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[1982] 16th session (July): ICSC considered an analysis provided by its secretariat

(ICSC/16/R.18) of the role of human resources planning (HRP) and its importance for individual

staff, the organizations and the common system; it further described the components of the HRP

process and made recommendations to facilitate the further review of the issue by ICSC

[A/37/30, para. 276].

[1983] 17th session (March): ICSC resumed its consideration of HRP. In resolution 38/232, the

GA recalled its resolution 37/126 (1982) and reaffirmed its support for the overall approach

envisaged by ICSC which aimed at the development of policies for an integrated personnel

management system, based on HRP, to assist organizations in achieving their program planning

in an efficient manner, while providing improved conditions for career development.

[1985] 21st session (March): As a result of two symposia on HRP for non-P staff, a number of

possible actions were identified that would be in the interests of both the organizations and the


[1991] By resolution 46/191, the GA, recalling articles 13 and 14 of the ICSC statute, urged

ICSC to resume its active consideration of the substantive areas concerned.

[1992] By resolution 47/216, the GA urged ICSC, as a complement to studies being undertaken

in the remuneration area, to give equal attention in its work program to measures designed to

promote sound personnel management in the international public service.

[1993] 37th session (March): In the context of the monitoring of the implementation of its

decisions and recommendations, ICSC noted an uneven picture regards the organizations'

implementation of its recommendations under article 14 of its statute.

[1998] 47th session (April/May): ICSC followed up on a project emanating from the 1997 forum

on new directions in HRM at Glen Cove, New York. The objective of the forum was to

strengthen the capacity of the common system to meet the needs and answer the concerns of all

parties and to act as a catalyst for change.

48th session (July/August): In response to a number of recent GA resolutions, ICSC considered a

framework for HRM prepared by its secretariat. In its resolution 52/216, the GA had recalled its

resolution 51/216 in which it had requested ICSC to take the lead in analyzing new approaches in

the HRM field so as to develop standards, methods and arrangements that would respond to the

specific needs of the organizations of the common system, and to report thereon to the assembly

at its 53rd session.

[1998] outside the common system, the facilitation of inter-agency mobility, and the introduction

of specialist pay. The GA urged ICSC to address speedily its request regarding studies in the area

of HRM and to submit a report thereon to the 54th session of the GA.

[1999] 49th session (April): ICSC created a working group on the framework for human

resources management. The Working Group was composed of three members of the

Commission, three representatives of the common system organizations and a representative of

CCISUA, as well as members of the secretariats of ICSC and CCAQ.

50th session (July): ICSC noted that the Working Group had carried out further developmental

work on the outline framework.

[2000] 51st session (April): The Commission adopted a Framework for Human Resources

Management which contains the following interrelated elements: a) organizational design; b)

compensation and benefits; c) employment policy; d) career management; e) good governance; f)

human resources information management; g) ethics/standards of conduct.

In resolution A/54/238, the General Assembly recalled its resolutions 51/216, 52/216 and 53/209

and welcomed the progress made by the Commission regarding the development of an integrated

framework for human resources management.

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