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1. The lyophilisate is vacuum sealed, therefore the vial Each individual blood donation used for production of
Lyophilized Serum Control should be opened very carefully to avoid loss of DIACON P Control was found to be non-reactive when
dried material. tested with approved methods for HbsAg, anti-HIV 1+2
2. Add exactly 5 ml of dist. water (inaccurate and anti-HCV. As there is no possibility to exclude
DIACON P reconstitution of the control and error in assay definitely that products derived from human blood
transmit infectious agents, it is recommended to handle
(Assayed Universal Control Serum Abnormal) technique can cause erroneous results.)
the control with the same precautions used for patient
3. Close the vial carefully and let the control stand for specimens.
30 min.
4. Dissolve contents completely by swirling gently,
Lyophilized universal control serum for the use in avoiding the formation of foam. Do not shake!
tests for the quantitative in vitro determination of WASTE MANAGEMENT
various analytes on photometric systems.
CONTROL STABILITY AND STORAGE Please refer to local legal requirements.
Storage: at 2 8C
Stability: until date of expiration
Stability after reconstitution: REFERENCES
2025C 2 - 8C -20C
Bilirubin (in the dark): - 2 days 14 days 1. Rhle G, Siekmann L. Quality assurance of quantitative
GPT 2 hours 2 days 30 days determination. In: Thomas L, editor. Clinical laboratory
D98482 12 x 5 ml GOT 8 hours 2 days 30 days diagnostics. 1 ed. Frankfurt: TH-Books
D14482 5 x 5 ml CK-NAC, CK-MB 4 hours 7 days 30 days Verlagsgesellschaft; 1998. p. 1393-1401
Other Analytes: 8 hours 7 days 30 days 2. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.
D98482SV 1 x 5 ml U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
D98482VSV 1 x 5 ml unlabeled vials (OEM) CLOSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE Washington 1993 (HHS Publication No. [CDC] 93-8395).
Do not use the product if there is visible evidence of 3. Richtlinien der Bundesrztekammer zur
Qualittssicherung in medizinischen Laboratorien.
microbial growth in the vial.
Deutsches rzteblatt 1988;85: B519-B532.
Improper handling and/or storage of the control can 4. Richtlinie der Bundesrztekammer zur Qualittssicherung
affect results. quantitativer laboratoriums-medizinischer
FREEZE ONLY ONCE! Untersuchungen. Deutsches rzteblatt 2003; 100:A 3335-
Values and Expiry Date are LOT specific.
COMPONENTS: Please refer to table with Lot specific assay data.
Pooled human serum
Purified human and animal components ASSAY VALUES AND RANGES
Purified drugs
Non organic components The assay values and ranges provided for each
DIALAB Produktion und Vertrieb von chemisch technischen
Stabilisers analyte listed are derived using DIALAB reagents Produkten und Laborinstrumenten Gesellschaft m.b.H.
or reagents from other manufacturers. A 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria
IZ-N Sd, Hondastrasse, Objekt M55
It is recommended that each laboratory establishes Phone: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-0
Fax: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-30 e-mail:
its own mean value for this control.

S:\pm\allg\Inserts_PM\Inserts_word\clinical chemistry\controls\diacon-p_rev01.doc Page 1 DI M. Wagner Rev. 01, 2006.10.24.

1. Das Lyophilisat ist unter Vakuum versiegelt, daher Fr die Herstellung von Diacon P wurden nur
Lyophilisierte Serumkontrolle sollte die Flasche sehr vorsichtig geffnet werden, Blutspenden europischen Ursprungs verwendet, die bei
um einen Verlust des getrockneten Materials zu der Untersuchung durch zugelassene Methoden fr
vermeiden. HBsAg, anti-HIV 1+2 und anti-HCV negativ reagierten.
2. zur Rekonstitution werden genau 5 ml destilliertes
DIACON P Wasser zugegeben (ungenaue Auflsung des
Da keine Mglichkeit besteht, definitive auszuschlieen,
dass die aus menschlichem Blut gewonnenen Produkte
(Kontrollserum mit Werten im Kontrollmaterials kann zu ungenauen Ergebnissen Krankheitserreger bertragen, wird empfohlen, das
pathologischen Bereich) fhren.) Kontrollserum mit denselben Vorsichtsmanahmen wie
3. Flschchen vorsichtig verschlieen und die Kontrolle Patientenproben zu behandeln.
30 Minuten stehen lassen.
Lyophilisisertes Kontrollserum zur berprfung der 4. Inhalt durch gelegentliches vorsichtiges
Richtigkeit von quantitativen In-Vitro-Bestimmungen Umschwenken vollstndig in Lsung bringen. Dabei
verschiedener Analyten auf fotometrischen die Bildung von Schaum vermeiden. Nicht schtteln! ENTSORGUNG
Bitte beachten Sie die jeweiligen gesetzlichen
Lagerung: bei 2 8C
Haltbarkeit: bis zum angegebenen Verfallsdatum
Haltbarkeit nach Rekonstitution:
2025C 2 - 8C -20C 1. Rhle G, Siekmann L. Quality assurance of quantitative
D98482 12 x 5 ml Bilirubin (im Dunkeln): - 2 Tage 14 Tage determination. In: Thomas L, editor. Clinical laboratory
GPT 2 Stunden 2 Tage 30 Tage diagnostics. 1 ed. Frankfurt: TH-Books
D14482 5 x 5 ml GOT 8 Stunden 2 Tage 30 Tage Verlagsgesellschaft; 1998. p. 1393-1401
D98482SV 1 x 5 ml CK-NAC, CK-MB 4 Stunden 7 Tage 30 Tage 2. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.
D98482VSV 1 x 5 ml Unetikettierte Flschchen Andere Analyte: 8 Stunden 7 Tage 30 Tage U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
(OEM) Washington 1993 (HHS Publication No. [CDC] 93-8395).
3. Richtlinien der Bundesrztekammer zur
Qualittssicherung in medizinischen Laboratorien.
Bei Anzeichen mikrobiellen Wachstums Produkt nicht mehr
Deutsches rzteblatt 1988;85: B519-B532.
verwenden. Unsachgeme Handhabung und/oder Lagerung
4. Richtlinie der Bundesrztekammer zur Qualittssicherung
kann die Ergebnisse beeintrchtigen.
quantitativer laboratoriums-medizinischer
Untersuchungen. Deutsches rzteblatt 2003; 100:A 3335-
KOMPONENTEN: Zielwerte und Verfallsdatum sind chargenabhngig.
Bitte beachten Sie nachfolgende Tabelle mit
Gepooltes Humanserum chargenabhngigen Zielwerten.
Gereinigte Materialien humanen und tierischen Ursprungs Alle Sollwerte wurden mit der in der Sollwerttabelle
Gereinigte Medikamente angegebenen Methode und unter Verwendung der DIALAB Produktion und Vertrieb von chemisch technischen
Nicht-organische Zustze Produkten und Laborinstrumenten Gesellschaft m.b.H.
entsprechenden Dialab Reagenzien bzw. Reagenzien A 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Stabilisatoren anderer Hersteller ermittelt. IZ-N Sd, Hondastrasse, Objekt M55
Phone: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-0
Jedes Labor sollte eigene Mittelwerte fr die Fax: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-30 e-mail:

Kontrolle ermitteln.

S:\pm\allg\Inserts_deutsch\inserts_word\clinchem\cal_ctrl\diacon-p_dt_rev01.doc 1 DI M. Wagner Rev. 01, 2006.09.25.

Diacon P - Pathological control
Parameter declaration / Parameterbezeichnung / Indice paramtre / Indice de parametros

Terms Begriffe Termes Trminos Termer Termini Termos Ordliste

Assay value Sollwert Valeur cible Valor medio Brvrde Valore nominale Valor ensaio Assay vrdi
continued fortgesetzt continu continuado fortsatt continuato continuado fortsat
Exp. (Expiry date) Verfallsdatum Date de premption Fecha de caducidad Utgngsdatum Data di scadenza Prazo Validade Udlbsdato
Manufacturer Hersteller Fabriqu par Fabricant Tillverkare Produttore Fabricante Producent
Max. limits Max. Bereich Limites max. Limites mx. Maxgrns Ambito massimo Limites max. Max. grnser
Method Methode Mthode Mtodo Metod Mtodo Mtodo Metode
Protein electrophoresis Eiwei-Elektrophorese Electrophorse de protines Electroforesis de las proteinas Proteinelektrofores Elettroforesi delle proteine Electroforese das protenas Protein elektroforese
Reference method Referenzmethode Mthode reference Mtodo de referencia Referensmetod Metodi di riferimento Mtodo de referncia Referencemetode
Short forms Abkrzungen Abrviation Abreviatura Frkortning Abbreviazioni Formulrios curtos Kort form
Unit Einheit Unit Unidad Enhet Unit Unidade Enhed
Universal control serum Universal-Kontrollserum Srum de contrle universel Suero de control universal Allmn kontrollserum Siero di controllo universal Soro controlo universal Universal kontrol serum

Constituent Bestandteil Constituant Componento Bestandsdelar Componenti Componento Bestanddel

Acetaminophen Acetaminophen Actaminophne Acetaminofeno Acetaminofen Acetaminofenolo Acetaminofeno Acetaminophen
Total Acid Phosphatase (ACP) Saure Phosphatase, gesamt Phosphatase acide, totale Fosfatasa cida, Total Surt fosfatas, totalt Fosfatasi acida totale Fosfatase cida, Total Sur phosphatase, total
Albumin Albumin Albumine Albmina Albumin Albumina Albumina Albumin
Aldolase Aldolase Aldolase Aldolasa Aldolas Aldolasi Aldolase Aldolase
Alkaline Phosphatase Alkalische Phosphatase Phosphatase alcaline Fosfatasa alcalina Alkaliskt fosfatas Fosfatasi alcalina Fosfatase alcalina Alkalisk phosphatase
-Amylase -Amylase -Amylase -Amilasa -Amylas -Amilasi -Amlase -Amylase
Pancreatic amylase Pankreas Amylase Amylase pancratique Amilasa pancretica Pankreas amylas Amilasi pancreatica Amlase pancretica Pancreatisk amylase
Apolipoprotein A Apolipoprotein A Apolipoprotine A Apolipoprotena A Apolipoprotein A Apolipoproteina A Apolipoprotena A Apolipoprotein A
Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotine B Apolipoprotena B Apolipoprotein B Apolipoproteina B Apolipoprotena B Apolipoprotein B
Bicarbonate Bicarbonat CO2 CO2 Bikarbonat CO2 CO2 CO2
Bile Acids Gallensure Acides biliares cidos biliares Gallsyra Acido biliare cido biliare Galdesyre
Direct Bilirubin Direktes Bilirubin Bilirubine directe Bilirrubina directa Direkt Bilirubin Bilirubina diretta Bilirrubina Directa Direkte Bilirubin
Bilirubin total Gesamtbilirubin Bilirubine totale Bilirrubina total Bilirubin total Bilirubina totale Bilirrubina total Bilirubin total
Calcium Calcium Calcium Calcio Kalcium Calcio Clcio Calcium
Carbamazepine Carbamazepin Carbamazpine Carbamacepina Karbamazepin Carbamazepina Carbamazepina Carbamazepin
Chloride Chlorid Chlorure Cloruro Klorid Cloruro Cloreto Chlorid
Cholinesterase Cholinesterase Cholinestrase Colinesterasa Kolinesteras Colinesterasi Colinesterase Cholinesterase
Cholesterol Cholesterin Cholestrol Colesterol Kolesterol Colesterolo Colesterol Cholesterol
Free Cholesterol Freies Cholesterin Cholestrol libre Colesterol libre Fritt Kolesterol Colesterolo Colesterol Frit Cholesterol
Copper Kupfer Cuivre Cobre Koppar Rame Cobre Kobber
Cortisol Hydrocortison Cortisol Cortisol Kortisol Cortisolo Cortisol Cortisol
Creatinine Kreatinin Cratinine Creatinina Kreatinin Creatinina Creatinina Creatinin
Digoxin Digoxin Digoxine Digoxin Digoxin Digossina Digoxina Digoxin

Diacon P, 0821501 2 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P - Pathological control
Parameter declaration / Parameterbezeichnung / Indice paramtre / Indice de parametros

Constituent Bestandteil Constituant Componento Bestandsdelar Componenti Componento Bestanddel

-Globulin -Globulin -Globuline -Globulina -Globulin -Globulina -Globulina -Globulin
Gentamicin Gentamycin Gentamicine Gentamicina Gentamicin Gentamicina Gentamicina Gentamicin
Glucose Glucose Glucose Glucosa Glukos Glucosio Glicose Glucose
-Hydroxybutyric acid -Hydroxybuttersure Acide hydroxy butyrique cido 2-hidroxibutrico Hydroxybutyryl syra Acido-Idrossibutirrico cido-hidroxibutrico Hydroxybutyryl syre
Iron Eisen Fer Hierro Jrn Ferro Ferro Jern
Iron TIBC (Iron-Binding Capacity, TEBK Totale TIBC Capacit de fixation du fer, TIBC Capacidad total de fijacin TIBC Jrnbindande kapacitet, TIBC Capacit totale del ferro TIBC Capacidade de ligao ao TIBC Jernbindingskapacitet,
Total) Eisenbindungskapazitt total del hierro total legante ferro total total
Iron UIBC (Iron-Binding Capacity, LEBK Latente Eisenbindungs UICB Capacit de fixation du fer, UICB Capacidad insaturada de UIBC Jrnbindande kapacite, UICB Capacit del ferro legante UICB Capacidade de ligao ao UIBC Jernbindingskapacitet,
Unsaturated) Kapazitt insatur fijacin de hierro omttad insaturo ferro no saturada umttet
Lactate (Lactic Acid) Lactat (Milchsure) Lactate (acide lactique) Lactato (cido lctico) Laktat (mjlksyra) Lattato (Acido lattico) Lactato (cido lctico) Lactat (mlkesyre)
LAP - Arylamidase LAP - Arylamidase LAP - Arylamidase LAP Arilamidasa LAP - Arylamidas LAP - Arilamidasi LAP - Arilamidase LAP - Arylamidase
Lipase Lipase Lipase Lipasa Lipas Lipasi Lipase Lipase
Lithium Lithium Lithium Litio Litium Litio Ltio Lithium
Magnesium Magnesium Magnsium Magnesio Magnesium Magnesio Magnsio Magnesium
Phenylalanine Phenylalanin Phnylalanine Phenylalanino Fenylalanin Phenylalanine Phenylalanine Phenylalanin
Phenytoin Phenytoin Phenytone Fenitona Fenytoin Fenitoina Fenitoina Phenytoin
Phospholipids Phospholipide Phospholipides Fosfolpidos Fosforlipid Fosfolpida Fosfolpidos Fosforlipid
Inorganic phosphate Phosphor anorganisch Phosphore inorganique Fsforo inorgnico Fosfor Fosforo Fsforo Phosphor
Potassium Kalium Potassium Potasio Kalium Potassio Potssio Kalium
Protein electrophoresis Eiwei-Elektrophorese Electrophorse de protines Electroforesis de las proteinas Proteinelectrofores Elettroforesi delle proteine Electroforese de proteinas Protein electroforese
Salicylate Salicylat Salicylate Salicilato Salicylat Salicilato Salicilato Salicylat
Sodium Natrium Sodium Sodio Natrium Sodio Sdio Natrium
Total protein Gesamtprotein Protines totales Total protenas Totalt protein Proteina totale Total protena Total protein
Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronin (T3) Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronin (T3)
T3 Uptake T3-Aufnahme T3, fixation T3 (Respuesta) T3-upptag Captazione T3 Absoro de T3 T3 absorption
Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxin-T4 Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxine-T4 Thyroxin-T4
Theophylline Theophyllin Thophylline Teofilina Teofyllin Teofillina Teofilina Theophyllin
Tobramycin Tobramycin Tobramycine Tobramicina Tobramycin Tobramicina Tobramicina Tobramycin
Transferrin Transferrin Transferrine Transferrina Transferrin Transferrina Transferrina Transferrin
Triglycerides Triglyceride Triglycrides Triglicridos Triglycerider Trigliceridi Triglicerdeos Triglycerider
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating TSH (Thyreoidea-stimulierendes TSH (Hormone de stimulation de TSH (Hormona estimulante del TSH (Thyreoideastimulerande TSH (Ormone stimolante la TSH (Hormona TSH (Thyroideastimulerende
Hormone) Hormon) la thyrode) tiroides) hormon) tiroide) tirotrpica) hormon)
Urea Harnstoff Ure Urea Urea Urea Ureia Urea
Uric Acid Harnsure Acide urique cido rico Urinsyra Acido urico cido rico Urinsyre
Zinc Zink Zinc Zinc Zink Zinco Zinco Zink

Diacon P, 0821501 3 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
Reference method
ALT/GPT IFCC Reference method, 37 C INSTAND U/L 113 87,0 - 139 kat/L 1,88 1,45 - 2,32
AST/GOT IFCC Reference method, 37 C INSTAND U/L 164 126 - 202 kat/L 2,73 2,10 - 3,36
Calcium ICP-IDMS INSTAND mmol/L 3,01 2,68 - 3,34 mg/dL 12,1 10,7 - 13,4
Cholesterol Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 211 181 - 241 mmol/L 5,46 4,69 - 6,22
Chloride ICP-IDMS INSTAND mmol/L 110 100 - 120 mg/dL 391 355 - 426
CK IFCC Reference method, 37 C INSTAND U/L 460 368 - 552 kat/L 7,67 6,13 - 9,2
Copper Atomic absorbtion spectrometry mol/L 0,0 - 0,0 g/dL 0 0 - 0
Creatinine Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 8,47 6,61 - 10,33 mol/L 749 584 - 913
-GT IFCC Reference method 37 C INSTAND U/L 85,0 66,3 - 104 kat/L 1,42 1,11 - 1,73
Glucose Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 283 238 - 328 mmol/L 15,7 13,2 - 18,2
LDH IFCC Reference method, 37 C INSTAND U/L 348 285 - 411 kat/L 5,80 4,76 - 6,84
Lithium ICP-IDMS INSTAND mmol/L 2,48 2,13 - 2,83 mg/dL 1,72 1,48 - 1,96
Magnesium ICP-IDMS INSTAND mmol/L 2,04 1,71 - 2,37 mg/dL 4,96 4,16 - 5,75
Potassium ICP-IDMS INSTAND mmol/L 7,26 6,61 - 7,91 mg/dL 28,4 25,8 - 30,9
Sodium ICP-MS INSTAND mmol/L 149 140 - 158 mg/dL 343 322 - 363
Total protein Modified Biuret method INSTAND g/dL 6,47 5,76 - 7,18 g/L 64,7 57,6 - 71,8
Triglycerides Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 168 138 - 198 mmol/L 1,89 1,55 - 2,23
Urea Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 147 115 - 179 mmol/L 24,5 19,1 - 29,9
Uric acid Gas-chromat.-isotope dilution mass spectro. INSTAND mg/dL 10,9 9,37 - 12,4 mol/L 648 558 - 739
Zinc g/dL 0 - 0 mol/L 0,0 0,0 - 0

Diacon P, 0821501 4 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
Dialab reagents - all instruments
Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,33 3,33 - 5,33 g/L 43,3 33,3 - 53,3
Alkaline phosphatase IFCC 37 C U/L 215 161 - 268 kat/L 3,58 2,68 - 4,47
DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 490 377 - 603 kat/L 8,17 6,29 - 10,0
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 119 91,5 - 146 kat/L 1,98 1,52 - 2,44
without P5P 37 C U/L 116 88,9 - 142 kat/L 1,93 1,48 - 2,37
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 162 125 - 199 kat/L 2,70 2,08 - 3,32
without P5P 37 C U/L 167 128 - 205 kat/L 2,78 2,14 - 3,41
-Amylase EPS G-7 (mod. IFCC) U/L 208 166 - 250 kat/L 3,47 2,77 - 4,16
CNP-G3 37 C U/L 190 152 - 228 kat/L 3,17 2,53 - 3,80
Pancreatic amylase EPS G-7 (ET-G7PNP) U/L 128 103 - 154 kat/L 2,14 1,71 - 2,56
Bicarbonate (CO2) PEP-C, using NADH analogue mmol/L 32,6 26,1 - 39,1 mEq/L 32,6 26,1 - 39,1
Bile Acids enzymatic cycling mol/L 8,85 7,08 - 10,6 - - - - -
Direct Bilirubin DCA mg/dL 1,22 0,901 - 1,53 mol/l 20,8 15,4 - 26,2
Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 1,67 1,23 - 2,10 mol/l 28,5 21,1 - 35,9
Bilirubin total DCA mg/dL 7,62 5,64 - 9,60 mol/l 130 96,4 - 164
Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 8,82 6,52 - 11,11 mol/l 151 111,6 - 190
Calcium CPC mmol/L 2,99 2,66 - 3,32 mg/dL 12,0 10,7 - 13,3
Arsenazo mmol/L 2,99 2,66 - 3,32 mg/dL 12,0 10,7 - 13,3
Chloride Thiocyanate mmol/L 107 97,5 - 117 mg/dL 380 346 - 415
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 205 176 - 234 mmol/L 5,31 4,56 - 6,05
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin method U/L 3273 2684 - 3862 kat/L 54,6 44,7 - 64,4
CK DGKC, IFCC, NVKC, SEQC 37 C U/L 479 383 - 575 kat/L 7,99 6,39 - 9,59
CK-MB mAb, Immunological method, 37 C U/L 61,6 49,3 - 73,9 kat/L 1,03 0,821 - 1,23
Copper DiBrom-PAESA g/dL 289 231 - 347 mol/l 45,4 36,3 - 54,5
Creatinine Jaffe without compensation mg/dL 7,94 6,19 - 9,69 mol/l 702 547 - 856
Jaffe with compensation mg/dL 8,63 6,73 - 10,5 mol/l 763 595 - 931
Enzymatic PAP mg/dL 8,61 6,72 - 10,50 mol/l 761 594 - 929
-GT IFCC, DGKC 1994 37 C U/L 82,1 64,0 - 100 kat/L 1,37 1,07 - 1,67
Szasz 37 C U/L 72,6 56,7 - 88,6 kat/L 1,21 0,944 - 1,48
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 24,3 19,4 - 29,2 kat/L 0,405 0,324 - 0,486
Glucose GOD-PAP mg/dL 276 232 - 321 mmol/L 15,3 12,9 - 17,8
HK/G6P-DH mg/dL 278 234 - 322 mmol/L 15,4 13,0 - 17,9
-HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 332 266 - 398 kat/L 5,53 4,43 - 6,64
HDL-Cholesterol Immunoinhibition mg/dL 66,3 57,0 - 75,6 mmol/L 1,71 1,47 - 1,95
-Hydroxybutyrate -HBDH / Diaphorase 37 C mmol/L 0,979 0,783 - 1,17 mg/dL 10,2 8,15 - 12,2
Iron Ferene g/dL 299 257 - 341 mol/L 53,6 46,1 - 61,1
Lactate LDH UV endpoint mmol/L 3,63 2,87 - 4,39 mg/dL 32,7 25,8 - 39,6
LDH-L IFCC, DGKC 1994 37 C U/L 346 284 - 408 kat/L 5,77 4,73 - 6,80
LDH-P DGKC opt. 1970 37 C U/L 642 526 - 758 kat/L 10,7 8,77 - 12,6
LDL-Cholesterol Enzymatic Selective Protection mg/dL 119,0 102 - 136 mmol/L 3,08 2,65 - 3,51
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 107 85,6 - 128 kat/L 1,78 1,43 - 2,14
Magnesium Xylidyl blue method mmol/L 1,98 1,66 - 2,30 mg/dL 4,81 4,04 - 5,58
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 8,03 6,58 - 9,48 mmol/L 2,59 2,13 - 3,06
Sodium Enzymatic mmol/L 146 137 - 155 mg/dL 336 315 - 356
Total protein Biuret without sample blank g/dL 6,92 6,16 - 7,68 g/L 69,2 61,6 - 76,8
Biuret with sample blank g/dL 6,44 5,73 - 7,15 g/L 64,4 57,3 - 71,5
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 163 134 - 193 mmol/L 1,84 1,51 - 2,17
Urea Urease UV mg/dL 148 115 - 180 mmol/L 24,6 19,2 - 30,0
Colorimetric endpoint; Berthelot mg/dL 128 100 - 156 mmol/L 21,3 16,6 - 26,0
Uric Acid TBHBA mg/dL 10,4 8,91 - 11,8 mol/L 616 530 - 702
AOX, TOOS mg/dL 10,9 9,37 - 12,4 mol/L 648 558 - 739
Zinc 5-Br-PAPS g/dL 423 338 - 507 mol/L 64,6 51,7 - 77,6

Diacon P, 0821501 5 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
System related values
Abbott Aeroset - Architect c series
Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,11 3,16 - 5,06 g/L 41,1 31,6 - 50,6
Bromocresol purple g/dL 4,18 3,22 - 5,14 g/L 41,8 32,2 - 51,4
Alkaline phosphatase AMP buffer 37 C U/L 209 157 - 261 kat/l 3,48 2,61 - 4,35
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 111 85,5 - 137 kat/l 1,85 1,42 - 2,28
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 165 127 - 203 kat/l 2,75 2,12 - 3,38
-Amylase CNP-G3 Substrate U/L 234 187 - 281 kat/l 3,90 3,12 - 4,68
Pancreatic amylase EPS G-7 U/L 133 106 - 160 kat/l 2,22 1,77 - 2,66
Direct Bilirubin Diazo reaction / DCA mg/dL 1,24 0,92 - 1,56 mol/l 21,2 15,7 - 26,7
Bilirubin total Diazonium salt / DCA mg/dL 8,30 6,14 - 10,46 mol/l 142 105,0 - 179
Calcium Arsenazo mmol/L 3,11 2,77 - 3,45 mg/dL 12,5 11,1 - 13,8
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 112 102 - 122 mg/dL 398 362 - 433
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP / Enzymatic mg/dL 204 175 - 232 mmol/L 5,27 4,53 - 6,01
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 4170 3419 - 4921 kat/L 69,5 57,0 - 82
CK IFCC 37 C U/L 474 379 - 569 kat/l 7,90 6,32 - 9,5
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,78 6,85 - 10,7 mol/l 776 605 - 947
Enzymatic PAP mg/dL 8,86 6,91 - 10,8 mol/l 783 611 - 955
GLDH DGKC 37 C U/L 25,8 20,6 - 31,0 kat/L 0,430 0,344 - 0,516
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 85,0 66,3 - 104 kat/l 1,42 1,11 - 1,73
Glucose Hexokinase/G-6-PDH mg/dL 284 239 - 329 mmol/L 15,8 13,2 - 18,3
-HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 375 300 - 450 kat/l 6,25 5,00 - 7,50
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 174 132 - 216 g/L 1,74 1,32 - 2,16
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 729 583 - 875 g/L 7,29 5,83 - 8,75
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 86,0 61,9 - 110,1 g/L 0,860 0,619 - 1,10
Iron Ferene g/dL 303 260 - 345 mol/L 54,2 46,6 - 61,8
Lactate Lactic Acid to Pyruvate mmol/L 3,90 3,08 - 4,71 mg/dL 35,1 27,7 - 42,5
LDH Lactate to Pyruvate (NADH) U/L 352 289 - 415 kat/l 5,87 4,81 - 6,92
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 119 95,2 - 143 kat/l 1,98 1,59 - 2,38
Lithium Colorimetric mmol/L 2,46 2,12 - 2,80 mg/dL 1,71 1,47 - 1,95
Magnesium Arsenazo mmol/L 2,01 1,69 - 2,33 mg/dL 4,89 4,10 - 5,67
Phosphorus Phosphomolybdate mg/dL 7,30 5,98 - 8,61 mmol/L 2,36 1,93 - 2,78
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,21 6,56 - 7,86 mg/dL 28,2 25,7 - 30,7
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 150 141 - 159 mg/dL 345 324 - 366
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,27 5,58 - 6,96 g/L 62,7 55,8 - 69,6
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 204 163 - 245 g/L 2,04 1,63 - 2,45
Triglycerides Glycerol Phosphate Oxidase (GPO) mg/dL 172 141 - 203 mmol/L 1,94 1,59 - 2,29
Urea Urease mg/dL 147 115 - 179 mmol/L 24,5 19,1 - 29,9
Uric Acid Uricase mg/dL 11,3 9,72 - 12,9 mol/L 672 578 - 766

Beckman CoulterAccess
Cortisol Chemiluminescence g/dL 0,0 - 0,0 nmol/L 0 0 - 0
CK-MB Chemiluminescence ng/mL 0,0 - 0,0 g/L 0,0 0,0 - 0,0
Thyreotrope Hormon (TSH) Chemiluminescence IU/mL 0,0 - 0,0 mU/L 0,0 0,0 - 0,0
Thyroxin total (T4) Chemiluminescence g/dL 0,0 - 0,0 nmol/L 0 0 - 0
Trijodthyronin total (T3) Chemiluminescence ng/mL 0,00 - 0,00 nmol/L 0,00 0,00 - 0,00
T3 uptake Chemiluminescence % 0,0 - 0,0 % 0,0 0,0 - 0,0

Beckman CoulterImmage
Albumin Nephelometry g/dL 4,00 3,08 - 4,92 g/L 40,0 30,8 - 49,2
IgA Nephelometry mg/dL 189 144 - 234 g/L 1,89 1,44 - 2,34
IgG Nephelometry mg/dL 771 617 - 925 g/L 7,71 6,17 - 9,25
IgM Nephelometry mg/dL 112 80,6 - 143 g/L 1,12 0,81 - 1,43
Transferrin Nephelometry mg/dL 230 184 - 276 g/L 2,30 1,84 - 2,76

Beckman CoulterSynchron CX/LX / Unicel DX series

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,33 3,33 - 5,33 g/L 43,3 33,3 - 53,3
Bromocresol purple g/dL 4,32 3,33 - 5,31 g/L 43,2 33,3 - 53,1
Alkaline phosphatase AMP buffer 37 C U/L 181 135 - 226 kat/l 3,01 2,26 - 3,76
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 115 88,6 - 141 kat/l 1,92 1,48 - 2,36
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 173 133 - 213 kat/l 2,88 2,22 - 3,55
Amylase EPS G-7 U/L 248 198 - 298 kat/l 4,13 3,31 - 4,96
Pancreatic amylase EPS G-7 U/L 126 101 - 151 kat/l 2,10 1,68 - 2,52
Direct Bilirubin Diazonium Salt/Diazonium Ion with blank mg/dL 0,890 0,659 - 1,12 mol/l 15,2 11,3 - 19,2
Bilirubin total Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 7,79 5,76 - 9,81 mol/l 133 98,6 - 168
Calcium ISE indirect mmol/L 2,98 2,65 - 3,30 mg/dL 11,9 10,6 - 13,2
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 113 102 - 123 mg/dL 400 364 - 436
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 210 181 - 239 mmol/L 5,43 4,67 - 6,19
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin 37 C U/L 3447 2827 - 4067 kat/l 57,5 47,1 - 68
CK CK-NAC 37 C U/L 490 392 - 588 kat/l 8,17 6,53 - 9,8
Diacon P, 0821501 6 Rev.01, 11.03.2015
Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,46 6,60 - 10,3 mol/l 748 583 - 912
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 88,0 68,6 - 107 kat/l 1,47 1,14 - 1,79
Glucose GOD-PAP mg/dL 283 238 - 328 mmol/L 15,7 13,2 - 18,2
HK/G6P-DH mg/dL 286 240 - 332 mmol/L 15,9 13,3 - 18,4
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 173 131 - 215 g/L 1,73 1,31 - 2,15
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 789 631 - 947 g/L 7,89 6,31 - 9,47
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 116 83,5 - 148 g/L 1,16 0,84 - 1,48
Iron Ferrozine g/dL 298 256 - 340 mol/L 53,4 45,9 - 60,8
Lactate LOD-POD mmol/L 3,92 3,10 - 4,74 mg/dL 35,3 27,9 - 42,7
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 340 279 - 401 kat/l 5,67 4,65 - 6,69
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 109 87,2 - 131 kat/l 1,82 1,45 - 2,18
Lithium Photometric mmol/L 2,51 2,16 - 2,86 mg/dL 1,74 1,50 - 1,99
Magnesium Calmagite mmol/L 1,98 1,67 - 2,30 mg/dL 4,82 4,05 - 5,59
Phosphorus Phosphomolybdate UV mg/dL 7,49 6,14 - 8,84 mmol/L 2,42 1,98 - 2,85
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,25 6,60 - 7,90 mg/dL 28,3 25,8 - 30,9
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 150 140 - 159 mg/dL 344 323 - 365
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,47 5,76 - 7,18 g/L 64,7 57,6 - 71,8
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 234 187 - 281 g/L 2,34 1,87 - 2,81
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 179 147 - 211 mmol/L 2,02 1,65 - 2,38
Urea Enzymatic rate mg/dL 141 110 - 172 mmol/L 23,4 18,3 - 28,6
Uric Acid Enzymatic Trinder mg/dL 9,82 8,45 - 11,2 mol/L 584 502 - 666

Beckman CoulterAU series

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,38 3,37 - 5,39 g/L 43,8 33,7 - 53,9
Alkaline phosphatase IFCC AMP buffer 37 C U/L 230 173 - 288 kat/l 3,83 2,88 - 4,79
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 117 89,9 - 144 kat/l 1,95 1,50 - 2,39
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 170 131 - 209 kat/l 2,84 2,18 - 3,49
Amylase EPS G-7 U/L 240 192 - 288 kat/l 4,00 3,20 - 4,80
CNP-G3 37 C U/L 241 193 - 289 kat/l 4,01 3,21 - 4,81
Pancreatic amylase EPS G-7 U/L 147 117 - 176 kat/l 2,44 1,95 - 2,93
Direct Bilirubin DPD mg/dL 1,60 1,18 - 2,02 mol/l 27,4 20,2 - 34,5
Bilirubin total DPD mg/dL 7,53 5,57 - 9,49 mol/l 129 95,3 - 162
Calcium oCPC mmol/L 3,08 2,74 - 3,42 mg/dL 12,4 11,0 - 13,7
Arsenazo mmol/L 3,08 2,74 - 3,42 mg/dL 12,3 11,0 - 13,7
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 111 101 - 121 mg/dL 394 359 - 430
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 208 179 - 237 mmol/L 5,37 4,62 - 6,12
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 3228 2647 - 3809 kat/l 53,8 44,1 - 63,5
CK IFCC 37 C U/L 491 393 - 589 kat/l 8,19 6,55 - 9,8
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,12 6,33 - 9,91 mol/l 718 560 - 876
Enzymatic mg/dL 8,30 6,48 - 10,1 mol/l 734 573 - 896
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 82,9 64,7 - 101 kat/l 1,38 1,08 - 1,69
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 26,4 21,1 - 31,7 kat/L 0,440 0,352 - 0,529
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 289 242 - 335 mmol/L 16,0 13,5 - 18,6
HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 304 243 - 365 kat/l 5,07 4,06 - 6,09
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 180 137 - 223 g/L 1,80 1,37 - 2,23
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 742 593 - 890 g/L 7,42 5,93 - 8,90
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 91,2 65,6 - 116,7 g/L 0,912 0,656 - 1,17
Iron Tripyridyltriazine (TPTZ) g/dL 305 262 - 348 mol/L 54,6 47,0 - 62,3
Lactate Trinder LOD/POD mmol/L 3,89 3,07 - 4,70 mg/dL 35,0 27,6 - 42,3
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 342 280 - 404 kat/l 5,70 4,67 - 6,73
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 123 98,5 - 148 kat/l 2,05 1,64 - 2,46
Lithium Photometric mmol/L 2,54 2,18 - 2,90 mg/dL 1,76 1,52 - 2,01
Magnesium Xylidyl blue mmol/L 2,09 1,76 - 2,42 mg/dL 5,08 4,27 - 5,89
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 7,24 5,94 - 8,54 mmol/L 2,34 1,92 - 2,76
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,06 6,43 - 7,70 mg/dL 27,6 25,1 - 30,1
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 147 138 - 156 mg/dL 337 317 - 358
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,25 5,56 - 6,93 g/L 62,5 55,6 - 69,3
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 206 165 - 247 g/L 2,06 1,65 - 2,47
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 167 137 - 197 mmol/L 1,88 1,54 - 2,21
Urea Urease/GLDH mg/dL 138 108 - 168 mmol/L 23,0 17,9 - 28,0
Uric Acid Uricase-POD mg/dL 11,2 9,59 - 12,7 mol/L 663 570 - 756

Roche / Hitachi Cobas C series

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,40 3,39 - 5,41 g/L 44,0 33,9 - 54,1
Immunological g/dL 3,89 3,00 - 4,79 g/L 38,9 30,0 - 47,9
Alkaline phosphatase IFCC U/L 196 147 - 245 kat/L 3,27 2,45 - 4,08
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 109 83,8 - 134 kat/L 1,81 1,40 - 2,23
without P5P 37 C U/L 107 82,4 - 132 kat/L 1,78 1,37 - 2,19

Diacon P, 0821501 7 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 162 125 - 200 kat/L 2,70 2,08 - 3,33
without P5P 37 C U/L 162 125 - 200 kat/L 2,71 2,09 - 3,33
Amylase IFCC U/L 238 190 - 285 kat/L 3,96 3,17 - 4,75
Pancreatic amylase EPS U/L 141 113 - 169 kat/L 2,35 1,88 - 2,81
Direct Bilirubin DPD mg/dL 1,72 1,27 - 2,17 mol/L 29,4 21,8 - 37,1
Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 1,72 1,27 - 2,17 mol/L 29,4 21,8 - 37,1
Bilirubin total DPD mg/dL 7,45 5,51 - 9,39 mol/L 127 94,3 - 161
Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 7,45 5,51 - 9,38 mol/L 127 94,2 - 160
Calcium CPC O-Cresolphthalein Complexone mmol/L 3,03 2,70 - 3,36 mg/dL 12,1 10,8 - 13,5
Gen.2 NM-Bapta mmol/L 3,05 2,72 - 3,39 mg/dL 12,2 10,9 - 13,6
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 112 102 - 122 mg/dL 397 361 - 433
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 202 174 - 231 mmol/L 5,23 4,50 - 5,97
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin 37 C U/L 3650 2993 - 4307 kat/L 60,8 49,9 - 71,8
CK DGKC, IFCC 37 C U/L 486 389 - 583 kat/L 8,10 6,48 - 9,7
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 7,94 6,19 - 9,69 mol/L 702 548 - 857
Enzymatic (plus) mg/dL 8,47 6,61 - 10,33 mol/L 749 584 - 913
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 82,0 64,0 - 100 kat/L 1,37 1,07 - 1,67
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 23,4 18,7 - 28,1 kat/L 0,390 0,312 - 0,468
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 281 236 - 327 mmol/L 15,6 13,1 - 18,1
HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 354 283 - 425 kat/L 5,90 4,72 - 7,08
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 165 125 - 205 g/L 1,65 1,25 - 2,05
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 728 582 - 874 g/L 7,28 5,82 - 8,74
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 81,0 58,3 - 104 g/L 0,810 0,583 - 1,04
Iron Ferrozine g/dL 298 257 - 340 mol/L 53,4 45,9 - 60,9
Lactate Enzymatic colorimetric mmol/L 4,04 3,19 - 4,89 mg/dL 36,4 28,8 - 44,0
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 341 280 - 402 kat/L 5,68 4,66 - 6,71
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 92,0 73,6 - 110 kat/L 1,53 1,23 - 1,84
Lithium Colorimetric mmol/L 2,43 2,09 - 2,78 mg/dL 1,69 1,45 - 1,93
Magnesium Xylidyl blue mmol/L 2,02 1,69 - 2,34 mg/dL 4,90 4,11 - 5,68
Chlorophosphonazo mmol/L 2,00 1,68 - 2,32 mg/dL 4,86 4,08 - 5,64
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 7,31 5,99 - 8,63 mmol/L 2,36 1,94 - 2,79
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,20 6,55 - 7,85 mg/dL 28,2 25,6 - 30,7
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 149 140 - 158 mg/dL 343 322 - 364
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,12 5,44 - 6,79 g/L 61,2 54,4 - 67,9
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 246 197 - 295 g/L 2,46 1,97 - 2,95
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 153 125 - 181 mmol/L 1,72 1,41 - 2,03
glycerol blanked mg/dL 154 126 - 182 mmol/L 1,73 1,42 - 2,05
Urea Urease/GLDH mg/dL 136 106 - 166 mmol/L 22,6 17,7 - 27,6
Uric Acid Enzymatic colorimetric mg/dL 10,6 9,12 - 12,1 mol/L 630 542 - 719

Roche Hitachi / Modular

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,49 3,45 - 5,52 g/L 44,9 34,5 - 55,2
Immunological g/dL 3,97 3,06 - 4,89 g/L 39,7 30,6 - 48,9
Alkaline phosphatase IFCC U/L 196 147 - 245 kat/L 3,27 2,45 - 4,09
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 108 83,2 - 133 kat/L 1,80 1,39 - 2,21
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 159 122 - 196 kat/L 2,65 2,04 - 3,26
Amylase IFCC U/L 241 193 - 289 kat/L 4,01 3,21 - 4,81
Pancreatic amylase EPS U/L 142 113 - 170 kat/L 2,36 1,89 - 2,83
Direct Bilirubin DPD Liquid mg/dL 1,72 1,27 - 2,16 mol/L 29,3 21,7 - 37,0
Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 1,77 1,31 - 2,23 mol/L 30,3 22,4 - 38,2
Bilirubin total DPD mg/dL 7,41 5,48 - 9,34 mol/L 127 93,8 - 160
Liquid mg/dL 7,55 5,59 - 9,51 mol/L 129 95,5 - 163
Calcium o-cresolphthaleine complexone mmol/L 3,03 2,70 - 3,36 mg/dL 12,1 10,8 - 13,5
Gen.2 NM-Bapta mmol/L 3,02 2,69 - 3,35 mg/dL 12,1 10,8 - 13,4
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 112 102 - 122 mg/dL 398 362 - 434
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 205 176 - 234 mmol/L 5,30 4,56 - 6,04
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 3700 3034 - 4365 kat/L 61,7 50,6 - 72,8
CK IFCC U/L 467 373 - 560 kat/L 7,78 6,22 - 9,34
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,37 6,52 - 10,21 mol/L 739 577 - 902
Enzymatic (plus) mg/dL 8,47 6,61 - 10,34 mol/L 749 584 - 914
GGT IFCC U/L 83,4 65,1 - 102 kat/L 1,39 1,08 - 1,70
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 24,2 19,3 - 29,0 kat/L 0,403 0,322 - 0,484
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 283 238 - 329 mmol/L 15,7 13,2 - 18,2
HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 348 278 - 418 kat/L 5,80 4,64 - 6,96
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 163 124 - 202 g/L 1,63 1,24 - 2,02
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 722 577 - 866 g/L 7,22 5,77 - 8,66
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 80,0 57,6 - 102 g/L 0,800 0,576 - 1,02
Iron Ferrozine g/dL 297 255 - 338 mol/L 53,1 45,7 - 60,6
Lactate Enzymatic colorimetric mmol/L 4,06 3,21 - 4,92 mg/dL 36,6 28,9 - 44,3

Diacon P, 0821501 8 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
LDH IFCC U/L 346 284 - 408 kat/L 5,77 4,73 - 6,81
Lipase Colorimetric U/L 97,0 77,6 - 116 kat/L 1,62 1,29 - 1,94
Lithium Colorimetric mmol/L 2,45 2,11 - 2,79 mg/dL 1,70 1,46 - 1,94
Magnesium Xylidyl blue mmol/L 2,00 1,68 - 2,31 mg/dL 4,85 4,07 - 5,63
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 7,40 6,07 - 8,73 mmol/L 2,39 1,96 - 2,82
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,22 6,57 - 7,87 mg/dL 28,2 25,7 - 30,8
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 149 140 - 158 mg/dL 342 321 - 363
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,20 5,52 - 6,88 g/L 62,0 55,2 - 68,8
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 253 202 - 304 g/L 2,53 2,02 - 3,04
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 155 127 - 183 mmol/L 1,74 1,43 - 2,06
Urea Kinetic UV mg/dL 138 107 - 168 mmol/L 22,9 17,9 - 28,0
Uric Acid Uricase (plus) mg/dL 10,7 9,23 - 12,2 mol/L 639 549 - 728

Roche Integra
Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,43 3,41 - 5,45 g/L 44,3 34,1 - 54,5
Immunological g/dL 4,01 3,09 - 4,93 g/L 40,1 30,9 - 49,3
Alkaline phosphatase IFCC U/L 205 154 - 256 kat/L 3,42 2,56 - 4,27
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 108 83,0 - 133 kat/L 1,80 1,38 - 2,21
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 161 124 - 198 kat/L 2,68 2,07 - 3,30
Amylase IFCC U/L 243 194 - 292 kat/L 4,05 3,24 - 4,86
Pancreatic amylase EPS U/L 146 117 - 176 kat/L 2,44 1,95 - 2,93
Direct Bilirubin DPD mg/dL 1,48 1,10 - 1,87 mol/L 25,3 18,7 - 31,9
Diazo / Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 1,46 1,08 - 1,83 mol/L 24,9 18,4 - 31,3
Bilirubin total DPD mg/dL 7,31 5,41 - 9,21 mol/L 125 92,5 - 158
Diazo / Jendrassik-Grof mg/dL 7,41 5,48 - 9,34 mol/L 127 93,8 - 160
Calcium o-cresolphthaleine complexone mmol/L 3,03 2,70 - 3,36 mg/dL 12,1 10,8 - 13,5
Gen.2 NM-Bapta mmol/L 3,06 2,72 - 3,40 mg/dL 12,3 10,9 - 13,6
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 113 103 - 124 mg/dL 403 367 - 439
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP mg/dL 207 178 - 236 mmol/L 5,35 4,60 - 6,10
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 3668 3007 - 4328 kat/L 61,1 50,1 - 72,1
CK IFCC U/L 491 393 - 589 kat/L 8,18 6,55 - 9,8
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 7,64 5,96 - 9,32 mol/L 675 527 - 824
Enzymatic (plus) mg/dL 8,11 6,32 - 9,89 mol/L 716 559 - 874
GGT IFCC U/L 84,0 65,5 - 102 kat/L 1,40 1,09 - 1,71
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 22,2 17,8 - 26,6 kat/L 0,370 0,296 - 0,444
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 284 238 - 329 mmol/L 15,7 13,2 - 18,3
HBDH DGKC 37 C U/L 328 262 - 394 kat/L 5,47 4,37 - 6,56
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 159 121 - 197 g/L 1,59 1,21 - 1,97
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 760 608 - 911 g/L 7,60 6,08 - 9,11
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 70,0 50,4 - 89,6 g/L 0,700 0,504 - 0,896
Iron Ferrozine g/dL 299 257 - 341 mol/L 53,5 46,0 - 61,0
Lactate Enzymatic colorimetric mmol/L 4,21 3,32 - 5,09 mg/dL 37,9 29,9 - 45,9
LDH IFCC U/L 361 296 - 426 kat/L 6,02 4,93 - 7,10
Lipase Colorimetric U/L 108 86,4 - 130 kat/L 1,80 1,44 - 2,16
Lithium ISE direct mmol/L 2,53 2,18 - 2,88 mg/dL 1,76 1,51 - 2,00
Magnesium Chlorophosphonazo III mmol/L 1,99 1,67 - 2,31 mg/dL 4,83 4,06 - 5,60
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 7,49 6,14 - 8,84 mmol/L 2,42 1,98 - 2,85
Potassium ISE direct mmol/L 7,15 6,51 - 7,79 mg/dL 28,0 25,4 - 30,5
Sodium ISE direct mmol/L 147 138 - 156 mg/dL 337 317 - 358
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,00 5,34 - 6,66 g/L 60,0 53,4 - 66,6
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 258 206 - 310 g/L 2,58 2,06 - 3,10
Triglycerides GPO-PAP mg/dL 152 124 - 179 mmol/L 1,71 1,40 - 2,02
Urea Urease/GLDH mg/dL 136 106 - 166 mmol/L 22,6 17,7 - 27,6
Uric Acid Enzymatic colorimetric mg/dL 11,0 9,46 - 12,5 mol/L 654 563 - 746

Siemens Advia series

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,19 3,22 - 5,15 g/L 41,9 32,2 - 51,5
Alkaline phosphatase AMP buffer U/L 223 167 - 279 kat/L 3,72 2,79 - 4,65
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 116 89,3 - 143 kat/L 1,93 1,49 - 2,38
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 167 129 - 205 kat/L 2,78 2,14 - 3,42
Amylase EPS G-7 U/L 245 196 - 294 kat/L 4,09 3,27 - 4,91
Pancreatic amylase EPS G-7 U/L 155 124 - 185 kat/L 2,58 2,06 - 3,09
Direct Bilirubin Vanadate oxidation mg/dL 1,57 1,16 - 1,98 mol/L 26,9 19,9 - 33,9
Bilirubin total Vanadate oxidation mg/dL 8,70 6,44 - 10,96 mol/L 149 110,1 - 187
Calcium O-Cresolphthalein complexone mmol/L 3,07 2,73 - 3,41 mg/dL 12,3 11,0 - 13,7
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 115 105 - 125 mg/dL 409 372 - 445
Cholesterol Enzymatic (CHOD/Trinder) Endpoint mg/dL 213 183 - 243 mmol/L 5,51 4,74 - 6,28
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 3530 2895 - 4165 kat/L 58,8 48,2 - 69

Diacon P, 0821501 9 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
CK IFCC, NAC activated 37 C U/L 464 371 - 557 kat/L 7,73 6,19 - 9,28
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,30 6,47 - 10,13 mol/L 734 572 - 895
Enzymatic mg/dL 8,34 6,51 - 10,18 mol/L 737 575 - 900
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 84,0 65,5 - 102 kat/L 1,40 1,09 - 1,71
GLDH DGKC 1970 37 C U/L 24,1 19,3 - 28,9 kat/L 0,40 0,32 - 0,48
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 282 237 - 327 mmol/L 15,7 13,2 - 18,2
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 223 169 - 277 g/L 2,23 1,69 - 2,77
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 770 616 - 924 g/L 7,70 6,16 - 9,24
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 120 86,5 - 154 g/L 1,20 0,87 - 1,54
Iron Ferrozine g/dL 305 262 - 347 mol/L 54,6 46,9 - 62,2
Lactate Enzymatic mmol/L 3,92 3,10 - 4,74 mg/dL 35,3 27,9 - 42,7
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 359 294 - 424 kat/L 5,98 4,91 - 7,06
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 155 124 - 186 kat/L 2,58 2,07 - 3,10
Lithium Photometric mmol/L 2,60 2,23 - 2,96 mg/dL 1,80 1,55 - 2,06
Magnesium Xylidyl blue mmol/L 1,95 1,64 - 2,26 mg/dL 4,74 3,98 - 5,50
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 10,26 8,41 - 12,10 mmol/L 3,31 2,72 - 3,91
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,29 6,63 - 7,94 mg/dL 28,5 25,9 - 31,0
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 151 142 - 160 mg/dL 348 327 - 369
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,44 5,73 - 7,15 g/L 64,4 57,3 - 71,5
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 238 190 - 286 g/L 2,38 1,90 - 2,86
Triglycerides GPO, Trinder mg/dL 170 139 - 201 mmol/L 1,91 1,57 - 2,26
Urea Urease/GLDH rate mg/dL 142 111 - 173 mmol/L 23,6 18,4 - 28,8
Uric Acid Uricase-POD mg/dL 11,2 9,59 - 12,7 mol/L 663 571 - 756

Siemens Dimension series

Albumin Bromocresol green g/dL 4,48 3,45 - 5,51 g/L 44,8 34,5 - 55,1
Bromocresol purple g/dL 4,30 3,31 - 5,29 g/L 43,0 33,1 - 52,9
Alkaline phosphatase AMP buffer U/L 221 166 - 276 kat/L 3,68 2,76 - 4,60
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 114 87,8 - 140 kat/L 1,90 1,46 - 2,34
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 159 122 - 196 kat/L 2,65 2,04 - 3,26
Amylase CNP-G3 U/L 234 187 - 280 kat/L 3,89 3,11 - 4,67
Direct Bilirubin Modified Doumas (Jendrassik-Grof) mg/dL 0,820 0,607 - 1,03 mol/L 14,0 10,4 - 17,7
Bilirubin total Modified Doumas (Jendrassik-Grof) mg/dL 7,90 5,85 - 9,95 mol/L 135 100 - 170
Calcium O-Cresolphthalein complexone mmol/L 2,99 2,66 - 3,3 mg/dL 12,0 10,7 - 13,3
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 118 107 - 129 mg/dL 419 382 - 457
Cholesterol Enzymatic CHOD-PAP mg/dL 186 160 - 212 mmol/L 4,81 4,14 - 5,48
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 5790 4748 - 6832 kat/L 96,5 79,1 - 114
CK IFCC 37 C U/L 443 354 - 531 kat/L 7,38 5,91 - 8,86
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,63 6,73 - 10,5 mol/L 763 595 - 930
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 86,0 67,1 - 105 kat/L 1,43 1,12 - 1,75
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 289 242 - 335 mmol/L 16,0 13,5 - 18,6
IgA Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 198 150 - 245 g/L 1,98 1,50 - 2,45
IgG Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 807 646 - 968 g/L 8,07 6,46 - 9,68
IgM Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 120 86,4 - 154 g/L 1,20 0,86 - 1,54
Iron Ferene g/dL 289 249 - 330 mol/L 51,8 44,6 - 59,1
Lactate Enzymatic mmol/L 4,18 3,31 - 5,06 mg/dL 37,7 29,8 - 45,6
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 346 284 - 408 kat/L 5,77 4,73 - 6,80
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 429 343 - 515 kat/L 7,15 5,72 - 8,58
Lithium Colorimetric mmol/L 2,62 2,25 - 2,98 mg/dL 1,82 1,56 - 2,07
Magnesium Methylthymol Blue mmol/L 2,09 1,76 - 2,42 mg/dL 5,08 4,27 - 5,89
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 8,08 6,63 - 9,53 mmol/L 2,61 2,14 - 3,08
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 7,14 6,49 - 7,78 mg/dL 27,9 25,4 - 30,4
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 148 139 - 157 mg/dL 340 319 - 361
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,59 5,87 - 7,31 g/L 65,9 58,7 - 73,1
Transferrin Immunoturbidimetric mg/dL 186 149 - 223 g/L 1,86 1,49 - 2,23
Triglycerides GPO, Trinder mg/dL 165 135 - 194 mmol/L 1,85 1,52 - 2,19
Urea Urease/GLDH rate mg/dL 141 110 - 172 mmol/L 23,4 18,3 - 28,6
Uric Acid Uricase mg/dL 11,1 9,53 - 12,6 mol/L 659 567 - 751

Siemens Vista series

Albumin Nephelometry g/dL 4,39 3,38 - 5,40 g/L 43,9 33,8 - 54,0
Alkaline phosphatase AMP buffer U/L 230 173 - 288 kat/L 3,83 2,88 - 4,79
ALT/GPT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 113 87,0 - 139 kat/L 1,88 1,45 - 2,32
AST/GOT IFCC, with P5P 37 C U/L 158 122 - 194 kat/L 2,63 2,03 - 3,23
Amylase CNP-G3 U/L 226 181 - 271 kat/L 3,77 3,01 - 4,52
Direct Bilirubin Modified Doumas (Jendrassik-Grof) mg/dL 0,844 0,625 - 1,06 mol/L 14,4 10,7 - 18,2
Bilirubin total Modified Doumas (Jendrassik-Grof) mg/dL 7,79 5,76 - 9,81 mol/L 133 98,5 - 168
Calcium O-Cresolphthalein complexone mmol/L 3,02 2,69 - 3,4 mg/dL 12,1 10,8 - 13,4
Chloride ISE indirect mmol/L 112 102 - 122 mg/dL 397 361 - 432

Diacon P, 0821501 10 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

Diacon P Lot No. 0821501 Exp. 2017-07
Constituent Method Unit Assay value Max. limits** Unit Assay value Max. limits**
Cholesterol Enzymatic CHOD-PAP mg/dL 191 164 - 217 mmol/L 4,93 4,24 - 5,62
Cholinesterase Butyrylthiocholin U/L 5580 4576 - 6584 kat/L 93,0 76,3 - 110
CK IFCC 37 C U/L 439 351 - 527 kat/L 7,32 5,85 - 8,78
Creatinine Jaffe kinetic mg/dL 8,57 6,68 - 10,5 mol/L 758 591 - 924
GGT IFCC 37 C U/L 95,0 74,1 - 116 kat/L 1,58 1,24 - 1,93
Glucose Hexokinase mg/dL 290 243 - 336 mmol/L 16,1 13,5 - 18,7
IgA Nephelometry mg/dL 267 203 - 330 g/L 2,67 2,03 - 3,30
IgG Nephelometry mg/dL 891 712 - 1069 g/L 8,91 7,12 - 10,69
IgM Nephelometry mg/dL 179 129 - 228 g/L 1,79 1,29 - 2,28
Iron Ferene g/dL 298 256 - 339 mol/L 53,3 45,9 - 60,8
Lactate Enzymatic mmol/L 4,43 3,50 - 5,36 mg/dL 39,9 31,5 - 48,3
LDH IFCC 37 C U/L 347 285 - 410 kat/L 5,79 4,75 - 6,83
Lipase Colorimetric, 37 C U/L 549 439 - 659 kat/L 9,15 7,32 - 10,98
Lithium Colorimetric mmol/L 2,56 2,20 - 2,92 mg/dL 1,78 1,53 - 2,03
Magnesium Methylthymol Blue mmol/L 2,09 1,75 - 2,42 mg/dL 5,07 4,26 - 5,88
Phosphorus Molybdate UV mg/dL 8,38 6,87 - 9,89 mmol/L 2,71 2,22 - 3,19
Potassium ISE indirect mmol/L 6,99 6,36 - 7,62 mg/dL 27,3 24,9 - 29,8
Sodium ISE indirect mmol/L 148 139 - 157 mg/dL 341 320 - 362
Total protein Biuret g/dL 6,48 5,77 - 7,20 g/L 64,8 57,7 - 72,0
Transferrin Nephelometry mg/dL 280 224 - 336 g/L 2,80 2,24 - 3,36
Triglycerides GPO, Trinder mg/dL 180 148 - 212 mmol/L 2,03 1,66 - 2,39
Urea Urease/GLDH rate mg/dL 141 110 - 172 mmol/L 23,5 18,3 - 28,6
Uric Acid Uricase mg/dL 10,4 8,91 - 11,8 mol/L 616 530 - 702

Siemens Prospec
Albumin Nephelometry g/dL 4,34 3,34 - 5,34 g/L 43,4 33,4 - 53,4
IgA Nephelometry mg/dL 272 207 - 337 g/L 2,72 2,07 - 3,37
IgG Nephelometry mg/dL 908 726 - 1090 g/L 9,08 7,26 - 10,9
IgM Nephelometry mg/dL 150 108 - 192 g/L 1,50 1,08 - 1,92

Short forms:
DGKC - Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Klinische Chemie
IFCC - International Federation of Clinical Chemistry
NVKC - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinidche Chemie
SCE - Scandinavian Committee of Enzymes
SEQC - Sociedad Espanola de Quimica Clinica
SFBC - Socit Francaise de Biologie Clinique

* Data not available at the time of printing. Please inquire.
Daten zum Zeitpunkt des Drucks nicht verfgbar. Bitte nachfragen.
Donnes non disponible la date d'impression. Pire de se renseigner.
No se disponi de informacin en el momento en que se imprimi este prospecto. Consulte cualquier dulda.
Data finns inte tillgngliga vid tidpunkten fr trycking. Var god kontakte Dialab.
Dati non disponibili al momento della stampa. Richiedere imformazioni.
Os dados no se encontravam disponveis na altura da impresso do folheto. Por favor, efectue os devidos inqueritos.
Ingen tilgngelige data da denne indlgsseddel gik i trykken. Oplysning fas ved henvendlese.

** Ranges of acceptance were calculated as assigned value the maximum tolerable deviation of a single value according to the Guidelines of the
German Federal Medical Council from 2003
Die Akzeptanzbereiche wurden nach den Richtlinien der Bundesrztekammer von 2003 als Sollwert die maximal zulssige Abweichung des
Einzelwertes berechnet
Lintervalle de confiance a t calcule comme la valeur des mthodes de rfrence +/- le maximum de lerreur de mesure admissible selon les
recommandations du Comit Mdical Fdral dAllemagne de 2003
Los rangos de tolerancia han sido calculados como valor de ensayo variacin mxima tolerable del valor independiente, segn las directrices de
la Cmara Federal de los Mdicos Alemanes de 2003
Acceptansomrdet berknades enligt riktlinjer av Bundesrztekammer frn 2003 till att vara riktvrdet +/- den maximalt tilltna avvikelsen av ett
enstaka vrde
Gli ambiti di accettazione sono stati calcolati sulla base del valore del metodo di riferimento tre volte lerrore tollerabile della misura secondo
le linee guida del German Federal Medical Council dal 2003
As faixas de aceitao foram calculadas com valores assinalados trs vezes a tolerncia mxima de um nico valor de acordo com o Guia do
Conselho Federal de Medicina da Alemanha de 2003
(Richtlinie der Bundesrztekammer zur Qualittssicherung quantitativer laboratoriumsmedizinischer Untersuchungen.
Deutsches rzteblatt 2003; 100:A 3335-38)

A comma is always used in this value sheet as decimal separator. Separators for thousands are not used.
In diesem Sollwertzettel wird immer ein Komma als Dezimaltrennzeichen verwendet. Tausendertrennzeichen werden nicht verwendet.
Dans ce fiche des valeurs de rfrences, la virgule reprsente le caractre sparateur dcimal. Des sparateurs pour mille ne sont pas employs.
La coma representa el carcter separador decimal. No se utilizan caracteres para separar el mil.

Diacon P, 0821501 11 Rev.01, 11.03.2015

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