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A Large Self-Annotated Corpus for Sarcasm

Mikhail Khodak and Nikunj Saunshi and Kiran Vodrahalli

Computer Science Department, Princeton University
35 Olden St., Princeton, New Jersey 08540

Abstract self-annotated labels and does not consist of low-

quality text snippets from Twitter2 . With more
We introduce the Self-Annotated Reddit than a million examples of sarcastic statements,
arXiv:1704.05579v1 [cs.CL] 19 Apr 2017

Corpus (SARC)1 , a large corpus for sar- each provided with author, topic, and contex in-
casm research and for training and evalu- formation, the dataset also exceeds all previous
ating systems for sarcasm detection. The sarcasm corpora by an order of magnitude. This
corpus has 1.3 million sarcastic state- dataset is possible due to the comment structure of
ments 10 times more than any previous the social media site Reddit3 as well its frequently-
dataset and many times more instances used and standardized annotation for sarcasm.
of non-sarcastic statements, allowing for Following a discussion of corpus construction
learning in regimes of both balanced and and relevant statistics, in Section 4 we present re-
unbalanced labels. Each statement is fur- sults of a manual evaluation on a subsample of the
thermore self-annotated sarcasm is la- data as well as a direct comparison with alterna-
beled by the author and not an independent tive sources. Then in Section 5 we examine simple
annotator and provided with user, topic, methods of detecting sarcasm on both a balanced
and conversation context. We evaluate the and unbalanced version of our dataset.
corpus for accuracy, compare it to previ-
ous related corpora, and provide baselines 2 Related Work
for the task of sarcasm detection.
Since our main contribution is a corpus and not a
1 Introduction method for sarcasm detection, we point the reader
to a recent survey by Joshi et al. (2016) that dis-
Sarcasm detection is an important component of cusses many interesting efforts in this area. Note
many natural language processing (NLP) sys- that many of the works the authors mention will be
tems, with direct relevance to natural language discussed by us in this section, with many papers
understanding, dialogue systems, and text min- using their own datasets; this illustrates the need
ing. However, detecting sarcasm is difficult be- for common baselines for evaluation.
cause it occurs infrequently and is difficult for Sarcasm datasets can largely be distinguished
even human annotators to discern (Wallace et al., by the sources used to get sarcastic and non-
2014). Despite these properties, existing datasets sarcastic statements, the amount of human anno-
either have balanced labels data with approxi- tation, and whether the dataset is balanced or un-
mately the same number of examples for each la- balanced. Reddit has been used before, notably by
bel (Gonzalez-Ibanez et al., 2011; Bamman and Wallace et al. (2015); while the authors allow un-
Smith, 2015; Joshi et al., 2015; Amir et al., 2016; abalanced labeling, they do not exploit the possi-
Oraby et al., 2016) or use human annotators bility of using self-annotation and generate around
to label sarcastic statements (Riloff et al., 2013; 10,000 human-labeled sentences. Twitter is a fre-
Swanson et al., 2014; Wallace et al., 2015). quent source due to the self-annotation provided
In this work, we make available the first corpus by hashtags such as #sarcasm, #notsarcasm, and
for sarcasm detection that has both unbalanced and 2
1 3
Welcome to /r/Politics! Please read the wiki before participating.
#irony (Reyes et al., 2013; Bamman and Smith,
Bankers celebrate dawn of the Trump era (
2015; Joshi et al., 2015). As discussed in Sec- submitted 4 months ago by Boartar
76 comments share save hide give gold
tion 4.2, its low quality language and other proper- sorted by: top
ties make Twitter a less attractive source for anno- [] Quexana 50 points 4 months ago

Finally, the bankers have a voice in Washington! /s

tated comments. However, it is by far the largest
permalink embed save report give gold REPLY
raw source of data for this purpose and has led
to some large unbalanced corpora in previous ef-
forts (Riloff et al., 2013; Ptacek et al., 2014). A Figure 1: A Reddit submission and one of its com-
further source of comments is the Internet Argu- ments. Note the conventional self-annotation /s
ment Corpus (IAC) (Walker et al., 2012), a scraped indicating sarcasm.
corpus of Internet discussions that can be further
annotated for sarcasm by humans or by machine score as voted on by users, the date of the com-
learning; this is done by Lukin and Walker (2013) ment, and the parent comment or submission.
and Oraby et al. (2016), in both cases resulting in To reduce noise, we use several filters to re-
around 10,000 labeled statements. move noisy and uninformative comments. Many
of these are standard preprocessing steps such
3 Corpus Details as excluding URLs and limiting characters to be
3.1 Reddit Structure and Annotation ASCII. To handle Reddit data, we also perform the
following two filtering steps:
Reddit is a social media site in which users com-
municate by commenting on submissions, which Only use comments from an author starting
are titled posts consisting of embedded media, ex- from the first month in which that author used
ternal links, and/or text, that are posted on topic- the standard sarcasm annotation. This en-
specific forums known as subreddits; examples of sures that the author knows the annotation
subreddits include funny, pics, and science. and makes unlabeled sarcasm less likely.
Users comment on submissions and on other com-
ments, resulting in tree-like conversation structure Exclude comments that are descendants of
such that each comment has a parent comment. sarcastic comments in the conversation tree,
We refer to elements as any nodes in the tree of as annotation in such cases is extremely
a Reddit link (i.e., comments or submissions). noisy, with authors agreeing or disagreeing
Users on Reddit have adopted a common with the previously expressed sarcasm with
method for sarcasm annotation consisting of their own sarcasm but often not marking.
adding the marker /s to the end of sarcastic state-
We collect a very large corpus, SARC-raw,
ments; this originates from the HTML text delin-
with around 500-600 million total comments, of
eation <sarcasm>...</sarcasm> As with
which 1.3 million are sarcastic. To obtain a
Twitter hashtags, using these markers as indicators
smaller, clear corpus with better-quality com-
of sarcasm is noisy (Bamman and Smith, 2015),
ments, we take a subset consisting of single sen-
especially since many users do not make use of the
tences having between 2 and 50 tokens. This
marker, do not know about it, or only use it where
yields a smaller corpus of around 200 million
sarcastic intent is not otherwise obvious. We di-
comments and 600 thousand sarcastic comments,
cuss the extent of this noise in Section 4.1.
SARC-main. Finally, we take a subset of the latter
3.2 Constructing SARC corpus corresponding to comments in the subred-
dit politics, which is a very large and sarcastic
Reddit comments from December 2005 have been subreddit; we call this last segment SARC-pol.
made available due to web-scraping 4 ; we con-
struct our dataset as a subset of comments from 4 Corpus Evaluation
2009-2016, comprising the vast majority of com-
ments and excluding noisy data from earlier years. There are three major metrics of interest for eval-
For each comment we provide a sarcasm label, au- uating our corpora: (1) size, (2) the proportion of
thor, the subreddit it appeared in, the comment sarcastic to non-sarcastic comments, and (3) the
rate of false positives and false negatives. Of inter-
4 est is also the quality of the text in the corpus and
Corpus Dataset Sarc. Total
Joshi et al. 15 751 1502
Oraby et al. 16 4.7K 9.4K
Joshi et al. 16 4.2K 5.2K
Bamman & Smith 15 9.7K 19.5K
Twitter Reyes et al. 13 10K 40K
Riloff et al. 13 35K 175K
Ptacek et al. 13 130K 780K
Wallace et al. 15 753 14124
SARC-pol 30K 4600K
SARC-main .63M 210M
SARC-raw 1.4M 564M Figure 2: Sarcasm percentage for subreddits with
more than a million comments in SARC-raw.
Table 1: SARC compared with other corpora. Our Well-moderated and special-interest forums such
dataset includes a million sarcastic comments. as science and asoiaf (referring to fantasy
series A Song of Ice and Fire) have less sarcasm
its applicability to other NLP tasks. Thus in this than controversial and less-moderated subreddits.
section we consider evaluate error in the SARC-
main subset and provide comparison with other constrained by length and contain fewer hashtags,
corpora used to construct sarcasm datasets. tweets are not written in true English. Hashtagged
tokens are also frequently used as a part of the
4.1 Manual Evaluation
statement itself (e.g. that was #sarcasm), blur-
To investigate the noisiness of using Reddit as a ring the line between text and annotation; on Red-
source of self-annotated sarcasm we estimate the dit /s is generally only used as something other
proportion of false positives and false negatives than annotation when its use as an annotation is
induced by our filtering. This is done by having being referred to (e.g. you forgot the /s).
three human evaluators manually check a random Furthermore, from a subsample of Twitter and
subset of 500 comments from SARC-main tagged Reddit data from July 2014 we determined that a
as sarcastic and 500 tagged as non-sarcastic, with vastly smaller percentage (.002% vs. .927%) of
full access to the comments context. A com- Twitter authors make use of sarcasm annotation
ment was labeled a false positive if a majority de- (#sarcasm, #sarcastic, or #sarcastictweet). We hy-
termined that the /s tag was not an annotation pothesize that Reddit users require sarcastic anno-
but part of the sentence and a false negative if a tation more frequently and in a more standardized
majority determined that the comment author was form because they are largely anonymous and so
clearly being sarcastic. After evaluation, the false cannot rely on a shared context to communicate
positive rate was determined to be 2.0% and the sarcasm. Finally, Reddit also benefits from having
false negative rate 3.0%. Although the false posi- subreddits, which enable featurization and data ex-
tive rate is reasonable, the false negative rate is sig- ploration based on an explicit topic assignment.
nificant compared to the sarcasm proportion, indi- The Internet Argument Corpus (IAC) has also
cating large variation in the working definition of been used as a source of sarcastic comments
sarcasm and the need for methods that can handle (Walker et al., 2012). The corpus developers found
noisy data in the unbalanced setting. 12% of examples in the IAC to be sarcastic, which
is a much nicer class proportion for sarcasm de-
4.2 Comparison with other Sources
tection than ours. As the Reddit data consists of
As noted before, Twitter has been the most com- arbitrary conversations, not just arguments, it is
mon source for sarcasm in previous corpora; this not surprising that our sarcasm percentage is much
is likely due to the explicit annotation provided by smaller, even when accounting for false negatives;
its hashtags. However, using Reddit as a source this property also makes our dataset more realistic.
of sarcastic comments holds many research ad- Unlike Reddit and Twitter, the IAC also requires
vantages. Unlike Reddit comments, which are not manual annotation of sarcasm.
SARC-main SARC-pol
Regime Method F1 Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall
Unbalanced Bag-of-NGrams 5.8 4.9 6.9 10.0 10.3 9.6
Bag-of-NGrams 73.1 75.0 71.3 73.6 75.3 72.0
Average Embedding 64.6 65.6 63.6 67.7 69.1 66.4
SNIF Embedding 65.1 66.9 63.4 68.7 70.9 66.6
Human 71.9 84.0 62.8 71.7 80.5 64.6
Majority decision of three independent fluent English speakers.
Table 2: Baseline Performance for Sarcasm Detection

5 Baselines for Sarcasm Detection speculation is so much more fun than all
those pesky facts , amirite ?
A direct application of our corpus is for train-
ing and evaluating sarcasm detection systems; we yeah , totally nothing wrong with bullying
thus provide baselines for the task of classify- people with the threat of meritless litigation
ing a given statement as sarcastic or not-sarcastic.
We consider non-contextual representations of the Figure 3: Two example sarcastic sentences from
comments as feature vectors to be classified by a SARC-main. Darker shading corresponds to non-
regularized linear support vector machine (SVM) stopwords with a higher SNIF weight.
trained by stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In
the unbalanced regime we use validation to tune method (Arora et al., 2017). Given a word ws
the class-weight, assigning more weight to the sar- frequency fw , SIF-weights assign a weight a+f a
casm class to force its consideration in the loss. where a is a hyperparameter often set to a = 10 . 4

5.1 Bag-of-NGrams As in TF-IDF, this assigns a low weight to high

frequency words; however, it performs surpris-
The Bag-of-NGrams representation consists of us- ingly poorly compared to average embedding.
ing a documents n-gram counts as features in a Hypothesizing that, unlike in regular text classi-
vector. For the SARC-main subset we use all uni- fication, a documents sarcasm depends on words
grams, bigrams, and trigrams that appear at least 5 with fairly high frequencies such as sure, totally,
times in the sarcastic training comments. For the and wow, we instead use Smooth Negative Inverse
SARC-raw subset we use all unigrams, bigrams, Frequency (SNIF) weights, assigning 1 a+f a
and trigrams that appear at least 5 times in all train- each word before also representing the document
ing comments. The feature vectors are normalized as a weighted average of word embeddings. We
before classification. find that such a weighting does in fact improve
performance over vector averaging.
5.2 Word Embeddings
Given a document, taking the elementwise average 6 Conclusion
of word embeddings of its words provides a simple
low-dimensional document representation. For We introduce a large sarcasm dataset based on
word vectors we use normalized 300-dimensional self-annotated Reddit comments. The datasets are
GloVe representations trained on the Common provided in three versions, allowing for diverse ap-
Crawl corpus (Pennington et al., 2014). Since we plications: SARC-raw, SARC-main, and SARC-
are establishing baselines and SGD yields incon- pol. SARC-raw has over 1 million sarcastic sen-
sistent results on word embedding representations tences, larger than any existing dataset. We eval-
in the unbalanced regime, we do report not any uate the baseline performance of simple machine
word embedding results for that task. learning methods and compare them with human
Smooth Inverse Frequency (SIF) embedding, in performance, with SVM over Bag-of-NGram rep-
which a document is represented as a weighted av- resentations outperforming humans on the task of
erage of the embeddings of its words, has been sarcasm detection. We hope that future users of
show to be an effective baseline representation this dataset will improve upon these benchmarks.
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