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Congruence of Triangles

Congruency of line segments:

Two line segments are congruent to each other if their
lengths are equal.
Consider the following line segments.

Here, the line segments AB and PQ will be congruent to each

other, if they are of equal length.
Conversely, we can say that, Two line segments are of
equal length if they are congruent to each other.

i.e. if , then AB = PQ.

Congruency of angles:
Two angles are said to be congruent to each other if
they have the same measure.
The angles shown in the following figures are congruent to
each other as both the angles are of the same measure 45.

Thus, we can write BAC QPR.

Its converse is also true.
If two angles are congruent to each other, then their
measures are also equal.

There is one special thing about congruent figures that their

corresponding parts are always equal.

For example, if two triangles are congruent then their

corresponding sides will be equal. Also, their corresponding
angles will be equal.
Look at the following triangles.

Here, ABC DEF under the correspondence ABC
DEF. This correspondence rule represents that in given
triangles, AB DE (AB corresponds to DE), BC EF, CA
FD, A D, B E, C F. These
are corresponding parts of congruent
triangles (CPCT), ABC and DEF.
Since ABC and DEF are congruent, their corresponding
parts are equal.
Therefore, AB = DE, BC = EF, CA = FD
And, A = D, B = E, C = F

Similarly, we can apply the method of CPCT on other

congruent triangles also.
Let us now try and apply what we have just learnt in some
Example 1:
Find which of the pairs of line segments are congruent.

(i) (ii)
(i) Lengths of the two line segments are not same. Therefore,
they are not congruent.
(ii) Each of the line segments is of length 3.1 cm, i.e. they are
equal. Therefore, they are congruent.
Example 2:
If and = 9 cm, then find the length of .
Since , i.e. line segment AB is congruent to line segment
PQ, therefore, and are of equal length.
= 9 cm
Example 3:
If ABC PQR and PQR = 75o, then find the measure
of ABC.
If two angles are congruent, then their measures are equal.
Since ABC PQR,
Therefore, ABC = 75o

Example 4:
Which of the following pairs of angles are congruent?


(i) The measure of both the angles is the same. Therefore,
they are congruent.
(ii) The measures of the two angles are different. Therefore,
they are not congruent.
Example 5:
Identify the pairs of similar and congruent figures from
the following.








Figures (i) and (iii) are similar because their corresponding
angles are equal and their corresponding sides are in the
same ratio. However, these figures are not congruent as they
are of different sizes.
Figures (ii) and (viii) are congruent as they are of the same
shape and size (circles with radius 1 cm each).

Example 1:

Are the following triangles congruent?


In ABC and PQR, we have:

AB = PQ = 4.6 cm

BC = QR = 5.3 cm

Therefore, ABC and PQR are not congruent.

Example 2:

ABCD is a rectangle with AC as one of its diagonals. Prove

that the triangles formed on the two sides of diagonal AC are


The required rectangle ABCD with AC as its diagonal can be

drawn as is shown.

In ABC and CDA, we have:

AB = CD ( Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal)

BC = DA ( Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal)

CA = AC (Common side)

Therefore, by the SSS congruence rule, we have:


Thus, the triangles formed on the two sides of diagonal AC

are congruent.

Example 1:

The given ABC is isosceles with AB = AC. AD is a median of

the triangle. Prove that AD is perpendicular to BC.


In ABD and ACD, we have:

AB = AC (Given)

BD = DC ( D is the midpoint of BC)

AD = AD (Common side)

Therefore, by the SSS congruence rule, we obtain:



Also, ADB and ADC form a linear pair.

So, ADB + ADC = 180

ADB + ADB = 180 ( ADB = ADC)

2ADB = 180

ADB = 90

Thus, ADB = ADC = 90, which means that AD is

perpendicular to BC.

SAS Congruence Rule

Consider a triangle two of whose sides and the included angle

are known. We can check for the congruency of this triangle
with respect to another triangle if we know the corresponding
sides and angle of that triangle. Two triangles can, thus, be
termed congruent or incongruent by using the SAS
congruence rule. This rule states that:

If two sides of a triangle and the angle between them are

equal to the corresponding sides and angle of another
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Look at the given ABC and PQR.

Let us consider sides AB and AC and the included BAC in

ABC, and the corresponding sides and angle in PQR, i.e.,
PQ, PR and QPR.

By the SAS congruence rule, the two triangles will be

congruent if AB = PQ, AC = PR and BAC = QPR.

Similarly, we can check for congruency by taking other pairs

of sides and included angles in these triangles.

Example 2:

In the given quadrilateral PQRS, PR bisects QPS and PQ =

PS. Prove that:


ii) QR = SR


i) In PQR and PSR, we have:

PQ = PS(Given)

PR = PR(Common side)

QPR = SPR(&because PR bisects QPS)

So, by the SAS congruence rule, we obtain:


ii) We have proved that PQR PSR.

QR = SR (&because Corresponding parts of congruent

triangles are equal)

Example 1:

In the shown figure, PR = QS and QPR = PQS. Prove that

PQR QPS. Also, show that PS = QR and QPS = PQR.


In PQR and QPS, we have:

PR = QS(Given)

QPR = PQS(Given)

PQ = PQ(Common side)

PQR QPS(By the SAS congruence criterion)

PS = QR and QPS = PQR (By CPCT)

ASA Congruence Rule

The ASA congruence rule for triangles states that:

If two angles of a triangle and the side between them are

equal to the corresponding angles and side of another
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Consider the given ABC and PQR.

Observe how corresponding components of the two triangles

are marked.

Now, by the ASA congruence rule, the two triangles will be

congruent if these corresponding components are equal, i.e.,
if ABC = PQR, BC = QR and ACB = PRQ, then ABC

RHS congruence theorem: Two right-angled triangles are

congruent if the hypotenuse and a side of one triangle are
equal to the hypotenuse and the corresponding side of
the other triangle.

Given: Two right-angled triangle ABC and DEF such that B
= E = 90; Hypotenuse AC = Hypotenuse DF and AB = DE.

To prove: ABC DEF.

Construction: Produce FE to G so that EG = BC and join DG.


In triangles ABC and DEF,

AB = DE (Given)

BC = EG (By construction)

ABC= DEF (Each equal to 90)

Thus, by SAS congruence criterion,


ACB = DGE and AC = DG (CPCT)

Given, AC = DF

DG = AC = DF

In DGF, we have


G = F (Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)

In DEF and DEG,

G = F (Proved)

DEG = DEF (Both equal to 90)

Thus, GDE = 180 (G + DEG) = 180 (F +DEF)


In DEG and DEF,

DG = DF (Proved)

DE = DE (Common)

GDE = FDE (Proved)

Thus, by SAS congruence criterion


But, we have ABC DEG


Example 1:

ABC and LMN are right-angled at ABC and LMN

respectively. In ABC, AB = 2.5 cm and AC = 4.5 cm. In
LMN, LN = 5.5 cm and LM = 2.5 cm. Examine whether the
two triangles are congruent.


On the basis of the given information, the two triangles can

be drawn as is shown.

In ABC and LMN, we have:

ABC = LMN (Right angles)

AB = LM = 2.5 cm (Given)

Hence, ABC and LMN are not congruent.

Example 2:

Find the value of x if the shown triangles ABC and DEF are


It is given that ABC DEF.

When two triangles are congruent, their corresponding sides

are equal.

AC = DF = 5.9 cm

Thus, the value of x is 5.9 cm.

Example 1:

In the given ABC, D is the midpoint of side BC. The

perpendiculars DX and DY drawn from point D to sides AB
and BC respectively are of the same length. Prove that DX
and DY make the same angle with BC.


On comparing DXB and DYC, we get:

DX = DY (Given)
DXB = DYC = 90 ( DX and DY are perpendiculars)

BD = CD ( D is the midpoint of BC)

Thus, by the RHS congruence rule, we have:



Thus, the perpendiculars DX and DY make the same angle

with side BC.

Exercise 7.2

Question 1:
Which congruence criterion do you use in the following?
(a) Given: AC = DF

(b) Given: ZX = RP

(c) Given: MLN = FGH


(d) Given: EB = DB
A = C = 90

Answer :

(a) SSS, as the sides of ABC are equal to the sides of DEF.
(b) SAS, as two sides and the angle included between these
sides of PQR are equal to two sides and the angle included
between these sides of XYZ.
(c) ASA, as two angles and the side included between these
angles of LMN are equal to two angles and the side included
between these angles of GFH.
(d) RHS, as in the given two right-angled triangles, one side
and the hypotenuse are respectively equal.

Question 2:
You want to show that ART PEN,
(a) If you have to use SSS criterion, then you need to show
(i) AR = (ii) RT = (iii) AT =
(b) If it is given that T = N and you are to use SAS
criterion, you need to have
(i) RT = and (ii) PN =
(c) If it is given that AT = PN and you are to use ASA criterion,
you need to have
(i) ? (ii) ?

Answer :

(i) AR = PE
(ii) RT = EN
(iii) AT = PN

(i) RT = EN
(ii) PN = AT
(i) ATR = PNE
(ii) RAT = EPN

Question 3:
You have to show that AMP AMQ.
In the following proof, supply the missing reasons.

- Steps - Reasons

(i) PM = QM (i)

(ii) PMA = QMA (ii)

(iii) AM = AM (iii)

(iv) AMP AMQ (iv)

Answer :

(i) Given
(ii) Given
(iii) Common
(iv) SAS, as the two sides and the angle included between
these sides of AMP are equal to two sides and the angle
included between these sides of AMQ.

Question 4:
In ABC, A = 30, B = 40 and C = 110
In PQR, P = 30, Q = 40 and R = 110
A student says that ABC PQR by AAA congruence
criterion. Is he justified? Why or why not?

Answer :

No. This property represents that these triangles have their
respective angles of equal measure. However, this gives no
information about their sides. The sides of these triangles
have a ratio somewhat different than 1:1. Therefore, AAA
property does not prove the two triangles congruent.

Question 6:
Complete the congruence statement:

Answer :

Given that, BC = BT
BA is common.
Therefore, BCA BTA
Similarly, PQ = RS
Therefore, QRS TPQ

Question 7:
In a squared sheet, draw two triangles of equal areas such
(i) The triangles are congruent.
(ii) The triangles are not congruent.
What can you say about their perimeters?

Answer :


Here, ABC and PQR have the same area and are congruent
to each other also. Also, the perimeter of both the triangles
will be the same.

Here, the two triangles have the same height and base. Thus,
their areas are equal. However, these triangles are not
congruent to each other. Also, the perimeter of both the
triangles will not be the same.
Question 9:
If ABC and PQR are to be congruent, name one additional
pair of corresponding parts. What criterion did you use?

Answer :

ABC PQR (ASA criterion)

Question 10:
Explain, why

Answer :

Given that, ABC = FED (1)

BAC = EFD (2)
The two angles of ABC are equal to the two respective angles
of FED. Also, the sum of all interior angles of a triangle is
180. Therefore, third angle of both triangles will also be
equal in measure.
BCA = EDF (3)
Also, given that, BC = ED (4)
By using equation (1), (3), and (4), we obtain
ABC FED (ASA criterion)

Suppose we have two triangles, PQR and XYZ, such that
PR = XZ.
If we have to show PQR ZYX by using ASA congruency
criterion, then which two equalities are required?

We are given that PR = XZ

In order to show PQR ZYX by ASA congruency criterion,
the two angles of PQR, which include the side PR, should be
equal to the two angles of XYZ, which include the side XZ.
Thus, the two required inequalities are:
P = Z and R = X

Consider the given figure.

With respect to the given figure, answer the following

(a) Is ABC DCB? Give reasons. (1 mark)

(b) Is AC = BD? Give reasons. ( mark)

(c) Is BCA = CBD? Give reasons. ( mark)

(a) In ABC and DCB,
ABC = DCB = 90(Given)
AB = DC (Given)
BC = CB (Common)
ABC DCB (By SAS congruency criterion)
(b) Since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
equal, AC = BD
(c) Since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
equal, BCA = CBD

3)Consider the given figure and prove that AB = AD and


Consider ABC and ACD.

ABC = ADC = 90(Given)
BC = DC (Given)
AC = AC (Common)
By SAS congruency criterion, we have ABC ADC
Now, since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
equal, we have
AB = AD and BCA = DCA


Is ADC ABC? Give reasons in support of your answer.

In ADC and ABC,
AD = AB (Given)
DC = BC (Given)
AC = AC (Common)
Thus, ADC ABC (By SSS congruency criterion)

In which of the following pairs of triangles is ABC congruent
to PQR? Give reasons in support of your answer.

(1 mark)

(1 mark)

(1 mark)
(a) In ABC and PQR,
Since B = Q = 90,
AC = PR = 5 cm and BC = QR = 4 cm
Hence, ABC PQR (By RHS congruency criterion)
(b) For ABC and PQR to be congruent, their corresponding
parts should be equal.
However, AB is not equal to PQ.
Hence, ABC is not congruent to PQR.
(c) In ABC and PQR,
A= P = 115
B = Q = 25
AB = PQ = 7 cm
Hence, ABC PQR (By ASA congruency criterion)


In the given ABC, prove that AD is the perpendicular
bisector of BC.
In ABC and ACD,
BAD = CAD (Given)
AB = AC (Given)
AD = AD (Common)
ABD ACD (By SAS congruency criterion)
We know that corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
Therefore, we have
Thus, AD bisects the side BC.
Also, ADB = ADC
However, ADB + ADC = 180 (Linear pair)
2 ADB = 180
ADB = 90
Thus, ADB = ADC = 90
Hence, AD is the perpendicular bisector of the side BC.
Hence, proved

The given figure shows ABC and DBC with

AB = DB and CA = CD.

In ABC and DBC,

AB = DB (Given)

BC = BC (Common)
CA = CD (Given)

ABCDBC (By SSS congruence rule)


Let the measure of ABC be x.

DBC = x

Now, ABD + DBC + ABC = 360

Thus, the measure of ABC is 110.

In the given figure, ABC is

congruent to PQR.

What is the perimeter of ABC?

It is given that ABC is congruent to PQR.

Therefore, by CPCT, we get:

AB = PQ, BC = QR, and AC = PR

AB = 5 cm and BC = 8 cm

Perimeter of ABC = AB + BC + AC

= (5 + 8 + 7) cm

= 20 cm

Thus, the perimeter of ABC is 20 cm.

In the given figure, AP is equal to

What is the measure of PAQ?

In APQ and BQP,

AP = BQ (Given)

PQ = QP (Common)

APQ = BQP = 125

APQBQP (SAS congruence criterion)


AQP = 35

In APQ, PAQ + APQ + AQP = 180

PAQ + 125 + 35 = 180

PAQ + 160 = 180

PAQ = 180 160 = 20

Thus, the measure of PAQ is 20.

In the given figure, AB = EF and AD =

13 cm.

What is the perimeter of CEF?

It can be seen from the given figure that,

BE = 22 cm

BC + CD + DE = 22 cm

10 cm + 2 cm + DE = 22 cm

12 cm + DE = 22 cm

DE = (22 12) cm = 10 cm

Now, BD = BC + CD = (10 + 2) cm = 12 cm

CE = CD + DE = (2 + 10) cm = 12 cm

BD = CE (1)

In ABD and FEC,

AB = FE (Given)

ABD = FEC = 90

BD = CE (From (1))

ABDFEC (SAS congruence rule)


FC = 13 cm

In FEC, by Pythagoras Theorem, we get:

CE2 + FE2 = FC2

(12 cm)2 + FE2 = (13 cm)2

144 cm2 + FE2 = 169 cm2

FE2 = (169 144) cm2 = 25 cm2

(FE)2 = (5 cm)

FE = 5 cm

Perimeter of FEC = CE + FE + FC = (12 + 5 + 13) cm = 30 cm

Thus, the perimeter of FEC is 30 cm.

In the given figure, AB||CD and AD||BC.

If the perimeter of ABD = 20 cm, then what is the perimeter

of quadrilateral ABCD?

In ABD and CDB,

BD = DB (Common)

ABD = CDB (Alternate interior angles)

ADB = CBD (Alternate interior angles)

ABD CDB (ASA congruence rule)

AB = CD and AD = CB (CPCT)

Perimeter of ABD = 20 cm

AB + BD + AD = 20 cm

AB + 5 cm + AD = 20 cm

AB + AD = (20 5) cm = 15 cm

Perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD = AB + BC + CD + AD

= AB + AD + AB + AD

= 2 (AB + AD)

= (2 15) cm

= 30 cm

Thus, the perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD is 30 cm.

In the given figure, ABC is congruent
to PQR.

If PC = 20 cm, then what is the length of AR?

It is given that ABC is congruent to PQR.

Therefore, by CPCT, we get:

AB = PQ, BC = QR and AC = PR

PQ = 7 cm and BC = 24 cm

In ABC, by Pythagoras Theorem, we get:

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

AC2 = (7 cm)2 + (24 cm)2

AC2 = (49 + 576) cm2 = 625 cm2

AC2 = (25 cm)2

AC = 25 cm

Now, AC = PR PR = 25 cm

Now, AC = 25 cm

AP + PC = 25 cm

AP + 20 cm = 25 cm

AP = (25 20) cm = 5 cm

AR = AP + PR = (5 + 25) cm = 30 cm

Thus, the length of AR is 30 cm.


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