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IB Maths SL Sequence and Series Practice Problems Mr.

W Name__________________

Remember to show all necessary reasoning! Separate paper is probably best. 23b 23d is optional!

1. In an arithmetic sequence, u1 = 2 and u3 = 8.

(a) Find d.

(b) Find u20.


(c) Find S20.

(Total 6 marks)

2. In an arithmetic sequence u1 = 7, u20 = 64 and un = 3709.

(a) Find the value of the common difference.


(b) Find the value of n.

(Total 5 marks)

3. Consider the arithmetic sequence 3, 9, 15, ..., 1353.

(a) Write down the common difference.


(b) Find the number of terms in the sequence.


(c) Find the sum of the sequence.

(Total 6 marks)

4. An arithmetic sequence, u1, u2, u3, ..., has d = 11 and u27 = 263.

(a) Find u1.


(b) (i) Given that un = 516, find the value of n.

(ii) For this value of n, find Sn.

(Total 6 marks)

5. The first three terms of an infinite geometric sequence are 32, 16 and 8.

(a) Write down the value of r.


(b) Find u6.


(c) Find the sum to infinity of this sequence.

(Total 5 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 1
6. The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by un = 5 + 2n.

(a) Write down the common difference.


(b) (i) Given that the nth term of this sequence is 115, find the value of n.

(ii) For this value of n, find the sum of the sequence.

(Total 6 marks)

7. In an arithmetic series, the first term is 7 and the sum of the first 20 terms is 620.

(a) Find the common difference.


(b) Find the value of the 78th term.

(Total 5 marks)

1 1
8. In a geometric series, u1 = and u4 = .
81 3

(a) Find the value of r.


(b) Find the smallest value of n for which Sn > 40.

(Total 7 marks)

9. (a) Expand 2
r =4
as the sum of four terms.


(b) (i) Find the value of 2
r =4

(ii) Explain why 2
r =4
cannot be evaluated.

(Total 7 marks)

10. In an arithmetic sequence, S40 = 1900 and u40 = 106. Find the value of u1 and of d.
(Total 6 marks)

11. Consider the arithmetic sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, ....

(a) Find u101.


(b) Find the value of n so that un = 152.

(Total 6 marks)

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12. Consider the infinite geometric sequence 3000, 1800, 1080, 648, .

(a) Find the common ratio.


(b) Find the 10th term.


(c) Find the exact sum of the infinite sequence.

(Total 6 marks)

13. Consider the infinite geometric sequence 3, 3(0.9), 3(0.9)2, 3(0.9)3, .

(a) Write down the 10th term of the sequence. Do not simplify your answer.

(b) Find the sum of the infinite sequence.

(Total 5 marks)

14. In an arithmetic sequence u21 = 37 and u4 = 3.

(a) Find

(i) the common difference;

(ii) the first term.


(b) Find S10.

(Total 7 marks)

15. Let un = 3 2n.

(a) Write down the value of u1, u2, and u3.


(b) Find (3 2n) .
n =1
(Total 6 marks)

16. A theatre has 20 rows of seats. There are 15 seats in the first row, 17 seats in the second row, and each
successive row of seats has two more seats in it than the previous row.

(a) Calculate the number of seats in the 20th row.


(b) Calculate the total number of seats.

(Total 6 marks)

17. A sum of $ 5000 is invested at a compound interest rate of 6.3 % per annum.

(a) Write down an expression for the value of the investment after n full years.

(b) What will be the value of the investment at the end of five years?

IB Questionbank Maths SL 3
(c) The value of the investment will exceed $ 10 000 after n full years.

(i) Write down an inequality to represent this information.

(ii) Calculate the minimum value of n.

(Total 6 marks)

18. Consider the infinite geometric sequence 25, 5, 1, 0.2, .

(a) Find the common ratio.

(b) Find

(i) the 10th term;

(ii) an expression for the nth term.

(c) Find the sum of the infinite sequence.

(Total 6 marks)

19. The first four terms of a sequence are 18, 54, 162, 486.

(a) Use all four terms to show that this is a geometric sequence.

(b) (i) Find an expression for the nth term of this geometric sequence.

(ii) If the nth term of the sequence is 1062 882, find the value of n.
(Total 6 marks)

20. (a) Write down the first three terms of the sequence un = 3n, for n 1.

(b) Find

(i) 3n ;
n =1

(ii) 3n .
n = 21
(Total 6 marks)

21. Consider the infinite geometric series 405 + 270 + 180 +....

(a) For this series, find the common ratio, giving your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.

(b) Find the fifteenth term of this series.

(c) Find the exact value of the sum of the infinite series.
(Total 6 marks)

22. (a) Consider the geometric sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, .

(i) Write down the common ratio.

(ii) Find the 15th term.

IB Questionbank Maths SL 4
Consider the sequence x 3, x +1, 2x + 8, .

(b) When x = 5, the sequence is geometric.

(i) Write down the first three terms.

(ii) Find the common ratio.


(c) Find the other value of x for which the sequence is geometric.

(d) For this value of x, find

(i) the common ratio;

(ii) the sum of the infinite sequence.

(Total 12 marks)

23. Let Sn be the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic series 2 + 4 + 6 + .

(a) Find

(i) S4;

(ii) S100.


1 2
Let M = .
0 1

(b) (i) Find M2.

1 6
(ii) Show that M3 = .
0 1

1 2n
It may now be assumed that Mn = , for n 4. The sum Tn is defined by
0 1

Tn = M1 + M2 + M3 + ... + Mn .

(c) (i) Write down M4.

(ii) Find T4.


(d) Using your results from part (a) (ii), find T100.
(Total 16 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 5
24. Clara organizes cans in triangular piles, where each row has one less can than the row below. For example,
the pile of 15 cans shown has 5 cans in the bottom row and 4 cans in the row above it.

(a) A pile has 20 cans in the bottom row. Show that the pile contains 210 cans.

(b) There are 3240 cans in a pile. How many cans are in the bottom row?

(c) (i) There are S cans and they are organized in a triangular pile with n cans in the bottom row.
Show that n2 + n 2S = 0.

(ii) Clara has 2100 cans. Explain why she cannot organize them in a triangular pile.
(Total 14 marks)

Worked Solutions
1. (a) attempt to find d (M1)
u 3 u1
e.g. , 8 = 2 + 2d
d=3 A1 N2 2

(b) correct substitution (A1)

e.g. u20 = 2 + (20 1)3, u20 = 3 20 1
u20 = 59 A1 N2 2

(c) correct substitution (A1)

20 20
e.g. S20 = (2 + 59), S20 = (2 2 + 19 3)
2 2

S20 = 610 A1 N2 2

2. (a) evidence of choosing the formula for 20th term (M1)

e.g. u20 = u1 + 19d

correct equation A1

64 7
e.g. 64 = 7 + 19d , d =

d=3 A1 N2 3
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(b) correct substitution into formula for unA1

e.g. 3709 = 7 + 3(n 1), 3709 = 3n + 4

n = 1235 A1 N1 2

3. (a) common difference is 6 A1 N1

(b) evidence of appropriate approach (M1)

e.g. un = 1353

correct working A1
1353 + 3
e.g. 1353 = 3 + (n 1)6,
n = 226 A1 N2

(c) evidence of correct substitution A1

226(3 + 1353) 226
e.g. S226 = , (2 3 + 225 6)
2 2
S226 = 153 228 (accept 153 000) A1 N1

4. (a) evidence of equation for u27 M1

e.g. 263 = u1 + 26 11, u27 = u1 + (n 1) 11, 263 (11 26)
u1 = 23 A1 N1

(b) (i) correct equation A1

e.g. 516 = 23 + (n 1) 11, 539 = (n 1) 11
n = 50A1 N1

(ii) correct substitution into sum formula A1

50(23 + 516) 50(2 (23) + 49 11)
e.g. S50 = , S 50 =
2 2
S50 = 12325 (accept 12300) A1 N1

16 1
5. (a) r= = A1 N1
32 2

(b) correct calculation or listing terms (A1)

6 1 3
1 1
e.g. 32 , 8 , 32, ... 4, 2, 1
2 2
u6 = 1 A1 N2

(c) evidence of correct substitution in S A1

32 32
e.g. ,
1 1
2 2
S = 64 A1 N1

6. (a) d=2 A1 N1

(b) (i) 5 + 2n = 115 (A1)

n = 55A1 N2

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(ii) u1 = 7 (may be seen in above) (A1)

correct substitution into formula for sum of arithmetic series (A1)


55 55
e.g. S55 = (7 + 115), S 55 = (2(7) + 54(2)), (5 + 2k )
2 2 k =1
S55 = 3355 (accept 3360) A1 N3

7. (a) attempt to substitute into sum formula for AP (accept term formula) (M1)
e.g. S20 =
{2(7) + 19d }, or 20 (7 + u 20 )
2 2
setting up correct equation using sum formula A1
e.g. {2(7) + 19d} = 620 A1 N2

(b) correct substitution u78 = 7 + 77(4) (A1)

= 301 A1 N2

8. (a) evidence of substituting into formula for nth term of GP (M1)

1 3
e.g. u4 = r
1 3 1
setting up correct equation r = A1
81 3
r=3 A1 N2

(b) METHOD 1

setting up an inequality (accept an equation) M1

1 n 1
(3 1) (1 3 n )
e.g. 81 > 40; 81 > 40; 3 n > 6481
2 2

evidence of solving M1
e.g. graph, taking logs

n > 7.9888... (A1)

n=8 A1 N2


if n = 7, sum = 13.49...; if n = 8, sum = 40.49... A2

n = 8 (is the smallest value) A2 N2 [7]

9. (a) 2
r =4
= 2 4 + 2 5 + 2 6 + 2 7 (accept 16 + 32 + 64 + 128) A1 N1

(b) (i) METHOD 1

recognizing a GP (M1)
u1 = 24, r = 2, n = 27 (A1)
correct substitution into formula for sum (A1)
2 4 (2 27 1)
e.g. S27 =
2 1
S27 = 2147483632 A1 N4

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30 30 3
r =4
r =1

r =1

recognizing GP with u1 = 2, r = 2, n = 30 (A1)

correct substitution into formula for sum
2(2 30 1)
S30 = (A1)
2 1
= 2147483646

r =4
= 2147483646 (2 + 4 + 8)

= 2147483632 A1 N4

(ii) valid reason (e.g. infinite GP, diverging series), and r 1 (accept r > 1) R1R1

10. METHOD 1

substituting into formula for S40 (M1)

correct substitutionA1
40(u1 + 106)
e.g. 1900 =
u1 = 11 A1 N2

substituting into formula for u40 or S40 (M1)

correct substitution A1
e.g. 106 = 11 + 39d, 1900 = 20(22 + 39d)
d = 3 A1 N2


substituting into formula for S40 (M1)

correct substitutionA1
e.g. 20(2u1 + 39d) = 1900
substituting into formula for u40 (M1)
correct substitutionA1
e.g. 106 = u1 + 39d
u1 = 11, d = 3 A1A1 N2N2

11. (a) d=3 (A1)

evidence of substitution into un = a + (n 1) d (M1)
e.g. u101 = 2 + 100 3
u101 = 302 A1 N3

(b) correct approach (M1)

e.g. 152 = 2 + (n 1) 3
correct simplification (A1)
e.g. 150 = (n 1) 3, 50 = n 1, 152 = 1 + 3n
n = 51 A1 N2

12. (a) evidence of dividing two terms (M1)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 9
1800 1800
e.g. ,
3000 1080

r = 0.6 A1 N2

(b) evidence of substituting into the formula for the 10th term (M1)

e.g. u10 = 3000( 0.6)9

u10 = 30.2 (accept the exact value 30.233088) A1 N2

(c) evidence of substituting into the formula for the infinite sum (M1)

e.g . S =

S = 1875 A1 N2

13. (a) u10 = 3(0.9)9 A1 N1

(b) recognizing r = 0.9 (A1)

correct substitution A1
e.g. S =
1 0.9
S= (A1)
S = 30 A1 N3
14. (a) (i) attempt to set up equations (M1)
37 = u1 + 20d and 3 = u1 + 3d A1
34 = 17d
d = 2 A1 N2

(ii) 3 = u1 6 u1 = 3 A1 N1

(b) u10 = 3 + 9 2 = 15 (A1)

S10 = (3 + (15)) M1
= 60 A1 N2

15. (a) u1 = 1, u2 = 1, u3 = 3 A1A1A1 N3

(b) Evidence of using appropriate formulaM1

correct values S20 = (2 1 + 19 2) (= 10(2 38)) A1
S20 = 360 A1 N1

16. (a) Recognizing an AP (M1)

u1 = 15 d = 2 n = 20 (A1)
substituting into u20 = 15 + (20 1) 2 M1
= 53 (that is, 53 seats in the 20th row) A1 N2

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20 20
(b) Substituting into S20 = (2(15) + (20 1)2) (or into (15 + 53)) M1
2 2
= 680 (that is, 680 seats in total) A1 N2

17. (a) 5000(1.063)n A1 N1

(b) Value = $ 5000(1.063)5 (= $ 6786.3511...)

= $ 6790 to 3 s.f. (accept $ 6786, or $ 6786.35) A1 N1

(c) (i) 5000(1.063)n > 10 000 or (1.063)n > 2 A1 N1

(ii) Attempting to solve the inequality nlog(1.063) > log2 (M1)

n > 11.345 (A1)
12 years A1 N3
Note: Candidates are likely to use TABLE or LIST on a
GDC to find n.
A good way of communicating this is suggested below.

Let y = 1.063x (M1)

When x = 11, y = 1.9582, when x = 12, y = 2.0816 (A1)
x = 12 i.e. 12 years A1 N3

18. (a) (0.2) A1 N1
(b) (i) u10 = 25 (M1)

1 7 1
= 0.0000128 , 1.28 10 5 , A1 N2
5 78125

n 1
(ii) u n = 25 A1 N1

For attempting to use infinite sum formula for a GP (M1)

= 31.25 (= 31.3 to 3 s f )
S= A1 N2

19. (a) For taking three ratios of consecutive terms (M1)

54 162 486
= = (= 3) A1
18 54 162

hence geometric AG N0

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(b) (i) r=3 (A1)

un = 18 3n 1 A1 N2

(ii) For a valid attempt to solve 18 3 n 1 = 1062882 (M1)

eg trial and error, logs

n = 11 A1 N2

20. (a) 3, 6, 9 A1 N1

(b) (i) Evidence of using the sum of an AP M1

2 3 + (20 1) 3


3n = 630
n =1
A1 N1

(ii) METHOD 1

Correct calculation for 3n
n =1

(2 3 + 99 3),15150

Evidence of subtraction (M1)

eg 15150 630


3n =14520
n = 21
A1 N2


Recognising that first term is 63, the number of terms is 80 (A1)(A1)

(63 + 300), 80 (126 + 79 3)
2 2


3n =14520
n = 21
A1 N2


21. (a) For taking an appropriate ratio of consecutive terms (M1)

r= A1 N2

(b) For attempting to use the formula for the nth term of a GP (M1)

u15 = 1.39 A1 N2

IB Questionbank Maths SL 12
(c) For attempting to use infinite sum formula for a GP (M1)

S = 1215 A1 N2
22. (a) (i) r = 2 A1 N1

(ii) u15 = 3 (2)14 (A1)

= 49152 (accept 49200) A1 N2

(b) (i) 2, 6, 18 A1 N1

(ii) r = 3 A1 N1

(c) Setting up equation (or a sketch) M1

x +1 2 x + 8
= (or correct sketch with relevant information) A1
x 3 x +1

x2 + 2x + 1 = 2x2 + 2x 24 (A1)

x2 = 25

x = 5 or x = 5

x = 5 A1 N2
Notes: If trial and error is used, work must be
documented with several trials shown.
Award full marks for a correct answer with this
If the work is not documented, award N2 for a
correct answer.

(d) (i) r= A1 N1

(ii) For attempting to use infinite sum formula for a GP (M1)


S = 16 A1 N2
Note: Award M0A0 if candidates use a value of r
where r > 1, or r < 1.

23. (a) (i) S4 = 20 A1 N1

(ii) u1 = 2, d = 2 (A1)

Attempting to use formula for Sn M1

S100 = 10100 A1 N2

IB Questionbank Maths SL 13
1 4
(b) (i) M2 = A2 N2
0 1

1 2 1 4
(ii) For writing M3 as M2 M or M M2 or M1
0 1 0 1

1+ 0 4 + 2
M3 = A2
0+ 0 0 + 1

1 6
M3 = AG N0
0 1

1 8
(c) (i) M4 = A1 N1
0 1

1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8
(ii) T4 = + + + (M1)
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

4 20
= A1A1 N3
0 4

1 2 1 4 1 200
(d) T100 = + + ... + (M1)
0 1 0 1 0 1

100 10100
= A1A1 N3
0 100

24. Note: Throughout this question, the first and last terms are

(a) For recognizing the arithmetic sequence (M1)

u1 = 1, n = 20, u20 = 20 (u1 = 1, n = 20, d = 1) (A1)
Evidence of using sum of an AP M1

S20 =
(1 + 20) 20 (or S =
(2 1 + 19 1)) A1
2 2

S20 = 210 AG N0

(b) Let there be n cans in bottom row

Evidence of using Sn = 3240 (M1)

(1 + n ) n = 3240 , n (2 + (n 1)) = 3240 , n (2n + (n 1)( 1)) = 3240
2 2 2

n2 + n 6480 = 0 A1

n = 80 or n = 81 (A1)

n = 80 A1 N2

IB Questionbank Maths SL 14
(c) (i) Evidence of using S =
(1 + n ) n (M1)

2S = n2 + n A1

n2 + n 2S = 0 AG N0

(ii) METHOD 1

Substituting S = 2100

eg n2 + n 4200 = 0, 2100 =
(1 + n ) n A1


n = 64.3, n = 65.3 A1

Any valid reason which includes reference to integer being needed, R1

and pointing out that integer not possible here. R1 N1

eg n must be a (positive) integer, this equation does not have

integer solutions.


Discriminant = 16 801 A1

Valid reason which includes reference to integer being needed, R1

and pointing out that integer not possible here. R1 N1

eg this discriminant is not a perfect square, therefore no

integer solution as needed.

Trial and error
S64 = 2080, S65 = 2145 A1A1
Any valid reason which includes reference to integer
being needed, R1
and pointing out that integer not possible here. R1 N1

IB Questionbank Maths SL 15

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