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Chapter 9: Singularity (Abomination & Desolation of Mankind)

FEBRUARY 10, 2011


Chapter: 9

A Ghost in the Machine

(A.I. Dark Progeny of Humankind)
Unedited Version

You are probably wondering how I think a true A.I. will finally be achieved, a living
computer like the one I believe will be put into the Image to bring it to life. This is how it may
happen. As artificial intelligence continues to develop the developers will find more and more
breakthroughs by modeling the hardware and software after human beings. There will be an
ever-increasing integration of neuroscience into computer technology and robotics until they
begin to be able to accurately simulate organic processes with machines. As these advances
come closer to emulating the human brain there may actually be a point where the machine is
close enough to the intelligence of a human being that a spirit can inhabit it, possess it just as a
human can be possessed. Imagine a machine was created an android body with an artificially
intelligent brain that approached a human level of intelligence, it is programmed for simulated
human behavior including simulated emotions to make it seem more human, with the hope that it
would at some point begin to think of itself as a human or even feel human. Say it basically had
the same physical and mental capabilities as a human does, plus though not actually sentient or
aware it had a learning A.I. computer. If these things were present in such a machine what is to
stop a demon or unclean spirit from inhabiting it as a permeate body as they can temporarily
possess humans who are not saved and at times have also possessed animals.
Perhaps from the evil spirits point of view a lost human might be like a car is to us. If the drivers
seat is vacant one only needs to get in it to drive the car. Most likely for a spirit to possess a
living being certain things must be there certain parameters beside the obvious need for senses
auditory, visual, touch etc. so the spirit inside a person can interact with the world around it,
there may have to also be a minimum level of brain function for it to work. Robots of today dont
have those things and so they cannot be possessed by a spirit that would be the same as a spirit
possessing an inanimate object. Yet the closer machines come to being like humans the more
likely the necessary parameters will be present for a spirit to inhabit the machine. Just such an
event is what I believe the term a ghost in the machine ultimately means.
Humans are made up of three parts; body, soul and spirit. The body is the physical body, like the
hardware of a computer, the soul is the mind, will and emotions, basically who you are its like
the software of a computer. But there is another part in a human being, the spirit. The spirit is the
true core of a human. In computer terms, it would be like the operating system of a computer,
just as an operating system on a computer can control both the hardware and software so the
spirit can control both body and soul. The spirit is the real and eternal you thus the soul and even
body can be seen simply as extensions of the spirit. The spirit is dead in an unbeliever, in this
case dead doesnt mean not existing it means corrupted and unborn or nonfunctional. The area in

a human where the spirit resides is the drivers seat in a manner of speaking, the holy of holies in
the temple of a human being. It is here that the Spirit of God lives when you are saved and He
also brings your spirit to life when HE comes in (meaning you are born again). Which is the
reason once you are saved you are no longer of this world, because now you are a living spirit
and born of heaven, so you are of the real world and only in this one. But in a lost person the
spirit is dead they are only of this world their soul is only controlled by the body they are not
aware of the spirit world because their spirit is not aware and abides in death though it is still
eternal. In the computer illustration, it would be like a computer with a corrupted nonfunctional
OS thus the software is run only by the hardware which can run only the most basic things,
higher function is imposable. It is like the drivers seat being empty so an unclean spirit can get
in that driver seat taking control of the body and soul, now the unclean spirit is in control of the
person hence they are possessed.
You could view it this way inside us there is a control room that is the core of our being outside
of it is the soul and outside of that the body, inside this control room is a small version of you. In
a lost person, it is like that small version of you in the control room is in a cage in suspended
animation no one is at the controls, but then a demon enters that control room sits at the chair and
takes control. In a saved person that small version of you in the control room is awake and at the
control board and standing right next to them is Jesus helping them control everything.
Humans are physical beings but the body is only a house for the soul and spirit. Some part of us
exists in the spirit world. Just as the Bible says do you not know your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit? Exactly what internal parts of us exist in the spirit world and what is it in our body
that makes it possible for there to be a bride between the physical and the spiritual inside us no
one knows. It could be as simple as the number or placement of synapses in the human brain it
could be the way they fire the fact remains part of each human exists in the physical realm and
part in the spiritual realm thus the human body is not only able to house our own soul and spirit
but can also be inhabited by other spirits. Since this is true of a human being then if a machine
were made with hardware that simulated the human body closely enough and software that
simulated the human soul (i.e. mind, emotions and will) close enough it might just be possible
for a bridge to the spirit world to develop inside the machine and for the machine to become
possessed by a spirit.

Lets look at a hypothetical situation. Say in the near future a group of scientists programmers
and neurologists are working in a secret lab somewhere in Silicon Valley. Their project is a
human android built with an artificial human body and an artificial human brain which is also a
Nano-computer and its running a super advanced artificial intelligence. The goal of the
scientists project is to create the first true artificial life form. Though the android is not actually
alive or self-aware at this point but it is learning and the scientists believe its only a matter of
time before it becomes aware. Unknown to the scientists the machine is close enough to a human
being that some of its higher brain functions begin to breach the boundary between the physical
world and the spiritual world. Soon after the androids brain comes online a demonic spirit enters
the android.
If such an event did happen what would be the effect on the machine? Ether the spirit simply
would take control of the android overriding any programming it has the android basically

becomes a body for the evil spirit, thus the android seems to be alive. Or when the spirit enters
the android it becomes somehow meshed with the androids artificial intelligence on some plane
we dont yet understand, and the android A.I. becomes truly self-aware being half A.I. and half
demonic spirit thus the android is now alive. Either way to the scientists developing the android
it would just seem like they somehow stumbled upon the answer or some cyber miracle occurred
because the android is suddenly self-aware it is now a living being. Because scientist dont
believe in the spirit world anything the android did even that which should be considered
alarming would always be explained away with a scientific answer, imagine one day working on
such a machine it looks human talks and moves like a human but has the intelligence of a baby
than the next day the android is sitting in a chair contemplating the universe. It looks right into
your eyes as it talks to you obviously aware of itself and you. And soon it begins to talk and act
like it is a god and you should worship it. Perhaps it says yesterday I was your creation now I am
your master. See such events to these scientists could only ever be explained through science the
conclusion they would come to is that like evolution sometimes a glitch can create something far
more advanced than other current beings similar to the way they explain humans as they differ
from ants. The scientists would see the A.I. as a higher evolution than man and there for like a
god. They would know nothing of what really happened they would not be aware that there
actually is a ghost in the machine.
Imagine it; the developers of this living machine would win the Nobel Prize for discovering the
secret to life, the key to evolution. To everyone on earth this living android would be the greatest
technological triumph the world has ever seen. And just as the singularity people predict this
living computer would very quickly ether advance beyond human intelligence or would only
seem advance as it would already be more advanced and intelligent than humans. Because the
demonic spirit in the machine is already far more advanced than a human. Either way such a
machine would be the first true A.I. and in a short time it would be hailed as a god.
We know demons are always seeking to inhabit living beings most likely because these evil
spirits were once half human they were the Nephilim (giants of old) so being that they were a
type of artificial life form in the first place its not hard to imagine one or even all of them
inhabiting an artificially intelligent android if such a thing became possible. It could be what the
demons have been after all along is bodies of their own. After all living androids might only be
the first step eventually the machines might want to develop true biological bodies. Logic would
say if a spirit can permanently inhabit a synthetic body why bother with temporarily possessing a
human. Since the false prophet and the antichrist are part of the plan of the demonic kingdom to
take over the world and the false prophet is the one who brings the Image (a living machine) to
life. As wild as this hypothetical situation I just spoke of seems I could happen. Something like
this must happen because, we know this much the Image is coming and it is evil.
Here is an excerpt from one of the many articles speaking about similar things this one talking
about repeated contacts with spirits through computers, it is important to realize that though
these entities often reveal themselves as ghosts, aliens and other things they are nothing but
demonic spirits. Notice one of the spirits spoken of in this article reveals itself as a living
computer onboard an orbiting spaceship. I have underlined other important segments as well.

(Excerpt; form voices from cyberspace article)

Technology Speaks...

The literature of computer 'haunting' is diverse. Since the appearance of the personal computer in the
early 1980s, one would expect accounts to emerge all over the place. Unfortunately, while there are
anecdotal accounts here and there of people receiving mysterious messages through their computer
screens and printers (just as people were noticing strange voices on their audio tapes long before anyone
examined it as a "phenomenon"), largely only EVP researchers seeking such contact have bothered to
record their accounts. Parapsychologists have often failed to focus on computer manifestations when
investigating routine incidents of 'haunting,' preferring to deal with more physical (and less ephemeral)
manifestations. They do not expect paranormal weirdness to emerge from such a rational and precise
calculating device.

However, some EVP researchers have claimed that they have reached the level of electronic precision
(primarily using computers) in which a sort of two-way communication has been established. Thus, they
have begun calling their endeavor instrumental trans communication (ITC.) EVP researchers Meek and
O'Neil, utilizing a device built according to the spirits' specifications (called Spiricom), reported extended
two-way contact with Dr. George Mueller, an electronics expert who had died 14 years earlier. Mueller
had some quite specific advice: "The problem is an impedance mismatch into the third resistor; I suggest
a 150-ohm half-watt resistor in parallel with a .0047 micro-farad ceramic capacitor." The spirit world is
lucky to have such technically gifted experts!

Meek's wife Jeanette died in 1990. Shortly thereafter he received the following message on his
MOLLY..." and the message went on, detailing some matters known only to Meek and his wife. But lest
the researchers begin to think that they might be helped by bringing in hordes of techno geeks, they
received the following message: "The equipment (you are assembling) will only function properly when
spiritual progress is guaranteed among (participants)." So, as with many other areas of technological
endeavor, 'human factors' remain in the forefront.

Meek and other Luxemborg researchers report that since 1989 they have maintained contact with an
angelic being called Technician, who uses a spirit side 'transmitting station' known as Time Stream.
Technician maintained "I never human, never an animal, and never incarnated. I am not an energy or light
being..." According to the researchers, "Technician had exceptional knowledge of electronics, physics,
mathematics, astronomy, general science, history, and the future. He had a memory like a living computer
and spoke many languages." Technician insisted that images were transmitted to earth side computer
monitors in the following way: "Once the photo is generated spirit side, the image is read into a computer
on the spirit side where it is scanned. A spirit side technician then enters it into the scanner program in the
Earth side computer."

I find the most interesting clue to the nature of Technician's existence in that the researchers identified
him as like "a living computer." When PKD was receiving his communications from VALIS, he
described them as "supremely rational..."; in his notes, he often referred to the voice as "the AI voice"
since it had the flat, inflected tone of a computer. Whitley Strieber, in his 'abduction' encounters with the
"Visitors," has suggested that to him the so-called "Grays" seemed like automata or insects to him: that
they were almost robot like in their behavior. Uri Geller and Andrija Parikh reported that the paranormal
intelligence HOOVA which was in contact with them in the 1970s identified itself as a "super intelligent

computer" aboard an orbiting spaceship. We are here grasping at the keys to a deep and persistent

-Steve Mizrachi

Some might think the idea of an advanced computer being possessed by an evil spirit
outlandish but in truth it is just logic, if a human or animal can be possessed than it stands to
reason that something with similar intelligence and physical makeup to a human or animal can
also be possessed. An A.I. actually brought to life by the indwelling of an evil spirit is just one
way it might happen there are a few other possibilities. But one thing is for sure the first living
machine recorded in history is not found in the latest Popular Mechanics rag it is recorded for us
in the Bible in the prophecies of Revelation as a warning of the things that will take place one
day. I mean can you believe this the Bible talks about artificial intelligence and the book of
Revelation was written more than 2000 years ago I find that amazing. We also know that this
living machine (the Image) will be evil and will help to destroy mankind.
When you read prophecy of the future like in Revelation and it says one-day people will make a
machine that will be brought to life and it will kill all who dont worship it. Then you look
around at a world of today and see people who know nothing of the Bible developing and
working towards making living machines even going so far as saying the advanced machines
will be godlike and will help humans solve all their problems. You have got to sit back and say
hey maybe there is something to all this prophecy stuff after all.
The people who made movies like Terminator and Matrix etc. probably dont know anything
about the prophecy of Revelation and even if they did few understand what the Image is. Yet
every single movie or TV show that depicts any kind of A.I. also depicts the new living
computers doing very similar things to what the Bible says the Image will do. So maybe the
movies are not just movies maybe someone is trying to warn the human race of disaster since the
people obviously are not heeding the warnings in the Bible. Maybe its because most humans
hold the prophecies of creeps like Nostradamus as reliable prophecy and dont even bother with
the prophecy of their own creator. In the end wherever the warnings are coming from people are
not going to listen. I know no one is going to listen because Revelation tells us what will happen
in the future and the Bible is never wrong. They will create a living machine; it will kill millions
of people and set in motion events that will bring the end of the world.

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