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Bare Acts & Rules
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1. Short titlc and extent.
2. Defini~ions.
3. Powers to control supply, distribu~ionor use OF firewood
4. Delcgarian of powers.
5. Effect of orders inconsis~en~
with oher enaclmenls.
6. Penalties.
7. Allempts and nbebnents.
8. Offences by corporations.
9. False statements.
10. Cognizance of offences.
1I. Powers to u-y rryoffcnccs summarily.
1 Presumption as ro orders.
13. Protecrion of action laken under he Acl.
14. Repeal.





I I 1

year I NO. 1 ~horttjr~c I Whether repeaIed or orhcrwise affccled by

2 The Easl Punjab Amcndmcnt in part by the Adaptation of

Conservation of Laws Order, 1950.
Firewood Supplies Amendd in part by the Adaptation of
Act, 1949. Laws (Third Amendment) Order, 1951.
Extended to the territories which
immediately before [he 1st November,
1956, were comprised in h e State of PatiaIa
and East Punjab States Union. by Punjab
Act 5 of 19572.-
Amcndcd by thc Haryana Adaptation of
Laws (Srate and Concurrenl Subjects)
Order, 19683

IAct for the Conservation of Firewood Supplies in Jparyana]

It is hereby enacted as follow :-
I . ( I ) This Act may be called the East &jab Conservation of Short [irk
Fire-wood Supplies Act, 1949. and extenl.

(2) It extends to the whole of the 5[State] of 4maryana].

! For StaC~~ienl of Objecls and Reuuns. see Ecsr Pur~jcSC;oven~mentG ( l ~ e t t ~ .

(Ex~raordinzi-yj,1919, page 4i for pmccdings in thc iissembly, see Easr
Pun!ab ~ e ~ i s l a t i v.ksembly
c Debaies. Volume III. 1949. pagcs 621-30.
2. For Statement of Objec~sand Reasons. see Punjab Governmen1 Gazcrte
(Extraordinq), 1957, page 339. ,

3. See Haryana Government Gazette (Extraordinary). dated the 29th October.

. 1968, pages 531-567.

4. Subslituted for the words6Tunjab" by h e Adaphtion of Laws Order, 1968.

5. Substituted for the word "Province" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.



2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or

context,- -

( a ) 'Fire-wood' means any kind of wood used for burning, and

includes charcoal, saw-dust, charcoal dust, brushwood,
wooden chips or shavings; but does not include timber
classified as such and owned or sold as such by any
Deparlment of the '[State] Government;
{hJ 'Dealer' means any person who deals in fire-wood or holds
stocks of firc-wood for sale and includes his rcpresentalive
or agent;
( c ) 'Factory' means a factory as defined in section 2(m) of the
Factories Act, 1948; and
(dJ 'Kiln' means a structure used for firing bricks.
Pouters 10 con- 3. The ' [Slate] Government, so far as i t appears to it to be necessary
uol supply, dis. or expedient fol-conserving or maintaining supplies or for securing their
Iribution Or use equirabIe distribution and availability at fair prices, may by notified order
of firewood. provide in regard to fire-wood :-
(a) for regulaling by licences, permits or otherwise the use,
storage, dis trjbution, import, Lrmtsport, acquisition, disposal
and consumption of fire-wood including its acquisition and
consumption in kilns and factories;
Ihl for regulating by licences, permits or otherwise the
manufacture of charcoal;
(C) for controlling the prices at which fire-wood may be bought
or sold by dealers;
( d ) for requiring any dealer holding stocks of fire-wood to sell
the whole or spccified part of the stock a1 such prices and to
such persons or class of persons or in such circumslsnces as
may be spccified in the order;
( e ) for collec~jngany information or statisrics with a view l o the
regulating of the aforesaid matters;
(S) for rcqui~ingdealers or Factory and ki Jn owners. to maintain
and produce for inspection such accounls and records

I . Subsriluled for thc word "Provincial" by [he Adaptalion of Laws Order, 1350.



regarding firewood and to furnish such information rclating

there to, as may be specified in the order;
(g) for any incidenta1 and supplementay matters including in
panicuar the entering and search OF premises, vehicles, boats,
the seizure by a person aut horjsed to make such search of
the firewood in respect of which such person has reason to
believe thar contravention of any nrder made under this Act
has been, is being or is about to bc committed, the grant or
issue of licences, permits or other documents, and the
charging of fees therefor.
4. The '[Stare] Government may, by order notified in rhe Delegalion of
Government Gazerte, direct that the powcr to make orders under section POWerS.

3 shall, in relation to such matter and subject to such conditions, if any,

as may be specified in the order, bc cxcrcisable also by such officer or
an(hotity subordinate to the '[Stale] Government as may be specified in
thc order.
5. Any order made under section 3 s h a l l have effect Effectoforders
notwithstanding anything inconsi tcnt therewith contained in any nc~n~i~lenL
with olher en-
enactment othcr than this Act or i n any instrument having effect by virrue
of any enactment other than this Act.
6 . If any person conlravenes any order made under section 3 he
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
ihree years or with fine or wirh both, and if the order so provides, any
court trying such contraven~ionmay direct that any property in respect
o l which rhe courl is satisfied that the order has been conravened shall
be forfeited to the '[Siate] Government.
7. Any person who nttcmpts to COntrrlVenC or abcts acont~dvention Attcmpls a n d
of any order under section 3 shall be deemcd to have contravened that abements.
8. If the person contravening an order made under section 3 is a Offences by
company or other body corporate, cvery Director, Manager, Secretary carporalions-
or olher officer or agent thereof shall, unless he proves that the
contravention took place without his knowledge and that he exercised
all due diligence to prevent such contraven~ion,be deemed to be guilty
of such contravention.

1. Substilutcd for thc word'.Provincinl" by the Adaptaiion of Laws Order. 1950.



False state- 9. If any person-

( i ) - when required by any order made under section 3 to make
any statement or furnish any information, makes any
statement or furnishes any information which is false in any '
material particular and which he knows or has reasonable
cause to beIieve to be false, or does not believe to be true, or
(ii) makes any such statement as aforsaid in any book, account,
record, declaration, return or other document which he is
required by any such ordcr to mainLain or furnish; he shall
bc punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extcnd to three years or with fine or with borh.
C a y i z a n c z of 10. An offence committed under this Act shall he cognizable.
Power to iry af- 11. Any Magismate or Bench of magistrates empowered for the time
fences sum- being to try in a summary way the offences specified in sub-section (1) of
marily. section 260 or [he Code of Criminal Procedure, 1895, may, on application
in this behalf being made by the prosecution try in accordance with the
V of 1898.
provisions conrained in sections 262 to 265 oft he said Code any offence
punishable under this Act. I

Presumprion as 12. ( 1 ) No order made in exercise of any power conferred by or

ro orders. under this Act, shall be called in question in any court.
(2) Where an order prosecution to have bcen made and signed
by an authority in cxcrcise of ;mypower conferred by or under this Act a
coun shall, within the meaning of the Indian Evidencc Act, 1872, presume
that such order was so made by the iluthority.
Protection o f 13. (1) Tu'o suit, prosec~ionor-orherlegal proceeding shall lie against
action taken any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be
under thc Act.
done in pursuance of any ordcr made under section 3.
(2) No suit or other lcgcl proceeding shall lie against the
' [Govemmenl] for ;iny damage causcd or likely to be caused by anything
which is in good faith done or intcnded to be done i n pursuance of any
order madc under section 3.
Repeal of E:~sr 14. The East Punjab Conservation of Firewood Supplies Ordinance
P u n j a b Ordi- is hereby repealed;but all orders already passed under the said Ordinance
26 uf shall be decrned to have been passed under [his Act.

1. Subslituted for thc ~vord"Crown" by the Adaprarion o r Laws Order. 1350.

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