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Paat, Helbert A.


My only social science course this semester entitled Foundations of Behavioral Science or
commonly known as Sosc 1 taught me that the way we want to see the world and life is
revolutionary. Our ideologies, perceptions, and notions have a great impact to the society and to
our personality.

My appreciation of the perks of overthinking fuels me to discover more ideas about the realities
in this world. But it is also the danger that gnaws me when I find the incomprehensible. I think it
always makes you deal with everything with rationality. It makes you mentally crazy because
you beg for explanations to all human mysteries. You want to prove your existence, and you
want ideas, most especially abstract ones, to be explicit.

It is my love for overthinking that made me appreciate this lesson that we had in my social
science course this semester: the different world views. A world view is an explanation featuring
different realities of the world. Having a firm view of the world is paramount to our lives
because it is our world view which will determine our actions, decisions, and aspirations.

Metaphysics, morality, religion, and science are the four world views where we could choose
from. Our world view will serve as the cornerstone of our lives. In my social science course,
metaphysics is defined as the study of nature of reality; morality is a world view based on ethics
or values considered right and wrong by the world; religion is based on the existence of a divine
being and on the cruciality of faith; and science seeks to provide sufficient and well-researched
explanations to nature.

When my professor discussed the lesson, I was filled with awe and a feeling of enlightenment.
The different world views inculcated in my mind why our world is full of chaos. And it is my
belief that we can never control the billion minds in this world to plunge a single accepted world
view into their minds. It has been clear to me why there are always arguments all over the social
media or inside any other academic institution. I deem that the different world views of people
greatly affect the way we respond and react to issues. And it is a foolish attempt to make other
people of different world view assent instantly to your world view because it means a massive
Paat, Helbert A.
surrender of their hold to their old beliefs and experiences. Now I do understand why sometimes
you cannot make people believe you because just as your social agents taught you to believe
ideologies, their social agents which taught different values boost their conviction to believe
themselves. No wonder why you consider those people who oppose you as idiots, and they do
consider you in a similar manner. People who cling to science will say that the evolutionary
theory is true, and most of them do not believe in a God. While people who cling to religion will
expectedly and vehemently defend their stances that a God exists. Now if you will make these
groups present their own ideas and concepts to the other party, you would expect a forceful clash
of opposing forces. That just reveals the power of world view to people's lives.

Before the discussion ends, my professor calmed down the whole class and made it clear that his
next few words are noteworthy. He's likely going to give us all a salient piece of advice. I looked
at him with seriousness and tried to fathom the sobriety of his eyes. He advised us to make a
wise choice. He emphasized the importance of having a world view that we find acceptable and
having the version of truth that makes the most sense. Probably, my professor did not know how
impactful those words of him are. But up to now, his words always echo inside my mind. I have
already found my world view even before I took Sosc 1, and I was firm about my faith in the
existence of a God. But the lesson made me want to understand my own world view even more. I
want to understand the limitations and constraints of my own world view.

The world is complicated, and our zeal to understand it is important. For even if the truth will not
be absolutely revealed to us, we may find truth in ourselves and in the way we see things. There
is nothing more significant than finding what you want to believe because one may find the
passion and peace in life through it.

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