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chapter 29

w eighi ng,
com modification,
a n d mon ey
c hristopher pare


In Europe evidence for the use of new techniques for measuring commodities, particularly by
weighing, begins in the Bronze Age (Fig. 29.1). As a general principle, measurement by weight
or volume is useful for the quantification of materials that cannot otherwise be counted.
These are homogeneous, infinitely divisible materials such as liquids, powders, or undifferen-
tiated masses. Archaeological and written sources show that during the Bronze Age a wide
range of things were weighed at some time or another, including raw materials (e.g. metals,
precious stones), foodstuffs (grain), and other products (e.g. wool). Archaeological finds can
sometimes provide hints about the purpose of weighing: for example, large weights and scales
were presumably used for bulk goods, whereas sensitive balances and fine weights, for preci-
sion weighing, indicate valuable materials measured out in small quantities.
In the following some of the main evidence for weights, weighing, and metrological sys-
tems will be briefly described. In the discussion, the close relationship of weighing with com-
modification and monetization will be highlighted. The treatment focuses on weighing
equipment (balances and weights), and it is important to stress that only a sample of a much
larger and more complex range of material is presented here.

The Earliest Evidence for Weighing

Precision weighing with the equal-arm balance began in the first half of the third millen-
nium bc in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Egypt. The earliest securely dated weights are from
Early Dynastic III contexts in Mesopotamia and Fourth Dynasty Egypt. Already at this early

weighing, commodification, and money 509

fig. 29.1 Distribution map of weighing equipment (weights and balances) at the time of the
Aegean Bronze Age palace civilization (twentieth-thirteenth century bc).
Map: author.

stage there is evidence for the widespread use of weight standards: the deben of 13.613.9 g in
Egypt and the shekels of c.8.3 g and c.9.4 g in Mesopotamia and Syria. At this time we also see
the origin of characteristic materials and shapes for weights, such as the sphendonoid (sling-
shot) made of haematite. Cuneiform texts mention the weighing of metals (e.g. silver, gold,
and tin), wool, ivory, lapis lazuli, and coral (Rahmstorf 2006a; Ratnagar 2003; for the weigh-
ing of lapis lazuli at Ebla: Ascalone and Peyronel 2006: 53).
Precision weighing was adopted in the Aegean in the twenty-seventh or twenty-sixth cen-
tury bc along with a range of other new elements of international culture, such as stamp
and cylinder seals or the depas amphikypellon (two-handled drinking cup). Lorenz
Rahmstorf has recently identified a large number of spool-shaped stone weights in the Early
Bronze Age Aegean, which were mainly based on the Syrian shekel of c.9.4 g and the
50-shekel mina of c.470 g (Rahmstorf 2003; 2006b).
By the middle of the third millennium precise weighing was practised in a vast area
between the Aegean, Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley. Rahmstorf
notes the relationship between weighing practices and the development of complex metal-
working: With the widespread trade and usage of precious metals like gold, silver and tin
not only did the manufacture of these materials reach new levels, but the metals themselves
had become standards of value, which could be measured exactly by their mass (Rahmstorf
2006a: 38). The most important standard of value in the Near East was silver, which gradu-
ally adopted the functions of money, as a weighed metal currency.
As most of these materials had been known in the Near East for millennia, it seems logical
to suggest that the main cause for the introduction of weighing and weight standards was the

510 christopher pare

need for quantification and commodification. Commodification is an important and much-

discussed process, which is useful not only for trade but also for economic administration
(for a discussion of commodification, see Gregory 1982; Hart 1982; Van Binsbergen 2005).
Furthermore, the process is intimately related to monetization, because money allows com-
mensuration of different commodity values by giving them a money-price (Aristotle,
Nicomachean Ethics 5, 5, 1016; Marx 1990: part I, for important discussions of commodifica-
tion and commensuration). Theoretically, there are various different ways in which com-
mensuration could have come about: the relative value of the commodities could have been
dictated by law, established by custom or by the practice of barter and trading. Corresponding
to these different reasons for introducing money, the functions of money can be differenti-
ated: unit of account, means of payment, and medium of exchange (Ingham 2000; for a brief
introduction to the question of the origins of money, see Grierson 2001). The introduction of
weighing can only be understood in relation to the nexus of commodification and

Developments in the East Mediterranean

in the Later Bronze Age

During the Middle and Late Bronze Age, the main weight unit used for trade in the East
Mediterranean remained the shekel of 9.39.4 g, as finds from the Ulu Burun and Gelidonya
shipwrecks indicate (Pulak 2000). However, another metrological system was developed by
the Minoan palaces; as Crete had particularly close relations with Egypt in the early second
millennium bc, it is likely that the Minoan weight system was linked to the Egyptian deben
unit. Exactly when the Minoan system originated is uncertain, although the earliest securely
dated weights belong to the nineteenth or eighteenth century bc (Middle Minoan IBII).
The Minoan weights were mainly lead and stone discs, based on a talent of c.29 kg and a mina
of c.488 g; the mina was divided into eight units of c.61 g, the basic unit for fine measurement
(Petruso 1992). The best evidence for Minoan weighing comes from contexts of Late Minoan
III, for example from the sites of Ayia Irini (Chios) and Akrotiri (Thera). At Akrotiri more
than one hundred disc-shaped weights found in all parts of the settlement were clearly not
used in barter or trade, but in the administration of the intensive and specialized production
of textiles and metals (Alberti 2003b: 613).
Sadly, our knowledge of Mycenaean weighing systems is much poorer. Although the
Linear B texts suggest that there was no fundamental difference between Minoan and
Mycenaean weighing systems, there are some indications, from Athens, Mycenae, and
Thebes, that new metrological standards may have been introduced in Late Helladic III
(fourteenththirteenth century bc), probably to facilitate exchange with Anatolia and the
Levant (Petruso 2003; Alberti 2003b). At this time precision weighing using weights of small
or minimal mass became more important, and the weights reflect intense contact with the
East Mediterranean. Sphendonoids now came into use, based on oriental weight units (qedet,
shekel), in particular the values e of 9.710.4 g, k of 19.420.8 g, and x of 5862 g (Alberti
2003a; 2003b; 2009). Alongside settlement material, weighing equipment has been found in
about 45 graves of the Aegean Late Bronze Age, generally relatively rich tholos and chamber

weighing, commodification, and money 511

tombs. A study by Maria Emanuela Alberti has shown that the balances in the graves were
generally small, most of the examples having scale-pans between 5.0 and 8.4 cm in diameter,
and suitable for weighing masses up to the unit x of c.5862 g (Alberti 2003a).

Italy and Central Europe

The earliest evidence for weighing in Italy seems to be the 8.5-cm-long bronze balance beam
from Castelluccio grave 22 in Sicily (Fig. 29.6, 1), found together with possible remnants of
the scale pans and a bronze sphere (Cardarelli, Pacciarelli, and Pallante 2001: 36, Fig. 9.7).
However, this tomb can only be roughly dated to the first half of the second millennium bc.
A series of about 30 globular, roughly pear-shaped polished stone weights with a perforation
through the projecting upper part (pesi con appiccagnolo) are of greater importance (Fig.
29.2). They are mainly known from the Terramare settlements of the Po Valley, although
examples are found further south, for example from Grotta Nuova (Prov. Viterbo), Coppa
Nevigata (Prov. Foggia), and four from Moscosi di Cingoli (Prov. Macerata). Most of the
weights seem to date to the fifteenththirteenth century bc. For example, a weight from
Gaggio (Castelfranco Emilia, Prov. Modena) is dated to Bronzo medio 2, a piece from Grotta

1 2

3 5 6

fig. 29.2 Stone weights of Terramare type: 1. Gaiato; 2. Casinalbo; 3. Montale; 4. Quingento;
5. Lefkandi; 6. Gaggio di Castelfranco Emilia. Not to scale.
Drawings: author, after Cardarelli, Pacciarelli, and Palante 2001, Balista et al. 2008, Evely 2006.

512 christopher pare

Nuova cannot be dated later than Bronzo medio 3, and weights from Moscosi date to Bronzo
recente 2 (for Gaggio, see Balista et al. 2008; for Moscosi, see Picener 1999: 189, cat. no.
4245). The published examples weigh between 36.5 g and c.842 g; however, as no more than
15 are well preserved, the basis for metrological analysis is rather slight. Cardarelli, Pacciarelli,
and Pallante (2001) suggest an underlying unit of c.6.1 g (or its multiples) for the Terramare
system; indeed the two lightest pieces with very similar masses of 36.5 g and 36.6 g surely
indicate a common unit. The masses of these stone weights form clusters at 36.536.6 g, 340
351 g, c.392 g, 417420 g, and c.453 g. The resulting denominations (Table 29.1) give rise to a
rather unwieldy set of weights, suggesting either that the metrological reconstruction is
incorrect (perhaps more than one metrological standard was used), or that the weights were
mainly used for a specialized purpose requiring precise weighing in the 300500 g range.
Despite this uncertainty, it is important to note the relationship of the proposed Terramare
unit of c.6.1 g or 24.4 g (4 x 6.1 g) with the Aegean or Minoan unit x of around 61 g (10 x 6.1 g).
This could indicate that the Italian weighing technology was introduced from the Aegean
around the middle of the second millennium bc.
Systematic research on weight norms has been conducted by Majolie Lenerz-de Wilde
(1995; 2002) for the Copper and Early Bronze Age in central Europe. She believes she has
demonstrated the existence of primitive money based on a rough weight system, suggesting
that neck-rings (ring-money) appeared as means of payment and store of value in the Early
Bronze Age, and were gradually replaced during the later part of the period by ever smaller
and eventually miniature forms.
The ring-ingots (senringbarren) are often found in large hoards consisting exclusively of
this form of raw copper. The ingots were often tied together in bundles of five (Fig. 29.3; 1).

Table 29.1 Masses of Well-Preserved Terramare Weights, and the Suggested Units
of c.6.1 g/24.4 g

Provenance Well-preserved weights Proposed units

Gaiato 36.5 g 6 x 6.08 g
Casinalbo 36.6 g 6 x 6.10 g
Montale c.43.2 g ?
Montale 295 g 12 x 24.58 g
Quingento 340 g 14 x 24.29 g
Servirolo S. Polo 340(-) g 14 x 24.29(-) g
M. Barello 348 g 14 x 24.86 g
Moscosi 350.8 g 14 x 25.06 g
Peschiera 376 g 15 x 25.07 g
Gorzano 390(-) g 16 x 24.38(-) g
Montale 392 g 16 x 24.50 g
Peschiera (lead) 417 g 17 x 24.53 g
Tosc. Imolese 420 g 17 x 24.71 g
Moscosi 447(-) g 18 x 24.83(-) g
Grotta Nuova 453 g 18 x 25.27 g

weighing, commodification, and money 513

fig. 29.3 1. Copper ring-ingots in bundles in the Ragelsdorf 2 hoard. 2. Copper ring-ingot
from the Ragelsdorf 2 hoard. 3. Copper clasp-ingot from St Florian. 4. Miniature copper
ingot from Thal. 1. not to scale; 2.-4. scale 1:4.
Drawings: author, after Lenerz-de Wilde 1995 and Neugebauer 2002.

For example, the hoard of Piding (Kr. Berchtesgadener Land) contained 60 ingots, many of
which were bound together in bundles of five with cords made from tree-bark fibres.
Evidence for the weight system posited by Majolie Lenerz-de Wilde is provided, for example,
by a hoard from Ragelsdorf in Lower Austria, in which the distribution of ingot weights has
two modes (180190 g and 370380 g) with a ratio of c.1:2. The development described by
Lenerz-de Wilde can be summarized as follows:

1. Bz A1a: looped neck-rings used as jewellery

2. Bz A1b: looped ring-ingots with roughly standardized weights used as a form of cur-
rency (ring-money) (Fig. 29.3, 2)
3. Bz A2ab: ingots in smaller units of weight became common (clasp-ingots and mini-
ature forms) (Fig. 29.3, 3-4)
4. Bz A2c/B(?): hoards with very light miniature ingots and ingot fragments mark the
transition to a different form of currency
5. Bz A2c/B: use of ring-money and token-money ceases; instead fragmented raw and
scrap metal appears in hoards. This new system lasts till the end of the Bronze Age.

In the data collected by Lenerz-de Wilde it is possible to recognize certain concentrations of

weight, for example aroung 4550 g, 85100 g, 175200 g, and 881994 g. Regional differences
are also noticeable, for example between south-east Bavaria/Salzburg/western Upper Austria
on the one hand, and Lower Austria/Moravia on the other. However, the histograms pub-
lished by Lenerz-de Wilde make it perfectly clear that the ingots were not precisely weighed.

514 christopher pare

They functioned as aes formatum (utensil-money or ring-money), where the form of the ingots
ensured rough quantitative equivalences. Rather than a strict metrological system, we seem to
be dealing with quantities of size and weight established by custom and not by a standardized
metrological system. If the ingots were generally exchanged in large quantities, as the bundled
ingots from Ragelsdorf (Lower Austria), Bernhaupten, and Valley (Bavaria) suggest, then the
individual ingots would not have needed to be standardized exactly. However, in the course of
the first centuries of the second millennium bc, increasing precision in the exchange of metal
was achieved by the introduction of lighter ingots, eventually weighing as little as c.5 g.
Lenerz-de Wildes interpretation of the ring- and clasp-ingots as a form of money has been
reinforced by metallurgical analyses. Junk, Krause, and Pernicka (2001) and Liversage (2001)
showed that most of the ingots consist of a characteristic copper, rich in trace elements
(arsenic, antimony, silver) but without nickel and tin. By contrast, the majority of contempo-
rary artefacts are made from a different kind of copper: Hence, the senring is possibly not
an ingot at all, but instead a distinctive kind of copper in a specific form denoting a certain
value, and used for monetary purposes (Junk, Krause, and Pernicka 2001: 356). According to
these results, we are dealing not with commodity-money, but with token-money.
In specialist works a distinction is often made between primitive valuables and primitive
money, the distinguishing feature being that primitive money can be used as a unit of
account. Primitive money has a number of distinguishing features, including attributes
such as uniformity in appearance and fungibility (Dalton 1965; 1982; for the principle of fun-
gibility, see Simmel 1922: 92; money is interchangeability personifiedeach quantum can
be replaced without distinction by any other). While marine shells served as money in many
small-scale societies around the world, the ethnographic record reveals a vast range of other
possible forms, including raw materials such as salt and gold-dust. Sometimes primitive
money has both use-value and exchange-value (commodity money), sometimes only
exchange-value (token money).

Weighing in Bronze Age Europe

At the start of the Bronze Age in Europe the huge increase in metal production together with
the restricted occurrence of copper ores led to a new level of spatial specialization. As a cor-
ollary, external exchange relationships and new mechanisms of exchange gained a much
more important role than previously in the Neolithic. For this period around 600 kg of raw
copper in the form of ring- and clasp-ingots have been registered in the Alpine foothills
around the German-Austrian border. Within a well-defined ecumene between South
Bavaria, Bohemia, Moravia, and Lower Austria (Fig. 29.4) it seems that metal became fet-
ishized and was exchanged as token-money, for a certain span of time having prime value,
in the sense outlined by Colin Renfrew (1986).
The Early Bronze Age use of token-money was probably disrupted and rendered obsolete
by the regular practice of tin alloying since the eighteenth century bc (Bz A2b), requiring a
much greater scale of exchange in order to supply copper and tin to all parts of central, west-
ern, and northern Europe (Pare 2000). Finally, around the seventeenth or sixteenth century
bc the Early Bronze Age system was replaced by the use of scrap and raw metal in the

weighing, commodification, and money 515


fig. 29.4 Distribution map of 1. pure ring-ingot hoards; 2. mixed ring-ingot hoards; and
3. clasp-ingot hoards. Hoards with more than 50 ingots are marked with a large symbol (4).
Source: Innerhofer 1997 (photo: Klaus Gke).

exchange process. Margarita Primas describes this process as follows (1997: 123): The centu-
ries following the Early Bronze Age are now seen to be a period of fundamental change. The
pattern of hoard contents was modified drastically. . . . Scrap metal and ingots of various
shapes began to circulate regularly on an interregional scale. Gold was now available in con-
siderable quantities. These features speak for the widespread use of weighed metal as a means
of payment. This argument was supported by a detailed study of bronze sickles and their
state of fragmentation, in which Primas showed that these tools were often intentionally bro-
ken into small pieces. In the hoard from Sigmaringen, for example, an incomplete sickle(73 g)

516 christopher pare

was broken into four pieces of 45 g, 14 g, 7 g, and 7 g, showing that it had repeatedly been
snapped into smaller fragments. The purpose of this practice was clearly to produce smaller
pieces of metal which, she argued, could then be used as a kind of currency (Primas 1986:
3740). Furthermore, Primas noted that in hoards and settlements the fragments are often
from sickles of foreign types, which led her to put forward a model of wide-ranging scrap-
bronze circulation in which the weighed metal scrap served as a substantialization of value
(i.e. a form of money). A similar degree of fragmentation is found in many hoards of the
Middle and Late Bronze Age: in the Transylvanian hoard of plnaca II, for example,
copper ingots were fragmented to a minimum mass of 7 g (Fig. 29.5); more precise weighing
of copper and bronze was presumably unnecessary. The suggestion by some authors (e.g.
Sommerfeld 1994; Peroni 1998) that fragments of scrap metal, ingots, and casting cakes were
intentionally broken into fragments corresponding to weight-measurement units seems
unlikely, and has not yet been demonstrated convincingly.
Primass arguments are plausible, suggesting fundamental changes in the form of metallic
currency around the transition from the Early to the Middle Bronze Age (c.seventeenth
sixteenth century bc): in Latin terms this is the transition from aes formatum (ring-money/

Mass (g)










1 50 100 150 200 250 300 333

Spalnaca ll (min. 7 g) Number

fig. 29.5 Distribution of the weights of the copper ingot fragments in the hoard from
plnaca II, Transylvania.
Source: Primas and Pernicka 1998.

weighing, commodification, and money 517

utensil-money) to aes rude. In the new exchange system raw metal was the standard of value.
According to the level of fragmentation in Middle and Late Bronze Age hoards, an accuracy
much finer than 10 g was not required in the weighing of copper or bronze. This kind of use
of weighed copper/bronze as a means of exchange (per aes et libram) is described by Pliny the
Elder (Natural History 33, 13) for the time before Servius, and it was probably widely used
before the introduction of coinage both in Italy and Greece (Kroll 2008). Indeed, Linear B
tablets from Pylos and Knossos show that in the Mycenaean palace economy, while grain
was the basic unit of account (numraire), weighed bronze was the main means of payment
(Sacconi 2005: 73). Although the use of weighed metal in the Bronze Age seems plausible,
the proposed system can hardly have functioned without standard weights. Suitable weights
are, however, not documented in central Europe until the end of the second millennium bc.
Even then they are so rare that it is difficult to imagine their use in a pan-European system of
metal exchange. The use of weighed bronze as commodity-money therefore remains hypo-
thetical, even if the theory is attractive.
Exactly when precision weighing was introduced in Italy and temperate Europe is uncer-
tain. As we have seen, an early date is indicated by the balance-beam from Castelluccio in
Sicily (Fig. 29.6; 1), and the so-called Terramare weights were introduced by the fifteenth
century bc. Further north there are further weights and scales possibly dating to the Middle
Bronze Age, although the balance-beam from the Grotte des Perrats near Agris (length
9.3 cm) is the only reliably dated example (Fig. 29.6; 2). Clear evidence for precision weights
and weighing becomes frequent in the thirteenth century bc (Bz D). The distribution map
(see Fig. 29.1) suggests that the weighing technology originated in the Aegean and then
spread via Italy to central Europe.
In contrast to Italy, weighing equipment from north of the Alps is mainly known from
graves. Late Bronze Age bone scale-beams have, however, been excavated in settlement pits
from Bordjo (Serbia) and Mannheim-Wallstadt (Germany), and three caves in Charente
(France): Agris Grotte des Perrats, Vilhonneur, Bois du Roc Grotte de la Cave Chaude, and
Chazelles Grotte du Quroy (Fig. 29.6; 2 and 5; Medovi 1995; Grner 2003: 256, Fig. 71.3;
Gomez de Soto 2001). Copper-alloy weights are known from settlement contexts in
Flintsbach and Singen in south Germany and from the hoards of Tiszabecs in Hungary and
Larnaud in France (Pare 1999). Otherwise our evidence comes from at least 14 graves with
weights and balances, almost all of which date to Bz D. It is these grave finds of the thirteenth
century bc that provide most information, and which will be discussed in more detail.
In a few graves, the weighing equipment was found inside a boxlike container complete
with bronze fittings from a closing mechanism. In Marolles-sur-Seine (Seine-et-Marne),
Gours-aux-Lions, cremation grave 5 was situated inside a circular ditched enclosure. The
grave pit contained an urn, a lid, and six accessory vessels. A collection of 19 unburnt objects
was found in the remains of a rectangular wooden receptacle (Pare 1999: 450, Fig. 20). Apart
from a bronze dagger, bronze tweezers, a bronze awl, three fragments of gold, an oval amber
object, a miniature polished stone axe, a whetstone, and two bronze fish-hooks, the contents
included the bone beam of an equal-arm balance. The centre of the beam is perforated and
holds a bronze-wire suspension loop. The ends of the bone beam are incomplete, but the orig-
inal length must have been 1113 cm (Fig. 29.6; 3). A similar grave was uncovered at tigny Le
Brassot (Yonne). In this case the rectangular receptacle contained an awl and tweezers of
bronze, along with a bone balance-beam (length c.11.5 cm) and at least eight copper-alloy
weights. A similar grave has recently been excavated at Migennes, Le Petit Moulin (Yonne),
again with a rectangular receptacle containing an antler balance-beam (length 10.1 cm), about

518 christopher pare

fig. 29.6 Bronze Age weighing equipment: 1. Castelluccio 2. Agris, Grotte des Perrats
3. Marolles-sur-Seine, Gours aux Lions, grave 5 4. Marolles-sur-Seine, La Croix de la
Mission, grave 13 5. Vilhonneur, Cave Chaude 6. Flintsbach, Rachelburg 7. Steinfurth.
8. Gondelsheim 9. Sologne 10. Richemont-Ppinville 11. Poing, grave 1. Scale 1:2.
Drawings: author, after various sources.

20 weights, 14 fragments of gold, a bronze awl, and an assortment of other small objects
(tigny and Migennes: Delor, Muller, and Roscio 2009). A probable balance-beam from
Richemont-Ppinville (Moselle) is exceptional, being made of bronze and slightly longer than
the more common bone and antler examples (preserved length: 12.8 cm). In no case have bal-
ance-pans survived, indicating that they were made of an organic material such as horn.
The weights are made of copper alloy and are mainly rectangular or sub-rectangular in
shape. The sizes of the objects vary widely, from tiny examples with a mass of less than 3 g to
the largest weighing more than 60 g. The shapes also vary, including oval or angular amy-
gdaloid blocks with flat rectangular cross section (Fig. 29.6; 68), rectangular blocks with
flat rectangular cross section and inlaid copper wavelike designs (Fig. 29.6; 910), and rec-
tangular blocks with rectangular, square, or trapezoidal cross section (Fig. 29.6; 11). The
weights are often made from a tin-rich alloy, with values of 1625 per cent Sn being recorded;
the high tin content lends these weights a greyish colour.
In some cases, relationships between the masses of the weights are obvious. In the grave of
Gondelsheim, the masses of the two rectangular weights, 7.45 g and 60.65 g, have a ratio of
c.1:8. In the case of Ppinville, two of the rectangular weights have similar masses (39.27 g and
41.00 g) and presumably represent the same metrological value; a third example of 19.89 g
has roughly half the mass. However, a more detailed analysis is difficult, partly because some

weighing, commodification, and money 519

Table 29.2 The Reconstructed Metrological System of the Weights of the

Thirteenth Century BC (Bz D) in Central Europe

metrological system Hypothetical value Well-preserved weights Provenance
1 Unit (61.3 g) 60.65 g Gondelsheim
2/3 Unit (40.9 g) 39.27 g, 41 g, 43 g Ppinville, Knigsbronn
1/3 Unit (20.4 g) 19.89 g, 21.40 g Ppinville, Horuany
Unit (15.3 g) 15.01 g Milave
1/6 Unit (10.2 g) 10.00 g Flintsbach
1/8 Unit (7.7 g) 7.45 g, 7.86 g Gondelsheim, Ppinville
1/9 Unit (6.8 g) 6.50 g, 6.70 g Horuany, Poing
1/16 Unit (3.8 g) c.3.86 g Courtavant

of the weights are poorly preserved, and partly because other weights clearly had different
shapes (spherical, cylindrical, fusiform), making a clear identification difficult. For this pur-
pose, statistical methods have been useful, in particular the Quantal Analysis developed by
David Kendall. A detailed study resulted in the reconstruction of a fundamental metrologi-
cal unit of c.61.3 g (for details, see Pare 1999). Table 29.2 shows a reconstruction of the weight
system for a selection of well-preserved rectangular weights.
This system consists of a tertiary (1/9, 1/6, 1/3, 2/3) and a binary (1/16, 1/8, 1/4) series of frac-
tions; significantly, the two series converge at a value of c.61.3 g, which presumably represents
a fundamental unit within the metrological system. This is very interesting in view of the
correspondence with the Aegean unit x for fine weighing of c.61 g. It emerges from this dis-
cussion that a special kind of technology specifically for precision weighing is represented by
these grave finds. In central Europe the balances were small, with beams averaging around
1013 cm in length; likewise, apart from a few exceptions (tholos tombs from Pylos, Thorikos,
and Vapheio), the graves of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean also had weights and balances
for fine weighing, presumably using fractions of the precision-weighing unit of c.61 g. As
mentioned above, most of the balances had scale-pans 5.08.4 cm in diameter, suitable for
use with small weights. The only grave with weighing equipment so far published from Italy,
Castelluccio grave 22, once again has a short balance-beam (length 8.5 cm) clearly for use in
weighing small quantities of material (Fig. 29.6; 1).
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the fine-weighing equipment found in these
high-status graves between the Aegean and central Europe had a specific and related func-
tion. That the technology spread from the Aegean is indicated by the Minoan metrological
system of some of the central European weights, and also by the shape of some of the weights
(the oval or angular amygdaloid blocks resemble the sphendonoids that became frequent in
the Aegean in LH IIIAB). Exactly what was being weighed is uncertain: a wide range of
materials (e.g. amber, pigments, spices) is conceivable. However, precious metals (gold, also
silver in the Aegean) are the most likely candidates. Weighed gold could have served as an
inter-regional or international currency, used in exchange between trade partners in a wide
area between the east Mediterranean, the Aegean, the central Mediterranean, and central
Europe. The scraps of gold in the graves from Marolles-sur-Seine and Migennes can be
mentioned in support of this suggestion. And the tiny weights from tigny and Migennes,

520 christopher pare

capable of weighing fractions of a gram, can only be understood in connection with the 14
scraps of gold found in the latter grave, weighing between 0.01 g and 1.23 g. Delor, Muller,
and Roscio (2009: 29) conclude as follows: The study of the weights from Migennes and
tigny proves that this weighing equipment was functional and indicates a well-established
system of numeration. Such objects attest the existence of individuals having the capacity to
control weights and measures, as well as the exchange of precious metals (my translation).
These important new discoveries indicate clearly how extremely valuable gold was for the
inhabitants of the Yonne region during the thirteenth century bc. The Uluburun shipwreck
has produced further evidence. Cemal Pulak, in his discussion of the sphendonoids used for
fine weighing, writes: Precious metals are represented on the Uluburun ship by pieces of
finished and scrap jewellery of gold and silver, and by others that had been melted down into
lumps. Pieces or sections have been cut from some of the gold and silver objects, indicating
that they were used as bullion in trade transactions, and the sphendonoid weights would
have been ideal for weighing these valuable metals (Pulak 1996: 27980). The relatively large
number of burials with precision-weighing equipment in the Aegean and in central Europe
makes it likely that precious metals were in use as a widely accepted form of commodity-
money, used in transactions concerning a range of goods, such as copper, tin, and amber.
In central Europe this precision-weighing equipment is often found in high-status graves.
It is very interesting that it was carried, along with other utensils such as tweezers and awls,
in a boxlike receptacle, perhaps hanging from a belt. This implies that the balance and
weights were used by these individuals for relatively frequent exchange transactions. The use
of weighed metal as commodity-money (Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft) is well known, for example
from late Roman and Merovingian Austrasia, the Viking period around the Baltic Sea, or
among the Akan-speaking peoples of Ghana and the Ivory Coast following the establish-
ment of trans-Saharan trade (Steuer 2004; Werner 1954; Garrard 1980). These comparisons
are perhaps unsuitable, because in the examples mentioned the practice of weighing metals
as currency arose on the periphery of economies using coinages of precious-metals.
Nevertheless, this could be understood as an analogy for the position of central Europe at the
periphery of a trade network in the central and east Mediterranean. The distribution of
Mycenaean pottery reached up the Adriatic in Late Helladic IIIB-C, and it is plausible that
exchange networks in the Po Valley were linked to those north of the Alps, a scenario that
must be envisaged to explain the widespread adoption of weighing over such a large geo-
graphical area (for Mycenaean pottery at Moscosi di Cingoli and other sites in the Marche,
see Vagnetti et al. 2006). Furthermore, a link between Italian and Aegean weighing practices
is indicated by a stone weight of the Terramare type (peso con appicagnolo) from Lefkandi,
dated to Late Helladic IIIC (see Fig. 29.2; 5; see Evely 2006: 52, no. 47; 276).
In the Final Bronze Age, between the twelfth and ninth century bc, evidence for weights and
weighing becomes more frequent, but at the same time more complicated. The evidence no
longer comes from graves, but instead from settlements and hoard finds. The largest collection
of weights is from the region north-west of the Alps, mainly from the riverside and lakeside set-
tlements dating from the mid eleventh to the end of the ninth century bc (an example has
recently been published from north-west France: Charnier et al. 1999: 574, Fig. 5, 35). These
weights are generally made of stone or lead, and a single exception from Cortaillod is of bronze.
The piriform shape of the stone examples is similar to the earlier Terramare examples, and again
they are perforated at the top for suspension (see Fig. 29.2; Fig. 29.7). Analysis of the masses of
these weights suggests the existence of weight standards (Table 29.3).

weighing, commodification, and money 521

2 3

fig. 29.7 Final Bronze Age weights from France and Switzerland: 1. Mrigen. 2. Saint-
Lonard-des-Boix. 3. Bragny, from the Sane. 4. Ouroux, from the Sane. Scale 1:2.
Drawings: author, after Pare 1999: Charnier et al. 1999.

Whereas 11 of the weights seem to be organized around a unit of c.48.8 g (or 6.1 g/12.2 g/
61 g), the remaining nine most likely correspond to a system based on a unit of c.104 g. The
unit of c.48.8 g must surely be related to the Minoan metrology (unit of c.61 g for fine
weighing, mina of c.488 g), which has been suggested for both the fifteenththirteenth cen-
turies in Italy (see Table 29.1) and the fourteenththirteenth centuries in central Europe (see
Table 29.2). It is therefore likely that this metrological system was used continuously in
regions north of the Alps for half a millennium. The second unit of c.104 g presumably repre-
sents a new unit, perhaps introduced during the twelfth or eleventh century bc. Sadly, the
precise find-contexts of these weights is not known, and it is impossible to be sure what they
were used for. Although they are clearly too heavy to have been used for weighing precious
metals, there is a wide range of other conceivable commodities, including base metals such
as copper, bronze, tin, or lead.

522 christopher pare

Table 29.3 Well-Preserved Weights of the Final Bronze Age from France and
Switzerland, and the Suggested Units of c.48.8 g and c.104 g

Provenance Mass Unit of c.48.8 g Unit of c.104 g

Mrigen 98.3 g 2 x 49.15 g
Concise 102 g 1 x 102 g
Tessin 195(-) g 4 x 48.75(-) g
Cortaillod 210 g 2 x 105 g
Columbier 385.98(-) g 8 x 48.25(-) g
Vallamand 389(-) g 8 x 48.63(-) g
Port 530(-) g 5 x 106(-) g
Onnens 613.77(-) g 6 x 102.30(-) g
Wollishofen 727 g 15 x 48.47 g
Auvernier 730(?) g 15 x 48.67(?) g
Auvernier 731.7 g 15 x 48.78 g
Wollishofen 735 g 15 x 49 g
Wollishofen 735(-) g 15 x 49(-) g
Ouroux 741 g 15 x 49.40 g
Bragny 770(-) g 16 x 48.13(-) g
Mrigen 848 g 8 x 106 g
Orpund 935.8(-) g 9 x 103.98(-) g
Corcelettes 920 g 9 x 102.22 g
Auvernier 940 g 9 x 104.44 g
Strasbourg 1052(-) g 10 x 105.2 g

Weighing and Commodification

An interesting aspect of the introduction of weighing, and its practice during the Bronze
Age, is the intimate relationship with the process of commodification; as mentioned above,
weights and measures are necessary for the commodification of non-countable wares. But
commodification entails the problem of commensurability: how are relations of equivalence
(exchange values) possible when the things themselves (use values, for example shoes, beds,
houses) are different, and which common standard can be used to express the exchange val-
ues? The problem was solved by the mechanism of money-price. Exactly in which form or
forms money evolved in the Old World is uncertain; nevertheless, metals were certainly of
fundamental importance in the periods for which we have information from written
Although the relationship between weighing, commodification, and monetization seems
plausible, the origin of this nexus is by no means clear. In discussing the origins of money,
some authors emphasize non-economic factors, with money starting as a unit of account (an
abstract numraire, or token), for example as a means of payment or compensation imposed

weighing, commodification, and money 523

by social regulation. Others believe that money emerged as a medium of exchange naturally
out of barter, originally being the most favoured object in customary barter transactions
(Ingham 2004: 6; Schumpeters Claim Theory and Commodity Theory). However, the
Substantivist school of Karl Polanyi and his followers has argued that barter had only periph-
eral importance in small-scale societies, and that markets and money emerged in the course
of interaction with external spheres of transaction or long-distance trade (Polanyi 1944: 58;
Sahlins 1974: 280). For example, as Caroline Humphrey (1985: 49) notes: we know from the
accumulated evidence of ethnography that barter was indeed very rare as a system dominat-
ing primitive economies. Similarly, Karl Marx sought the origins of commodification in
communities external relationships of reciprocal isolation and foreignness (Marx 1990:
182). Against this background it seems unlikely that weighing and money emerged natu-
rally from barter, but a range of other possibilities can be envisaged for the Bronze Age.
Three mechanisms will be discussed for the central European cases discussed above:

For the precision balances and the rectangular weights mainly found in high-status
graves of the thirteenth century bc a derivation from Italy and/or the Aegean is very
likely. This is suggested not only by the related weight metrology and the shapes of
some of the weights, but also by the practice of providing fine-weighing equipment as
grave goods both in the Aegean and in central Europe. In both areas high-status
groups regularly weighed material in the 360 g range using similar equipment. It
seems likely that these weights and balances were carried and used specifically for use
with one particular material, the only obvious candidates being precious metals: in
central Europe gold, in the Aegean gold and silver. Gold could then have been intro-
duced and used as a widely recognized money form (commodity-money) for the
articulation of long-distance trade in a range of other commodities such as copper, tin,
and amber. The cut fragments of gold in the graves from Marolles-sur-Seine and
Migennes (Delor, Muller, and Roscio 2009; Pare 1999: 450, Fig. 20.1012; 459, Fig. 27.6)
can be best interpreted in this way. Furthermore, in the fourteenth-century bc deposi-
tion from Bernstorf (Kr. Freising), analysis has shown that the gold is so pure that it
was probably purified by a technique (parting by salt cementation) unknown in cen-
tral Europe at that time (Gebhard 1999: 910), suggesting that the gold had come from
the eastern Mediterranean. This illustrates the possibility that gold was circulated very
widely in the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries bc, and the graves from the Yonne
region show how it could have been exchanged in raw or fragmented form.
The copper ring-ingots and later the clasp-ingots and miniature forms were not
weighed using balances or standard weights. They can best be understood as a
form of aes formatum. In excavated hoards the ingots are often found in bundles
of five, recalling the use of the well-known Greek utensil-money, the iron spits of
the Late Geometric period (oboloi), which were exchanged in handfuls (drach-
mae) of six (Teran 2004). Metallurgical analysis has shown that the metal of the
ring- and clasp-ingots was generally not used for making artefacts, suggesting an
interpretation as token-money. It is impossible to be sure how the ring-ingots were
used, but a non-economic interpretation as unit of account, for example in the
payment of social or religious obligations, at least seems feasible.

524 christopher pare

For the deliberately fragmented scrap and raw metal found in hoards since the end of
the Early Bronze Age, interpretation must again remain hypothetical. The use of
weighed metal as a form of money (aes rude) is well known in the Ancient World, for
example in pre-coinage Italy and in the Mycenaean palaces, and an analogous use is
possible in central Europe, considering the crucial role of the supply and exchange of
copper and tin for the reproduction of Bronze Age society. Although it is difficult to
imagine how the copper and tin supply functioned without weighing or some other
form of commodification, suitable weights have not yet been found in most of Europe,
important exceptions being the so-called Terramare weights and the examples from
the riverside and lakeside settlements north-west of the Alps (see Figs. 29.2 and 29.7).
It is equally uncertain to what extent European spheres of metal circulation were
linked together, although it has often been speculated that north-west European tin
may have reached the palaces of the Aegean. However, clear evidence for such wide-
ranging exchange of copper is rare; the oxhide-ingot fragments from the hoard of
Oberwilflingen in Germany are an important exception (Primas and Pernicka 1998).


The reasons for the introduction of precise weighing are by no means obvious, requiring
thought about a range of processes including quantification, number, commodification, and
commensuration. In the Old World the introduction of weighing seems to be related to the
development of complex metalworking (Rahmstorf 2006a: 38), perhaps also the control of
metal circulation and provisioning. In contrast with many parts of the world, in which a
wide variety of money forms are known (most frequently marine shells), in the Near East,
the Mediterranean, and Europe metals (particularly weighed metals, but also aes formatum)
appear to have been the main form of currency.

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