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Dr. Harbani Pasolong, M.Si.
State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
Dr. Tunggul Prasodjo, M.Si.
School of Politics and Social Sciences 17-8-1945 Makassar, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Haedar Akib, M.Si.
Head of Public Administration Department, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri
Makassar (UNM), Indonesia

The article aims to describe the results of this study the application of Andi (Datu) leadership
styles on the public bureaucracy. The method used is to combine quantitative and qualitative
research (triangulation) using saturation sampling technique is to take a sample of a population
of as many as 48 people. The results showed that the dominant leadership style applied to the
public bureaucracy in Soppeng regency, South Sulawesi Province, is the leadership style "sorong
pawo" that all decisions or policies are determined by the leadership elite, in this case the leaders
tend to use instruction to subordinates. Application of sorong pawo style is not independent of
chronological environment and traditional culture of the kingdom, namely the adoption of the
system of royal culture into the government system. Internalization of the cultural values of the
kingdom into the bureaucracy that led to the character of the bureaucracy that tends to put him
to feel higher in rank than the people and the relationship level is colored pattern of relationships
"patron-client." Leadership sorong pawo has lasted long enough, which is approximately 657 years
old, so the impact is not no subordinates who dare to fight or argue, regardless of instruction was
right or wrong, because it is the truth as a tradition of the imperial system.
Keywords: bureaucratic leadership, "sorong pawo", the public bureaucracy.

The reform era has become the gateway to the paradigm shift from the bureaucratic
centralization to decentralization, regional autonomy is the key. This paradigm shift means a
complicated bureaucratic structure changes into a slim, so it needs trimming bureaucracy. In the
transformation of the bureaucracy, in addition to a mature concept, another thing that is not less
important is the leader of the bureaucracy. In the context of bureaucratic leaders, especially in
relation to the leadership style applied, the expected leadership is effective leadership. To create

effective leadership, the leaders are expected to apply situational leadership, given the changing
circumstances so fast in today's social life is very "multi-complex" and "mega-competition"
(Niswaty, Mano, & Akib, 2015).
Leadership bureaucracy becomes very important as the main prerequisites and success
factors of public service. Career officials in the organization must have a vision for the future
(Widodo, Wahyudi, & Setyorini, 2007), this vision includes efforts were able to see the range of
future national or global. The leaders will be able to reach or see the future of his organization
when they have the knowledge, insight, and a broad view of the future. Leaders who have a
vision of the future must be taken to know where the organization and the job duties assigned to
him. So, leaders of career officials needed is a leader who is able to transform values into actions,
visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, the difference becomes solidarity, and risks into
rewards (Kouzes & Posner, 1997).
Leadership bureaucracy can be understood as a process of influencing subordinates to
complete a job and directs the organization to be more compact and conducive, by applying the
concepts, values, ethics, character, knowledge and skills through authority. The legitimacy of this
authority is also used Weber (1947) when developing the model of bureaucratic leadership.
Weberian bureaucratic leadership model, as the institutional characteristics of Weber's
bureaucracy, tend to be oriented to power in a rational, legal and hierarchical and rigid
Leadership for a public bureaucracy is still likely to only apply one style of leadership for
all types of maturity, which is the style of instruction, so the impact to the performance of services
is low (Ambar, 2004). Leadership an official figure is no more than a ruler, which is bound by
formal rules, so it does not allow appreciation. The implication of the Human Resources (HR)
personnel are bound by formal rules, leaving no room for initiative, the pace of innovation as
well as a significant development. Therefore, it is time for the orientation of the leadership style
of bureaucracy that is the style changed to situational leadership style, the style that is based on
the circumstances subordinate maturity.
Feudal bureaucratic leadership that emphasizes power, the "top down approach" and is
based on formality relationship is irrelevant because the current challenges faced not only
internal, but has to be global. Research Sinuraya & Wirayanti (2015), found that the performance
of the government bureaucracy "if they can be complicated, why should be made easy". Permits
in the field of exports, for example, Indonesia takes 150 days compared to Thailand and China
which only takes 30 days. Different conditions can be encountered if explored deeper into the
structure of the lower bureaucracy. It turned out that the maintenance of Identity Card (KTP),
birth certificate, Certificate of Death. The job seeker card, building permits and other important
documents still takes a long time and high fees.
Why it's important to do research on the problem of Leadership Bureaucracy is because:
(1) leadership is a "locomotive" (Suarjaya & Akib, 2003), or the element that is foremost in the
organization, because of the good and bad behavior of subordinates depends on the behavior of
a leader in developing subordinates (Waluyo, 2007: 173). Creech (1996: 292) says that no poor

working group, of which there is a bad leader. Therefore, researchers interested in studying the
style of what is applied to the leaders of the bureaucracy.
Based on these descriptions, then the problem is "the application of leadership style is less
adapted to the maturity level employees." The question, "The leadership style is applied to the
public bureaucracy? Therefore, this study aimed to describe the application of leadership style
that is applied to the public bureaucracy.

Style basically derived from the English "Style" mode, which means someone who always
seems that characterizes the person. Style is a habit that is inherent in a person in performing the
task of leadership. (Stoner, 1996: 165) says that the leadership styles are patterns of behavior that
are preferred by leaders in the process of directing and influencing workers. Meanwhile,
leadership style, according (Thoha, 2006: 49), is a norm of behavior used by a person when that
person tried to influence the behavior of others. While the style of the leader by Hersey &
Blanchard (1993), is a consistent pattern of behavior which they apply in working with and
through others, as perceived by people. The patterns that arise in people when they begin to
respond in the same way in similar circumstances, a pattern that formed the habit of action which
at least can be expected for those who work with the leader. Thus, the leadership style is a method
or a technique used by a leader in influencing, directing, encouraging, and control his
subordinates in order to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.

Leadership Bureaucracy
Bureaucratic leadership can be defined as a process of influencing subordinates to
complete a job and directs the organization to be more compact and conducive, by applying the
concepts, values, ethics, character, knowledge and skills through authority. The legitimacy of this
authority is also used when developing the model Weber bureaucratic leadership. Weberian
bureaucratic leadership model, as the institutional characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy, tend
to be oriented to power in a rational, legal and hierarchical and rigid supervision. Bureaucracy is
the backbone leader in providing services to the public as civil servants and public servants (Said,
2007: 331). Therefore this is the career officials have subordinates directly provide services to the
public. While the agencies that provide services directly to the public is the local agencies as
implementing elements of the local government headed by a department head under and
responsible to the head of the Region through the Regional Secretary.
Leadership bureaucracy is another problem that must be addressed by way of settlement
in approach and leadership style should be applied. (Sinuraya & Wirayanti, 2015), states that the
present time is needed new philosophy of the leadership, servant leadership, which by Jakob in
(Sinuraya & Wirayanti, 2015: xi), mentions as the leadership of "postmodernists", i.e. the
philosophy that simultaneously could increase the personal growth of employees and improve
the quality of services and bureaucracy through the involvement of every employee in the
organization's decision-making process as well as ethical and responsible behavior.

In the bureaucracy in general and the public bureaucracy, the leader plays an important
and strategic for the success of the public bureaucracy execute the duties of service is determined
by the quality of its leader. Therefore, the leader of the bureaucracy dominates all activities
undertaken bureaucracy. In the context of the public bureaucracy is very paternalistic, where staff
(subordinate) work is always dependent on the leader. If the leader does not have the leadership
skills, the tasks are complex cannot be done properly. In fact, not a few leaders of the public
bureaucracy at various levels that do not have the ability to be a good leader. It is caused by a
recruitment system that is not based on competence.
Various research leadership in the public bureaucracy, showing still weak leadership at
various levels or tiers. The mastery level of leadership generally still low. In addition, the capacity
and the awareness that leaders have an obligation to serve, very limited even a little they asked
to be served. Formal authority be a powerful weapon in moving subordinates. Consequently
subordinate work not on consciousness itself, but because of the pressure superiors, so that a
harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates no longer existed in harmony.
Though both are a team unit labor maintained in carrying out the mission and goals of the
If identified, there are some bureaucratic leadership phenomenon that is often highlighted
by scientists and the public, among others:
1. The leader of the public bureaucracy in running the bureaucracy in general has not been
driven by the vision and mission, but it is still driven by very rigid regulations. As a result,
leaders cannot develop the resources of the bureaucracy and unable to adjust to the demands
of external environment in terms of community needs. Especially for patterns that developed
is a manifestation of leadership style is directive, very tight in strictly observing, and very
little happened improvised policy to tolerate their specificity, objections and emergencies, as
well as unexpected events, the leader is always based on the rules already in force ,
2. The leader of the public bureaucracy continues to control its formal authority, power became
a force in moving the subordinate. These leaders do not understand the subordinate, which
have different characteristics, such as the ability, knowledge, attitude, behavior, work ethic,
and so forth. In this regard, when a supervisor to know the characters of his subordinates, it
is easier to move or motivate that impact on service quality improvement.
3. Leader of the public bureaucracy had low competence. It is not independent of the pattern of
promotions in the public bureaucracy which did not consider the competence of appointed
officials. As already known, the public bureaucracy promotions are made on the basis of rank,
class and space, as well as performance appraisal (DP3).
It is understood that leadership affects the activities of individuals or groups in their
efforts to achieve the objectives in certain situations. Thus, in a simple leadership is any attempt
to influence, while power can be interpreted as a potential influence of the leader. This is a
resource that allows leaders to get the right to invite or influence others. The authority can be
defined as a special type of power that originally attached to the positions occupied by the leader.
The Authority is authorized power (legitimitized) by a formal role of a person in an organization.
Thus, leadership as an activity to influence followers or subordinates so they can be directed to

achieve the objectives set by the bureaucracy. If leaders want to influence his behavior, activities
of the leadership it has started to proceed.

Locus of this study is the Public Bureaucracy in Soppeng regency, while the focus of this
study is the leadership style that is applied by officials of the bureaucracy, as subject / population
(Pasolong, 2013), in providing services. In other words, the population in the study is the overall
employee representative understand leadership styles applied "leadership elite bureaucracy" in
Soppeng, as many as 48 people. Number of respondents by sample or groups as follows: Group
IV 6, Group III 24, Group II 18, so the total number as many as 48 people. While the key informants
in this study was the secretary of the district (sekda), members of the local parliament, member
institutions Governmental (NGO), cultural, journalists, and retired heads of agencies in Soppeng,
the overall amount to as many as 10 people.
The sampling technique used is "purposive sampling", i.e. direct appointments of
respondents who understand the leadership style applied elite public bureaucracy in the Soppeng
regency (Pasolong, 2013: 162). The data collection technique used was the questionnaire is one of
the techniques of data collection through the list of questions submitted in writing to the
respondent or group of people to get answers or feedback, information or data (Pasolong, 2013:
164). The given questionnaires to fill are all employees who were the respondents in this study.
Interviews, namely data collection techniques used to deepen the information on the application
of leadership style that is applied to the public bureaucracy in Soppeng regency. The informants
were interviewed in the study was the former head office, regional secretary Soppeng regency,
legislators, cultural, NGO members, and retired employees at the agency. Observation, a
technique in which researchers observed the phenomena that occur in the field during the
research process is ongoing. Observations were carried out by way of linking these two things,
namely the information (what happened) with the context (the things that happen around it) as
the search for meaning. Data analysis techniques used in the study of qualitative analysis
techniques, namely data obtained from informants were analyzed inductively to formulate
hypotheses (Pasolong, 2013: 170). Descriptive data obtained are presented in the form of an
explanation, and then analyzed by descriptive statistics. While the data obtained through
observation Interview and analyzed qualitatively.

Description Maturity Level
The level of maturity in situational leadership understood as the ability and willingness
of people to be responsible in directing their own behavior. This maturity variables considered in
conjunction with the specific tasks undertaken. Thus a subordinate or a group rather than say no
adult or mature in a general sense, but everyone tends to be more or less mature in relation to a
specific task, function, or purpose to be achieved by the leader through his efforts (Thoha, 2006:

An employee is likely to be at levels that vary greatly depending on the task, function, or
purpose which is mandated to him. Organizations or institutions may have evolved in such a
way, able and willing to carry out the technical aspects of a task, but it does illustrate the same
level of maturity in the work of the aspects of the facility in its work. Thus, situational leadership
focuses on the suitability or effectiveness of leadership style is in line with the maturity level
subordinate employee. The maturity level of employees in Public Bureaucracy can be explained
as follows.

Table 1
Employees Maturity Score

Expected Existing Percentage

Maturity level Average (%)
value value
Low maturity (M1) 1680 747 106.71 44,46
Low towards medium of 1440 947 157 65,76
maturity (M2)
Medium towards high of 1200 925 185 77,08
maturity (M3)
High maturity (M4) 1440 823 137 57,15
Sources: Primary data, in 2013.

According to the table 1 indicates, the maturity level of employees in the public
bureaucracy in Soppeng category are heading higher (M3), which has the ability but has a low
level of willingness. It can be seen from the results of the calculation of the highest with a score
of 925, an average of 185 (77.08 percent). While employees are categorized as low maturity (M1),
which is not capable but have the will, has a value with a score of 747 with an average of 106
(44.46 percent). Then employees including maturity category from low to moderate (M2), i.e.
employees who are not capable but willing categorized as "not good", i.e. with a score of 947 on
average 157 (65.76 percent), and employees belonging to the category of high maturity (M4),
which is capable of and willing are "less good" with a score of 823 on average 137 (57.15 percent).
The results showed that the maturity level employees at the Public Bureaucracy Soppeng
category "Towards Maturity Medium High (M3), which is capable but do not have the will or
motivation. This is in line with the results of the interview with the former head of the Office of
Civil Registration (retired) by saying that: "I observed the employee who is on the public
bureaucracy, the average has capabilities that are adequate, but their motivation is problematic
that most of them are lazy to carry out his duties, for example, late for work, late start working,
working while chatting with his friends, and always want to quickly go back home offices. But if
he wants to work, he can do a good job, because on average they are well educated and some of
them are alumni of Universities, of course quality is no doubt, they were just lazy". The foregoing
is in line with the results of interviews with members of the NGO (Non-Governmental

Organization) that: "Basically employees in the public bureaucracy is quite capable of carrying
out his duties, only problem is the lack of willingness or motivation to carry out his duties. They
basically had enough experience in these routine tasks. In addition they have a sufficient level of
education to perform his duties. Employee indiscipline can be viewed on older, they may find
additional revenue beyond ". Employee indiscipline can be viewed during business hours, which
are always late to work, late start working or working while she chatted with her friends ".
Then, in line also from the analysis of various interviews with informants about the lack
of willingness or motivation to perform the tasks given. Here are some conclusions on interviews
with informants, can be seen as follows. "I saw an employee in the public bureaucracy, the civil
service, attention to improving its ability or maturity is determined by his own conscience. The
impression that the employee is able and not able to have the same salary for the same group and
not for the same salary with the same performance. Then, there are employees who have
repeatedly joined the education and training but the way it works is mediocre, while there are
employees rarely participate, even there are employees who never took part in education and
training but its performance was satisfactory. Then the strict attendance list, discourse led
satisfactory, has not been able to make well motivated employees, because they are lazy is late
for work, late start working, and always quick return prematurely. Low willingness or motivation
will affect the performance has been unsatisfactory ".
Application of leadership style that does not fit in the public bureaucracy in Soppeng
regency, because it is more due to the classification of the ability and willingness of employee
only two strata, namely: 1) Employees capable and incapable, 2) employees are lazy and
undisciplined. This is in line with the results of interviews with members of the Regional
Representatives Council (DPRD) which says that: "I noticed from the leadership before, and
leadership now make only two classification ability of employees, namely: 1) employees who
have the ability and are not capable, 2) employees who are motivated and unmotivated, so
officials only knew two kinds of ability or maturity employee, capable and not capable
(overcooked and not overcooked). This is done by a variety of considerations such as one of the
subjects of leadership in leadership training, so we only know two styles of leadership, namely
the instruction / authoritarian and democratic." The interview is in line with the view of former
service chief Soppeng (67 years) by saying the following: "Based on my experience be led public
bureaucracies, I prefer to use the style of instruction because it was used in the pattern of
leadership style of our family and be aware that in the area this is still thick with the local culture
that we have adopted over the years, namely the "sorong pawo" which is inherited from the leader
of the kingdom, thus coloring the bureaucratic style of leadership in this area, namely "pammali"
against the decision of the above ".
Low motivation is usually caused by a lack of confidence. However, if they are convinced
of his ability but do not want to, then the reluctance of employees to carry out much of the
problem of motivation rather than a security issue. In such case the leader needs to open two-
way communication to actively listen and support the efforts of the employees to use the abilities
that have been owned. Thus, the force that supports, without directing, "participation" (G3) has
a high success rate to be applied for employees with the maturity level like this.
Bureaucratic Leadership Style Description

The results showed that the dominant leadership style adopted by leaders in the public
bureaucracy in Soppeng is a style of instruction, with a score of 1068 or an average of 178 (74.16
per cent) as shown in Table 4. This means that the situational leadership style already applied to
the authorities, but not maximized because they are less adapted to the maturity level employees.
This is in line with the results of interviews with an informant (a former head of department, 72
years), says: "For me to be leader at the agency I always tell instructions or orders verbally to
employees what to do and how to do it, and convey information significance associated with the
job. Then, I was a lot also gave instructions to employees in order to carry out its tasks and provide
the best service to the community, because it is an obligation to satisfy the community."
The results of these interviews indicate that the officials or leaders in the agency are more
likely to use commands to subordinates rather than involve employees in decision-making.
Though theoretically employees who have a high level of maturity is heading or employees who
have the ability to work, but do not have the motivation to do the job they should be applied force
participation. This is justified or explained by any of the interviews with informants (DPR
members age 58 years) who said that: "During my time as an employee in an organization
(Bureaucracy) Public approximately 28 years, I always pay attention to the style of leadership that
is applied, both officials past and present officials, using the more dominant force instructions or
orders to the employee, because we always regarded as children or not capable of doing the job.
This is caused by the influence of leadership patterns Andi (Datu) ancient times, the sorong
pawo is understood as all kinds of policies or decisions coming from above (datu), which brought
only accept or run its course, as one of if not implemented and is as a big mistake if the fight from
the top.
If the dominant leadership style that is applied is associated with a level of maturity that
was dominant in the bureaucracy, which has the ability but do not have the will (M3), then the
leadership style that is applied can be said to be "unsuitable" or "poor. This occurs because the
appropriate leadership style applied is the force participation (G3) on the kind of maturity.
Meanwhile, the application of force instruction based on the results of research can be traced
through the main traits that a leader is always oriented to power, authority, obedience to
superiors, one-way communication, depending on leadership. Power orientation is a prominent
phenomenon in the behavior of the leader of the bureaucracy. Power is an instrument for self-
resource management bureaucracy. Bureaucrats are very obedient to superiors or leaders who
are influenced by the lines of authority in the bureaucratic hierarchy as proposed by Weber. Every
bureaucrat should be obedient and loyal to his boss or his boss. This compliance concomitant
consciousness to maintain power and positions. The higher the more lasting compliance rests
with the official position of bureaucrats. Compliance with the hierarchy of positions on it to create
dependency someone against his boss is quite high.
On Public Bureaucracy, the symbols of that culture can be seen in the title of nobility,
such as "Datu", "Bau", "Petta", "Andi" attached to a person holding positions in the bureaucracy
and society in general. So that people in this position is to be called "Pak Andi", "Bau" "Petta",
and "Puang". Not called "Father", as the case of people who occupy positions in the organization.
This leadership style has been in place for decades, starting in the year 1300 until now. It can be
seen from the first Regent is still dominated by the nobility. Leadership permanence nobility

influenced by the local culture. It can be seen from the royal era in 1300-1940, led by the king,
while Soppeng only three times is not led by the nobility, and even then is actually a noble family.
It is understood that leadership style is influenced by the culture in which the person
becomes a leader, no exception to the Public Bureaucracy in Soppeng influenced by the local
culture, the "cultural kinship." This is made clear through an open questionnaire given to
respondents and informants, the leaders always use force kinship performing the duties and
authority. This behavior can be seen as involving an employee to participate in education and
training, seminar, or Advanced Studies are always sent are those who have a kinship. Similarly,
when there are vacant positions that were filled are those who have a kinship with the leaders,
although sometimes actually lacks adequate competencies for the position.
Implementation of instruction leadership style is inseparable from the environment and
traditional culture chronological kingdom in Soppeng, namely the adoption of the royal culture
system into the system of government. Internalization of cultural values into the kingdom of the
bureaucracy led to the character of bureaucracy that would likely put him feel taller than society
at large. Royalty on the public bureaucracy is more respected than those who have a higher
education level, occupation, the rich and other status. Value systems and cultural norms used in
bureaucracy using a "double standard." On the one hand their bureaucratic desire to behave like
a king in power to serve, on the other hand the bureaucracy also serves as a steward who should
know the needs of the communities it serves.

Table 2
Score Leadership Style

Expected Existing Average Persentage

Leadership Style (%)
value value value
Instruction 1440 1068 178 74,16
Consultation 1440 996 166 69,16
Participation 1680 1057 151 62,91
Delegation 960 633 158 65,93
Source: Processed questionnaire, 2013.

Based on the research mentioned above, the application of leadership style in the
Department of Population and Civil Registration in Soppeng "not maximal", because it is not
adapted to the maturity level employees at the agency. Therefore, the effectiveness of applied
leadership style is strongly influenced by whether or not the application of the suitability of
leadership style to the maturity level employees. Presented by Blanchard (1982) that: 1) the
maturity level is low (M1), an employee who does not have the capacity and does not have the
will, then the style is most effectively applied is a style of instruction (G1), the leader

communicates in one direction, leaders provide limits the role of employees, more leaders tell the
employee what, how, when, and which carried out the task.
Low levels of conformity leadership style that is applied to the maturity level of
employees at the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Soppeng, as influenced by
the imperial system that lasted for 657 years, where the monarchy led by Datu (aristocratic elite)
hereditary control of the kingdom. The reign of Datu to Datu use a leadership style "sorong pawo",
that all decisions are determined by Datu. The process of leadership change Datu/ King, as it is
written in "lontara" passed down to their offspring. There is no king who ruled the Kingdom
Soppeng besides heredity La Temmalala Tomanurunnge ri Sekkanyili. Thus, all the nobles Soppeng
came from one ancestor named La Temmalala.
At the time of the kingdom has been established: 1) the principles of good governance,
strong, democratic, 2) political culture that upholds the dignity, self-esteem (envious) and the
honor of the people. This culture is supported by the leaders and people. Kindness, strength and
practices of democratic governance that was pioneered in the period Tomanurung is built on a
foundation of cultural values envious, and customs that teaches to do good, moral and ethical
governance, emphasizing the strengthening of dignity, honor and self-esteem by emphasizing
the potential of the attitudes and behaviors: a) skills (amaccangeng), b) honesty (alempureng) and
c) courage (awaraningeng), as the standard of political leadership and bureaucracy.
Although bureaucracy run by referring to the social system in the form of kinship, but the
principles of justice remains a benchmark in the customs administration royal era. Kinship
systems fused with a bureaucratic system that is controlled by the envious (sirik) and custom
(pengaderreng), where institutionalization carried on the family. Implications of the
implementation of a bureaucratic system that is based firmly on the cultural values that are in
line with the social system is able to realize a pattern of governance that effectively promote the
country in the days of the empire.
Political and cultural heritage in the government bureaucracy still saw his form in the
behavior of the bureaucracy, including the leadership style bureaucrats. However, its meaning is
different from the past. Orientation dignity by maintaining honesty, develop skills, and keep the
courage embodied in the sirik and pengaderreng has changed on "orientation of interest." The mix
between the values of kinship in the past with the principles of impersonal a modern bureaucracy
poses "an anomaly bureaucracy", because they have different basic principles and contradictory
and are not governed by a formal system in a bureaucracy today. This raises the behavioral
implications: appearance and ambivalent that negatively affect the relationship bureaucratic
order, which is difficult to separate and placed precisely between bureaucratic relationship with
kinship. It can even be said to be more viscous the kinship of the competencies required for
The dominant leadership style is applied to the Department of Population and Civil
Registration in the regency is influenced by the local culture is the culture of the nobility who
hold certain positions receive high appreciation of subordinates and also adhered to by most
people. This happened because the noble souls there are two inherent elements, namely the
department and nobility. Officials or leaders are those who have a hereditary nobility that ruled

long ago (the government), they are derivatives or derivatives leaders who ruled eligible followed
and obeyed his orders.
Based on the above, the force applied instruction for employees or subordinates who have
no blood relationship with the leader, while the applied force participation and delegation of
officials who have blood relations with the leader. This can be done easily because: a) a social
strata in the regency, such as "Andi" attached to the name of the person, not just a nickname, such
as "Datu" money, "Karaeng, "Daeng", Opu" or equivalent terms with it. b) behavior of kinship is
taken for granted by society because it has become a habit (tradition) from once place until now.
Therefore, even if one does not take place (because there is no community concerned) and
accepted as a custom or tradition of the ancient kingdom.
Leadership Andi (nobility) has positive and negative values. Leadership Andi has a
positive value because no subordinate who dared to resist or refute regardless right or wrong,
because it is the truth as a tradition since the time of the royal past that always used is the
leadership style "sorong pawo" (all decisions or policies determined by aristocratic elite from the
top). Andi is a negative value leadership if the actors do not have the competence to occupy a
position as it will have an impact to subordinates or followers. Andi preferred leadership kinship
rather than competence, so herein lies the problem that needs a solution found. Therefore, to
make the leadership Andi (nobility) to "Super Leadership" (Charles C. Manz, 2001), then the
conditions that must be met include: in addition to having five instances cited by (Kouzes &
Posner, 1997), namely: honest, vision, competence, inspiration, and fair, then the other
requirements that must be met is the "social status", in this case the nobility (Andi). The reasons
are: 1) the title andi has advantages compared knighted, namely Andi attached written and verbal
(call) at the person's name, not a nickname like "Karaeng", "Daeng," Opu "or a term equivalent to
then, 2) is still accepted by society as a tradition of the royal era in 1300 s / d 1957. Then, in the
modern era, still revealed his form in the management of the bureaucracy. This is evident in
modern bureaucracies still dominated by officials who use the royalty status style instruction in
carrying out its duties and authorities as the leader of the bureaucracy. In the days of the
kingdom, a key factor in running a government is the use of the index finger is more dominant
than the use of the thumb.
Soppeng royal bureaucracy in the past known the term "Sorong Pawo" in the decision
making process. Sorong Pawo are all sorts of decisions related to the problems of the kingdom
comes from above or Datu. In the modern term is called Model Top-down approach. While in
modern government Soppeng seems still looked the reality that the top-down continues even
though the idea of a model Bottom-up has been entered in the bureaucracy, that any decision is
highly dependent on the leadership, and also in relation levels are characterized by a pattern of
"patron-client" with the leaders. The entry of the culture in the bureaucracy, among others,
through the supreme leader, as one of the channels included in the bureaucratic culture of kinship
are leaders, leaders who appoint and dismiss heads of departments (bureaucracy leader). Thus,
it is understood that there is a political factor in the bureaucracy, so as to provide services cannot
be neutral.


The dominant leadership style applied to the Public Bureaucracy in Soppeng is "style
instruction" theoretically appropriately applied to employees who have a "low maturity", i.e.
employees who do not have the ability or incompetent and do not have a high motivation to do
the job. Implementation style of instruction is influenced by several factors including: a) the
values and norms of unwritten adopted and adhered together by a majority of members of the
organization, the leadership of the nobility were more likely to use force "sorong pawo" (all
decisions or policies determined by aristocratic elite, and b) the boss of the leader, which is the
action or behavior of a structural officials largely determined by structural officers on it or its
Based on these conclusions, put forward some suggestions as follows: Leaders must treat
employees equitably in all respects, among others, as a theory of justice which in essence is an
employee comparing efforts and reward them with the effort and the reward received another
employee in a situation similar jobs, with assuming that the employee was motivated by a desire
to be treated fairly in employment. The leader of the "in" to "me" is the leader of "served" to be
leader "serving." At the present time, ideally servant leader subordinates, customers, or the public
is a top priority. This is in line with the new paradigm of governance, which served into the
concept of the concept of serving, should be reflected by the behavior of the civilian apparatus of
State / Government itself. Attitude as a true steward of and sensitive to the evolving situation in
society should be owned by each apparatus. Apparatus must be responsive to the aspirations of
all circulating and evolving in the community so that the capital armed with this new paradigm
waitress concept can be applied optimally. The leaders of the bureaucracy needs to diagnose the
ability and willingness of employees and identified into four (4) level of maturity, namely: a) low
maturity, b) the maturity of the low to the medium, c) the maturity is heading higher, and d) high
maturity. Leaders in enhancing the capabilities and skills of employees is continuously required
employee development through education, promotion and transfer of competency-based rather
than based "kinship".

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