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Painting Your Mask


Lesson Goals: Gain experience brush control.

Exploring how colour can enhance a 3-D object.
To gain experience in the process of idea development.
To gain experience in problem solving while exploring different materials

Outcomes Targeted: GCO 1.4 Demonstrate increasing complexity in art skills and techniques.
GCO 2.5 Work interactively, co- operatively, and collaboratively
GCO 4.2 Explore a variety of visual languages as reflected in artworks of various

I Can Statement: I can use colour and found materials to embellish the features of a 3- D object

Key Vocabulary and Complementary colours, using hot glue gun, aesthetics, brush control, paint
Skills: application, edging, paint application

Material Needed: White latex paint, assortment of tempera paint colours, water containers,
assortment of paint brushes, miscellaneous materials ie. Fur, twine, frabric, glue
guns and glue, newspaper, computer, LED Projector, access to internet,
personal devices ie ipads,

Your Learners: A group of Grade 8 students with assorted range of abilities.


I. Introduction (Teacher organized)

Painting a Mask

Remind students that now that their mask is constructed they can re-evaluate their design pattern and
colour scheme and make changes if they like.

Review the colour wheel, and colour relationships. Ie. Complementary colours, harmonious colours, etc.

Driving Question: How can I choose the best colours to enhance my masks design while keeping in mind the integrity
of the culture that inspired it?

Time Allotted: 20 minutes

II. Guided Learning (Teacher/student collaboration)

Painting the Mask
Materials: Newspaper, variety of paint brushes, white latex paint, assorted colours of
tempera paint.
Preparation: Put newspaper down to protect work area.
Get a 1 flat paint brush.
Get a container of white latex paint for each work station of four students.
Stage 1
1. Paint the front of the mask with a thin coat of white latex paint.
-This seals the surface so that future paint will not soak in as much.
- This gives a nice white surface that will let colours stand out more.
- If paint is too thick, it can run, take a long time to dry, and even crack.
Remind students that latex paint is permanent when dry so be careful not to get any on your clothes or
other items.
Also CLEAN BRUSHES immediately when done using.
Let mask dry thoroughly

Stage 2
Showing examples of past masks, discuss with students the importance of choosing colours and accessories
that will add to the overall look of the mask constructions, and not distract from it.

Past Student Work

Explain how artists also need to learn when to stop.

2. Using students paper design, instruct them to draw design onto their mask, keeping
in mind accuracy of symmetry.
3. Instruct students to use tempera paint to colour their mask
4. Instruct students to think of their mask like a colouring book image. That is, fill in each
area with a pre-mixed colour.
5. Remind students of the basic painting rules:- Large areas to small,
-Light colours to dark
-Background to foreground/ Bottom layer
to top
-General to specific
6. Prepare and use only one colour at a time.
If you have paint left over, ask if someone else needs it before disposing of it.
7. Clean your brushes well before next colour.
8. When finished, let mask dry thoroughly.
9. Markers can be used for fine detail and lines.
10. Assess results, and decide whether adding accessories such as fur, feathers, twine,
etc. will improve the overall visual appeal of the mask.

Encourage students to help each other and offer suggestions.

Advice and assist students as needed.

Time Allotted: 2 Hours

III. Collaborative Learning (Student focused activity)

Considering the advice and tips offered by the teacher, carefully paint your mask white with latex paint.
Considering the advice and tips offered by the teacher, carefully draw design onto your mask.
Decide on the order in which you will paint your mask.
ie. What colour to start with, what area to paint first.
Carefully paint your mask paying close attention to edging, and paint application.

Time Allotted: 2 Hours in unison with Guided Learning

IV. Grand Finale:

Show and discuss results

Arrange for masks to be put on display

Time Allotted: 15 minutes

Give guidance and assistance to each student as needed. Encourage students to try on their own, and help each other
but be prepared to assess level of assistance required for each student.

Assessment and Evaluation: Painting skills- edging -5

Application -5
Attention to Detail -5
Use of Time/ Effort -10
Aesthetics (Overall visual appeal) -10


Adaptations and IPPs: The Level of adaptations will depend on the needs of each student.
Repeating directions,
Re- demonstrating steps,
Assisting one on one in edging, and application as needed
Seating student closer to demonstration area
Frequent check- ins

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