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No two statements/buckets can be signed off simultaneously within an

Organization by two different users. TRUE

In this example, what item will we be considered as XTLE Total

Shareholders Equity (SHR)?

Item B

Based on below presentation, arrange the order of Assets sections to

be collected in TRF. Choose the correct arrangement:
d) 2, 1, 3

All Issue Level FCCs in the share & per share section would have I as
the last letter on the FCC with the exception of (CDNI) Diluted net
Income Instrument level TRUE

We need to do PCR for Revenue if the breakdown of Revenue is

presented on the face of income statement. TRUE

You need to check the restated values for the latest period you have
updated but after loading the prior period data, you are having a hard
time scrolling the columns from left to right. Other than dragging the
restated Statement instance to the left, what button will arrange the
displayed periods from latest released documents to earliest released
documents or vise versa? SFD
What task type would require the update consists of Income statement,
Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Shareholders Equity (for Japan market
only). If only one of the statements is signed off (with promotion) (say
income statement), then TRF will wait for other statements to be
signed off (with promotion) until the data is sent to DBoR. FLASH

If both LK and UL buttons are grayed out in the UI Ribbon, The

statement cannot be locked in a statement level (ANS)

Which update method was previously derived in legacy database

(Doplus) for periods not reported but will no longer be collected and
exists in TRF? SPECIAL

Customer segment was presented by having percentage contribution

of customers to be just an approximate of the companys turnover for
the period; can we update this data in TRF? Please see below
screenshot. TRUE

Cost of Revenue (COG) will exclusively be used under Gross Profit

model of income statement. TRUE

Income statement format should be chosen on the basis of face of the

statement information. TRUE

For Operating Expense model of income statement, what FCC should

be used for Other operating income included within Revenue? ROBR
This is the net amount of the income and expenses incurred before

If any of the input statements for a missing period is a flash update,

the output statements presentation will include all those line items in
the latest detailed update. FALSE

If Total Non Current Liabilities is not reported, it can still be identified

thru the presence of Total Current Liabilities and Total Liabilities. For
such case, XNCL Total Non Current Liabilities will be derived by MAR.

After selecting Cash Flow in the Bucket summary screen, you noticed
that no annual reports and only quarterly data are reflecting. Which of
the following step will be logical to do to show the annual data along
with the already reflecting quarterly data? Click on View menu to click on
Set Default to show the annual data that are missing in the UI

The company has disclosed in its Quarter 1 report (dated March 31,
2013) that it has changed its year-end from December to March and its
next annual report will be dated March 31, 2014. In the Statement
Instance, the Projected FY end and Projected FY length will be

03/31/2014 and 15 respectively

Section tag REV, COG, OIN, OEX, GMG, EBT, NOI, NOE and NON are
applicable for Total Expense model of income statement. FALSE

Breakouts related to face item collected as child items will no longer be

collected in footnotes section. TRUE

An analyst in Manila updating an Australian report released in Sydney that

trades in New York will update in the time zone in the source section of
statement instance as Sydney time zone (ANS)
What kind of error checks are the type of validations which come along
with the data collection, once an invalid data point is added into the
collection UI, an error message shall prompt, notifying user that
suspect data have been entered

In Process Error Checks --- Correct

The local template type under the Industry Template of Edit Summary
screen is the template used by Japanese market only. TRUE

Based on TRF Policy, FCCs used for History loaded data should always
be followed. FALSE

The cells for business segments of Total assets reflect this information
in the UI ribbon. Which of these statements are true?

The values are final even if the values are under a press statement
instance (ANS)

MAR calculation is driven by underlying equations. If an FCC is part of an

equation (output) then its value will be calculated by MAR. TRUE

In this company, operating lease commitments between two and five

years amounts to 256.3 million. This amount will be tagged as VOL2.
False, the 256.3 million should be updated as VOL5
Based on the below screenshot how will you add CEIA line item for
Income from unconsolidated operations in the UI? Add sub-total XNTN
Total after tax income/expense in the UI --- Correct

In Balance Sheet, if discrete periods are not reported AMP will calculate
for missing discrete periods FALSE

What format should be used for the below presentation of income

statement? Operating Expense Model

Which of the following scenarios can be considered as single segment

company? Company does not report segment data but does explicitly
states that it operates in one segment.

There is no other way to reach another bucket than to return Edit

Company screen when you get to the Bucket summary screen. False,
you can double-click on the bucket of your choice in the right side of
the Bucket Summary screen --- Correct

Financial buckets, once created, cannot be changed. False, this can be

requested from Reference Services team to be changed --- Correct

If parent FCC is X-code and creates a balancing item, the balancing

item will acquire the FCC of the parent which also X-code and prefix
Other plus the description of parent. For such case, the FCC of the
balancing item will be left as it is. FALSE

When companies may report external revenue, intersegment revenue

and consolidated or total segment revenue. What FCC or FCCs should
we use in the update? ALL OF THE ABOVE

AMP is a horizontal calculation which derives an output column with

multiple input columns. This functionality will calculate. Both discrete
and YTD values for all periods when they are not reported --- Correct
For below example, XEQT Total Equity subtotal refers to section
where the breakout of the shareholders equity excluding minority
interest is collected. FALSE

The update of shares in the Edit Company screen is As it was ingested

from Corax, if covered by Corax team

Which icon will you choose to view complete picture of the PCRs
created for selected Statement Instance? Encircle the correct icon.

The purpose of MAR is to derive values (ratios, subtotals, company

level/instrument level values) wherever possible. It mostly applies to
financial statement only, so it cannot be used in non-financial
statements (such as Pension and OPM). FALSE

From the total accounts presented below, which account will be

collected under a Liabilities subtotal/section? TOTAL A

What sections should be used for items highlighted in red? INC, EXP
and PTX

Assign the correct number of order as to the steps in adding a child in

an existing PCR.

4, 5, 2, 7, 3, 1, 6 --- Correct

After typing 03/31/2013 in the Period section of the Add Statement

Instance screen and clicking search button, the next screen reveals
that there is no existing period yet that is dated 03/31/2013. If this is
the case, you need to Click on Reset and create a new period for 03/31/2013.

XNON Non-Operating Income/ (Expense), net is available in both

Operating Expenses and Gross Profit Model of Income Statement.

Identify the section where the statement section code NIO needs to be
applied. SECTION B

In updating Balance Sheet Q2 6 Months data, aside from updating

necessary fields for interim period, what flag must be checked to
indicate that the period is year to date (YTD)? Cumulative Flag

It was indicated in the Interim report that you are updating that it is
audited. However, it did not provide the opinion. Do you need to
update an audit opinion? No need to update Opinion since these are only
updated on AR final

In the Income statement, you noticed only one fiscal year is available.
Why is it so? Because the system displays one fiscal year by default
and you can load historical data by modifying View Filters --- Correct
Historically, Advance from customers reported in Current Liabilities
was reported in LCAV ST Deferred Income. Identify the correct FCC to
update Advance from customers. LCAC - Customer Advances -
Current --- Correct

This note for EPS confirms that The EPS is anti-dilutive so Diluted
FCCs should have no manual updates

Will you be able to confirm to whom the company is locked? Yes, using
the View command in the main menu of Edit Company screen and
click Lock Status

What are the functionalities that will trigger Missing As

Reported calculation?

AMP Button, c) Main Save, e) Sign Off

What value should be updated under XRNC FCC? 965

Derived value can be overwritten manually. Once a figure is entered

into the cell, it loses the derive attribute and becomes an as-reported
value. TRUE
Select all formats of income statement where the operating expense
section is available Operating Expense Model, Gross Profit Model ---

The income statement is in millions but EPS is in cents. The reporting

multiplier that should be set in the Statement Instance should be

Millions and EPS will be assigned in Minor on cell level

Based on the below presentation of after tax income, we need to add

XIAT before we update CEIA for Equity in net (income) loss of affiliates.

Reported roll up sum/totals in Balance Sheet (such as Net Current

Assets, Total Assets less current liabilities) that does not have
corresponding and exact FCC/subtotal in TRF will be ignored and no
longer be collected. FALSE

The company has disclosed its number of employees in Hong Kong and
the Philippines. In Supplemental footnotes, METL will be copied to
have two FCCs for number of employees in Hong Kong and in the
Philippines --- Correct

Typing the account titles in this note in its corresponding description in

the newly added FCCs will not pop out Legacy Name prompt. TRUE
Identify the section where the Pretax Income is located on this
screenshot. SECTION D

Which of the following statement is false? NONE OF THE ABOVE

For a company that consistently reports Non-Differentiated Balance

Sheet format for Annual and Differentiated format for interims, Balance
Sheet format of interims will be amended to Non Differentiated to be
aligned with Annual format. FALSE

If any of the input statements for a missing period is non-detailed,

the output statements presentation will include only those line items
in the latest non-detailed statement. TRUE

For this company's income statement, what FCC(s) and section tag(s)
will be used for Depreciation? EDEC, EDES and EDRD under FIB
section tag --- Correct

Title checkbox in the error check screen shall only be checked when all
errors in given portion are checked. In case analyst unchecked one of
errors in that portion, title checkbox shall be unchecked too. TRUE

This task type will need all statements to be updated. So if one of the
statements is signed off with promotion, all the other statements need
to be signed off before the data is sent to DBoR for products/backward
compatibility to pick that information. EXPANDED

If company reports distinction of current and long term portion of

assets and liabilities but has no reported subtotal value, what will be
the Balance Sheet format? Differentiated --- Correct

All statements within a bucket can be signed off simultaneously by

using bucket level signoff. In order to use a bucket level signoff, the
user should have a company level lock only. FALSE
The company has 270 employees dated April 2, 2013 and it is not yet
updated in the Employees box in Edit Company screen. What do we
need to do to have 270 updated in this box? Update 270 in the
Supplemental Notes interface

Identify which boxed part of UI that is clicked to view Sign Off history of
the company aside for displaying the lock status. BOX C

This is an Income statement format in which section tag of XTLR is INC.

Total Expense Model

If we collect business segments broken out by geographic segments

(business segments and secondary geographical information), do we
collect geographical segments in the separate section for geographical
segments for the second time? Yes, until mapping is fixed by

XGRP Gross Margin sub-total is applicable for all income statement

formats. FALSE

What FCC should we used to collect Healthcare cost inflation? VPIN

Based on the below presentation of after tax income, 832,847 should

be updated manually in XBXP the UI. TRUE

Which update type is used when there is a Total Segment value

change for a specific FCC in BGS, reported for prior period in later
filing? Restatement --- Correct

What FCC and statement section tag should be used to update Change in
cash and cash equivalents? FFFF/ ONC

Which of the following data that should be updated in TRF needs to be

excluded in standardization? Net foreign exchange difference

What is the section tag of FCC ECOR under section name Cost of sales
if the income statement format is Operating Expense? OEX --- Correct
Aside from Total Assets, what item will be updated with AST section tag in this report?
Assets classified as held-for-sale --- Correct

Company reported only Basic EPS, Weighted average shares and Net income. We need to
manually update Diluted eps, wav and net income same with the basic information in the UI.

What could be missing in this Edit Bucket screen where its 12/31/2012
Annual data is due to be updated on 03/17/2013? An assigned RepNo

Unlike the policy in legacy databases, every filing with unique

DocID/DCN will be collected in TRF. Overwriting is not allowed so
Preliminary results cannot be overwritten by Final results or the Final
results be overwritten by the Amendments, Restatements or
Reclassifications. TRUE

Company has Net Loss. Company reported both Basic and Diluted EPS,
Weighted average shares and Net Loss. We need to manually update
reported Diluted eps, wav and net loss in the UI. FALSE

Based from the screenshot below, XTCL Total Current Liabilities

update was correctly updated. FALSE

If Analyst A locked Company XYZ at Statement level (Income

Statement) and edited 12/31/2012 period, other analyst can lock at
Company Level and edit source/document used for period 12/31/2012
in other statements. FALSE

The sum of the Staff cost for 2013 Q1 3mos and 2013 Q2 3mos is not
the same as 2013 Q2 6mos. Statement Instance for Q2 3mos and
6mos should reflect A check mark on Non-comparable flag

What FCC and statement section tag should be used to collect Increase
due to inclusion in consolidation in TRF? OONC / CHG --- Correct
Disabled subtotals cell due to the change in presentation format of the
statement will still be calculated by the system as this is considered as
part of statement instance. FALSE

Constraints on statement instance creation shall prohibit user from

creating statement instance with invalid attributes. TRUE

Based on the below presentation of after tax income, we need to add XIAT
before we update CEIA for Equity in net (income) loss of affiliates. FALSE

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