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Neural Comput & Applic

DOI 10.1007/s00521-016-2203-1


An interval neutrosophic linguistic multi-criteria group

decision-making method and its application in selecting medical
treatment options
Yin-xiang Ma1 Jian-qiang Wang1 Jing Wang1 Xiao-hui Wu1

Received: 2 April 2015 / Accepted: 16 January 2016

The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2016

Abstract Selecting medical treatments is a critical Keywords Multi-criteria group decision-making 

activity in medical decision-making. Usually, medical Interval neutrosophic linguistic numbers  Prioritized
treatments are selected by doctors, patients, and their operators  Harmonic mean  Medical treatment options
families based on various criteria. Due to the subjectivity
of decision-making and the large volume of information
available, accurately and comprehensively evaluating 1 Introduction
information with traditional fuzzy sets is impractical.
Interval neutrosophic linguistic numbers (INLNs) can be Selecting medical treatments is a critical activity in medi-
effectively used to evaluate information during the medical cal decision-making. Usually, medical treatments are
treatment selection process. In this study, a medical treat- selected collaboratively by doctors, patients, and their
ment selection method based on prioritized harmonic mean families in order to promote compliance and reduce med-
operators in an interval neutrosophic linguistic environ- ical risks. However, due to various factors, such as the
ment, in which criteria and decision-makers are assigned probability that a treatment will cure the patient, the cost of
different levels of priority, is developed. First, the rectified that treatment, and the severity of its side effects, selecting
linguistic scale functions of linguistic variables, new INLN an appropriate treatment can be difficult. Multi-criteria
operations, and an INLN comparison method are devel- decision-making (MCDM) methods can be effectively
oped in order to prevent data loss and distortion during the applied to medical treatment selection problems [1]. In
aggregation process. Next, a generalized interval neutro- fact, many traditional MCDM methods have been used to
sophic linguistic prioritized weighted harmonic mean select medical treatments [26]. Information regarding
operator and a generalized interval neutrosophic linguistic treatment options can be described with fuzzy sets (FSs)
prioritized hybrid harmonic mean operator are developed [7] using membership functions, intuitionistic fuzzy sets
in order to aggregate the interval neutrosophic linguistic (IFSs) [8] using membership and non-membership func-
information. Then, these operators are used to develop an tions, or hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs) [9] using one or several
interval neutrosophic linguistic multi-criteria group deci- degrees of membership. However, these sets are incapable
sion-making method. In addition, the proposed method is of managing the indeterminate and inconsistent informa-
applied to a practical treatment selection method. Fur- tion frequently associated with medical decision-making
thermore, the ranking results are compared to those problems. For example, when asked to assess whether a
obtained using a traditional approach in order to confirm particular treatment would be good for a certain patient
the practicality and accuracy of the proposed method. based on its probability of curing that patient, a doctor may
deduce that the probability of truth is 0.5, the probability of
falsity is 0.6, and the probability of indeterminacy is 0.2.
& Jian-qiang Wang Generalized IFSs [8], or neutrosophic sets (NSs) [10, 11],
are powerful tools that can be used to describe uncertain,
School of Business, Central South University, incomplete, indeterminate, and inconsistent information
Changsha 410083, Peoples Republic of China with truth-membership, indeterminacy-membership, and

Neural Comput & Applic

falsity-membership functions. The doctors deduction in Wang [29] proposed a single-valued neutrosophic nor-
the aforementioned example would be expressed as malized weighted Bonferroni mean operator based on the
hgood; 0:5; 0:2; 0:6i in an NS. SVNSs. In addition, Peng et al. [31] developed a serial of
NSs have been successfully applied to many problems, simplified neutrosophic number weighted averaging oper-
such as medical diagnostic problems [1215], investment ators. Sun et al. [41] introduced an interval neutrosophic
selection problems [16, 17], image processing [18, 19], and number Choquet integral operator based on INSs, and Ye
supplier selection problems [20]. However, since NSs are [42] introduced an interval neutrosophic number ordered
based on philosophical thinking, they cannot be effectively weighted averaging operator and interval neutrosophic
applied to science and engineering problems without the number ordered weighted geometric operator. Furthermore,
addition of specific definitions. Numerous concepts, such Peng et al. [23] developed a multi-valued neutrosophic
as single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs) [21], interval power weighted average operator and multi-valued neu-
neutrosophic sets (INSs) [22], multi-valued neutrosophic trosophic power weighted geometric operator.
sets (MVNSs) [23], normal neutrosophic sets (NNSs) [24], However, these aggregation operators are only capable
neutrosophic soft matrices (NSM) [25], and trapezoidal of managing neutrosophic information expressed by crisp
neutrosophic sets (TNSs) [26], have been developed in numbers or fuzzy numbers. Thus, they cannot be applied to
order to improve the applicability of NSs. the linguistic information prevalent in complex decision-
SVNSs were first introduced by Wang et al. [21], who used making problems. Tian et al. [57] developed a simplified
crisp numbers to describe the probability of truth, falsity, and neutrosophic linguistic Bonferroni mean operator and
indeterminacy of selection problems. Several extensions of simplified neutrosophic linguistic normalized weighted
these early SVNSs, such as single-valued neutrosophic hesi- Bonferroni mean operator based on single-valued neutro-
tant fuzzy sets [27], have been developed. Research con- sophic linguistic numbers. Because the degrees of truth-
cerning the application of SVNSs to MCDM problems has membership, indeterminate-membership, and falsity-
primarily involved the development of aggregation operators membership of the linguistic values in a simplified neu-
[2831], similarity measurements [13, 32], correlation coef- trosophic linguistic number are described by three single
ficients [33], and distance measurements [16, 3436]. Unlike numbers, these degrees of membership cannot be easily
SVNSs, INSs use membership intervals, non-membership condensed into single numbers for the use of decision-
intervals, and indeterminate intervals rather than real numbers makers. However, decision-makers can easily express
to describe indeterminate and inconsistent information [37]. information using interval numbers. Ye [55] developed an
Moreover, several extensions of INSs, such as interval neu- interval neutrosophic linguistic weighted arithmetic aver-
trosophic hesitant sets [38] and interval neutrosophic soft age (INLWAA) operator and interval neutrosophic lin-
rough sets [39, 40], have been developed. Similar to SVNSs, guistic weighted geometric average (INLWGA) operator
INSs use aggregation operators [4143], similarity measure- based on INLNs. Although interval neutrosophic linguistic
ments [44], correlation coefficients [45], cross-entropy mea- operators can be used to manage linguistic neutrosophic
surements [46], and distance measurements [47] to solve information, the linguistic terms of the neutrosophic lin-
MCDM problems. guistic information are operated upon based on their sub-
Due to the complexity of objects and subjectivity of scripts in linear functions. Furthermore, the correlations
human thinking, obtaining accurate assessment values of among linguistic terms and these three degrees of mem-
problems too complex or ill-defined to be solved with bership are neglected and the indeterminate degree of
quantitative information is difficult. In these cases, lin- membership is assumed to be equal to the falsity degree of
guistic variables can be effectively used to enhance the membership, resulting in information loss and distortion.
reliability and flexibility of traditional decision-making INLSs can effectively describe the information pre-
models [4853]. Several neutrosophic linguistic sets, sented in complex decision-making problems. However,
including single-valued neutrosophic linguistic numbers the operators of existing INLNs assume that criteria and
(SVNLNs) [54], interval neutrosophic linguistic numbers decision-makers in a decision-making problem share the
(INLNs) [55], single-valued neutrosophic trapezoid lin- same level of priority. However, in medical treatment
guistic numbers [56], and interval neutrosophic uncertain selection problems, doctors, patients, and family members
linguistic variables (INUNVs) [17], have been developed all evaluate treatment options based on various criteria and
in order to improve the efficacy and practicality of NSs. with varying levels of priority. Thus, this evaluation
Aggregation operators, which can be used to effectively information cannot be managed using the aforementioned
compile information, have been widely applied to MCDM operators. In this paper, a generalized interval neutrosophic
problems in neutrosophic conditions. For example, Liu linguistic prioritized weighted harmonic mean
et al. [28] developed a family of generalized neutrosophic (GINLPWHM) operator and a generalized interval neu-
number Hamacher weighted averaging operators. Liu and trosophic linguistic prioritized hybrid harmonic mean

Neural Comput & Applic

(GINLPHHM) operator were developed based on the pri- IA x : X ! 0; 1 and FA x : X ! 0; 1 . The sum of
oritized aggregation (PA) operators developed by Yager TA x, IA x, and FA x is unrestricted, and

[58] to model the priority levels of criteria based on their 0  TA x IA x FA x  3 .
weights as well as the harmonic mean (HM) operator,
NSs must be specifically defined; otherwise, they cannot
which has been widely used to aggregate central tendency
be easily applied to science and engineering problems.
data. The proposed operators accounted for the prioritiza-
Wang et al. [22] developed an INS that can act as an NS in
tion relationships among various criteria and decision-
order to improve the ease of computations during the
makers, utilized a harmonic mean operator to aggregate
operation process and improve the applicability of NSs.
neutrosophic information, and prevented the complications
associated with existing INLN operators. The proposed Definition 2 [22] Let X be a space of points (objects).
operators were then used to develop an interval neutro- Then an INS A in X can be expressed as
sophic linguistic MCGDM method of medical treatment A fx; hinf TA x; sup TA x;
inf IA x; sup IA x; inf FA x; sup FA xijx 2 Xg;
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Sect. 2, some basic concepts related to INLNs are intro- where inf TA x; sup TA x  0; 1, inf IA x; sup IA x
duced. In Sect. 3, the linguistic scale functions of the lin-  0; 1, and inf FA x; sup FA x  0; 1.
guistic variables, new INLN operations, and an INLN
comparison method are introduced. In Sect. 4, a Thus, the sum of sup TA x, sup IA x, and sup FA x
GINLPWHM operator and GINLPHHM operator are satisfies 0  sup TA x sup IA x sup FA x  3. When
developed based on the proposed INLN operations. In the inferior and superior limits of TA x, IA x, and FA x in
Sect. 5, an MCGDM method is developed based on the an INS are equal, the INS is reduced to a single-valued
proposed GINLPWHM and GINLPHHM operators. In neutrosophic set (SVNS).
addition, the developed approach is demonstrated using a
treatment selection problem in an interval neutrosophic 2.2 Linguistic term sets
linguistic environment, and a comparative analysis is
conducted in order to verify the validity and feasibility of Definition 3 [59] Let S fsi ji 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1; t 2
the proposed approach. The conclusions are presented in N  g be a linguistic term set, where N  is a set of positive
Sect. 6. integers, and si represents the value of a linguistic variable.
Then the set S satisfies the following properties:
1. The linguistic term set is ordered: i [ j , si [ sj , and
2 Preliminaries 2. A negation operator exists: Neg(si sj , where
i j 2t 1.
In this section, some basic concepts and definitions related
to interval neutrosophic linguistic numbers (INLNs) and In order to preserve information during the decision-
the proposed aggregation operators utilized in the subse- making process, Xu [60, 61] expanded the discrete lin-
quent analysis, including neutrosophic sets (NSs), interval guistic term set S into a continuous linguistic term set
neutrosophic sets (INSs), linguistic term sets, interval S~ fsi ji 2 1; lg, where si [ sj i [ j, and ll [ 2t 1 is
neutrosophic linguistic sets (INLSs), prioritized aggrega- a sufficiently large positive integer. If si 2 S, the linguistic
tion (PA), and harmonic mean (HM) operators, are term is denoted as the original linguistic term; otherwise, si
introduced. is denoted as a virtual linguistic term. In general, decision-
makers use original linguistic terms to evaluate alterna-
2.1 NSs and INSs tives, and virtual linguistic terms are only included in
operations to prevent information loss and enhance the
Definition 1 [22] Let X be a space of points (objects) decision-making process [60].
with a generic element in X denoted by x. Then an NS A in
X is characterized by three membership functions, includ- 2.3 INLSs and INLNs
ing a truth-membership function TA x, indeterminacy-
membership function IA x, and falsity-membership func- Due to the accuracy and practicality of linguistic variables
tion FA x, and is defined as and INSs, Ye [55] combined two concepts to develop
A fhx; TA x; IA x; FA xijx 2 X g; INLSs.
where TA x, IA x, and FA x are real standard or non- Definition 4 [55] Let U be a space of points (objects).
standard subsets of  0; 1 , i.e. TA x : X ! 0; 1 , Then an INLS A in X can be defined as

Neural Comput & Applic

A x; shx ; inf TAx; sup TAx; inf IAx; sup IAx; developed in order to prevent information loss and distor-
tion during the aggregation process [55].
inf FAx; sup FAxijx 2 Xg;
3.1 Rectified linguistic scale functions
where inf TAx; sup TAx  0; 1, inf IAx; sup IAx
 0; 1, and inf FAx; sup FAx  0; 1 represent the
Linguistic scale functions play an active role in the con-
degrees of truth-membership, indeterminacy-membership,
version of linguistic arguments to real numbers belonging
and falsity-membership of x in X to the linguistic term shx ,
to 0; 1. However, the smallest linguistic value s0 is always
and shx 2 S.
converted to 0. Thus, if s0 is involved in multiplicative
Thus, the INLNs, which are elements of A,  can be operations, inaccurate results could be obtained.
expressed as Example 1 Let a1 hs0 ; 0:3; 0:4; 0:2; 0:4; 0:3; 0:4i

shx ; inf TAx; sup TAx; inf IAx; sup IAx; and a2 hs0 ; 0:1; 0:2; 0:1; 0:2; 0:7; 0:8i be two
inf FAx; sup FAxi: INLNs. Then according to the score function, Ea
s164inf Tainf Iainf Fasup Tasup Iasup Faha , accuracy
function Ha s12inf Tainf Fasup Tasup Faha , and
2.4 PA and HM operators certainty function Ca s12inf Tasup Taha introduced
by Ye [55], where ha denotes the subscripts of the lin-
Definition 5 [58] Let C fC1 ; C2 ; . . .; Cn g be a set of guistic values,
criteria that satisfies the linear ordering prioritization
Ea1 Ea2 Ha1 Ha2 Ca1 Ca2 s0 :
C1  C2      Cn , where the priority of Ck is higher
than that of Cj if k\j. Then the value of Cj xi represents
These two INLNs cannot be compared using the above
the performance of the alternative xi under criterion Cj .
functions. However, a1 is known to be superior to a2 . In
Thus, the PA operator can be expressed as
order to overcome these limitations and improve their
n   applicability, the linguistic scale functions introduced in
PACxi wj Cj xi ; [49, 63, 64] were modified. These modifications allowed
j1 for more efficient and flexible linguistic assessment infor-
Pn mation use through the situation-dependent conversion of
where Cj xi 2 0; 1, wj Tj i1 Ti , T1 1,
Qj1 various linguistic assessment arguments to real numbers.
Tj k1 Ck xi , and j 2; 3; . . .; n.
Definition 7 [49, 64] Let S fsi ji 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1g be
Definition 6 [62] Let hi i 1; 2; . . .; n be a collection of
a linguistic term set. Then the linguistic scale function u
positive real numbers and w w1 ; w2 ; . . .; wn be the
can be expressed as
weight vector of hi i 1; 2; . . .; n. Then the weight har-
monic mean can be expressed as u : S ! hi i 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1;
1 where 0\h1 \h2 \    \h2t1  1.
WHMh1 ; h2 ; . . .; hn Pn ;
i1 w i =hi
The function u monotonically increases with respect to
where wi 2 0; 1, and i1 wi 1.
subscript i. hi i 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1 is used to reflect the
preferences of decision-makers, while assessment arguments
If wi 1, wj 6 1, and i 6 j, then WHMh1 ; h2 ; . . .; are described in linguistic terms of si 2 S. Therefore, these
hn hi ; if w 1=n; 1=n; . . .; 1=n, then the WHM oper- functions and values can identify differences in semantics.
ator is reduced to the harmonic mean (HM) operator as Three rectified linguistic scale functions, which would
n be preferable in practice since they could yield more
HMh1 ; h2 ; . . .; hn Pn :
i1 1=hi deterministic results when faced with differences in
semantics, are outlined below.
3 Comparison of the INLNs and their operations 1. The rectified average linguistic scale function can be
expressed as u1 usi 2t1, i 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1.
In this section, rectified linguistic scale functions are
introduced in order to allow for a higher degree of flexi- The evaluation scale of the above linguistic information
bility when modelling the linguistic information. New is usually averaged. Although this function is simple and
operations and an INLN comparison method are also frequently used, it lacks a reasonable theoretical basis [65].

Neural Comput & Applic

D h
This function also usually results in information loss and 1. ka1 sk
ha1 ; 1  1  inf Ta1 k ; 1  1
distortion during the aggregation process.

sup Ta1 ; inf I k a1 ; sup I k a1 ; inf F k a1 ;
2. The rectified composite linguistic scale function can be k
sup F a1 i;
expressed as 
2. a1 a2 sha1 ha2 ;infTa1 infTa2 infTa1

u2 usi infTa2 ;supTa1 supTa2 supTa1

supTa2 ;
ct1  ct1i 2ct1  2; i 1;2;...;t 1 infIa1
i n fIa2 ;s u pIa1
s u pIa2 ;infFa1

ct1 cit1  2 2ct1  2; i t 2;t 3;...;2t 1 i n fFa2 ; s upFa1
s upFa2 i;

3. a1 a2 sha1
ha2 ;infTa1
infTa2 ; supTa1

where c is a constant, and usually c 2 1:36; 1:4 [66, supTa2 ; infIa1 infIa2 infIa1
infIa2 ;
67]. supIa1 supIa2 supIa1
supIa2 ; infFa1
infFa2 infFa1
infFa2 ;supFa1 supFa2
When c 2 1:36; 1:4, as the middle linguistic subscripts
supF a1
supFa2 i;
expand on both sides of the equation, the absolute deviation D 
between each pair of adjacent linguistic terms also increases. 4. ak1 shk a1 ; inf T k a1 ; sup T k a1 ; 1  1
3. The rectified developed linguistic scale function can be inf Ia1 k ; 1  1  sup Ia1 k ; 1  1 inf Fa1 k ;
expressed as 1  1  sup Fa1 k i:
u3 usi However, some limitations of Definition 8 exist.

t 1p t 1ip =2t 1p ; i 1;2;...;t 1
; 1. The linguistic terms and three degrees of membership
t 1q it 1q =2t 1q ; i t 2;t 3;...;2t 1
of the INLNs are assumed to be separate, neglecting
where p; q 2 0; 1: any possible interrelationships.

As the middle linguistic subscripts expand on both sides Example 2 Let a1 hs2 ; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1i and a2
of the equation, the absolute deviation between each pair of hs3 ; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0i be two INLNs.
adjacent linguistic terms decreases. p and q represent the
curvatures of the subjective value functions of gains and a1 a2 hs2 ; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1i
hs3 ; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0i
losses, respectively [68]. Risky decision-makers usually
hs5 ; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0i:
select large p and q values. In contrast, conservative deci-
sion-makers usually select small p and q values. This result is inaccurate because the degree of falsity-
Similarly, in order to preserve all of the assessment argu- membership of a1 , the correlations among the linguistic
ments and facilitate aggregation, the linguistic term set S values, and the three degrees of membership of a1 and a2
fsi ji 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1g can be expanded to the continuous were not considered. Thus, these operations would be
linguistic term set S~ fsi ji 2 1; lg, where si [ sj i [ j and impractical.
l l [ 2t 1 are sufficiently large positive integers. In addi-
2. The linguistic terms are directly operated upon
tion, the function u can be expanded to u : S~ ! R R according to their subscripts, and the absolute devia-
fr jr 0; r 2 Rg, which is compatible with the above func- tions of any two pairs of adjacent linguistic terms are
tions. Because u increases monotonically and continuously, assumed to be equal. Thus, these operations would not
the inverse function of u, denoted as u1 , exists. reflect differences in semantics.

3.2 New INLN operations In order to overcome the limitations presented by the
operations proposed by Ye [55], new INLN operations
Ye [55] defined the operations of INLNs in order to based on the linguistic scale function were defined, as
describe the aggregation process during the decision- shown below.
making problems. 
Definition 9 Let a1 sha1 ; inf Ta1 ; sup Ta1 ;

Definition 8 [55] Let a1 sha1 ; inf Ta1 ; inf Ia1 ; sup Ia1 ; inf Fa1 ; sup Fa1 i and a2

sup Ta1 ; inf Ia1 ; sup Ia1 ; inf Fa1 ; sup Fa1 i sha2 ; inf Ta2 ; sup Ta2 ; inf Ia2 ; sup Ia2 ;

and a2 sha2 ; inf Ta2 ; sup Ta2 ; inf Ia2 ; inf Fa2 ; sup Fa2 i be two INLNs and k 0. Then
sup Ia2 ; inf Fa2 ; sup Fa2 i be two INLNs and k 0. the modified operations of two INLNs can be expressed
Then the operations of the INLNs can be expressed as as

Neural Comput & Applic

1. nega1 u1 u s2t1  u sha1 ; inf Ta1 ; linguistic terms and three degrees of membership of
sup Ta1 ; inf Ia1 ; sup Ia1 ; inf Fa1 ; sup Fa1 i; INLNs, could be used to overcome the limitations of the
2. ka1 u1 ku sha1 ; inf Ta1 ; sup Ta1 ; operations proposed by Ye [55].
inf Ia1 ; sup Ia1 ; inf Fa1 ; sup Fa1 i; The following theorem can be proven in terms of the
   corresponding INLN operations.
3. a1 a2 u1 u sha1 u sha2 ;
u sha1 inf Ta1 u sha2 inf Ta2 Theorem 1 Let a1 , a2 , and a3 be three INLNs and s 0.
u sha1 u sha2 ;
i Then the following equations must be true:
u sha1 sup Ta1 u sha2 sup Ta2
u sha1 u sha2 ;
1. a1 a2 a2 a1 ;
u sha1 inf Ia1 u sha2 inf Ia2
u sha1 u sha2 ; 2. a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3 ;
i 3. a1 a2 a2 a1 ;
u sha1 sup Ia1 u sha2 sup Ia2
u sha1 u sha2 ; 4. a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3 ;
u sha1 inf Fa1 u sha2 inf Fa2
; 5. sa1 sa2 sa2 a1 ; and
u sha1 u sha2
i E 6. a2 a1 s as1 as2 :
u sha1 sup Fa1 u sha2 sup Fa2
u sha1 u sha2 ;
4. a1 a2 u u sha1 u sha2 ; 3.3 Method of INLN comparison
inf Ta1
inf Ta2 ; sup Ta1
sup Ta2 ;
inf Ia1 inf Ia2  inf Ia1
inf Ia2 ; In this subsection, a new score function and method of
sup Ia1 supIa2  sup Ia1
supIa2 ; INLN comparison are presented.
inf Fa1 inf Fa2  inf Fa1
inf Fa2 ; 
sup Fa1 sup Fa2  sup Fa1
sup Fa2 i; Definition 10 [55] Let a sha ; inf Ta;
D  k  sup Ta; inf Ia; sup Ia; inf Fa; sup Fai be an
5. ak1 u1 u sha1 ; inf T k a1 ; sup T k a1 ;
h INLN. Then the score function Ea of a can be expressed
1  1  inf Ia1 k ; 1  1  sup Ia1 k ; 1  1 as

 inf Fa1 k ; 1  1  sup Fa1 k i; Ea S164inf Tainf Iainf Fasup Tasup Iasup Faha :
6. 1=a1 u1 1 u sha1 ; inf Ta1 ; sup Ta1 ;
inf Ia1 ; sup Ia1 ; inf Fa1 ; sup Fa1 i:
However, ka1 , a1 a2 , a1 a2 , ak1 , and 1=a1 do not However, the score function is operated upon according
appear separately in actual applications due to the negligi- to the subscripts of the linguistic terms and degrees of
bility of their values. Thus, the values of a1 a2 , ka1 , and membership, and the absolute deviations of any two pairs
1=a1 are only combined during the aggregation process. of adjacent linguistic terms are assumed to be equal. Thus,
this score function does not reflect differences in semantics,
Example 3 Let S fs1 ; s2 s3 ; s4 ; s5 ; s6 ;s7 g be a linguistic resulting in aggregation bias. Furthermore, this function
term set and a1 hs3 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1; 0:3i, equates the indeterminacy degree of membership to the
a2 hs5 ; 0:4; 0:5; 0:2; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i be two INLNs, falsity degree of membership, neglecting the preferences of
where k 2. the decision-makers. These limitations yield unreliable and
If u si u3 , p 0:8, and q 0:7, then inaccurate results.

1. nega1 hs4:26 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1;0:3i; Example 4 Let a1 hs2 ; 0:3; 0:4; 0:5; 0:7; 0; 0i and
2. 2a1 hs4:86 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1; 0:3i; a2 hs2 ; 0:3; 0:4; 0; 0; 0:5; 0:7i be two INLNs.
3. a1 a2 hs8:28 ; 0:43; 0:53; 0:17; 0:30; 0:24; Then the values of Ea1 s16

2 s1:67 and Ea2 s1:67 can be calculated using Def-
4. a1 a2 hs2:16 ; 0:20; 0:30; 0:28; 0:51; 0:37;
inition 10.
The expression Ea1 Ea2 denotes that a1 a2 .
5. ak1 hs1:10 ; 0:25; 0:36; 0:19; 0:51; 0:19; 0:51i; However, a1 is obviously superior to a2 .
and In order to overcome the limitations presented by Def-
6. 1=a1 hs43:51 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1;0:3i: inition 10, a new score function was developed in order to
These new INLN operations, which reflect differences in reflect the levels of optimism, compromise, and pessimism
semantics and account for the interrelationships among the expressed by decision-makers.

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Definition 11 Let a sha ; inf Ta; sup Ta; Thus, the different rectified linguistic scale functions
inf Ia; sup Ia; inf Fa; sup Fai be an INLN. Then yielded similar results (a1  a2 ). Because the proposed
the score function of a can be expressed as score function compensates for the limitations presented by
the score function given in [55] by reflecting various
Sa au sha 0:5sup Ta 1  inf Fa a sup Ia
semantic situations and calculating the indeterminacy
1  au sha 0:5inf Ta 1  sup Fa degree of membership by accounting for the preferences of
a inf Ia; decision-makers, the results obtained using the proposed
score function were closer to the expected results than
where the values of a 2 0; 1 reflect the attitudes of the those obtained using the score function presented in [55].
decision-makers, and a [ 0:5, a 0:5, and a\0:5 denote
the levels of optimism, compromise, and pessimism
expressed by the decision-makers. In addition, different 4 Generalized interval neutrosophic linguistic
score functions can be obtained by applying different lin- prioritized harmonic operators
guistic scale functions.
In this section, GINLPWHM and GINLPWHHM operators
Definition 12 Let a and b be two INLNs. Then the INLN
based on the PA and HM operators are proposed. The new
comparison method can be expressed by the following
INLN operations are applied due to their flexibility and
1. if Sa [ Sb, then a  b, i.e. a is superior to b; 
2. if Sa Sb, then, a b, i.e. a is equal to b; and Definition 13 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
3. if Sa\Sb, then a  b, i.e. b is superior to a. inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2;   ; n
be a collection of INLNs. Then the generalized interval
Example 5 Let S1 fs1 ; s2 ; . . .; s7 g be a linguistic term neutrosophic linguistic prioritized weighted harmonic
set and a 0:7. Using the data presented in Example 4, the mean (GINLPWHM) operator can be expressed as
following can be obtained.
GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
If u si u3 , p 0:8 and q 0:7, then the values of 1
a1 and a2 can be calculated as

PTn1 1=a1 k PTn2 1=a2 k    PTnn 1=an k
Sa1 0:7
40:8  20:8 2
40:8 i1
Ti i1
Ti i1

0:4 1  0 0:7
0:7 1
1k ;

40:8  20:8 2
40:8 i 1=ai
ni1 TP n

0:3 1  0 0:7
0:241; where k [ 0, T1 1, Ti i1 j1 Saj i 2; 3;   ; n, and

Saj is the score function of aj .
Sa2 0:7
40:8  20:8 2

0:4 1  0:5 0:7
0 Theorem 2 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;

inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2; . . .; n
40:8  20:8 2
be a collection of INLNs. Then the aggregated result

0:3 1  0:7 0:7
obtained via the GINLPWHM operator is also an INLN,
0:086: and
Similarly, if u si u1 , then Sa1 0:324 and
Sa2 0:116, and if u si u2 , then Sa1 0:375 and
Sa2 0:134.

Neural Comput & Applic

GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
PTn1 k k k
1=a1 PTn2 1=a2    PTnn 1=an
Ti Ti Ti
i1 i1 i1
020 11k 3
* 1k ! Pn  11k 0P 
1 B6  ai inf Tai k n
 a sup Ta i k
i1 i1 i
u1 Pn ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn 5;
i1  ai 
i1 ai 
i1 ai

2 11k 3
0 Pn  
11k Pn  
0 k
6  ai 1  1  inf Iai i1  ai 1  1  sup Iai
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5;
i1  ai i1  a i

2 11k 31+
0 Pn   11k 0 Pn  
6  ai 1  1  inf Fai k  ai 1  1  sup Fa i k
A7 C
i1 i1
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A ;
i1  ai i1  ai

 D h i
  k T
where k [ 0,  ai PTn iu shai , T1 1, Pn 1 1=a1 k u1  a1 ; inf Ta1 k ; sup Ta1 k ;
T i Ti
h i1 i
Ti i1j1 Sa j i 2; 3; . . .; n, and Saj is the score 1  1  inf Ia1 k ; 1  1  sup Ia1 k ;
function of aj . h i E
1  1  inf Fa1 k ; 1  1  sup Fa1 k ;
Proof Theorem 2 can be proven using Definition 9 via the
mathematical induction of n. T D h i
Pn 1 1=a2 k u1  a2 ; inf Ta2 k ; sup Ta2 k ;
1. If n 2, since hi1 i
1  1  inf Ia2 k ; 1  1  sup Ia2 k ;
h i E
1  1  inf Fa2 k ; 1  1  sup Fa2 k ;


PTn1 1=a1 k PTn2 1=a2 k
i1 i
i1 i
* " #
1 1  a1 inf Ta1 k  a2 inf Ta2 k  a1 sup Ta1 k  a2 sup Ta2 k
u ; ; ;
 a1  a2  a1  a2  a1  a2
2     3
 a1 1  1  inf Ia1 k  a2 1  1  inf Ia2 k  a1 1  1  sup Ia1 k  a2 1  1  sup Ia2 k
4 ; 5;
 a1  a2  a1  a2
2     31+
 a1 1  1  inf Fa1 k  a2 1  1  inf Fa2 k  a1 1  1  sup Fa1 k  a2 1  1  sup Fa2 k
4 ; 5A :
 a1  a2  a1  a2

Neural Comput & Applic

2. If n k, then

GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; ak 1k
T1 k T2 k Tk k
Pk 1=a1 Pk 1=a2    Pk 1=ak
i1 i
T Ti T
i1 i
* ! 0 2 Pk  i1
P  3 2P  
k k k k k
1 i1  a i
inf Ta i i1  a i
sup Ta i i1  a i
1  1  inf Ia i
u1 Pk ; @4 Pk ; Pk 5;4 Pk ;
i1  ai i1  ai i1  ai i1  ai

Pk   k
3 2P  
k k
k k
i1  a i
1  1  sup Ia i i1  a i
1  1  inf Fa i i1  a i
1  1  sup Fa i
Pk 5; 4 Pk ; Pk 5A :
i1  ai i1  ai i1  ai

When n k 1, according to the operations in Definition


GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; ak1 1k
ki1 PTn i 1=ai k PTk1 n 1=ak1 k
j1 j
j1 j
* ! 0 2 P  P  3 2P  
i1  ai inf Tai k k1
i1  ai sup Tai k k1
i1  ai 1  1  inf Iai k
u1 Pk1 ; @4 Pk ; Pk 5;4 Pk ;
i1  a i i1  a i i1  ai i1  ai
Pk1   k
3 2P  
k1 k
k1 k
i1  ai 1  1  sup Iai i1  ai 1  1  inf Fai i1  ai 1  1  sup Fai
Pk 5; 4 Pk ; Pk 5A :
i1  ai i1  ai i1  ai

Thus, n k 1, and Theorem 2 is true. be a collection of INLNs. Then T1 1,

According to (1) and (2), Theorem 2 holds for any value Ti i1j1 Sa j i 2; 3;   ; n, and Sa j is the score
of n. function of aj . If t [ 0, then

Theorem 3 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ; GINLPWHMta1 ; ta2 ; . . .; tan
inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2;   ; n tGINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an :

Neural Comput & Applic

Proof According to Definition 9 and Theorem 2,

GINLPWHMta1 ; ta2 ; . . .; tan
 k  k  k 1k
PTn1 1
PTn2 1
   PTnn 1
Ti ta1 Ti ta2 Ti tan
i1 i1 i1
02 0 11k 3
* 1k ! Pn    11k 0P   
1  ai tk inf Tai k n
 a t k
sup Ta i k
B6 i1 i1 i
u1 Pn k
; @4 @ Pn k
A ;@ Pn k 5;
i1  ai =t
i1  ai
=t i1  a i
2Pn    P    3
 ai tk 1  1  inf Iai k
i1  ai tk 1  1  sup Iai k
4 Pn ; Pn 5
k k
i1  ai =t i1  ai =t
2Pn    k
n k
k k
i1  a i
t 1  1  inf Fa i i1  a i
t 1  1  sup Fa i
4 Pn ; Pn 5A
k k
i1  ai =t i1  ai =t

020 11k 3
* 1k ! Pn  k
11k 0P 
n k
1  a inf Ta i  a sup Ta i
B6 i1 i i1 i
u1 t Pn ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn 5;
i1  ai i1  a i i1  ai

2Pn   P   3
 ai 1  1  inf Iai k
i1  ai 1  1  sup Iai
4 Pn ; Pn 5;
i1  ai i1  ai
2Pn   k
n k
i1  a i
1  1  inf Fa i i1  a i
1  1  sup Fa i
4 Pn ; Pn 5A

i1 ai i1  ai

tGINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an :

Thus, GINLPWHMta1 ; ta2 ; . . .; tan tGINLPWHM Proof According to Theorem 2,

a1 ; a2 ; . . .; an .

Theorem 4 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2; . . .; n
be a collection of INLNs. If ai a i 1; 2; . . .; n, then
GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an a:

Neural Comput & Applic

GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
020 11k 3
* 1k ! Pn  k
11k 0P 
n k
1  ai inf Ta i  ai sup Ta i
B6 i1 i1
u1 Pn ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn 5;
i1  ai 
i1 ai 
i1 ai

2 11k 3
0 Pn   11k 0 Pn  
 ai 1  1  inf Iai k  a 1  1  sup Ia i k
6 i1 i1 i
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5;

i1 ai 
i1 ai

2 11k 31+
0 Pn   11k 0 Pn  
 ai 1  1  inf Fai k i1  ai 1  1  sup Fai
6 i1
A7 C
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A :
i1  a i i1  ai

Pn Some special cases of the GINLPWHM operator are as

Since ai a for 8i, then i1  ai follows.
Pn Pn
Pn Ti = T P Ti = T
i1 i
k ni1 i1 i
k  1 k , and 1. If k 1, the GINLPWHM operator becomes the
u  s ha
u  s u sha interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized weight
harmonic mean (INLPWHM) operator:

GINLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
020 11k 3
*  Pn  k
11k 0P 
n k

 k k B6
1  ai inf Ta  ai sup Ta
i1 i1
u 1
u sha ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn 5;

i1 ai 
i1 ai

2 11k 3
0 Pn   11k 0 Pn  
 ai 1  1  sup Iak  a 1  1  sup Ia k
6 i1 i1 i
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5;

i1 ai 
i1 ai

2 11k 31+
0 Pn  
11k 0 Pn   k
 ai 1  1  sup Fa i1  ai 1  1  sup Fa
6 i1
A7 C
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A
i1  ai i1  a i

sha ; inf Ta; sup Ta; inf Ia; sup Ia; inf Fa; sup Fa

Neural Comput & Applic

INLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an Definition 14 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
  inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2; . . .; n
Ti 1=ai 1
1 ni1 Pn u1 Pn ; be a collection of INLNs. Then the generalized interval
i1 Ti i1  ai
Pn Pn  neutrosophic linguistic prioritized hybrid harmonic mean
 ai inf Tai
i1 P  ai sup Tai
i1 P
n ; n ; (GINLPHHM) operator with an associated vector of w
i1  ai i1  ai w1 ; w2 ; . . .; wn can be expressed as
Pn Pn 
i1P ai inf Iai i1 P ai sup Iai
n ; n ; GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
i1  ai i1  ai
Pn Pn   1
 ai inf Fai  ai sup Fai 
i1 P
n ; i1 P
n :  k  k  k 1k
i1  ai i1  ai w1 rr1 w2 rr2    wn rrn

2. If k ! 0, the GINLPWHM operator becomes the 1

interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized weight k 1k
ni1 wi rri
harmonic geometric (INLPWHG) operator:
Yn Pn P
INLPWHGa1 ;a2 ;...;an i1 ai Ti = i1 Ti where k [ 0, wi 0 i 1; 2;   ; n, ni1 wi 1, rri is
 Y  the ith largest of the prioritized weighted INLNs
n    Ti =Pn Ti
u1 1 1 u sha i1 ; Q
ri ri n Pn ai ; i 1; 2; . . .; n , T1 1, Ti i1
i1 T i 1
hYn  Pn Yn  Pn i Ti j1
inf Tai Ti = i1 Ti ; i1 supTai Ti = i1 Ti ; i1
h Yn  Pn Saj i 2; 3; . . .; n, Saj is the score function of aj , and
1 i1 1inf Iai Ti = i1 Ti ; n is the balancing coefficient of ri n PTn i a1i . The value
Yn  Pn i i1
1 i1 1supIai Ti = i1 Ti ; of wi can be determined using the method introduced in
h Yn  Pn
1 i1 1inf Fai Ti = i1 Ti ; [6971].
Yn  Pn i E 
1 i1 1supFai Ti = i1 Ti : Theorem 5 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2;   ; n
3. If k 2, the GINLPWHM operator becomes the be a collection of INLNs with an associated vector of
interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized weight w w1 ; w2 ;   ; wn . The aggregated result, which is
harmonic quadratic mean (INLNPWHQM) operator: obtained via the GINLPHHM operator, is also an INLN, and

, !!12
Ti 1=ai 2
GINLPWHQMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an 1 ni1 Pn
i1 Ti
020 112 3
* 12 ! Pn  112 0P 
1  ai inf Tai 2 n
 ai sup Tai 2
B6 i1 i1
u1 Pn ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn 5;
i1  ai i1  a i i1  ai

2 112 3
0 Pn   112 0 Pn  
 ai 1  1  inf Iai 2  ai 1  1  sup Ia i 2
6 i1 i1
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5;
i1  ai i1  ai

2 112 31+
0 Pn   112 0 Pn  
 ai 1  1  inf Fai 2  a 1  1  sup Fa i 2
6 i1 i1 i
A7 C
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A :

i1 ai 
i1 ai

Neural Comput & Applic

GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an 
 k  k  k 1k
w1 rr1 w2 rr2    wn rrn
020 k 11k 3
* 1k ! Pn   k 11k 0Pn  
1 B6 i1  ri inf Trri i1  ri sup Trri
u1 Pn ; @4@ Pn A ;@ Pn A7 5;
i1  r i i1  ri i1  ri

2 k 11k 3
0 Pn    k 11k 0 Pn   
 ri 1  1  inf Irri  ri 1  1  sup Ir ri
6 i1 i1
41  @1  Pn A ;1  @ Pn 5;
i1  ri i1  ri

2 k 11k 31+
0 Pn    k 11k 0 Pn   
 ri 1  1  inf Frri  r 1  1  sup Fr ri
6 i1 i1 i
A7 C
41  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A ;

i1 ri 
i1 ri

where k [ 0,  ri wi u shrri , wi 0, ni1 wi 1, prioritized weighted INLNs ri ri n PTn i 1
Ti ai
rri is the ith largest prioritized weighted INLN i 1; 2; . . .; n, and w w1 ; w2 ; . . .; wn be the associated

ri ri n PTn i a1i ; i 1; 2; . . .; n , T1 1, vector of the GINLPHHM operator. In addition, T1 1,
i1 i Ti i1j1 Saj i 2; 3; . . .; n, and Saj is the score
Ti i1 j1 Saj i 2; 3; . . .; n, Saj is the score function function of aj . If ai ai 1; 2; . . .; n, then
of aj , and n is the balancing coefficient of ri n PTn i 1 . GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an a:
Ti ai

The proof for the GINLPHHM operator can be found in

Theorem 2.
The proof of this theorem can be found in Theorem 4.
Theorem 6 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ; Theorem 8 Let ai sha1 ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2;   ; n inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2; . . .; n
be a collection of INLNs, w w1 ; w2 ;   ; wn be the be a collection of INLNs and rri be the ith largest pri-

associated vector of the GINLPHHM operator, and rri be
oritized weighted INLN ri ri n PTn i a1i ; i 1; 2; . . .; n.
the ith largest of the prioritized weighted INLNs T
i1 i
ri ri n PTn i a1i ; i 1; 2;   ; n. In addition, T1 1, T1 1, Ti j1 Sai 1 2; 3; . . .; n, and Saj is the
Qi1 i1 score function of aj . If the associated vector of the
Ti j1 Saj i 2; 3;   ; n, and Saj is the score
GINLPHHM operator is w 1=n; 1=n; . . .; 1=n and
function of aj . If t [ 0, then
k 1, then the GINLPHHM operator is reduced to the
GINLPHHMta1 ; ta2 ; . . .; tan INLPWHM operator.
tGINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an :
Proof If w 1=n; 1=n; . . .; 1=n and k 1, then
GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
The proof of this theorem can be found in Theorem 6. 1
 1=nrr1 1=nrr2    1=nrrn
Theorem 7 Let ai shai ; inf Tai ; sup Tai ;
inf Iai ; sup Iai ; inf Fai ; sup Fai ii 1; 2; . . .; n
be a collection of INLNs, rri be the ith largest of the According to Theorem 5,

Neural Comput & Applic

 Pn   Pn  
1 1 i1  ri inf Trri i1  ri sup Trri
GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an u Pn ; P n ; P n ;
i1  ri i1  ri i1  ri
 Pn   Pn   Pn   Pn   
i1  ri inf Irri  r sup Irri i1  ri inf Frri  r sup Frri
Pn ; i1 Pni ; Pn ; i1 Pin ;
i1  ri i1  ri i1  ri i1  ri

 Therefore, GINLPHHMa1 a2 ; . . .; an INLPWHM
where  ri u shrri n.
a1 a2 ; . . .; an .
0  1
Some special cases of the GINLPHHM operator are as
Pn Pn u shrri
@ A follows.
Since i1  ri i1 n

0 0 11 1. If k 1, the GINLPHHM operator becomes the

P P interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized hybrid har-
1 n
n i1
@nPTni u @s  AA ni1 PTni u shai monic mean (INLPHHM) operator:
i1 i h 1 T
i1 i
P INLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
ni1  ai ; 
Pn   1 1 1
i1  ri Xrri n   u Pn ;
Pn i1 wi rri i1  ri
r Pn   Pn  
Pn i1  i    Pn     i1  ri inf Trri  r sup Trri
i1 1=n n Ti i1 Ti u shai Xai Pn ; i1 Pin ;:
Pn    Pn    i1  ri i1  ri
i1 1=n n Ti i1 Ti u shai  Pn   Pn  
Pn  Pn      i1  ri inf Irri i1  ri sup Irri
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai Xai Pn ;: Pn ;
Pn  Pn    ; i1  ri i1  ri
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai P
 n   P n    
i1  ri inf Frri  r sup Frri
Pn ; i1 Pin
where X can represent any one character of the set i1  ri i1  ri
finf T; sup T; inf I; sup I; inf F; sup F g.
Thus, 2. If k ! 0, the GINLPHHM operator becomes the
interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized hybrid har-
monic geometric (INLPHHG) operator:

GINLPHHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an
* "Pn  Pn      Pn  Pn     #
1 P 1 i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai inf Tai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai sup T ai
u n ; Pn  Pn    ; Pn  Pn   
i1 ca1 i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai
" Pn     Pn      Pn  Pn     #
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai inf Iai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai sup Iai
Pn  Pn    ; Pn     Pn    ;
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai
" Pn     Pn      Pn     Pn     #!+
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai inf Fai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai sup Fai
Pn     Pn    ; Pn  Pn    ;
i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai i1 Ti i1 Ti u shai
 Pn Pn   Pn Pn 
1 P 1 i1 P ai inf Tai i1 P ai sup Tai i1P ai inf Iai  ai sup Iai
i1 P
u n ; n ; n ; n ; n ;
i1  ai a a i1  ai i1  ai
 Pn Pn i1 i   i1 i
 ai inf F ai
i1 P  a sup Fai
n ; i1 Pn i
i1  ai i1  ai
INLPWHMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an

Neural Comput & Applic

. Y n  wi
INLPHHGa1 ;a2 ;...;an 1 r provided by the decision-makers Dy y 1; 2; . . .; t as they
i1 ri
D  .Yn  wi assess the medical treatment options Bi i 1; 2; . . .; m
u1 1 i1
u shrri ; with respect to the criteria Cj j 1; 2; . . .; n, where
hYn  wi  Yn  w i
inf Trri ; i1 supTrri i ; ayij 2 A.
 Then, the decision matrix Ry ay
ij m
n is
h Yn  w  Yn  w i
1 i1 1inf Irri i ;1 i1 1supIrri i ;
obtained. The method used to determine the rankings of the
h Yn  w  Yn  w i E treatment options and decision-making procedures is
1 i1 1inf Frri i ;1 i1 1supFrri i : described in the following passages.
Step 1 Normalize the decision matrices.
3. If k 2, the GINLPHHM operator becomes the
interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized hybrid har- First, the decision-making information ayij in the matrix
monic quadratic mean (INLNPHHQM) operator: Ry ayij m
n must be normalized. The criteria can be

   2 12
INLPHHQMa1 ; a2 ; . . .; an 1 ni1 wi rri
02 0 2 112 3
* 12 ! Pn   2 112 0Pn  
1 B6 i1  ri inf Trri i1  ri sup Trri
u1 Pn ; @4 @ Pn A ;@ Pn A7 5;
i1  ri i1  r i i1  ri

2 2 112 3
0 Pn    2 112 0 Pn   
 ri 1  1  inf Irri  ri 1  1  sup Ir ri
6 i1 i1
4 1  @1  Pn A ;1  @ Pn 5;
i1  ri i1  ri

2 2 112 31+
0 Pn    2 112 0 Pn   
 r 1  1  inf Fr ri  r 1  1  sup Fr ri
6 i1 i i1 i
A7 C
4 1  @1  Pn A ; 1  @1  Pn 5A :

i1 ri 
i1 ri

5 MCGDM method of selecting medical classified into benefit-type and cost-type criteria. The
treatments in an interval neutrosophic linguistic evaluation information does not have to be changed for the
environment benefit-type criteria; however, the negation operator must
be used for the cost-type criteria.
In this section, interval neutrosophic linguistic prioritized The normalizations of the decision matrices can be
harmonic operators are used to select medical treatments expressed as
based on interval neutrosophic linguistic information. ( y
a~ij ayij ; Cj 2 BT
For a medical treatment selection problem with interval  ;
y y
a~ij neg aij ; Cj 2 CT
neutrosophic linguistic information, let A be a set of
interval neutrosophic linguistic information, S where BT denotes the set of benefit-type criteria and CT
fsi ji 1; 2; . . .; 2t 1g be the linguistic term set, and S~ denotes the set of cost-type criteria.
fsi ji 2 1; lg be the extended linguistic term set, which The normalized decision matrices can be denoted as
satisfies si [ sj i [ j and l l [ 2t 1. Assume that B ayij m
n .
Ry ~
fB1 ; B2 ; . . .; Bm g is a set of medical treatment options and
D fD1 ; D2 ; . . .; Dt g is a set of decision-makers who Step 2 Aggregate all of the values of each treatment
evaluate these treatment options according to the criteria option based on each criterion.
C fC1 ; C2 ; . . .; Cn g. Prioritization relationships exist
When k ! 0, the collective INLNs ayi ayi 2 A
among the decision-makers, which satisfy
a~yi ~y  can be obtained via the GINLPWHM discussed
a 2 A
D1  D2      Dt , and the treatment option criteria,
in Definition 13 or the INLPWHG operator discussed in
which satisfy C1  C2     s  Cn . Evaluation informa-
Theorem 4 as
tion ayij i 1; 2; . . .; m; j 1; 2; . . .; n; y 1; 2; . . .; t is

Neural Comput & Applic

Table 1 Evaluative criteria

Steroid therapy (B1 ) Plasmapheresis (B2 )
used to select treatments
(C11 ) About a medium probability of a cure (C21 ) A high probability of a cure
(C12 ) There are some uncertain side effects (C22 ) The possibility of a blood pressure drop
(C13 ) High expense (C23 ) Medium expense

Albumin immune therapy (B3 )

(C31 ) A high probability of a cure

(C32 ) The possibility of a cold or weariness
(C33 ) Low expenses

ayi GINLPWHM a~yi1 ; a~yi2 ; . . .; a~yin or disease, which is characterized by ascending paralysis
  manifesting as weakness beginning in the feet and hands
byi INLPWHG a~yi1 ; a~yi2 ; . . .; a~yin :
and migrating towards the trunk, can affect the peripheral
Then, the collective preference matrix P ayi m
y or nervous system and cause life-threatening complications.
P~ byi m
y can be obtained. Most patients can recover from this disease with appro-
priate treatment within a few months to a year, although
Step 3 Calculate the overall value of each treatment minor by-effects, such as areflexia, may persist. Few
option Bi . patients with this disease recover from a severe disability,
 or bi bi 2 A
When k ! 0, the overall value ai ai 2 A  such as severe proximal motor dysfunction. The doctor
of each treatment option Bi can be obtained using the selected three treatment options, including steroid therapy
GINLPHHM discussed in Definition 14 or the INLPHHG (B1 ), plasmapheresis (B2 ), and albumin immune therapy
operator discussed in Theorem 8 as (B3 ), based on her medical history and current physical
  conditions. In order to improve the patient and her fam-
ai GINLNPHHM a1i ; a2i ; . . .; ati or ilys understanding of the benefits and disadvantages of
 1 2 t

bi INLPHHG bi ; bi ; . . .; bi : each treatment option, the hospital provided descriptions
of the treatment options in the form of Bi i 1; 2; 3
using three criteria, including the probability of a cure
Step 4 Calculate the score values of ai i 1; 2; . . .; m (C1 ), severity of the side effects (C2 ), and cost (C3 ), based
or bi i 1; 2; . . .; m using Definition 11. on a large number of cases, as summarized in Table 1. A
Step 5 Rank the medical treatment options and select the prioritization relationship among the criteria
optimum treatment. Cj j 1; 2; 3, which satisfies C1  C2  C3 , was deter-
mined according to the patients preferences and current
Based on the results obtained in Step 4, the medical
financial situation. In order to select the optimum treat-
treatments are ranked, and the optimum treatment is
ment, the patient (D1 ), doctor (D2 ), and patients family
(D3 ), with a prioritization relationship among the deci-
sion-makers Dy y 1; 2; 3 satisfying D1  D2  D3 ,
5.1 Illustration of the proposed approach
evaluated the three treatment options based on these cri-
teria using INLNs and the linguistic term set S fs1
In this section, a medical treatment selection problem is
extremely poorEP; s2 very poorVP; s3 poorP;
used to illustrate the validity and efficacy of the developed
s4 mediumM; s5 goodG; s6 very good
VG;s7 extremely good EGg, yielding the INLNs
The following case is adapted from [6].
ayij i 1; 2; 3; j 1; 2; 3; y 1; 2; 3. The decision matri-
The patient, a 48-year-old wealthy woman with a
history of diabetes mellitus, was diagnosed with acute ces are shown in R1 , R2 , and R3 .
inflammatory demyelinating disease by her doctor. This

Neural Comput & Applic

0 1
hs3 ; 0:4; 0:5; 0:2; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs5 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:4i hs5 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i
R1 @ hs4 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i hs3 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i hs3 ; 0:4; 0:7; 0:2; 0:2; 0:1; 0:2i A;
hs5 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:3; 0:4i hs6 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:1; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs1 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1; 0:3i
0 1
hs4 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i hs4 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs4 ; 0:5; 0:8; 0:2; 0:3; 0:2; 0:3i
R2 @ hs7 ; 0:6; 0:8; 0:1; 0:2; 0:1; 0:2i hs3 ; 0:7; 0:8; 0:1; 0:2; 0:1; 0:3i hs2 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i A;
hs6 ; 0:5; 0:5; 0:3; 0:4; 0:2; 0:3i hs5 ; 0:6; 0:8; 0:1; 0:3; 0:2; 0:4i hs1 ; 0:4; 0:6; 0:2; 0:3; 0:1; 0:2i
0 1
hs4 ; 0:4; 0:5; 0:4; 0:5; 0; 0:2i hs4 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:3; 0:4; 0:3; 0:4i hs4 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:3i
R3 @ hs6 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0:1; 0:2i hs3 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0; 0:3i hs3 ; 0:7; 0:8; 0:2; 0:4; 0; 0:2i A:
s ; 0:3; 0:5; 0:3; 0:5; 0:1; 0:3 i h6
s ; 0:5; 0:8; 0; 0:3; 0:2; 0:3 i h 2 ; 0:5; 0:5; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i

5.2 Interval neutrosophic linguistic MCGDM The probability of a cure (C1 ) is considered a benefit-
method type criterion, while the severity of the side effects (C2 )
and cost (C3 ) are considered cost-type criteria. Therefore,
The proposed MCGDM method is used to rank the treat- the information ayij in the decision matrices Ry
ment options. ayij 4
3 i 1; 2; 3; j 1; 2; 3; y 1; 2; 3 is normalized
Without the loss of generality, let u si u3 , p 0:8, using negation operators.
q 0:7, t 3, l [ 7, and k 1. The normalized decision matrices can be expressed as
Step 1 Normalize the decision matrices. R1 , R2 , and R3 .

0 1
hs3 ; 0:4; 0:5; 0:2; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs2:06 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:4i hs2:06 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i
R1 @ hs4 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i hs4:26 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:1; 0:2; 0:2; 0:3i hs4:26 ; 0:4; 0:7; 0:2; 0:2; 0:1; 0:2i A;
hs5 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:2; 0:3; 0:4i hs0:98 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:1; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs5:98 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:1; 0:3; 0:1; 0:3i
0 1
hs4 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i hs3:52 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0:3; 0:4i hs3:52 ; 0:5; 0:8; 0:2; 0:3; 0:2; 0:3i
R2 @ hs7 ; 0:6; 0:8; 0:1; 0:2; 0:1; 0:2i hs4:26 ; 0:7; 0:8; 0:1; 0:2; 0:1; 0:3i hs5:05 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i A;
hs6 ; 0:5; 0:5; 0:3; 0:4; 0:2; 0:3i hs2:06 ; 0:6; 0:8; 0:1; 0:3; 0:2; 0:4i hs5:98 ; 0:4; 0:6; 0:2; 0:3; 0:1; 0:2i
0 1
hs4 ; 0:4; 0:5; 0:4; 0:5; 0; 0:2i hs3:52 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:3; 0:4; 0:3; 0:4i hs3:52 ; 0:5; 0:6; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:3i
R3 @ hs6 ; 0:5; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0:1; 0:2i hs4:26 ; 0:6; 0:7; 0:2; 0:3; 0; 0:3i hs4:26 ; 0:7; 0:8; 0:2; 0:4; 0; 0:2i A:
hs5 ; 0:3; 0:5; 0:3; 0:5; 0:1; 0:3i hs0:98 ; 0:5; 0:8; 0; 0:3; 0:2; 0:3i hs5:05 ; 0:5; 0:5; 0:3; 0:4; 0:1; 0:2i

Neural Comput & Applic

Step 2 Aggregate all of the values of each treatment relatively pessimistic decision-makers, while low values of
option based on each criterion. k were associated with relatively conservative decision-
makers. When the decision-makers did not indicate any
The GINLPWHM and INLPWHG operators are used to
preferences, the most commonly used value (k = 1) was
aggregate all of the assessment information of each treat-
ment option based on each criterion. The collective INLNs
are expressed as P and P.~

0 1
hs2:72 ; 0:43;0:53;0:17;0:27;0:27;0:40i hs3:83 ; 0:53;0:66;0:26;0:36;0:18;0:28i hs3:82 ; 0:45;0:58;0:35;0:45;0:11;0:28i
P @ hs4:06 ; 0:51;0:70;0:11;0:20;0:19;0:29i hs5:18 ; 0:63;0:78;0:14;0:24;0:10;0:25i hs4:79 ; 0:59;0:72;0:20;0:32;0:03;0:24i A;
hs2:21 ; 0:50;0:68;0:10;0:28;0:30;0:40i hs3:44 ; 0:57;0:71;0:16;0:33;0:20;0:36i hs2:01 ; 0:46;0:74;0:06;0:34;0:18;0:30i
0 1
hs2:76 ; 0:42;0:52;0:18;0:28;0:28;0:40i hs3:84 ; 0:53;0:65;0:26;0:36;0:17;0:28i hs3:83 ; 0:44;0:57;0:36;0:46;0:11;0:28i
P~ @ hs4:06 ; 0:51;0:70;0:11;0:20;0:19;0:29i hs5:31 ; 0:61;0:78;0:14;0:24;0:10;0:24i hs4:86 ; 0:57;0:72;0:20;0:32;0:05;0:24i A:
hs3:25 ; 0:50;0:63;0:10;0:24;0:30;0:40i hs3:96 ; 0:53;0:61;0:22;0:36;0:19;0:33i hs2:97 ; 0:37;0:60;0:20;0:43;0:14;0:30i

Step 3. Calculate the overall value of each treatment 5.3 Comparative analysis and discussion
In order to validate the accuracy of the proposed interval
The GINLPHHM and INLPHHG operators, where
neutrosophic linguistic MCGDM method, a comparative
w 0:243; 0:514; 0:243, the value of which was derived
study based on the illustrative example provided in this
using the normal distribution method [71], are used to
paper was conducted. The method developed in this paper
obtain the collective values.
0 1 was compared to the method proposed by Ye [55].
hs3:43 ; 0:46;0:56;0:20; 0:30;0:24;0:36i When applying the approach described in [55] to the
B C above example, which involves the use of the interval
U @ hs4:73 ; 0:56;0:73;0:13; 0:23;0:14;0:27i A and
hs2:81 ; 0:51;0:69;0:11; 0:29;0:27;0:39i neutrosophic linguistic weighted arithmetic average
0 1 (INLWAA) and interval neutrosophic linguistic weighted
hs4:97 ; 0:48;0:59;0:27; 0:37;0:19;0:31i
geometric average (INLWGA) operators with known
U~ B C
@ hs5:76 ; 0:58;0:74;0:15; 0:25;0:11;0:25i A: weights to comprehensively analyse treatment options, the
hs4:50 ; 0:48;0:61;0:19; 0:35;0:21;0:34i weights of the criteria and decision-makers can be deter-
mined using the PA operator (wij
.P Qj1
Tij j1 Tij ,Tij k1 Eaik =6, where Eaij [55] is the
Step 4 Calculate the score values of the treatment score function value of the INLN aij ). The overall values of
options.  and the score
the treatment options are denoted as U,
Q 0:32 0:58 0:26 and function values of all of the treatment options are denoted
Q~ 0:62 0:72 0:54 : 
as Q.
Step 5 Rank the treatment options and select the 0 1
hs2:38 ; 0:90; 0:97; 0; 0:02; 0; 0:02i
optimum treatment. B
@ hs3:48 ; 0:95; 0:99; 0; 0:01; 0; 0:01i A and
The treatment options are ranked as B2  B1  B3 . hs3:32 ; 0:90; 0:97; 0; 0:02; 0; 0:02i
Therefore, the patient and her family opt for plasma-
pheresis (B2 ).
Q 2:91 3:06 :
The GINLPWHM and GINLPHHM operators and
INLPWHG and INLPHHG operators yield the same
Thus, the treatment options are ranked as B3  B2  B1 ,
treatment ranking setting when k = 1. The treatment
and B3 is the optimum treatment. The ranking results are
options rankings for different values of k are shown in
shown in Table 2.
Fig. 1. In general, high values of k were associated with

Neural Comput & Applic

Fig. 1 Rankings of the various

treatment options for different
values of k

Table 2 Ranking results

Methods Operators Ranking of alternatives
obtained using the proposed
method and method presented in Method presented in [55] INLWAA B3  B2  B1
Proposed method GINLPWHM and GINLPHHM, k = 1 B2  B1  B3

As shown in Table 1, the method developed in this However, the weights of the criteria and decision-
paper and the method introduced in [55] yielded signifi- makers in this paper were calculated using PA
cantly different results. These differences were attributed to operators according to their levels of priority. The
the following: method proposed in this paper also combined the
advantages of PA and HM operators in order to obtain
1. In the proposed approach, the linguistic terms were
the overall INLNs of the alternatives. Thus, the method
operated upon by the linguistic scale functions based
proposed in this paper yielded more objective and
on differences in semantics. Thus, the approach
accurate results than the method developed in [55].
developed in this paper effectively reflected the
semantics in the example. However, the linguistic
terms in the approach developed in [55] were directly
operated upon based on their subscripts, and the 6 Conclusions
absolute deviations of any two pairs of adjacent
linguistic terms were assumed to be equal, resulting In this paper, the medical treatment option selection pro-
in inaccurate aggregation results. cess was studied in an interval neutrosophic linguistic
2. The new INLN operations defined in this paper environment. In order to improve the applicability of
accounted for the correlations among the linguistic methods based on interval neutrosophic linguistic aggre-
terms and three degrees of membership of the INLNs. gation operators and compensate for the limitations of
In addition, the new operations applied conservative existing operators, new interval neutrosophic linguistic
and reliable principles, preventing information loss and aggregation operators were developed and applied to the
distortion. However, the operations presented in [55] medical treatment selection process. First, rectified lin-
divided the linguistic terms and three degrees of guistic scale functions, new operations, and an INLN
membership of the INLNs into two parts and calcu- comparison method were developed in order to prevent
lated their values separately, neglecting their information loss and distortion during the aggregation
interrelationships. process and comparative study. Then, GINLPWHM and
3. The weights of the criteria and decision-makers in the GINLPHHM operators were developed based on these
approach presented in [55] were expressed in real scale functions and operations. Furthermore, an interval
numbers, neglecting the priority rankings among the neutrosophic linguistic MCGDM method based on these
criteria and decision-makers that exist in practice. operators was developed and demonstrated using a

Neural Comput & Applic

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