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Continuing Education

The 2015-2020
Patricia A. Rouen, PhD, FNP-BC,
and Brenna R. Wallace
Overview and Implications for Nursing Practice

72 Volume
Vollume 35 | Number
e 35 Num
mber 2 www.
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Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

This article reviews the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans released in 2016. Key recommendations are summa-
rized and significant changes in the guidelines are highlighted. Implications for nursing practice to promote nutrition health
are identified and resources to support implementation are included.

nutritious diet plays a foundational role in tection and Affordable Care Act (2010) that empha-
health promotion and disease prevention. sizes preventive care and the Medicare Chronic
Adequate nutrition is essential for human Care Management model (Centers for Medicare &
growth and development, reproduction, re- Medicaid Services, 2015) which funds monthly
covery from illness, ongoing health maintenance, health-promoting care for those with chronic
and quality of life (Slawson, Fitzgerald, & Morgan, diseases, the healthcare system now provides
2013; Public Health Reports, 1983, p. 132). Altera- stronger support to address nutrition issues.
tions in nutrition may de- Lastly, the U.S. Department of
velop as a consequence of Health and Human Services

Alina555 / iStock
clinical disease, dietary in- (HHS) and U.S. Department
take of nonnutritive foods, or of Agriculture (USDA) pub-
situational factors such as lish a report every 5 years
food insecurity and disparity that provides evidence-based
that limit access to food dietary guidelines. These
sources. Although robust guidelines inform health
data have demonstrated the policy and program develop-
relationship between un- ment, and provide recom-
healthy diets and elevated mendations for nutrition
rates of obesity, cardiovascu- interventions. The eighth edi-
lar disease (CVD), diabetes, tion of the Dietary Guidelines
and cancer (Cahill et al., 2014; for Americans: 2015-2020
Centers for Disease Control (HHS & USDA, 2015) was re-
and Prevention [CDC], 2016; leased in January 2016. The
George et al., 2014), a growing purpose of this article is to
body of evidence has also present an overview of the
documented that healthy eat- guideline recommendations
ing patterns support wellness Alterations in nutrition may and their implications for
and reduce chronic disease develop as a consequence nursing practice.
(Bazzano et al., 2014; Estruch of clinical disease, dietary
et al., 2013; Reedy et al., 2014).
intake of nonnutritive foods, Nursing and Nutrition
The high prevalence of Nursings interest in nutrition
obesity in the United States, or situational factors such as dates back to Florence Night-
where 45% of all adults (Fryar food insecurity and disparity ingale who emphasized the
et al., 2016a) and approxi- that limit access to food importance of food to prevent
mately 18% of youths ages 2 illness and promote healing.
to 19 years are affected (Fryar On the topic of nutrition,
et al., 2016b), has prompted Nightingale advised nurses to
national initiatives to pro- have a rule of thought about
mote nutritional health. Healthy People 2020 (www. your patients diet; consider, remember how much includes goals to decrease the he has had and how much he ought to have today
numbers of obese adults and children and to in- (Nightingale, 1969, p. 68). With a holistic approach
crease the proportion of primary care office visits that emphasizes health promotion and person-
that include education related to nutrition and centered care (American Nurses Association, 2010;
sarsmis / shutterstock

weight. The National Health and Nutrition Exami- Ekman et al., 2011), nurses are well-positioned to
nation Survey (NHANES) annually reports the di- contribute to the nutritional status of the clients
etary patterns and chronic disease prevalence they serve. Nurses conduct assessments of physi-
among Americans of all ages and cultures (CDC, cal and mental health, functional status, daily hab-
2014). With the implementation of the Patient Pro- its, and dietary patterns to identify nutritional

February 2017 Home Healthcare Now 73

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

p. 12). An eating pattern should include calories to

MKucova / iStock
provide adequate nutrition for a healthy body
weight and varies by individuals. Three eating pat-
terns are presented as exemplars: 1) the Healthy-
U.S. style, 2) the Healthy-Mediterranean style and
3) the Healthy-Vegetarian style (Health Policy
Brief, 2016, p. 3). The Healthy U.S.-style eating pat-
tern encourages Americans to eat more fruits and
vegetables from all groups and colors, use low-fat
or fat-free dairy products and include grains, at
least half of which should be whole grains (HHS &
USDA, p. 15). Oils from plant sources and natural
oils in foods such as nuts, seeds, and seafood are
The Healthy U.S.-style eating recommended. Protein options include seafood,
pattern encourages Americans to lean meats, poultry, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds,
and soy products (HHS & USDA, p. 15). In addition
eat more fruits and vegetables from to diet, regular physical activity is recommended.
all groups and colors, use low-fat or Table 1 presents the food group components
fat-free dairy products and include of the three healthy eating patterns using a
grains, at least half of which should 2,000-calorie plan (HHS & USDA, 2015). Both the
Mediterranean- and vegetarian-style eating patterns
be whole grains. are similar to the U.S.-style pattern with few differ-
ences. For all three plans, the recommendations for
vegetables and oils are the same. Compared to the
concerns (DiMaria-Ghalili et al., 2016; Reed, 2014). U.S. style, the Mediterranean diet permits a half cup
In collaboration with healthcare providers, nurses more fruit, reduces the dairy intake by one cup, and
provide nutrition education, mobilize resources to adds an ounce to the protein choices with seafood
support food security, monitor dietary plans, and preferred. The vegetarian pattern increases the in-
evaluate patient outcomes to ensure optimal health take of total and whole grains and provides specific
for their patients (DiMaria-Ghalili et al.; Reed). weekly amounts for proteins such as eggs, legumes,
nuts, seeds, and soy products.
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines
The 2015-2020 guidelines emphasize healthy eating Guideline 2: Focus on Variety,
as one of the most powerful tools to reduce obe- Nutrient Density, and Amount
sity and chronic disease. Previous guidelines con- This recommendation emphasizes that nutritional
centrated on individual nutrients and food groups, needs should be met primarily from food (HHS &
but the new recommendations emphasize overall USDA, 2015, p. 36). Nutrient-dense foods and bev-
eating patterns that accommodate personal and erages are those items that provide a lot of nutrients
cultural preferences (HHS & USDA, 2015). The (vitamins, minerals, fiber) with relatively few calo-
document addresses five major guidelines: 1) fol- ries. Nutrient-dense choices should have no added
low a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan, sugars or solid fats, few refined starches, and little
2) focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount, sodium (HHS & USDA, p. 12). Nutrient-dense choices
3) limit calories from added sugars and saturated are available across all food groups. All fruits, vege-
fats and reduce sodium intake, 4) shift to healthier tables, whole grains, seafood, eggs, legumes, un-
food and beverage choices, and 5) support healthy salted nuts and seeds, low-fat and fat-free dairy
eating patterns for all (HHS & USDA). products, and lean meats and poultry are consid-
ered nutrient-dense foods (HHS & USDA, p. 12).
Guideline 1: Follow a Healthy Eating Fruits and vegetables can be fresh, frozen,
Pattern Across the Lifespan canned, or dried in cooked or raw forms. Fruits
An eating pattern is the combination of foods and and vegetables are rich sources of fiber, vitamins,
beverages that constitute an individuals complete and minerals (e.g., potassium, iron, or choline).
dietary intake over time (HHS & USDA, 2015, Fruits are best eaten whole and not juiced or

74 Volume 35 | Number 2

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dried, as sugar and calorie amounts are higher, Eating patterns with less meats and few
necessitating smaller servings. When selecting processed meats or poultry reduce CVD, obesity,
canned products, vegetable choices should be low diabetes, and cancer risk (McEvoy et al., 2012).
sodium or rinsed before cooking to remove salt; For adults, 26 ounces weekly of meats, poultry,
canned fruits should have low sugar amounts or and eggs is recommended. Processed meats may
no added sugars. Whole grains are preferred. If be included in diets but require attention to the
refined grains are chosen, they should have lim- amounts of sodium, saturated fats, and added
ited sugar and be enriched with vitamins and sugars in these products (HHS & USDA, 2015,
minerals. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products pro- p. 25). As data show the meat consumption of
vide calcium and protein. teenage boys and men exceeds 26 ounces, the cur-
Protein choices include animal or plant sources; rent dietary guideline cautions men and teenage
both provide complimentary nutrients. For exam- boys to eat less meat.
ple, meats, poultry, and seafood provide heme
iron, whereas plant-based proteins such as nuts Guideline 3: Limit Calories From
and legumes have nonheme iron. Eggs are a com- Added Sugars and Saturated Fats
plete protein and a source of iron. Seafood is a and Reduce Sodium Intake
healthy protein and rich source of polyunsaturated As strong evidence demonstrates diets high in sat-
fatty acids that improve cholesterol and reduce in- urated fat incur CVD risk, less than 10% of calories
flammation (Estruch et al., 2013; Yates et al., 2014); per day should come from saturated fat. Saturated
yet, the average American weekly fish intake is 5.5 fat is naturally made in humans to support physi-
ounces (Jahns et al., 2014). The 2015 guidelines rec- ologic functions and consumption of saturated fat
ommend at least eight ounces of seafood per week. is not necessary (HHS & USDA, 2015). Trans fat is

Table 1. Comparison of the Recommended Healthy Eating Patterns Using 2,000 Calories
U.S.-Style Mediterranean Vegetarian
Food Groups Amounts Amounts Amounts
Vegetables 2 c-eq/day 2 c-eq/day 2 c-eq/day
Dark green 1 c-eq/wk 1 c-eq/wk 1 c-eq/wk
Red & orange 5 c-eq/wk 5 c-eq/wk 5 c-eq/wk
Legumes (beans, peas) 1 c-eq/wk 1 c-eq/wk 1 c-eq/wk

Starchy 5 c-eq/wk 5 c-eq/wk 5 c-eq/wk

Other 4 c-eq/wk 4 c-eq/wk 4 c-eq/wk
Fruits 2 c-eq/day 2 c-eq/day 2 c-eq/day
Grains 6 oz-eq/day 6 oz-eq/day 6 oz-eq/day
Whole grains 3 oz-eq/day 3 oz-eq/day 3 oz-eq/day
Refined grains 3 oz-eq/day 3 oz-eq/day 3 oz-eq/day
Dairy 3 c-eq/day 2 c-eq/day 3 c-eq/day
Protein Foods 5 oz-eq/day 6 oz-eq/day 3 oz-eq/day
Seafood 8 oz-eq/wk 15 oz-eq/wk N/A
Meats, poultry, eggs 26 oz-eq/wk 26 oz-eq/wk Eggs 3 oz-eq/wk
Nuts, seeds, soy products 5 oz-eq/wk 5 oz-eq/wk Nuts, seeds: 7 oz-eq/wk
Soy products: 8 oz-eq/wk
Legumes: 6 oz-eq/wk
Oils 27 g/day 27 g/day 27 g/day
Calories for other uses 270 kcal/day 260 kcal/day 290 kcal/day
Note. c = cup; eq = equivalents; g = gram; kcal = kilocalorie; oz = ounce; U.S. = United States; wk = week.
Adapted from Appendix 3, 4, and 5 (pages 79-88) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department
of Agriculture. 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Accessed from:
Office of the Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP;

February 2017 Home Healthcare Now 75

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merc67 / iStock

Reducing the amount of meat and

adding more beans and vegetables
to stews, or selecting seafood twice
a week are strategies to decrease
saturated fat intake.

considered the worst type of fat because of its as- advises that less than 10% of daily calories should
sociation with CVD mortality and intake should be come from added sugars. Natural sugars are found
as low as possible (de Souza et al., 2015). Small in foods such as fruits and milk, whereas added
amounts of natural trans fats are formed in animals sugars are sweeteners added during food process-
and found in meats and milk; consuming low-fat or ing that increase calories. Added sugars include
fat-free versions of these products is encouraged high fructose corn syrup, lactose, malt syrup, and
(HHS & USDA). sugars from concentrated juices (HHS & USDA,
The recommendation to limit cholesterol in- 2015, p. 12) and are common in beverages, candy,
take to 300 mg daily is not included in the 2015 and baked sweets (Huth et al., 2013). Low-calorie
guideline as there is inadequate evidence of a rela- sweeteners (e.g., sucralose) are designated safe to
tionship between dietary cholesterol intake and consume but while they may reduce calories, ben-
serum values (Fernandez, 2012; Kanter et al., efits on long-term weight loss have not been estab-
2012). Instead, data demonstrate body weight, ge- lished (HHS & USDA, p. 31).
netic traits, age, and gender have greater influence
on serum cholesterol values than diet (Alphonse Guideline 4: Shift to Healthier Food
& Jones, 2016; Anagnostis et al., 2015). Further, and Beverage Choices
NHANES reports (USDA, 2014) show the average Years of data have documented the eating pat-
daily cholesterol intake is 270 mg and below the terns of Americans, revealing diets that are low in
300 mg threshold (HHS & USDA, 2015, p. 31). vegetables, fruits, dairy products, whole grains,
Americans consume approximately 3,440 mg of oils, and seafood consumption but are above the
sodium daily (HHS & USDA, 2015, p. 58), exceeding recommended intake limits for refined grains,
the less than 2,300 mg/day recommendation for added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium (HHS &
those age 14 and older. The previous guideline USDA, 2015). Protein is the only nutrient at the
recommendation limiting sodium intake to 1,500 recommended level, but sex group data show
mg for those over age 50; all persons with hyper- teenage boys and men eat more than the recom-
tension, diabetes, or kidney disease; and all Afri- mended amounts.
can Americans has been removed from the 2015 The 2015-2020 guidelines recommend shifting to
guidelines (Health Policy Brief, 2016). Substantial nutrient-dense foods that align with personal and
data demonstrate reducing sodium intake lowers cultural preferences. The guidelines propose shift
blood pressure, CVD and stroke risk, but an Insti- strategies such as choosing vegetables as snacks or
tute of Medicine (2013) report presented evidence increasing the amounts of vegetables and decreas-
that there was no health benefit of the reduced ing the amount of meat or refined grains in mixed
goal and in some populations, low sodium intake dishes. Suggested shifts to increase fruit intake in-
may lead to adverse events. clude serving fruits as side dishes or dessert. To
Strong evidence shows added sugar intake is improve whole grain intake, shifting from white
associated with CVD mortality (Yang et al., 2014), breads to whole wheat or from white rice to brown
hypertension (Brown et al., 2011), obesity, and di- is advised. Other whole grains high in fiber and
abetes (Hu & Malik, 2010). A new recommendation protein include quinoa, amaranth, or barley.

76 Volume 35 | Number 2

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Healthy shifts for dairy products include switch-
ing to low-fat or fat-free versions of milk and cheese,
or choosing low-sugar yogurt or fortified soy prod-
ucts (HHS & USDA, 2015, p. 49). Reducing the
amount of meat and adding more beans and vegeta-
bles to stews, or selecting seafood twice a week are
strategies to decrease saturated fat intake. Sugar
and sodium intake can improve by switching from
soda to water, exchanging a cookie for fruit, or

iofoto / iStock
choosing unsalted nuts and low-sodium soups.
Using liquid instead of solid fats (e.g., butter) is a
healthy shift; oil choices should be high in poly- and
monounsaturated fats such as sunflower or canola.
Table 2. Main Messages in the 2015-2020 Dietary
Alcohol and caffeine were addressed in the
guideline. Moderate alcohol use was recommended
Whats New Whats the Same
with a limit of one drink daily for women and up to
two drinks daily for men (HHS & USDA, 2015). Caf- Emphasis on a healthy Healthy eating is the most
eating pattern powerful to prevent chronic
feine is not a nutrient, but was considered in the disease
guidelines as it is a component in foods and bever- U.S.-style, Mediterranean, Nutrition requirements can
ages. Most of the evidence regarding caffeine ad- or vegetarian healthy eating all be met with a balanced
dressed coffee intake, showing it was not associated patterns are recommended diet
with chronic disease risk. A new statement indicates Eat a variety of nutrient- Eat more fruits, vegetables
dense foods and grains, with 50%
a healthy eating pattern can include three to five
coming from whole grains
8-ounce cups per day of coffee (HHS & USDA, p. 33).
Less than 10% of calories Eat less saturated fats,
daily should come from sodium, and added sugars
Guideline 5: Support Healthy added sugars
Eating Patterns for All The recommendation to limit Consume low-fat or fat-free
Nutrition is a population health issue that requires cholesterol to 300 mg daily dairy products
has been removed
attention to the individual and their surrounding
Encourage teenage boys Eat lean meats, poultry,
environments. A multifactorial approach that ad- and men to reduce protein nuts, and seeds as protein
dresses diet and physical activity in the context of consumption of meat, eggs, sources; avoid processed
home, work, school, and community settings is and poultry meat products
recommended. Successful change requires that For those over age 14, limit Use plant-based oils or
everyone has a role (HHS & USDA, 2015, p. 64) in daily sodium to 2,300 mg. natural oils found in foods
The recommendation of such as nuts and seeds
creating and maintaining healthy eating patterns. 1,500 mg/day for specific
Strategies to encourage healthy eating in the home groups was removed.
include modifying recipes to healthier versions 35 cups of coffee/day is Limit alcohol consumption
and encouraging families to plan and cook meals part of a healthy eating to one drink/day for women
pattern and two drinks/day for men
together. In schools, lunch programs and cafete-
Shift to healthier choices in Eat 8 oz of seafood weekly
rias need nutrient-dense food choices and sched- every food group
uled time for physical activity is needed. For those
Support healthy eating The My Plate method is a
in work settings, vending machines with healthier patterns across settings helpful tool to guide portion
options and planned times for activity breaks are (home, school, work, sizes
possibilities. At the community level, farmers mar-
kets and community gardens can improve the sup- Food label revisions include Engage in regular physical
added sugars, Vitamin D, activity
ply of healthy foods, and safe public spaces are potassium, and serving sizes
needed for physical activity (HHS & USDA). All trans fats will be removed Be aware of fats: Type
from food over the next matters more than amounts
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 3 years
Contributions Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 20152020 Dietary Guide-
In 2015, the FDA recommended the removal of arti- lines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Accessed
ficial trans fats from processed foods and in 2016, from:

February 2017 Home Healthcare Now 77

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Years of data have documented
the eating patterns of Americans,
revealing diets that are low in
vegetables, fruits, dairy products,
whole grains, oils, and seafood
consumption but are above the
recommended intake limits for refined
gilaxia / iStock

grains, added sugars, saturated fats,

and sodium.

revisions to nutrient food labels were announced. Schueren et al.), nutrition issues abound. A multi-
Added sugars will be required on the labels; faceted interprofessional team approach to
potassium and Vitamin D will also be included as improve nutritional health requires registered
data consistently show low levels of these nutrients nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs), physi-
(Hoy & Goldman, 2012; Looker et al., 2011). Vitamin cians, registered dietitian nutritionists, social
A and C content is not required as these deficien- workers, and resources from community organiza-
cies are no longer common. Serving sizes are being tions (e.g., home-delivered meal programs, food
adjusted to reflect the amounts people are consum- banks) to achieve the 2015-2020 Dietary Guideline
ing. If items are between one and two servings, the goals (HHS & USDA, 2015).
package will be labeled as one serving. Implementa- As patient-centered providers and the largest
tion of these changes is expected by July 2018. healthcare occupation in the United States (DiMaria-
In summary, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines Ghalili et al., 2014), RNs are well-positioned to im-
emphasize healthy eating patterns that are custom- prove the dietary health of patients, families, and
ized to individuals and families and include nutri- communities. RNs assess clinical indicators of
ent-dense foods to improve health and reduce nutritional health including cognitive, functional
chronic disease risk (Table 2). A diet that is higher and hydration status, body weight, eating habits,
in vegetables, fruits and whole grains, with low-fat and appetite (DiMaria-Ghalili et al., 2016) and for-
dairy products, seafood, and plant-based proteins mulate clinical judgments about patients that are
is recommended. Lower amounts of meats, espe- amenable to nursing action. Nursing nutrition di-
cially processed forms, refined grains foods, and agnoses commonly address imbalanced nutrition:
sugar-sweetened drinks or foods are advised. Mod- less than or more than body requirements intake
erate alcohol and caffeine intake is acceptable in a (Herdman & Kamitsuru, 2014) and may be related
healthy eating pattern. Strategies to support to food ingestion, metabolism, or hydration status
healthy eating and physical activity transcend issues (DiMaria-Ghalili et al., 2014). Nurses sup-
home, work, school, and community environments. port nutrition interventions during transitions
from hospitals to homes that may involve tube
Nursing Implications feedings or parenteral nutrition as well as diet
Optimal nutrition plays an important role in many management plans to control carbohydrate or fat
aspects of health including growth and develop- intake for chronic conditions, including CVD and
ment, health promotion, and acute and chronic diabetes. RNs coach patients toward health, ar-
disease management (DiMaria-Ghalili et al., 2014). range for nutritious home-based meals, and rein-
Nutrition interventions can prevent disease, im- force nutrition education (Reed, 2014; Smolowitz
prove quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs et al., 2015). Reed asserts that nurses also identify
(de van der Schueren et al., 2014). In the United patient stressors that negatively affect dietary in-
States, with the epidemic of obesity (Fryar et al., take and body composition and encourage stress-
2016a), an aging population, high chronic disease reduction strategies, adequate sleep, and increased
prevalence, and data showing 33% to 50% of hos- intake of antioxidant-rich foods to attenuate these
pitalized patients are malnourished (de van der adverse changes. Dietary counseling is a consis-

78 Volume 35 | Number 2

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

tent key nursing activity implemented during hos- for Patients, and the Wave Activity Variety and
pitalizations, discharge education plans, and Excess screen are useful (Gans et al., 2003). Nutri-
primary care clinic encounters (Ilmonen et al., tion assessments also include physical examina-
2012) and accounts for 14% of home care services tions, mental and functional health inventories,
rendered (Jones et al., 2012). anthropometric measures (e.g., body mass index),
Nutrition assessment guides nursing interven- and clinical laboratory testing.
tions. Tools (Table 3) for evaluating dietary intake The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines are intended
include food diaries, computer programs, and to guide wellness promotion strategies for a healthy
phone applications (Henning, 2009). Standardized population (HHS & USDA, 2015). For those with
instruments such as the Mini Nutritional Assess- chronic disease, specific nutrition issues necessi-
ment (Cereda, 2012), the Rapid Eating Assessment tate different strategies and a variety of nursing
actions are needed to optimize nutrition and
Table 3. Nutrition Resources health. Nurse-driven evidence-based interven-
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans tions tailored to individuals, population subgroups (e.g., children, elders), or communities are recom-
This site includes the guideline, a professionals toolkit, mended. For example, diet interventions for
powerpoint presentation, patient handouts, and graphics
adolescents featuring text messaging have been
Choose My Plate successful (Militello et al., 2012). In hospitals,
improved meal appearance increased patients in-
This site provides healthcare professional and age and
culturally relevant patient resources take and decreased readmissions (Navarro et al.,
American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016). A review of telehealth visits for community- dwelling elders demonstrated improved outcomes
This site has resources for nutrition assessment and education, for diet adherence (van den Berg et al., 2012) and
including dietary guidelines, recipes, policy updates. school-based programs to improve diet patterns,
The Alliance to Advance Patient Nutrition demonstrated improvements in fruit intake (Evans
et al., 2012). Nurses also implement dietary inter-
This multidisciplinary organization supports nutrition
practices for patients and was founded by the Academy
ventions that have been shown to reduce the
of Medical-Surgical Nurses, the Academy of Nutrition prevalence, severity, or morbidity related to spe-
and Dietetics, the Society of Hospital Medicine and cific diseases such as CVD, diabetes, cancer, or
Abbott Nutrition Nurse. A resource toolkit is available at
celiac disease (Kris-Etherton et al., 2014).
Data show that healthcare professionals pro-
FDAFood Label Changes vide nutrition counseling on a daily-to-weekly
GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/ basis, but do not report high confidence in their
LabelingNutrition/ucm385663.htm abilities to manage these issues (Hanson et al.,
This site includes the proposed revisions and infographics 2016), suggesting there is a need to improve nutri-
of the new labels.
tion education in training and practice settings. In
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 nursing schools, nutrition content can be taught
preventive-services-covered-under-aca/ in a single course or embedded within several
Link to the preventive services coverage including dietary classes, but nurses consistently report the con-
counseling. tent was not sufficient (DiMaria-Ghalili et al., 2014;
Nutrition Assessment Tools Ilmonen et al., 2012; Reed, 2014). DiMaria-Ghalili
Mini Nutrition Assessment for elders
et al. (2014) documented that almost all programs
taught nutrition assessment, diet counseling, and
Weight Activity Variety and Excess (WAVE)
enteral and parenteral nutrition, but did not
Rapid Eating and Activity Assessment for Patients (REAP)
always include biochemistry courses or clinical
nutrition learning experiences, implying a need to
Instructions on the site require an email to secure use for
bolster nutrition content and provide continuing
both tools. education in practice organizations. A survey of
My Fitness Pal interprofessional healthcare practitioners (Han- son et al.) documented that NPs had the highest
USDA Supertracker prevalence of daily nutrition-related encounters
compared with physicians, physician assistants,

February 2017 Home Healthcare Now 79

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

and communities they serve. Coordinated strate-
The registered dietitian nutritionist gies are required for successful implementation of
(RDN) is a certified professional the guideline goals and should include positive
with education and practice practical messages tailored to the unique needs of
individuals and population groups along with
expertise in food and nutrition access to information and resources regarding nu-
science, biochemistry, pharmacology, trition in communities, schools, clinics, and health-
and the behavioral-social sciences. care organizations (Ivens et al., 2016). Beyond the
collaborative efforts of nurses, dietitians and other
healthcare professionals, organizations and gov-
pharmacists, dentists, and physical therapists, ernment agencies must ensure a safe and equitable
but also reported the nutrition education content food supply to create a culture of health that will
in their advanced practice nursing program was achieve the 2015-2020 Dietary Guideline goals.
not adequate for their professional role.
Collaboration with other healthcare profession- Patricia A. Rouen, PhD, FNP-BC, is an Associate Professor at
als is essential to support the implementation of McAuley School of Nursing, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit,
the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for patients,
Brenna R. Wallace is a Senior Dietetics student at Michigan State
communities, and organizations. The registered University, East Lansing, Michigan.
dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is a certified profes- The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
sional with education and practice expertise in Address for correspondence: Patricia A. Rouen, PhD, FNP-BC,
food and nutrition science, biochemistry, pharma- McAuley School of Nursing, University of Detroit Mercy, 4001 W.
McNichols Road, Detroit, MI 48221 (
cology, and the behavioral-social sciences (Ameri-
can Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2016). Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
RDNs are pivotal members of the interprofes- DOI:10.1097/NHH.0000000000000503
sional team who address nutrition issues across
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