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1. Short title and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Crea~ionof war jagirs.
4. Tenureof war jagirs.
5. Powcr to attach condiuons !(I enjoyment of war jagir.
6. Assessment and collection of assigned land revenue.
Exemption ofwar jagir from attachment.
Certain qucstion to be referred 10Government for final decision.


- ACT, 1948.
Am NO. 22 OF 1948.
of His Excellr~rcyrl~cGovenlor ou the 101h
[ ~ e c e i v r dllle assellt
April, 1948, and was firsf published in the East Punjab Goven~nrenr
Gnzette {Exiruordil~aq)of April 10,1 9481
1 2 3 4
Year NO. Shorttitle Whether repealed or orhcrwise
-East Punjab 'The
Amended in p m by the Adaplsion
War Awards of Laws Order, 1950
Act, 1948
I Amended in p u t by h e Adaptation
ofLaws (Third Amendmcnr) Order,
Amended in part by Punjab
ACI No.22 of 1952'
Amended by Punjab Act 38 of
Extcndcd to the tcrritorics which
immediately before he 1s l
November, 1956 were comprised in
h e Stah of Pntiala and East Punjab
S~atesUnion by Punjab Acl 23 of
Amended by Pu njab Act 17 of 195g5
Amended by Punjab Act 36 of 1960'
I . For Statement of Objects md Reasons, see Ens; Plrtrjub Goven~rtienrCurerre
(Extraordinary). dated the 151h March, 1948, pagc 227 ; for proceedings in thc
Assembly, see East Punjab Legislative Asscmbly Debates. Volumc IT, 1948.
pagcs 843-871.
2. For Sla!emeot o f Objects and Reusons, see,@~ljrrbC o v e r ~ ~ ~ n eGOZCIICrrr
(Exaaordinary), dated the 16th October, 1952, p=ge 1154 (b); for proccediogs in
rhe Council see Punjab Irgislarive Council Uebares, 1952. V ~ l u m cIll, pagcs (2)
23-(2) 29. This Act shall he deemcd LO have come into force on [lie 1 O h day of
. Aprit, 1848.
3. Fur Staternen1 of Objects and Reasons. see PId~l~abGovenlttlc)~rGarelte Pxtra.),
1954, paee 838.
4. For Statemcnr of Ohjeca and Reasons, srf Plrrpb Golv~.)ze~errr Gairrre (Extra.).
1957,page 689.
5. For Statement of Objzcls and Reasons, see Puujub G O I ~ P ~ I IGI uI I~Pr ~I Ir(I'lLxuil.).
1959. pagc 2x4.
6. For Statement o f Objecrs and Keasons. see furfjlrb Goverrrnle~rrGarenr Extm.),
1960,page 1960.

1 2 3 4
Year No. Short title Whelher repealed or otherwise
1948 32 7'hc E a s ~Punjab Amcnded by Punjab Act 26 of 1964'
War Awards Amerided by Punjab ACI 22 nf 1965l
Act, 1948. Amended by Haryana Adaptalion of
Laws (State and Concurrent
Subjec~q)Ordcr. 1968:
Amended by Haryana ACI 10 of 1969'.
Arnendcd by Haryana Act 31 of 1969.
Amended by Hnyma ACL23 of 19706.
Amended by Haryma Adaptation of
Laws Order, 1 968 .'
&ended hy Haryana. Adaptanon of
Laws Ordcr. 1965.'
Amended by Hiuyana Acr 7 of 1973'.
Amended by H q a n a Act 3 of 1974'4
Amended by Hwyana Act 16 of 1979".
Amended by Haryana Act 7 of 1993''.
Amended by H q m a Act 7 of 2002''.

1 . For Swtement of Objects and Reasons, see Ptinjab Governrnetit Gazerre (Exb.), r
1964, page 890.
2. For Slalemtnl of Objects and Reasons. see Prrtljol Governl~~ent Garelre (Exra.),
1965. pagt: 1 1 16.
3. See Hllryana Governmen~Gazette (Exrra.), dated 39th Octobcr, 1968, pages
4. For Statement of Objccr and Rcasons, Tee Haryana Government Gnctte (Extra),
1969, page 120.
5. For Slaternent OF Objects and Reasons, s t c i i q a n a Govrmmcni Guut: (Exaa.),
1969. pagc 490.
6. For state men^ of Objecu; and Reasons, rpc H:lryana Govrmmen~Cazeuc (Extra.).
1970, page 596.
7. Subsrirurcd Forthe word "Punjab" by thc: Harymo Adaptauan ofLaws Order, 1968.
8. Subslitwed by thc Haryana ~dapt3Li011 or L a w s Order. 1968 for the words "and in
its application to ~ h remrorics
c which. imrnedialely bcrort: 1st November, 1956
were comprised in the State of Patinla and East Punjab Starm Union, i t shall be
dcemed to havc come illto force on the 2Sih Augus~.1949"-
9. For state men^ of Object and Reasons, see Haryana Guvernmenr Gazette
(Extraordinary), dared thc 2-1-1973, pagc 732.
10. For Sratement o f Objects and Reasons, see Haryana Governmerit Gazetrc
(E.rtraordinuy). dared [he 4-1-1974, page 34.
1 1 . For Sraremcnr of Objects and Reasons, see Haryana Government Gazrtrc
(Extraordinary), dn~cdthe 2 1-9- 1979, pagc 1648.
12. For Sratement of Objects and Kcasons, see Haryana Government Gazetre
(Exbraordinary ), dated h e 17-12- 1942, pagc 2532.
13. Fur Sr;llerncnt of Objrcrs and Reasons, sec Haryana Governrnen~Gazctre
fintraordinary), dated the 51t1 March, 2001, page 369.

An Act to empower the '[Haryana] Government to award Jagirs

to parents, three or more of whose children were enrotled
or cornmissioncd for servicc in His Majesty's Force
during the recent Second World War. ,

It is hereby enacted as follows :-

1. ( I ) This Act may be called the East Punj ab War Awards Act, Short ride and
1948. conimence-
(2) It shaI1 come into force at once 2[in [he plincipal territories
and on the 28th August, 1949, in the transferred territories.]

2. In this Act, unless there be anythmg repugnant in the subject or Dcfiniuons.

contcxt ,-
>[(a) 'eligblc person' mcans-
(i) a citizen of India ordinarjly residing in the State of 'Waryana]
who is the father, or, where the father is dead, the mother, of
three or more persons who are serving or have served in the
armed forces of the Union during the emergency declared
by the President of India under Article 352 of the Constitution
of India on [ the 26th October, 1962 or the 3rd Dccernber,
1971, ] but does not include a person who has for such reason
already received a land grant nr other award from
Government; or
6[(ia) a citizen of India ordinarily residing in rhe State of Jmaryana]
who is the father, or, where the father is dcad, the mother,

1. Substituted for h e word "Punjnb" by the Haryana Adaptation of Ordcr,

2. Subsrimed by the Haryana,Adaptation of Laws Ordcr, 1968 for thc words
"and i n its application to rhe territories which, immcdiatcly before
1st November, 1956 wcrc comprised in Lhe Statc of Paliala and Elst Punjab
S ~ a t c sU n i o n , i r shall be deemed tc~ h s v c come i n ~ oI-orcc on rhe
28th August. 1949".
3. Subs~itutcdfor clause (a), which was previously substitured hy Punjab Act 36
of 1960. by Punjab Act 26 of 1964.
4. Subs~itutcdfor thc word 'Tunjab" by Haryilna Adaptalion of Laws Order.
5 . Substitu~edby Haryana A c l 7 of 1973.
6. Sub-clausc (ia) inserted by Punjab Act 22 of 1965.

of the '[ only son or only unmarried daughter or both

serving or who have served] or of '[only two sons or onIy
two unmarried daughters] serving or who have served in
the armed forces of the Union during the emergency
declared by the Presjden t of India under ArcicIe 352 of the
Constitution of India on '[the 26th October, 1962 or the
3rd December, 1971 1, but does not include a person who
has for such reason heady received land gmnt or other
award from Government ;or]
(ii} a person who is now a citizen of India and who -
(a) immediarely before the fifteenth day of August, 1937,
ordinarily resided in the undivided Punjab, or
( b ) immediarely before the 20th August, 1948,ordinarily
resided in the territories which on that date formed thc
State of Patialzt and East Punjab States Union and who
is the father, or where the father is dead, the mother of
three or more persons who having been at any time
enrolled or commissionid in forces then referred to as
a s Majesty's Naval, Military or Air Forces or in the
forces maintained by any of the lndian Slates comprised
in the aforesaid territories and who were liable lo serve
wherever rcquired and have actually served in any of
the said forces during the Second World War, but nor
include any person who has for such reason already
received a land grant or other award from the
Governrncnt of the undivided ~unjab'or the Governmcnt
of the territories fonned as aforesaid or of any Indian
State comprised in such territories or the 3[Haryana]

(b) "Govemrnentl'means the J[State] Government of 4maryana] ;

1. Subsrituied by Haryana Act 3 of L974.

2. Subsliiu~edby Haryana ACI 7 of 1973.

3 . Substituted for the word " Punjab" by thc Haryana Adaptation of Laws
Order, 1968.

fur ihe word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order.

4. Substi~u~ed

(c] "War Jagir" means a Jagir granted under this Act;

( d ) expressions used but not defined in this Act have the
same meanings as in the Punjab Jagirs Act, 1941.
3. [ [ ( I ) Notwithstanding anything contained i n any other law for Crearjon of
the time being in force, the Government shall have power ro grant to '~3fJa~irs.
every cligible person a war jagir of the val ue specified hereunder,
(a) for three children of the grantee so serving or so
enrolled or commissioned. a grant of '[five thousand
rupees] per annum; and
( 6 ) for every additional child,-
( i) so serving or served, of the eligible person referred
to in sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of section 3, an
additional grant o f '[fifty] rupees per annum ;and
( i t ) so enrolled orcommissioned, oftheeligible person
referred to i n sub-clause ( i i ) of clause (a) of
section 2, an additional grant of ten rupees per
annum :
Provided that for the purposes of determining the eligibility of a
person to the grant of a war jagir under sub-clause (i) of clause ( a ) of
section 2, no child of such person, who has already made him eligible to
the grant of a war jagir under sub-ciause ( i i ) of that clause, shall be
taken into account.]
-'[(lA) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( I ) or i n
any other law for thc time being in force. the Government shall have the
power to grant a war jagir of '[five thousand rupees] per annum to every
eligibIe person referred to in sub-clause (ia) af clause (a) of section 2
5 [ for the 6[only son or on1y unmanied daughter or both or on1y two

sons or only two unmarried daughtersllof the grantee so serving or

1 . Subs~ilu~ed for old seclion 3 by Punjab Act 26 of 1964.
2. Suhstiluted by [Iaryana Acr 23 of 1970 and furlher substirutcd by Haryana
Acl 16 of 1979 and further substituted by Waryana Act 7 of 1993 and furthcr
substilured by Ilaryana Act 7 of 2002.
3. Subscitu~edfor the word by " Fur~y"by Huryana Act 23 of 1970.
4. Sub-section (]A) added by Punjab Act 22 of L965.
5 . Subsutukd for the words "for only one son" by Haryana Acl 10 of 1969.
6. Subs~itutedby Haryana Acl 3 of 1974.

Tenure of '[4. A War jagir shall, unless terminated wholly or pmially for
war jagirs. breach of any condition imposed under section 5 , be tenable for the life-
time o f the grantee, but Government shall have power to terminate or
reduce it if the grantee subsequent I y receives a land granl or other award
on the same ground on which the war jagir was granted to him :
Provided that a war jagir granted to an eligible person, being [he
father, shall, on the death of the father, be tenable for the life-dme of the
Power to at- 5. The Government may attach such conditions as i t may deem
tach condi- fit to the enjoyment of any or all war jagirs, and such conditions shall be
t i ~ n slo communicated to the grantee at the time when the grant i s made to him.
ment of war

Exemption of 7. No war jagir shall be liable to seizure, attachment cr

War J%irs sequestrationby process of any Court at the instance of a creditor for any
from attach- demand against the grantee,or in satisfaction of a decree or order of any
Savings. 8. Nothing in this Act shall be dccmed to affcct thc provisions
of the Pensions Act, 1871 (Act 23 of 1871), or of the 3[Govemment]
Grants Act, 1895 (ACL15 of 1895), so far as they are applicable to war
j agirs.
Cerlain ques- 9. If any question arises undcr this Act-
tiun to bc rc-
fcrred to Gov- (a] whether or not a person i s an eligible person, or
emmenL for fi-
(b) whether or nor a grantee has committed breach of any
nal decision.
condition imposed under section 5,
such question shall be referred to the Government whose decision thereon
shall be final and conclusive and shalI not be liable to be called i n
question i n,any Court.

1. Omitted by I Iaryana Acr 3 of 1974.

2. Substituted by Punjab Act 26 of 19M.
3 , Substituled for the word "Crown" hy Adaplarion of Laws Order, 1950.

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