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Education Department

Lesson Plan Volume Formulas

University of Scranton

Volk Ayres

ECUI 526


After completing the heading, please list the following content for
the plan:

Title Intro to 3D Geometry and

Subject Area(s) Math
Grade Level 7th-9th, geometry is a grey are
in CC.
Summary of the Lesson Introduce 3D Geometry and
simple Hedrons (Prisms and
Cylinders). Introduce shapes
sequentially to have students
build knowledge through
questioning and inquiry.
Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.G.B.6
Solve real-world and
mathematical problems
involving area, volume and
surface area of two- and three-
dimensional objects composed
of triangles, quadrilaterals,
polygons, cubes, and right
Know the formulas for the
volumes of cones, cylinders,
and spheres and use them to
solve real-world and
mathematical problems.
Use geometric shapes, their
measures, and their properties
to describe objects (e.g.,
modeling a tree trunk or a
human torso as a cylinder).
Essential Questions Can the student find the
Volume of a given simple 3d
shape given its dimensions?
Objectives SWBAT Calculate the volume of
a figure.
SWBAT Explain the formulas
behind a 3d shape.
Vocabulary: Prism
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Materials Required Small cubes
Large cubes
Triangular prisms (make?)
Procedure BEFORE:
Affirm that students know
how to take the areas of
common 2d shapes.
Triangles, squares, circles
Introduce 3d shapes. Start
with cubes, which are 3D
squares. Follow up with
square prisms which are
like stretched/smushed
cubes, rectangular prisms,
which are differently
stretched square prisms.
Triangular prisms, which
are R-prisms with different
bases. Polygonal prisms
which are a general form
of prisms with polygonal
bases, and cylinders
which are prisms with
circle bases. Have every
part segue smoothly as
possible into the next.
An exit ticket about how
water fits in a tub,
(Volume) and how much it
would cost to paint the
bathroom around the tub.
(Surface Area*price of
Formative Assessment As new formulas are
introduced, have students
practice them in groups. Have
groups answer questions
together and check group
Student Resources

Accommodations I will follow the students IEPs.

Assessment Exit ticket described above.

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