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cus REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ‘COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, Tntramuros, Manila GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE —BRILLANTES, Sixto,3r.S. Chaiman BOARDS OF CANVASSERS ON THE —TAGLE, Lucenito W. wissoner CONSOLIDATION/CANVASS AND YUSOPH, Elias @. ‘Coissioner TRANSMISSION OF VOTES LIM, Christian Robert S. ——_Cofihissioner CONNECTION WITH THE MAY 13, PADACA, Maria Gracia Cieta M. Cyhmisioner 2013 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS. — y x Povrueey 22, 204 Promila: semamnsiee hae nesowurion no, “i pr ‘The Commission on Elections, herenafterreferres to as the Commission, by the powers vested in t by the Constlon, the Omnibus Election Code, *epubiic Act No. 9369, and other election laws, RESOLVES to promulgate the fillowng General Instructions Governing the Consolidation/Canvassing and Transmission of Votes in connection withthe May 13, 2013 Nationa and Local Elections ARTICLE ‘THE BOARDS OF CANVASSERS. Section 1. Board of Canvassers. ~ There shall be 2 Board of Canvassers in each municipality, ct, province, , n the legislative district comprising the monipalty of Pateros and the City of Taguig, both in Metro Marla, and in the Autonomous Region in Mustin nda. See. 2. Supervision and Control. ~The Commission shall have crac control _and supervision over the Boards of Canvassers and may motu proprio eve, for cause, ‘at any time, any member thereof and designate the substitute Sec. 3. Municipal Board of Canvassers. The Municipal Board of Canvassars (4B0C) shall be composed of the Election Officer or 2 representative of the Commission, as Charman; the Municipal Treasurer, as Vice-Chairman; and the Distt + ‘Schoo! Supervisor, or in his absence the most senior Principal of the schoo! cst, as Member, ‘See. 4. City Board of Canvassers. ~ The City Board of Carvascers (CBOC) shall be composed of the City Electlon Officer oF @ lawyer of the Conimission, as ‘Chakman; the Cly Prosecutor, as Vice-Chairman; and the Divison Superintendent of ‘Schools, as Member In cities with more than ane Election Ofcer, the Regional Bection Dict, in the case of the National Capital Resin (NCR), othe Provincial Election Superson the case of areas outslde the NCR, shall designate the Election Officer who shall ack as chakman, ‘Sec. 5. Provincial Board of Canvassers. - Tne Provincial Board of CCamvassers (PBOC) shall be composed ofthe Provincial Election Superisor ora lawyer ofthe Commission, as Charman; the Provincial Prosecutor, as Vice- Chatman; and the District School Superintendent, as Member-Secretary ‘Sec. 6. District Board of Canvassers for the legislative district in Metro ‘Manila, ~The Disc Board of Canvassers (DBOC) for the legislative estret of Metro ala comprising of one (1) coun ditict ofa ety and one (L) municipality shall be composed ofthe Cy Election Officer or a lawyer ofthe Commission, es Chairman, the ‘ty Prosecutor, as Vice-Chairman, and the Oty Superintendent of chicos, as Mernber- Secretary. Sec. 7. Regional Board of Canvassers for the ARMM, ~ The Regional Board of Canvasses (RBOC) In the ARM shall be composed of the Ragions! Election Director of the ARMM or a lawyer of the Commission, as Chalrman; a representative of equivalent rank from the Department of Juste, as ViceChaiman; and a representative, Ukewise, of equivalent rank from the Department «f Education, as Member-Secretary. Sec. 8. Consolidation and Canvassing System (CCS) Operators: ~ Each board of canvassers shall be assisted by an information technology canst person ‘authorized vo operate the CCS, to be known as CCS operator. Me CCS operator shall be eputzed by the Commission from among the agencies and instruentfties of the fovea nung governed an contol porns, “The OCS operators shall be designated by the Provinlal Elion’ Supervisor concerned, Inthe case ofthe cty/muniipal board of canvassers outsde th National Capital Region (NCR), and by the NCR Regional Election Directo in the case oF the cy, municipal and cstiict board of canvassers inthe NOR. The Regional Election Dlector concemed shall designate the CCS operator in the case of the pros canvassers In reglons outside the NCR and in the case of the regional board of camassers Inthe ARMM, boards of “The per dem of the CCS operator shal be the same as that ofthe members of the board of canvassers. “The CCS operator must nelther be related within the fourth cl agree of ‘consanguinty or afirty to any member af the BOC which he will assstor to any ofthe ‘candidate whose votes shall be canvassed by the BOC which he will asst Sec. 9. Substitution of chairman and members of the Board. ronavalabilty, absence, dlsqualiication due to relationship, or Inepacty for ny cause, of 8 Chairman, a ranking lawyer of the Commission shall be appintec as Incase of substitute With respect to the other members ofthe Board, the Commisson shall appoint as substitute the following in the order named: the Provincial Autor, the Register of Deeds, the Clerk of Court nominated by the Executive Judge ofthe Regional Tal Court, and any other avalable appointive provincial ofc, in the case of BOC; the officials in the cy corresponding to those enumerated, inthe case ofthe city boaid of canvassers; and the Municipal Administrator, the Municipal Assessor, the Clerk of Court of the "Municipal Telal Court nominated by the Executive Judge ofthe Municipal Tal Court, or ‘any other avallable appointive municipal offal, inthe case ofthe minicipa! board of ‘As substitute of the two (2) members of the DBOC ofthe leisatve district in Metro Manila, the Commission shall appoint the nest ranking prosecutor or district supervisor, asthe case may be, in the dsc Incase of the RBOC Inthe ARMM, the Commission shall appoint ranking lawyer ‘of the Commission and other representatives from the coresponding Qovernment agencies, as substtute chaman and members, respectively. “The authority to appoint substitute members ofthe Boards shall be vested inthe eowing 8) Chatman ofthe Commission, forthe RBOC; ') Regional Election Director, forthe PBOC in his region; ©) Provincial Eeetion Sypersor, forthe CBOC and MBOC in his roves anc 6) Regional Election Director of the National Capital Region, for the OBOC! €{8480¢ inhi raion “The Regional Election Ditector ofthe Provincial Election Supervisor, as the case ray be, shall, within twenty-four (24) hours from issuance of the appclniment of a substitute, inform la ving the Office of the Execubve Director ofthe Commission of such appointment and the reason for such substtution, Tn the case of the ROC, the (Chairman of the Commission shal, within twenty-four (24) hours from Issuance ofthe ‘appointment ofa substitute Inform the Commission ofthe substitutlon, 2nd the reason for such substitution Sec. 10, Secretary of the Board. ~ The disc school sipenisor, oF the Principal, the cy or provincial superintendent of schools, as the case may be or any representative of the Department of Eduction shall act 25 Secretary of the Board, tnlessothenvise ordered by the Commission He shall prepare the minutes ofthe Board by recording there the proceedings and such other Incidents or maters relevant to the canvass ARTICLE TE COMMON PROVISTONS Sec. 14. Notice of Meetings of the Boards. Not later than May 8, 2013, the Chairman of the Board of Canvassers shall gve written notice to Its metibars and to ‘each candidate, politcal party or coaltion of polical parties feng candidates (hereinafter referred to as politcal party), and party, orgaization/coltion participating Under the party-lt system (herelnater refered to as parylist groups) of the date, time and place ofthe canvassing, which shall be hed, unless othenvse ordered by the Commission, in the session hall of the Sangguniang Bajan/Panlungsod/ Panlatwigan/ARMM Regional Lgsative Assembly, as the case may be Notices of the canvassing shall be pasted In the offices of the Election Cfficer/ovincial Election Superisor/Reglonal Election Director, ARMM 25 the case may be, and in three (3) conspicuus places in the building where the canvass i be held Similar notices shall aso be given for subsequent meetings inless notice has been given in open session of the Board. Proof of service of the watennctice to each member, candidate, poltical party and partyist groups shall be attacted to and form part of the records ofthe proceedings. If notice is given in open sesso, such fact shall be recorded in the minutes ofthe proceedings. Failure to give notie ofthe date, ume and place of the meeting ofthe Board Is ‘an election offense under Sec. 261 (aa) (1) ofthe Omnibus Election Code. Sec. 12. Convening of the Boards. The Boards shall convene & 5:99 telock In the evening of May 13, 2013 at the designated place to Intale ‘he CS and to recelve and canvass the elecronicaly-transmited Election Returns (Es) oF the Crtflates of Canvass (COCS), asthe case maybe. It shall meet continscusy from day to day untl the canvass is completed, and may adjourn but only for the purpose of awaiting the other ERs/COCs, Sec. 13. Absence of a Regular Member of @ Board. In case 9 regular member ofthe Board Is absent, the members present shall st verify whether notice has been served on the absent member. In case-no such notice was sen, one shall be Immediaty served on the absent member, If the latter cannot be located or Ns ‘whereabouts are unknown, he shal be substituted. These facts shall be record Inthe minutes ofthe Board, AS soon as the absent member appear, the substitute member shall reingush his seat in favor ofthe regular member, Sec. 14. Prohibited Degree of Relationship. The Chaiman and embers of the Board of Canvassers shall nat be related within the fourth chil degree of consanguinity or affirity to each other or to any ofthe candidates whese vates wil be canvassed by sald Boar. Sec. 15. Prohibition Against Leaving Offical Station. During the period beginning May 13, 2013 untl the proclamation ofthe winning cendidses, qo member cor substtute member of the Board shallbe transferred, assigned or dewiled outside of his fetal statlon nor shall he leave said station without por authorty of the Commission, Such authocty may be granted by the Provincial Election Superdsoe inthe case of MBOC oF CBOC; and by the Reglonal Election Director in the case of PBOC DBOC or RBOC. In ether case, a written report shall be submitad to the Law Department. ‘See, 16, Felgned Iiness. Aay member ofthe Board feigning Tes: In order to ‘be substitute on election day until the proclamation of the winning carites shall be ‘uit of an election offense. ‘Sec. 17. Incapacity of @ Regular Member of the Board In case of Sickness or serous injury ofa regular member of tbe Board, a medical certificate shall ‘be required atesting tothe Inapacty of sald member. Upan submission of the medical certificate, a subsbtute shall be appointed, Said medical cetncate shal be recorded in ‘and form pat of the minutes ofthe Boars. See. 18. Quorum; Vote Required A majosty of te members ef the Board shal constitute @ quorum forthe transection of its ofa business, and a majority vote of al members thereot shall be necessary to render a decison. ‘Sec, 19. Powers and Functions of the Board. The Boa shal) have full authority to keep order within the canvassing room or hall including is premises and enforce obedience to Its lawful orders. IF any person shall refuse to obey any taf Corder ofthe Board or shal so conduct himself in such disorderly manner as to disturb or Interrupt Its proceedings, the Board may order in wrting any peace officer/solder to take such person into custody until the adjournment ofthe meeting. IF the absence of any peace officer, any other competent and able person deputized by the Board in weting, may execute such order. Further, the Boards shal 2) Camvass/consolate the electronically transmitted rests; 2) Generate and plat the COC, COOP and SOV; «© Beetronialy transmit the rest €) Poca the winning candidates; and «)Pectorm such other functions as may be crete by the Commission Sec. 20. Right to be present and to counsel during the canvass, Each reglstered paltical party, or coaiton of poltcal parties flding cancistes, accredited polticl partes, sectoral party/organizaton or coalition thereof partcating under the partys system and every candidate has the rghtto be present and to counsel during ‘the consolidaton/canvass of the ERs or COCS, as the case may be: Prcvded, that ony ‘one (1) counsel may argue foreach party or candidate. They shall have the right to observe the consolidation/canvass and transmission, of the ERS or COCs without touching the CCS, make observations thereon, and fle thei challenge In accordance ‘withthe rules and regulations of the Commission. The Board shall not ataw any dlatory ation 4 Sec. 21. Watchers. Fach cegstered poltcal party, oF coalion of political pales Reng candidates, acceded potical parties, sectoral patyorgahization or coalton thereof participating under the partylst system and every candidate, shall be entitled to one watcher in every canvassing center. Provided, that, the carsates for the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod, or Sangguniang Peralawigan, ARM Regional Legislative Assembly, belonging to the same slate or ticket shall collectively be ented to only one watches. ‘The dominant majority party and dominant minority party, sich the Commission shall determine in accordance with aw, shall each be entitled to one ofa watcher, “Tmere shill also be recognized sb principal watchers, representing the six ‘accreted major polical parties excluding the dominant majority and viorty partes, ‘ho shal be designated by the Commission upon nomination ofthe sad partes “The cleans arm accredited by the Commission, and ei, rtioinus, professional, business, service, youth and other similar organizations shall coletyely, with prior authority ofthe Commission, be entitled to two (2) watchers to sene atemately. A person convicted by Anal judgment of any eecton offense or of any other crime or related to any member of a Board within the fourth chit dagree of consanguinty or afraty shal nat be appointed as watcher [A watther must know how to read and write Flpin, Engsh or any oF the prevaling local dialects Under no cecumstance shall barangay officials Including barge’ tanads be appointed as watchers, The watchers shal have the right to: 2) Be present at, and take note of, all the proceecings ofthe Hoard; »b) Stay behind the Chaieman of the Board naar enough to be able to observe the cansllation/canvass of the ERs/COCs without touching te CES; and (©) Fle a protest against any iregularty noted in consoidationjcanvass of the [ERS/COCS and obtain from the Board a resolution thereon in wring Watchers shall not be allowed to participate in the deliberation othe Board, Sec. 22. Persons not allowed inside the canvassing room. (uring the canvass, it shal be unlawful for the folowing to enter the room ‘where the cansoldellon/canvass and transmission are being held orto stay within @ rads of Fity (3 eters rom sch oom 42) Any officer or member ofthe Armed Forces ofthe Plippines; ) Any officer or member of te Philippine National Police; ©) ny peace offcer or any armed or unarmed persons belonging to an extra legal police agency, specal forces, reaction forces, strike frees; or civilian ‘armed forces geoaraphical units; {Any barangay tanod or any member of barangay sel-defense uns; ©) Any member of the secutty or police organizations of government agencies, ‘commissions, council, bureaus, offices, instrumentaties, ot government- ‘owned oF controled corporations or thelr subsidies; or 1) Any member of privately owned or operated secur, investigative, prateetve or inteligance agency performing Identical or sii functions However, the Board by a majority vote, whenever it deems necessary, may ect In wrtng for the deal of policemen or peace officers for thelr protection or for the protection ofthe machines, election documents and paraphernalia nthe possession ofthe Board, or forthe maintenance of peace and order, in which case sid policemen oF peace ofcers, who shall bein proper uniform, shall stay outside the room but near ‘enough tobe easly called by the Board at anytime Sec. 23. Reception and Custody Group. The Board may constitute Reception and Custody Group (RCG) for the reception and safekeering of the main memory cord and ofthe hardeoples of ERs, atthe rte of one (1) RCG for every five hhuncred (500) clusteree precincts In the cty/muncpalty/dlsict oF one (3) RCS for each provinceregion forthe reception and safekeeping of the hardcpies of COCs and sovs, For this purpose, the Election Offeror the Provincll lection Supervisor or the Resinal Election Director in the case of ARMM, shall provide the ROG with the Project, of Precincts of the cty/municipalty/dstrict or the lst of municipaies/ctes in the province, or thelist of provinces in the ARMM, asthe case may be ‘The RCG shall be composed of not more then two (2) membels who are ‘government appointive offcials. They shall be designated by the concemed rhaiman of the Board and shall recehve honoraria computed as that ofthe members ofthe Board at {In no case shall casual employees or employees of the Oces of the Regional) Provindal Governor, or Cty/Municipal Mayor, or Punong Barangay, orth corsponding ‘Sanggunians/RepionalAssemblymen be appointed/designated as a menber ofthe RCG. “The members of the REG shal not be related to each other or te any member of the Board orto any candidate whose votes wil be canvassed by the Board, within the fourth cil degeee of consanguinity or afin. Sec. 24. Duties and Responsibilities of the Reception and Custody Group. The ROG shal 2) Receive from: 1) The BEI, the envelope containing the main memory cat of PCOS labeled "TRANSMITTED or HOT TRANSMITTED, and the envelopes cortaining the Printed copies ofthe ERs intended for cty/municpal Boad of Canvassers (cy@00), 2) The C/MBOG, the envelope containing the CD of the menicipatty CCS labeled TRANSMITTED or NOT TRANSMITTED, and the envelope containing the printed copy of the COC intended forthe Provincial Board of Canvassers; 3) The PBOG, the envelope containing the CD of the provincial CCS labeled "TRANSMITTED or NOT TRANSMITTED, and the envelope containing the Palnted copy of the COC intended for the ARMM Replonal Board of Camvassess; b) Lag the folowing: 1) Date and time of receipts 2) Condition and the serial numiver of corresponding paper seal of the envelope; 3) The precinct number of the envelope containing the memory bard or the _ctyfmuncipality/provnce ofthe envelope containing the CD; ©) ark 1) In the project of precincts the corresponding precincts wich envelope containing the main memory card labeled NOT TRANSMITTED; af 2) In the ist of cies/municpaites/provice the conesponting tty ‘unicipalty/province which envelope containing the CD of the CCS labeled NOT TRANSMITTED; 1) Group together the main memory card/CD labeled NOT TRANSIYITTED ant TRANSMITTED after recording the necessary data of the envelope and lmnmedately submit the same to the Board; ©) Pace the envelopes containing the ERs/COCS inside the bata: box, close the ‘same with security seal and Forward tothe Board, the ballot boxes containing the ERs/ COCs and one copy ofthe lit of precncts/ Ist of ctes/munlepales/provincs as tarked. Sec. 25. Zasues that may be raised during the consolldstion/ canvass. Issues affecting the compostion or proceedings ofthe Boards may be hiisted by ling verified petition before the Board or cect with the Commission. 1 the petton is fed directly with the Board ts decision may be appestd tothe Commission within three (3) days from Issuance thereof. However, if commenced ectty with the Commission, the verified petiton shall be fled immestately when the board begins to act egal, or atthe time ofthe appolntment of the member ofthe ‘board whose capacty to sit as such s objected to, “There shall be no pre-prodamation cases on isues(controversies relating tothe ‘generation/printing, transmission, recelpt and custody and appreciation of FR or the cose, Sec. 26. Submission of the Minutes of Canvass of the Boord. Whin ve (5) days from termination of canvass, the member-secretares of the Board shal, by registered mal, submit to the Law Department ofthe Commission in Vania # certified copy ofthe Minutes of Canvass ofthe proceedings and shall notify by slenram or any fastest means of communication, sald department of the date and the manner of transmittal ofthe Minutes of Canvas. ARTICLE PROCEDURES FOR CANVASSING/ CONSOLIDATION ‘Sec 27. Preliminaries to Canvassing - Before the canvassing bagi, the BOC shal obser the folowing procedures: a 8) Show to the public and the watchers present thatthe CCS bois seat 'b) Remove the plastic seal ofthe CCS box; ©) Open the CCS box; 6) Check whether the following ace inside the CCS box: 1) CCS Laptop bax which contains Laptops 1h Secure Digital ($0) car (nstated); i, Power cable ofthe laptop; Iv. Becca adaptor ofthe laptop; SIM cards (umber of Sit card wil depend onthe natn); i. Three(3) Universal Stil Bus (US) Securty Token with label Vi, USB Modem; and ii USB Extension cable 2) Four (A) envelopes wit label each containing: |. One (1) systems username and password; and |. Theae (3) USB Tokens for each BOC member containing the username and the password 3) Sealing ito be used for pullout; 4) Extension Co 5) BOC Protocol 6) Printer bos 2) Prater (HP Laserjet P1006) ) Toner nstalee) ©) Power cable ofthe printer 1d) USB cable to connect the laptop and printer 7) BGAN Box (applicable): 2) BGAN Antenna; ) Battery; 6) SIM Card (installea); «) RO4SLAN cable; ) Electrical Extension; 1) Power adapter; and 9) Power Cable £8) Memory Card Reader (Wf applicable); anc 9) Yelow te wraps; ©) Retrieve the envelopes containing the system's usemame and password and the USB tokens for each member of the Board and distrbute: the same ‘among themselves, The system's username and password shal! be in the custody of the Calman ofthe Board and 1) Retrieve the CCS laptep from is bax and place the CCS laptop renperly on top of the table Sec. 28. Procedures for canvassing. — immediately ater cowering, the Board shal recelve from the RCE the envelope containing memory car for PCOS or CD from lower canvassing Board, as the case may be, and undertake the following canvassing procedures: 8) INITIALIZATION PROCEDURES: 1. The OCS Operator shal |. Plug the power cord of the laptop tothe extension code; Th Plug the extension cord to the electrical outlet or generator, when necessary: 'W, Turn on the laptop by pressing the power button, The screen wi splay the WELCOME page ofthe CCS; Iv. Clik on “ENTER” button; ‘¥. Connect the USB modem extension cable to the USB cnrt of the laptop; vi Install te avaiable SIM car provided in the USB matem a Connect the transmission medium (e.g. USB modem, DSL, Satelite ‘or BGAN) to the USB modem extension cable. Veit for one (1) minute; Click on the network leon located at the lower right carrer of the screen, Click the appropriate wireless provider. Walt until a message “CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" Is clsplayed atthe top of the sce; If the USB modem cannct be established, and the BGAN Kit Is avalabie: 0 a » 4 5 ® 8) % 10) Insal the BGAN SIM card Inthe BGAN SIM card slot stall BGAN battery; connect the power adaptor to the 2-pin cord then to the lectricaloutet. IFneeded, use the electrical extension cord CConnerct the power adaptor tothe BGAN; Connect the BGAN tothe laptop using the nebwark cable; Prace the BGAN to an outdoor locaton with car sioht facing the sky; ‘ign the BGAN accordingly: “Turn on the BGAN by pressing the power ON button; Ensure that the BGAN Is connected to the stelite provide, (Follow instalation procedure) and “The connection icon on the lower right should Indicate a ‘sucessful network connection. "Et Connected If the connection cannat be estabished using USB modem or BGAN and VSAT or DSL Is avalable » » 2 Locate the RI-45 cable with the provided service, Plug RO-45 cable atthe Ethernet port at the tack of the CCS: laptop; For VSAT ensure that the VSAT Is connected to the satelite provider. (Follow Installation procedure) and 4) The connection Icon on the lower fight should indicate 8 successful network connection. "EthO Connected. 2. Connect the printer cable to the USB part of the laptop and the Power cable ofthe printer tothe extension cord; él, Turn onthe printer by pressing the power button; vil, Insert sufficient paper inthe printer feeder; iv ck on “ENTER” button in the WELCOME page ofthe CCS, The LOG INTO THE SYSTEM screen wil be splayed on the fight tap portion ofthe screen; ev. The CCS will require for the system's username and sassword, Request Chairman to enter the system's username end password In the space provided vl, Clk "ACCEPT" button, The screen wil display the "MASTER SWITCH” located on the right top portion of the screen; voll, Request the Chairman to again enter the systems usemame and password in the space provided xl, Click °ACCEPT” button. The screen wil display the dalogus box; xk, Request all the members of the Board, to insert ther USB tokens in the USB slot of the laptop, one at atime, enter thelr usemnames and ‘securty Key passwords Inthe space provided. Thereafter, click "OK™ button; set, Walt until the "INITIALIZATION REPORT" is dsplayer. xe. Print the “INITIALIZATION REPORT" by ccking the printer con on the upper left comer of the PRINT PREVIEW page. Walt for the printer calogue box to be displayed. Then cick the “OK button located at the lower right camer ofthe screen; veil, After” printing the “INITIALIZATION REPORT", click on the CONTINUE" button Inthe lower portion ofthe screen ah! wait for the WELCOME page to Appear. 2. The members of the Board shal sign and affix thele thurbms/ cartifation portion ofthe "Initaizaton Report"; 3, After signing and affixing the thumbmarks on the ceriation poston ofthe “INITIALIZATION REPORT", the Chatman shall show to the public the “INITIALIZATION REPORT"; and 4, The Mamber-Sacretay shall place the “INITIALIZATION REPORT” In the eveope intended forthe purpose. ») STARTING THE CANVASSING ‘ter naling the COS, in the WELCOME” page, the CCS operate shal: 1. Check and make sure thatthe CCS si onie; 2 Click on “ENTER button; and 3, Request the Chairman to enter the system's usemame and passviord in the space provided and dick on "ACCEPT button, The screen wil esplay the “HOME PAGE" ‘9 MONITORING OF RESULTS. The Board shall monitor whieh résuts have treaty bean received by the system via eletronc transmission or manalyuloaded. 1. e/MBOC. 1, Click on the “MONITORING” option in the "HOME PAGE’, thén cick on "MONITOR RESULTS TRANSMISSION", ‘Ast of barangays for the cty/muncpalty shall be csplayed with colored button beside the name of the barangay. The color ofthe button wi determine the status of transmission of the specie barengsy or poling ‘center or clustered precct/precint. Red means that transmission has not yet started; Yellow means that transmission is on-going; Gray means that transmission fs ile; and Green means that the transmission has been complete. 2. To monitor the transmission from a particular voting center under 2 barangay, ck on the "BARANGAY NAME", and a lst cf voting centers wil appear: of 3. To monitor the transmission from a particular precinct clustered pracincts under a voting center, cick on the VOTING CENTER where the precnct/custared precincts concerned belong; and 44. To update the status of transmission from the PCOS or fm a chistered precinct from time to time, click on the “UPDATE TRANSMISSION REPORT” button located atthe bottom ofthe screen. TT, PBOC/DBOC 1. Click an the "MONFTORING' option in the “HOME PAGE", and then dllck on “MONITOR RESULTS TRANSMISSION"; ‘ist of ces and municipalities n the province/district stl be displayed ‘uth colored button beside the name of the ctymunipalty, The color of the button wil determine the status of transmission of the specific ‘oty/municinalty. ad means that transmission has oot yet started _Ytloay means that transmission Is on-gong; Gray means that tensmission Isle; and Gregn.means thatthe transmission has been completed 2. To monitor the transmission from a particular cty/munkipafy, clk on the cly/muniipalty name and click canvassing station's rere, The status ofthe results wil be splayed and 3. Update the transmission status from a ciyfmunicipal CCS trom time to time, by clicking on the “UPDATE TRANSMISSION REPORT’ button. ML.RBOC 1, lek on the “MONITORING” option in the "HOME PAGE”, znd then cick on MONITOR RESULTS TRANSMISSION"; |Alist of provines in the region shall be dspayed with colored button beside the name of the ety/muncipalty. The color of the futon vs termine the status of transmission of the specific cityinunicpaty. Rex means that transmission has not yet started; Yelia means that transmission Is on-going; Grav means that transmission isle; and Green ‘means thatthe transmission has been completed 7 ® 2 2, To monitor the transmission fom a particular province, cick on the province and cick the canvassing station's name. The staus ofthe results il be spayed; and 3, Update the transmission status trom time to te, by ccking on the UPDATE TRANSMISSION REPORT” button. DISPLAY OF BARANGAY/MUNICIPAL/CITY/DISTRICT/PROVINCE/ RESULTS. This madule allows the Board to generate and ‘splay 3 report result by contest, This can be executed only If requested by the . Generation and printing of Certificate of Canvass (COC), If all expected clustered precincts (for C/MBOC) or cltymemicipsl results (for PBOC/DBOC) or provincial results (or RBOC) have been received the ‘Board shall generate the COC. For this purpose, the CCS apeeta shal ‘a. Clck the "CANVASSING option in the HOME PAGE; b, Click the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS (CCQ)". A dialogue box wil be esplayed; Request all members ofthe Board, to insert thelr USB tokens, ane at ‘a ume, enter thelr username and securty key passnord Inthe space provided, and thereafter, ck "OK" button; ‘The CCS shall play the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS COC)" lacted at the right top portion ofthe screen. Gick the checkbox beside the ttle “CONTEST/QUESTION) DELIBERATIVE ORGANIZATION’ for the: “CONTEST PROCLAIMED PORTION"; ana ‘ |. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS", {&. Gick on “CONTINUE” button located atthe bottom ofthe screen; f. The CCS shall generate the COC and then display “CTTY/MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT/PROVINCE COC”. Serol down to view the COC; ‘9. Print the COC by clking on the printer lean, then type "39" In space ‘provide forthe number of copes tobe printed. Ther cic “OK"; h, Glick on “CONTINUE” button located at the bottom potion of the screen; and the screen wil ctu to the "HOMEPAGE". If the CCS remains ide for 60 seconds, a clalgue box vill bo displayed requling the insertion oF the three (3) secunty tokens nthe USB slot The Board shal, insert ther USB tokens, one at a tine, enter their ‘usemame and security key password in the space provided and ‘thereafter, clk "OK" button, Lowering of Threshold I. not all ofthe expected resuits are recelved, the MBOC/CBOC shall very from the BEL concermed the reason fr the non-ransvittal of the rests Lukewise, the PROC shall very from the MBOC/CBOC conferned the reason forthe Incomplete or non-transmital ofthe municipal results. 1, based onthe verification, It becomes clear that there Isno way that the lacking resuits can be transmitted to the MBOC/CBOC/OBO/PAD, as the ‘case may be, and said resus will no longer affect the resut of the election in a particular poston, the Board shall, generale and print the ‘certificate of canvass by poston, For ths purpase, the Chairman ofthe Board, through the CCS operator shall 4) Call the National Support Canter (NSC); Ask authority to lower the threshold and the resson thereof. IF ‘approved, the NSC shall isue the "ADMIN USERNANE AND PASSWORD", fr lowering the threshold “The Member-Secetary shall enter such fact the Minutes of “The CCS operator shal: ©) Go to the WELCOME PAGE of the CCS then click "ENTER; The LOG INTO THE SYSTEM screen vill be displayed on the right ton portion of the screen; 14) Request the Chatman ofthe Board to enter the admis ussrame and password In the space provided; 2) Click "ADMINISTRATION"; 1) Clk “PARAMETERS CONTEST"; 19) Enter the "CONTEST" whose threshold willbe lowered. The CCS wil require forthe passwords) ofthe postion(s) whose threshold wil be lowered 1h) Enter in the columa for GENERATED PASSWORD and oposite the CONTEST(s) whose threshold wil be lowered, the FASSWORD, and then click °VALIDATE PASS", The fed forthe "remaining numberof resistred voters wil be actuated"; 1) Enter the remaining sumer of registered voters to 3e canvassed In the column "NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS THAT MAYBE LEFT Our OF THE CoC", 4) Enter “SAVE CHANGES". ‘The sereen at the upper lft portion wil show that "CHANGES SAVED SUCCESSFULLY"; K) Press "EXT™, and the screen wl return to the WELCOME PAGE; 1) Clck on “ENTER” button in the WELCOME PAGE of the CCS, The LOG INTO THE SYSTEM screen will be displayed on the ight top portion ofthe screen; Im) Clk the * CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE; 1) Clek the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS (COQ). A dials box wit be asplayed 1, 0} Request al members of the Board, one ata time, to ser their USB token, type thelr usemame and security key password inthe space provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button; ‘The CCS shall display the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS (COCy" located at the igh top partion ofthe saan; P) Click the checkbox of the contests) whose thesheld lewared beside the: ) washers 1. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED PORTION"; and “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS”. 19) Clek on “CONTINUE” button located atthe bottom ofthe sen; The CCS shall generate the COC and then display °CITY/MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT/PROVINCE COC". Scral down to view the COC; *) Print the COC by ccking on the printer ion, then type "39" in space provide forthe number of capes tobe printed. Ter click "OK 5) Glck on “CONTINUE” button located at the bottom portion of the sereen; and the screen wil return tothe "HOMEPAGE". LIF the OCS remains ide for 60 seconds, a dhalogue box wil be csplayed requiring the insertion of the three (3) secunty tokens x the USB slot The Board shal, insert thelr USB tokens, one at 3 tine, enter their usemame and secunty key password in the space provided and ‘thereafter, cick “OK" button. If, based on the verification, ft becomes clear that there Is no way for the lacking resuts to be transmitted to the MBOC;CBO¢/DBOC or PROC, as the case may be, and sald resuts wil affect the standing of the candidates In @ particular poston, the Board shal, upon approval of the Commission, can lower the threshold by follaing the above procedures. 6 4) TRANSMISSION ON RESULTS ‘Aer generating and prntng the COCS forall postions and announcing the results, the Board, through the CCS operator, shall immediatly transmit the ‘COCs tothe Canvassing Boards concerned. The CCS operator shal 1, Cc the "ADMINISTRATION" option fro the “HOMEPAGE"; 2, Clik “TRANSMIT RESULTS" option in the HOME PAGE, A Walogue box vl be displayed 3, Request any member of the Board, to insert his USB token, enter his Uusemame and securty key password In. the space provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button; “The CCS shall display the "TRANSMIT RESULTS" located at the right top potion ofthe screen 4 (lek the checkbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION) DELIPERATIVE ORGANIZATION" forthe: |. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED" portion; ll. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS” portion; If the Board generated the COCS for selected CONTEST(s) as a result of lowering the threshold, only the results for sald selected CONTESTS wll be transmitted. For this purpose, the CCS operator instead of checking the ‘checkbox beside the tle *CONTEST/QUESTICN/DELIBRATIVE ORGANIZATION", he shall only check the checkbox ofthe COWTEST(s) to be transmitted beside the: |. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED" porton; and j. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS” potion, 5, Clck on CONTINUE” button located tthe bottom portion ofthe screen; ‘Wilt unt all contests are listed on top of the screen with & message “SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED; 6, Click "ACCEPT" button, A dlalogue box wil be displayed recuiring the Insertion ofa security token inthe USB sot 7. Request any member of the Board to insert his USB token, entar his Uusemame and securty key password in the space provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button; and The CCS wil automaticaly splay the "HOMEPAGE, h) GENERATION AND PRINTING OF CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF vores (sov) 4. Click the “CANVASSING option in the HOME PAGE; 2. Clck the “CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF VOTES (SO\)". A dlalogue box wit be displayed; 3. Request any two (2) members ofthe Board to insert thelrsecvity tokens In the USB slot, one at a time, enter thelr username and security Key password in the space provided, and thereafter, click “OK”buttns ‘The CCS shall splay the “CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF VOTES (50 located atthe right top portion ofthe screen, 4, (lek the checkbox beside the tile “CONTEST/QUESTIONDELIBERATIVE ORGANIZATION", ithe SOV forall contests shall be generted, forthe ‘2. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED” portion; ancl “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS" portion, 1 the SOV for selected contests) wil be generated, the CCS Operator hall only check the checkbox of the CONTESTs) beside the: i. “CONTEST PROCLAIMED” portion; and I “CONTEST PROCLAIMED BY OTHER BOARDS" portion, 5, Clck on “CONTINUE” button located atthe bottom potir of the screen; 6, Walt until the print preview of the SOV Is splayed. Clicc on the printer Icon, then type "in the space provided forthe number af copes. Then ‘ick “OK” and, 7. Click “CONTINUE” button, andthe CCS wil return to HOMEPAGE: IF the CCS remains ie for 60 seconds, 2 celogue box stil be dlsplayed! requlng the insertion of the two (2) secur takens Inthe USB st Any two 2) members ofthe Board shall, insert their USB tokens, one ata time, enter ‘their usemame and secunty key password In the space provided and ‘thereate, cok “OK” button. 1) GENERATION OF CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS AND PROCLAMATION, ‘The CCS operator shal: 4 Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE; 2, Click the "CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS AND PROCLAMATION". A dialogue tox wl be displayed 3. Request all members of the Beard, to insert thelr USB tokens, one at a time, enter their username and secunty key password In the space provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button; ‘The screen for “CERTIFICATES OF CANVASS AND PROCLAMATION (COCP)” wil be spayed. 4. Clck onthe spacfe psition to generate its COCP5 ‘The screen will elsplay the lst of candidates with corresporing votes ‘arranged fom highest to lowes, 5. Click "ACCEPT" button. A dialogue box wil be displayed. 6, Request all members ofthe Boar, to Inset their USB Iokens, one at & time, enter thelr usemame and password in the space provided, and thereafter, cick “OK” button; ‘a In case there are no candidates receiving the same number of votes for a pestion, the screen wil splay the Ist of names of canditates {for Said poston arranged In the order depending on the votes ‘gamered frm highest to lest. Click "ACCET” button located at the bottom of the screen. The CCS shall generate COCP. of In case there are candidates receving the same numer of votes for the same positon, the Board immediatly notify the sad candidates to appear before them for the drawing of lots to break the te. The raving of lots should be conducted within one (1) hour afer issuance of notice by the Board tothe candidates concemed. For this purpose, the candidates or their representatives for ‘municipality or Member, House of Representative fosons, in the case of MBOC/CBCOC/DBOC, or the candidates or thelr representatives for provincial postions, Member, House of Representatves, and ARM Regional Assemblyman, In the case of PBOC, or the caidas for Regional Governor and Vice-Governor, In the case of ARM RBOC, are hereby required to be present at all stages of the canvass, After the Board has determined the winners, the Board shal roceed with the hereunder procedures, Tin case of Ue, the screen wil dspay 2 The ist of names of candidates for said postion aranged in the order depending on the votes garnered from highest vest . A rato button at the rightmost column ofthe sare roy with the fname ofthe candidates; “The Board shall ask the CCS operator to: ‘a. Arange the order ofthe name ofthe candidate inte Hist based on the result ofthe drawing of ots, using the radio bution; . Glick on the rado button located at the same row with the candidate name to move up the name ofthe winng cantidate, i needed; ‘6 Gick on the “MOVE UP" button, Aer completing te arrangement of winners with ate votes; 4. Clck on the box beside the command "ACCEPT DEFINED ORDER" locate atthe tp ofthe sereen; of {2 Click on the *ACCEPT™ button, The screen wil csplay the Ist of ames of candidates for said postion arranged In the order selected {Click “ACCEPT” button, The CCS shall elspay the name of winning candidates arranged in te order selected and generate COCP, then proceed to procedure number 7hereot. ‘The candidate who won In the drawing of lots ant so procaimed shall have the eght to assume office In the same manter as if he had been elected by plurality of votes. 7. ick “PRINT” button found at the bottom ofthe screen. A datogue ox wil be displayed. 8, Request all members ofthe Board, to Insert thelr USB tokens, one at te, ‘enter their username and security key password! In the space provided. “Thereafter, ck "OK" button; ‘The pint preview ofthe COCP vl be displayed. 8. Click on the printer lan, and then type “the number of cops” Inthe space provided for the numberof copies. Then click “OK"; 10.After printing the COCP, cick "CONTINUE", and the sereen wl return to the HOMEPAGE. Repeat procedures 1 to 11 unl all positions are generated wih COCP. Uf the OCS remains idle for 60 seconds, a dialogue box willbe dlspayed requting the insertion of the three (3) secunty tokens in the USB sot. The ‘Board shall, one ata tim, insert thelr USB tokens, enter thelr usemame and secunty key password in the space proviéed and thereafter, clk “OK” button |) PRINTING OF AUDIT LOG The CCS operator shall: 1) Check the “EVENTS LOG" option inthe HOMEPAGE; ” 2) Click “VIEW/PRINT LOGS REPORT" option. A dalogue box wil be displayed requling the insertion ofa securty token in the USB slot. 23) Request any member ofthe Board ta Insert hs USB token, enter his username and securty key password in the space provided. Thereafter, cick OK" button; 4) The screen wl dsplay the logs oF the CCS; 5) Click the PRINT button atthe bottom ofthe screen; {6) Clik the peiter lon and press OK button; 7) Click CONTINUE button and the screen wil return to HOMEPASE. BACK-UP ‘Aer ll the ess have been succesfully transmitted, te CCS Operts shal: 1 Insert blank ds nthe CD dive; 2, Cc the "ADMINISTRATION" nthe HOME PAGE; 3 Cle "BACK-UP RESULTS"; 4. A ealogue box all be displayed requiring the Insertion of two (2) security tokens in the USB slot, Request any two (2) members ofthe Board to insert, ‘one at a time, thelr USB tokens enter the usemame and séeurty key password in the space provided. ‘Thereafter, cck “OK” button; 5, Walt until the back-up process Is fished; 6, The CCS wit splay the lst of postions with reports generated. and a message "SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED CD BACKUP REQUEST" at the top of the screen, 7. Click “ACCEPT” button. A dalogue bax wil be displayed. Request an two (2) ‘members ofthe Board to Inset, one at a ime, thelr USB teers, type their Username and security Key password Inthe space provided. Thereafter, dick “OK button and the “HOMEPAGE wil be displayed; 8, Remave the CD from the CD drive; 28) Plece inside an envelope provided for the purpose and seal the same; ) Label the envelope with “TRANSHTTTED® or “NOT TRANSMITTED" to show whether the resus are transmitted or not; ©) Indicate inthe envelope the cty/municipaty and province, and 4) Sign the envelope; (Note: The CD shall be used by the Boards in case of {allure of transmission) 9. Repeat steps 1to 8 to back-up the es in two (2) addtional csc, 10. Turn-Over the envelopes containing the CDs tothe Chaiman ofthe Board; 11, Submit to the Reception and Custody Group of the Provincial Board of Ccanvasser (for CIMBOC) National Board of Canvassers (for FBOC)/ Regional Board of Canvassers (for ARMM PBOC), “The two duly sealed envelopes containing the two (2) CDs usec to hack-up the caty/munipal or provincial or regional resuits shall be submit to the PBOC and Commission. SHUTTING DOWN OF THE ccs ‘ARer printing of all the reports and . transmission of the municipalctystrct/peovinclal resus to all destinations, the flowing shall be undertaken: 1. Click on the "EXIT" option inthe "HOMEPAGE, 2, Press the power button. The screen wil display a message "SHUT DOWN ‘THe COMPUTER; 3, Click on the “SHUTDOWN” button; 4. Turm-over CCS laptop tothe Technician. POST PRINTING ACTIVITIES Immediately after printing copes ofthe COCs, and SOVS, the Board shal: [Afi thelr signatures and thumb marks on the printed COCs) SOVS and coe; 2. Ask the watchers present to aff ther signatures and thumb mars on the printed COCs, Sov and CocP; 3. The Chatman of the Board shall publicly announce the tal number of voles received by each candidate, stating thelr comesponcing afc; 4. ‘The Member-Secretary shall announce the posting of the COCS on the wall ulti the presses of the canvassing area; and 5. The Member-Secretary shall place in the coresponding envopes with paper seals al reports, 1) PROCLAMATION OF THE WINNING CANDIDATES. | candidate who obtained the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed by the Board, except forthe following: 1. In case the certificate of candidacy ofthe candidate who obtains the highest humnber of votes has been cancelled or denied due course by @ final and ‘executory Decision oF Resotion, the votes cast for such canidate shall be considered stray, hence, the Board shall proceed to prodain the candidate ‘who obtains the second highest of number votes, provided, tho later's ceticate of cancidacy as not Hkewise been cancelled by = ‘nal anc ‘executor Decision or Resolution; 2. In case a candidate has been declared a nuisance candldste by tinal and ‘executory Decision or Resolution, the votes cast for the nuisance canddate shall be added to the candidate who shares the same suname as the nuisance candidate and thereafter, the candidate who garnered the highest ‘umber of votes shall be proclaimed; In case of two or more cancldates having the same sirnames aS the hrulsance candidate, the votes cast for the nuisance candidat= shall be considered as stray votes and shall not be credited to any canto; In case the nuisance candidate does not have the same sumame as any candidate for the same poston, the votes cast for the nuisance candidate shal be considered as stray votes; and of 53, In case a candidate has been disqualified by a final and execttory Decision or Resolution and he obtains the highest number of votes cast for @ particular position, the Board shall not prodaim the canddate and the rule of succession, f allowed by aw shall be cbserved. In case the pion does not low the rue of succession under Republic Act No. 7160, the poston sha be deemed vacant. Inall cases, a Decision or Resolution is deere final and executor If In case of, 3 Division ruling, no mation for econsideration i fled within the reslomentary Petod, or in cases ofthe rung ofthe Commission én Ban, no restraining order was Issued by the Supreme Court within five (5) days from receot of the Decision of Resolution. In cases where a Petiton to Deny Due Course or cancel 3 Ceticate of candidacy, Declare a Nuisance Candidate, or for Disqualification remains pending lth the Commission on the day of canvassing and no order ef suspension of ‘proclamation I Issued by the Commission Bn Banc or DNsion where said Petition ' pending, the Board shal proceed to prociaim the winner. ‘In cases where the generated/printed COCP does not reflect the rue winner for a particular postion by reason of the circumstances stated above, the Board Is ‘authored to effect the necessary conection on the entry for sald positon, to reflect the true winner 2s determined in accordance withthe foregoing rules, provided all the members of the Board countersgn such entry. Such fact shall be entered Inthe Minutes. ARTICLE IV DISTRIBUTION OF THE COCs, COCPs and SOVs ‘See. 29, Distribution of COCs and SOVs.— Upon completion ofthe canvas, the ‘Boards shall lstribute the COCS and SOVS, as follows 4) In case of MBOC/CAOC: 1 The fst copy shall be delivered to the PBOC for use in the canvass of election results for senators, members of the House of Represenatives, partes, cxganlzations or coaltions participating under the partyist system, dnd elective Provincial oficial; 2, The second copy shal be sent tothe Commission; 3. The third copy shall be kept by the chairman ofthe board; 4. The fourth copy shall be gven tothe PPCRV as the citizens’ arm designated by the Commission to conduct and unoffial count, 1 shall be the duty of the PPCRY to furnish independent candidates copies ofthe COC at the penses of the requesting party; 5. The fith copy shall be posted on a wall within the premises of the canvassing center and shal be supported by a Statement of Votes by precinct 6. The sith copy and seventh copes shall be given to the dominant majority and ‘minorty panties; 7. The eghth to seventeenth copies shal be given tothe tn (20) accreted major rational parties, excluding the dominant majority and minority partes, in accordance witha voluntary agreement among them, If na such agreement Is reached, the Commission shall decide which partes shall acave the copies onthe basis ofthe criteria provided In Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7166; 8, The eighteenth and nineteenth coples shal be gven tothe two accredited major Jocalparis in accordance with voluntary agreement among them. Ifo such ‘agreement is reached, the Commission shal decide which partes shall receive the aoples on the basis of criteria analogous to that provided n Secon 26 of Republic Act No. 7166; 9, The twentieth tothe twenty-fourth copies, to natonal broadcast or print media entities as my be equitably determined by the Commission In view of propagating the copes tothe widest extent possible; 10.The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth copies, to local broadcast or print media entites as may be equtably determined by the Commisson in view of Propagating the copes to the widest extent possible; and 11.The twenty-seventeenth to the thimieth copies, to the major citizens! arms, lnduding the accreted citizens’ arm,,and other non-partsan groups or organizations enisted by the Commission pursuant to Section 52 (k) of Batasan Pambansa fg, 681, Such clizens’ arm, groups and organizations may use the three certified copes or ERS forthe conduct of ctizens’ quick cunts atthe focal or national levels i “The fst, Second and third copies ofthe COC shall be supported bythe CDs used to backup the munlciga/cty consolidated resus and shall be pled individually In a duly sealed envelope. For this purpose, the Board shall accomplish the cecation marked a5 “ANNEX A b) In cage of PBOC or CBOC of cities comprising one or mere legislative Aisticts, and BBOC: ~ 1. The fst copy shall be sent to the Commission for use In the canvass of the lection results for Senators; 2, The second copy shal be kept by the chairman of the board; 3, ‘The thts copy shall be given ta the PPCRV asthe zens arm desgnated by the ‘Commission to conduct an unofficial count. It shal be the duly ofthe ctzens’ arm to furish independent candidates copes ofthe COC atthe expense of the requesting party, 4. The fourth copy to be posted on 3 wal within the premises of the canvassing center and shall be supported by a Statement of Votes by precinc, Inthe ease of ‘CBOC of ches with one or more legisative dsrict or Statement of Votes by _ayrounciality inthe case of PBOC/DBOC; 5, The fit and sixth copies to the dominant majrty and minority partes; 6. The seventh and eight copies to two actredted major rational partes representing the majorty and minorty, excluding the dominant mafery and minority parties, to be determine by the Commission on the bas ofthe criteria provided in Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7166; 7, The ninth to eleventh copies to national broadcast media enties as may be ‘equitably determined by the Commission in view of propagating the copies to the widest extent possible; and 8, The twelth copy to another citizens’ arm or in the absence theref, to a non- partisan group or organization enlisted by the Commission pursuant to Section 52(k) of Batas Pambansa Sl 881. Such cizens' arm or non-partisan group oF ‘organization may use the copy of election return for the conduct of chtizens’ quick “The fist and second coples of the COC shall be supported by tie CDs used to backup the cty/provineialiistrict consolidated resuits, and shal be placed af Indivduaty Ina uly sealed ervelope, For this purpose, the Bard. shall accomplish the certification marked a5 "ANNEX A”. ©) Incase of RBO 4, The first copy, to the Regional Boar of Canvassers; 2. The second copy, tothe Election Records and Statistics Department, Commission on Bletons, Manila; 3. The third copy to the Charman ofthe Provincial Board of Canvassers; 4 The fourth copy, to the PPCRV, the ier’ arm designated by the Commission; 5. The fith copy, tothe dominant majorty party as determined by the Commission; 6. The sth copy, to the dominant minor party as determined bythe Commission. ‘See. 30, Distribution of COCP and SOVs. ~The Board shall generat and print sufficient copies ofthe COCP and one (1) copy of the SOV to be distributed as follows ) MBoc/ceoc 1, To the tection Records and Statistics Department (ERSD) ofthe Comision; 2 To’be posted onthe bulletin board of the municipal hal, supported by SVP; 3, To the Chakman, MBOC/CBOC; 4, To the Secretary, Sangguniang Bayan Panlungsod; 5, To the Muna Treasurer; 6, To. winning Conddat fr Mayor; Waning Candie for Vice-Mayer; snd 7. To each winning Candidate for members of the Sangguniang Bayen/Panlungsod. b) FOR CBOC IN CITIES COMPROMISING ONE OR MORE LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS/HIGHLY URBANIZED CITIES 1. For wlnning candidate for Congressman/Member of House of Representatives: 8) To the ERSD ofthe Commission; ) To be poste on the bulatin board ofthe ty hal, supported by SOVP; ©) To kept by the Chairman of the Board «) To the Regional Election Director, €) To the Seccetary-General ofthe House of Representatives; ard 1) To the winning candidate, 2, For Winning Candidates for Cty Offices 28) To the Secretary of the Sangguniang Pankingsod; ) To the Charman, CBOC; {Tote ERSD ofthe Commision; 8) Tothe Chy Treasurer ©) To the Regional Election Director; 1) To each ofthe wining candidates procaimed; and 4) Tobe posted on the bulletin bord ofthe cy hal, supported by SOV. ©) PBoc 1 To the ERSD of the Commission; 2, Tothe Chatman ofthe PBOC; 5, Tothe Secretary ofthe Sangguniang Panalawigan; 4, To the Reglonal Election Director; and 5, To.each ofthe winning candidates. B. REO 1, To the ERSD ofthe Commission; 2. To the Chakman, Regional Board of Canvassers; To the Secretary, Reslonal Assemby “To the Secretary of the DILG; and “To the Winning Candidates for Regloal Governor and Vice-Gavena. ARTICLE V POST CANVASSING PROCEDURES. Sec. 31. Delivery of the Certificate of Canvass, ~ The Chelan of the Board shall personally deliver by fastest means the hard copies of COCS and SOVS Including the backup CDs tothe folowing a a) In case of MBOCyCBOC: 1. Te the PBOC, @ copy of the Certincate of Canvass for Senator, Pary-ist, Member, House of Representatives, Governor, ViceGavernor and Sangguniang Panlalawigan and Regional Governor, Vie=-Governor and Reglonal Assemblyman for ARMM; ') In case of PBOC, CBOC In cles comprising two or more legisaive csr, and Boe: 1. To the Commission siting as the National Board of Canvassers for Senator ‘and Party-st 2, To the RBOC, for Regional Governor and Vice-Governor for ARV, Sec. 32. Safekeeping of hard copies of ERs or COCs, backeup and CCS.~ “The Board shall place the ERs/COCS ln ballot boxes that shall be locked vith two (2) sefilly numbered sellocklng seals, The seral numbers of every sel used shall be entered inthe Minutes. “The sai ballot boves shall be kept in a safe and secured room before, during ‘and after the canvass. The doar to the room shall be lacked with thre pdocks with the keys thereof kept by each member ofthe Board. “The watchers shall have the right to guard the room, ARTICLE VE ELECTION OFFENSES; ELECTORAL SABOTAGE Sec. 33. Election Offenses; Electoral Sabotage. In sillian to the prohibited acts and election offenses mentioned herein and those en:imerated In Sections 261 and 262 of Batas Pambansa Blg. S81, a5 amended, Republic Act 7166, a5 ‘amended, and other related election laws, the folowing shall be guily of an ection offense 18) Any person who removes the COC posted on the wall, wether within or ater the prescribed forty-eight (48) hours of posting, or defaces the same in any manner; Any person who simulates an actual COC or statement of vtes, ora pint oF hal copy thereof; ) Any persan who simulates the certification of a COC or statenent of votes; 1) The Chaieman oF any member of the Board of camvassers who, during the prescribed period af posting, removes the COC or ts supparing siatement of votes from the wall on which they have been posted otter than for the Purpose of immediately transferring them to 2 more suitable pace 1) The chakman or any member of the Board of canvassers who signs oF authenticates a print ofthe COC or is supporting statement of votes outside ofthe poling place; 1. The Chairman or any member of the Board of camvassers who signs or authenticates 2 print which bears an image diferent fem tie COC or statement of votes preluced after counting and posted onthe wl Further, the folowing shall be guity of a special election offense to be known as lectoral sabotage: 1) Any person or member of the Board of election inspecor or Board of canvassers who tampers, Increases or decreases the votes received by a candidate in any election or any member of the Board who refuses, ater proper verification and hearing, to credit the correct vote or deduct such tampered votes: Provided, however, That when the tampering, Increase of decrease of votes or the refusal to credit the correct votes andor to deduct tampered votes are perpetrated on a large scale or In substantat numbers, the same shall be considered, not as an ordinary elation offense under Section 261 and/or 262 ofthe Omnibus Election Code, but a special election “offense to be known as electoral sabotage and the penalty to be imposed shal be lite imprisonment. ‘The act of offense commited shal fall under the category of electoral sabotage In any ofthe following instances: 1. When the tampering, Increase and/or decrease of votes perpetrated or the refusal to credt the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes, is/are committed in the election of a rational elective office which Is voted upon rnatlonwide and the tampering, increase and/or decrease votes, refusal to credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered yates, shall adversely affect the rests ofthe elections tothe ssid national office to the extent at losing candidate is/are made to appear the winners; 2, Regardless of the elective office Inolved, when the tapering, increase andor decrease of votes committed or the refusal to credit tre corac votes ‘orto deduct tampered votes perpetrated, is accomplished in a single election co 839 document oF In the transpesiion of the fgures/resuls trem one election document to another and involved in the said tampering Incresse andor decrease of refusal to cret correct votes or deduct tampered votes excced five thousand (5,000) votes, and thatthe same adversely affects the trie esults of the ection; and 3. Any and all ther forms or tampering increase/s andr decease’ of votes perpetuated or In case of refusal to credit the correct vos oF deduct the tampered votes, where the total votes involved exceed then thousand (10,000) votes. [Any and alt other persons or Induidvals determined to be in conssracy orn connivance with the members of the BEls or BOCS Involved, shall be meted the same penalty fife lmprisonment. ARTICLE VIE EFFECTIVITY AND DISSEMINATION Sec. 34. effectivity. ~ This Resolution shall take effect on te seventh (7) ay folowing Its publication In two (2) daly newspapers of general drcuistion In the Prlppines. Sec. 35, Dissemination. ~ The Eduction and Information Department shal cause the publication of this Resolutlon in two (2) dally newspapers of general Cieulation in the Philippines and to furish the Department of Justice, Department of Education, the Department of Finance, all Regional Becton Diretors) Provincial ‘Supervisors and Election Officers, and Ciy/Provinca/Diision and City Superintendent of Schools and the City/Municipal Treasurers wth the copes of this Reston SOORDERED. ENITO.N|FAGLE Hie eit i si er aie yen ble Yee ke salindatinclille

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