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Predatory Arrogance and Primal Subservience – Part 1

By Randy Gonzalez
Upon a hierarchy of mental capacity, superficially in the depths of pretended
enlightenment, two primal forces compete within the scheme of interpersonal satiation.
One is described as “predatory arrogance” and the other, its symbiotic counterpart, the
carnal divergence for primal subservience. It is a devolving process. And so, by
maladaptive intentional actions, for the purposes of pleasure versus pain, the former
applies various schemes of control. From nation-state and corporate collusion, to lower
realms of communal complicity, each manipulates the other for mutual benefit.
Materiality by gain compared to risk, and gluttonous consumption to feed the anti-
thinking of thought and the bloated state of devolving physicality, work to ensure the
debasing perpetuity of entire human processes. Over time, as some two hundred thousand
years have come and gone, where humans are concerned not much has changed.
Planetary civilization, or the presumption of a civilized species, stagnates and invites
eventual demise. Socio-economic disparity looms decidedly gloomier, as societal
infrastructures decay, culture devolves, and intellectual advancement finds scorn.
Human nature, as a metaphorical entity to describe the competitive edginess between
“good and evil”, civility and criminality, regression and progress, remain an intricacy of
self-centered degenerating exercises in domination for power. Larger schemes span the
complexity of global exchanges, and filter downward to the locale of group interactivity.
As the predator hunts for prey, the latter acquiesces to ensure its own perceived sense of
survivability, by myriad acts of child-like submission. From a contrived state of perpetual
“victimization”, some plead for mercy while others argue domination.
Social interaction does not frequently help matters, and instead contrives numberless
simplistic assertions of reactivity to perpetrate a range of emotional fallacies and self-
indulgent frauds. Sometimes, it is a matter of clever marketing, other times the ruse is
layered by what seems like blameless purposes and everyone assumes a “feel good”
posture of debasing emotionalism. The herd or the flocks sheepishly huddle in
submissive bargaining. Meanwhile, political intrigue conjures hallow promises and
shallow pontifications, to cloak the illicit hidden agendas that come in many forms.
“False prophets” wear numerous disguises.

Nonetheless, the pathological symbiosis intends to perpetrate an ongoing interactive

relationship between the “hunter” and the “hunted”. The “cost-benefit” analysis is freely
instigated in order to satiate particular and individual proclivities. Gluttonous materiality,
for instance, is but one aspect of purposeful acquiescence a social symbiotic relationship.
For the gain of primal consumptive desires, many will endeavor by any means that which
ensures the collusion of opposing and interacting mutuality.
For many, the causality of willful complicity can be seen in the diversity of daily
human exchange, from academia to politics, and from environmental exploitation to
corporate corruption. In the symbiotic relationship, the predator finds many ways to elicit
compliance and submission. From advertising deceptions, to psychiatric malpractice, to
political sleight of hand, the schemes are diverse. Unless the self-evolving, maturely
ascending individual resists, fights back, remains alert and so forth, “devolutional
processes” ensue. Personal differentiation is essential.
In classical criminology, the basic tenets of the philosophical perspective assert the
rationality of criminal intentions and subsequent actions of the perpetrator. Malevolent
motivations are purposeful for the satiation of the perpetrator’s selfish desires. People
freely make choices to ensure the utilitarian value of calculated gain, and obtain
advantage over others. There are no excuses or mitigations, other than personal
enrichment, for harming other people contrary to lawful prescribed sanctions. The key
principle is that of rationality, in the expression of hedonistic proclivities.
There are opinions to the contrary and there are many of those in the pseudosciences.
However, the classical school, or rational choice theory, does not diminish or lessen the
necessity for full responsibility for anti-social behaviors. In some schools of thought, any
number of excuses might be offered to justify or rationalize the criminal’s behavior.
Most popular in post-modern so-called “civilized” society is the “mental health”
model of criminal justification. An easy default options is to suggest someone is
“afflicted with a mental illness” problem. Some theorists will collude with neuroscience
to invoke the DNA excuse, as in the suggestion there might be a “crime gene”. Or, some
will suggest “strong maybes” about a mystical correlation between a biological
dysfunction and anti-social behavior. Whatever the excuse, the problem remains the
same, human nature has not evolved for the vast majority of the species.

Attempts to postulate deterministic externalities do not explain the degrees or depths

of counterproductive and destructive behaviors people perpetrate on each other. Along
the scheme of these mitigating perspectives, multiple complicities hasten the regression
of cultural interactivity. Overall, the delineation whereby predatorily inclinations are
allowed exceptionality, excuse, or other justification, sanctions the repetitive nature of
exploitation, power, control and “enslavement”. Species demise follows.
Why establish boundaries for the termination of such brutality? What insist upon
definitive retributions to advance the heightened ascendancy of a civilization, when
“victimization” of the predator and can be easily “rationalization by maintaining mythic
illusions. In school of thought, a few believe that in two hundred thousand years, human
nature has not changed very much. On the contrary, it is devolving. Exploitation, control
and domination by one over the other, remains consistent in a diversity of ways.
In the totality of criminality, from commerce to terrorism, from extortion to political
corruption, anyone is capable of anything, depending upon the situations as hand. For the
simplicity of social networking and superficiality of news reporting, the fixation favors
the “street crimes”, as indicative of real crime. Meanwhile, others collude to evade the
more complex reality of deeper sinister behaviors. Organized crime, unlawful as well as
lawful cartels continue to fester and swell large and extensive.
Yet, in the hardcore expressions of the real world, criminal nature is much more
extensive. In fact, in terms of cost, injury and degradation of society, “whiter collar”
crime is exceptionally more pervasive. Corporate corruption, con schemes, internet
crimes, etc., are far more costly. Selfish behaviors manifest a growing narcissism, by
which a society devolves ominously. Like a “zombie virus”, it is intentional.
From the classical viewpoint, human behavior is not quantifiable into an easy to
understand mathematical equation or “criminal profile”. Nor, is there a definitive
simplistic answer as to the reasons people harm other people. However, there is a range
of speculations, from the classic to the post-modern. For the rational choice school of
thought, or what used to be the classical view in criminology, nothing is predetermined,
or a precursor, in terms of human nature. A “crime gene” in the genetic codes does not
exist to make us act in prescribed ways. Willful instigations for calculated intentions, the
gain minus the risk, plus hedonistic self-interests, are compelling rationales.

To claim people have a “certain predisposition”, “hard wired”, “genetic” personality

makeup, or “deformity of DNA”, remains philosophically a prospect for dreaming.
Negatively speaking, hope springs eternal that “good” will come out of every situation,
no matter how bad. This intentional naiveté springs from subjective validation. By which
many clamor for the arrogance of purposeful ignorance. In brief, an illusionary narrative
in which supernatural beliefs influence thinking shapes the real world.
As a result, specious notions become socially dangerous inclinations that translate into
the deadly “social hygiene” of divisive public policies. Emotional reactivity adds to the
magical thinking for a fairy tale world where fiction replaces fact. However, when all is
said and done, people make willful choices to satiate their own needs. Gain is balanced
against risk to ensure maximum reward for purposeful behaviors. By doing so, decisive
motivations stimulate maladaptive behaviors that serve special interests.
Premeditated, self-serving and determined, and at times with malice aforethought, the
social mainstream acceptance of simplistic assertions encourages subjective regression.
Eventually, the process translates into what could be termed “human devolution”. With
creativity and innovation suffering the ravages of laissez-faire mediocrity, with noble
exceptions, selfishness contends to perpetuate the gross disparities of materialistic
acquisition. Nonetheless, from grade school to Sunday school, the “American Dream”
remains the illusions by upper communal realms proselytize and subjugate.
For continuity of consumption and profit, the small niches of American oligarchs
desire the symbiosis to ensure the chasm between the served and the servants.
Encouraging submission, conformity, mediocrity and other characteristics of “herded”
compliance, fosters increased measures to safeguard complicity. The promotion of
gluttonous consumption maintains perpetual entrenchment of the powerful few.
In the process, collateral damage results from exploiting natural resources beyond
sustainable capacity. Constant bombardment by clever mass marketing promotes the
cover of deception. Its masquerade is everywhere, to ensure the wealth of the few, and
the commercial enslavement of the many. Such is the blare of the blather that surrounds
us. From social networking to cell phones and to movie theaters, and everywhere in
cyberspace, gluttonous self-promotion reflects everything. Anywhere you might look the
warning signs appear and signify devolving cultural processes.

People have continued to perpetrate enslavements of several kinds. From one

perspective, slavery conjures historic images of physical chains and forced labor
bondage. In modern times, not much has changed. Human trafficking exports the sinister
malevolence of human nature around the globe. The status quo of human devolution
remains. As such, lower realms are indebted to higher spheres for IOU’s that can never
be reconciled. Some form of personal indebtedness binds one to another. Meanwhile,
liberation of individuality suffers the easy seduction to immediate gratification.
Differing viewpoints, and in particular, definitional criteria could be applied in a much
broader metaphorical sense. Whether physical, psychological or a combination of the
two, the term “slavery” has several contemporary applications. In the 18th for example, a
slave was the property of another, and forced to adhere to the oppressive nature of the
symbiotic relationship. In another way, depicted as the underpaid, seldom noticed and
little appreciated worker, a “slave” labors diligently for others.
Some might argue another picture of this situation, where the “middle class” exists in
symbiosis to the upper class. Underneath the wealthy social and political “class”, or the
American aristocrats, the lower socio-economic living spheres remain perpetually
“enslaved” to economic manipulations. Excessive dependence on others, in which a
gluttonous consumer culture is increasingly indebted to those in control, hastens the
eventual demise of the human species. A dystopic horror story unfolds, while many
amatively ignore the oppressive constraints willingly accepted.
As to the rise of the “corporate state”, and the wealthy elite that control the majority of
resources, commerce, industry and governmental processes, cultural demise looms near.
Within the schematic of government-business oriented illegalities, fraud, deception and
mass-marketing manipulations, comes the insidiousness of corporate and political
corruption. With a predatory arrogance that assumes “entitlement”, every sleight of hand
tactic ensures consumer willingness to support the illusions perpetrated.
Of the glitz, glamor and gore, primal subservience to powerful interests serves the
baser needs and desires steeped in the cognitive bias of ignorance. One can witness a
steady digression to primitive states of emotional subjectivity every day across the broad
spectrum of human activities. Meanwhile, special interests are at work from academia to
the boardroom, and from “mental health” fields, to government “think tanks”.

Believing the fairy tales of superficial conjecture, supported by “false prophets” and
“gurus” of every type, adherents fall in line and tenacious preserve the status quo. Having
accepted the easy path of simplistic and consistent storytelling, the falsehoods reinforced
by emotional reactivity, rather than rational analysis, expansive schemes of “anti-
thinking” encourage the so-called “greater good”. Of that fiction, where facts are
conveniently avoided, the many embrace the “good” to believe the mythology.
Willingly, as hope springs eternal for the chase of the so-called “American dream”,
masses forsake the necessary reason, rationality and critical thinking skills in favor of
immediate gratification. Of apparitions, trolls and jinxes, primal human intentions
abandon the rigors of science and skepticism, to safeguard their “faithful” mediocrity in
the illusions of the supernatural. For nearly every aspect of one’s personal life, there are
those who plot interfere for the sake of their own enrichment and advancement.
An ancient tale of historic value is the admonition to beware of false prophets.
Regardless, how many actually consider that perspective in every aspect of their daily
existence. Very few do, as most are willing members of herded conformity, appealing
often to the ignorance of pretentious frauds and schemers. An echo frequently emanates
from the failed reliance on the superficiality of “expert” authority. In a culture of once
noble advancements, created by the few, excessive consumption feeds the bloated
sacrifice of liberated thoughts and actions. Illusion over-rides reality.
An increasing number of people place the sanctity of their blessed ideations in myriad
contrivances of pseudoscience, and an array of false doctrines. Especially in the scheme
of religious idolatry, the oppressive is quite pervasive, and free thoughts and actions are
persecuted on a regular basis. In a recent poll, 80% of those surveyed professed a belief
in some aspect of the supernatural, as well as pseudoscience.
At the same time, both a national and international research affiliation postulated a
high percentage of “mental illness”. Absent the evidence, deficient in scientific veracity,
many willingly embrace that which eludes the reality of profound confirmation or
credibility. From ghosts to gospel, magical thinking pervades the expansive reaches of
post-modern society. Fallacies of inference move swiftly to subjective validation, from
emotional reactivity and subsequently into dangerous realms of falsely drawn
conclusions. Instead of advancing, the species regresses toward extinction.

By now, an advanced civilization ought to have ascended exponentially to greater

heights of transformation. As several theoretical physicists and economists have recently
suggested, the human race should have solved major societal issues by now. Things like
war, disease, and pestilence, ideological and racial conflict should have been long since
relegated to the past. Yet, humanity has not done that, and forsaken extraordinary
possibilities of commercial, political, and social ascendency.
Concerning the views of several contemporary futurists, “anti-intellect”, coupled with
immature and divisive behaviors, uneducated inclinations, anti-social proclivities remain
on the rise. I.Q., educational levels, and informed critical thinking processes suffer the
loss of creativity, innovation, and productive communal interactivity. Where pioneering
actions insist on change from primeval to mature ascendance, juvenile counterproductive
actions persist. Selfishness pervades the societal context in every aspect.
To change and alter the current global trajectory, such efforts require serious attention
to personality and group transitions to higher states of selfless behaviors. Unfortunately,
while a small percentage will undertake the hard work of strenuous self-evolution, most
will not make the effort. The majority is too self-absorbed in their own egoistic arrogance
and pottery self-righteousness. They remain child-like, bulling and being bullied, in order
to perpetrate a self-defeating symbiosis of limited survival.
Engaging individual liberation, open-minded and free thinking, discovering a diversity
of lifestyles, the full range of awareness, rational interpretations, and logical
machinations of well-intended purposefulness will only be embraced by a few.
Maturation in profound individual analysis instigates focused transition from not
knowing to a probability of knowing, and doing that which is necessary to achieve higher
realms of personal existence. Psychophysical energies manifest intentional drives to
manifest the valiant quest toward a self-evolved enlightened personality.
On a personal level, transformative and well-differentiated thinking, for bringing
about a better version of oneself, has greater potentiality where imagination finds the
freedom of opportunities. Individual liberties, by virtue constitutional safeguards, should
never be stifled, oppressed or discouraged. Unfortunately, in a culture that values
materiality, consumption, and conformity, over mature personal growth by liberated
individuality, asserts divisive predatory arrogance and primal subservience.

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