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ISO 8995:2002(E)

CIE S 008/E-2001

effects can lead to dangerous situations by changing the perceived motion of rotating ar

reciprocating machinery.

Note: This can be achieved by use of DC electrical supply ar by operating lamps al high

frequency (around 30 kHz) ar distribute !he connection of !he lighting over more

!han one phase of the supply.

4.12 Emergency lighting

Emergency lighting shall be installed, the details are to be faund in a separate standard that is

under preparation.

5. Schedule of lighting requirements

The lighting requirements recommended far various rooms and activities are given in the

tables of this clause in the fallowing manner.

Column 1 : List of interior (areas) tasks ar activities

Column 1 lisis !hose interiors, tasks ar activities far which specific

requirements are given. lf the particular interior, task ar activity is no! listed,

the values given far a similar, comparable situation should be adopted.

Column 2: Maintained illuminance ( Em , lux)

Column 2 gives the maintained illuminance on !he reference surface far

interior, task ar activity given in column 1 (see 4.3).

Column 3: Limiting unified glare rating (UGR,)

Column 3 gives the UGR limits applicable to the situation listed in column 1,

(see 4.4).

Column 4 : Mnimum colour rendering index (R,)

Column 4 gives !he mnimum colour rendering indices far the situation listed

in column 1 , (see 4.6.2).

Column 5: Remarks

Advice and faotnotes are given far exceptions and special applications o the

situations listed in column 1 .

Far VDT applications see 4 . 1 O.



- -

Type of interior, task ar activity UGR, R, Remarks
t Em
lux 1
- -

1 . General building areas


Entrance halls 100 22 60 1

Lounges 200 _ 22 80 1

Circulation areas and corridors 100 28 40 At exits and entrances provide a

transition zone and avoid sudden


Stairs, escalators travelators 150 25 40


Loading ramps/b,ays 150 25 40 1

Canteens ______. 20'.) 22 80

Rest rooms 100 22 80

Rooms for physical exercise 300 ,12 80


Cloakrooms, washrooms, 200 25 80

bathrooms, toilets

Sick bay seo 80
...B_ooms far medica! attention
= 90 T leas! 4000 K

Plant roorns, switch .gear rooms

= 25 60

Documento 1\.l1.tori7,

C I E , 2001 - AII rights reserved rso / ice 11,--.:-oc;.;t;_;\ 20::.2 9

ISO 2002 - All rights reserved 9

peveser s46p U\'/ - ZOOZ OSI@
pa11JasaJ s46p 11\t - fOOl ' 3 1 :J @ Ol
08 f OSL UO!:::iadSU! '6U!4S!U!J '6uqnJ
)1 0099 sea e "1 06 9, 000( UD!l:::l9SUJ Jno10J
08 zz DOS uo,pnpoTcf aJl
08 le DOS uo1pnpoJa eoqna:ieWJe4d
08 f DOS 'SWOOJ 6upnseaw UO!S!:::l9Jd
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08 Se DOS U! ssoejd )!JOM pauuew iluesuo:
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017 8Z osi P6l!W!I 4l!M SUO!te11eSU! 6U!SSa:::>OJd
aqes,uBooaJ aq 11e4s smoioo ,laJes I Oc oc; Bu!ssa:::ioJd paeJado aowaH
.iaqqrn pue sousejd 's1eo,wa4::, 9

>I 00017 sea e ''l 06 1
gi DOS, snopaid :::>!a1..nufi.s JO aJn:::ie1nueV\I
6u1u1ed pueu 'Bu,puu5
>I 00017 sea e =i 06 1
9, 000( 8/\!lBJO:::iap Ba )f.JOM UOJS!:::l8Jd
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081 gi OSL es,\Jo 'ssaif eo,do JO Bu,pup9
08 f DOS )jJOM 8A!JBJO:::l8Q
siueumnsoi ssei JO arruoejnueui
's:ed uorspaid 6u!de4s
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BU!MOq ssej
'6u,ze6 'suad a1dw1s Bu1de4s
z917 esnep osie aas :ileq-4614 JOcJ 08 Sl DOS 'Bu,ssaJd '6u1110J '6u111aweu3
L9'17 asnep osie aas :eq-45 14 JOcJ 08 1 sz DOS >OM 8U!4:::lBW IBJ8U8-6 UO!lBJedaJd
O c. ' sz os OU!G
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z917 esnep ose aas :eq-4614 JOcJ Sl DOS >O M 8U!4:::lBW IBJ8U88
- -
SJ8X!W pue SUJ >I
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08 ll DOS 6u1eJooap '6u1ze16 '6u14s1u,=1
08 zzT ooc Dufeq pue uo,eJedaJd '

saJJaes (
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(3Jzooz:ssss osr
ISO 8995:2002(E)
CIE S 008/E-2001

Type of interior, task or activity Em UGR, R, Remarks


7. Electrical industry

Cable and wire manufacture 300 25 80 For hiah-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.


- laroe colls 300 25 80 For hioh-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.

- medium-sized coils 500 22 80 For high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

- small coils 750 19 80 For high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

--il impregnating 300 25 80 For hig_h- see also clause 4.6.2.

Galvanising 300 25 80 For high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.


Assemblv work:

- rouch e.q. laroe transformers 300 25 80 For hiah-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.

- medium e.e. switchboards 500 22 80

- fine e.a telenhones 750 19 80

- precision - rneasurinq equipm. 1000 16 80

Electronic workshops, testing, 1500 16 80


8 . F o o d i n d u s try

- 1
Workplaces and zones in breweries, 200 25 80

malting ficar, far washing, barre!

filling, cleaning, sieving, peeling,

cooking in preserve and chocolate

factories, work places and zones

in sugar faclories, far drying and

fermenting raw tobacco,

fermentation cellar

Sorting and washing of products, 300 25

1 8 0

milling, mixing, packing

Work places and zones in slaughter 500 8 0

houses, butchers, dairies milis, on

frlterilJ.9 flcor, in sugar refineries _L

Cutting and sorting of fruit and 300 25 80


Manufacture of delicatessen foods, 500 22 80



Manufacture work of cigars and 500 22 80


lnspection of glasses and bottles, 500 22 80

product control, trimming, sorting

Laboratories 500 19 80

Colour inspection 1000 16 90

T"' at least 4000 K

9. Foundries and metal casting


Mansize underfloor tunnels, cellars 50 28 20 I Safety colours shall be recognisable.


Platforms 100 25 40

Sand oreoaration 200 25 80 Far hioh-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.

Dressing room 200 25 80 Far high-bay see also clause 4.6.2.

Workplaces at cupola and mixer 200 25 80 Far high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

Casting bay 200 5 80 Far high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.


Shake out areas 200 . 25 Far hig_h-bay: see also clause 4.6.2 .

_Machine moulding 200 25 80 Far high-by: see also clause 4.6.2.

Hand and core mouldina 300 25 80 For hioh-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.

Oie castino 300 25 80 For hiah-bav: see also clause 4.6.2.

Model building 500 22 80 Far high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

Documento -:i.11tt11iz::ido
ISO! IEC I-'OC(lJli 2012

O CCE, 2001 - Ali rights reserved 1 1

T, ..
. F -

.f..i \... ::.. \..,.--....'..,;

C ISO 2002 -AII rights reserved

Pre._ , .
paJUasaJ Sll.lfi!l 11\f - zooz OSI@
paAJasaJ s46u 11\t - ,OOZ ' 3 1 '.) @
amioejnueur pieoqpreo
'sau!4oew 6u!le6ruJoo pue redsd
;9, asnao ospa aes :eq-46!4 ,o 1 08 'Bu!SSa::lOJd pue aimoejnueur 1aded
se: ooc
;917 asnep osie aes :eq-ti6!4 JO - se:-- ooz siauuru aBpa 'smw d1nd
.lsnpu! Jaded s,
so.uaqoaui '
-oJO!W 'soiusqcetu UO!S!OaJd
08 6, 000, '6u1ew 6!! pue a1e1dwa1 '1001
1 ouriu!ea pue UO!lBJeaa1d aoens
08 se: OSL
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08 se: ooc
..lgv asnep osts aas :Aeq-4D!4 JO.:::J UO!S[08JO -
08 6, OSL
l917 asnep oste aes :Aeq-4ti!4 Jo 08 auy -
zz oos
;917 ssnep osje aes :eq-46!4 JO Slt- urrupaui -
08 ooc
l 1
;917 asnep osje aes :eq-4614 10 46noJ -
08 Sl ooc: 1
-- l
0 9 1 6, OSL uawd1nba 6umno :6u1ew 1001
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09 009
ww ' o < seoueretoi
:BU!U!LPBW a6eJaAe pue 46noH
zz ooc

09 9; OOE 6u1wJOJ ptoo 'BwpaM '6u16Jo do,a
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09' 9; OOl
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08 ;; ' oos
08 zz 1 009 bU!eW 8048
>I 00017 sea e "'
.1. uoqoadsu, Jno10:>
06 91:__,_ 000,
08 6, 000, IOJ)UOO ,l11eno
08 zz 009 (au14oew) 6ura,p Ja4ea1
)1 0001' isas e '.l. 06 Bu1110s
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'6U!4S!iod '6U!M8S '6u14oms
08 zz oos airuoejnueui eous ')j.lOM laJppes
sups JO
08 9l ooc 6u11qwn 'fiuiqqru '6UIA!S '6U!4S8J
1 SJ! 'siaueq 'seA uo )!JOM
017 9; ooz-
Jsnpu! ,a4ea1 e,
08 6i 09L SJ!edaJ pue uouoedsut
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(oueuiome) 6u1ew 401eM
08 1 si 009
08 9, 009, \fenuew) Bu!ew 401eM
1 --
06 9, 000, laJlaMaTo aJnpenueVII
>I 0001' sea1 e "'.1. 06 9, 009, sauois snoioaid 4l!M 6U!)OM
uuruoejnueui .JallaMar "
06 6i 009 6U!SS8JPJ!BH
SJassaJPJ!BH o, 1
S)!Jewa 1 J!A!Pe JO se ,oau, o ad,11
'li 1iEJn W3
,OOZ-3/800 S 31'.."l
(3Jzom::gsss ost

CIE S 008/E-2001

Type of interior, task or activity Em UGR, R, Remarks


Standard book binding work, e.g. 500 22 60

folding, sorting, gluing, cutting,

embossing, sewing

16. Power stations

Fuel suoolv otant 50 28 20 Safetv colours shall be recoonisable.

Boiler house 100 28 40

Machine halls 200 25 80 Fer high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

Auxiliary rooms, e.g pump rooms, 200 25 60

condenser rooms, switchboard,


Control rooms 500 16 80 1. Control panels are citen vertical.

2. Dimming may be required.

3. Fer VDT work see clause 4.10.

17. Printers

Cutting, gilding, embossing, block 500 19 80

engraving, work on stones and

platens, printing machines, matrix

- - -
Paper sortiQg and hand printing_ 500 19 80 -

pe settirl!J,!etouching, lithograph)' 1000 19 ' 80

Colour inspection in multi-coloured 1500 16 90 I T,, 5000 K

printing .
Steel and copper engraving 2000 16 80 .-Far directional light see clause 4.5.2.

18. lron and steel works 1

Production plants without manual 50 28 20 Safety colours shall be recognisable.

I ntervention

Production plants with occasional 150 28 40

manual operation

Production plants with continuous 200 25 80 Fer high-bay: see also clause 4.6.2.

manual operation
- -- -
Slab store 50 28 20 Safety colours shall be reco_g_nisabl
- -
Fumaces 2
------+ 25 20 Safety colours shall be recognisable.

Mili train, coiler, shear line 300 25 40

Control olatforms, control oanels 300 22 80

Test, measurement and insoection 500 22 80

Underfloor man sized tunnels belt 50 28 20 I Safety colours shall be recognisable.

sections, cellars etc.

19. Textile industry '

Workplace and zones in baths, bale 200 25 60


Carding, washing, ironing, drawing, 300 22 80

combing, sizing, card cutting, pre-


spinning_l__i!:!!e and hemp spinning

- - -
Spinning, plying, reeling, winding 500 22

warping, weaving, braiding,

1 : ,--"-'-
- -

Sewing, fine knitting, taking up 750 22 90


Manual design, drawatterns _750 _22 90 T at least 4000 K
91 -
Finishirlg, dyeing 500 22 1
80 -

: Drying room 100 __28 1 60


j Automatc fabric printing 500 _25 j-80

[ Burlinq, picking, trimming_ 1000 19 , 80
- - 1

- Colour inspection, fabric control 1000 16 '90 I T, at least 4000 K

I Invisible mendina 1500 19 90 Ten at least 4000 K

- ---


Documento .t\11tori;riJ
C I E , 2001 - AII rights reserved 13
ISO J IEC / l?OCOS.c\ SG:12

ISO 2002 - AII rights reservecl 13

-- -
08 zz OOE s11e4 !lln tN
L - -
08 zz ooz s11e4 uoouoo '!I sa;ea41
- -
}uawu1e1Ja}ua JO saoe1d gz
8Je SJa/\aj J8MOI 8W!l l46!U 6U!Jl0 08 9Z ooi SJOpJoJ
aqe110,uoo aq pnoqs "6u14611 08 f 009 SWOOJ aouaJaJUO:J
08 zz OOE aJn9
08 zz ooz ue1nesaJ a:J!AJ8S-JlS
'araqdsoune aewru! aear.;i WOOJ
o psursep aq pmoqs Bu1461J a<u 08 zz UO!l::lUnJ 'uioo: 6U!UJP 'ueJnesa
08 zz 009 ua40!)!
08 zz OOE srsuod sap JaJ4seouo1daoa
sao4 pue sueJnesa ,z
08 f 009 aqe JaddeJM
08 6( - 009 eaie 11!1
08 zz 009 a61e1 eaIB sa1es
08 zz OOE 11ews eaJe saes
6umeia tz
08 I 9Z ooz saAJll::uv
08 zz OOE sap uo,aaoa
aqe110Juoo aq pmousllu146f 08 6( 009 suroor Duiaaw pue aouaJaJUO:)
- -
oi, asnep aas )!.JOM-10/1 JO,! 08 f 009 uo1es)!.JOM OV'.J
- - -
08 9( 09L BLI!MeJp 1eo1u4oa1
oi , asnep aas JOM-10/1 Jo, eep '6u,peaJ '6u1d,\ '6UJl!JM
08 f 009
08 f 00\: :,a UO!l21l0J!O 'DU!ACO::> 'DU!l!:J
saomo 'zz
)1 0001' sea e "'1 06 si oooi [onuoo l!Jeno
JOM .le1u! 'AJanbew
)1 0001' sea e "'1 06 zz 09L 'spoow 1aauaA JO uo,::>a1as
6up1urs '6U!Mes
'6utnO '6UIAOOJ6 '6uljeqaJ
'urssaip '6u11nu '6u1wn Ba
spaJa ordoosoqons uaAaJd ! sau14oew 6Ut)j.JOM poow uo )!.JOM
08 f 009
08 ZZ 09L AJau,01 Aoue ou,1u,ed 'ou14s11od
08 9z OOE '6u1n16 'qouaq s.iauto] e )!.JOM
s::>alJa oidosoqons uaA8Jd 09 9Z OOE ' 8WBJJ MES
Ov 8Z 09i s,aweas
6unpenuew pooMAd
Ov 8Z 09 6uJil.Jp Ba ursseoord 01jewon11
aJnJJUJlj '!/ 6UJJOM PM iz
08 f I oooi U0!}08dSU! IEU!:J
08 f oooi (pauuew ampenuew AJaso4dn
)1 0001' sea e "'1 06 9i cooi UO!l08SU! 'dn-qonoi :filJ!lU!2d
requieqo 6UJ4S!tOd
08 zz 09L 'requreuo 6u1,leJds '6U!lU!ed
08 zz 009 Aqwasse pue JoM Apo9
uononnsuoo a1014aA. oz
08 zz 009 Bupnpenuew eH
1 xn
sJewa "?; 'l:J!Jl W::J ,\JAtpe JO se ,oau! o ad,11
\OOZ-3/800 S 31'.J
(3Jzooc::ssss ost
ISO 8995:2002(E)

C I E S 008/E-2001

Type of interior, task or activity


Practice rooms, dressing rooms 300 22 80 Glare free mirror lighting far make-up


Museums (general) 300 19 80 Lighting to suit the display requirements,

protect against radiation effects. See

Museum Lighting Guide.

26. Librarles

Bookshelves 200 19 80

Readina area 500 19 1 80

Counters 500 19 1 80

27. Public car parks (indoor)


In/out ramps (during the day) 300 25 40 Safety colours shall be recognisable.

In/out ramps .@l_rlight) 75 25 40 Safety colours shall be recog_nisable.

Traffic lanes 75 25 40 T Safetv colours shall be recoonisable.

Parking areas 75 28 1 40 A high vertical i11uminance increases

recognition of peoples faces and

_ L__ - f--..--- I therefore the feeling of s


Ticket office 300 19 80 ' 1. Avoid reflectionS in the windows.

2. Prevent glare from outside.

28. Educational buildings

Plav schoo room 300 19 80

Nur="' class 300 19 80

y "': room
aa.. 300 19 80

Classroorr.s. Mooalmorns 300 19 80 Lightin_g should be controllable.

Classroom fur evening classes and 1 500 19 80

am,f.s education

l.scrure hall 500 19 80 Liqhtlno should be controllable.

500 19 80 Prevent soecular reflections.

.:i s!o @n'l lab le _L500. 19 80_ In lecture halls 750 lux

- r:: aaa: cooms 500


...- -:o:-s r act:sdlools 750 19 90

7g, > 50.
,0.., K----
- rooms _ _ 7 5 0 _ L_ 1 6 80

:P m _ ca:i laboratories 500 19 80

- 500 19 80

. '"' """ tl'3CXe rooms 300 19 80

oractce rooms 500 19 80 For VDT-work see clause 4.10.

age laboratory 300 19 80

Preparation rooms and worksh 500 22 80

Student common rooms and 200 22 80

assembly halls _

Teachers rooms 300 22 80


Sports halls, gymnasiums and 300 22 80 Far public access facilities see
swimming pools I CIE 58 - 1 9 8 3 and CIE 62 - 1984.

29. Health care premises


Waiting rooms__ _ 200 22 1 80 -fElluminance at floor level


Corridors: during the day __ 200 e-12 80 minance at floor level

Corridors: during the f!l9.h

_ ct----f 50 22 80 minance at floor level

V: ; --+--_,t,...!;--Y I llluminance at floor level

Staff rooms --- - 300 19 80 1


- General liahtina 100 19 80 1 llluminance at floor level

- Reading lightillfl.__ 300 19 8o___;___


- Simple examination - 300 -1-- 19 80

Examination and treatment _ _1000 19 90


Night lighting, observation lighting so

-'--' 5 _ 1 9 8 I

Dceuinento L-1ito1i?iDc,.1

CIE, 2001 - AII rights reserved I S O / iEC i POG{J/i C:12


ISO 2002 -AII rights reserved

= o
08 pue saoyo a6e66n pue aOli
017 8Z ooz asrnoouoo pue 11e4 aOi.l
017 8Z os seMqns Ja6uassed pue SWJOJlBld
z917 asnep esta aas :eq-4614 Jo 08 zz 009 sJe6ue4 uJ seaie 6upnsea
1 z917 asnep ose aas :Aeq-4014 Jo 08 zz oos seaia sa au1ou3
z917 ssnep este aas :Aeq-4014 Jo 08 zz 009 sreoueu J!BaaJ pue ou1sa.1
o i 17 ssnep aas JOM 101\ Jo z
aqeww,p aq pinous 6u146!1 i 08 9( 009 SWOOJ ::>YJeJl J!'Q'
pap,oAe aq pmous 461,\ep WOJj a,e19 T
o ( 17 asnep aas JOM 101\ JO z
aqeww,p aq pmous 6u14611 i 08 9( 009 J8MOl 10JlU0:) :)!jleJl l!'f
'O] 17 asnep aas )I.JOM-101\ JO 08 6i 008 seaJe oa40 ,ljpnoas 1
09 8Z ooz SWOOJ 8JOlS aoeon1
08 zz ooz saara OU!l!EM
ue.,oaw, S! aoueu,wnm IBO!JJI\ 08 6i 009 sxsap [onuoo uoosseo pue swosn::
'O! 17 asnep aas JOM .101\ Jo 08 6i oos sxsep u1->1::>a4::> TS){Sap UO!lEWJOJU(
zz 's1oie1e::,sa 'seaia 6uqoauuoJ
08 09i
seare W!EI::>
L9'1> asnep osie aas :ileq-4614 Jo 08 zz ooz a6e66eq 's11e4 amuedsp pue IBAUJ\f
s,odJ!\f or
aq ilew xn1 0009 ueu; Ja4614 sanie/\ 06 0009 aqe 6U!P8SS!P pue aqe SdOn\f '
-- -
'T ClO,- sa,1en:ow pu suiooi -hSdonv
06 6i
- - -
08 zz 008 SWOOJ UO!lOaJUJSJO
08 1 zz 008 suioor uoes11pas
)1 0009 < ""l 06, 6i 000( (sauoeJoqe\) uouoeosu Jnoo::
)1 0009 < - 1 06 0009 ou14oew 4aa a14M -
aq ilew xn OOOS ue4 Ja4614 sanie/\ 06 ooos l!ABO 6u1eJadQ -
8J!EU!Wll UO)lBU!WBX8 !'BOOl , 06' oooi ua,ea a41 l\f -
a4 Jo aaJ aJe6 aq pmous 6u114611 06 6( oos 6u146111eJaua9 -
06 6( oz 4oeM 461N -
aAa paq l\f 06 6i oooi lU8UJlB8Jl pue O!lBU!WBX3 -
- -
aAal paq l\f , 06 6( 008 SUO!lBU!l.Uexa aJdW[S -
aAa JOOU l\f 06 6i ooi ou140111eJaua9 -
aieo "!sua1u1
xn1 oooooi - xn1 ooooi= w3 1eioads l!ABO 6U!\eJadQ
06 6( oooi a4ea4 6u11eJaQ
06 6i SWOOJ J8/\0:)8J pue ao-8Jd
08 6( 008 .-aeJa401peJ pue a6esSeV'J
08 6( 008 sqieq IBO!PV'J
08 6i 005 SWOOJ Jase1d
08 6i 008 SWOOJ nu<X>SOPU3
06 si oos SWOOJ I\UUl0lBUli8Q
08 si oos SWOOJ S!SII JB!O
swass UO!S!Aaa
o i 17 esnep sas JoM 101\ JO 08 pue sraouequa a6ew! 4l!M SJauue::is
sr os
sueqo UO!S!A
9( 4l!M sal UO!S!A mojoo pue 6u!pea
06 005
8J!eU!wn1 uoneunuexs 1e:io1 06 uoneuuuexs aAa pue Je3
06 6i oos eJau86 WOOJ UO!leU!Wex3
08 zz ooz sua1ed JOJ sa,o pue swooJ41ea
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ISO 8995:2002(E)

CIE S 008/E-2001

Type of interior, task or activity Em UGR, R, Remarks


Waiting rooms 200 22 80

31. Churches, mosques,

synagogues and temples


Bodv of church 100 25 80

Chair, altar, pulpit 300 22 80

6. Verification procedures

6.1 llluminance

The illuminance shall be measured al specified points on the relevan! areas. The readings

shall not be less than that calculated far the point.

The maintained illuminance shall be calculated from measured values on the same

grid points as used in the design calculation and !he value shall be not less than that specified

far the task.

For repeat measurements the same points shall be used.

6.2 Unified glare rating

Authenticated UGR data produced by the tabular method at 1: 1 spacing to height ratio in

accordance with Publication CIE 1 1 7 - 1 9 9 5 shall be provided for !he luminaire/scheme by the

manufacturer of the luminaire. The installation layout and the surface finishes shall be

checked against !he design assumptions.

The installation shall be in accordance with the design assumptions.

6.3 Colour rendering index (R,)

Authenticated R, data shall be provided far the lamps used in the scheme by the manufacturer

of the lamps. The lamps shall be checked against the design specifications and shall have an

R. no! less than the value specified in !he design.

The lamps shall be as specified in the design.

6.4 Colour appearance (T,,)

Authenticated T,, value shall be provided for the lamps in the scheme by manufacturer of the

lamps. The T,, value of the lamps shall be not less !han the value specified in the design.

6.5 Maintenance

The designer shall:

state the maintenance factor and lis! all assumptions made in the derivation of the


verify the lighting equipment suitable far the application environment. Prepare a

comprehensive maintenance schedule to include frequency of lamp replacement,

luminaire and room surface cleaning intervals and cleaning method.

6.6 Luminaire luminance

The average luminance of the luminous par! of the luminaire shall be measured and/or

calculated radially in the C-plane at intervals of 1 5 starting at O and the elevation in y- angles

of 65, 75 and 85. Normally the manufacturer of the luminaire shall provide these data based

on maximum (lamp/luminaire) output. The values shall not exceed the limits specified in

clause 4 . 1 O.

f Documento 11.11.tdo :

l ISO/ rae ! IOC:iJ8A 2012 !

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C I E , 2001 - AII rights reserved 17
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ISO 2002 - AII rights reserved


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