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Case 1:16-cr-20955-KMW Document 35 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/21/2017 Page 1 of 9


Case No.l6-20955-CR-W 1LL1AM S





TheUnited StatesofAmericaand Jose Patin (hereinafterreferredto asthe t'defendanf')

enterintothefollowing agreem ent:

The defendantagrees to plead guilty to Count2 ofthe indictm ent, which chargesthe

defendantw ith possession of m ore than 500 gram s of cocaine with the intentto distribute, in

violation ofTitle21,United StatesCode,Section 846.

2. The United States agreesto seek dism issalofCounts 1 and 3 ofthe indictment, as to


Thedefendantisaw arethatthe sentencew illbeim posed by the courtafterconsidering

theFederalSentencing Guidelinesand Policy Statements(hereinafterd

sentencing Guidelines'').
The defendantacknowledges and understandsthatthe courtwillcompute an advisory sentence

underthe Sentencing Guidelinesand thattheapplicableguidelineswillbe determined by thecourt

relying in parton the resultsofaPre-sentence lnvestigation by the court'sprobation office, which

investigation w illcomm ence afterthe guilty plea hasbeen entered. The defendantisalso aw are

that,under certain circum stances,the courtm ay departfrom the advisory sentencing guideline

range thatithas com puted,and m ay raise orlowerthatadvisory sentence underthe Sentencing

Guidelines. Thedefendantisfurtherawareand understandsthatthe courtisrequired to consider

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the advisory guideline range determ ined under the Sentencing Guidelines, butis notbound to

im posethatsentence;thecourtisperm ittedtotailortheultimatesentence in lightofotherstatutory

concerns, and such sentence m ay be either more severe or less severe than the Sentencing

Guidelines' advisory sentence. Know ing these facts, the defendant understands and

acknowledgesthatthe courthastheauthority to im poseany sentencewithin and up tothe statutory

m aximum authorized by law forthe offensesidentified in paragraph land thatthedefendantm ay

notw ithdraw the plea solely asa resultofthe sentence im posed.

The defendantalsounderstandsand acknowledgesthat, asto Count2 oftheindictment,

the courtmustimposeastatutory mandatory minimum offive (5)years'imprisonmentandmay

imposea statutory maximum term ofup to forty (40)years'imprisonment. Thecourtmustalso
impose astatutory m inim um term ofsupervised release offouryearsand m ay im pose am axim um

term ofsupervised release of life. In addition to a term ofim prisonm entand supervised release,

thecourtmay imposeafineofuptofivemillion dollars($5,000,000).

The defendantfurtherunderstandsand acknow ledgesthat, in addition to any sentence

imposed underparagraph 4 ofthisagreem ent, aspecialassessmentin theamountof$100willbe

im posed on the defendant. The defendant agrees thatany specialassessm ent imposed shallbe

paid atthe tim e ofsentencing.

The Oftk e of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida

('hereinafterddoffice'')reservestherightto inform the courtand the probation office ofallfacts

pertinent to the sentencing process,including allrelevant information concerning the offenses

com m itted,whether charged or not, as well as concerning the defendant and the defendant's

background. Subjectonlytotheexpresstermsofanyagreed-uponsentencingrecommendations
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contained in this agreem ent,thisOm ce furtherreservestherightto m ake any recom m endation as

to thequality and quantity ofpunishm ent.

The U nited States agrees that itwillrecom m end at sentencing thatthe courtreduce

by two Ievels the sentencing guideline levelapplicable to the defendant's offense, pursuant to

Section 3E1.1(a) of the Sentencing Guidelines,based upon the defendant's recognition and
affirm ative and tim ely acceptance of personalresponsibility. If atthe tim e of sentencing the

defendant's offense levelisdeterm ined to be 16 orgreater, the governm entw illm ake a m otion

requesting an additional one level decrease pursuant to Section 3El. 1(b) of the Sentencing

Guidelines,statingthatthedefendanthasassisted authoritiesin the investigation orprosecution of

hisown m isconductbytim elynotifying authoritiesofhisintention to enterapleaofguilty, thereby

perm itting thegoverrlm entto avoidpreparing fortrialand perm ittingthe governm entandthe court

to allocatetheirresourcesefficiently. ThisO ftice furtheragreesto recom m endthatthedefendant

be sentenced within the guideline range, asthatrange is determ ined by the Court. The United

States,how ever,w ill not be required to make this m otion and these recom mendations if the

defendant:(1)failsorrefusesto make afull,accurate and completedisclosureto the probation

office of the circumstances surrounding the relevant offense conduct; (2) is found to have
misrepresentedfactstothegovernmentpriorto entering into thispleaagreement;or(3)commits
any m isconductafterentering into thisplea agreem ent,including butnotlim ited to com m itting a

state or federal offense, violating any term of release, or m aking false statem ents or

m isrepresenttionsto any governm entalentity oroftk ial.

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TheU nited Statesand thedefendantagreethat, although notbinding on the probation

officeorthecourt,they willjointlyrecommendthatthecourtmakethefollowingfindingsand
conclusionsasto the sentence to be im posed:

a. Ouantity ofnarcotics:ln assessing the defendant's relevantconduct,the

quantityofcontrolled substancesinvolved in the offense,forpurposesofSection 2D 1. l(a)and(c)

Ofthe Sentencing Guidelines,wasatleastfivekilogram sofcocainebutlessthan fifteen kilogram s

Ofcocaine,resulting in a BaseOffense Levelof30.

b. Thepartiesagreethatnootherspecificoffense characteristicsunderSection

2D l.1 apply to thisdefendant.

Role in the offense:Thatthe defendantshould receive an aggravating role

forbeing an organizerorleaderof crim inalactivity, resulting in an increase to defendant's base

offenseleveloftwo(2)levels,pursuantto Section 3B1.l(c).

9. The Defendantknow ingly agreesto im m ediately and voluntarily forfeitto the United

States ofAm erica,pursuant to Title 21,United States Code, Section 853,allproperty,realor

personal,constituting orderived from any proceedsthe Defendantobtained, directly orindirectly

asaresultoftheoffenseto which Defendantispleading guilty and any property used, orintended

to be used,to com m it or facilitate the offense to which D efendant is pleading guilty. The

Defendantagreesto theentry ofa forfeituremoney judgmentin theamount of$3,500,000

(iTorfeitureM oney Judgment'')which amountrepresentsthetotalvalueoftheproceedsderived,
orintended to be derived,from the offense to w hich Defendantis pleading guilty and the funds

involved in certain Novem ber2014 transactions.

Defendantagrees thatthe Forfeiture M oney Judgm ent shallbe partially satisfied

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from the contentsofbank accounts, proceedsfrom the saleoftwo aircraftpreviously seized by the

United States ---a HawkerSiddley and a Challenger, f!

which aircraft,and/orproceedsderived from the sale, willbe turned overand forfeited

theUnited Stateswith creditto be given asindicated, below.Defendantagreesto assisttheUnited

States in collection of the Forfeiture M oney Judgm ent, including by providing truthful and

com pletetestim ony in any proceeding asagainstany third partieswho m ay claim an interestin the

assets to be liquidated to satisfy the Forfeiture M oney Judgm ent and the delivery to thisO ftice

upon this Office's request,any necessary and appropriate docum entation, including 1og books,

consentsto forfeiture and quitclaim deeds,to delivergood and m arketable titleto the assets.

a. Defendantrepresentsthathe isthe law fulownerofPluslnternationalBank

accountnum ber ending 6188 and Banco PopularDom inicano CP, accountnum berending 5687

W illiam sand forwhich claim hasbeen m adeby ServiciosdeA viacion GeneralSAP, SA ,an entity

controlled by Defendant. TheDefendantagreesthatServiciosde Aviacion G eneralSAP, SA w ill

im m ediatelyw ithdraw any claim to thecontentsoftheaccountsand willnotmakeany futureclaim

thereto. TheUnited StatesagreestocredittheDefendantwith$112,759.63 to reducetheam ount

ow ed by Defendanton the Forfeiture M oney Judgm ent.

Defendantrepresentsthathe isthelaw fulownerofone 1989 CanadairCL-

600-2816,SerialNumber5050 (r hallenger'),whichwasseized on December6,2016,andfor

which claim hasbeen m ade by ProfessionalA irServices, LLC an entity controlled by Defendant.

The DefendantagreesthatProfessionalA irServices, LLC,w illim m ediately w ithdraw any claim

totheChallengerand w illnotmakeany future claim thereto, including asto any proceedsderived

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from the sale of the Challenger. The Defendant agrees that the United States m ay sell the

Challenger. The United Statesagreesto creditthe Defendantwith $1.7 m illion to reduce the
am ountowed by D efendanton theForfeitureM oney Judgm ent.

c. Defendant represents that he is the lawful owner of one 1980 Hawker

Siddeley 700 A,SerialN o. NA0277Cllawker'

')whichwasseizedonoraboutDecember6, 2016
and forwhich claim hasbeen m adeby OA P Group, LLC, an entity controlled by the Defendant.

TheDefendantagreesthatOA P Group, LLC willim m ediately withdraw any claim to the Hawker

and willnotm ake any futureclaim thereto, including asto any proceedsderived from the saleof

the Hawker. The Defendant agreesthat the United States m ay sellthe Hawker. The United

Statesagreesto credittheDefendantwith $400,000 to reducethe am ountowed by D efendanton

the Forfeim reM oney Judgm ent.

TheDefendantagrees,afterthecreditslisted aboveforassetstobeforfeited

to the United States and used to reduce the Forfeiture M oney Judgm ent owed, thatthe am ount

owedontheForfeitureM oney Judgmentis$1,287,240.37 .

TheDefendantagreesto satisfy the balanceofthe ForfeitureM oney

Judgment,in certified fundsm ade payable to the United StatesM arshal, no later

than one year from the date sentence is imposed on D efendant, unless otherwise

agreed to,in writing,by theUnited States.

Aspartialsecurity forthe paym entofthe balance ofthe Fodkiture

M oney Judgm ent,the Defendantagreesto conditionally assign certain property to

the United States which assignm entand related documents willbe filed ofrecord

in thiscase.

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Defendantknowingly and voluntarily waives anyjul'y trialwith respectto the

forfeiture,any appealofthe forfeiture and any challenge to the forfeiture including pursuantto the

Eighth A mendment. The Defendant agrees to enter into a Stipulation w ith the United States

including thatthe United Statesm ay dism issthe civilaction at 16-25033-ClV -W illiam swithout

This agreem ent resolvesthe defendant's federalcrim inalliability in the Southern

DistrictofFlorida growing outofany narcotics-related offensesby the defendantknown to this

Oflice,asofDecem ber6,2016. Thisagreem entfurtherresolvesthe defendant'sfederalcrim inal

liability in the Southern DistrictofFlorida arising from defendant's m oney laundering activities

from January 1,2014,through December 6, 2016,where narcotics-related offenses were the

specified unlaw fulactivity,including specific wire transactionsthatoccurred in November2014

involving Plus lnternational Bank Account number ending in 6188 and Banco Popular

D om inicano,CP,accountnumber ending in 5687,w hich were owned by Servicios de Aviacion

G eneral,SA P.

13. The defendantisaware thatTitle l8,United StatesCode, Section 3742 and Title

28,United StatesCode,Section 1291afford thedefendanttherightto appealthe sentence imposed

in thiscase. Acknowledging this,in exchange forthe undertakingsmade by the United Statesin

thisplea agreem ent,the defendanthereby w aivesaIIrightsconferred by Sections3742 and 1291

to appealany sentence imposed,including any restitution order, orto appealthe m annerin which

thesentencewasim posed,unlessthe sentence exceedsthe m axim um perm itted by statute oristhe

resultofan upw ard departure ancl/oran upward variance from the advisory guideline range that

the Court establishes at sentencing. The defendant further understands that nothing in this
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agreem entshallaffectthe governm ent'srightand/orduty to appealassetforth in Title 18, United

StatesCode,Section 3742(b)and Title 28,United StatesCode,Section 1291. However,ifthe

United States appeals the defendant's sentence pursuantto Sections 3742(b) and 1291,the
defendantshallbereleased from theabove waiverofappellate rights. By signing thisagreem ent,

the defendantacknow ledgesthatthe defendanthas discussed the appealwaiver setforth in this

agreem entwith the defendant'sattorney.

The defendantisaw are thatthe sentence hasnotyetbeen determ ined by the court.

Thedefendantalso isaw arethatany estim ate ofthe probable sentencing range orsentencethatthe

defendant m ay receive, whether that estimate com es from the defendant's attorney, the

governm ent,or the probation oftk e, is a prediction,nota prom ise, and is not binding on the

government, the probation oftice or the court. The defendant understands further that any

recomm endation thatthe governm entm akesto the courtasto sentencing,w hetherpursuantto this

agreement or othem ise, is not binding on the court and the court m ay disregard the

recomm endation in its entirety. The defendant understands and acknowledges, as previously

acknowledged in paragraph 3 above,thatthe defendantm ay notwithdraw hisplea based upon the

court's decision not to accept a sentencing recom m endation m ade by the defendant, the



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15. This is the entire agreem entand understanding between the United States and the

defendant. Thereare no otheragreem ents,prom ises,representations,orunderstandings.



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