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Lucid Dreaming

- To do everything that is on my vision board and everything else that I can thi
nk of:
- to have a lot of primal, hard sex
- with anyone I want
- to sail and lead my crew on my Super Yacht
- to speak in front of a million people
- to fight
- to be an animal
- to fly
- to see the center of the universe
- to meet, speak and get mentored by my heroes
- to think and plan more
- to kill
- to speak with God and other higher beings
- to get showered in diamonds
- to drive a Bently
- to rape Svetlana
- shooting guns
- going to war
- driwing tanks, using snipers, riding the nukes
Why all this? Well, because this is what I want. Because I want to experience it
as often as possible. I want to create clear and solid picture in my mind. I wa
nt to practice being successful. I want to be ahead of others. I want to expand
my current perception. I want to learn and explore new fields of knowledge.
- you will be dreaming for the rest of your life
- probably spending 10 years dreaming
- it is worth putting few months of contant hard work to get it right
- you can have 10 extra years, and not just of anykind of experience, but the e
xperience out of this world

- you are capable of lucid dreaming

- everyone is
- lucid -> clear perception or understanding
- live out any desire
- ******** living all of the things from your vision board
- you can feel them are relive them, over and over again
- connect with you inner creative genius
- make musing
- think, philosphy
- do programming
- plan and do business ...
- or anything else you can imagine
- knowledge is one thing, practice is the other
- having 4-5 lucid dreams a week
- explore consciousness
- fuck bitches
- stear Yachts
- 1)self awareness
- yout ability to be in tune with your thoughts, feelings and environment
- 2) beleifs & expectations
- rules of gravity don't apply in dreams
- *** change your expectations
- "Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?"
- 3) motivation
- you will NOT master lucid dreaming overnight
Folder 2
- smart sleeping
- unserstanding your sleep cycles to recognize when your lucid dreams will occur
- N1 - drowsy sleep
- from wakefulness to sleep
- N2 - light sleep
- heart rate slows down
- N3 - deep sleep
- restorative part of sleep
- characterized by delta wave sleep
- difficutl to wake up
- REM - Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
- body is paralyzed except for the eyes
- 20-25%
- where majority of our dreaming occurs
- our sleep cycles occur every 70-110 minutes
- first half of the sleep is dominated by N3
- in the first 4-5 hours
- N1 N2 N3 N2 N1 REM
- on second half of the sleep
- REM sleep periods increase
- brain stops going into N3
N1 N2 N1 REM
- thus, LD are more likely to occur in the later half of the sleep
- "The average person, not knowing the principles of meditation, carries the str
ess, emotions, thoughts and confusions of the day... into the night"
- Tenzin W. Rinpoche
- *** create mental clarity before bed
- daily stress makes it harder to become lucid
- avoid screens 1-2 hours before bed
- sleep in dark room
- avid meals 2-3 hours before sleeping
- avoid alchocol or marijuaha before sleep
- take a hot shower before sleep
- *** Never sacrifice good sleep for lucid dreaming
- **** having a clear and alert mind before sleep will increase your chances of
having a LD
- Lucid dreamers WELCOME sleep paralysis
- it can be a signal that REM sleep is near
- you may find yourself in lucid dream soon
- hypnagogia -> strong dream halucinations
- always question if you're dreaming when you wake up
section 3
- excercises are NOT OPTIONAL
- master the basics and you will be more successful
- dream journaling
- dreamsign analysis
- reality checks
- dream preparation
- relaxation/meditation
dream journal:
- *** first step, is to keep a dream journal and improve your dream recall
- using catalog of dreams to find the dream signs
- DJ is the single most important thing you can do to have LD
- primary purpose is data collection
- dream recal doesn't start when you wake up... but before you go to bed
- before bed, make the intention to remember your dreams upon awakening
- have your journal and pen beside your bed
- give yourself 10-15 min in the morning
- "What was I dreaming about"
- Don't just include facts, but emotions also
1)Title and date
2) write about your dreams
3) dream signs
- clues from you dreams that let you know you are dreaming
other variables:
- time you went to sleep
- time you woke up
- supplements
- mental states before/after dreaming
- dream goals
- unusual sleep phenomena
- lucid dream techniques
- Even write that you didn't remember anything, because you want to develop the
habit of having writing down your dreams
- **** primary purpose is data collection
- ****** more data = higher chance of lucid dreams
Dream sign analysis
- Dream signs can be like neon light, flashing a message in the darkness "This i
s a dream! This is a dream!!"
- people
- you encounter in the dream world
- Location
- Action
- Inner Awareness
- e.g. worryint about final exams
- Form
- a man with a lion head
- context
1)keep a dream journal
- have at least 12 dreams recorded before doing your dreamsign analysis
2)catalog your dreamsigns
- highlight the dreamsign and record them
3)classify each dreamsign
4)pick target dreamsign category
5)practice looking for that dreamsign

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