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DUBOIS AREA HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY SERVICE TIME SHEET ‘New Community Service Hours and completion year will be phased in by graduating year YOU NOW MAY COMPLETE YOUR REQUIRED HOURS ANYTIME BEFORE THE DUE DATE, Class of 2016 Must complete 10 Community Service Hours by Sept, $0 of your senior year-® Class of 2017 ~ Mast complete 10 Community Service Hours by the beginning of your senior year** Class of 2018 ~ Must complete 10 hous of Community Service Hours by end of your JUNIOR year.®® Class of 2010 Must complete 16 hours of Conunanity Service Hows by the end of your SUNTOR year. The Class of 2016 may submit Community Serviee hours as completed ‘*All underclassmen must sean Community Service hours to their portfolio as completed, When all required hours are completed students must submit the timesheet ASS Pelee oa ee Sue by [Student Name: fc hels Summers Ncdvoky, Semrerans e Time Sheet Pe ee ere hare tT nie ee Ucar eeeeveaes re ‘Where you "Task/ Activity, Hours Supervisor completed (Describe briefly) | Completed | formation community service _ JR ee in Colles 2 | See two ell eng A Sri nif lo er Ste abt ee re fie Hm Rate cme Lian ERO LNs in College as ae Neto w aro ee rent Nicholas CG arta? Stet ofl cD ane Dubai es ed ta "Tas surenvsor spare 5 Sitbania DSRNA Continue community service journal on back Where you Flows Supervisor smal completed (Describe briefly) | Completed | Information caifnniyy | community service | hein Colhye | c tle Gedo in Coll ye SUPERVISOR Cenificaion. ‘eft Za Stem mi tn Lean Stale Deb sunenvs01 pan ef pte a aan SUPERVIOR apo 3 of tes NDS LOU enptet 2 Snap flee. Pon Stake DuBoes (tuddent name) (eof hows). ‘(ocation). | SUPERVISOR Space et | | | ir Pa | — SUPERVISOR ra Toit ocd slr ra a tee ca furayectspan aE [rena ee =o es i ‘YOU MAKEA Living py wiia7 YOU GET, BUTYOU MAKE A LIE BY WHAT YOU GIVE, ~- WINSTON CHURCHILL

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