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Diseases that are caused by environmental factors or hereditary factors are called noninfectious


Ex. Type 1 diabetes destroys cells that produce insulin. It is caused by genetic or hereditary factors.

Hemophilia is also caused by genetic factors, people with hemophilia dont clot properly when they get

Ex. Environmental factors can cause cancer, a disease in which a persons cells reproduce uncontrollably.

Mutagens are environmental factors that cause mutations or change in the DNA.

X-rays, cigarette smoke, UV rays and air pollutants can cause cancer.

A disease cause by a pathogen is called an infectious disease.

Pathogens include fungi, Bactria, parasites and viruses.

o Fungi break down living things in to material that other living organisms can use.
o Some fungi also cause disease, like athletes foot and ring worm infections.
o The most common fungi infections are skin infections
o They can be passed through contact with an infected person or infected items.

Most bacteria are beneficial to living things, but some bacteria cause diseases.
The bacterium that causes tuberculosis infects about one-third of the worlds population.
Strep throat, diarrheal illness, and types of sinus infections are also caused by bacteria.
Salmonella is a bacterium in poultry that causes food poisoning.

Parasites live and feed on other organisms called hosts, and usually cause harm to the host
The most common parasites are single celled organisms and are called protists.
The protist that causes malaria infects about 500 million people each year
Ascaris lambricoides is the most common parasite worm infection.
The protist, giardia lamblia contaminates food and water and causes a disease called giardiasis.

Viruses are noncellular organisms that depend on living things to reproduce.

Viruses insert their genetic marital into the cells of the living organism that they have infected to
Some viruses such as cold and flu are spread by air or by contact, others like HIV are spread by
transfer of body fluids

Pathogens can cause disease that can be picked up from the environment or can be passed from one
person to another.

Pathogens can also be passed by other living things like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes

Rusty nails can carry and cause tetanus, a bacteria that can be caused if a person is scratched by the nail.
A disease that spreads from person to person is called a contagious disease.

The main ways of transmitting diseases are:

Water and food

Untreated water such as rivers and streams can carry pathogens and transmit disease.
Salmonella, a bacterium in cattle and chicken also transmits diseases.

Person to person

Diseases can be transmitted from the air by sneezing or coughing.

Other diseases like aids and hepatitis C can be passed through sexual contact.

Animals to people

People can be infected by malaria, rocky mountain spotted fever, rabies, or Lyme disease by
being bitten by an infected animal or insect.
Deer ticks cause Lyme disease.

Contaminated objects

Infected objects such as towels, glasses, and utensils can also pass disease.
People who inject illegal drugs can get infected by used needles

Disease reduction

Vaccines are used all over the world to prevent diseases and medical procedures using sterilized
equipment helps reduce contamination.
Modern preservation techniques such as canning, freezing, dehydration, and pickling help
prevent contamination of food
Pasteurization is controlled heating of food to kill bacteria.

Disease treatment

An antibiotic is used to kill or slow the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.
An antiviral drug is used to destroy viruses or prevent their replication.

A note of money may at least carry 93 different types of bacteria.

Some strains of staphylococcus aureus have developed resistance to antibiotics.

Nutrition is the study of food and the ways our body uses it.

A nutrient is a substance the provides our body with energy or helps form body tissue.

The six classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.


Simple carbohydrates ex. Sugar/honey are made up of one or two sugar molecules that give you
quick energy.
Complex carbohydrates ex. Bread/grain are made up of many sugar molecules and give you long
lasting energy.
Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that helps in digestion ex. Fruits, vegetables, grain


They are nutrients used to build, regulate, repair and give energy to your body. Ex. Eggs, milk
Proteins are made up of amino acids that make the particular protein your body needs.


Fats are used as a source of energy and a way to store it.

They contain more energy than proteins and carbohydrates.
They help to produce cell membranes, hormones and transport vitamins. Ex. Oil, butter


60% of our body is water, and water is needed for all life processes


They are nutrients that help the body carry out specific functions
The body can make some vitamins but others are obtained from food.


They are chemical that are not made by the body.

They are required for the nervous system and important parts of cells structures


A persons diet is the type and amount of food that a person eats. The levels of nutrients
depend on your age, sex, and how active you are.
Teenage girls need between 1,8oo and 2,200 calories per day, and teenage boys need between
2,200 and 2,8oo calories per day.

Poor nutrition

overweight means a person is heavy for his or her height and has excess stored fat.
Obesity is when a person weighs more than 20 % above his or her recommended body weight
and has large amount of excess body fat.
Eating disorder

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and an intense fear of

gaining weight.
Bulimia nervosa is characterized by excessive eating followed by induced vomiting.
Both can cause, weak bones, low blood pressure, and heart problems.


Aerobic exercise raises the heart and breathing rates. Ex. Walking briskly, running, and
swimming Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, and immune system.
Aerobic exercise burns calories, which helps to keep a healthy weight.

Anaerobic exercise involves intense muscle activity for a short time. Ex. Weight lifting, wrestling,
and sprinting
Anaerobic exercise builds muscle mass and increases strength.

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