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Leadership and Communication

Communication Meaning
A process by which information and
understanding are transferred between a
sender and a receiver
Communication is the exchange and flow of
information and ideas from one-person to
another; it involves a sender transmitting an
idea, information, or feeling to a receiver.
Studying the communication process is
important because you coach, coordinate,
counsel, evaluate, and supervise throughout
this process. It is the chain of understanding
that integrates the members of an organization
from top to bottom, bottom to top, and side to
Leadership and communication
Leadership is a process by which an executive can
direct, guide and influence the behavior and work of
others towards accomplishment of specific goals in a
given situation.
Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce the
subordinates to work with confidence.
Leadership is the potential to influence behavior of
others. It is also defined as the capacity to influence
a group towards the realization of a goal. Leaders
are required to develop future visions and to
motivate the organizational members to want to
achieve the visions.
Communication Process
Clear communication is the most important key
to a business leaders success.
Information exists in the mind of the sender; this can
be a concept, idea, information, or feelings.
Encoding; next, a message is sent to a receiver in
words or other symbols.
Decoding; the receiver translates the words or
symbols into a concept or information that he or she
can understand.
Barrier to Communication
Nothing is so simple that it cannot be
misunderstood.Anything that prevents
understanding of the message is a barrier to
Manyphysical and psychological barriers exist:
Culture, background, and bias.
Unclear Message.
Why open the communication channels?
An open climate is essential for cascading vision,
and cascading is essential because:
Natural Law 1:
You Get What You talk about; a vision must be shared
and practiced by leaders at every opportunity.
Natural Law 2:
The Climate of an Organization is a reflection of the
Leader A leader who doesnt embody the vision and
values doesnt have an organization that does.
Natural Law 3:
You Cant Walk Faster Than One Step at a Time A
vision is neither understood nor accepted overnight.
Communicating must be built into continuous, daily
interaction so that over time followers will internalize it.
Leadership challenge in communication
Act as a communication champion rather than just as an
information processor.
Use key elements of effective listening and understand
why listening is important to leadership communication.
Recognize and apply the difference between dialogue and
Select an appropriate communication channel for your
leadership message and effectively use nonverbal
Communicate in a way that persuades and influences
Effectively communicate during times of stress or crisis.
The most important key to
leadership Success
Good leaders, are good communicators.
Prepare how youll communicate.
Deliver the message and receive the
Evaluate the effectiveness of the
communication afterwards.
Take corrective action as necessary.
Creating a Clear, Meaningful
Sense of Direction
The tools to communicate direction:
A clear statement of purpose and core
An inspiring and specific vision of an
exciting future.
A clear statement of our core business
and position.
Creating a Clear, Meaningful
Sense of Direction (cont.,)
A focused set of strategic initiatives that
we follow to achieve vision for the shorter
term (1-3 years).
Processes and documents that
communicate the vision, strategies and
goals and translate them into meaningful,
concrete terms for those who make them
How a Leader Sets Direction
Create a strong vision.
Direct the organization toward action.
Raise up the organization.
Practice excellent personal communication
Earn confidence.
How a Leader Sets Direction (cont.,)
Sustain the vision.
Create unity of purpose.
control the strength of the culture.
Support positive practice.
Match vision and culture.
Train people to focus.
Factors Impacting Understanding
of Message
Cultural diversity.
Status differences (power).
Previous experiences.
Level of interest.
Speaking or writing abilities.
Models of Communication
Action Model:
Sender to Receiver.
Interaction Model:
Receiver gives feedback to Sender.
Transactional Model:
Both Sender and Receiver are in
simultaneous communication.
Willingness to Communicate
High WTCs are viewed as more credible and
People who speak frequently in small groups are
more likely to hold leadership positions.
Talkative people are more likely to be hired and
High WTCs are rated as more socially attractive
by other members of the organization.
High WTCs are more open to change and enjoy
tasks that require thought.
Functional Communication Skills
Symbolic communication links humans to other
humans and to the physical environment.
Symbol usage develops higher mental
Human communication allows for the regulation
of our own behavior as well as the behavior of
Managing Power
Legitimate power Expert power
The power a leader has The influence a leader
as a result of his or her can exert as a result of
position. his or her expertise,
Coercive power skills, or knowledge.
The power a leader has Referent power
to punish or control. The power of a leader
Reward power that arises because of a
persons desirable
The power to give resources or admired
positive benefits or personal traits.
Developing Trust
Credibility (of a Leader)
The assessment of a leaders honesty, competence,
and ability to inspire by his or her followers.
The belief of followers (and others) in the integrity,
character, and ability of a leader.
Dimensions of trust: integrity, competence, consistency,
loyalty, and openness.
Is related to increases in job performance,
organizational citizenship behaviors, job satisfaction,
and organization commitment.
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Universal Elements of Effective
Providing encouragement
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Gender Differences and
Research Findings
Males and females use different styles:
Women tend to adopt a more democratic
or participative style unless in a male-
dominated job.
Women tend to use transformational
Men tend to use transactional leadership.
Leader Training

Training is more likely to be successful

with individuals who are high self-monitors
than those who are low self-monitors.

Individuals with higher levels of motivation

to lead are more receptive to leadership
development opportunities.
Understudy for Leadership
Follower characteristics
Experience, training, professional orientation,
or the need for independence.
Job characteristics
Routine, unambiguous, and satisfying jobs.
Organization characteristics
Clear formalized goals, rigid rules and
procedures, or cohesive work groups.

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