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‘even ifas a stronger way of saying if, when you not certain about something: ‘Tin going to have a holiday in the USA this summer even fail all my exams (i'm not sure if Tm aoina to fail my ‘exams — but I'm going to have the holiday anyway). ‘Pi'come to your party even i have to walk there (\ don't know if Ill have to walk there, but Il make sure | come to your party). ted speech 2: reporting verbs ‘ore many verbe which can be used ta intraduce ied speech, each followed by different matical patterns. You will see that most verbs be followed by more than one grammatical tern. + infi 9: Magda agreed to look after the children. + She offered ta take the chitdren ta the 200, ise: She's promised to phone me later. + object + infinitive ise: The docior advised Mrs Carter to take a lang holiday. : The neighbours asked us to tum cur music down, fe: Patsy has invited me to go to the pariy with her. The police ordered everyone to leave the building jade: | persuaded my mother to take a holidey. ind: Can | remind you fo phone Stephen? : Car fold Jane to clase all the windows. They warmed us not 0 walk on the ice. + preposition + noun or verb + ~ing € of: Biggs was accused of robbery. Sophie was ed of stealing books. it 10: Bill acitied to the mistake. Sally admitad to ‘king the money. luyise for: Tommy opologived forthe accident. Mandy “spologised for being late, “complain about: The neighbours have been complaining ut the noise. We complained about being given too much Jpomework to do. Verb + noun or verb + -ing ‘pamit: Danny ailniteed the thet Sue admitted étoaling the ‘money. deny; Silvia denied the theft. Sean denied causing the ‘accident. recommend: /

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