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Discipline Policy

Conte/West Hills K-5 Summer Academy

Summer 2016

Behavioral Expectations

The classroom teacher, in collaboration with the students, establishes classroom rules at the beginning of
the summer program in order to create a positive learning environment. Students are expected to follow
these rules in all other school settings including the hallway, cafeteria and bus. Classroom rules need to
be posted in all classrooms during the first few days of the program.


We recognize that children occasionally lose control and/or make mistakes. When misbehavior occurs,
logical consequences will be taken that directly relate to children's behaviors in order to help them learn
from their mistakes. The goal is to help students take responsibility for their actions, improve self-control,
and consider the results of their choices so they will make better decisions next time.

Student Discipline Policy

Students are expected to behave in a manner that exemplifies respect, cooperation, kindness, and safety.
Infractions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the classroom teacher and/or Building Leaders.
It is important to note that incidents tend to occur in less structured settings (e.g. playground, hallway,
bus) when a staff member is not in the immediate vicinity. Children tend to be alert to these less
supervised situations, and sometimes make poor choices during them.

The responding adult will thoroughly investigate a given situation and strive to be fair, consistent, and
timely in his/her dealings with the children involved. Parents are notified after the investigation is
completed and informed of any consequences assigned for their childs alleged actions. Consistency,
communication, and cooperation between home and school are essential to addressing incidents.

A behavior referral form is used to help monitor disciplinary referrals. Behaviors are categorized as either
minor problem behaviors or major problem behaviors. Minor problem behaviors are typically handled by
the classroom teacher or supervising staff member, whereas major behavior problems are handled by
office and/or mental health staff. The Building Leaders and parents are informed of all problem behaviors.
Three documented behavioral incidents will result in dismissal from the Summer Academy.
Student confidentiality must be maintained at all times without exception.

Progressive Discipline
Teachers will implement a behavior management plan in their classroom. This may include positive
reinforcement, incentive/reward programs, etc. Be creative! Our goal is to create a positive, and respectful
classroom community and environment to maximize opportunities for learning.

What do I do if a student misbehaves?

Step One - Teacher or supervising staff member gives a verbal reminder/redirection to the student(s)

Step Two - Student is directed to take a break in an alternate location in the classroom

Step Three - Student is directed to take a break in an alternative classroom, under supervision

Step Four - If the behavior continues to occur a Building Leader will be notified for intervention

If the disciplinary action reaches Step Three or Step Four the incident will need to be documented by the
supervising staff member using the attached Behavior Referral Form. A copy of the form will be sent
home to the parent, and one will remain on file in our office. Additionally, a phone call home will be made
to inform the parent of the incident. Voice messages and/or e-mails will not serve as documentation. It is
essential that these behaviors are documented and communicated clearly, as the Summer Academy
expectation is three incidents will result in dismissal from the program.

Behavior Referral Form

Conte/West Hills K-5 Summer Academy
Summer 2016
Student Name: _____________________________ Location of Incident: ______________
Date: __________________ Time: __________
Teacher: __________________________________ Minor: handled by classroom teacher
Grade: _______ Referring Staff: _______________ Major: handled by Building Leaders

Circle the observed behavior(s) below.

Minor Problem Behaviors Major Problem Behaviors Possible Motivation

inappropriate vulgar or abusive Obtain peer

language language including attention
hands-on behavior discriminatory words Obtain adult
defiance/disrespect instigating or attention
throwing objects (that recruiting a peer(s) to break Obtain
are not sharp or directed at a school rules items/activities
particular person) fighting/physical Avoid peers
using an otherwise aggression including hitting, Avoid adults
harmless object in a punching, kicking, spitting, Avoid task or
threatening way or making shoving, hands-on behavior activity
threatening sounds/gestures involving private parts Uncertain
disruption to the throwing objects at Other
learning environment (after 1 another person ________________
warning) harassment/bullying
minor technology or talking to peers
electronics violation about incident(s) in an effort
minor name- to perpetuate gossip/name-
calling/teasing calling
major technology or
electronics violation
damage or blatant misuse of
possession of

Description of Incident:

A copy of this form will remain on file in the office. A second copy will be sent home to the parents following a phone call home.

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