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National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians MCEETYA 2008 Promoting equity: ensuring

schooling contributes to socially cohesive society that respects cultural, social & religious diversity. Supporting all young Australians
to become successful learners, confident individuals & active & informed citizens
Successful Learners
Have essential skills in literacy & numeracy; are creative & resourceful; able to think critically, analyse information, solve problems;, motivated
to learn/plan independently; collaborate and communicate ideas; appetite for life long learning
Confident Learners
Have sense of optimism, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing; skills to maintain healthy, satisfying lifestyle
Respect for others; value their culture and place in Australia; creative & productive uses of technologies
Able to embrace opportunities; make rational and informed decisions and accept responsibility for own actions
Active & Informed Citizens
Capacity to act with moral and ethical integrity, capacity to work for common good, relate & communicate across cultures

National Framework for Values Education

Vision: all Australian schools provide values education in a planned & systematic way by
Articulating in consultation with their school community the schools mission /ethos

Developing student responsibility in local, national & global contexts & building student resilience & social skills

Ensuring values are incorporated into school policies and teaching programs across the KLAs

Reviewing the outcomes of their values education programs

9 values: care & compassion, doing your best, fair go, freedom, honesty & trustworthiness, integrity, respect, responsibility, understanding,

tolerance & inclusion.

Inclusive Education today underpinned by UNESCO Salamanca 1994

The fundamental principle of inclusive schooling is that
ALL children should learn together,
wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have.
Inclusive schools must recognise & respond to
the diverse needs of their students
accommodating both different styles & rates of learning &
ensuring quality education for all through appropriate curricula, organisational arrangements & teaching strategies

Disability Standards Australian Government 2005

enrolment, participation, curriculum development accreditation & delivery, student support systems, elimination of harassment and victimisation
(a) to eliminate, as far as possible, discrimination against persons on the ground of disability in the area of education and training;
(b) to ensure, as far as practicable, that persons with disabilities have the same rights to equality before the law in the area of education and
training as the rest of the community;
(c) to promote recognition and acceptance within the community of the principle that persons with disabilities have the same fundamental rights
as the rest of the community.

National Safe Schools Framework 2011

Vision: All Australian schools are safe, supportive and respectful teaching and learning communities that promote student wellbeing.
Nine Elements:
1. Leadership commitment to a safe school
2. A supportive and connected school culture
3. Policies and procedures
4. Professional learning
5. Positive behaviour management
6. Engagement, skill development and safe school curriculum
7. A focus on student wellbeing and student ownership
8. Early intervention and targeted support
9. Partnership with families and community

UNICEF 2007 Promoting the rights of children with disabilities

The human rights approach to disability has led to a shift in focus from a childs limitations arising from impairments, to the barriers within
society that prevent the child from having access to basic social services, developing to the fullest potential and from enjoying her or his rights.
This is the essence of the social model of disability.
a) Respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make ones own choices, and independence of persons.
b) Non-discrimination.
c) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society.
d) Respect for difference of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity.
e) Equality of opportunity.
f) Accessibility.
g) Equality between men and women.
h) Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.

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