinate system. root of the parse tree and the different components of the
9. ConnectionProperties: If the element is a connec- system and their interconnections form the children of the
tion, this attribute stores the ID of the source and root. The component could even be a sub-system, which
destination model objects. in turn has its corresponding component nodes and inter-
10. ModelAttributes: This contain the set of attrib- connections as children. In the class model, the names-
utes provided to the element, as an input, by the pace forms the root, and the sub-namespaces and classes
user become the children. The children of classes include the
methods, communication methods and properties. This
 Generation of Object Tree: When the XML parser tree structure obtained during the parsing stage is ex-
identifies an XML element, a model object to the tree tracted to a file representing the model.
corresponding to the identified element is created.
Now, as the code proceeds, any element contained in- The information of each leaf node (NetProcs) of the
side the current element is identified. For every inner generated tree will be stored in the respective files as the
XML element identified, a new model object is cre- intermediate representation. These files representing the
ated and added into the children of the current model NetProcs will be stored in the folder corresponding to the
object. This model object is then identified as the cur- containing System. This intermediate representation of
rent object. Then the attributes of the current object the system is in a framework-independent form, which
are identified from the attributes and child elements of allows its implementation in any targeted framework.
the XML element. When the current XML element This file-based representation of the system allows the
ends, the immediate parent object is retrieved and reusability of the components at a later stage. The gener-
makes it the current object. This way the nodes are ated intermediate files will be then used to generate the
created in the object tree and the structure of the tree code for the targeted framework.
is identified. The generated object tree is used to gen-
erate code from the code generation tree.
 Storing the Object Tree in Object Pool: The object
pool consist of all the model objects in one set and the
base objects in another. A method is defined in the The generated intermediate file which contains the Ob-
object pool, to access any model object in the whole ject Tree is used to generate an equivalent tree, with the
model using its ID. Methods are also defined, to list nodes capable of generating the code for the object that it
the model objects to which a given model object is represents. For example, for a model object that represents a
connected, for a specified type of connection. Base class, the new tree would contain an associated node, which
objects form the root nodes of the whole mode. generates the code for the class. As each node in the Object
Tree has its corresponding node in the code generating tree,
they are linked to each other. The complete model is
represented by the Code Generating Tree:
The algorithm for the code generator is summarized by file, under the folder corresponding to its namespace,
the following pseudo code. stored in the repository. The algorithm for GenerateC-
lass() is as in the following pseudocode:
GenerateCode(model) {
for each system in model, do { GenerateClass(classModel) {
for each sub-system in system, do //child node of the sys- for each property in classModel, do {
tem if property.DomainClass.found() is true //If the domain
GenerateCode(sub-system.model); class of the property is identifiable from the model,
for each shared-object in system, do //child node of the property.Code = GeneratePropertyCode(property,
system property.DomainClass);
if shared-object. Class.found() is false { //If the class else
associated with shared property.Code = GeneratePropertyCode(property,
property.PropertyType); //Generate property code with
//object does not exist, the specified type.
classFile = GenerateClass(shared-object. Class ); classModel.Code.AddPropertyCode(property.Code);
namespaceFolder = CreateFolder(shared-object. }
Class.Namespace); for each method in classModel, do {
namespaceFolder.insert(classFile); method.GenerateParameterCode();
Repository.Add(namespaceFolder); //Create a //Generate code to set the parameters from the model of
folder in repository for the namespace of the the method
created class method.GenerateInstantiationCode();
} //Generate code to instantiate the objects in the model of
for each process in system, do // child node of the system the method
for each component in process, do { method.GenerateActionCode(method.ActionSequence);
if Repository.Find(component) is false { //Generate the action code for the method.
classFile = GenerateClass(component. Class classModel.Code.AddMethodCode(method.Code);
); }
namespaceFolder = CreateFolder(component. for each communicationMethod in classModel, do {
Class.Namespace); communicationMethod.GenerateParameterCode
namespaceFolder.insert(classFile); communicationMethod.GenerateInstantiationCode
Repository.Add(namespaceFolder); communicationMe-
} thod.GenerateActionCode(method.ActionSequence);
IncludeReference(component); // include file refer- clasMo-
ence del.Code.AddMethodCode(communicationMethod.Code);
} }
for each dependentSharedObject in process, do { return classModel.Code;
InstantiateObject(dependentSharedObject); }
} The method GenerateActionCode(), used to gener-
process.ActionCode = GenerateAction- ate the code from the Action Sequence, has a key fea-
Code(process.ActionSequence); ture that the code generated by it can be for multi-
processFile = GenerateProcess(process); //Combine threaded application, as per the design specifications.
all the attribute of the process into a single file. This is made possible by linking the generated code to
systemFolder = CreateFolder(system); a module called ‘ActionSequenceManager’. Operations
systemFolder.Add(processFile); are defined on ActionSequenceManager to register the
} Actions and Joins and the order they follow. The ex-
Repository.Add(systemFolder); //Create a folder in ecution of the Action Sequence is then left to the Ac-
repository for tionSequenceManager, which invokes the threads cor-
//the namespace of the created class responding to the actions and joins in the specified
} order. Hence, the scheduling of actions is appropriate-
} ly done in every Action Sequence. The GenerateAc-
tionCode () method merges sequential nodes to a sin-
The generated code could be stored in the reposito- gle node. This optimization improves the
ry along with the model for reuse. This code can be
provided to simulation tools or to build deployable performance by removing unnecessary threads. The
networked application system. pseudo code for GenerateActionCode() is as follows:

The method GenerateClass() is used to generate the

code for each class. Each class is separately stored in a GenerateActionCode(ActionSequence) {
for each node in ActionSequence, do { //Merging sequential 1998
if node.ChildCount () is 1 and node.Child.ParentCount() [2] Takeo Hayase, Nobuyuki Ikeda, and Kasuori Mat-
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); Engineering and Applications (SEA’04), Cambridge
ActionSequence.Code.Attach(node.Code); MA, USA, November 2004
return ActionSequence.Code; [5] Alan W. Brown, Model driven architecture: Prin-
} ciples and practice, Springer 2004

Inside every generated thread, The GenerateTh- [6] J. Greenfield, K. Short, S. Cook, and S. Kent, Soft-
read() method has to generate the scope of the Method, ware Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns,
Communication Method or the Process for which it is Models, Frameworks, and Tools. New York: John Wiley &
running. This is required, as the code generated by the Sons, 2004
nodes is intended for the scope of the Method, but not
of the thread. It is done by packing the variables at the [7] T.J. Todman et al., “Reconfigurable Compu-
Method before spawning the thread to a single object, ting:Architectures and Design Methods,” Proc. IEE,
and unpacking the variables with the same name in- vol. 152,no. 2, Mar. 2005, pp. 193-207.
side the thread.
[8 ] Claudia-Melania Chituc , Ame´ rico Azevedo , Ce´
Hence, using the above algorithm the code for the sar Toscano, A framework proposal for seamless inte-
system and namespaces gets generated inside the Re- roperability in a collaborative networked environment,
pository. This code is then linked to the ACE frame- in Computers Industry 60 (2009) 317–338
work, and to a standard compiler (here it is linked to
the VC++ compiler) to generate the target application. [9] Viswanath Sairaman, Nagarajan Ranganathan and
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[10] GME:
A component-based framework aiming at the soft-
ware development in the domain of networked appli- [11] ACE Toolkit,
cation systems has been developed. The framework
provides the modeling methods for domain-specific
features of a networked system in different aspects, [12] Kin-Yeung Wong, Yin-Man Choi, and Seng-Wa
including component structures and interaction, sys- Lam The Design, Implementation and Application of
tem functionality, etc. A complete formal definition of the Software Framework for Distributed Computing ,
the framework components carried out in GME con- International Journal Of Computers Issue 3, Volume 1,
sists of a metamodel specified as NetProc, which is 2007
exemplified in the paper with ATM sever system. Au-
tomatic synthesis of application implementation has
been done by parsing of models and generating source
files with code generation algorithm. Final result is the
development of networked application system soft-
ware from reusable and reconfigurable components.

REFERENCES K.Ramesh received the B.Tech de-

gree in Computer Science from Re-
[1] Wai Ming Ho , Jean-Marc J´ez equel, Object-
gional Engineering College, Waran-
Oriented Frameworks for Distributed Systems,
gal, India and M.Tech degree from Jadavpur Uni-
versity, Calcutta, India, in 1987 and 1991 respective-
ly. He worked as Project Officer at the Indian Insti-
tute of Technology, Madras, India, for two and half
years. He is currently an Associate Professor at Na-
tional Institute of Technology, Warangal, India. His
research interests include computer networks, dis-
tributed networked components, metamodeling,
model-driven software development, , process pro-
gramming, tools for visual modeling of complex sys-
tems, model-based synthesis.

T.Ramesh received the M.Sc. and

Ph.D degrees in Mathematics from
the Regional Engineering, Waran-
gal, India, in 1976, and 1982 respec-
tively. He also received M.Tech.
degree in Computer Science and
Engineering in 1991. He is currently
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Na-
tional Institute of Technology, Warangal, India. His
research interests include Domain Specification Lan-
guages, automatic program synthesis, applications of
parallel high-performance algorithms.

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