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American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 165170

Agricultural Productivity Differences across Countries

By Douglas Gollin, David Lagakos, and Michael E. Waugh*

Economists have long recognized that dwarf the (already large) productivity differ-
cross-country differences in aggregate labor ences in the aggregate.
productivity are enormous. Recently, Caselli In this paper we re-examine the cross-country
(2005) and Restuccia, Yang, and Zhu (2008), agricultural productivity data using new evi-
among others, have shown that these differences dence from disaggregate sources. We focus on
have a strong sectoral dimension. In particu- physical measures of labor productivity for the
lar, differences in agricultural labor productiv- worlds three staple grainsmaize, rice, and
ity are far larger than those of the aggregate. wheatwhich together account for roughly half
Caselli (2005), for example, reports that the of the calories consumed by the average individ-
ratio of labor productivity in the ninetieth and ual. Because productivity in these crops is easy
tenth percentiles of countries is a factor of 22 in to measure, we avoid the black-box nature of
the aggregate, and a factor of 45 in agriculture. output data from aggregate sources. Moreover,
Because developing countries have most of their because crop yields are observed at many lev-
workers in agriculture, understanding why pro- els, from individual production units to national
ductivity differences in agriculture are so large aggregates, we are able to cross-check macro-
is key to understanding world income inequality. level productivity statistics with micro-level
There are a number of reasons one may be estimates of productivity for these crops.
skeptical, however, about the agricultural pro- We find that cross-country differences in the
ductivity data underlying these conclusions. quantity of grain produced per worker are enor-
One may worry that agricultural output data may mous, and at least as large as those of the agricul-
be badly measured, particularly in the worlds tural sector as a whole. Moreover, we show that
poorest countries, where statistical agencies independent micro-level estimates of grain yields
often have limited resources (Jerven 2013). The correspond very closely to their counterparts in
international prices used to aggregate agricul- aggregate data. We conclude that the large dis-
tural goods to the country level may be better parities in agricultural labor productivity are real,
suited to richer countries than poorer countries, at least for staple grains, and are not merely an
since international prices are quantity-weighted. artifact of mismeasurement or poor data quality.
More generally, skepticism may arise simply
from the sheer magnitudes in agriculture, which I. Cross-Country Differences in Agricultural
Output per Worker

*Gollin: University of Oxford, Department of We begin by presenting the most recent avail-
International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 3
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB, United Kingdom (e-mail: able data on cross-country agricultural produc-; Lagakos: University of tivity differences, derived from aggregate data
California-San Diego, University of Economics 0508, 9500 from the Food and Agriculture Organization
Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, and NBER (e-mail: (FAO) for 2007. These data provide a measure; Waugh: New York University, Kaufman of gross output per worker in agriculture, where
Management Center, 44 West Fourth St. 7-160, New York,
NY 10012-1126 (e-mail: We output is valued at international prices. These
thank Kevin Donovan, Diego Restuccia, Nora Trapani, and numbers do not correspond to the national
Chris Udry for helpful comments, and we thank Jonathan accounts concept of value added, as they do not
Greenland and Glenn Farley for excellent research assis- adjust for intermediate inputs used in agricul-
tance. All potential errors are our own.

Go to to visit tural production. The international prices used
the article page for additional materials and author disclo- here are only for outputs. We draw on data for the
sure statement(s). 80 countries for which data on gross agricultural

output per worker and GDP per capita are avail- Table 1Tons Produced per Hectare and Hectares per
able, and in which at least one hundred thousand Agricultural Worker
people are employed in agriculture.
Tons produced Hectares
The results are striking. Countries in the top per Hectare per worker
10 percent of the world income distribution
produce 50.1 times as much agricultural output Maize Rice Wheat
per agricultural worker as countries in the bot- Top 10 percent 9.2 8.1 4.9 44.6
tom 10 percent. Countries in the top quarter of Bottom 10 percent 2.0 2.9 2.0 1.4
the income distribution produce 29.9 times as Ratio of top to bottom 4.7 2.8 2.5 31.2
much agricultural output per worker as coun- 10 percent
tries in the bottom quarter. The United States
in particular produces more than 100 times Notes: Land is measured as hectares of arable land. Workers
are agricultural workers and are measured as the total num-
as much agricultural output per worker as the
sub-Saharan countries in the data (Ethiopia,
ber of economically active persons involved in agriculture.

Malawi, Madagascar, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Source: FAO.

Ghana, Botswana, and Nigeria). These differ-
ences are substantially larger than the differences
in GDP per worker for the same set of countries, For what follows, it is useful to decompose
and they are of similar magnitude to the agricul- output per worker into two components: output
tural productivity differences reported in Caselli per unit of land and land per unit of labor:
(2005) and Restuccia, Yang, and Zhu (2008).1
(1) _ _ _
Output Output Land
Are these differences plausible? Or are they,

perhaps, an artifact of poor measurement? To Worker Land Worker
address this question we look at physical mea-
sures of productivity for the worlds three sta- The value of this decomposition is that both
ple grains: maize, rice, and wheat. Focusing of these measures are reported separately in
on physical measures of productivity in these the FAO data, and are independently estimated
grains is useful for several reasons. First, these in micro-level studies by natural scientists or
three grains account for roughly half of the economists. In what follows, we cross-check
calories consumed by the average individual.2 the FAO data on agricultural output per worker
Thus, they constitute a substantial fraction of all by studying estimates of output per unit of land,
agricultural output in their own right. Second, and then land per worker.
measuring productivity for grains does not Table 1 reports the average yield of the three
require aggregation with international prices, staple grain crops across countries, measured
thus avoiding one source of possible bias. Third, as tons of output per hectare of land, by coun-
yields are a measure of production, not sales, try income group.3 Table 1 shows that there are
and thus are an estimate of productivity whether important differences in yields across countries.
the good is sold in the market or consumed at For maize, countries at the top of the income
home. Finally, productivity in these grains is distribution produced about 9 tons per hectare,
carefully measured by natural scientists. Thus, while the bottom 10 percent produced just 2. For
we can use independent estimates to cross-check rice and wheat, the richest 10 percent of coun-
the productivity numbers recorded in aggregate tries produce 8.1 and 4.9 tons per hectare, while
Comparisons of crop yields across locations are neces-
We emphasize again that these ratios reflect gross out- sarily complicated, as countries face different agroclimatic
put per worker, without any adjustment for intermediates, conditions and local market conditions. The United States,
and hence are not strictly comparable to GDP per worker. In for example, is among the worlds leaders in yield of maize
this paper we leave aside the issue of intermediates because and rice, but its wheat yields are relatively low, reflecting
intermediate input data are not available for most of the the fact that wheat is grown as a dryland crop and a winter
worlds poorest countries. crop in many parts of the country. Similarly, in sub-Saharan
FAOSTAT reports that these three foods together countries, maize and rice yields are low, but wheat yields are
account for approximately 43 percent of total calorie con- higher. But wheat is a very minor crop in most of the region,
sumption. For the category of least developed countries with nearly an order of magnitude fewer acres devoted to it
these three food sources account for 47 percent of the total. than maize.

the bottom 10 percent produce 2.9 and 2.0 tons 15

per hectare. This implies that the richest coun- 13
tries produce more than twice as much grain per USA00

Tons per hectare (FAO)

9 NLD00
hectare as the poorest countries. 7 ZWE08 USA00
The right panel of Table 1 shows the distribu- 5

tion of arable land per agricultural worker across 3 USA00


countries.4 Table 1 reports very large differences UGA08


in land per worker. Countries at the top of the KEN04
income distribution have on average 44.6 hect- BEN08 NIG02
1 MWI90
ares per worker, while the countries at the bottom MOZ08

of the income distribution have just 1.4 hectares

per worker. Putting these together, the richest 10
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
percent of countries use 31.2 times as much land Tons per hectare (micro studies)
per worker as the bottom 10 percent. Note that
this is not so much a function of natural endow- Figure 1. Grain Yields from Aggregate and Micro
ments, as many rich countries (e.g., Belgium, Sources
Netherlands or Japan) have relatively modest land
area relative to population. Instead, the variation Notes: Micro sources correspond to a single micro-level esti-
here reflects the fact that agriculture accounts for mated yield for maize, rice, or wheat. Aggregate data come
from the FAO for the same crop and year as the correspond-
a much smaller fraction of the labor force in rich ing micro estimate.
countries than in poor countries.
A striking result arises when combining
the left panel of Table 1 with the right panel.
Combining an output-per-hectare difference of a We begin by comparing FAO measures of
factor of 2 (we will be conservative here) with a national crop yield against independent micro
hectare-per-worker difference of a factor of measures of crop yield. These measures are from
30 implies an output-per-worker difference of a variety of micro surveys and studies, reported
a factor of 60 between the richest and poorest in a variety of sources, including some studies
10 percent of countries. That is, c ross-country carried out by economists and others conducted
differences in output per worker of these sta- by agricultural scientists.5 Each observation is
ple grains are of the same (or larger) order of a particular crop (either maize, rice or wheat)
of magnitude as the agriculture-sector gross in a particular country in a particular year. We
output-per-worker differences reported above. compare these crop-country-year observations
with the corresponding FAO observations and
II. Micro Evidence on Agricultural Output plot them in Figure 1. This figure shows a com-
per Worker pelling correlation between the two data sources,
with almost all of the observations very close to
One concern that arises with the aggregate the 45-degree line. The data also appear to sup-
data above is that these data may simply reflect port the FAO observation that rich countries
poor statistical procedures and inaccurate report- attain higher yields than poor countries, with the
ing, as suggested by Jerven (2013). One advan- magnitude of the differences broadly consistent
tage of our decomposition, however, is that both
output per unit of land and land per worker are
readily observed in micro data. This section
reports our efforts to check the macro observa- 5
Specifically, we draw on estimates from Burke et al.
tions against independent micro measures. (2011); Duffy (2014); Erenstein et al. (2003); Fermont and
Benson (2011); Gouse, Piesse, and Thirtle (2006); Huang
et al. (2000); Husain, Hossain, and Janaiah (2001); Lobell,
Cassman, and Field (2009); Livezey and Foreman (2004);
Measurement here is inevitably complicated, as land Quiones and Diao (2011); Ragasa et al. (2013); Smale
is not homogeneous, and the data (by construction) do not (1993); Suri (2011); Tittonell and Giller (2013); Tittonell
address the phenomenon of multiple cropping, in which the et al. (2008); Indian Ministry of Agriculture (2007);
same plot of land may be harvested two or even three times Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs of the
per year, under the same crop or different crops. UK (2013); and Williams (1998).

between micro and macro data sources.6 We worker is indeed in the ballpark of one hectare
cannot claim that the selection of data points per worker in developing countries.8
here is statistically representative or that the
FAO yield data are therefore accurate for all
purposes or questions. What we can say, how- III.Conclusion
ever, is that we find essentially no disagreement A recent literature has claimed that
between the FAO yield data and these micro cross-country differences in agricultural labor
estimates of grain yields that we compiled. productivity are even larger than cross-country
What about land per worker? In richer coun- differences in aggregate productivity. In this
tries, there is less concern about the quality of paper we revisit the data underlying this claim.
data on land and total agricultural employment, We focus on the worlds three staple grains
due to the large and regular censuses of agricul- maize, rice and wheatfor which direct
ture and population. For the United States, for measures of physical productivity are readily
example, we found effectively the same land available. We conclude that productivity differ-
per worker when comparing census data from ences in grain are enormous according to both
the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in macro and micro data. This serves as evidence
the year 2007 to the FAO data reported for the that the large productivity differences in the
United States in 2007. The USDA, which uses agricultural sector are real, and not an artifact
satellite imagery (at least in part) to measure of poor measurement.
crop land (Boryan etal. 2011) show 48 hect- So why is agricultural output per worker so
ares per worker versus 53 hectares per worker much lower in the developing world than in
in the FAO data. rich countries?9 One hypothesis is that policies
As a check of the FAO land-per-worker that distort farm size lead to a misallocation of
data for poor countries, we draw on the Living farmland to farm operators (Adamopoulos and
Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS) Restuccia forthcoming). Another theory is that
which are regarded as one of the highest quality farm operators in poor countries avoid using
sources of micro data available for developing productivity-enhancing intermediates, such
countries. Furthermore, the LSMS are inde- as fertilizers, because doing so increases their
pendent surveys of households that are gener- consumption risk (Donovan 2013). A third
ally not used in the construction of national theory is that the agriculture sector in develop-
aggregate statistics.7 The LSMS studies show ing countries tends to employ the lowest-ability
very low levels of land per worker in develop- workers (Lagakos and Waugh 2013). Surely
ing countries, as in the FAO data. In Malawi in these are just some of the economic forces at
2010, for example, the LSMS data show that work. There is much room for future research
the average rural household had 0.9 hectares on this important issue.
and 2.3 workers in the labor force. This implies
that in Malawi there are on average 0.4 hectares
per worker in rural areas. Similar calculations
in Ethiopia (2011), Guatemala (2003), Nigeria
(2010), and Tanzania (2010) show 0.3, 1.9, 0.5,
and 0.3 hectares per worker in rural areas. In
short, these LSMS surveys show that land per 8
There are several caveats in order here. First, not all
rural workers are agricultural workers in these countries.
So the above calculations likely underestimate the amount
of land per agricultural worker. Second, LSMS data are the
The FAO data are intended to be nationally representa- product of household surveys, which means that they may
tive. Few of our micro studies aim at nationally representative miss large commercial farms. Still, the total acreage devoted
samples though, which may account for some of the discrep- to large commercial farms tends to be a small fraction of
ancies between the two sets of numbers. total farm land in most developing countries.
7 9
Some countries use LSMS data as one of many sources A distinct but related question is why, within the typical
that can provide a cross-check on national aggregate sta- developing country, the value of output produced per worker
tistics, but we are not aware of any countries in which the in agriculture is substantially lower than the value of output
LSMS data are the actual source of national agricultural sta- produced by non-agricultural workers, on average. This is
tistics. Thus, we are confident that the LSMS data provide an the focus of our related work (Gollin, Lagakos, and Waugh
independent measure. forthcoming), and of Herrendorf and Schoellman (2013).

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