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A Supervisor should understand the role, the position and her responsibilities.

has a unique operational position. As the spearhead who led the implementation of the
work, in addition to leadership and management must run in a professional manner.

The primary role of the supervisor is:

1. Run the command/superior policy.

2. Give information keatasan primary responsibility is reaching the

target QCDSME(Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale, Environtment), Q-quality, C-,
D-Cost Time, S-safety, M-team motivation, Morale and E-environment.

Professional means to have a KSA,

K = knowledge that supports the work of the
S = Skill or technical skills that embody the objectives
A = Attributes or behavior of the positive mental attitude

Supervisors as management functions include: planning,

organizing, Implementingand monitoring Penggerakan/Control.


1. Planning
Planning should involve the whole subordinate, sit together to formulate the
problems faced, setting goals and objectives (commitment) and implementation
plan including is planning budgeting (consensus). Consensus has been established should
be published openly.
In the planning there are several factors that should be considered. Must
be thinking SMART, . Specific means of planning should be clear intent or spaces in
scope. Not too wide and too idealistic. Measurable, that work programme or plan
should be measured the level of its success. Achievable means can be achieved. So
instead of thinking anggan pseudo. Realistic, meaning that suits your abilities
and resources. Not too easy and not too difficult. But still there are challenges. Time,
which means that there is a clear time limit. Weekly, monthly,
quarterly, semiannual orannual. So easily assessed and evaluated.

2. Organizing
Leadership roles (leadership) a supervisor is very important in order to run a short
term planning, manager or above it more to the long term.
In the function of organizing, the leader (supervisor) decide who did
what (who does what) in accordance with the purposes for which it was formulated.

So the goal is reached then it needs organizing. Usually manifested in the form
oforganizational chart. Which is then broken down into various position. At
each position usually have a duty, responsibility, authority
and position description (Job Description). The higher an Office usually the
higher duties, responsibilities and authority. Usually the bigger income. With the Division
of the work into tasks. The weight of the same light, same bear dijinjing. This is one of
the principles of management.I.e. divide the tasks in accordance with their
respective expertise.

3. mover Implementation
Performs coordination and briefing of the entire part or sector involved in the
achievement of the target QCDSME. Good planning and organizing means less when it is
not followed by the execution of the work. For it then it takes hard
work, smart work and cooperation. All existing human resources should be optimized to
achieve the vision, mission and work program of the organization. The implementation
of the work must be in line with the work plan that had been drawn up. Unless there
are special things so that an adjustment needs to be done. Per HR should work in
accordance with the tasks, functions and roles, expertise and competence of the
respective HUMAN RESOURCES to achieve the vision, mission and work program of
the organization.

4. Supervision/Control
is the process to observe continuously (bekesinambungan) the implementation
of the work plan are already compiled and organized a correction (repair)
against irregularities occur. To run this function required the existence of a
clear performance standards. Monitoring and control is also a gauge of
whether implementation in accordance with the plan of which is a shared consensus
was defined previously.

So the work goes according to the vision, mission, and work program rules then it
takes control. Either in the form of supervision, surveillance, inspection to auditing.These
words do have meanings that are different, but the most important
is how early can note deviations that occur. Either in the planning stages,
execution or organizing. So it can be immediately done the correction, anticipation
andadjustment-adjustment in accordance with the circumstances, conditions and recent

The competence of a Supervisor. He must be a person who:

1. understand the technical issues
2. Know and apply management functions (POAC)
3. Give a good example (Role model)
4. Open or receptive
to feedback/opinions/criticism even reminder/reprimand from subordinates
5. Can listen well
6. Organized
7. Can be trusted
8. Can lead
9. Firmly/Assertife
10. Can decide nicely
11. Can give the decision

Do all mentioned above is enough? Yet.

I think there are 3 main properties again a must-have a Supervisor.

The first one, must be able to motivate. Not in the form of lectures or advice-advice. The
motivation that is needed is in the shape of real concrete aka. He should be able to
make simple programs that motivate or simply lead a discussion with warm; or are
willing to be ' peer ' vent problems experienced by his subordinates.

The second trait is empathy. For example when he

learned there that his diligent mlungker suddenly have no morale he would call
him into the room and ask why, not even admonish or rebuked
him. Empathy means giving the correct answer or the right words to resurrect passion for
work. Lest there are servants who complainedbecause his wife escaped brought run a
millionaire handsome, eh you instead saycasually, "Well, take on the bright side, I'm
sure this time your wife happier. Now I beg to go back to work in the spirit of ".
Finally, a must-have nowadays is the Supervisor wanted the things are going.

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