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/ST m p u te rA p p Accounting Grade: Two

m a

c h a r t s ^

/Here we will learn how to create a worksheet for high-Tech Stock Club Company for its stock
investments. The worksheet includes some data about these stocks as the following:

Now we will entre data without any calculations as the following:

H -t
.3 A 1' ' e i D G i H 1 i
E. . I F
1 j j
High Tech;Stock Club !
2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired ;Shares Initial Price IN.Cost : Curr.Price Current Value Gain/Loss 1
3 Compaq CPQ. 5/20/1996 500 52.5 76.75 | i
4 Dell DELL 1/10./1996 300 29 11.25 :
5 Intel 71.5 1
1NTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5
6 Microsoft MS FT 12/13/1994 250 4S 119.75 j 1
7 Netspace NSCP
. 1/15/1996 150 75 77 58
i j
O Total 77
; i .... .: ..... i
9 Average i
10 Highest 77
9 77 i
11 Lowes i !
12 Percentage G/L 1I i 77
........ ........ I i ........... . i * *

H E n t e r in g F o r m u la !

1. The Initial Cost for each stock.

The initial cost fo r e ach stock, w h ic h disp lays in Column F is equal th e n u m b er o f sh ares in Column D x Initia l Price

disp lays in Column E

In itial Cost fo r C om paq sto ck fo rm u la in cell F3 =D3*E3

I SUM t- (= >< jSf j =D3*E3

i -
t Z
: -id A J B ! c D E G h i i
1 High Tech 'Stock Club i

2 Stock Symbol iDate Acquired Shares ;Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price Current Value SGain/Loss
3 500 52.5 --1 =D3*E3 76.75
Compaq1 CPQ 5/20/1996 j......... ........T
ill-------- __j_______

W e can use FILL HANDLE to determine the initial Cost for each stock type as follow:
A B c D E G i H i
1 J :High Tech Stock Club' ' . ! ................ ........
2 Stock Sym bol ; Date A cq uired jShares Initial Price ! IN.Cost C urr.Price [C urrent V a lu e Gain/Loss
o. Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 26250 76.75
4 ' Dell DELL 1/10/1996 300 29 8700 11.25
51 Intel INTC 4/14/1994 50Q 43.5 21750 71.S
:6V M icrosoft M S FT 12/15/1994 1 250 48 12000 119.75
N etspace NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75 11250 52
4 | m | ? ?
Total ? ?

Amir Wagdy 12
<putar App Accounting Grade: Two-
.. The Current Value for each stock.
Current Value for each stock, w hich displays in C o l u m n H is equal the num ber of shares in C o l u m n D X

Current price displays in Column "G

Current Value for Compaq stock Form ula in cell F 3 IS ~ B 3 * G 3

A | B C | D E ! F G a ' 1
1 I High Tech Stock Club i
2 Stock j Symbol Date Acquired ^Shares ;Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price Current Value
0 .
: Compaq! CPQ. 5/20/1996 1 500 | 52.5 | 26250 76,75 =D3*G3 ------- ----
---- ----------

w e can use F I L L H A N D L E to determine the Current Value f o r each stock type as


A B C D E F 1 G 1
1 High Tech . Stock Club j .... ....
2 stock ' v - Symbol Date AcquiredIShares initial Price IN.Cost 'Curr.Price Current Value Gain/Lo
3i Compaq CPQ 5/20/1396 I 500 52.5 26250 76.75 38375
4 : Del! DELL 1/10/1996 300 . 29 8700 11.25 3375
5 Intel !NTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5 t 21750 71.5 .35750
:6 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 I 250 48 12000 119.75 29937.5
7 NetSpace IMSCP 1/15/1996 ! 150 75 11250 58 8700

o Total . 1 r <r

3. The Gain or Loss for each stock.

G ain or Loss fo r each stock, w h ic h disp lays in Column 1is e q u al th e C u rren t v a lu e displays in Column H M in u s In itia l

Cost displays in Column F

Gain or Loss for Com paq stock form ula in cell "1 3 IS H 3 - F 3

M 3 C j o ! E j f j G j H L . -L I . . .
High Tech Stock Club
2 i Stock Symbol Date Aiquired Shares Initial Price iN Xost Curr.Price Current Value Gain/Loss
3 :1 Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 f 2625G 1 76.75 38375! =H3-F3

W e can use FILL HANDLE to determine the Gain or Loss for each stock type as follow:
A B i C D E F ____ G H 1
1 High Tech :Stock Club i
2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired Shares 'Initial Price :IN.Cost Curr.Price Current Value Gain/Loss
.3: Compaq CPQ ; 5/20/1996 500 i 52.5 26250 76.75 383 75 12125
/4; : Dell DELL 1/10/1996 300 29 S700 11.25 3375 ;-5325
.5 Intel 1NTC 4/14/1994 500 j 43.5 21750 71.5 35750
- [14000
6 Microsoft MSFT : 12/15/1994 250 48 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.5
7; NetSpace NSCP : 1/15/1996 j 150 75 11250 58 8700 : -25501
i B5i
s Total
H> P 7 7

Amir Wagdy 13
4. Determine Totals using the AutoSum Button.

L: Select seil F8 Click the auto sum button.

" a ........... r B r ........ c ........... ] D ....... i .... G .... !,......... H ........ I........ !.........
1 High Tech . Stock Club .
2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired Shares .Initial Price UN.Cost ICurr.Price Current Value Gain/Loss
v Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 i 26250 ) 76.75 38375 12125
4 Delh DELL : 1/10/1936 300 29 8700 3375 -5325
... .
5 In te l: INTC : 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21750 71.5 35750 14000
6 Microsoft; MS FT : 12/15/1994 Z50 4S 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.5
7 NetSpace^ rsiscp i 1/15/1996 150 75 {. 11250 { 53 8700 -2550

?? 9D ?
S Total = SU M (|| $ 1)
|Average SUM (num berl, [numberZ],...)

2: Select the range "H 8:!8" Click the auto sum button. The three totals displays in ra w 8 as show n in the

follo w in g figure.

FS : =SUM (F3:F7)

e c D E F "; H 1
- 4 ...... A
1 s High Tech Stock Club
Stock Sym bol Date A cquired 'S h a re s initial Price IN. Cost Curr.Price:Current V alu e Gain/Loss
3 Com paq C PQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 26250 76.75 38375 12125
4 Dell DELL 1/10/19S 5 300 29 8700 ; 111..25 33375 24675

5 Intel INTC 4/14/1934 500 43.5 21750 71.5 35750 14000

6 M icroso ft M S FT i 12/15/1994 250 48 12.000 : 119.75 1 29937.5 17937.5

7 N e ts pace MS CP 3/35/1996 150 75 11250 58 8700: -2550

S Total
79950 146137.5 : 65187.5

5. Determine the average of ra:nge.

A-Using AutoSum Functions on the standard too! bar.

1. Select cell "D9" and click on AutoSum Functions, then select "Average .

2. Determine the range D3:D7

B - Using the keyboard and m ouse.

Select cell "D9" and Type ^Average (D3:D71. Then press enxre
SU M ____ V ' f * i =AV E R A G E(D3:D7)
1 e H i
: A* a i 8 1 c D ' 'E F i
.j,; r. High Tech Stock Club
2 Stock Sym bol Date A cq u ired S h a re s in itia l Price IN .C ost Curr.Price .Current V a lu e Gain/Loss
3 Com paq C PQ j 5/20/1996 500 52.5 26250 76.75 38375 12125
4 Dell DELL 1 1/10/1995 300 29 8700 111.25 33375 I... . .2467.5 :
5 Intel INTC. 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21750 71.5 35750 14000
6 M icro so ft M S FT : 12/15/1994 250 43 : 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.5 i
7 N e tS p sce N SCP 1/15/1996 150 75 11250 53 S700 -2550

1 - 146137.5 66187.5
8 Total 79950
A verag e =AVERAGE(D3;D7) i
7 | AVERAGc(numfaur1, |numbcr2], ...} 1 I

AmirWagdy 14-
,<nputer App Accounting Grade-. Tw o

6. D e t e r m in e t h e h ig h e s t n u m b e r in r a n e e u s in g t h e e d it f o r m u la b o x a n d f u n c t io n b o x .
t . Select cell "D IO ", click edit form ula box in the form ula bar. Click the function box arro w and the point to max,

2. Select the range D3:D7, then click "o k "

! M AX =MAX(D3:D7)
(* x 'S 'M
, L, \

cd !

! e D E .S F j G ' 'j ....... H . .1 P',;.::Vl' j \ (J. \, K . ...

1 High Tech Stock Club Function Arguments ? X
2 Stock Sym bol Date Acquired (Shares Initial P r ic e ;
3 Compaq CPQ. 5/20/1996 500 52.5
Num berl |D3:D7 |k S | {500;300;500;250;150>
4 D eli: DELL 1/10/1996 300 29
5 Intel INTC 4/14/1934 500 43.5 Number2 | || number

6 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 250 48

7 N etSp ace: NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75
g Total
9 A verag e 1 340 ............... ...
- 500
rxo Highest ; (D3:D7) ? ? Returns the largest value in 3 set of values. Ignores logical values and text.

x i Low es ( i Numberl: numberl,number2,... are 1 to 255 numbers, empty cells, loqical values, or
text numbers for which you want the maximum.
12 Percentag e 6/L

14 Formula result - 500

15 Help on this function OK j; Cancel j


j D10 V (: f* =MAX(D3:D7)

. <
s*. A B c F G ' H 1

.JL !High Tech Stock Club

Stock Symbol Date Acquired (Shares Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price'Current Value Gain/Loss
3 Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 26250 76.75 38375 12125
4 Dell DELL 1/10/1996 300 ! 29 8700 111.25 33375 24675

-5 Intel INTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5 ; 21750 71.5 35750 14000

6 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 250 \ 4S 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.5
7 NetSpace NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75 ; 11250 58 8700 -2550
O Total
u 79950 146137.5 66187.5
9 Average 340
:4b; Highest 500 j ? ? 77

7. D e t e r m in e t h e L o w e s t n u m b e r in a r a n g e u s in g t h e p a s t f u n c t io n b o t t o m .
1. Select sell "D IO ", click the past function bottom on the standard bar.

2. Select a function M in.

Amir Wagdy 15
.nputer App Accounting Grade: Twn
aA A I e c ili E F | Insert Function
i High.Tech stock Club
Search for a function:
2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired Shares Initial Price IN.Cost (Cu
3 Compaq' CPQ 5/20/1996 500 I 52.5 26250 i Type a brief description of what you want to do and then dick Go
4 Dell: DELL 1/10/1996 300 29 8700 I
Or selecta category: {Statistical
5 Intel- INTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21750' |
6 Microsoft MS FT 12/15/1994 20 48 12000 I Select a function:

7 Netspace NSCP i 1/15/1996 110 75 11250 i MAX A

g Total 79950 i MEDIAN
9 Average 3--0
10 Highest 500
a a
IH- Lowes =
Returns the smallest number in a set of values, Ignores logical values and text.
12 Percentage G /L j

14 i
15 \ r ;

16 I Help on this function OK Cancel'

17 1 ; 1

3- Seiect the Range D3:D7, then click "O K "

8. To copy a ranee of cells across columns to an adjacent ranee using fill handle.

1. Select th e range D9-.dll Drag the fill handle on the lo w er - right corner of the selected range through
cell "111". And hold dow n the left m ouse button.

2. Release the left m ouse button.

A I B C D E F G H 1

1 High TechStock Club !

. ..... ..... .......... ;
2 Stock Symbol ;Date Acquired Shares Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price CurrentValue Gain/Loss

3 Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 S 500 52.5 26250 76.75 ; . 38375 12125;

4 Dell! DELL 1/10/1996 300 29 8700 111,25 33375 24675;

5 Intel; in t c 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21750 71.5 35750 14000:

5 Microsoft! MSFT 12/15/1994 250 48 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.51

7 Netspace! NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75 11250 58 8700 -2550;

o Total
U 79950 146137.5 66187.5.
340 49.6 15990 87.45 29227.5 13237.5 1
,9. Average j

10 Highest j 500;, 75 119.75 38375 'v 24675 . : j

26250 :
11 Lowes i . 150 20 8700 58 8700 -2550 !

12 (Percentage G/L ; | } \ i
?" ?* i

Amir Wagdy 16
iinpufer App Accounting G rade: Tw o

9. To enter a percentage formula. - T^Tr, / 9*. a / ' l c 5 i- ir <Zo$T

Click cell D12, then typ e =I8/F8. Press entre.



**- IS/FS

; 4'
,.<A A ! B j C D E F | G ! ........ .......... _ .__ ' J
1 i | . High loch Stock Club i j
2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired i Shares Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price' Current Value Gain/Loss
3 Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 500 52.5 26250 76.75 38375 12125:
4 Dell DELL 1/10/1996 300 29 8700 111.25 33375 24675;
5 Intel INTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21750 71.5 35750 14000
6 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 250 48 12000 119.75 29937.5 17937.5:
7 NetSpace NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75 11250 58 8700 -2550-
8 Total 79950 146137.5 66187.5
9 Average 340 49.6; 15990 87.45 29227.5 13237.5
10 Highest 500 75 26250 119.75 38375 24675;
11 Lowes 150! 29 S700 58 8700 -2550:

12. Percentage G/L =IS/FS !

| ?M?'
A.................. - i..............

10. To Apply currency style format and comma style format.

A -Using the formatting tool bar.

1. Select the range E3:I3. When holding down the control key, select the range F8:I8. Point the currency style button on
th e form atting tool bar.

2. Select the range E4:!7 and then poin t to com m a style button on the form atting tool bar.

Jj A B | C D 1 E F G -:H 1 1
j |
1 High Tech; Stock Club
.2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired jShares Initial Price IN.Cost Curr.Price; Current Value :Gain/Loss
3 Compaq CPQ 5/20/1996 | $ 500.00 $ 52.50 $26,250.00 $ 76.75 ! $ 38,375.00 : $ 12,125.00
4 Dell DELL 1/10/1996 300 29.00 8,700.00 111.25 33,375.00 | 24,675.00
5 Intel INTC 4/14/1994 500 43.50 21,750.00 71.50 35,750.00 j 14,000.00
6 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 250 48,00 12,000.00 119.75 29,937.50 17,937.50
7 NetSpace NSCP 1/15/1996 150 75.00 11,250.00 58.00 8,700.00 (2,550.00)

8 Total 79950 146137,5 66187.5

9 Average 340 49.6 15990 87.45 ' 29227.5 13237.5

10 Highest 500 75 1 26250 j 119.75 3S375 24675

11 Lowes 150 29 8700 1 58 8700 -2550

: ?
1 2 !Percentage G/L | ??
....... .... J . .....1 :

B- With a floating dollar sign using format celt command.

1. Select the range E 9 :lll. Right click, then point to the format cells on the shortcut menu.

2. Select currency in the category list, click the third style, and then point click button.

Amir Wagdy 17
dmputer App Accounting Grads- Twn
11. To Apply a percentage format.

1. Select cell D12, click the Percent style button on the formatting tool bar.

2. Click the increase decimal button on the formatting tool bar twice.

*<-,0 .00
y Format Painter
i b / u * | s >i & A-| j sfe ! H 1Jerge & Center "r S - % Conditional Format Cell
Formatting * as Table v Stylesv
Clipboard :'i Font ** | Alignment Number Styles


1 High Tech: Stock Club
2 Stock Sym bol Date A cq uired Shares jln itial Price IN .C ost :C u rr.P ric e X u rre n tV a lu e {Gain/Loss
o Compaq! C PQ j 5/20/1996 t $500.00 j $ 52.50 $ 2 6 ,2 5 0 .0 0 !$ 76.75 $ 38,375.00 j $ 12.125.00
4 Dell DELL \ 1/10/1956 | 300 29.00 3,700.00 111.25 i 33,375.00 ; 24,675.00
5~ Intel INTC [ 4/14/1994 j 500 j 43.50 21.750.00 71.50 i 35,750.00 14,000.00
6 M icroso ft MSFT | 12/15/1994 | 250 48.00 12,000.00 | 119.75 29,937.50 J ..17' 937j Caiibri - ;11 -A ' a S %
7 N etSp ace N SCP i 1/15/1996 j 150 75.00 11.250.00 ] 58.00 . 8,700.00 ! (2,550; - r~ \ \ ' ' .
" i -A,' El H
8_ Total 79950 146137.5 : 66187.51
9 _ A verag e 340 49.6 15990 87.45 29227.5 : 13237.5
| Cut
500 75 26250 . 119.75 3S37S 24675
ML Highest ! Copy
n_ Low es 150 29 8700 58 8700 -2550 ? Paste Options:

12 Pe rcentag e G/L ?? \jr^ j ji==|

13 Paste Special...
j Insert...
! Delete...
[ Clear Contents
IS j Filter V

19 >
'i'!Q ' Insert Comment
i ? i Format Cells...
23 ; Pick From Drop-down List...

24 : Define Name...

^ . Sheet! / Sheet2 .1 Sheet3 ./ net sales ./allowance /SheeM /'Sheet5 / 'f p ..

& Hyperlink...

Fo rm a t Cells

; Number ^ Alignment Font Border Fill Protection

i Category:
General r Sample
! 543.60
Vw 1
Decimal places: j2
Symbol: $ FI
Fraction N egative numbers:
Scientific -51,234.10
T ext S3,234,10
Speda.I ( S l ; 234.10)
Custom .. .......... .....;*...
.v}k:.;;..'. i./...'...

Currency formats are used for general monetary values. Use Accounting formats to align dedmal
points in a column.

Amir Wagdy 18
,/iputep App Accaonting G r a d e r fw fl -

jl2. T o ch a n g e th e w id t h o f a c o lu m n b v d rag g in g .
Point to the boundary on the right jiide of the column B. Jftta 40j X l .jkWI___ __ j Hi

gg lia p K r t a - S ?> ^ last ill

~; nWiJVn*
".yuoi______a i;-g>
g -.i !>
Drag to right if you want Increase width or to left decrease it. A|unisi
u n i
To change the height of a row by dragging. i X o m p u lerd isc o u n td aily sa le s |

CftnfuliMoBlwiPiifilni Sohwaic Itl>! :

Point to the boundary below row heading 2drag down 1SHU: m m u um\
s K it i JIW J HM U i JI8S l .) um\
If you w ant Increase height, or drag up to decrease it. 5 M l ilW HJ U S D | mi 75103J

13. To draw a 3-D pie chart.

1. Select the range A3:A7 while holding down the control key, select the range H3:H7.

2. In se rt Pie ch a rt-------3-D Pie.

w~ II Home Insert j Page Layout Formulas Data Review View


Rxi:: 1 r'-j
a m
nP [|j- 4
y iil
V v2 iliu -
PivotTable Table j Picture Clip Shapes SmartArt Screenshot ( Column Line Pie B3f rea Scatter Other Line Columr
Art i Charts
Tables I Illustrations Spzrk! r

H3 =D3*G3

1 (High Tech! Stock Club
_2 Stock Symbol Date Acquired [Shares ;initial Price :IN.Cost e Gain/Loss

I 3 Compaq CPQ ! 5/20/1996 $500.00 I 52.50 $26,25( $ 12,125.00

:m4; Dell DELL 1 1/10/1996 300 29.00! S,70C 24,675.00
5^ 'Intel INTC i 4/14/1994 j 500 I 43.50 ; 21,75c 14,000.00
6 Microsoft MSFT j 12/15/1994 ; 250 48.00 12,00( 1-0 i; 17,937.50

M Netspace NSCP j 3./15/1996 I 150 75.00 ! 11,25: {2,550.001

s Total 7995 ffbi i All Chart Types,.. 66187.5

_5 Average I 340 $49.60 j $15,990:0C 0 I $13,237.50

10 Highest 500 $75.00 j $26,250.00 $119.75 | $38,375.00 j $24,675.00

n Lowes I 150 $29.00 i $8,700.00 $58.00 $8,700.00 ($2,550.00)

12 Percentage G/L __ ... j............... . ? ?

U/jeJ.}*? sJLereJZ.. -

Amir Wagdy 19
jm puter App Accounting
14. To display the formulas in 1:he worksheet and fit printout on one page.

1. Press Control + (Left single question mark to the left on the 1 key)
2. Click File - Print - page setup - page tape - landscape option - fit to 1 page w ide by 1 tall.
3. Click the print button in the page setup dialog box.

xji y L7 - rj Booki.xlsx - Microsoft Excel

6 ^

Amir Wagdy
jm pi'tBP App A ccounting E r a f e Twn

a | e ! ....... c . D E . i F ... 6 H ---- ! J
2 High Tech stock dub
0J Stock Symbol Date Acquire Shares )
Initial Price y lN .C o s t. Curr.Price(^Current Value ^G ain/Loss )

4 Compaq CPQ. 5/20/1996 500 52.5 \7 y 5 ) ^ 38375) .$ iZ ip m
5 Dell DELI 1/10/1996 300 29 (j : T l m o o ''j 111.25 33,375,00 $ 24,675.00
6 Intel INTC 4/14/1994 500 43.5 21,750.00 71.5 3S,750.C0 14,000.00
7 Microsoft MSFT 12/15/1994 250 48 12,000,00 119.75 29,937.50 17,937.50
8 NetSpace NSCP 1/15/1996 15Q^ 75 11,2,50.00 58 8,700.00 . 2,550.00
9 Total $ 79,950.00 146,137.50 66,187.50
10 Average 7340.00 $ 49.60 $15, 990.00 $ 87.45 $ 29,227.50 $ 14,257.50
11 Highest ^5 00 .0 0 ) $ 75.00 $26, 250.00 $ 119.75 $ 38,375.00 $ 24,675.00
12 Lowes 150.00 $ 29.00 @ 8 )7 0 0 .0 0 $ 58.00 $ 8,700.00 $ 2,550.00
13; Percentage G/L 82.795

Use the previous worksheet to replace the following cells with the relevant or suitable

The cell name ! he suitable form ulas

G4 ' &K* fc/
14 s f)K
J4 " T il' O u
19 ^ 5 2"<xM f s )
J9 stuM fTq'T#)
ElO - f fg J
E ll & f^t K ( ;$g )
G12 * m >s \ f Q i j
E13 - Jf r

Amir Wagdy 21

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