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Bare Acts & Rules
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Hello Good People !


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Ihc 15th October, 1999

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a?41 of Leglalolive Arsrrnbly received llle urent o f LCZz.
~ ~ v c r n o l - o f ~ on i 0- i999 snd is Iiercby publi~hG-
e l h14-1
$3i?Pf71 fjm, am* mh, for generill inIormaiion :-

f-&wamfjrss - .

17. k l T ~ ~ ~ : - - ' "

llic Repul~licof India as Toliows :-

3. ~ l f i 4 4 ~ ~ ~ . ~
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..., , (3) 11 shall come inlo force 011 such date as

d k m ~ + i % M W $ I -
mf+fq+a*a~a,mm* 2. Dclinilioas.--(I) In this Act, unlcss the con1
M * ~ f T m r * ~ m ~ ~a ~~h e ~*i ~ ~
5. W t r m f & ~ T * r n * d
k wE!lq m ,6mB W k mw -m-*-w
T T ~ Z T ~ , ; ~ ~ T ~ D ~ G + W F U ~ +

- .- : FXTCblORDINARY - 9
(q) "sale price" in relntio~,to a ~ransfero f property
rile !':onhn;ssi3ncr ofSalc5 T a x under thc in p a s (tv,vhe(lleras goods or in some other
form) .invglved in [ire execr~tiono f a wot-ks
1 "col~rldclur"ulcans any who executs a contract in Dcll~i,rncans such amount ns is
works contract and includcs a snb-carinactor ; alrived a t by deducting from t l ~ callLount o f
fd I "cor,tnclce" means any person for whom or for valuable considemlion paid or payble to a
person For cxccution of such works conkact,
~uhoscbenefit a works col~traci.~scxccutcd;
' the amcunt -representing labour and service
"The D e l i i ~Saies Tax Act" rncans 'lhe Dclhi . cllnrgcs rol- sucll executio~~;
Sale; T a x Act. 1975 (43 o i I 97 5); "

I:'! "dealcr" ~neansany person, ivl-ro whether for

(r) "Lwablc turnover" lneans such turnover as is
valuabie cbnsideration, cornmis'sion,
arrived at aRer dcducling from the t ~ r ~ n o v eo rf
remuneration or otherivisc, rl-ansfcr property in s a l such
~ as may k prescribed;
goods (t1]hetheras goods or i n some other form) (r) "tax'' means tllc t a x payable ur~derthis Act and
involved in the cxecu~ionof w orks contract and includcs a l u r ~ ~sum p amount by way of
, iriclud& any State Governrnent,and tlie Central composi~ionpayable in lieu o f the an~ounlOF
Gakrntnent which so tratifers such properly la K;
in goods, and any society, club or asmcialion ,
(9 "tl~moverof sale",means tlie aggregate of the .
of persons wh irll so transfers the-prg'erty . - amount of sale pricc received or receivahk by
goods tn iii m'ernbirs; ' -
a.dcaIef in respcct of any transfer of properly
s" n i c k g a d s -asdk6,tiedht;k in goods i~ivoIvedin t l ~ cexecution ofany works
conpact ~vlleihercxecutcd'fullyor l l a i ~ l ydurbig
Cenlial Sales Tay Aci, 1956 (14 of 1956);
any period;
(b) "korks cqritract" includas any agrcmnent for
carrying out for cash or For dcferrcd paymcnr
(i) "goods" means every kind oFmovable property or for an): vaIuable consideration, [he building
ill goods (whctljer as goods or in some othtr coratruction, manufacture, processing,
form) irlvovctl ili the esccution o f a works fabrication, erection, jnstallation, firring out,
i\np:ovcment, repair or cornrnissioning of ally
{j) "Govc~rurlml"mcans I,t. Governor as defined movable or immovable property;
under Aniclr. 239 A h oEConslitlliion; (v) "ycnr" meon's tlrc fintlrrcii~lyeilr.
(k) "1,t. Gaveninr" Means LL.GordernaroFKational (21 A l l words and erperssion used and not defiiled
Cnpi~;llTerrirory of De It, i ns aepointed b y the in' rllis.Acr but dcfined i n the Dclhi Sales Tax Act, 1975
President ~ r ~ l d~c1r t i c l c 2 3 of
9 the Coilsl~tution; ;shall hav: thc ~ncaningsassigned b them in tha1'Act.
(I) "pcrso~i" includes an'individual, or body of CnAPTEII II
individuals wliethcr incorporated or not, a IKCSDENCE AND LEVY OF T A X
Hindu undivided Family, a -firm,.a b c ~ l. ,
3. tncidtncc of Tax.-(] ) Evcry deaier whose
authority, a corporation, a- company .body or ' turnover of sales during the ,year immediately precedi:~g
authority o~vnedOF sct up-by, qr .subjccl$o ihe dorh-nencement of this ACI excceds: the taxable
ad~ninistr'ative conlrqct a f t h c . Ceptral quadurn, shall bc liable to pay tax undcr this Act on his .
Government or any state Government taxable turn& df salts evefected by him on or aher such
(incIuding tl:e'govertnner~~ufaUnion territory) commcnceincnl.
or a cospcrativc society, whclher registered or (2) Every dcalcr to wham sub-sectiun (I) does not
apply, s l ~ a l l ,with' effeci From thc date immediateiy
(m) "prescribed" meails prescribed by n ~ l e s ; followirlg [he day which his turnover o f all sales
(n) "rcgistcred dealer" means a dealer registered caIcu Iatcd form the cornmenccnrent of any .ycar first
under scction I I ; excceds, within such year, the taxable quantum, be liable
10 pay tax under this Act on all sales effected by him
(0) ''nl~cs''means rules made under this Ad; -
aftcr [bat date.
(p) "sale" means a transfer of property in goods (3) Ever dealerwho becomes liablc topny tax u n d c ~
(~vbethcras soads or in some urhcr furm) this Act, shall conlinuc ro be so Iiablc until h i s registratio11
#Fa \$,orks cooaacr in
invoted in the c ~ e c u l i a n certihcatc is duly cancelled, dnd upon such cancellarion
DelIli; i i ~ i r l lie w o r d "sell'' with a l l i t s
his liabiliry to pay !ax, otller ~ l ~ alax
t l already levied 01'
grainmaticat variation and cognate e~persions leviable, 3liall, until his lurnover,uf all sales again first
sliall be c o ~ i t r i t c ~ caccordingly;
d c~ceedsthe limit specified in sub-section ( I ) , cease:

, ,

Iiabil ity to iu and, uplo rhe tjjne jv]lell his turnover of all under the tenns of h c contmci.
sales does not exceed such limit, no tax shall be payable. (7) Where in respec1 of snlz price rclirre
(4) For the purpose of [his Act "taxable qu.anlurn" - clause (q3 of sub-secti011 (I) of section 2, con
means five lakh rupees. docs not mainlain proper accouols 01. [he act

of Illis Act and the rules made.thereunder, a W be

levied on thc taxable turnover of sales involving msfer
ofproperty in p o d r in the execufian a f h e ~ ~ c~ ornk~ ~c L rclating -lo of labour and s ervices are

5. Lcvy of Tsx.+1) Same as provided i n sub-

. 6. ~ o r n p o s i t i o nof Tax.-(] ) Subject [*

1ic1lurnover, o f sales. in lieu ofthe arnounr oFt;lx payabie by l~ijnundc,,

amount at the ratc of Four per cent of his total am

. ,

(~)N~Inxshallbcleviedontheturnovcr?~~~~~~~ ,

ill goods, spccjfied ill (Ile

(I-nnsfer o f properly
tau under the Act ns ~ h case
c may be, alid t l tllc
~ ~
esecutiou of works conrract, jf sucll p o d s are bansferred
from the contractor lo rhc contractee-in tllc salne forrn in
~vlliclbllley were purcllased by the conl!ac[pr-
(4) No such tax shall b= levjabj~on mrnover

callnact wl~erhcrwlially orllartly subjecLto

I ~ produc'iol~
C P V ~ ~ I CTor the lransfer of property in goods (iy
of proof, as nlsy bc przscribed,tllat such-sub-~~ntraCtor
is goods Or in Some orher form) in plrrsuance of
a l,ec-istcreddealer liable la tax and I h a l rhe sllall, at the rime of credit of srtcll sum to the
turnover o f stich atnourll is irlcluded in the rerurn o f the conlractor or the time of making such

-;--. =-I,. 1.1..

1-1- -.-. -.
- -
I__------ ----_
---__ I I '

rafior, as the case ~ n r ~

bey full satisfaction of the ( 6 ) Any dudirction 'madc in accordance ~ ~ i rile
t h

treasury shnl! herrcaled as payment oftax 011bel~alfofrlic .

perwn !?om whose bills 01. invoica the dcduc~ionhas been

conlract jn\rolvcs both of property in deducted 011 the producrion of thc certificate, r e r c ~ - ~10
labour and service, or involves only labourand in su.b-sectioll ( 5 ) above, in assesslnenl made fol- thc
2nd accourdingly, juslifics deduction of lax on a relevant assessinent year
+,? in repecr of the works coritracl or, as the (7) If any person as is rercried to in su b-section (1)
on of tuc, he shall, after or su b-seclion (2) or sub-section (3) Fails l o make Ule
nnblc opportunity of being - deduction or, aftcr deducting fails to deposit tbe a,i~ount -
tc as may be approprjate: so dcducted as tcqsired by su b-section (4), the assessi\~g
n lhe said ccr-ticcare shall au~horirymay, after giving Co s ~ ~ cperson ll an opportun i v
;i;?assessment o f the ,sales lax iiabili~yof ihe oFbeing heard, by order in writing, dirccr that sucli person
shall pay, by w a y of penally; a surn 1101 exceeding t~vicc
Ihc amount deductible under-this section besides tirx
iovided hrlller [hat ivllere any deduction has bee11 duduttible but not ,so deducrcd and, if deductcd, not so
;.a m n l n c t o r rmni the payrneqts mabe,to'hissib- dtposited in ro thc Goveminen~treasury.
ir in accordnncc with sub-section (3) 'the amounts ..
,,ynlents shall b e deducted froi rhe:&ount oo (2) ~ i r h o upreiudice
i lo rhe provisions ofsu b-section
~&jlrclion is ro 1 . l ~ made undcr lllis sub-section (71, if any pcrson fai Is to make deduction, or, aGcr dedi~cting.
h a l e as prescrjbcd in s u b iaik 10 deposit the amount so deducted, he shall be liable '

to pay simple htercst a l h e rate of two per cent pcr month . .

on the amount deduc11We under Ibis section but not so
~.esponsiblclor making any deductEd and, if dducted, not so dep,ositcd from the dare
y liability to any sub- ,onwhich such mountwas deducl:,ble lo tile date on wI"c11
lor, in pursuance o f a contt.act with thc sub- such paymtnl is aclually deposited.
or, for rhe iransfcr o r p r o p c q in goods (whe~llcr
nu) involved in thc execvlion, (9) #%ere the amouni has not been deposited ailer
ork underlaltcn by the wi
dcduc~ion,wlch amount togcrher ti1 intel-=I and pcnnl ty
paymcnt or dischirge, referid to in sub-section,(?) and sub-scctian (S) shall'be
ny other mode, dcduct a chargc up-on all lhe assets o f the pCrSD11 concerned a ~ i d
nt of such ,payment o r recoverable as arreirs o f land I-cvenuc.
' .. .
. .'.',;-,,o f 6 e tax
or full amoudt C ~ P. , T E RIII
s ~ c htotai'value of pansfcr ' TAX CLEARApiCE C E R ~ ~ ~ ~ CAiW
,Ihe sub-coqtractbr as . . ACCOUNTS
. . - . , - .. , . . .
1, by [hc contractor : ,

8 . 'r-ax Ctcarancc Ceitifics 1c.-(I) Nolwit11-

provided [hat no duduction undcr this sob-section sranding ;wy~hingcontaincd in any other law for the t i n ~ c
bc nlade ,on Ihe ainounl on tvh,icl~.deduction has being in force, no pcrson shall entcr jnta any Works
,been l l l a d ~under sub-section (I), or subscc~ion contract.with any dcaler for execution by him of such
bjecl to of a cerliiicate as prescribed in works conlrac! and shall make payment lo such dcaler
rclioll (5) o f this sectioll. For executian of works contract, unless the Cominissioncr
duduaed under sub-section (1) or
(3) 'J-tre;1mo1111t certifies in the prcscribed mar.ncr thar such' dealer:-
011 (3) shall be deposited into
(i) has no liability to pay tax, interest, penalry 01-
he pcrson makieg such 'any anrount due or has no1 defaulted i o
orfifieen days following the Furnishing any rciurn or returns togelhcr with
[ion is made in the manner as the receipted challan or challans showing
payment of all tax payable undcr [his Acr,
ch d ~ d u c ~ i oundcr
n sub- (ii) has not defaulted. in making paymen1 of tax ,

sub7settion (3) shall, al okherwise payablc by or due from Iriq under

, ,f paymcl\t or dischaye, furnish to the dcalcr this Aci; (

,vl,osc bills or ~nvoicessuch deduction is madc a (iii) has made salisfaclory provision for. securi 11:
cart as illay bc prescribed irl respect ol'the amount the paymenl of tax by f u t n i s l i i n g bank
,,sd, [he rate at which it has been deducted and the guamIltcc in favour of the Coinrnissioner or
otherwise, as the case may bc;

( 3 )The provisions of section- 18 o f h e Del

Tax ALLand Rules h m e d thereunder ns rcgards

started he business of rransfer of property in

goods involvcd ill e x c c u r l o ~d~w o r k s conlmci
. for first time in D:Ihi.
on application made by a
(2) Where in me certificateaf registration in the prcscribcd ram.
prescribed form, Ihe Cammissio~le~.,
aRer making sjlc11

t11c provisions of the ~ c and

t the ~ u l c spnylncnt
, may7
notwitl~standineanything contained in sub-section (I),
~ h i m of a works
be ninde lo such dealer for e s e c u t i o ~by hi, madc from on whish re,,isL
conrracrreferred in section On P ~ by hi'n ~ ~
cerlificate ~ aKecc unril
rook ~ it is carlccllcd,
' ~
notrvilllsta ~ ~
such celtificate of the Commissioner.

contain such pmiculars as may be prescribed-

al~pomrnityof.being heard.


liable lo pay tax undcr [his Aci, exccute or conlinue to

execute a rvorks conlracr. unless, hc posSessc5 a vaiid may b, prescribed.
ccrtificare of regisrrati on s providcd b y th~sAct: CHAPTER V
llns applied for registration within the prescribed time.

; .stJ!e,'o r a!,? .-.ll\.-r place rvha-r, it is belie\,ed registers or dacumenrs a r e scizetl o rcccipr Ibr rl,c sallle,
~ h or oificer :hat business is
: 2; E ~ au~boriiy rciain the same in its cusody for examiiia[ion,
,. k i n g done or acuniln~sare being kcpi by sucll ellquiry, proscctIlion or ~ t h e rlegal aclion For a perir)d
- wl exceedin$ six months,
direcl such dealcr to pr-oduce accounts ( 5 ) The accaunls, ~ g i s t c ror
s documents impounded
.'r2gisters and doa~rncntsrelating to his busiriess under su bysection [2) or scized undcr su b-section (4) cauJd .
.- ?crivities for examinations; bc rctilined even bcyond a period ofsix months and uuto , --

a rnalcirnum per;od of two years from ~ h dntc e 01'

:$ i,15pcct, Lllc ill tilt POSSCSS~OIIof Ihe
impounding 01-seizurc, .as the casc may bc, by such
or in th-c p o i s ~ s ~ i oofaoy
n bad? el& an
aurhority or oiiicer, after having obraincd pcnnission in
kd~;llioFsuchdeal~r,ulhercver such goods arc.
writing oSi11cCmnmission~rur the Deputy Commissioner
p i~cecl;
aulliorised by tlic Commissione~-.
rp l n a k e sc2rch of such place including t l ~ e
(G) The assessing authority o r any other of ice^. not
j:arch o f the pcrson found there, whet-e
bclo\v the rank of assisla~~t sales Lax orficer authorised I>y
,-onczalmenl of lac& relaiing to business is
the Cfimmissioncr under sub-section (4) may seize an)
goods Iiahle la tax; which are found in the possession of
:o break opcn the doors af any premises or to a dealer n j in the possession of any body else on belialf
'Jrcnk open any nlmirdh, box,-reccpraclein of such dealer and which are aot accounled for in his
rvhicl~ ally goods, accounts, regislers or accounts, rcgistcrs or documcntsmaininincd ill iftc course
docrrme!llS of the dcalcr arc suspecleli lo be of his business; a i d a list of goods so seized sball be
kept, but a c w s to sucll pwnises, alrnirah, box pipared by ssltch ;luth~rilyor officer nnd a copy tthcrcof.
or icceptacle is denied: sliall be given to lhe dealer or any othcr pcrson frorti wdl~ose
.;(:I to rccord Ihc slatemerit or-the dialer or his cuslody sucll goods are scized.
manager, agent or servanr or to lake extram (7,) Wl~hsrci l - i s not Feasible lo scizc the accoulils,
from ring' rccord and to put idmtif~catiantnarks ~egisrersur documents under sub-scctiorl (4) or tl~c
on accol~nts,rcgixiers or documen&and on any urtdcr sub-seclion (6), h e assessing ~~~~~~~~~~or lheofficer
- door, nlmiral~,box or recclliaclc. conccrricd may serve on ttic o\rrner or tI~cpcrson w ~ mis
' I ) , There sliall be a pr cst~nipLion
r x p l n l ~n tion .-{ in imnlediate possessio~~ o: coniiol thereof an 01-derill;~r
ods, accounts regis~crsor da~urncrfls, hc sliallnol remove, part with or orhcnvise deal with thcin
r e fnllnd ; ~ any
t place nfbudness of a dcnlcr during cxccpt wit11 ill? prc\?iouspcrrniss~onof su c11 authori~yo r
search rllal. [hey relale to his business officcr, 1r4licll Inay, aFtcr scrving s u c l ~order, take-such
steps a s . may bc decrned necessary under rhr:
cr undcr clauses (d) and (el of srrb-
( 1 ) . sIlalI bc exercised. by the Inspccror in IIIG (8) The iuscssing aurhor~tyor the officer referrcd
hority not below Ihe rank of assistant to in sub-section ( 6 ) may, after having given tlic dcaler
an opporlun ity o f being liea~d,andafter having held such
fuher cnquiry as it ]nay consider fit, impose on him, For
I;)Where any accounts, registers or documents are il:e pnssession ofgoods not accounted fur, rvlietl~erseized
y assessing authority or ally oncer
or not ur.der sub-section (6),a pcnatty equatta the amouni
blow illc rank of sistnnt sales lax oficer in any of five li~nesor the tax lcviable on such goods or tIiirty
llllr\crrllc AcC S N C ~authority or-oficer may, pcrcent o r [lie vaIue o r such goods, whichever is 1~:;s.
rn=ons to t-rc recorded In writing, impound and retain and such audlority or.orker may relcase the goads, i f
jn its for a pcriod not exceeding six manrhs,
scized, o n payrnenl o f the penally imposed or on
i]lall grvc [Ilc dealer or ally orllcr prrsorl who has fiiqishing such security for the payment thcrenfas it ]nay
uccd such a c c o ~ ~ n rtgisle~
E. or documents a receipt considm nccessa?.
(9)The asessingauthority ar o~herofficer 3s rcfcrccd
t he lil?rcof ir~speclinn,the: assessing
(G), may r c q ~ i r eany person :-
to in sub-section

5 [cx officer audloriscd b y [kc Commissh~crin this (a) W h o transpons or holds in c u s l o ~ yally goods
aIf has reason to susptc1 that the dealer is anempting of a dealer, to givc any information in his
~ s s e s s i o nin respecr oisuch goads or to allow
avoid or evndc tax or is concealing his tax liabili~yin
For rrssons tn be recorded in writing inspetion thereof, as [lie case may bc; and

( I) where any p c ~ n - shall be liablc to bc proceeded against and pull islied II

(a) liable 10 be rcgis~rredunder rhc Acl rails to scclion.

or thc r1:le.s; or
(c) rmuduIenrly avoids or evndes rw or dclikratcly ~ ~ " d l eunder
d this section,
conceals Iris ~ n liabili~y
x in any manner; or

proscculion under 111issection:

Ex~~lznnlion:-An olrencc undcr litis clausc - ( 5 ) If a dealer rails wirhonr ~caso~iable CJU~C

shall bc deernd to bc a continuing ofienceunljl comply ~illl any of rhc provisions 0rlhIs Act or [kc n
full paymenl is made;

tl~ousaridand whcre sllch c o n l r ~ r c n t i o-01.

~ i I'nilu
conlinuing one, 10 a diiily pcnalty not exceecling ru
&) prevcnls or obsbrucrs, in any m Ihe
c o n l ~ v c n r i o nor hilurc prorided 11,sl no sticll pcn
c~mpcrcntolficcrundcr Ihc Acf roenpr, iaspect
' shall bc ilnposcd ruilhout rhc dcalcr
and ~carcllrllc buiiiess p l ~ c ore any o ~ l ~place
OppDrlunity o i bcing hcard.
~ v l ~ cdr c~ cgoods or IIIC accounts. rcgisrcrs a d -
doculi~cnrsare believcd to Ix Jicpt,or prcvcnls
conditions rnay be prrscribcd, t l ~ cConirnissioncr
or sue), to sejzc he,,,a&
i l ~ cnccoilnts, rcgislcrs and docurncnu: or

(i) filils lo furnisl~iniormi!lion as riquired undcr -

s,cction 6 oF !he Acl;

(j) rails 10 maintain accaulllr in rhe manner a
rcquircd undcr ~ c c l i o n10 OFthc'Acl;
' of a coghizabtc ofrcnce.
(k) aids or abels nny pcrson in \lie' commission o r
a~~y-suclr orrmct,ac aGr&aid; ' CIJAFrER.\'I
on c v ~ n p ~ abi ~c i it~ gmade' agiirk such pcrson by illc
assessirlg aulliori~yof Ille area or any:olhtr cpmpclcnt
ofliccr i ~ n v i ~ ohtained
is sallclion from the Dcpuiy
16. Au[fioritic~u11dcr t i l t D c I l ~ S;ll~q
i '[':I~
e[npowcrcd lo nsscss, rcnsscss, clc. tax lrllder
Acl.--<l) Subjcci to tllc olher provisioijs o i l l ~AE; i~
he rulcr madc chcrcu~tdcr, llic nttlllorities Tor 1hc
being cmpowcrcd lo wscss. reassess, col lecl and en
Paylnenl orany fax undcr rlic Dcllli Salcs Tax #,cr a j

' ...-
: . I :
I - . -

'~%3-:5es~,collccr and cnforcz payment OF tax illcl~tding 1he smion'in whicll il is SO laid or thc session i111nledial~l~
;-&;in~ere:I or ~ c n a l i yppyahle by a dcalerundcr-this Acl follorving, tllc Legislative Assell! bly aguees in milking ally

:Elirlle ~ i ~ x ' intcresf

or ol Fci~altypayable by such a dcaIer modificario~~ in I ~ rcu k or Lcgislativc ~ s s e m bagrcc.r
i w d i r h i 5 Acl is a lax or i n ~ c r c s t a r ~ c ~ i apayable
lty undcr . Ilm the rule should no( be made and norifits sucli dccisir)ll
'*I D c l l ~ Sillcs
i Tax ALL and for illis purposc thcy may in lhe Orficiel Ga7xitc, [he rulc shall form rIie date o r
.:+rciscnll nr any oftllcpowci-s lhcy h n v c u n d e r t h e ~ c l h i publication orsuch notification have effcct only in sucli
y ~ ? - sTax ACI, and ihc pmvisi~nsof thc Dclhi S a l s Tax modificd,form or bc orno cKcct, as rlie w e mily . be:- so.
rns, notices, assessn~en~,re-asscssnen4 however. lhnl any s~rcllm o d i f i d o n or ann,ulincnt sh:~ll
tion, regis~rationufany dcaler liable bc willlotlcprcjudicc to ~ h vnlidi~yofnnyrlrin~prtvioust~
Act, imposition o r ~ h e liabiiify ~x of donc or omincd 10 kc donc undcr ihat r ~ l c .
IS. Power ro rcrnovc difficulry:--If any difliculty
ariscs in ~ i v i l l geffect [n f l ~ t :provisinns nf ,his Acl.
Govern m c n ~Iliay, by ortlcr pub1islrcrl in rllc orfici:l 1
G:l=.a-ut. Innkc such provisions. nor inconsirrcnt jvilll llrr
provisions of this Acr i l s appear ro if 10 he nccasnry or
cxpcdient for rclnovin~~ h difficulty:
c ,

Rovided Ihar no such o~dcr'shallbc madc after tlre

1 thc provisions relatin'g LO offcnces and expiry ofa pcriid 611vo y c a r ~from rhe dnte of pubtication
oilllis Act in thc official G a x n c .
R.T.'L. D' SOUZh.Under Secy.
nt Cor nn olfencc) of rhc Dclhi -Sales Tax fa7msmf;lrm
N v
m,15 w.19W
*. W. 2 { 1 2 11'39-%'o ( ~ ) /h l l l & . - & ~
~ f i s s ( V r n - ? ) $ h T 2 (74?)38,39$~K?l
~ ; l i l 5 1 L i m ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ m
&d & 31333
3pu,4ulrr $ pk7FEd k W
hIisccllnncous nnd Rulcs Tfq-imd*3ke**fi4sqiw
I)TheGovcmrnenl ~ 3 r l l ~ ~
* + & ~ & q * M w e T @ 3 m
, .,
m$lF q * d d h ? w 3 m ? I $ 1 .: I


@Tntlritth,fml+F ' ,

?7m=mm&**aaerr3=&mT71 i
4. k -pel,39-m
Dclhi, ~ h IS111
c Oclobcr, I999 1

No. F. 2(12)199-Fin (G)II 116.-In cxercise o i llle i

powers conrencd under rulcs 2(c), 38 & 38 o f Ccnlral
01) ~ ~ t l made
e s undci. this section sllall bc subjecl T ~ ~~l~~
~ ~ (,1 ~ ~, 1 - l~) [hC~JJ, ~ o v c r n o r , o TNa[ional
. rhe co~)diliono f previous pubticarion: Territory o f Delhi is plcascd to appoint llle
i f lhc ~ovcr.rncn~is satisfied l i a r ~ i ~ ~ dDelhi C o l i ~ s r o r Slampr
~ i ~ i Commirrioner,
and confer rllc powers upon him rodischargc ~IIC various
admillistrali\sc a n d o[llrr (unctions of Dellli Trcasllry
laid dorm under Cen[ral Tl.casul.y Rlllcs and [nsrlucriolls
oTGovcmrncnt of DcIhi and G o ~ c r r i ~ i i cof11idia
nr issucd
( 5 ) Lwr, ru\cmadc under tK\s~tc<i~nshd\be \aid, itom iimc lo iimc.
won % L m y \ye aflt~
hi\ mzdc, k b . i c * C LP.%\E~~<\U
c By w h t ~anh in tht name 01!\~1\.
nl Dc\\<\.
U .k.
GUPTh.Dy .Sccy.

I'rir~tcdby r l M.m~~cr.GnuI
~ ~~lndinRcsr,Rin~ Ko3d. ~ a y r p u r iH. r w ~ c l h i - I10064
and Puhli~lrcd
by Iht Cnatrrrllcr olPtrbtrc.llinns. Drllll- 1 10'114.

- D E-3-
_ R. _Y 9
~ h c ~ ) c ~ h l ~ & s ~works
a ; x ~~no n t n d ( ~ m & d m e n l ) ~ c2001
Inel hiAa No.5of2001)
ASp~ssedby Ihc Le&is1a'IivcAsemWy d t h c N a u o d
, Capital Terrimry dDelhion3rdApri 1,2001
- .

An Act furthcr to irnend ~ ~ ~ D ~ I K - S ~anI C S C o n h c l Act, 1999 BE i r en?ctcd by the Legislatiye

mbly of thc National Capital Twrilory of Dclhi in theF&-mdYcaror L?LERepublic of India as lo1lorvs :-
t commchtemcnt.+l)
~ l c nmd ~ h iAs n m a y k u l l d &cDdhi SalesTax on iVorBsConlr;lct

(2) ~le~cnds-lolhcwholeofrhc~adonal~piral~higr~d~clhi

. .
11slmll comcinro f o r ~ ~ w i rdhc z f r o m thc &E a f i ~ p u b l i d o ninIhcoficinl adc-
2. Amcodmcat a l Scciian 2.-Ia IhcDclhi S a l t 5 Taxon IVorks b n t r a a A d , 19119 (Ddl~ihcl NO.'l~i
"rhcprimpal Ad'), insub-sedion(l),-
Tor clause (0,Lhe~followingshallbsubdiluted, nmcly -
mmm my pa04
"(QUd~Icf' GIO
~ v h c ~ r f o r ~ d u b h q n ~ d c r &mmislioo,
atic~ reml!ncralion i r ohcnisc,
ahilc excculing a wads oonmyt ~ramfersp ~ p e in q g0ddf-(whchtr as ,gpodr; or.-in solnc r~lhcrform)
i n w ~ ~ i n t h c c x ~ ' o n a F m c h r ~ r r ~ s c 4 n l h a a d & l u d e s ~ ~ ~ l a t c ~ o l r c. ~ n l m
which so m f e r s such propcrly in goods, alld any sccicty, cIub, or a s b a r i o n orpersons ivhicli so w l e r s
theproprty in gw& to its mmbcrs,";
- . .. -
fw clouse (g), I h c ~ u l l ~ ~.v i n.~ , , namcly :-
s hkasubs@~utcd,
ll .'

"(G) "de;h~dgoods"mcanr; ~ d asddncrl

s in s c d o n 14 o1dicCcnlrdSalcsTax Acr. 1956 (I4 dl1956),";
6ii) n k r c l a w ( n i ) , rhefo~owing$Im11~inscrtcd,rwmcly:-
"(null) 'priy;i~ccontract" mns a C O I I h R wdenakcn for anyperson nther Lhm the Ccn~ralGovcrnrncnlor
rite Gavcnmcmor their deparlmcals and undu-kakktgs,cd-o7cn\ivc socierics ard corporatekdics,";
(IV) {q),lhe followin&shall bcsubs:iwcd, ncmcly :-
far FI~USC
cr pylblcw B dcalcr ior t l r rxchlrion d
s arnou(u of valuable cdnsidcn~ionbaid
"(q) "sraI:,prictn ~ e a r l tlxc
111~vorksconu.1c9"; , ., I :

- 11.) rorclause(t), Ihc f q l.l.o v k ~

shall bcsubsriwcd, namely :-
, "(I) "tqovcrdf sales" mcairs Lhca~cgatcofthcar~~v~~iofSalepriccrcccivcd or r d v a b l c by a dentcr in
rcspcct of Lhc emution oFany u*o&mntrad whether txcmtd rdly or partly during any period,";
( ~ far
) c l a u i l u ) , dlc rolloiving s namclg :-
M be ~ubslitutcd,
"(11)''w0d-S cor.tiad"includes any &etmeol fnr'caWing out.for a h or for ddcrrcd pyincnt or lor any
wlmablt mnsidcntion,hr:%ldLng ~ n s ~ o d o~n , u l prmsing,
a ~Iabri&nn, c r d ) ,insMla~on.
fiihng but irnpmvemenl repairing or wmmisioning orany rrwvable or i n ~ m a a b l cpmperty but shall not
include su;h Contraas 3s be prcscni,".
3. Amendment orsecti~n3.-lntheprinapdA4 i r t s ~ i o n3,-
0) Tor s u b s d o n s (1) and (2), the following shall& substi~cd,namelg :-
"(1) Evcrg d d e r wllns: lurnovcr dde'druinghe ycarirndatefyprkcding Lhcmmeoa?mcnrof tthis
Act c x c d ihetaxableyaptnm, shalIbelabletv paym ~ kthisrA r t on hismablelurnwcr c f f a c d b
him on or aftcr such cor&cnccmcn~
(2) EW deaIcr lawham sub-!don (I).docs not upply, shall &ccf rrorn fit da~cihncdialtl~ fol~om'rig
rheday an which his tumov~rofall dcs caicYlared Gomlhe w r n r n t n m c n l d a n y ~ ~cxcccds,
f i ~ within
sh,.car, fit ~xahleqmnlm, bc l i e t o p y tax undcr hh Aa on~&ablcrumwc; cK&db i i m e c 5 1 M q

*qeninn (41, ~heiflowingcxplktionshall bc i-id l + m l1-~

-.- -

4. An~cudmentoTscction 4.-lr11heprincipal Act f01scdibn'4. Ihc lollowing s l d k subsljtu!od. ~laniely:--

dealer.-4ubj-oclto Lhe prmisior;s of !his A C ~and the rules ma* thereunder, a ~ a r~ballbc
"4. ~ i a b i ~ i of&
levied on the ramblc l u m m involving d u of propmy in goods in thc cseauion of rrmks c~nlract
comnlcnced or mn~inuedrorcxut~tionon or & i & e commencement of~hisAct, whclhcr sucli conmcl ~ i a s
entefed into prior or subsequent to such comenccmcnr.".
5. Amendment of scction 6 , I n Ihe principl A c j in section 6, rhc sub-mion (I).~rhebllo~ing
pmvi so sllaIl be
insmd. win~ely:- , .-
"Provided hat a dcaler who maka inlcr-slatepurchascsofthe marcria! uxd in the mccuriol~dlhc nmks
conrracb, on h c s~renglhof his rcgkhlinu ceniiiwrc, shall not bc cnutled to opl forcnnqosilion o f ~ n xunder
tliis scc~ion.".
6. lnsurlion of ncw scction 6A.-In Ihc principal Act, a c r sedion 6 , Ihc following sl~allbe inscncd,
11a11tIy :-
"Gk Collection of t n by dcaIcr,-Adcalcr~~sierdundcrlhis Acr nmycollmt taxon thc worksconlr;lct
crrccutcd by llim in Dclhi in aamrdan~with thc provisions of Ofis Act a t ' t h e n t g not exceeding the Tares
speciGml undcr smdon 5 or scction 6 , x t l i c ~ m a be,
y of this Act.". .

(i) ior Sub-swion (l), h e following si1311be subsriturcd,namely :-

"(1) Every person, o l l ~ cIrhan individual and H@du,undividrdfamily responsible foi rn aking p a y i c n to ~
any d e n l e r ~ e r e i n a i t c r ~ s s e l i o n d c r rtodas"tht~nhc1of.')fordiiclargcofany liability on account -
oCvilluablc mnsid&lion p~bleforIhctm~crofpmptrtying& (wt~ethciasgcbdsor in mine o ~ c r
Ionn) in pursuance of aconlr;lc<shallat the lirnc of credit of such sum to the accountothcconmctor or
at rl~come oi making such paymcnl 10 he mntrador cilher in a s h or in a q 'od~ermqnner. d d u c ~nn
arnoiinl equal to rrvo pcrcent rrom such sum 1~1vardFLhc tax pap& under this AcI.".
bc sub~ritutd.naniely :-
(ii) Tor s~tb-scction(J), rhc follo~vingsl~all
"(3) Anycanlnclor ~csponsiblcforrnaldnganpaymcntordisclixgc ofany li&iliry to any-sub-contracror,
in pilrsuancc oiaconrncl rvih thc syb-conuaclor. for thc msrerofpropcrry in goods (~vlictherns g d s
or i n somc other Som) ir~volvcdin Ihc c ~ m t i o knUllcLhcr wholly or in a m'
or tb is40rksconlracl
undcrr&en by 111cwnIr;rctor, shall a! OIC limc OF such pq-mcnL or hscl~arge,in cis11or by d ~ e q u or
c dmlt
or any otl~erinodc, dcdud m nrnoum qua1 ro twa pcrent ofsuch palwent or discharge, purporting10 bc
pan or f i l I amount of the ILY p a y ~ b l cunder Uds Acr . ,

(3A) (i) A conlractor will, respec110 Lhc coliuacls other U~anlhc I~riwtc
cor&cls, may mnke an appljulion
lo ~l~cconrnc~ccauthorising him lo dcdua 1 5 ~ - 3tlieratcoffow
1 prcenr rewards h c t a s pnyablcund:r.ll~is
Acr illslcad or t w o pcrccnt as p&dcdio subszctio~l(1) of [his scclion.
(ii)-\Vlicrcan appliution is made by tl~econmaorundcr clause (i) qrtbis sub-&tion, and acopy rl~crcnC
is ranyarded LO llic appropriarc asscssing xuthority by the conlnclo~,fllc contractor shill kc dccn~edto
liavc opted Tor conpsilion under sccrion 6 of h i s Acl.
(iii) A conrmctor, lo \~llornt l ~ cprwisiol~orc1auz-c (i) oFtl~iss u b ~ ~ r i oapplics,
n may Ix: asserscd iu a
sullunar). manncr on tl~t basis or&c annual relum filed by him ~ i t I l o ukt i n g ~ I l c up011
d lo prodrla: d ~ c
books o f accounfs and othcr records relaling to hjs busincs.'];
(iii) Tor subscclion (7), the lollo~ingshall b2 substitulcd, nanlcly :-
"(7) Ilany person, a is rcfcncd lo inmb-section (1) or sub-seaion (2) or s u b - ~ l i o n
Is lo nlake Uic dcduaion, or;LRer deduclidg,fails la dcposit thc arnpmr so dcduc~cdx r q u i r c d by
(3 A), fi~i
sub5cdon (4), 111ea&gauthority my;ancr giving Io such person an opponunity or bcing litad, by
ordcr in rvriting, direah3r~~ch@rInshaU pay, by way a f ~ ~ y . : a s u m - n ~ ~ mnvimthc
d i n g amwa
dcducliblc under Uus sation bcsidts lax deducliblc but,noi so dcductcdahd, ifdduncd. not ~odepasitcd
inlo Lhe Govcrnmmt m.";

~ D ~ G A Z E ~ ~ E ~ ~ O R D M A R Y II
I . ,
- -.
shall bc inscrlcd, mmcly :-
(iv) nncr sub-se~tion(9),~eLdo(!oning
" [ l o )E t r y pcrson ~ ~ p o n s i b for,
l c making dcddaion O F ~ ?mdcr ; his ~ ~ i <lr111 n napply l a ~ h c
Cnmmissioncr for nTaxDcdudo~~ mbcr p r - i
A ~ ~ ~ ~ n t - f i u wilhinthc tirnc and in I l ~ prescribed
c rorm
and shall also furnishanamannual r e m i n t h p r c s c n t c d f o r n ~ v i ~h~cnp ~ c s c n k d
E~~lonlr~inrl.-Wofhiflg cbntakcd in &is scaion shzll apply lo works contract e~mtal in ille caurscor
inrcr.smte Ir;ldcormmmcra: orbulsida LhcShtc, or ~nIIIC comc cfimpon orcsprl oulol Jndia."
8 . An~cndmcn~ of sccrion 8.-In the ~rinincipalAcL inscclion8 , a k r sub.sacuon(J), tLe follorviug su&scctian
~ImIIbe iuscfleb namely:-
"(4) The provisions or this sccuon shall nor-3ppiylo a contractor or dcalcr regkrercd undzr illis ACI rrllo
11s made an apphmuon under slb+s&on @A) of =lion 7.'.
9.h c n d m m l dsectiw 14.-InLheprincipd A a inscairn 14, i n s u b d o n (I),- \

(i) for clause(l), lhc fallo~ving5iall bc substirutd 11arnely:-

"(T) rails to makc dcduclion 01 lax ar soum or afla-dd~tcringfa:lsl o dcposi~Z I I I O I I I I Iso dcduc~cdas
rrquircd under =lion I ; " ; -- .
(ii)ior clause (h),rhc iollolviq stdl~ksubdtu~cd.
~ c r n c l y:-
"(h) cnlea iruo rmrks contractwilh any mnuaclor nithoutoblainjngfmm hcconmaora ras c l c a ~ a r ~ c
ccriifi~~tcundcrscclion 8;;; -- ..
(iii) forclauscli), UlelolloninghaUbealbsljltut~.nmely:-
"(i) ~;lils~ofiurni~hialorrnadonan~~rcturnor~t~~rnnsrcquircd~~ndcr
S. R MKHESHWAIU,Urtdcr S c g : (Law& J1rdl.1

, 3fiqyiq
m,3D dm,2rnI
+aIp-l0( 4 3 ) / ~ ~ / ~ 3 ~ . / ~ : 3 ~ . / 1 3 7 5 . k~~~~
- ~ ~ % ~ w$
. - s r n ~ ~ ; f m l y f% 4
I ~ ~ m
.dt$mq, 1 s s 4 4 W U ~ ~ t i i 4 a r r f h d ~ ~ r + r f&*@ & ~ ~ ~ ~ l f
4 ~ t ~ - h & ~ h ~ ~ ~ + : i d ' ~ b ; q~i 3B W +~X-?.IEIZO~V~T~-1
~ V 2-loco % L R I * ~
-4 m 7 ~ j g i i t l i % a &. .& ..& ~ (. ~. h : ) , ~ d ~ ~ ~ & t~ tmmw~h r%n
, . , . ,

%& mi o 47
6h-m) [=h-rn)
6-08 I 1316'1 a-m

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