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Menulis adalah suatu keterampilan berbahasa yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi secara tidak

langsung atau tanpa tatap muka dengan orang lain. Keterampilan menulis tidak akan dimiliki
seseorang secara otomatis, melainkan harus melalui latihan dan praktik secara terus menerus.
Keterampilan menulis juga bukanlah suatu keterampilan yang sederhana, melainkan menuntut
sejumlah kemampuan.

Writing is important to student learnt, because writing one of skill in English. Writing

is very important because writing is one of in English language. As state by Routledge,

writing is an activity that can usefully be prepared for by work in the other skills of

listening, speaking and reading.1 Its means that writing is important to someone who want

to prepared for the work, because writing is one of competence which people have in the

work. Writing ought to understand for students because writing important the student

Writing is not a simple or easy subject. Keterampilan menulis bukanlah suatu

keterampilan yang dapat di ajarkan melalui uraian atau penjelasan semata. Siswa tidak

akan memperoleh keterampilan menulis hanya dengan mencatat apa yang ia dengar.

Pembelajaran menulis dapat di lakukan dengan melakukan kegiatan menulis terus

menurus. Keterampilan menulis bisa di tuangkan dalam bentuk wacana atau text.

1 Routledge.. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and writing English/ I.S.P. Nasution. New York. 2009.p.113
Writing is a language skill used to communicate indirectly or face-to-face with others. Writing
skills will not be possessed automatically, but must be through practice and practice
continuously. Writing skills is also not a simple skill, but requires a certain amount of ability.
Writing is important to student learn, for writing one of skill in English. Writing is very
important because it is one of English language. As state by Routledge, "writing is an activity
that can usefully be prepared for by work in the other skills of listening, speaking and reading. Its
means that writing is important to someone who want to be prepared for the work, because the
writing is one of the competence which people have in the work. Writing ought to understand for
students because writing important the student learn.
Writing is not a simple or easy subject. Writing skills is not a skill that can be taught through a
mere explanation or explanation. Students will not acquire writing skills just by noting what they
hear. Learning writing can be done by doing writing activities continue to take care of. Writing
skills can be poured in the form of discourse or text.

Writing is not a simple or easy subject. Writing skills is not a skill that can be

taught through a mere explanation or explanation. Students will not acquire writing skills

just by noting what they hear. Learning writing can be done by doing writing activities

continue to take care of. Writing skills can be poured in the form of discourse or text.

Based on English syllabus in senior high school at tenth grade, there are kind of


The students still lack vocabulary mastery and still does not put or choose

punctuation with correct. Punctuation that does not fit within a text, making the text

content is not coherence with each other so that the students still does not clearly make

good sentence. And the last component in English is grammar.

Beside this, the students made activity writing should through various kind of


If the teacher ask they to do activity writing, some of the students cannot write because
they have no idea and afraid tend to make grammatical errors.

. So that some of the students not understanding simple past tense when teacher ask the
students make sentence or paragraph in using simple past tense.

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