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El valor nutricional y qumico de Amaranthus hybridus se investig utilizando mtodos analticos

estndar para evaluar el gran potencial de las hojas de las plantas. El anlisis Proximo mostr

El porcentaje de humedad, el contenido de ceniza, la protena bruta, el lpido crudo, la fibra bruta
y el carbohidrato de las hojas como 84,48, 13,80, 17,92, 4,62, 8,61 y 52,18%, respectivamente,
mientras que su valor calorfico es de 268,92 Kcal / 100 g. El anlisis elemental en mg / 100 g (DW)
indic que las hojas contenan sodio (7.43), potasio (54.20), calcio (44.15), magnesio (231.22),
hierro (13.58), zinc (3.80) y fsforo (34.91). La composicin vitamnica de las hojas en mg / 100 g
(DW) fue -caroteno (3.29), tiamina (2.75), riboflavina (4.24), niacina (1.54), piridoxina (2.33),
ascrbico (25.40) y -tocoferol 0,50). Diecisiete aminocidos (isoleucina, leucina, lisina, metionina,
cistena, fenilalmina, tirosina, treonina, valina, alanina, arginina, cido asprtico, cido glutmico,
glicina, histidina, prolina y serina)

fueron detectados. La composicin qumica en mg / 100 g (DW) para alcaloides, flavonoides,

saponinas, taninos, fenoles, cido cianhdrico y cido ftico fue de 3,54, 0,83, 1,68, 0,49, 0,35,
16,99 y 1,32, respectivamente.

Comparando el nutriente y los constituyentes qumicos con los valores recomendados de la dieta
diettica (RDA), los resultados revelan que las hojas contienen una cantidad apreciable de
nutrientes, minerales, vitaminas, amino

cidos y fitoqumicos y bajos niveles de sustancias txicas.

The nutritional and chemical value of Amaranthus hybridus were investigated using standard analytical
methods in order to assess the numerous potential of the plant leaves. The Proximate analysis showed
the percentage moisture content, ash content, crude protein, crude lipid, crude fibre and carbohydrate of
the leaves as 84.48, 13.80, 17.92, 4.62, 8.61 and 52.18%, respectively while its calorific value is 268.92
Kcal/100 g. Elemental analysis in mg/100 g (DW) indicated that the leaves contained sodium (7.43),
potassium (54.20), calcium (44.15), Magnesium (231.22), Iron (13.58), Zinc (3.80) and phosphorus
(34.91). The vitamin composition of the leaves in mg/100 g (DW) was -carotene (3.29), thiamine (2.75),
riboflavin (4.24), niacin (1.54), pyridoxine (2.33), ascorbic acids (25.40) and -tocopherol (0.50).
Seventeen amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine, phenylalmine, tyrosine,
threonine, valine, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proline and serine)
were detected. The chemical composition in mg/100 g (DW) for alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tannins,
phenols, hydrocyanic acid and phytic acid were 3.54, 0.83, 1.68, 0.49, 0.35, 16.99 and 1.32, respectively.
Comparing the nutrient and chemical constituents with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) values,
the results reveal that the leaves contain an appreciable amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino
acids and phytochemicals and low levels of toxicants.

Akubugwo, I. E., Obasi, N. A., Chinyere, G. C., & Ugbogu, A. E. (2007). Nutritional and chemical
value of Amaranthus hybridus L. leaves from Afikpo, Nigeria. African Journal of
Biotechnology, 6(24).

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