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Wan: Tor Suen ae panes ‘the ‘minute’ you, tof beds “Tou ought:to, wake: neu Peni nT sald? an this stutt rome are. @antées" E a your. Xe expauristes: oe ‘of the trorst ‘Haven't you he: that: everleft ‘thelr own country: Srersrrate: ‘anything worth, print. “obsess A on py “your time: eepatriat no ena You. ate an: a it Tou. sete ores eae inte Whe - ‘you add. wal ras rally Iie Neories avd thar pod pil bat iharepe you just ax far7? After! a apenitlt, swe Eavigne’ jaatch 5 ‘he Ueninew ml Rice © swith accurate em: thustasma. “sho: De id Dlays, cursl stale 49 thi Testa st Pamptoge| rete ind tes ms:in, part| tho themia an Also Rises. enthusiasm. a) forent alone, oe bvocnee of nine ire ae Tuctes : of Eraof Wa stm, | aly: arid, ei Srokavirs oi Mt | 81 louths full GepltY is or'yon. | tus book hay becemie so fannioustte ceton. ard avons Fork ly. returning sh varlousty. lost or ‘eciaeatally| Fane : v1. =Tthreugh the 1 power of their Sesser ‘tation: ‘thege “ unfraportant: and thelr tuitities: Pre. not vonty ae ey or ined. wt ja-wrent: to! sa frresting| z rer champion, | for, est shis ck herent ci ‘divide‘ofvopini | Rom Sue and ery, als De ict Titer: arand, Reconstnuctiot Hgurg ta; MontmariressThroughout the Peat Rises waited ‘ag. the Lira ay & new eolee Int creped shine, or a or unsadiilar nsvors man, Snatlvs: 10: ig'from exile tn ae asked ‘his: aroma ie tae Un of-them wrell tony = idlocy ok this ‘vei e0y.t0. ‘Ta more:Datterhweut ee “generation, the ok £8 -untntellictbles druninter.| nt esting, perhaps “irritating. It, tells| of'a' group. of Americana/and Eng: cored: in Europe, tells of thelr ‘Jaritung about ‘Paris’ and. drinking.| ato, §} “ish to: drinievand ‘aniual, flestaat ‘peoole there: is ng: story, ‘The: book: close: iy dialogue’ between ‘Brett. (Lady | Ashley), who hss just sent away an ingentons'19- rarcold nd tador, ron olving. ‘she: will: henc hi ] meee ‘got sated guren setae Ler : ean idl _ [fing @own tnnumerabte de group" of sho ovel, publi ir m October was vere 4 gence ‘as| visto ah ‘rttualism. the intelprance,, tho | sae é| veyed. ‘but pever, mentioned or gh thls book, tg vivid ruatatned iston, one:noeds ta atudyiAts style rose sty}a, purgst-Americny, a 9. wht nal yctomt 2 a rh, ‘Vigeroun, alives'direct i Homing: ‘way’ anys ininge eter the:'ways of pain beast world, bul wh orb: “econsay ats wasted ned ot Sherwood Ad: Fs ail dner the usd of amen a Ot are cludes Ahink, some.of the finest lslogue in.existence:' - wgou'rs, oT Tisald. 9 on ths Ant Bulle The, salen £ a ae ‘with | sne:sentences aro hort abnipt; teen, statements: of ‘tact, of boring, but his meth« itself, for by. 7 Ihe very be and _profusen dievachleves on arena lorny ing. bites another, ‘The atmosphere im. plies ‘more tf} the. Individoal parts, ‘There is.e.cumiulative richs hess, vasuspected. subtleties ‘of mood and emotion arrived at; not through analyels and. explanaitons then. a ere stele, Sriteh¢ argely of ee eee tals left In, tha reader's ‘raind, perd reporting 7¢ dislolnted come plexity: of a ten Dewttdered liveu into the fluid of bre ve! | been, ‘Welghed:and * poled Getore ras Hneladed: He : méthod the: ine eral a isultenncs or seach morys = iB" Also: ne ‘hee ihe tae snditfereazs ona ‘ply “Ds son vivid of tise not. “OE his jon: ‘The short stories:are Hard to the, point. of cruelty; they! are terrible-ang ‘This ‘hovel is i i tther: at is ew | forthright, actual and-fine- It Bnd the ‘unbounded vigor:and the crisp sccuracy-of the stories, but not the enthusiasm that, hac and sontralied, sbardcterteed them. Tn In Our Time” thi oor is tensile, [Tho novel oss ‘nor hood ta be Honteal; Jake “ells tight” and the all ta aight 18 apparent. 0: navel: haa’ deseiptive four: ie mee ae the stories: do. not. $n- ‘dulge: “One notable: oars. ds ite aéxcription. of ‘the + Er ‘nest Hemingway. lindersanas, pers hapd better than an; ‘hag, Spanish bullfighting, Te experienced it to'understand tt. He is-aticionado; that is, he |ikes, bull- fighting: Torits owe lane, not, as fad‘or a profession. Io has inane 2gedi to’ conve; Havelock. Elis alts, “The [Spatny" that ts, the pecutLar herele = enetay of her. “aplnit, inte: his doe Jon of the fights, and. the ole mosale of her, the stoidism., ‘any forelzner ever, ‘con- ven implied, In his-récord ot ane ‘the fiesta, This: Js. & Darlis Romeio'stinet Bull his re faze had Deon very ‘notice: erin ge charged “easily -and: sirely. ‘was svat, Romero, wanted in ‘ag. he: wanted had. been Jast’ pulis but, dlnectiy fs fro he: Jas fe The rstilgd . be bil a Bx ara an javatyle; issrpmarkal ave ene aes feo 0 ee {eMlannel-thae disay ute Soca i nie pre! oe ppenred ea. verosturched elenzst9 the ef eft. i it yf bur hot: ig enere yan ele ke ction bis eee ee oe

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