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Red and Photographic Infrared l,lnear Combinations

for Monitoring Vegetation

Earth Resources Branch, NASA~ Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

In situ collected spectrometer data were used to evaluate and quantify the relationships between various linear
combinations of red and photographic infrared radiances and experimental plot biomass, leaf water content, and
chlorophyll content. The radiance variables evaluated included the red and photographic infrared (IB) radiance and
the linear combinations of the IR/red ratio, the square root of the IR/red ratio, the I R - r e d difference, the
vegetation index, and the transformed vegetation index. In addition, the corresponding green and red linear
combinations were evaluated for comparative purposes. Three data sets were used from June, September, and
October sampling periods.
Regression anal) sis showed the increased utility of the IR and red linear combinations vis-a-vis the same green and
red linear combinations. The red and IR linear combinations had 7% and 14% greater regression significance than the
green and red linear combinations for the Junv and September sampling periods, respectively.
The vegetation index, transformed vegetation index, and square root of the I_R/red ratio were the most significant,
followed closely by the l_R/red ratio. Less than a 6% difference separated the highest and lowest of these four IR and
red linear combinations. The use of these linear combinations was shown to be sensitive primarily to the green leaf
area or green leaf biomass. As such, these linear combinations of the red and photographic IR radiances can be
employed to monitor the photosynthetically active biomass of plant canopies.

Introduction canopy spectra in an attempt to quantify

the relationship between the IR and red
The use of photographic infrared (IR) linear combinations and properties of
and red linear combinations for monitor- plant canopies.
ing vegetation biomass and physiological
status have recently become common in Previous Work
the remote sensing community. Accom-
panying this increased usage, however, The use of a near-infrared/red ratio
has been a lack of detailed analyses con- method for estimating biomass or leaf
cerning limitations of these data and area index was first reported by Jordan
their application(s)tovegetationmonitor- (1969) who used a radiance ratio of
ing. Quantitative information regarding 0.800/0.675/~m to derive the leaf area
the various IR and red linear combina- index for forest canopies in a tropical
tions and the constraints involved in the rain forest. This application of the
use of these methods will enable more IR/red ratio used the transmitted light at
advantageous application of these tech- these wavelengths, sensed on the forest
niques. It will also prevent overambitious floor (Jordan, 1969). Subsequent work
use of these techniques when other was reported by Pearson and Miller
methods would be more applicable. This (1972) who developed a hand-held
article examines ground-collected grass spectral radiometer for estimating grass

@Elsevier North Holland Inc., 1979 0034-4257/79/020127 + 24501.75


canopy biomass. The instrumentation difference of the MSS7-MSS5 radiance

aspect of the hand-held radiometer is values, normalized over the sum of MSS7
described in Pearson et al. (1976). + MSS5, was used as an index value and
Colwell (1973, 1974) presented a de- was christened the VI.
tailed study of bidirectional spectral re-
flectance of grass canopies. He con- VI= MSS7 - MSS5
MSS7+MSS5 (1)
cluded that the IR/red ratio was effec-
tive in somewhat normalizing the
effect of soil background reflectance To avoid working with negative ratio
variation(s) and was useful for estimating values and the possibility that the vari-
biomass. Colwell also cautioned that the ances of the ratio would be proportional
IR/red ratios may worsen angular effects to the mean values (i.e., a Poisson distrib-
rather than alleviate them under certain ution) the constant of 0.5 was added and
conditions. Smith and Oliver (1974) have a square-root transformation was applied
corroborated several of Colwell's (1973, to the VI.
1974) conclusions using a stochastic
canopy model versus Colwell's use of TVI= k / ~ + 0 . 5 (2)
Suits' (1972) deterministic canopy model.
The IR/red ratio method has been The VI and TVI were then applied to
applied to LANDSAT image analysis of LANDSAT data. MSS bands 6 and 7
range biomass by Rouse et al. (1973, were both evaluated as the near-infrared
1974), Carneggie et al. (1974), Johnson band. Rouse et al. (1974) reached several
(1976), and Maxwell (1976), among conclusions: (1)LANDSAT VI and TVI
others, methods could be used to monitor range-
Carneggie et al. (1974) used a ratio of lands and wheat crops; (2) the close rela-
LANDSAT MSST/MSS5 and found that tionship between green biomass and TVI
the ratio curves, plotted as a function of should allow researchers to follow crop
time, peaked during the period of great- development as ground cover, biomass,
est forage production. Thereafter, the and leaf area indices increase; (3) pheno-
curves fell off signalling the period of logical inferences could possibly be
drying following the maximum green gleaned for certain crops or range types
period for their California study site. and used to monitor these types of vege-
Once the curves leveled off, Carneggie et tation (Rouse et al., 1974).
al. (1974) concluded that all annual Johnston (1976) and Maxwell (1976)
vegetation had dried, also analyzed LANDSAT imagery using
Rouse et al. (1973, 1974) analyzed ratio methods. They concluded that the
LANDSAT MSS data and developed ratio of MSS6/MSS5 was slightly more
what they referred to as the vegetation statistically significant than MSS7/MSS5
index (VI) and transformed vegetation in- and that both ratios were useful in moni-
dex (TVI). They found that although a toring green biomass. An explanation of
simple ratio of MSS7/MSS5 could be the apparent greater utility of MSS6
used as a measurement of relative green- versus MSS7 for rangeland biomass
ness, location and cycle deviations would estimation in low biomass situations
introduce a large error component. The based upon s o i l - g r e e n - v e g e t a t i o n

spectral contrasts has been proposed by oped a technique for transforming

Tucker and Miller (1977). LANDSAT MSS information in four-di-
Other researchers have also used the mension data space using the four MSS
VI for LANDSAT analyses. Blair and bands. From this, a soil brightness index
Baumgardner (1977) monitored several (SBI) and green vegetation index (GVI)
hardwood forest sites using LANDSAT were calculated as follows:
imagery. They used the VI, which they SBI=0.43*MSS4+0.63*MSS5
refer to as the "band ratio parameter,"
and found that the greenwave effect +0.59*MSS6+0.26*MSS7 (4)
could be monitored for these vegetation and
types using LANDSAT imagery. GVI = -0.29 MSS4-0.56 MSS5
Ashley and Rea (1975) reported how
LANDSAT MSS5 and MSS7 data were +0.60 MSS6+0.49 MSS7. (5)
used to depict phenological change. They Note that all the SBI-independent vari-
also used the VI and found that it in- able coefficients are positive, while the
creased with foliage development and GVI-independent variables MSS4 and
decreased with senescence. The VI was MSS5 are negative. The SBI establishes
found to reduce influencing multiplica- the data space of soils and the GVI de-
rive effects such as solar elevation dff- parts from it, in a negative or absorptive
ferences between overpasses (Ashley and fashion with MSS4 and MSSS, approxi-
Rea, 1975). mately the same coefficients for MSS6
In addition to the above reviewed for both models, and a positive departure
LANDSAT analyses, Kauth and Thomas for MSS7. This also follows from Fig. 1.
(1976) and Richardson and Wiegand Deering (1978), in a recent and com-
(1977) have proposed LANDSAT vegeta- prehensive analysis of LANDSAT range-
tional analytical methods using, at least land biomass monitoring, has reported
in part, IR and red linear combinations, that the VI and TVI approaches he
Richardson and Wiegand (1977) have evaluated using MSS6 were slightly more
proposed a departure from the soft back- significant with respect to green biomass
round line with the perpendicular vege- than the PVI of Richardson and Wiegand
tation index (PVI): (1977) and the GVI of Kauth and Thomas
PVIffi (1976). In addition, Deering (1978) re-
ported that the denominator of the VI
~/(Red~oa- Red~g) a + (IP~a- IR~g) a , and TVI (i.e., MSS5+ MSS6 or MSS5 +
MSS7) were highly correlated (r~0.95)
(3) to Kaath and Thomas' (1976) soft bright-
where Red~oa is the soft background red ness index (SBI).
reflectance or radiance, Red~g is the The majority of IR and red linear corn-
vegetation background red reflectance or bination work has used LANDSAT data.
radiance, IB~iI is the soil background IR Kanemasu (1974), however, reports on a
reflectance or radiance, IRv~g is the ground-based reflectance study of crop
vegetation background IR reflectance or types where various ratios were investi-
radiance, gated. Wheat, sorghum, and soybean
Kauth and Thomas (1976) have devel- plots were monitored periodically during

40~- (TOTAL DRy/ BIOMASS = 530 g'm 2)
z< /
I- 25. SAME SOIL, ~ / ~_-~'~
_ ONLY WET k ]_, ~ ..........

o I I 1 1 ] I I I I ] t t
035 040 0 . 4 5 050 0 55 060 0 65 0 70 0 75 080 0 85 0 90 095 1 00


FIGURE 1. Spectral refleetances for dry soil, wet soil, and asymptotic green
reflectance. The dry soft and wet soil curves are the average of five bare soft
plots measured when dry and wet, respectively. The asymptotic green
reflectance curve is from a plot of blue grama grass having a total dry
biomass of 530 g / m ~ (from Tucker and Miller, 1977).

the growing season using a spectrometer. Basic Properties of the IR

K a n e m a s u (1974) c o n c l u d e d the and Red RadiAnces with R e ~ c t
0.545/0.655-/zm wavebands provided to Green Vegetation
useful information regardless of crop
type. For all crops studied, the It is perhaps prudent to briefly review
green/red ratio closely followed crop the basic properties of the IR and red
growth and development and appeared radiances with respect to green vegeta-
to be more desirable than the near-in- tion before embarking on a detailed anal-
frared reflectance as an index of growth, ysis of the various linear combinations.
The green/red ratio will be evaluated in The red radiance exhibits the nonlin-
this paper also. ear inverse relationship between in-
Recent works by Nalepka et al. (1977) tegrated spectral radiance and green bio-
and Tucker et al. (1979) have used IR mass, while the near-infrared component
and red data to forecast winter wheat exhibits a nonlinear direct relationship.
yields and monitor agricultural crop vigor The relationship between the 0.63-
and condition, respectively. Nalepka et 0.69-/~m radiance and green biomass re-
al. (1977) evaluated various green sults from strong spectral absorption of
measures using LANDSAT data and con- incident radiation by the chlorophylls. It
cluded that most are useful but stress is apparent that a spectral radiance
that no new information is created, asymptote is more quickly reached for
Tucker et al. (1979) monitored several the 0.63-0.69-#m red radiance than the
crop types using a hand-held radiometer. 0.75-0.80-/~m near-infrared radiance

(Fig. 2) (Gausman et al., 1976; Tucker, In the absence of spectral absorption,

1977a). proportionally more incident spectral
The 0.63-0.69-/xm radiance is in- radiance escapes from the canopy than is
versely proportional to the amount of absorbed. Thus the spectral radiance in
chlorophyll present in the plant canopy the 0.74-1.20-/xm region is said to be
and thus is sensitive to green or photo- enhanced or increased over the level of
synthetically active vegetation present, radiance of the background material.
The 0.75-0.80-/Lm radiance is sensitive Discrimination of vegetation biomass is
to green or photosynthetically active strongly dependent upon the soil sur-
vegetation and, to a lesser extent, the face-vegetation spectral reflectance or
dead or nonphotosynthetically active radiance contrast (Colwell, 1974). For
vegetation (Colwell, 1974; Tucker, this reason, some wavelengths are far su-
1977b, 1978). perior to others for discrimination of
The relationship between the 0.75- green vegetation biomass (Fig. 1).
0.80-/xm infrared radiance and biomass The green region, by contrast, has a
results from the lack of appreciable lower soil-green-vegetation reflectance
spectral absorption in the 0.74-1.20-/xm contrast (Fig. 1). This results from the
region and the high degree of intra- and fact that the chlorophylls are slightly ab-
interleaf scattering in the plant canopy, sorptive in the green region (absorption

o6o O_




? ~ q j
OO gig !
010 J I I L I I I I X O4O A. ~11 I d L I I ~ L I
520 780 1040 1300 - 260 520 780 1~10 1~
(a) 0.65-0.69~m (b) 0,75-0.80~m
~=o.88 ~=o.86
Y = 0.1233 + 16.7980/X Y = 0.65 - exp( - 1.2680 - 0.0017-X)
FIGURE 2. Radiance plotted against total wet biomass for the (a) 0.63-0.69 and (b) 0.75-0.80/~m intervals for the
June data. Similar remits were obtained for total dry biomass, leaf water content, dry green biomass, and total
chlorophyll content for this sampling lime. The total wet biomass was predominantly green and contained little dead
vegetation (Table 1).

coefficients~-~lO), while much more ab- IR and red linear combinations are also
sorptive in the red region (absorption evaluated.
coefficients of -~40-90) (Salisbury and
Ross, 1969). The relationship between Methods and Analysis
the green radiance and green biomass is
similar to the same relationship between The data used in this evaluation have
the red radiance and green biomass (Figs. all been previously described and are not
2a and 3). redescribed in this report. The June and
September data sets are described in
Description of Research Undertaken Tucker and Maxwell (1976), while the
October data is described in Tucker
The work reported herein examines (1978).
ground-collected in situ spectrometer The narrow bandwidth radiance
data, evaluates the green/rod ratio curves (0.005-gin bandwidth) were
method of Kanemasu (1974), and con- numerically integrated to approximate
trasts that with the I R / r e d ratio three bandwidths: 0.52-0.60/~m for the
method(s) to determine which are super- green, 0.63-0.69 #m for the red, and
ior for the June, September, and October 0.75-0.80 #m in the photographic in-
data sets. The utility of the various green frared. The radiance curves resulted from
vegetation measures using the different the product of the spectral reflectance

osc l l I ] I l I l I ] o6o 1 l I -~--F T I I I

o~ I0 -~ o 5o -- --

~, 00
= o0 ~

i o3( _ ~ .... " q$ .

o eO

O0 O0
020 l I I l I l I l ] 030-- 1 I I 1 I I [ ] l
26O 520 78O 1040 1300 80 160 240 320 40O


(a) 0.52-0.60/.tm (b) 0.52-0.60 #m

:=0.79 :=0.14
Y = 0.237 + 12.129/X September data
June data
FIGURE 3. Comparisons between the green radiance (0.52-0.60 gin) and the green/red radiance ratio. Refer to
Tables 2 and 3 for the : values associated with this portion of the analysis and Figs. 4c, 5c, and 6c for comparisons to
the IR/red ratio for the same data sets.

o eo I 1 I I I I I I 1 w I I u l 01 I I ]







a= O @ 14
j o4o O 0

1~ r-..

03o I
I el
1o I"


(c) o.59.-o.eo~m (d) :=0.89.

: = 0.33 Y == 2.2- exp(0.1081 - 0.0012.X)
September data June data

~.70 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 ~ 70 I I I I I I l I I


150 -- __ 150 -- --

0 O ~
130- __ ,,, 130

eo .o~..
$ ot o" o ~ / ~ o,
1.1o --
- . -- 110 -- q l P Z

o oo I I I I I I I I I 09o I I I I I I ] I I I
80 160 240 320 400 40 80 120 160 20(I

(e) r2=0.16 (f) r2=0.67

September data Y ffi0.9933 + 0.0024 .X
September data
FIGURE 3. continued.

and a spectral irradiance. The linear combinations of the IR and

Regression analyses identical to Tucker red data were regressed against the six
(1977b) were performed. The various canopy variables as were the same green
grass canopy variables (Table 1) were and red linear combinations. Without ex-
regressed against the following IR and ception, the IR-red linear combinations
red and green and red radiance variables: were more significant in a regression con-
1. red radiance (0.63-0.69/~m) text (Tables 2 and 3; Figure 3).
This supports the majority of LAND-
2. IR radiance (0.75-0.80/~m) SAT analyses that have used IR and red
3. IR/red
4. SQRT (IR/red) data instead of green and red data for
5. IR-red vegetational analyses. In addition, these
6. IR+red results show that the IR/red ratio, the
7. (IR-red)/(IR+red) square root of the IR/red ratio, the VI,
8. (IR+red)/(IR-red) and TVI are sensitive to the photosyn-
thetically active biomass or the green leaf
9. ~/(IR-red)/(IR + red) + .5 area present in the grass canopy. This is
evident from the June data where ---80%
1. red radiance (0.63--0.69/zm) of the canopy was green or alive and only
2. green radiance (0.52--0.60/xm) ~20% was standing dead vegetation
3. green/red (Table 1). For this data set, the dry
4. SQRT (green/red) brown biomass canopy variable had the
5. green-red lowest r 2 when regressed against any of
6. green + red the nine IR and red radiance variables
7. (green - red)/(green + red) evaluated (Table 3).
8. (green + red)/(green- red) The September data, comprised of
9. ~/(green-red)/(green+red)+0.5 52% live and ---48% dead vegetation
(Table 1), also showed the lowest r 2 val-
ues for the dry brown biomass canopy
Experimental Results variable when regressed against any of
the nine IR and red radiance variables
The nine spectral variables involving (Table 3).
the IR-red data and the green-red data This confirms quantitatively that the
were regressed against the six canopy IR/red ratio, the square root of the
variables measured for the June and Sely IR/red ratio, the I R - r e d difference, the
tember data and the four canopy vari- VI, and the TVI are primarily sensitive to
ables measured for the October data. the green leaf material or photosyntheti-
This resulted in 288 separate compari- cally active biomass present in the plant
sons that defy concise presentation. The canopy.
results of this analysis are presented for The I R - red difference, TVI, VI,
the canopy variable total wet biomass for square root of the IR/red ratio, and
the June and October data sets. The Sep- IR//red ratio showed the greatest regres-
tember results are presented for the sion significance for the June and Sep-
canopy variables total dry biomass and tember data sets (Table 3). The I R - r e d
leaf water content, difference can be excluded from further

TABLE 1 Statistical SunnnmT of the Biophysical Characteristics of the Sample Plots. A Statistical
Description of the Vegetative Canopy Characteristics for (a) The Thirty-Five 1/4 ~ Sample Plots of
Blue Grama Sampled in June 1972, (b) The Forty 1/4 MS Sample Plots of Blue Grama Sampled in
September 1971, and (e) The Eighteen 1/4 Mz Sample Plots of Blue Grama Sampled in October, 1972.
(a) June 1972
Wet total biomass 52.00-1230.40 339.52 316.94 93.35 50.11
(g/m 2)
Dry total biomass 13.94-528.84 134.07 130.25 97.15 20.59
(g/m S)
Dry green biomass 12.48-343.36 105.11 93.46 88.93 14.78
Dry brown biomass 00.16-185.48 28.96 40.23 138.91 6.36
(g/m S)
Leaf water 38.12-701.56 205.48 187.83 91.42 29.70
Chlorophyll 62.27-2108.06 414.41 515.56 124.41 81.52

(b) September 1971

Wet total biomass 70.83-491.22 261.31 134.00 51.44 21.25
(g/m S)
Dry total biomass 41.56-337.84 108.55 90.81 53.88 14.36
Dry green biomass 17.12-185.04 89.38 50.I5 56.11 7.93
(g/m S)
Dry brown biomass 20.40-186.42 82.41 48.54 56.90 7.68
Leaf water 28.93-190.80 92.75 50.93 54.91 8.05
~/m 2)
Chlorophyll 53.02-778.97 319.58 238.73 74.70 37.75

(e) October 1972

Wet total biomass 49.20-1071.20 370.10 2.38.20 88.70 77.40
Dry total biomass 43.60-696.00 281.10 216.20 82.80 51.00
(g/m S)
water content 1.20-373.30 109.00 113.00 193.60 28.60
Chlorophyll content 16.40-502.10 134.20 138.90 193.50 32.70

consideration because it will not com- data in terms of explaining greater re-
pensate for different irradiational condi- gression variability. A 6% range existed
tions, for the September leaf water content
A 4% range existed between the variable and the IR/red, square root of
IR/red ratio, the square root of the the IR/red, VI, and TVI regressions, re-
IR/red ratio, VI, and TVI for the June spectively (Table 3).

TABLE 2 Coefficients of Determination for the Simple Regressions Between the Nine Green and Red Radiance
Variables and the Canopy Variables for (a) 35 plots of Blue Grama Grass Sampled in June 1972; Co) 40 plots of Blue
Grama Grass Sampled in September 1971. D I F = G r e e n - R e d , SUM ffiffiGreen + Red, VlffiDIF/SUM, TVIffiSQRT
(a) June (n=35)
Total wet biomass 0.88 0.79 0.82 0.82 0.42 0.85 0.80 0.81 0.81
Total dry biomass 0.80 0.72 0.75 0.75 0.41 0.78 0.73 0.81 0.75
Leaf water content 0.91 0.82 0.86 0.86 0.42 0.88 0.84 0.79 0.85
Dry green biomass 0.82 0.74 0.85 0.85 0.45 0.79 0.83 0.83 0.84
Dry brown biomass 0.32 0.28 0.46 0.46 0.27 0.31 0.43 0.18 0.45
Total chlorophyll 0.91 0.63 0.78 0.78 0.36 0.89 0.76 0.68 0.77

(b) September (nffi40)

Total wet biomass 0.43 0.22 0.34 0.34 0.30 0.36 0.34 0.07 0.34
Total dry biomass 0.25 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.16 0.10 0.16
Leaf water content 0.70 0.33 0.67 0.68 0.57 0.56 0.67 0.62 0.67
Dry green biomass 0.41 0.19 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.33 0.37 0.04 0.37
Dry brown biomass 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.13 0.92
Total chlorophyll 0.36 0.18 0.29 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.01 0.31

TABLE 3 Coefficients of Determination for the Simple RegressionsBetween the Nine Red and IR
Radiance Variables and the Canopy Variables for (a) 35 Plots of Blue Grama Grass Sampled in June 1972;
(b) 40 Plots of Blue Grama Grass Sampled in September 1971; and (c) 18 Plots of Blue Grama Grass
Sampled in October 1972. DIFffiIR-RED, SUMffiIR+RED, VI =DIF/SUM, TVI= SQBT (VI+.5).

V~L~L~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(a) June 1972
Total wet biomass 0.88 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.89 0.00 0.89 0.94 0.90
Total dry biomass 0.80 0.84 0.80 0.83 0.86 0.00 0.84 0.96 0.85
Leaf water content 0.90 0.86 0.90 0.92 0.90 0.00 0.92 0.91 0.92
Dry green biornass 0.82 0.85 0.88 0.90 0.89 0.05 0.91 0.88 0.92
Dry brown biomass 0.32 0.70 0.52 0.55 0.65 0.01 0.56 0.22 0.57
Total chlorophyll 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.86 0.90 0.00 0.86 0.77 0.65

(b) September 1971

Total wet biomass 0.43 0.64 0.51 0.56 0.64 0.02 0.61 0.00 0.63
Total dry biomass 0.25 0.52 0.32 0.36 0.45 0.05 0.42 0.00 0.44
Leaf water content 0.70 0.68 0.77 0.81 0.85 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.63
Dry green biomass 0.41 0.66 0.52 0.57 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.03 0.64
Dry brown biomass 0.07 0.28 0.10 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.17 0.00 0.19
Total chlorophyll 0.36 0.52 0.41 0.45 0.55 0.02 0.51 0.00 0.53

(e) October 1972

Total wet biomass 0.67 0.72 0.03 0.03 0.28 0.72 0.00 0.01 0.00
Total dry biomass 0.66 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.71 0.00 0.01 0.00
water content 0.68 0.73 0.01 0.03 0.29 0.73 0.00 0.02 0.00
Total chlorophyll 0.66 0.78 0.03 0.03 0.40 0.75 0.03 0.03 0.00

The October data demonstrated con- had the highest degree of intercorrelation
clusively that the various green vegeta- between the six canopy variables (Tables
tion measures do not have applicability 3 and 4). Canopy composition at this
to dormant vegetation (Table 3; Fig. 7). time was --~80% green vegetation and
The use of the square-root transforma- only ~20% dead vegetation (Table 1).
tion for the IR/red ratio (Nalepka et al., The September analysis results were
1977) and TVI (Rouse et al., 1973, 1974) less significant in a regression sense than
needs to be examined. Rouse et al. (1973, the June results, were linear, and had a
1974) suggest that the distribution of the lower degree of canopy variable intercor-
VI is Poisson while Nalepka et al. (1977) relation than the June results (Tables 3
suggest that the square root of IR/red and 4). Canopy composition at this time
ratio is more linear. The data analysis for was ---,52% green vegetation and --~48%
the June data shows the same functional dead vegetation (Table 1).
relationship(s) between the total wet bio- The October analysis results demon-
mass and IR/red ratio and square root of strated the need for sufficient chlorophyll
the IR/red ratio with the same asymp- absorption to occur for the IR/red ratio
totic nature for both plots, respectively, and related transformations to work. By
The asymptotic properties of the IR/red this sampling time, canopy composition
ratio, square root of the IR/red ratio, VI, had simplified again and all the standing
and TVI are very similar as are the re- crop was standing dead vegetation.
spective degrees of regression signifi- Associated with this phenological condi-
cance (Table 3; Fig. 4). tion were direct linear relationships be-
tween both the red and IR radiances and
each of the four canopy variables sam-
Phenological Considerations
pied at this time. The regression results
The spectral manifestations of grass were not significant, except for three
canopy phenology can be inferred from radiance variables, and there was a
the three sampling periods used for this higher degree of canopy variable-inter-
study. Phenological development re- correlation than for the September data
sulted in the gradual accumulation of (Tables 3 and 4).
more standing vegetation in the grass It should be noted that the "chloro-
canopy. By September there were ap- phyll" determination for the October
proximately equal amounts of standing sampling period does not present in vivo
live and dead vegetation. The October chlorophyll a and b. It is thought to
data was composed entirely of standing represent chlorophyll decomposition
dead vegetation, products for this sampling period.
Spectral manifestations of grass canopy
phenology can be seen by comparing the Evaluation of Different IR Bandwidths
various radiance variables for the three
sampling periods. The June analysis re- Another aspect of the study was to
sults were more significant in a regression evaluate the influence of'IR bandwidth
sense, showed the most nonlinearity, and upon ratio technique applications for
138 C . j . TUCKER

o5o ) [ i i i [ [ w ] 0701 i ) i i i i i i i

f f

o6O -


olo I ~ I I I I I I I oaol -
260 520 7fl0 1040 1300 26O 520 780 1040 ~300

(a) 0 . 6 3 - 0 . 6 9 #m (b) 0 . 7 5 - 0 . 8 0 / ~ m
r t = 0.88 r e = 0.86
Y = 0.1233 + 16.7980/X Y = 0.65 - exp( - 1.2680 - 0.0017-X

5.0 22 L

J' 1
0 40

-~o - ; ,~

20 -- 13

/m !
10 / I I t i I l 1 i 1 lo I I t I I I i t t
260 520 780 1040 1300 0 260 52'0 780 ~040 1300

(c) 1 " 2 = 0 . 8 6 (d) r ~ = 0 . 8 9

Y = 5.5 - e x p ( 1 . 6 6 4 1 - 0 . 0 0 2 2 - X ) Y = 2.4 - exp(0.3926 - 0.00022 -X)

FIGURE 4. The nine radiance variables p l o t t e d a g a i n s t t h e t o t a l w e t b i o n m s s f o r t h e 3 5 p l o t s r u m p l e d i n J u n e 1 9 7 2 .

(a) red radiance, (b) Ill r~aiAnce, (c) IR/red ratio, (d) square root of the IR/red ratio. Refer to Table 3 for the r~
values between the nine radiance variables and the other five plot variable~ Figure continues on next peges.

050, I I I I I I idb ~ o90, I I I ] I I I t


5 o o

E /- o 6o

o lo

oc~ I I I I I I I I I oso I I I I J I i I
260 520 780 1040 1300 0 260 520 780 1040 1300
T O T A L WET I I I O M A I H i (g/m =) T O T A L WET B I O M A S S (g/m 2)
(e) , ~ = 0 . 8 9 (0 ~ = o . o o
Y = 0.51 - exp( - 0.6713 - 0.0028 .X)

070 I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I

/ 1

o~o__~| -p_ oo oo oo

o ooi I _I i I J _I ~ I_ I I o i 51 I 71 j I
0 260 520 780 1040 1300 1040 1300
T O T A L WET I I I O M A S 8 (g/m I) T O T A L W E T B I O M A S S (g/m 2)

(g) ~ = 0.89 (h) ~ = 0.94

Y = 0 . 7 0 - e x p ( - 0.4207 - 0.0030.X)
F I G U R E 4. continued. (e) I R - r e d radiance difference, (1) I R + r e d radiance sum, (g) vegetation index, (h)
s u m / d i f f e r e n c e . Figure c o n t i n u e d on next page.

1 10 1 l r I 1 ; [ t I

] J J L I 1 k ] t
260 520 780 1040 ~300

(i) r2=O.9O
Y = 1.1 - exp( - 1 . 1 0 2 5

FIGURE 4. c o n l i n u e d . (i) t r a n s f o r m e d v e g e t a t i o n i n d e x .

o50 r I I f I 1 I I I oe~ I I I 1 el Ie I I I

0 :
o .-. ~ - 0 0 .

0 0OO . .

O3O - -
040 - - 000

o2o L J L Jo I I e I I I " t t J L L J J t I
8O 160 240 32O 4OO 0 3O 8O 160 240 320 4OO

TOTAL DRY BIOMA$S (g/m ~) TOTAL DRY B I O M A ~ (g/m 2)

Ca) 0 . 6 3 - - 0 . 6 9 ~m Co) 0 . 7 5 - 0 . 8 0 #m
r ~: 0.25 r~: 0.52
Y = 0.38906 + 0.00050.X

F I G U R E 5. T h e n i n e r a d i a n c e v a r i a b l e s plotted against t h e t o t a l d r y b i o m a s s f o r t h e 4 0 plots sampled in September

1971. (s) r e d r a d i a n c e , Co) I R r s d / a n c e , F i g u r e c o n t i n u e s o n n e x t p a g e s .

30 I I I I I I I I 1 17o I I I I I I I i 1

O O 1so--


0 '9' , 30
i o o e o ~
,~04" " 00" -
o I o -. :.
: -.''" .

oo , , i L , i l i , o.~ Si "I"0 I I 1, L I ' l

80 100 240 320 400 0 80 160 240 320

T O T A L DRY 8 1 O M A $ S (Olin i) T O T A L DRY B I O M A S S (g/m t)

(c) r ~ = 0.32 {d) F = 0.36

1.G0 I 1 I I I ! I " 1 I
040-" I i I I I I J..... J' I


o.3o 00


020 --

~ oBS eo
olo ~
a: 0.8o ~-- --
o.oo 0.75

-o.lo f I I I I t 1 I I 0.7o -- I I I I I I [ i i

T O T A L DRY B I O M A S l l (g/m:) T O T A L DRY B I O M A S S (g/m ~)

(e) ~ = o.45 #) , 2 : o.05

FIGUKE 5. continued. (c) m / r e d ratio, (d) square root of the IR/red ratio. Be~er to Table 3 for the ~ veJues
between the nine r~di~nce variables and the other five plot variables. (e) I R - r e d r ~ - c e ~ c e , (t) IR+red
radiance sum. l~gure continued on next page.

oso I I I I I I I I I ~o~ I I I q - - ~ I I [

040 - -- /
~ ~ --

o30 . "." " ~ol " '" ,If. %

o 20 -- e --
. ,~ 0,=0 q

20 % e e --

.~ oo-

o o

: -. oo~


o~o I I I 1 1 I 1 I I ~oo I L I I I 1 I I 1
80 ~60 240 320 4OO 80 160 240 320 4OO


(g) r~ = 0.42 Oa) r2 = o.oo

,oo 1 I I I I I e i r f |

O9O -- O0

- "

ee O
~: oso

0 70

," o

06o J ] J I I L I I f
80 160 240 320 400

T O T A L D R Y B I O M A $ $ ( g / m ~)

(0 r 2 = O 4 4

FIGURE 5. c o n t i n u e d . (g) v e g e t a t i o n i n d e x , (h) s u m / d i f f e r e n c e , (i) t r a n s f o r m e d vegetation index.


TABLE 4 Correlation Matrix Between the Sampled Plot Variables for (a) 35 1/4 m 2 Plots of Blue Grama
Grass Sampled in June 1972, (b) 40 1/4 m2 Plots of Blue Grama Grass Sampled in September 1971, and
(c) 18 1/4 m2 Plots of Blue Grama Sampled in October 1972.
Total wet Total dry Dry green Dry brown ~ Total
biomass biomass biomass biomass water chlorophyll
(a) June 1972
Total wet biomass 1.98 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 0.98
Total dry biomass 1.00 0.99 0.94 0.99 0.97
Dry green biomass 1.00 0.88 1.00 0.98
Dry brown biomass 1.00 0.88 0.90
~ a f Water 1.00 0.98
Total Chlorophyll 1.00

0a) September 1971

Total wet biomass 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.84 0.91 0.89
Total dry biomass 1.00 0.95 0.92 0.78 0.88
Dry green biomass 1.00 0.78 0.89 0.88
Dry brown biomass 1.00 0.56 0.70
Leaf water 1.00 0.85
Chlorophyll 1.00

(e) October 1972

Total wet biomass 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.94
Total dry biomass 1.00 0.99 0.93 water content 1.00 0.95
Chlorophyll content 1.00

estimating the various canopy variables 2. The IR/red ratio, square root of the
for the June data. In addition to the IR/red ratio, I R - r e d difference, VI, and
original IR bandwidth of 0.75-0.80 gm, TVI are sensitive to the amount of photo-
the bandwidths of 0.80-0.90 and 0.75- synthetically active vegetation present-in
0.90 gm were evaluated. No differences the plant canopy. All were found to be
were found in regression significance very similar for estimating the photosyn-
among the three IR bandwidths for the thetically active biomass.
June data. 3. The asymptotic properties of the
IR/red ratio, square root of the IR/red
ratio, I R - r e d difference, VI, and TVI
were very similar for high green biomass
Conclusions situations. The square-root transforma-
tion did not result in a more linear situa-
1. The IR/red ratio and related IR tion.
and red linear combinations were found 4. The accumulation of standing dead
to be superior to the green/red ratio and vegetation in the canopy had a lineariz-
related green and red linear combina- ing effect upon the various green vegeta-
tions for monitoring vegetation, tion measures.

so I ] I I 1 F I [ l o ~ - I I I I I I ol I 1 [

\ . t . - .
~ , .. -- o~o . ~ . ~

_} ~

o~o- o - =, o,o
~ O

0~o I L I J J J I I ~ o3o -- I I I J J 1 I I I
40 80 120 160 20O 40 80 120 160 21;0

(a) 0.63-0.69 #m Co) 0.75-0.80 #m

r ~ = 0.70 r 2 = 0.68
Y = 0.45534 - 0.00108" X Y = 0.37860 + 0.00102' X

30 I I I I I I I I I
70 I I I I ~ - T l l I

0~ S 0 1so O--

=- go

Ic E ~3o

-- 10 Om

110 -- OI~/
oo I I I 1 I I I I I go [ I I I L I I I I
40 80 120 160 200 40 80 ~'o 160 aO~)

(c) ra=0.77 (d) ra=O:81

Y = 0.65945 + 0.00813-X Y = 0.86788 + 0.00331 .X

FIGURE 6. The nine radiance variables plotted against the leaf water content for the 40 plots sampled in September
1971. (a) red ~aL~nce, (b) IR radiance, (e) I_R/red ratio, (d) square root of the I R / r e d ratio. Ftgure cenlanued on next

0.40 I I 1 I I I I I I ~ oo I I I l 1 1 I I I

o3o-- --


@ 0
~ ... .
I o.lo +
_ a: OO --
-- o8O


-o~o I 1 I I [ [ I , [ I - o7o I I I I I I I I I
40 BO 120 leo 200 40 80 1~0 160


(e) : - 0.85 (f) : - 0.00

Yffi -0.07673+0.00211-X

o~ 1 I 1 ..........
I I I 1 1 I ~oo I 1 I I I I 1 I !

0 40 ~ 80 --

r, 2o @ @ - -

z_ o~o- e ~
- eo ~ o q P e b eOqbO
0 10 ~

-010 ] I I I I [ I I i
40 80 120 160 200 - loo J 1 I 1 I i I J ]
40 80 120 160 200

(g) : ffio.83 (i,) : =-o.oo

Yffi - 0.00752+ 0.00261.X
FIGURE 6. continued. (e) I R - r e d radiance difference, (f) IB+red radiance sum, (g) vegetation index, (h)
sum/difference. Figure continued on next page.
]46 c.j. TUCKER

100 I ] I ] [ [ [ " [ ~ 1

o9o . ".]

#/ _
o8o .jo.O WE

o 70
/ . . - . R,

0~ I I 1 I I 1 I t t
40 80 120 160 200

LEAF WATER C O N T E N T (g/m =)

(i) ,~=o.83
Y : 0.64843 + 0.00161 .X
F I G U R E 6. continued. (i) transformed vegetaUon index.

o~ I 1 [ I [ I r I I oro I I I I 1 1 1 I I [

I '- - ~ ~

~ -

030 - - 0 -- 040 - - ~ 4

o~o I I I I I I I I I o3o I I I I 1 I I I I
24O 480 72O 96O 1200 240 480 720 960 I~


(a) 0.63-0.69 gm (b) 0.75-0.80 gm

rS:O.67 rs=0.72
Y = 0.32159 + 0.00013-X r = 0.41285 + 0.00017-X

F I G U R E 7. The nine ~ d i = ~ , ~ variables plotted against the total wet b i o m ~ for the 18 plots sampled in October
1972. (a) red radiance, (b) IB r~'~*,~e. Figure continued on next page.

'~ I I I L I [ I I I ,2o 1 I I I I I I I 1

116 - -
; 40 - - -- el
m ~ m

- - ~ ,,+-I . -

_~ ,+o-,, - .~ - -

-= _#
~~ ~oe-e -

1 20 - -

,I 1 l I I [ ] I I I ,oo 1 ] I I i I i I I
240 480 720 960 120(] 240 480 720 960 1200

T O T A L W E T B I O M A S S (91m 1) T O T A L W E T B I O M A S S ( g / m t)

(c) : = o.oo (d) r~- o.o0

0.14 ~"- --

0.12 -- 41 0


O.lO --

, _ o80 --

0.06 - -
070 -- ~1 --

o.~ I 240 [ I 4QO I 1 720 I l 960 I I 1200 0.60 I I I I I 1 "1 I I

240 480 720 960 1200
T O T A L Wff'r I I I O M A ~ I (g/m~) TOTAL WET ! 1 1 ~ (g/m*)

(e) : - - 0 . ~ (0 r2=0.7 9-
Y - 0.73444 + 0.00029-X

FIGURE 7. coattnued. (c) I R / r e d raUo, (d) square root of the m / r e d ratio. Refer to Table 3 for the r ~ values
between the nine radiance variables and the other five plot variables, (e) I R - red r~d~m~, difference, (f) IR + red
radiance sum. Figure continued on next page.
148 C. J. TUCKER

o. r I I 1 I [ ~ I I ~3o I I I I F T- I 1

11o l

r- -

~ 90

~ -


oo, I I
I i
E 720
I 1200 5o
I I I l [ t J I
240 48O 720 ~0 ~200
TOTAL WET BIOMACZ$ (g/m ~) TOTAL WET B I O M A ~ (g/m z)

(g) ,.S=o.oo (h) ~=0.01

o82o I I [ I I I ~, I I

o 810

o eco OO m

o 7'1o _

2 .
o 78o -- _

0 770 --

0,~o ,I [ 1 I I I I I I
240 480 720 96O 1200


(0 ~=o.oo

FIGURE 7. continued. (g) vegetation index, (h) sum/difference, (i) transformed vogetalion index.

5. The regression significance for the Jordan, C. F. (1969), Derivation of leaf area
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--, (1977b), Spectral estimation of grass Received November 7, 1977; revisedJune 9, 1978.

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