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6, December 2002

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Geotecnica, Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie,
Universit degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy

This paper deals with some fundamental considerations regarding the behaviour of geotechnical structures under
seismic loading. First a complete definition of the earthquake disaster risk is provided, followed by the importance
of performing site-specific hazard analysis. Then some suggestions are provided in regard to adequate assessment
of soil parameters, a crucial point to properly analyze the seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures. The core
of the paper is centered on a critical review of the analysis methods available for studying geotechnical structures
under seismic loadings. All of the available methods can be classified into three main classes, including the
pseudo-static, pseudo-dynamic and dynamic approaches, each of which is reviewed for applicability. A more
advanced analysis procedure, suitable for a so-called performance-based design approach, is also described in
the paper. Finally, the seismic behaviour of the El Infiernillo Dam was investigated. It was shown that coupled
elastoplastic dynamic analyses disclose some of the important features of dam behaviour under seismic loading,
confirmed by comparing analytical computation and experimental measurements on the dam body during and
after a past earthquake.

Key words case histories dams f.e.m. seismic of Geotechnical Engineering, University of
design soil dynamics Naples (Italy), at this session of the confer-
After an introduction to the problem of
1. Introduction seismic risk evaluation, the paper focuses on a
few considerations of the geotechnical site
On December 3rd and 4th 2001, the Earth characterization, including some notes on soil
Sciences and Natural Disaster Prevention. A behaviour under cyclic loading and measu-
Japan-Italy joint meeting in year 2001 was held rement of soil parameters. Then, some analysis
in Kyoto and Kobe. methods that are currently available in literature
Session III of the meeting was devoted to to study the seismic performance of earth
Civil Engineering Aspects of Seismic and structures will be assessed. Finally the dynamic
Volcanic Risk Prevention. This paper sum- behaviour of an earth dam will be presented
marizes the contribution from the Department as a typical, though complex, case history.
Since the Seismic Behaviour of Geotechnical
Structures theme is extremely broad, only
some of the previously mentioned topics will
be extensively treated in the next pages. More
Mailing address: Dr. Filippo Santucci de Magistris,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Geotecnica, Polo delle Scienze e
extensive details can be found in the references
delle Tecnologie, Universit degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, and in the technical literature for the specific
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy; e-mail: topics.

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

2. Risk analysis thereby reducing the frequency and severity of

earthquake-induced damage. It should be
For over forty years, since the devastating considered also that worldwide earthquake
1964 Alaska (U.S.) and Niigata (Japan) earth- disaster risk has grown significantly over the past
quakes occurred, considerable progress has been decades due to exploding populations in seismic
made in the field of soil dynamics and geo- regions, unimpeded urbanization, and the
technical earthquake engineering. Significant increasingly interconnected and internally com-
development has been achieved in forecasting plex urban plan of most existing cities.
the strong ground motion after appropriate Therefore, if in a conventional perspective,
seismic hazard analysis, in understanding the any risk, including seismic risk, is a convolution
mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, in of exposure, hazard, and vulnerability, a more
evaluating the ground response during an extended definition might also include other
earthquake and in modeling structures response factors such as external context (political and
under seismic loading. These studies provide an economic) and emergency response and recovery
important contribution to the general field of capability. Figure 1 summarizes a proposed
seismic risk analysis. definition of earthquake disaster risk after
Seismic risk studies are conventionally based Davidson (1997). In this figure, hazard represents
on the analysis of a single component of risk, the geological phenomena that act as initiating
often directed at a particular region. More com- events of an earthquake disaster. Earthquake
plete analyses require the definition of all factors hazards include not only ground shaking but also
on which an areas earthquake disaster risk de- collateral damage such as liquefaction, land-
pends. Furthermore, the risk level in a particular slides, tsunamis, ground rupture and subsidence.
region should be periodically updated. Exposure includes list of everything that is
In general, disaster could be considered not subject to the physical demands imposed by the
only a function of the expected physical impact hazard. Vulnerability describes how easily and
of future earthquakes, but also of the capacity of how severely physical infrastructures, popu-
the affected area to sustain that impact, as well lation, economy, and social-political system can
as the implications on local economic and social be affected by an earthquake. External context
affairs (Davidson, 1997). As a matter of fact, describes how damage to a city affects people
while people may not be able to stop the oc- and activities outside the city. It incorporates the
currence of earthquakes, they might be able to reality that, depending on a citys prominence
regulate some of the other contributing factors with respect to economics, transportation,
(e.g., resources available for emergency response politics, and culture, damage to certain cities may
and recovery, vulnerability of the infrastructure), have more far-reaching effects than damage to

Fig. 1. Factors contributing to the definition of earthquake disaster risk (after Davidson, 1997).

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

others. Emergency response and recovery response, the geotechnical structure response, as
capability describe how effectively and ef- well as their interaction.
ficiently a community can recover from short- Points (2) and (3) have some peculiarities that
and long-term impact through formal, organized will be briefly emphasized in the following
activities. paragraphs. Point (3) will be developed with the
While we have little control over seismic aim of detecting the seismic behaviour of geo-
hazard, full awareness of structural and envi- technical structures.
ronmental seismic vulnerability, will help seismic
engineers concentrate their efforts on reducing
structural and environmental weaknesses. To 4. Soil behaviour under cyclic loading
help reach this objective, the seismic behaviour
of structures, including geotechnical structures, The effect of earthquake loads on a soil
should be fully understood. element can be represented by a complex shear
stress time history (t), acting after a previous
loading history. Depending on the level of the
3. The role of geotechnical engineers considered earthquake motion and the dynamic
properties of the soil-structure system, the soil
From the previous paragraph it clearly shear strain level induced by the seismic event
emerges that seismic risk analysis is a typical can vary. Consequently, the soil should be char-
multidisciplinary study. While the obvious role acterized by models of different complexity. Typi-
of a seismic geotechnical engineer is that of cal gross distinctions can be made between soil
detecting and examining the performance of behaviour at pre-failure and at failure conditions.
geotechnical structures under dynamic loading, In the first case, further distinctions are made
his cultural responsibility in the evaluation of among the so-called small-strain region, the
free-field ground response (*) is essential too. medium strain region and the large strain
Here, it is worth remembering that ground region. Distinction can be easily understood
response analyses are used to predict ground by considering the schematic soil behaviour
surface motion for the development of design as reported in fig. 2, which shows typical rela-
response spectra, to evaluate liquefaction hazards tionships existing between shear stiffness or
or landslide occurrences and to determine the damping ratio and the shear strain level. At small
earthquake-induced forces on civil structures. strains, soil stiffness and damping ratio attained
Thus, an essential responsibility of an earthquake their maximum and minimum values, respec-
geotechnical engineer consists of detecting tively. Soil response can be adequately repre-
ground surface motion that is strongly influenced sented by a linear model.
by the soil strata that might lie above the bedrock. At medium strains, soil shows a clear non-
This influence, as well as the general behaviour linear behaviour but the response under cyclic
of earth structures, cannot be fully understood loading is stable (i.e. no plastic volumetric strains
without: 1) proper knowledge of the subsoil or pore water pressure is detected). In this strain
stratigraphy; 2) mechanical behaviour of any range soil behaviour can be represented by
subsoil strata and of the materials constituting linearly equivalent models.
the earth structure, including a proper knowledge Finally, at large strains shear-volumetric
of experimental techniques, and 3) proper use of coupling is apparent and the effect of the number
numerical models able to simulate the subsoil of cyclic loadings cannot be neglected. In this
case, elastoplastic effective stress models could
be opportunely used to simulate soil behaviour.
Several parameters affect both initial shear strain
and damping ratio and their strain dependency.
(*) Detailed explanations on the evaluation of ground Readers can refer to, for instance, DOnofrio and
motion during an earthquake can be found in Kramer Silvestri (2001) for some information of this
(1996). topic.

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

Fig. 2. Typical variation of the soil response under cyclic loading at increasing strain level in terms of shear
modulus and damping and stress-strain loops.

5. Measurement of soil parameters shear wave velocity; G(a)/G0 should_be deter-

mined by laboratory tests, as should D (a ). The
In geotechnical engineering design practice, latter represents the measured damping ratio
field and laboratory investigation have advan- scaled to the relevant small strain value D0.
tages and disadvantages. Therefore, it might be As the scope here is not to detail experimental
useful to employ both in situ and laboratory techniques and procedures, a list of the most
measurement procedures to obtain a proper soil common techniques is reported in table I.
characterization. As shear modulus G 0 and Some other special apparatuses not listed in
damping ratio D0 at small strain levels might be table I have been developed at some Universities
affected by sample disturbance, less so in the case and Research Centers (refer to, for instance, http:/
of soil non-linearity, the strain dependence soil /; http:/
stiffness might be evaluated through /;
Prive/index-recherche.htm). However, such
machines are still prototypes and not widely
G(a ) available.
G(a ) = (G0 )field u (5.1)
G0 lab In situ soil tests for earthquake geotechnical
engineering are typically geophysical, including
surface tests such as Spectral Analysis Surface
and the strain dependency of soil damping by Waves (SASW), and borehole tests such as Down-
Hole (DH) test and Cross-Hole (CH) test.
D(a ) = ( D0 )field + [ D (a )]lab . (5.2) Laboratory tests can be categorized as either:
1) Static tests, in which stress-strain proper-
In the previous equations (G0)field and (D0) field are ties derive from the direct measure of stress and
preferably evaluated by measurement of in situ strain; or

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

Table I. In situ and laboratory experimental techniques to obtain some relevant properties for analyzing the
seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures (after International Navigation Association, 2001). In geotechnical
earthquake engineering CPT and SPT should be properly used only providing empirical correlation with relevant
soil properties.
Test class Test type Consolidation Shear strain Frequency Stiffness Damping Strength
stress state [%
] f [Hz] C F
Penetration CPT qcVSG0 cu
Field Down-Hole Lithostatic VSG0
Geophysical Cross-Hole < 103 10-100 VSG0 possible
Triaxial Axisymmetric > 102 0.01-1 q:aG q/ r: Nc
Cyclic Simple shear Axisymmetric > 102 0.01-1 : G WD / WSD / v: Nc
Torsional Axisymmetric 104-1 0.01-1 : G0,G
Laboratory shear or true triaxial
Resonant Axisymmetric 104-1 > 10 frG0,G H.p., R.f.D
Dynamic column or true triaxial
Bender Axisymmetric < 103 > 100 VS G 0

VS =shear wave velocity; VR =Rayleigh wave velocity; fr =resonant frequency; H.p. = half-power method;
R.f. = resonance factor method; N = SPT blow count; qc = CPT tip resistance; =friction angle in effective
stresses; cu = undrained shear strength; C = coarse grained; F = fine grained soils; q / r = deviator/radial stress
ratio; / v = shear/vertical stress ratio; Nc = number of cycles.

2) Dynamic tests, in which the soil properties As for laboratory tests, sound laboratory
are derived from a dynamic equilibrium analysis practice in itself might be able to mitigate the
of a soil element. influence of sample disturbance. A suitable
Static tests usually include Cyclic Triaxial reconsolidation technique up to the in situ stress
tests (CTX), Cyclic Simple Shear tests (CSS) and state (that includes appropriate anisotropic
Cyclic Torsional Shear tests (CTS). Resonant reconsolidation stress-path and ageing time) can
Column tests (RC) and Bender Element tests be, for instance, of some benefit to obtain more
(BE) are typically considered dynamic tests. realistic subsequent stress-strain behaviour of
Choice of experimental technique for soil soils (Vinale et al., 2000). For the resonant
characterization is a matter of compromise be- column tests, conventional interpretation criteria
tween technical and economic factors. are based on the assumption that soil can be
As far as in situ tests are concerned, it is well modeled as a linear visco-elastic medium, an
known that the CH test is the most reliable, albeit idealization typically made in solving some
most expensive, system for evaluating initial soil boundary value problems in seismic geotechnical
stiffness. The multi-receiver CH test also allows engineering. It is worth noting that linear visco-
for the measurement of field small strain damping elasticity is insufficient for understanding some
ratio D0. On the other hand, multistation testing important features regarding time-dependent
configuration for analyzing surface waves ap- behaviour of geomaterials (see Tatsuoka et al.,
pears to be a promising, although complex, in 2000), while new non-linear three-component
situ experimental technique that provides not rheology models have been proposed (Di Bene-
only the stiffness profile but also the damping detto et al., 2002; Tatsuoka et al., 2002). In any
ratio profile (Foti, 1999). case, time-dependency in the stress-strain be-

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

haviour of soil should be strongly considered in Until the Sixties, among the simplified
designing any experiment involving geo- analysis methods the pseudo-static approach
materials. represented the main tool used to assess the
Recent developments in triaxial apparatuses seismic safety of most geotechnical structures
allow stress-strain properties of soil to be ob- (retaining walls, embankments, earth dams, port
tained under a wide range of strain and strain structures). Nowadays this method is still widely
rates (Tatsuoka et al., 1994; Santucci de Magistris used since it is imposed by several national
et al., 1999). It must be emphasized, however, regulations (in Italy, the D.M. 24/3/82) and
that only Youngs soil modulus can be directly because engineers have confidence in its use.
obtained from the triaxial apparatus, unless Both the commercial codes that implement it
reliable radial strain measurements and a proper and the quantitative definition of the required
soil model are available. A relationship between parameters are very simple.
Youngs modulus and shear modulus is not easy In the pseudo-static approach, the dynamic
to acquire, even in the case of undrained tests inertia forces induced by an earthquake are
(Vinale et al., 2001). considered static actions proportional to the soil
In general, while the Resonant Column test mass by a seismic coefficient (fig. 3). The value
(RC) is relatively common in Italy (Cavallaro of such a coefficient is determined on the basis
et al., 2001), a recent survey shows that this of the expected peak ground acceleration in the
apparatus has become less popular in Japan area where the structure is located. National
(Kuwano and Katagiri, 2001). standards generally prescribe the seismic coef-
ficient value according to the seismic category
of the site.
6. Analysis methods In the case of retaining walls (gravity and
sheet pile walls), the pseudo-static approach
Many approaches have been developed to requires determination of both active and passive
analyze the seismic behaviour of geotechnical earth pressures. They are usually estimated using
structures. They can be classified on several the Mononobe-Okabe equation (Mononobe,
bases: geometry assigned to the soil-structure 1924; Okabe, 1924) obtained by modifying the
system (i.e. one-dimensional, two-dimensional, Coulomb classical earth pressure solution to
three-dimensional), constitutive model describ- account for inertia forces.
ing the material stress-strain response (i.e. linear One of the main limits of the pseudostatic
elastic, non linear elastic, elastoplastic with or method consists of considering the failure along
without hardening), the modeling of the inter- a well-defined sliding surface as the only type
action phenomena among different phases of damage that an earth structure could suffer
present in a soil (soil, water and air), the way in during an earthquake. This assumption could be
which the seismic loads are described (i.e. peak reasonable in the case of retaining walls, but it
ground acceleration, response spectrum, accel- might be misleading for other geotechnical
eration time history). For the sake of simplicity, structures. In the case of earth dams, for instance,
all the methods available in literature can be
grouped into three main classes, including:
1) Simplified analyses, which allow for
evaluating the safety factor of a soil-structure
mass by simple global force equilibrium.
2) Simplified dynamic analyses, which
provide the earthquake-induced displacement on
the basis of an assumed failure mode of the soil-
structure system.
3) Full dynamic analyses, in order to evaluate
both magnitude of displacements and failure
modes. Fig. 3. Pseudostatic loads acting on a sliding mass.

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

additional information is required about

freeboard loss and safety against liquefaction or
fracture of dam elements (core or filter) that
assure water tightness. Literature documents
many case histories of earth dams that failed
either partially or totally during earthquakes,
even if the pseudo-static approach had given a
positive result about their seismic safety. Lower
San Fernando Dam (Seed, 1979) and Hebgen
Dam (Steinbrugge and Cloud, 1962) are two
classic examples.
The simplified dynamic approach, first
introduced by Newmark, still idealizes the soil-
structure system as rigid blocks of soil and
structural masses. Moreover, the method allows
computation of the displacement of the sliding
masses by integrating the acceleration time
history overcoming the so-called critical ac-
celeration, i.e. the threshold acceleration that
causes the block to slide (fig. 4). The seismic
safety of the earth structure is evaluated in terms
of an acceptable permanent displacement rather
than a factor of safety against global instabil-
ity, as is typical in the pseudo-static approach. Fig. 4. Newmark sliding block approach.
Simplified dynamic analyses, including the
original Newmark method (Newmark, 1965) and
the numerous Newmark-derived methods (i.e.
Makdisi and Seed (1978) for embankments and sophisticated constitutive models (inelastic or
earth dams; Yegian et al. (1991) for embank- elastoplastic) are assumed for the soil-structure
ments; Franklin and Chang (1977) for dikes; system. As discussed previously, the choice
Richards and Elms (1979) for gravity walls; between a linear or non-linear material model
Towahata and Islam (1987) for sheet pile walls; depends on the expected level of earthquake
Steedman (1998) for gravity and sheet pile walls) motion relative to the elastic limit of the soil-
can prove very useful when a performance-based structure system.
design philosophy is likely to be adopted to Inside the class of full dynamic analysis
overcome the limitations of conventional seismic methods, a more detailed distinction can be made
design. in describing the interaction among the different
Full dynamic analysis directly models the phases air, water and soil skeleton of the soil
overall soil-structure interaction problem, constituting the structure and its foundation.
assuming that both soil and structure behave According to this point of view, the dynamic
as continuum and deformable media. The spa- methods can be further classified as:
tial domain is discretized using a numerical one-phase or total stress approach;
technique (generally, finite element or finite simplified two-phase or simplified effective
difference methods) and the differential equation stress;
governing the boundary value problem is solved coupled two- or three-phase approaches.
over the time or frequency domain. Since the In the one-phase approach the interaction
solution in the frequency domain is admissible among the soil phases is actually neglected, and
only when the material linearity hypothesis the soil is assumed to be an equivalent mono-
persists, it is worth noting that the solution over phase continuum governed by dynamic equi-
the time domain is mandatory when more librium equations, continuity equations and

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

constitutive law. In particular, the constitutive law 1985; Muraleetharan et al., 1988; Iai et al., 1998;
refers to the behavior of the whole soil skeleton- Benzenati, 1993; Sica et al., 2001). In the case
pore fluid system. Inside this category, the of earth dams, for instance, these methods allow
equivalent linear procedure has been the most evaluation of the structures safety against most
widely used technique for computing the dyn- types of earthquake-induced damage: freeboard
amic response of soil deposits, embankments loss, liquefaction due to excess pore water pres-
and soil-structure interaction. This approach sures and post seismic effects.
is implemented in very popular codes, such as The choice of analysis approach should be
SHAKE (Schnabel et al., 1972), FLUSH (Lysmer based on the principle that structures requir-
et al., 1975) or QUAD-4 (Idriss et al., 1973). ing higher performance (structures with high
Notwithstanding the simplicity and popularity of exposure) should be designed/verified using
the equivalent linear procedure, its main limi- more sophisticated methods. In light of this,
tation lies in not providing any prediction of simpler approaches may be used for preliminary
earthquake induced permanent displacements. As design, screening purposes or to evaluate earth
a matter of fact, the method is meaningless when structure response in case of low seismic ex-
higher strain levels are involved and permanent citation levels.
displacements should be forecast. Many attempts Since earth dams can be quite complex geo-
in literature to overcome this limitation of the technical structures, the next section will focus
equivalent linear method are documented (Seed, on seismic response evaluation by applying some
1979). of the outlined analysis procedures to a real case
In the simplified two-phase approaches, a history.
semi-empirical law (excess pore water model)
is introduced to evaluate the pore water pressure
induced by cyclic shear stresses. This law links 7. Some issues regarding earth dams
the excess pore water pressure to the number and
amplitude of the applied deviatoric cyclic stresses The structural complexity of earth dams and
(Martin et al., 1975; Finn and Bathia, 1981; the high risk associated with them due to major
Dobry et al., 1985; Matasovic and Vucetic, 1992, social, economic and environmental conse-
1995). The effect of the excess pore water pres- quences of failure, require very reliable analysis
sure is incorporated into the equivalent linear tools to study their performance, especially when
analysis or into a direct non-linear analysis by carrying out a safety assessment involving seis-
reducing the actual stiffness of the soil. Such an mic loads.
approach is implemented in computer codes as Principal damage that earth dams may suffer
FLUSH-L (Ozutsumi et al., 2000) and TARA-3 during an earthquake consists of (Seed, 1979):
(Finn et al., 1986). settlements and fractures of the dam body;
In the coupled two-phase approaches the freeboard loss up to the limit of overtopping;
constitutive law refers only to the soil skeleton. global instability of upstream and downstream
To account for the presence of the pore fluid, the slopes;
continuity equation of the water is incorporated reduction of shear strength up to liquefaction
as well. The stress-strain behaviour of the soil of construction and/or of foundation soils;
can be described by different constitutive laws differential displacements between embank-
according to the level of sophistication required: ment, abutments and spillway;
linear elastic, hypoelastic, elastoplastic with failure of outlet works crossing the dam body;
kinematic or combined hardening. In this ca- disruption of dam by major fault movement in
tegory, the effective stress methods implementing foundation;
elastoplastic models based on the concept of overtopping of the dam produced by soil
combined hardening (isotropic and kinematic) masses sliding into reservoir.
have proven very powerful in computing residual Permanent displacements induced by earth-
displacements and/or evaluating the structure quakes can be considered the integral effect of
response beyond the elastic strain level (Prevost, volumetric and deviatoric plastic strains devel-

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

Cyclic mobility, on the other hand, produces

permanent deformations only during the seismic
event. Additional plastic strains develop only
when shear stresses (static + seismic induced)
exceed the soil shear strength. Plastic defor-
mations and related permanent settlements
Fig. 5. Typical earthquake-induced damages to earth depend on cyclic number and amplitude of shear
stresses. Vulnerability to liquefaction of soils
used as construction materials depends on the
intrinsic soil properties and on the adopted
construction technique. It has been observed
oped within the dam embankment. Deviatoric (Seed, 1979) that hydraulic fill dams are more
strains produce, as an isolated effect, the so called prone to liquefaction than dams constructed using
lateral spreading of the dam body. Significant compaction. Differential movements between
crest settlements produce freeboard loss up to dam body, abutments and spillway could cause
overtopping (fig. 5). Even if this limit is not reac- internal fractures where water could find less
hed, differential settlements may induce other resistance to seepage during post-seismic stages,
critical types of damage such as fractures within giving rise to so-called piping. These effects
the dam body, which could then jeopardize the are very difficult to diagnose and are dangerous
water tightness of the structure. because piping could progress until abrupt failure
Global failure induced by earthquakes might of the dam.
occur if the shells are so steep that even static
conditions are close to instability. Seismic forces
always produce an increase in instability loads 8. The case history of El Infernillo Dam
and for some soils a decrease of shear strength
as well. The El Infiernillo Dam (fig. 6) has been se-
The failure mechanism may involve either lected in this study as a case-history sample
the dam body and/or the foundation soils. because it is a high zoned dam (Hmax = 145 m)
Other types of damage could derive from located in a highly seismic area (i.e. the Balsas
strength reduction of soils induced by excess river zone around 300 km SW of Mexico City).
pore water pressure. The latter might cause two The region is characterized by significant seis-
different phenomena: liquefaction and cyclic micity fed by the subduction mechanism of the
mobility. Pacific plate under the American continent.
Liquefaction consists of a cyclic shear stress Since its construction, the El Infiernillo Dam
process that induces a reduction in strength not has experienced several earthquakes, among
compatible with static stability conditions acting which two strong-motion events (on 14/03/1979
at the end of the cyclic process itself. Cyclic and 19/09/1985). With reference to the earth-
mobility refers instead to a similar process where quakes of 14/03/1979 (Richter magnitude equal
strength reduction is consistent with static sta- to 7.6 and epicentral distance of 134 km) and
bility. Liquefaction induces high deformation in 19/09/1985 (Richter magnitude of 8.1 and epi-
the earth structure even up to collapse either central distance of 68 km), accelerograms
during or after the seismic event. Rapid col- recorded both on the rock abutments of the dam
lapse occurred, for instance, in the Lower San and at reference points along the dam maximum
Fernando Dam (1971) and in the Hebgen Dam cross section (crest and downstream shell) are
(1959) several seconds after the end of the available, together with some measurements of
earthquake. Liquefaction phenomena occurred earthquake-induced permanent displacements.
also in more than ten small irrigation dams in These field observations have been used in this
Akiba (Japan) during the Oga earthquake (1939). study to verify the reliability of the selected
In most cases failure occurred some hours after analysis methods to evaluate the seismic per-
the seismic event. formance of the dam.

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

Fig. 6. Main cross section of El Infiernillo Dam.

8.1. Simplified analysis of the structure. Potential sliding surfaces are

concentrated in the upper part of the dam close
The stability analysis has been performed to the external boundary. The minimum safety
using the modified Bishop method (Bishop, factor was 1.7, an acceptable value for assuring
1955). The method is based on searching for the global stability of the dam.
safety factor along pre-defined potential circular
slip surfaces by a limit equilibrium analysis. A
trial and error procedure was adopted to identify 8.2. Simplified dynamic analysis
the location of the slip surface having the
minimum safety factor, both in the upstream and Among the simplified dynamic methods
in the downstream rockfill shells of the dam. The available in literature, the Newmark approach
pseudostatic inertial forces were assumed to act was selected to evaluate the permanent displace-
in an outward direction to sliding (i.e. in the ment of the El Infiernillo Dam induced by the
upstream and downstream directions, respec- 14/03/1979 earthquake.
tively, for the upstream and downstream shell) As indicated before, this method requires
in order to maximize the effect of the active the determination of the critical acceleration
forces that induce sliding. The analysis was associated with an assumed sliding surface. The
performed under the hypothesis of steady selected surface in this case had the lowest safety
seepage inside the dam with the reservoir level factor in the pseudostatic analysis and involved
fixed at its operational maximum. As a conse- a dangerous failure mechanism involving the
quence, the buoyance unit weight was adopted overtopping of the reservoir water.
in the computation regarding the upstream shell, Figure 7 shows the adopted sliding surface
while the actual unit weight of the construction for the upstream side of the dam. Figure 8 shows
soils was considered in searching for the slip the reduction of the safety factor with increasing
surfaces within the downstream side. seismic coefficient. This plot was obtained by
The seismic coefficient was assumed equal to computing the pseudostatic safety factor (SF ) for
0.1, the peak ground acceleration during the different values of the seismic coefficient. In
14/03/1979 earthquake at the rock base of the correspondence to the unit safety factor (SF = 1),
dam. a critical seismic coefficient (kc ) of 0.32 was
From the two sets of analyses, it appears that evaluated. This means that if the average ac-
higher instability is located in the upstream shell celeration along the slip surface overtakes the

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

Fig. 7. Sliding surface adopted in the Newmark analysis for the upstream shell of the El Infiernillo Dam.

Fig. 8. Pseudostatic safety factor variation with increasing seismic coefficient along the sliding surface.

critical value of 0.32 g (acrit = k c g), the sliding 14/03/1979 seismic event. Therefore, an aver-
mass will start moving as a rigid block. age value of 0.31 g could be reasonably at-
The left hand side of fig. 7 shows the variation tributed as the unique peak acceleration along
of the peak horizontal acceleration along the dam the whole sliding surface. Since the driving
axis. This plot was obtained by assuming linear acceleration is lower than the computed critical
variation of acceleration from the measured value acceleration, the Newmark method does not
of 0.1 g at the dam base up to the value of 0.36 g predict any irreversible displacement within
that was recorded at the dam crest during the the dam.

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

8.3. Full dynamic analysis were evaluated from the laboratory tests per-
formed at the time of dam construction (conven-
The dynamic analysis was performed using tional drained and undrained monotonic triaxial
a two-phase coupled approach implemented in tests and oedometer tests) and on a back-analysis
the finite element program GEFDYN (Aubry and procedure of dam observed behaviour (Sica,
Modaressi, 1996). The approach is based on the 2001). The dam geometry was discretized in
u-p formulation of the Biot generalized con- about 400 2D quadratic elements (fig. 9). The
solidation theory (Zienkiewicz and Shiomi, 1984). acceleration time-history used as input motion
In particular, the overall dynamic equilibrium and at the base of the finite element model is the
the pore water flow equations were combined horizontal accelerogram (upstream-downstream
with Hujeuxs elastoplastic kinematic hardening direction) recorded on the outcropping rock
constitutive law (Hujeux, 1985). This law de- during the 14/03/1979 earthquake.
scribes some relevant features of the soil response At the end of the seismic excitation, the
under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions effective stress analysis gives a deformed shape
(hysteresis, liquefaction, cyclic mobility and of the dam like that shown in fig. 10. The
ratcheting). Since in a coupled effective stress maximum vertical settlement computed at the
method the predictions of the dynamic analysis end of the earthquake is around 9 cm at the dam
are strongly affected by the pre-seismic condi- crest; the maximum horizontal displacement in
tions of stress and pore water pressure distri- the upstream direction is about 8 cm and 4 cm in
bution within the structure, it was necessary to the downstream direction. These results are
simulate all stages of the dams history up until consistent with the observed deformed mode of
the actual seismic event: construction, first the dam after the same earthquake (Resendiz
impounding, service operations. et al., 1982).
In this study, the model parameters charac- As far as the excess pore water pressures are
terizing the materials of the El Infiernillo Dam concerned, the analysis gives a maximum pore

Fig. 9. Mesh geometry of the El Infiernillo Dam adopted in the f.e.m. analysis.

Fig. 10. Deformed mesh geometry of the El Infiernillo Dam after the 14/03/1979 earthquake simulation.

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

water pressure ratio (ru = 6u/m 'vo ) inside the dam because it requires both high technical skill and
body of about 20%, a value far enough from the economic resources for suitable in situ and
threshold limit of 100% at which soil liquefaction laboratory investigation.
may occur. It was further pointed out that for geo-
In conclusion, the effective stress analysis technical structures, determination of soil
provided the required information about the dam properties should be adapted to the analysis
safety in terms of: method chosen to study seismic response. This
1) overtopping: the computed freeboard loss, choice is not simple, especially if one considers
equal to the seismic induced vertical displa- that national standards, except for some specific
cement at the dam top, is only 1% of the available and recent releases, are usually not exhaustive
freeboard (510m); on the safety evaluation of structures under
2) liquefaction: the computed pore water seismic actions. In general, they account for the
pressure ratio ru is less than 100%; amplification of the ground motion due to site
3) shell stability: the computed horizontal conditions in a very rough manner, and suggest
and vertical displacements at the end of the only simplified analysis methods.
earthquake are very small (less than 10 cm) com- Conventional approaches provide infor-
pared to the transverse dimension of the dam. mation on the structures capacity to resist a
design seismic force, but they are not able to
predict structural performance during and after
9. Conclusions the earthquake. The performance-based design
approach, first developed for buildings, is nowa-
To properly analyze the seismic behaviour days proposed for geotechnical structures as
of geotechnical structures, a complete method- well. A comprehensive report on this topic, ori-
ology typically employs several steps. First, a ented towards port structures, can be found in
detailed evaluation of the regional seismicity International Navigation Association (2001).
should be performed in order to define the Extracted from that report are the following
earthquake motion at the base formation where points:
the structure is located. Next, the specific hazard 1) deformations in ground and foundation
of the site should be assessed by considering soils, together with corresponding structural
either local amplification of ground motion and deformation and stress states, are key design
other problems like soil liquefaction, ground parameters;
rupture or landslides. Finally, the soil-structure 2) conventional limit equilibrium-based
interaction analysis should be performed. Since methods are not well-suited to evaluate these
the whole methodology cannot be described in a parameters, and
single paper, this report focuses only on some 3) some residual deformation may be ac-
relevant aspects of the final step. ceptable.
The first point highlighted in the paper is In performance-based design, appropriate
a close interconnection between various techni- levels of design earthquake motions must be
cal branches (from seismology to geology, en- defined along with acceptable levels of structural
gineering and land planning) and government damage. For design purposes, two levels of
policy in seismic risk analysis. This means that earthquake motions are typically used:
the seismic response of geotechnical structures Level L1: earthquake motion that is likely
should be considered just one component of the to occur during the life-span of the structure
wider topic of earthquake disaster risk protection (probability of exceeding is 50 %).
and prevention. Level L2: earthquake motion associated
The second aspect emphasized in this paper with rare events that typically involve very strong
is the importance of proper knowledge of the ground shaking (probability of exceeding is 10 %).
mechanical properties of the materials con- The acceptable level of damage is set ac-
stituting the structure and its subsoil. This is a cording to some specific structural (predicted
crucial problem for geotechnical engineers amount of damage) and operational (level of loss

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

of serviceability, time and cost for restoration) In this paper, the seismic behaviour of an
factors. earth dam was analyzed as a sample geotechnical
Once the design earthquake levels and ac- structure. Even if this case history was examined
ceptable damage levels have been properly defined, from a verification rather than design viewpoint,
the required performance of a structure may be the study is very explanatory of the capability
represented by a performance grade determined by of a coupled dynamic analysis in predicting
the importance of the structure (critical and key structure performance during and after a selected
structures, primary structures, ordinary structures earthquake. In particular, this type of analysis
and small, easily restorable structures). method allows forecasting of seismically induced
The principal steps taken in performance- displacements in the dam body with good ac-
based design are summarized in the flowchart of curacy, as verified by comparing analytical
fig. 11. results with monitoring data. Figure 12 reports
It is apparent that for geotechnical structures, the computed vertical displacements profiles at
appropriate damage criteria should be related to three locations along the dam axis. On the right
the deformation mode of the structure itself. As side hand of the figure the residual displacements
a consequence, sophisticated analyses should be are plotted together with the measured ones,
adopted to model structure performance ade- showing good agreement between the analysis
quately. prediction and observed behaviour.

Fig. 11. Steps required for the seismic behaviour analysis of a geotechnical structure using a performance-design
based approach (modified after International Navigation Association, 2001).

Seismic behaviour of geotechnical structures

Fig. 12. Time histories of vertical displacement at three points along the dam axis.

Fig. 13. Contour plot of plastic shear strains at the end of the 14/03/1979 earthquake.

It is worth emphasizing that while the pseudo- critical slip surface given by the pseudostatic
static method does not directly predict dis- approach, found by trial and error, lies very close
placements, no seismically-induced movements to the area in which maximum plastic shear
were forecast by the simplified dynamic analyses deformations were detected by the full dynamic
using the Newmark method. In any case, the analysis (fig. 13).

Stefania Sica, Filippo Santucci de Magistris and Filippo Vinale

Acknowledgements FINN, W.D.L. and S.K. BATHIA (1981): Prediction of seismic

porewater pressures, in Proceedings of the Tenth
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
The authors wish to give thanks to Prof. H. Foundation Engineering (Balkema, Rotterdam), vol. 3,
Akihama, Nihon University, and Prof. A. Ra- 201-206.
polla, University of Naples, scientific organizers FINN, W.D.L., M. YOGENDRAKUMAR, N. YOSHIDA and H.
of the Kyoto and Kobe meeting, for offering us YOSHIDA (1986): TARA-3: a program to compute the
response of 2D embankments and soil structure
the opportunity to contribute our findings in a interaction systems to seismic loadings, Department of
high level meeting that was useful for exchanging Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia,
opinions with several experts in the area of Vancouver, Canada.
natural disaster mitigation. A vote of thanks FOTI, S. (1999): Multistation methods for geotechnical
should be given to Prof. M. Nakashima and his characterization using surface waves, Ph.D. Thesis,
Politecnico di Torino.
staff at Kyoto University for the tremendous FRANKLIN , A.G. and F.K. C HANG (1977): Earthquake
effort in organizing the symposium; to Dr. A. resistance of earth and rockfill dams, Report 5:
Volpi, scientific attach at the Italian Embassy permanent displacements of earth dams by Newmark
in Japan and the Italian Embassy in Japan, for analysis, US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways
experiments Station, Miscellaneous Paper, 2-71-17.
the care and the support received; to Mr. M. Di HUJEUX, J.C. (1985): Une loi de comportement pour le
Gianni, Honorary Consul of Japan in Naples, and chargement cyclique des sols, in Genie Parasismique,
to all participants in the symposium for their edited by V. DAVIDOVICI (Presses ENCP), 287-302
friendship and frank exchange of ideas. (in French).
IAI, S., K. ICHII, H. LIU and T. MORITA (1998): Effective
stress analyses of port structures, Special issue on
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