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The Fraud Diamond: Considering

the Four Elements of Fraud
By David T. Wolfe and for CPAs seeking to understand and man- nalization, the authors' four-sided "fraud
Dana R. Hermanson age fraud risks. The framework has been diamond" also considers an individual's
fomially adopted by the auditing profes- capability: personal traits and abilities
espite intense efforts to stamp out sion as part of SAS 99. that play a major role in whether fraud may

D L-orruption. misappropriation of
assets, and fraudulent financial
reporting, it appears that fraud in its vari-
A Different Way to Think About Fraud Risks
The authors believe that the fraud trian-
actually occur even with the presence of
the other three elements.
Many frauds, especially some of the
ous foniis is a problem that is increasing gle could be enhanced to improve both multibillion-dollar ones, would not have
in frequency and severity. KPMG's Fraud fraud prevention and detection by consid- occurred without the right person with the
Survey 2003 documented a marked ering a fourth element. In addition to right capabilities in place. Opportunity
increase in overall fraud levels since its addressing incentive, opportunity, and ratio- opens the dtwrway to fraud, and incentive
1998 survey, with employee fraud by far
the most common type of fraud. The
2003 survey also noted that fraudulent
financial reporting had more than doubled
from 1998. This trend is consistent with
the unprecedented recent spate of large THE FRAUD DIAMOND
accounting frauds (Enron, WorldCom), as
well as the increased number of account-
ing restatements and SEC enforcement
actions in recent years. (See 2003 Annual
Review of Financial Reporting Matters
by the Huron Consulting Group and the Incentive Opportunity
SEC's Report Pursuant to Section 704 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.)

In response to the fraud problem.

Congress and regulatory authorities have
enacted tougher laws and increased
enforcement actions. Organizations are
implementing tighter controls and broader
oversight. The auditing profession has
adopted more rigorous auditing standards
and procedures, and softv^-are developers
are adding continuous monitoring features
to back-office systems. It remains unclear
whether these efforts are sufficient to mit-
igate the fraud problem.
Many studies suggest fraud is more like-
ly to occur when someone has an incen-
tive (pressure) to commit fraud, weak con-
trols or oversight provide an opportunity
for the person to commit fraud, and the Rationalization Capability
person can rationalize the fraudulent
behavior (attitude). This three-pronged
framework, commonly known as the
"fraud triangle." has long been a useful tool


and rationalization can draw the person The Person with Capability not available to others. For example, a CEO
loward it. But the person must have the Based on one author's experiences in or divisional president has the positional
capability to recognize the open doorway investigating frauds for the past 15 years. authority to influence when contracts or
as an opportunity and to take advantage there are several essential traits for com- deals take effect, thus affecting the timing
of it by walking through, not just once, but mitting fraud, especially for large sums or of revenue or expense recognition.
lime and time again. Accordingly, the crit- for a long period of time (Exhibit 2). First. Fraudulent Einancial Reporting:
ical question is. "Who could turn an oppor- the person's position or function within 1987-1997. An Analysis of U.S. Public
tunity for fraud into reality?" the organization may fumish the ability to Companies {Beasley et al.. 1999) found that
Using the four-element fraud diamond, create or exploit an opportunity for fraud corporate CEOs were implicated in over
a fraudster's thought process might pro-
ceed as follows {Exhibit I):
Incentive: I want to, or have a need
to. commit fraud.
Opportunity: There is a weakness in
the system that the right person could MS in Taxation
exploit. Fraud is possible.
Rationalization: I have convinced
myself that this fraudulent behavior is
worth the risks.
Capability: 1 have the necessary traits
and abilities to be the right person to pull
it off. I have recognized this particular
fraud opportunity and can turn it into
While these four elements certainly over-
lap, the primary contribution of the fraud
diamond is that the capabilities to commit
fraud are explicitly and separately consid-
on your schedule
ered in the assessment of fraud risk. By The MS in Taxation Program at Pace University's
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70% of public-company accounting frauds. are showing their superiority to others." vided him the opportunity to finally "get
indicating that many organizations do not Fourth, a sticcessful fratidster can coerce out of this mess."
implement suMlcient checks and balances others to commit or conceal fraud. A per-
to mitigate the CEO's capabilities to influ- son with a very persuasive personality may Dealing with Capability
ence and perpetuate fraud. Additionally. be able to convince others to go along Appreciating the importance of capa-
when people perform a certain function with a fraud or to simply kwk the other way. bility as a fourth element of fraud is only
repeatedly, such as bank reconciliations or In addition. Allan notes that a common per- p;ui of the challenge. The next task is to
setting up new vendor accounts, their capa- .sonality type among fraudsters is the "bully," address capability when assessing fraud
bility to commit fraud increases as iheir who "makes unusual and significant risk, and lo use knowledge about fraud
knowledge of the function's processes and demands of those who work for him or her, capability to prevent or detect fraud.
controls expands over time. cultivates fear rather than respect ... and Beyond considering incentive, opportuni-
Second, the right person for a fraud is consequently avoids being subject to the ty, and rationalization, the following steps
smart enough to understand and exploit same rales and procedures as others." Many could shed light on capability.
internal control weaknesses and to use financial reporting frauds are cotnmitted Explicitly assess the capabilities of top
position, function, or authorized access to by subordinates reacting to an edict from executives and key personnel. Focusing
the greatest advantage. Many of today's above to "make your numbers at all costs, on capability requires organizations and
largest frauds are committed by intelli- or else." their auditors to better understand employ-
gent, experienced, creative people, with Fifth, a successful fraudster lies effec- ees' individual traits and abilities. The audit
a solid grasp of company controls and vul- tively and consistently. To avoid detection. committee member, corporate accountant.
nerabilities. This knowledge is used to she must look auditors., investors, and or auditor should focus on the personality
leverage the person's responsibility over others right in the eye and lie convincing- traits and skills of top executives and oth-
or authorized access to systems or ly. She also possesses the skill lo keep track ers responsible for high-risk areas when
assets. According lo the Association of of the lies, so that the overall story remains assessing fraud risk or seeking to prevent
Certified Fraud Examiners. 51% of the consistent. In the Phai-Mor fratid. the audi- or detect fraud. Routine background checks
perpetrators of occupational fraud had at tors claimed that Phar-Mor had formed a on new employees can identify past crim-
least a bachelor's degree, and 49% of "fraud team" of executives and former inal convictions.
the fraudsters were over 40 years old. In auditors who "continually worked to hide In assessing individuals' traits and
addition, 4 6 % of the frauds the evidence" abtiut the fraud from them. TTie abilities, several methods of gathering
Association recently studied were com- auditors claimed that the fraud team "lied. information may be helpful. First, there
mitted by managers or executives. forged dtKuments and 'scrubbed' every- is no substitute for spending time with a
Third, the right person has a strong ego thing the auditors saw to hide any indica- person. Frequent interaction under a vari-
and great confidence that he will not be tions of malfeasance." (See "Finding ety of circumstances, both business and
detected, or the person believes that he Auditors Liable for Fraud: What the Jury social, can provide a meaningful picture
could easily talk himself out of trouble if Heard in the Phar Mor Case." Cottrell
caught. Such confidence or arrogance can and Glover, The CPA JournaL July 1997.)
affect one's cost-benefit analysis of engag- Finally, a successful fraudster deals very
well with stress. Committing a fraud and EXHIBIT 2
ing in fraud: the more confldent the per- THE COMPONENTS OF CAPABILITY
son, the lower tbe estimated cost of fratid managing the fraud over a long period of
will be. In "The Human Face of Fraud" time can be extremely stressful. Ttiere is
(C4 Magazine, May 2003), R. Allan notes the risk of detection, with its personal ram-
that one of the common personality types ifications, as well as the constant need to Position/function
among fraudsters is the "egotist"some- conceal the fraud on a daily basis. Former
one who is "driven to succeed at all costs, HealthSouth CEO Richiird Scrushy now
self-absorbed, self-confident and n;ircissis- faces numerous criminal charges for Brains
tic." Similarly. DLifiield and Grabosky allegedly masterminding a long-running
('The Psychology of Fraud." Trends & scheme to inflate the company's ejimings
issues in Crime and Criminal Justice. during the terms of several different CFOs. Confidence/ego
March 2001) note that, in addition to finan- Despite the enormous pressure on him.
cial strain. "Another aspect of motivation Scmshy has remained resolute dunng the
that may apply to some or all types of fraud course of the investigation, even appearing Coercion skills
is ego/power." The authors go on to on 60 Minnies to proclaim his inmxrence.
quote Stotland ("White Collar Criminals." In contrast, during his sentencing, former
HealthSouth Assistant Controller Emery Effective Lying
Journal of Social Issues. 1977) regarding
ego: "As [fraudsters] found thetnseives suc- Harris, who allegedly was coerced to par-
cessful at this crime, they began to gain ticipate in the fraud, told the Judge how
relieved he was after the company was
Immunity to stress
some secondary delight in the knowledge
that they are fooling the world, that they raided by federal agents, thinking it pro-


of the person's capabilities. Second, look the opportunities for fraud gained from ronment, even though they were not
for signals in the "little things." If the long-term knowledge of the function and capable under previous conditions. For
person cuts comers on small issues or con- its controls. example, consider a company that has
sistently displays an absolute refusal to In this response phase, a key to miti- recently implemented a complex new IT
lose or fail, no matter what the issue or gating fraud is to focus particular atten- system. The new system may render
the cost, this may suggest similar behav- tion on situations offering, in addition to those less digitally sophisticated employ-
ior on larger issues. For example, many incentive and rationalization, the combi- ees incapable of exploiting its controls. On
have said that an executive who cheats in nation of opportunity and capability. In the other hand, for those with strong IT
golf will cheat in business. Finally, pay other words. "Do we have any dtxirways skills, the change might increase their capa-
attention to what others say about a per- to fraud that can be opened by people with bility of committing fraud. This new capa-
son. If there are consistent statements the right set of keys?" If so, these areas are bility should be considered, and appropri-
about certain traits or tendencies, this infor- especially high risk, because all the ele- ate responses implemented.
mation can supplement more direct obser- ments are in place for a fraud opportunity
vations. For example, if people in the orga- 10 become reality. Beyond Standards
nization are consistently in awe of some- For example, when designing detec- In the final analysis, recent legisla-
one's technical or creative ability, this pro- tion systems, it is important to consider tion, increased enforcement, regulatory
vides additional insight into the person's who within the organization has the oversight, broader controls, improved
capabilities. capability to quash a red flag, or to cause auditing standards, and sophisticated
a potential inquiry by internal auditors to monitoring technology are all steps in the
be redirected. Cynthia Cooper, the inter- right direction and will contribute to
nal auditor at WorldCom credited with dis- preventing and detecting fraud. Limiting
covering the massive fraud, has described this effort to current standards and prac-
in Time magazine how CFO Scott Sullivan tices may not be enough, however,
had exercised his position and seniority especially for auditors. Consistent with
A key to mitigating fraud to dissuade her team from looking into cer- this view, the 2(X)4 Miller GAAS Guide
tain areas that later proved to have been describes the fraud triangle elements pre-
infested with massive fraud. But believing sented in SAS 99 and notes that "it is
is to focus particular attention they were on to something, her teams obvious that the Auditing Standards
worked behind Sullivan's back, on many Board is struggling with the broad topic
on situations offering, in addition occasions at night or from home, to
avoid detection and retribution. Although
of how to detect fraud ... auditors should
be careful about following relevant pro-
it appears he tried, according to Cooper, fessional standards and then having a
to incentive and rationayzation. in this instance Sullivan was not capable
of completely thwarting the persistent
sense of security about the likelihood that
fraud does not exist in a particular
efforts of the auditors to uncover the engagement."
the combination of opportunity apparent fraud.
Accordingly, if capability could play a
Reassess the capabilities of top execu- role in influencing or magnifying the other
and capability. tives and key personnel. Assessing capa-
bility and responding to concerns should
fraud elements, other checks and balances
or detection systems should be imple-
not be viewed as one-time exercises. mented, or an auditor should expand
Continuous updating of the capability audit scope, procedures, and testing for
assessment and response is warranted for potential fraud. Q
two reasons. First, people can develop new
capabilities over time, especially if they are
If there are concerns about capabili- climbing the corporate ladder and growing David T. Wolfe, CPA, is the founder of
ty, respond accordingly. If someone's professionally. Just because someone did Glasgow Forensic Group, a forensic
capabilities present a significant risk fac- not have enough power or knowledge of accounting ftmi in Allanla. Ga., and has
tor, respond with stronger controls or an area to commit fraud in the past, there sen'ed a variety of clients, including top-
enhanced audit testing. For example, if the is no guarantee that the person will not tier taw firms, govemmenl agencies, pri-
sales vice president is overly aggressive, develop such power or knowledge in the vately held small to mid-sized businesses,
competitive, and obsessed with hitting future. Their capability to commit fraud and Fortune 500 companies. Dana R.
monthly sales quotas, there may be a need may increase, and additional controls or Hermanson, PhD, is a professor of
for extra-tight controls over revenue recog- scrutiny may be warranted. accounting in the Coles College of
nition or expanded testing of sales during Second, organizational processes, con- Business at Kennesaw State University and
the annual audit. In addition, implement- trols, and circumstances change over currently serves as a research fellow of the
ing a periodic rotation of routine, but time. As a result, some people may be bet- Corporate Governance Center at the
key, ftinctions among staff can minimize ter suited to commit fraud in the new envi- University of Tennessee.


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