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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

Jean-Louis Salagera; Johnny Bullna; Aldo Pizzinoa; Marianna Rondn-Gonzlezab; Laura Tolosaa
Laboratory of Formulations, Interfaces, Rheology and Processes, University of the Andes, Merida,
Venezuela b Total Petrochemicals, Lacq, France

Online publication date: 13 October 2010

To cite this Section Salager, Jean-Louis , Bulln, Johnny , Pizzino, Aldo , Rondn-Gonzlez, Marianna and Tolosa,
Laura(2010) 'Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner', Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, 1: 1, 1


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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

Jean-Louis Salager
Johnny Bulln
Aldo Pizzino
Marianna Rondn-Gonzlez*
Laura Tolosa
Laboratory of Formulations, Interfaces, Rheology and Processes, University of the Andes, Merida, Venezuela
*Now with Total Petrochemicals, Lacq, France

The formulation and formation of emulsions imply a very large number of variables; hence, attaining the
sought properties is usually long and tedious because of the large number of experiments to be carried out.
The current state-of-the-art of physicochemical formulation may be thoroughly used to considerably reduce
the number of required experiments and to indicate to the formulator the relation between the kind of proper-
ties to expect and the generalized formulation expression. After these first-order formulation factors are dealt
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with, several second-order factors are shown to be available to adjust the emulsion properties upward or
downward in order to satisfy the specifications, either directly or by means of a multistep process.

INTRODUCTION can change considerably) and in a lesser measure on the

oil and aqueous phase nature, and other variable such as
Emulsions are systems in which two immiscible liquids temperature. The characteristics of the components, par-
(referred to as oil and water) are temporarily mixed in ticularly, the surfactant, have been represented by various
some homogeneous way at some microscale to macroscale parameters introduced over the years.
to produce the dispersion of one phase in the other. In gen- About 50 years ago, the hydrophiliclipophilic balance
eral, it is called an emulsion only if the coalescence of the (HLB) number[1] was introduced as an empirical estima-
drops is inhibited during some time by some process in- tion of the dual tendency of the surfactant, essentially re-
volving surfactants or particles. This entry only deals with lated to the proportions of its hydrophilic and lipophilic
surfactant-stabilized emulsions. parts and, to some extent, to the oil type. This approach
The emulsion desirable properties (type, drop size, and is rather inaccurate, but it is extremely simple and is still
distribution, rheology, and persistence, often called stabil- useful as a first approximation and to compare similar
ity) depend on the application. In most cases, the formula- cases. However, it may be completely erroneous in some
tor challenge is to attain the sought-after product through instances like comparing cases with different surfactant or
1) selecting the right substances (surfactant, oil, aqueous oil families. Davies[2] intent to separate the HLB number
phase) and their right proportions, then 2) mixing them into group contributions made it easier to use in practice,
and making an emulsion through a process which could but it did not really improve the accuracy, which is some-
be quite complex. The optimization of the formulation and times worse than 2 units.
emulsification procedure may be made relatively simpler if Winsors R ratio approach is based on the interac-
the different aspects are segregated and treated separately, tions of the surfactant molecule adsorbed at interface with
as shown in the following. neighboring oil and water molecules (labeled Aco and
Acw, respectively, in Fig. 1).[3] It allows to carry out some
qualitative reasoning and to relate the R ratio of interac-
FORMULATION CONCEPTS APPLIED tions at interface with the phase behavior at equilibrium
TO EMULSIONS as indicated in Fig. 1. There are only four different cases,
hence much less than the number of actual variables in
Early Concepts: HLB, PIT, Winsors R practice. R<1 and R>1 correspond to the so-called Winsor
I and Winsor II biphasic systems, respectively, which ex-
A surfactant has a dual affinity for the aqueous (polar) and hibit an aqueous and an oil phase microemulsion in equi-
oil (nonpolar) phases, and the emulsion properties depend librium with an excess oil and aqueous phase, respectively.
on that, i.e., strongly on the surfactant nature (because it R=1 is associated with the three-phase behavior so-called
Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science DOI: 10.1081/E-ESCS-120045970
Copyright 2010 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 

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 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

formulation variables for many systems, and thus extended


the PIT approach.


The balance of affinity was written as a formula that

is a generalized expression of the surfactant affinity dif-
ference (SAD), i.e., the variation of chemical potential
of a surfactant molecule when it transfers from water to
oil (D).[6] This expression was related to thermodynamic
concepts, such as the surfactant partition coefficient be-
tween excess phases in three-phase systems, which can be
Fig. 1 Winsors R ratio and its relation with the phase behavior experimentally measured. It is generally expressed in a di-
of surfactantoilwater systems. mensionless way with respect to a reference in a situation
in which the surfactant exhibits exactly the same standard
chemical potential in the oil and aqueous phases, at ambient
Winsor III, in which a bicontinuous microemulsion, con- temperature and pressure. The generalized formulation
taining essentially all the surfactant, is in equilibrium with expression is a linear summation of energetic contribu-
two (oil and aqueous) excess phases. [4] If the amount of tions that involves all variables describing the nature of
surfactant is high enough, the microemulsion embodies the the components as well as temperature and pressure. In
whole system volume and a so-called Winsor IV single- the simplest cases, the expression is similar to the correla-
phase behavior is observed. tion for three-phase behavior and minimum tension,[7,8]
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Hence, when a variable like the aqueous phase salinity and may be written as the dimensionless hydrophilic
or the length of surfactant tail changes (in some monoto- lipophilic deviation from the optimum formulation for
nous way), a so-called formulation scan results in a contin- three-phase behavior, which is taken as the reference state
uous change in the ratio of interactions. When R changes [9]. This deviation, so called HLD, may be expressed as
from R<1 to R>1, a phase behavior transition takes place follows (see Eqs. 1 and 2)
and is noted WIWIIIWII or vice versa. Fig. 2 illus- HLD=(SAD-SADref)/RT=lnS-kACN-f(A)+s-aTDT
trates the evolution of the systems during a phase behavior (1)
for ionic surfactant
transition versus some formulation changes.[4]
As far as emulsions are concerned, the Winsor R ra-
tio allows to accurately interpret rules of thumb such as (2)
for nonionic surfactant
Bancroft rule and Langmuir wedge theory. However, the
R ratio cannot be translated into numbers to be handled where S is the salinity of the aqueous phase in wt.% NaCl;
quantitatively. ACN is the alkane carbon number, i.e., the number of carbon
Shinodas phase inversion temperature (PIT)[5] ap- atoms in an n-alkane oil; s or b are the ionic and nonionic
proach is based on an experimentally attainable informa- characteristic parameters of the surfactant. These param-
tion, i.e., the temperature at which the emulsion made with eters increase linearly with the surfactant tail length[10]
a polyethoxylated surfactant inverts from oil/water (O/W) and decrease with the number of ethylene oxide groups
to water/oil (W/O). This temperature essentially corre- for polyethoxylated nonionics.[8] f(A) is a function that
sponds to the swapping of the dominant affinity of the sur- renders both the type (through mA) and the concentra-
factant from water to oil phase, which is essentially related tion (CA) of the (alcohol) cosurfactant in f(A)=mACA. DT
to the phase behavior. In other words, the PIT corresponds is the temperature difference with respect to a reference,
to Winsor R=1 case, with R<1 at temperature below the usually ambient temperature. These expressions apply to
PIT and R>1 above it. Because it is an experimental ap- simple surfactantoilbrine systems but may be extended
proach, the PIT takes into account all variables, which is
quite an improvement with respect to earlier concepts like
the HLB number. However, there are serious limitations to
its general use, e.g., the liquid water temperature range and
its applicability mostly limited to polyethoxylated surfac-
tants whose hydrophilic group is dehydrated as tempera-
ture increases.

Generalized Formulation Expression

In the 1970s, the enhanced oil recovery research promoted

many experimental studies, which may be said to have
numerically quantified Winsors R concept in terms of all Fig. 2 Phase behavior transition along some formulation changes.

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 

to different oils and aqueous phase electrolytes, change in Emulsion Properties

pH, mixtures of surfactants, and oils as in most real world

cases.[1118] The type of emulsion is essentially related to the natural inter-
In the past 20 years, the characteristic parameters for facial curvature that results in O/W or W/O simple morphol-
surfactants, oil and water phases, as well as the tempera- ogy and is related to formulation according to the century old
ture and pressure effects were determined in a large num- Bancrofts rule. Drop size and distribution depend on physi-
ber of different systems. They may be predicted in many cal properties like the interfacial tension and surfactant ad-
instances, in practice, and may also be experimentally de- sorption.[23] Emulsions are not stable systems, and sooner or
termined when no estimate is available.[19] later, they will separate into their phases. However, they may
Mixing rules for surfactants and oils were found to be be quite persistent, and the expression kinetics stability (or
simple (e.g., linear), in some cases, and depart from ideal often just stability) is used to describe their lifetime scale,
behavior in others. The non-ideality of the mixing rules which is frequently expressed as the time required for some
was also quantified and interpreted through the partition- fraction, e.g., 50% or 75%, of one of the phases, usually the
ing and segregation of species, hence showing that mix- originally dispersed one, to separate.
tures could be either a problem or a solution.[19,20] Rheological properties of emulsions are essentially
The generality of HLD formulation expression results in dues to physical factors and effects like the external phase
a direct relationship with the phase behavior, i.e., HLD<0 viscosity, the internal phase volume, drop interactions,
and HLD>0 correspond to R<1 and Winsor I and R>1 and and eventual deformation under shear.[21] Emulsions with
Winsor II, respectively. HLD=0 is associated with Winsor drop in the 150 m range with internal phase content
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III three-phase behavior transition.[9] This corresponds to over 60% exhibits non-Newtonian behavior of the shear-
R=1, and it is an extremely important circumstance because thinning type and are often viscoelastic when they contain
it is a reference and a boundary, as far as the properties of a large proportion of submicron droplets. Monodispersed
equilibrated and non-equilibrated systems are concerned, distributions tend to exhibit a high viscosity, while very
independent of the actual variable values such as salinity, polydispersed, particularly bimodal distributions, re-
oil nature, temperature, etc. sult in a reduced viscosity which is quite useful for some
HLD determines the physicochemical balance (if applications.[24]
HLD=0) or unbalance (if HLD 0), whatever the actual Turbidity or opacity have to do with the drop proportion,
values of the formulation variables. This is noteworthy drop size, and refractive indexes of the liquid, as well as the
because it means that two systems may be considered radiation wavelength.[21] The higher reflectivity with day-
to be in equivalent physicochemical states if they have light takes place for a drop size around the micrometer.[25]
the same HLD value, even though they do not exhibit
necessarily the same salinity, same surfactant type, same Emulsion Properties versus Generalized
temperature, etc. Actually, none of the variables may Formulation (Unidimensional Scan)
coincide, although the two systems are in similar physi-
cochemical states and may be compared as far as perfor- The variation of formulation variables for systems con-
mance is concerned. taining similar amounts (i.e., from 30% to 70%) of oil and
water results in systematic patterns when the formulation
is expressed as HLD. These studies were carried out more
QUALITATIVE GENERAL PHENOMENOLOGY: than 20 years ago according to the so-called unidimen-
EMULSION PROPERTIES VERSUS sional formulation scan method, in which a single formu-
FORMULATION AND COMPOSITION lation variable is monotonously changed so that a phase
(FIRST-ORDER FACTORS) behavior transition takes place in the WIWIIIWII di-
rection or vice versa as in Fig. 2.[8]
Early systematic studies to relate the formulation with the The general qualitative property trends along a unidi-
emulsion properties[21] indicated that reproducible results mensional formulation scan are essentially determined
were attained when the system were equilibrated prior to by what happens at the formulation that corresponds to
emulsification, so that no mass transfer was taking place HLD=0 in the scan. Whatever the formulation variable
at the time of interfacial area generation during emulsifi- used to change the balance of affinity, in particular, the
cation. A few studies with non-equilibrated systems indi- temperature for polyethoxylated nonionics, the surfactant
cated that the time-scale of equilibration could change the oil-water equilibrated system exhibits at HLD=0 the fol-
results, with a shorter pseudo-equilibration time-scale, as lowing two characteristics (see Fig. 3a graph):
HLD is close to zero.[22] When the systems are not pre-
equilibrated prior to emulsification, a reproducible result 1. a minimum of interfacial tension, sometimes ultra
is usually attained when the surfactant and co-surfactant low, which is why it was originally referred to as
species are introduced in the phase where they will parti- optimum formulation by researchers on enhanced
tion at equilibrium. oil recovery.[2628]

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 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

Fig. 3 a) Interfacial tension, phase behavior, and emulsion morphology; b) stability; c) drop size 9; d) viscosity and light scattering
(reflectance) versus generalized formulation HLD.

2. a three-phase behavior (bicontinuous microemul- and on both sides of it (see Fig. 3c plot), where the tension
sion in equilibrium with both oil and aqueous excess is low enough to result in small droplets, which are not too
phases) and eventually a single-phase behavior if the likely to coalesce instantly.[41] The minima in drop size are
surfactant concentration is high enough.[29] much closer to HLD=0 than the stability maxima, typically
at about 1 HLD unit or less. However, their occurrence and
As far as the emulsified system is concerned, HLD=0 is characteristics depend on second-order factors susceptible
associated with a crucial feature in each of the five proper- to alter the tension and stability curves, as well as on the stir-
ties as shown in Fig. 3 as follows. ring energy.[42] The increasing drop-size tendency, indicated
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First is a change in emulsion type from O/W to W/O in Fig. 3c region to be close to HLD=0, is the consequence of
or vice versa (Fig. 3a), which is referred to as morphology the very low stability that quickly increases coalesce and in-
inversion. This is generally determined by a drastic change creases the size if it could be measured. However, this could
in conductivity as well as other properties like viscosity not result in larger droplets available, in practice, because
and optical reflectance, whose variations might be more the emulsion vanishes in seconds.
difficult to interpret.[2934] Fourth, the viscosity of an emulsion submitted to shear
Second, a very deep minimum in the emulsion stability is in local minimum at HLD=0 formulation, where the ten-
exactly at HLD=0 (Fig. 3b).[29,30,35,36] The actual value of sion is ultra low and the drops are easy to elongate in the
the phase separation time at HLD=0 is similar to the case direction of flow (Fig. 3d, lower plot). The effect is similar
of a system containing equal oil and water phases without in laminar flow through porous media and in turbulent flow
surfactant.[37] This clearly shows that at optimum formula- cases. Since there are two drop-size minima on both sides
tion the surfactant is trapped in the microemulsion and that of HLD=0, hence, there are often two concomitant viscosity
it is not available to adsorb at the interface formed during maxima (see Fig. 3d, lower plot) because of the general as-
the stirring process. Other more complex explanations have sociation between smaller drops and higher viscosity.[43]
been proposed.[38,39] When the formulation departs consid- Fifth, optical effects are associated with the morphol-
erably from HLD=0, then it may be said that the surfactant ogy as well as some physical properties such as refractive
is either too hydrophilic or too lipophilic. In such case, it is index, light wavelength, and drop proportion and size.[21]
not likely to adsorb at interface but rather to partition into The transmittance obscuration and diffusion, particularly,
one of the bulk phases, and thus it does not protect the emul- the backscattering, increase with the drop proportion, but
sion drops against coalescence. As a consequence, the emul- does not vary monotonously with the size. A maximum
sion stability curve versus formulation typically exhibits two backscattering (reflectance) is attained for droplets about
maxima first noted a long time ago,[40] one on the negative 0.51 m in size.[25] As a consequence, and for the case of
HLD side and one on the positive side, typically somewhere drops larger than 1 m, the variation of size associated with
in the HLD=24 range in absolute value (see Fig. 3.b). The the formulation, i.e., the presence of a drop-size minima on
exact position of the maxima and the extension of the high- both sides of HLD=0 induces a complex variation of the
stability range essentially depend on second-order factors to backscattering (Fig. 3d, upper plot).[44]
be discussed later.
Third, the drop size attained along a formulation scan, Combined Effects of Formulation and
when a constant emulsification procedure (i.e., same stirring Composition (FC Map)
equipment, energy, and duration) is applied, results from the
competition of two opposite phenomena: the drop breakup, Up to now, only the effect of the nature of the components,
which depends on the tension and is quicker and easier close temperature, and pressure, i.e., intensive formulation vari-
to HLD=0 formulation, and the coalescence of formed drops ables, have been considered. Since the chemical potential
before the surfactant can adsorb efficiently, which is much driving force also depends on concentrations, extensive
faster at HLD=0 formulation since the surfactant does not variables, labeled here as composition variables, such as
migrate to the created interface. The two opposite effects surfactant concentration and water-to-oil ratio (WOR),
generate a minimum of drop size at some distance of HLD=0 should be taken into account somehow.

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 

Fig. 4 Generalized FC maps with typical emulsion properties: a) type; b) stability; c) drop size; and d) viscosity.

The previous results are quite general and valid when- the B+ region (as in A+), where HLD>0. In the so-called
ever the WOR is close to unity, say from 30% to 70% of abnormal B- region, a multiple emulsion of the o/W/O
one of the phases. When one of the phase proportions is type is often found, where o represent oil droplets in-
too low, e.g., less than 20%, it turns out that it may be dif- side W drops which are dispersed in the O oil external
ficult to disperse the high-volume phase into the smaller- phase. In the C region where there is a large excess of wa-
volume phase, and the phase in higher volume tends to be ter, the emulsions are water external, with an O/W normal
the external phase. morphology in the C- zone, and an abnormal one of the
The way the phases are mixed becomes crucial to fa- multiple w/O/W type in the C+ zone.
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vor one or the other type of dispersion independently of This mapping is quite general and qualitatively the
the formulation,[45] and the global or local WOR value is same whatever the formulation variable used to produce
the key to establish the emulsion morphology in some pro- the scan.[48,5056] The central horizontal branch of the in-
cesses and with particular devices.[46] version frontier closely follows the HLD=0 line in the
When the formulation and composition effects are in formulation scale and the three-phase behavior region in
conflict, e.g., the formulation would favor an O/W emul- the map. Departure from a completely horizontal central
sion but there is only 10% of W which cannot be made segment is due to phenomena that alter the actual interfa-
the external phase, then double or multiple emulsions are cial formulation when the WOR changes such as the parti-
formed with droplets in drops. The droplets in drops in- tioning of the species present in a surfactant mixture,[57,58]
ner emulsion is usually the one favored by the formula- which is out of the present scope. In most practical cases,
tion, while the outer emulsion, i.e., drops in continuous the inversion line crosses the three-phase behavior zone as
phase, is the one imposed by the W/O composition. The indicated in Fig. 4a plot, i.e., slightly slanted even when an
resulting multiple emulsion morphologies are indicated as isomerically pure surfactant is used.[59]
w/O/W and o/W/O in Fig. 4a. The lateral almost vertical branches of the standard in-
These results may be summed up in a bidimensional version frontier may be shifted with the change of some
formulationcomposition (FC) map, first introduced with other variables. An increase in oil and aqueous phase vis-
the PIT,[47] then systematized,[48] in which the formulation cosities tend to shift the A+/C+ and the B/A frontiers to
refers to any variable modification able to change HLD the left and right sides, respectively.[46,48,60] An increase in
or any combination of them, and the composition to the surfactant concentration tends to widen the A zone, i.e., to
water/oil proportions, generally the water fraction as in Fig 4 shift both vertical branches outward.[61] Conversely, the A
plots. Six regions are found in this map (Fig. 4a), depend- region tends to shrink as the stirring rate used to emulsify the
ing on the formulation and composition.[48,49] A is in the systems is increased.[62] Since the bidimensional FC map
center part, where oil and water proportions are similar, has always the same aspect, with the width of the A region
and B and C are located on the left and right, respectively, as the only change, this later may be associated to any other
where there is much more oil than water in the former and variable effect to produce a very general phenomenology
more water than oil in the latter. In the upper and lower which accounts for the effect of score of variables in a three-
parts, HLD is positive and negative and the letter indi- dimensional space, which is described elsewhere.[63,64]
cating the region is associated with (+) and () sign, re- The previously discussed relationship between formula-
spectively. The so-called standard inversion line is the tion and emulsion properties is valid in the central A region
frontier that separates the two regions with different and may be extended to the normal C and B+ regions, pro-
kinds of morphology, i.e., water external or oil external vided that the property changes due to a variation in WOR
emulsions. In the central A region, the morphology only are taken into account, for instance, an increase in viscos-
depends on the formulation, i.e., on the HLD sign, and the ity with an internal phase content rise. In the abnormal
emulsions are referred to as normal ones because their regions, the presence of multiple emulsions implies that the
interface curvature corresponds to the formulation require- same surfactant has to stabilize two opposite curvatures,
ment. In the B region the external phase is oil, whatever which is not possible since the curvature is associated with
the formulation, and there is a simple W/O emulsion in HLD.[65,66] Hence, in such regions, the most outer emulsion

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 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

is unstable (because of the unfavorable formulation), on the bidimensional map is moving vertically upward or

whereas the most inner one is as stable as the one with a downward, as indicated in Fig. 5 HLDWOR map, and at

more balanced WOR in the corresponding A region. some time, it can hit and cross the horizontal branch of the
The change in properties with the WOR has a conse- standard inversion frontier. This event is called a dynamic
quence on the drop-size map, because in the high-viscosity inversion process, since it is due to a variation of condi-
normal region close to the vertical branch of the inversion tions with time.[60]
line, a particularly efficient emulsification takes place at When such a change in formulation of the emulsion
low-velocity stirring, with a pseudo-plastic or viscoelastic under constant stirring produces an emulsion morphology
behavior able to concentrate the shear on the droplets.[6769] inversion, it is called a transitional inversion. This label
This very favorable situation is not only a flow mechanics comes from the fact that in such change the underlying phe-
curiosity but also a way to make small drop emulsions with nomenon is a WIWIIIWII phase-behavior transition
high-viscosity oils, sometimes at a very large scale.[70] (or vice versa) in which the microemulsion middle phase
The four maps displayed in Fig. 4 are very general[49] present at HLD=0 becomes the water or the oil phase in the
and qualitatively express the variations of the emulsion two-phase systems found in the WI and WII extremes of
properties according to the first-order effects of HLD gen- the scan in Fig. 2.[32,60,7578]
eralized formulation and WOR composition. These maps As a consequence, this is not really an emulsion inversion
extend the results shown in Fig. 3 to the regions containing in which the curvature of the interface swaps, but rather the
a large excess of one of the phases. The position of the disappearance of one of the excess phase by solubilization
horizontal branch in the central part is essentially matching in the microemulsion surfactant-rich phase, which always
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the HLD=0 line when the proper formulation scale is used, constitutes the external phase of the emulsion.[78]
i.e., when an eventual correction to substitute the overall Another way to produce a dynamic inversion is to
formulation by the interfacial one is carried out.[58] As change the WOR of the emulsion along the arrows in Fig. 6,
mentioned previously, the lateral vertical branches of the while keeping it stirred, until its morphology swaps.[78,79]
standard inversion line may be shifted outward or inward This second type is referred to as catastrophic inversion
by a change in any of the other variables, e.g., the surfac- because it exhibits some features such as hysteresis and
tant concentration, emulsification energy, or phase viscos- irreversibility, which may be modeled by catastrophe the-
ity ratio. Since each A/B/C + and - regions is associated ory.[80, 81] In this case, the curvature of the interface is able
with specific emulsion characteristics as indicated in Fig. 4, to suddenly reverse when the change is from a simple O/W
e.g., high stability or small drop size, once the inversion to a simple W/O morphology or vice versa.[78,79]
frontier is known, it is quite easy to know where some Such a change takes place usually with some delay in
emulsion property is likely to happen. In Fig 4c, there is no both directions, thus generating hysteresis zones (located
indication of large drop size close to HLD=0 since this is around the standard inversion vertical branches) in which
not really a general size property because of very unstable the emulsion type depends on the previous history.[78]
emulsions. In practice, the change in a variable susceptible In some cases, the inversion does not take place directly
to laterally shift the vertical branches is the best way to in- from one to the other simple morphologies (O/W or W/O)
crease or limit the area where some property occurs. There but undergoes through a multiple emulsion o/W/O or w/
is another way to shift the vertical branches of the inver- O/W.[8284] A multiple emulsion is actually a structure in
sion line, which is the use of a dynamic process and the which both morphologies coexist; hence, the change may
associated memory features to be discussed next.

Dynamic Emulsion Inversion

The emulsion inversion frontier which has been discussed

in the previous section is the limit between the regions
where one morphology or another is attained upon stirring
a pre-equilibrated system. This is the best condition to cor-
relate the formulation with resulting properties. However,
sometimes, the stirred system is not at equilibrium and a
mass transfer could take place during the emulsification
or after it as time elapses. This is the case in complex phe-
nomena that take place in the so-called apparent equilibra-
tion process and spontaneous emulsification,[22,7174] which
are out of the scope of this entry.
In other instances, the formulation is continuously mod- Fig. 5 Phase behavior at equilibrium and emulsion transitional
ified by changing an appropriate variable, particularly, the inversion process induced by a change in formulation or
temperature. In such case, the system representative point temperature in a nonionic system.

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 

in Fig. 7, left plot. However, the actual exact location (in

formulation terms) and the actual value of the property

(i.e., the persistence time), whose position could change as
indicated by arrows in Fig. 7, depend on other issues which
will next be referred to as second-order factors.
Nevertheless, it is worth remarking that a clear discrim-
ination of the first-order factors as the formulator priority
and the use of a generalized formulation framework is de-
terminant, in practice, to decide where to look for a solu-
tion, and how to make comparisons and optimize a process
by modifying second-order factors. The paramount impor-
tance of such an approach is illustrated in Fig. 8, left plot,
which shows the stability of two different emulsions as a
function of salinity. The formulator first thinking may be
Fig. 6 Catastrophic inversion process induced by a change to carry out the comparison at the same salinity so that the
in WOR. conditions are equal or similar. If so, if the fixed salinity is
taken as indicated by dashed lines, for instance, it is clear
be considered as being not sudden but progressive with one that depending on the salinity, emulsion (A) is going to ap-
of the emulsions prevailing in one direction while the other pear to be more or less stable than emulsion (B), and this
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

in the opposite direction. When the direction of change is is a wrong conclusion. On the contrary, if the two stability
from normal to abnormal morphology, the occurrence of a curves are represented versus a HLD scale (graduated in
multiple emulsion is not likely to happen. On the contrary, lnS as in Fig. 8, right plot), it is clear that emulsion A is
it is almost always the case when the change is from abnor- more stable than emulsion B in the regions where it mat-
mal to normal morphology. In such a process with an inter- ters, i.e., at some distance from HLD=0 where both are
mediate multiple morphology, the inner normal emulsion, stable. This representation also allows making compari-
i.e., the droplets in drops, tends to prevail by the formation sons and further discussing some precise differences. For
of more and more droplets which do not coalesce but swell instance, it may be said that both kinds of emulsions are
the external drops and make them enter in contact and co- more stable in the high HLD case, but that the range of
alesce. These processes are difficult to control because the stability of the B case is quite wider for the O/W type than
actual mechanism and results are quite dependent on the for the O/W one, particularly, farther from HLD=0, i.e., at
operational conditions.[82,8588] low salinity.
By the way, a long-time stirring of an abnormal emulsion
produce the same effect, because the inner emulsion is gen-
erally much more stable than the outer one and thus tend to QUANTITATIVE TRENDS AND FEATURES
prevail when the system is submitted to perturbations.[86, 89,90] EMULSION PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT
Emulsion inversion processes may be even more complex (SECOND-ORDER FACTORS)
in the presence of mixtures of surfactants or surfactants and
cosurfactants that are able to migrate as time elapses and On top of the general phenomenology dealing with first-
produce changes in interfacial formulation. This is the case order factors, there are some additional effects that would
of the so-called emulsification along a dilution path, e.g., by alter some phenomena and mechanisms and would produce
the addition of water to an oil phase containing a high con- a quantitative change in some property in one direction or
centration of surfactant(s) and cosurfactant(s).[91,92] These the other. Sometimes two opposite effects would compete,
transfers result in a spontaneous emulsification,[73,74,93] hence with the attainment of a minimum or maximum in
a generic label to describe several different out-of-equilib- some property.
rium phenomena, used in practice because they lead to very
small droplet emulsions at a very low expense of energy,
although they are not very well understood yet.

Final Comment on First-Order Factors

Before moving to the second category of factors, it is worth

remarking that the trends, indicated as the effect of a for-
mulation unidimensional scan or of an FC bidimensional
scan, are general in a qualitative way. For example, they Fig. 7 General trend on a qualitative basis (left) and specific
indicate that there is a zone with a specific property, e.g., quantitative changes in stability (center and right) according to
maximum stability on both sides of HLD=0, as indicated particular second-order effects.

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 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

group between adjacent ionic surfactant molecules, e.g.,


dodecyl sulfate, hence it will allow for more adsorption


density, and a more compact interfacial film tends to in-

crease the stability. However, it will also decrease the
electrical repulsion between approaching drops, with the
opposite effect.
Finally the Laplaces law about the difference in pres-
Fig. 8 Emulsion stability comparison according to a formulation sure between the sides of a curved interface results in the
variable and to the generalized formulation HLD. so-called Oswald ripening decay, particularly, in very
small droplet emulsions. This effect is an osmotic drive
transfer of matter between a small drop and a neighboring
large one, because of the gradient of internal pressure.[95]
Basic Phenomena Related to It is particularly significant with nanoemulsions, since the
Emulsion Properties Laplace pressure is inversely proportional to the drop size.
Of course the first way to reduce this effect is to have an
The emulsion persistence is related to different phenom- almost monodispersed drop-size distribution, but this is of
ena which are influencing the rate of coalescence of drops course associated to a higher viscosity. Since the transfer
and depend on the presence of adsorbed surfactant mole- takes place through a film of external phase located be-
cules at interface. This adsorption inhibits the coalescence tween neighboring drops, a low solubility of the internal
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

in different ways through various mechanisms, namely: phase in the external one would reduce the effect. A clas-
1) the physical strength and elastic behavior of the interfa- sical trick to offset the osmotic pressure transfer is to use
cial film with respect to dropdrop collision; 2) the repul- a mixture of substances in the internal phase, one which is
sion forces that prevent the drops to approach under the much less soluble in the external phase that the other. As a
effect of attractive forces; 3) the fluid properties of the in- consequence of a difference in transfer velocity, a gradient
terdrop film of continuous phase, particularly, its rheology; in the concentration of one specie is quickly established
4) some geometric considerations such as the drop size and and results in a counter effect that cancels out the osmotic
distribution, and the internal phase ratio; 5) the tempera- pressure driving force.[96]
ture, which has an effect on a large number of phenomena
and, on top of it, may have a strong formulation influence Effects of Second-Order Factors Which May Be
one way or the other depending on the type of surfactant. Manipulated by the Formulator to Adjust the
These phenomena are related to intensive properties that Emulsion Properties
mostly depend on the nature of the components, not on
the size of the system or the concentrations. Hence they Surfactant film at interface
may be altered by changing the conditions or adding some
products as discussed in the next section. The presence of an adsorbed surfactant film at interface
On the other side there are phenomena which depends results in some barrier that prevents the approaching drops
on extensive properties like the WOR or the species con- to coalesce instantly as it happens when two pure liquids
centrations, particularly, of surfactant, with a direct effect are used. To be effective in stabilizing the emulsion, the
on the emulsion morphology and drop size, and hence on surfactant layer should exhibit a good coverage of the
other properties. surface, forming a rigid elastic layer that resists collision
Surfactant concentration affects properties in different and stretching. The interfacial coverage depends on the
ways. Below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), equilibrium concentration in the bulk, but in all cases it is
an increase in surfactant concentration decreases the in- attained at or below the CMC. Since the surfactant con-
terfacial tension and thus tends to decrease the drop size. centration should be larger than CMC, lowering the CMC
Above the CMC, the equilibrium interfacial tension does by changing the surfactant or altering the formulation
not change, but the increase in surfactant concentration (e.g., by increasing salinity for ionics or temperature for
could rise the adsorption rate of surfactant molecules from nonionics) may help. A better condensed adsorbed layer
the bulk phase to the interface, thus reducing the dynamic may be attained by increasing the density, e.g., with linear
tension and consequently the drop size, and finally increas- tails instead of branched ones, with no or less electrical
ing the emulsion stability. In general, an increase of surfac- charge between adjacent hydrophilic heads. A higher den-
tant concentration decreases rapidly the drop size of the sity is also attained by selecting a surfactant with strong
emulsion until a minimal size is reached, which becomes lateral interactions, either between the head or tail groups,
independent of the surfactant concentration.[94] eventually with interaction through overlapping to induce
The electrolyte concentration is also an extensive vari- elasticity and to boost the Gibbs-Marangoni effect. If the
able to be taken into account. It will be seen later that an surfactant is able to produce a mesophase, this is also a way
increase in salinity tends to reduce the repulsion of head to generate some wrapping around the drops and protect

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 

them against collision effectiveness. These molecular ar- balance between the attractive Van der Waals forces which

rangements may be extremely well organized like in liquid depends on the drop nature and size, and the repulsive ones

crystals, or more or less isotropic as in asphaltene gel pre- which depend on the adsorbed surfactant at their surface.
cipitation close to the interface. The increase in repulsive force is a direct and very ef-
Generally, an increase in the surfactant molecular size ficient way to boost the emulsion stability, in particular, if
on both sides of the interface results in a thicker interfacial it prevents the drops to be close enough for the interdrop
layer, which also results in a gain in the resistance of the film to break.
film through a repulsion of some kind. Larger surfactants, This may be produced by an electrostatic repulsion due
surfactant mixtures with hydrophilic and lipophilic com- to the adsorption of ions at or close to the interface, e.g.,
ponents, polyethoxylated surfactant mixture of oligomers, the use of ionic surfactants. This result in a diffuse layer
lipophilic linker additives and extended surfactants are all more or less extended, which produces a repulsion at a
candidates to contribute this way.[97,98] large or a short distance whenever in the absence or in the
The size of the surfactant influences also the emulsion presence of electrolyte. This has an important effect when
properties. A low molecular weight surfactant migrates the continuous phase is water, i.e., for the stabilization of
quickly to the interface, allowing a rapid stabilization of O/W emulsions.
interfaces during the emulsification process. However, A stronger surface charge and a lower electrolyte
short surfactant molecules adsorb in a low-energy way at concentration tend to increase stability. Things are not
interface, producing less stable emulsions than long chains straightforward anyway, because in presence of an ionic
and polymeric surfactants. It was reported that in some surfactant the adsorbed molecules repeal each other and
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

cases the droplet size of an O/W emulsion is inversely re- the interface density is not that good. A small concentra-
lated to the length of the alkyl tail of the surfactant.[99] tion of electrolyte produces a screen between the head
When a mixture of surfactants is used, a change in sur- groups and the adsorbed density tends to increase, hence
factant concentration can alter the formulation at interface resulting in a higher charge density at interface. But, if a
because of the partitioning of different species, and this high electrolyte concentration is added, then the electri-
could directly influence the drop size, stability, and vis- cal double layer becomes thinner and the interdrop repul-
cosity of emulsions. Similarly, a change in purity, from sion decreases.[103] This means that there is an optimum
isomerically pure to commercial mixture could result in electrolyte content to boost the ionic emulsion stability; in
a change of the PIT with surfactant concentration.[100,101] general, it is quite low, but non-zero. It is worth noting
Amphiphilic polymers could have a complementary role too that the surface charge may be attained with nonionic
when they are used combined with surfactants. Short chain adsorbed surfactants, typically a negative 60 mV zeta po-
surfactants adsorb rapidly at the interface during emulsifi- tential because of the preferential adsorption of OH- ions
cation, hence avoiding instant coalescence and favoring a in the polyethylenoxide chains.
small drop size. On the other hand, polymers adsorb later The effect of the surface potential is clearly illustrated
providing a long-term stability. In some cases, some syn- in the so-called DLVO theory, which has been developed
ergy occurs, and surfactants and polymers which do not for colloid particles, but is qualitatively valid for macro-
stabilize emulsion on their own, could do it if they are used emulsions,[22] whose stability also depends on the resulting
together.[102] balance of attractive and repulsive forces. In some cases,
The presence of very short amphiphiles at interface like there is a so-called secondary minimum in the potential
alcohols, tends to pull apart surfactant molecules and tend and the drops may flocculate, i.e., stick together with a
to reduce their adsorption density, even at relatively high weak attraction that does not promote coalescence. This
concentration in the bulk. As a consequence, the surfactant flocculation results in transient emulsion properties like
stabilizing effects are weakened. For instance, the addi- thyxotropy and may be reversed by some shearing, thus it
tion of a few percents of sec-butanol, an alcohol which has is not considered as an instability.
some intermediate hydrophiliclipophilic tendency hence Steric repulsion forces become quite effective when
no significant formulation shift, produces a considerable there is a physical contact between the adsorbed layers at
decrease in stability of any kind of emulsion. It is often the interface of approaching drops. Thick layers are partic-
used as an additive to speed up stability experimentation, ularly efficient if they prevent the interfaces to come close
to test some formulation effects at a much shorter time enough for the attractive forces to be significant.[104] Such
scale, i.e., a few days instead of a few months. thick layers may be attained with large size surfactants,
e.g., extended surfactants or mixture of hydrophilic and
Repulsions lipophilic kinds, or gemini or polymeric types, or floccu-
lated species as asphaltenes that stabilize W/O emulsions.
The approach of neighboring drops is driven by different It is worth remarking that the concept of thickness of the
kinds of mechanisms like gravity settling or other body adsorbed layer is relative, and that the same 40 layer
forces (electrical field) as well as Brownian motion. Then, may be thick or thin depending on the size of the drop.
when the drops are at some distance the issue is a matter of For O/W emulsions, highly ethoxylated nonionics would

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10 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

produce hydrophilic chains that overlap one another and of the space. It means that monodispersed drops are often

result in a gel like thick layer on the water side of the inter- in contact at about 6570% of internal phase or less, hence

face. With W/O emulsions, it is the surfactant hydropho- they coalesce instantly unless there is a barrier. In most
bic tail that should exhibit a strong steric repulsion, i.e., cases the coalescence of unstable abnormal emulsions
it should be bulky, branched, or exhibit multiple chains. starts when the internal phase ratio approaches 3040%.
Mixing effects generally improve stability because of en- On the contrary, in normal emulsions exhibiting a high sta-
tropic considerations, not only bulky hindrance. bility of the interdrop film, the drops may be deformed in
Nature tends to make use of polymeric surfactants that a foam-like morphology containing, in some cases, more
lay flat on the interface, rather than perpendicular to it. than 90% of internal phase such as in mayonnaise. As far
Such species often overlap and pile up on top of each other, as the emulsification process is concerned the WOR has
thus producing a very high interfacial viscosity effect that an importance, and the general trends are complex (see
is quite similar to an encapsulation with a plastic wrap. Fig. 4c map).[69]
This often considerably increases the stability against co-
alescence, although it does not prevent flocculation to take Temperature complex influence
As seen previously, the temperature is a primordial vari-
Film drainage able in formulation. Its increase turns ionic surfactants
more hydrophilic and nonionics more lipophilic. But tem-
Before two droplets coalesce, they must first approach perature is also influencing second-order effects, because
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

each other, hence the interdrop film has to drain. Anything it alters many physical properties.
that reduces this drainage rate would slow down the co- An increase in temperature generally decreases the inter-
alescence rate. The increase in the external phase viscos- facial tension and the phase viscosity, which both result in
ity does that and tends to improve the emulsion stability. an easier emulsification, hence often a smaller drop size and
However, when a liquid-liquid system is stirred, the general related properties. An increase in temperature could, when
tendency, independently of the formulation and composi- approaching the cloud point from below (HLD<0) make the
tion effects, is that the internal phase is the more viscous polyethoxylated surfactant less hydrophilic, and drive it to
one.[105] This has some consequence on the formulator interfaces hence increasing its adsorption and even precipi-
clever strategy. If the external phase is going to be made tating it as a coacervate. The same phenomena can take place
more viscous to increase the stability of the emulsion, the on the other side (HLD>0) when the temperature decreases.
more effective way to do it is to first produce the emulsion This is what happens in water-in-crude oil emulsions stabi-
with the original phases, and to add later the polymer to the lized by asphaltenes that aggregate close to interface when
external phase. The film drainage rate can also be reduced temperature is lowered during production.
by some dynamic phenomena like the streaming potential On the other hand a temperature rise tends to decrease the
and the interfacial rheology, which are quite complex to emulsion stability, because it alters some phenomena and
handle in practice. mechanisms. First, it increases the molecular motion and
thus decreases the adsorption at interface, independently
Geometric factors of the fact that the HLD is also linked to adsorption. Since
the temperature also decreases the viscosity of the interdrop
One of the principal stabilization mechanism has to do film, the drainage turns out to be quicker. Aside, an increase
with the repulsion forces which are due to the presence in temperature that moves the formulation far away from
of adsorbed surfactant at interface, and as a consequence HLD=0 would result in a surfactant which is more soluble in
depend on the drop surface area, i.e., they are proportional a bulk phase (i.e., more unbalanced) hence it would decrease
to the square of the drop size. On the other hand the drop its adsorption, and thus its stabilization performance.
drop attractive forces vary with the volume of the drop, This alteration could happens at HLD>2 units (or
hence as the third power of its size. This means that when HLD<-2) or 6 or 8 units, depending on the case.
the drop size is decreased by 10 times, the repulsive forces Temperature variations produce opposite formulation
decrease 100 times and the attractive forces 1000 times. effects on ionic and nonionic surfactants; hence, they may
This size reduction tends to favor the repulsive forces over be opposed and cancel out. Indeed, the combination of
the attractive forces, and accordingly it is likely to reduce ionic and nonionic surfactants has been found to offset the
the coalescence rate. temperature dependence and to allow the formulation of
This is not the only reason why a smaller drop size tends systems insensitive to temperature.[106,107]
to increase the emulsion kinetic stability, since it also re-
sults in a slower Stokes law settling velocity and increases Process variables
the entropic disorder. The internal phase volume propor-
tion is also an important geometric parameter. The hex- A stirring energy increase is highly efficient to reduce drop
agonal compact packing is attained at 74% of occupation size in poor yield conditions (low surfactant concentration,

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 11

low stirring energy),[108,109] but it is not very likely to when adding a polymeric amphiphile, such as carboxy-

produce significant changes at high surfactant concentra- methyl cellulose, which also increases the viscosity of the

tion or for already very efficient conditions, particularly, aqueous phase. If such an additive were added prior to
at high internal phase ratio or close to HLD=0.[109] When emulsification, it would displace the B/A vertical branch
inversion processes are used, the stirring speed determines to the right, i.e., to a higher amount of water, as from
the internal droplet inclusion/escape process and may be Fig. 9-c to Fig. 9-d. This could prevent the O/W emulsion
a critical issue on the performance. Dynamic changes in morphology to be generated in the first place with the car-
formulation and interfacial properties during the emulsifi- boxymethyl cellulose in water before emulsification, as
cation process can be used to produce emulsions with very shown in Fig. 9cd plots. Therefore, the polymer should
low drop sizes.[110] Finally, the emulsion drop size depends be added, somehow quickly after the emulsification
on both the location in the map and the generalized for- process.
mulation of the final system[69] as well as the process of A classical programming consists in moving the repre-
emulsification.[111,112] sentative point in the map slowly enough for the emulsion
properties to change according to the phenomenology. In
Combination or Programming of Effects some cases, the programming keeps the emulsion on the
(Using Memory Feature) same side of the inversion line, whereas in other cases,
it passes on the other side with or without the intermedi-
The principle of using a programming strategy of the F ate formation of a double emulsion.[63] The programming
C conditions is to take advantage of delayed changes or may be applied sequentially, for instance, in the making
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

memory features, thanks to which some property may be of a multiple emulsion of the w/O/W type. Because the
changed without altering another. This opens the possibil- same surfactant cannot stabilize the two morphologies at
ity of attaining a set of properties which is not reachable in the same time, an overall stability implies that the two
a single step emulsification process. For instance, the drop kinds of interfaces have to be covered by different ad-
size is likely to stay the same provided that the emulsion is sorbed species. The usual technique illustrated in Fig. 10
fairly stable during a few minutes, while the formulation or consists in starting with a W1/O emulsion with a lipo-
composition is modified to alter the stability or viscosity. philic surfactant S1 mostly in the oil phase, then adding
In many instances, the emulsification is carried out this EM1 emulsion to a W2 water phase in which a hy
where small drops are easy to generate, particularly, at the drophilic surfactant is present to favor a W2 external mor-
point where the drop size is minimum, which is, at some phology. This may be done by slowly pouring the W1/O
distance (typically 1 unit), from HLD=0, e.g., point 1 in emulsion into a W2 phase under constant stirring or by
Fig. 9, left plots. However, since the emulsion is not very using a dual mixing device that promotes an appropri-
stable at this point, its formulation has to be rapidly moved ate local WOR.[46] Provided that the hydrophilic surfac-
away, to point 2, where the emulsion stability is much tant S2 is somehow inhibited to migrate through the oil
higher, say at 34 HLD units. layer to reach the inner droplets interface, for instance,
Such a rapid 12 change in formulation to enhance by selecting a polymeric species with an extremely low
stability may be provided by a quick decrease in tempera- solubility in oil, the two morphologies are stabilized and
ture, i.e., a quench (case of an O/W emulsion with a non- the overall multiple emulsion is persistent enough for the
ionic surfactant), or by adding a second surfactant in a applications, because both representative points of the in-
small amount of the external phase immediately after the ner and outer emulsions are located in stable zones as
emulsification is carried out. This is, in particular, the case seen in Fig. 10 map.

Fig. 9 a) Stability and b) drop-size variations with formulation, and bidimensional FC map at c) low- and d) high-viscosity water

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12 Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner

Fig. 10 Making a multiple emulsion by a two-step procedure.

CONCLUDING WRAP-UP: PRACTITIONER the best conditions close to HLD=0 formulation, then it
STRATEGY TO FORMULATE AND PREPARE can be made a high internal phase ratio emulsion to take
AN EMULSION advantage of the efficient shear to produce small drops
even with a viscous oil, that is by shifting the inversion
The first thing the practitioner must do is to use the gen- line to less than 20% of water external phase before fi-
eral phenomenology to select the proper formulation and nally diluting it.
composition conditions to attain the sought properties, i.e., Complex processes are generally handled in such a
Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 17:06 6 December 2010

emulsion type, internal phase content, stability, drop size, way, for instance, the inversion of a lubricating emulsion
and viscosity. Once this first-order factor conditions are for laminating purpose, a product which is added on top of
chosen, it is possible to use second-order factor effects to a hot aluminum slab when it is passed between two rollers
fine-tune the properties after the emulsion has been made at a very high pressure. As indicated in Fig. 11b map, the
according to the first-order FC conditions or in combina- original O/W emulsion typically contains 5% of lubricat-
tion with them. ing oil, and when it is in contact with the hot slab, water
If no location in the FC map offers the desired set of evaporates and the representative point moves to the left,
properties, there might be two alternative reasons. The first i.e., from C to A regions and then to B. Because a poly
one is because there is a conflict between two properties ethoxylated surfactant is used, the increase in temperature
which are generally antagonistic, e.g., the concomitant re- shifts the formulation from HLD<0 to HLD>0, and as a
quirements of a high internal phase content and a low vis- consequence, the representative point moves upward and
cosity. In such case, some compromise should be found to passes into the A+ and B+ region. In the B+ region the
reduce the conflict between opposite first-order factors, and emulsion has a low internal phase content W/O morphol-
some second-order factor should be used to enhance the ogy which is quite stable. When the emulsion enters the
compromise. For instance, a feature like a polydispersed gap between the rollers, the extreme pressure convert the
distribution could very significantly reduce the emulsion water drop in very rigid spheres, which cannot elongate
viscosity and resolve the antagonism. and penetrate in the gap, and thus stay outside. Accord-
In the second case, it is because the conditions for ingly, only the oil wets the roller and insures the proper
the two requirements are not met at the same location lubrication and slippage. The residual products are mixed
in the map although they are not in conflict, e.g., very with cold water to return to low stability conditions close
small droplets of a viscous oil and a low internal phase to HLD=0 where the phases separate and may be filtered
content. An FC programming to catch several character- or otherwise treated.
istics along the path should be designed, as indicated in In these cases and in almost any other, the second-order
Fig. 11a map. In the case of very small droplets and low factors must be adjusted to quantitatively boost or inhibit
internal phase ratio, the emulsification may be started in some phenomena likely to shift the properties in the proper
direction. It may be a matter of fine-tuning the conditions,
such as changing the ethoxylation degree of the surfactant
to shift the location of the inversion line. It could be also a
change in the value of some properties, such as the stabil-
ity, viscosity, or drop size, by introducing a new surfactant
or an additive (surfactant, cosurfactant, lipophilic linker,
polymer) or by changing the temperature or electrolyte
content. There are so many possibilities that the formula-
tor performance and efficiency directly depends on his ac-
cumulated know-how, i.e., the combination of knowledge
Fig. 11 Examples of complex programming processes. and experience to produce expertise.

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Emulsion Formulation Engineering for the Practitioner 13

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