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In Nicaragua Masaya is considerate the cradle of national folklore.

This is due to the great variety

of traditions and customs gathered in one place. On October 9, 1989, Decree Law 61 was declare
"Cultural Heritage of the Nation"

The dance of Negras.

The dance of Negras is one of many cultural manifestations that appear during the celebrations of
San Jernimo. Santo Universal, whose name was immortalized by translating the sacred scriptures
into Latin, a version known as the "Vulgate".

The main characteristic of this dance is shown by his dress that is different from the rest of the
dances that come out for this date; the mask was formerly of wood, black color, the brown color
of the skin of the Indian, determining to be called: "The Indian or Black Dance."

Another essential characteristic is that the pair consists only of male characters. One dresses as a
woman and the other as a man. Over time, wooden masks were replaced by sieve masks in the
years 1905, as explained by Don Horacio Prez ("pescuecito") and Don Alonso Montalvn V.

These first masks of sieve were elaborate by the monimboseo painter gift Sofonas Gmez, father
of the poetiza Ana Ilse Gmez, and by Bernabela Boza.

The indigenous culture is strongly linked to religion because the Spanish friars forced our ancestors
to worship their gods making use of the artistic qualities of the indigenous.


They are called agizotes a group of frights, ghosts, headless men, llorona women and other
legendary personages who are personified by people wearing allegorical costumes or for the
purpose of having fun and who revive old legends of fear that form part of the terrifying popular
imagination in This Central American country.

Arriving the night of the last Friday of October between the 8:00 and 9:00 pm, the Agizotes leave
to the rhythm of chicheros and burlesque music to wander through all the streets of Masaya, to
make frightful grimaces so that children are horrified, and every fright is a laugh of an Agizote.

The agizotes march in a parade that cross the streets of the city between shouts and music of
marimbas, trumpets and drums; Philharmonic bands and mariachis that give life to a carnival
atmosphere tinted with the lights of hundreds of candles and candles.
The characters who seek to cause panic - but rather cause laughter - begin to appear at nightfall
on one of the streets of the populous community of Monimb, a large indigenous population of
Chorotega origin.

The gloomy street scene is only illuminated by thousands of candles and handmade candles
carried by those who walk along the avenues in the midst of dances and revelry. The dance is
performed with rhythmic movements related to the personage, with cheerful music, of carnival
interpreted by traditional musicians.

There is often a confusion between what the Agizotes and the Torovenado are, the first ones are
frights that frighten people by means of burlesque gestures and the Torovenado is the ridicule of
famous personages of the country or the city.


In Masaya, the Torovenado began 135 years ago, with an original garment that 30 years ago, they
used the coconut bark, as a tail cap, the tuza, seeds, ancient relics; Because it is natural everything
goes in relation to the time.

El Torovenado is a popular satirical, burlesque dance and is called street theater, contrary to the
Gueguense, which is a play, and is now a Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The Torovenado is the living expression of the people with great ingenuity, where part of the
culture of our race is reacted; Although in part was imposed by the settlers, who years later tried
to imitate the Spaniards and begin with masks and begin to stand out the manufacturers, who at
present are of sieve and mach.

In this party an imitation is made to the politicians, folkloric characters or the farndula. With their
dances and costumes, the disguises unfold luxury and colorful, at the same time the use of the fan,
boots, sneakers, turbans, stoles, costumes of different styles that imitate the Spaniards with long,
white and female hair.

Characters such as the evil thief, Cleopatra, and even San Miguel Arcngel, are loaded into
luxurious and decorated bases. Among the disguised were characters such as Melisandro Rojas,
Indiana Robleto, Edwin Maison Lacayo, Eduardo Cortz Delgadillo. There are also characters such
as La Cegua, Josefana la Negra, Dundo, the black witch, the coyotes, the headless devil, the
mocuana, the feathered serpent, the old lady, the witch steals chickens that are represented at
the festival THE AGUISOTES and are the beliefs, myths and legends of my land.

Every Sunday of November in the City of Las Flores, Masaya enjoys this hubbub and tradition that
makes kids enjoy and great.


The descent of St. Jerome .- On September 20 is the descent of Dr. De los Pobres, from his humble
pedestal on the high altar, to the beautiful carriage, naked first; Then adorned by their own
promising, elders who are thrilled to remember "miracles" and their ancestors; The town begins to
collaborate, there are bell towers, marimba, chicha, pupusa, coffee and the inevitable rockets.

The descent of Santo is a very impressive rite. The bells this time will not sound Antonio Useda,
already deceased. Other collaborators are dedicated to the cleaning of the image with cotton and
perfumes, that later will be grounds of relics, for the promising ones that request them; Then they
put the towel on the waist. The others adorn the carriage, each with a bouquet of mosaic, colored
leaves, reseda and sacking. For 17 years the tradition of the Saint in Procession, four blocks to the
outline and then in the main districts of the city of Masaya. (Also held in Bluefields and other
municipalities in Nicaragua.)

On the way back to San Jernimo, it is placed on the right side of the first vault of the main altar
and the novenario passes there. The Catholic people congregate massively on September 20 and
30, with marimba sones, bongo dance inside the temple and then continue with the candle the
whole night. It is a true fervor, this traditional festival, popular and religious with kings to the king
of the mountains within the church.


La bajada de San Jernimo.- El da 20 de Septiembre es la bajada del Dr. De los Pobres, de su

humilde peana del altar mayor, a la hermosa carroza, desnuda primero; despus ornamentada por
sus mismos promesantes, ancianos que se emocionan al recordar los "milagros" y a sus
antepasados; el pueblo comienza a colaborar, hay repiques de campanas, la marimba, la chicha, la
pupusa, el caf y los infaltables cohetes.

La bajado del Santo es todo un rito muy impresionante. Las campanas esta vez no las sonar
Antonio Useda, ya falleci. Otros colaboradores se dedican a la limpieza de la imagen con algodn
y perfumes, que mas tarde sern motivos de reliquias, para los promesantes que las pidan; luego
le ponen la toalla en la cintura. Los dems adornan la carroza, cada quien con un ramo de mosaico,
hojas de colores, resedas y sacuanjoche. Desde hace 17 aos la tradicin del Santo en Procesin,
cuatro cuadras al contorno y luego en los principales barrios de la ciudad de Masaya. (Tambin se
celebra en Bluefields y otros municipios de Nicaragua.)

De regreso San Jernimo, es puesto al costado derecho de la primera bveda del altar mayor y
pasa ah el novenario. El pueblo catlico se congrega masivamente el 20 y el 30 de septiembre,
con sones de marimba, bongo bailan dentro del templo y luego se contina con la vela la noche
entera. Es un verdadero fervor, esta fiesta tradicional, popular y religiosa con coreos al rey de las
montaas dentro de la iglesia.

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