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Ana Guarn1, Arturo Rodrguez 1, Yuranis Zambrano1

Universidad de La Costa CUC, Barranquilla, Colombia.

{aguarin1, arodrigu59, yzambran5}



Aggregated Planning is a method which is used by companies to

identify, improve and get any resource and necessary tools for the
production process that are carried out on each area of the industries.
Regarding this, Medicmuebles was chosen with the purpose of holding
engineering bases, mixed with the empirical process that conforms it.
Its future organization and growth is what is pointed out with the
realization of this process. The application of this method will let us
reinforce, expand and go deeper into each concept taught in the
subject and through this article we will demostrate the step by step of
a aggregated planning for a Company whose purpose is stipulated but
not applied.


Aggregated Planning, production process, method, industries.


Nowadays, aggregated planning plays an important role for all the

types of existing companies and specially those whose main activity
is production. We can also say that its incorporation is really
important because through this, a more optimum production plan can
be generated and we can determine any product that will be made
taking into account several factors which affect the process directly,
such as the plant capacity and the work force available, at the same
time it allows to identify associated costs to labor, maintenance, total
production costs and unit value of the process mentioned.
Based on the above, it is a focus of attention to identify the problems
present within a company and then address them to improve each
one and every factor that affect the productivity within the

Therefore, in this opportunity we will try to apply an aggregated

planning model in the company Medicmuebles located in Barranquilla
city, so we can optimize in an advanced way the resources and tools
that the company already has; Fulfilling the objectives that are
covered in the curriculum and, in addition, maximizing the utility and
reduce the costs without deviating from the objective of the Company.
From this it was possible to identify that this company presents
problems in the organization of the information in different aspects,
like the financial part where there is not sale records, payments to
suppliers and employees, it can not have either a historical data of
produced units that allow to make a forecast of the demand, reason
why we will use the sales slips emitted in period of second half of the
year 2016,it means, we will have historical data inferior to One year,
due to this fact there is no defined security inventory, therefore its
level of production is on demand incurring the non-solvency of the
needs of the demand.

Therefore, we will work in order to provide a possible solution to the

problems identified in MedicMuebles, for the development of this
article it is necessary to address in advance some theoretical
concepts such as the methods used in this study, like the aggregated
planning, which is the subject of this research. The present article will
be addressed as follows: Section 2 will present a literary review of the
various contributions and research regarding the implementation of
aggregated planning in medical furniture production companies. Then
section 3 describes the proposed method for accomplishing the
objectives, following this in section 4 will illustrate a specific case of
aggregated planning in the selected production line such as recovery
beds with their complements, Then section 5 shows the results
obtained and finally in section 6, we show the conclusions obtained
from what was applied in the case study.


(Mayln Marqus-Len, Alberto Medina-Len, Ernesto Negrn-Sosa,

Dianelys Nogueira-Rivera, Arialys Hernndez-Nario), exposed an
Applications of Materials Requirements Planning Systems in
Matanzas's Hospitals.
Universidad de Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Facultad de Ingeniera
Industrial. Matanzas, Cuba. Ing. Ind. vol.35 no.3 La Habana sep.-dic.

The turbulence affecting the worldwide organizations makes it

necessary to allocate the scarce resources in those processes that
may reach the goals and generate higher outcomes. In this context,
since decades ago, health care organizations make great efforts to
adopt managerial techniques, imported from manufacturing
environment, having as goal the optimization of results in the key
decision areas as well as the improvement of quality of care. That is
the case of Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) models, which were
created in order to plan and control materials and capacity
requirements. For hospitals, it materials and human resources plans
needed to assist specific groups of patients. This work proposes a
model to Manage Hospital Resources (HRP) as a result of a theoretical
analysis with an application in of this sector.

Too, (Metin Trkay,* ztrk Saraolu, and Mehmet Can Arslan) 2016,
exposed an Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: Aggregate
Planning from Sustainability Perspective

Supply chain management that considers the flow of raw materials,

products and information has become a focal issue in modern
manufacturing and service systems. Supply chain management
requires effective use of assets and information that has far reaching
implications beyond satisfaction of customer demand, flow of goods,
services or capital. Aggregate planning, a fundamental decision
model in supply chain management, refers to the determination of
production, inventory, capacity and labor usage levels in the medium
term. Traditionally standard mathematical programming formulation is
used to devise the aggregate plan so as to minimize the total cost of
operations. However, this formulation is purely an economic model
that does not include sustainability considerations. In this study, we
revise the standard aggregate planning formulation to account for
additional environmental and social criteria to incorporate triple
bottom line consideration of sustainability. We show how these
additional criteria can be appended to traditional cost accounting in
order to address sustainability in aggregate planning. We analyze the
revised models and interpret the results on a case study from real life
that would be insightful for decision makers.

Other study exposed is an aggregated multivariate regression land-

use model and its application to land-use change processes in the
Daqing region (northeast China)
Land-use process is a nonlinear dynamic change, which concerns
many related factors and interrelations ecologically, geographically,
economically and socially. For a clear explanation of the mechanism of
land change, a feasible dynamic model is designed on the basis of the
land-use situation in Daqing area, where is particularly characterized
by an expansion of the local petroleum industry and a decrease and
degeneration of natural and agricultural ecosystem. To model this
land-use process, we introduced an aggregated multivariate
regression model which approached the topic much simpler and
mathematically straightforward for a zero-dimensional space. Tylor
series was used in the model to express the change of each land type
in every time step, all the variables impacting the land-use change
were integrated as dominate driving forces which reflect the
comprehensive influence of Daqing's economic environment.

The modeling is aimed at studying the land-use change under its

particular environment and its causal economic development,
therefore the model analysis focused on the dynamics process driven
by the specialized economic structure and activities which serves as
driving forces in change of land uses. Thereby this dynamic model can
also be used as an example for prediction, adjustment and control of
the land change trend in planning theoretically.

Department of Quantitative Management Science, University of

Houston, Houston, TX 77004, U.S.A. Edward P.C. Kao exposed an
Aggregate nursing requirement planning in a public health care
delivery system.

We analyzed factors affecting the frequency of accident counts in 81

cities over a three-year period (20082010) with monthly data using
random-parameters negative binomial panel count data models.
Among models considered, the random parameters model with the
correlated coefficients outperformed the other models and was found
to fit the data best with almost a perfect prediction of the conditional
mean level. Most of variables used to control for the variation in the
frequency of accident counts play crucial role with higher significance
levels. Also, marginal effects and elasticity estimates were derived to
get more insight into the effects of percent and unit changes in the
dependent variable in response to changes in the exogenous
(Bachtiar H. Simamora and Desty Natalia) 2014, exposed an
Aggregate Planning for Minimizing Costs: A Case Study of PT XYZ in

The rapid growth of educational toy industry has lead to a fierce

competition. PT XYZ is one of the major players in educational toy
industry Indonesia currently trying to win the industry. The company
needs to develop a good strategy for competitive advantage in
winning the competition. The objectives of this study are to calculate
the seasonal forecasted demand and develop aggregate production
planning for PT XYZ to meet seasonal demand with the lowest cost.
The data is gathered through literature review and secondary data
directly from the company. The demand data from past 3 years is
used to forecast the seasonal demand using multiplicative seasonal
model. All of data is analyzed and used to design aggregate planning
by using 3 strategies which are chase, level and mixed strategy. The
calculation of the cost of each strategy is using manual computation
and application POM for Windows. The results of this study show that
the mixed strategy is the optimal strategy to meet demand with the
lowest cost for PT XYZ.


En base a la informacin previamente analizada con datos histricos

de los ltimos dos aos en Medic-Muebles donde se pudo detectar
que presentan problemas en los registros de informacin de ndole
financiero, por lo cual las tomas de decisiones no son efectuadas
argumentativamente en anlisis de datos arrojados por la misma
dinmica del proceso productivo. Por ello con la informacin
recolectada se pudo plantear cuatro planes de planeacin agregada,
cuya finalidad consiste en determinar una estrategia anticipada para
el proceso de produccin de las camillas de recuperacin; de tal
manera que en los distintos planes realizados se obtuvo lo siguiente:

En el plan numero 1 donde se cuenta con fuerza de trabajo variable y

duracin de 8 horas de trabajo, arroja como resultado de costo total
del plan de: 120.468.000 (Ciento Veinte millones cuatrocientos
sesenta y ocho mil pesos M/ Cte) y costo Unitario de $550.082,19
(Quinientos cincuenta millones ochenta y dos mil pesos. Donde se
pudo analizar que al ser el plan con menor costo total es el ms
apropiado de implementar debido a que la dinmica de la demanda
es estacional y la produccin es dependiente de las condiciones de
ciertas etapas del ao debido a que se presentan altibajos constantes
y repetitivos en ciertos meses del ao, por lo que la contratacin del
personal de obra debe ser dependiente a esta dinmica.

En el plan numero 2 donde se cuenta con fuerza de trabajo constante

y se estima un numero de dos trabajadores; arroja como resultado
como costo total del plan de:
$320.252.000,00 (Trecientos veinte millones doscientos cincuenta y
dos mil pesos M/cte) y costo Unitario de $484.496,22 (Cuatrocientos
ochenta y cuatro millones cuatrocientos noventa y seis mil pesos
M/Cte). Este plan no se considera viable porque uno de los que
presetan altos costos, inclusive el costo unitario es menor que en el
primer plan pero no logra ser lo suficientemente representativo para
ser aplicado, ya que la diferencia en los costos totales es de 199.
784.000 por ende resulta razn de mayor relevancia el costo total del

En el plan numero 3 donde se cuenta con un requerimiento de

produccin con planta mnima de contratacin travs de sub
contratacin; arroja como resultado como costo total del plan de:
$142.782.000,00 ( Ciento cuarenta y dos millones setecientos
ochenta y dos mil pesos M /Cte) y costo Unitario de $651.972,60
( Seiscientos cincuenta mil novecientos setenta y dos mil pesos
M/Cte). Al igual que el plan dos por temas financieros y en miras de
reducir costos para lograr incrementar la utilidad, no se considera
factible este plan para ser aplicado en Medic Mueble.

En el plan numero 4 donde se cuenta con fuerza de trabajo constante

y se apoya en horas extras de trabajo; arroja como resultado como
costo total del plan de: $176.664.496,00 (Ciento setenta y seis
millones seiscientos sesenta y cuatro mil cuatrocientos noventa y
seis) y costo Unitario de $870.917,99 (Ochocientos setenta mil
novecientos diecisiete). A su vez este plan es el que resulta mas
costoso de ser aplicado y teniendo en cuenta que al presentar horas
extras incrementa los costos de producion y puede que sea el menos
favorable segn los criterios de calidad.

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