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WHAM _MANUA, f GETTING STARTED ee nee 1. oy entire ds to ned ie Benge 2: Layout ping tem with numbered nodes and pipes 4. On piping tem indicate cretion of poive x ~ not necessary fw direction. \ 4 Mave intrmation read t input 9 rogem. 5 Key in AWHAM oun progam | 6, Respond to prompts as required. 2. AX gad af excto, les “DAT, “OUT, amd maybe “PLT are sane on dis One may change “DAT file by reruasing AWHAM snd responding to promps 9, Deta in *.DAT may also be changed with an editor, but exution most be exercised as data is formatted. Only simple changes should be ‘made fn this manner. 10, Any “PLT ile can be read into the sereen display program PLOT Wy eying in PLOT and then giving program plot fle name MANUAL, Water Hammer Program AWHAM for IBM Personal Computer Samuel Martin, Aldanta, Georgia INTRODUCTION “The program AWHAM is a watechammer program that ca simulate a varity of transient in iguld stems using the method of characteristics. The arrays fr velosty and head ce one at (O.31), meaning thatthe user ean investigate up to a 40 pipe and 40 node sem with any ene pipe having sshaximum of 50 reaches. The boundary conditions that can be Bete are fescvir valve, pump, junction of pipes, air chamber, surge tak, cne-way surge Tent vacuum breaker, end entrapped ir pocket. Ata terminal node either the velcty or head may be pulse ina periodic fashion. At mukiple-pipe junctions flow demand may be speciied ané TFalitaned or directed to an ify line. Vapor eavity formation and collapse (cola separation) cease be investigated. The user may choose any of four representative valve curves (ball fruerty, gute or lobe), or input sew values directly from the keyboard. The effect of ease cera (check valve can also be investigated. Dat fies contain three commonly wsed pump Carve from the Kterature for cetrifugal, mixed and axial flow pumps, plus two ober ses. The SeoTfuy create another fle if four quadrant data are available forthe pump in question. / ‘Pressure and Head Representation “The program solves transient problems using the method of characteristics with the piezometic head und sesional velocity as dependent variables. The piezometic head ~ pressure head plus lovation head - isa much more convenient quantity to use than the pressure its in tat the fips elevation isnot needed except whenever gus or vapor are being considered, Ir the instances cer nich the pressure is also needed for analysis - column separation, accumdator, vacuum ncaker, and entrapped a behavior, the user is asked to input the pipe elevation. f he integrity rh rine i being Investigated the user ean easily compute the pressure head by subtracting the bige elevation from the maximum piceometri Weud (hyUeuuie rude Hing). The program provider {ie user withthe maxima and minima heads experienced at any section in the pige section during the transient. Another advantage of using piezometric head is that only the gravitational fcederation need be vianged when svtching from SI to British (American!) unis, provided that proper units for flow, et, are prescribed. Using piezometric head, no force quantities such as Spetifie weight or presse have to be input. Indeed, only length related quantities such as dianeter, pipe length, velocity, and volumetric low are utilized. Moreover, the equations apply for any liquid not just water ifthe user ean supply the proper friction coefficient and speed of ouad in the pipe. ‘The length parameters must be in either meters or feet, deyuding upon the system chosen, ‘Volumetric flow rates may not be gallons per minute or any other non-standgrd unit, but instead cither eubie meters or cubic feet per second, The wave speed must have alread been computed by the user to be keyed in m/sec or ft/sec. The Darcy-Weisbach friction coeicient, not the Slacton coeticien, is used fr pipe resistance. ‘The inital conditions or steady-state solution must be known or assumed regarding flow Aistibation ifthe piping system has loops or branches. This is very convenient in that one need ‘only specify the flow in all pipes and the elevation (real or equivalent) of the reservoir atthe left fend of the system. The program then marches through the sysem to give the initial conditions. Indeed, the user may, by seting the time of study equal to 00, quickly iterate to a steady-state ‘ondition if not alrealy known, For yar system completely i acres the vser muy choose t0 Input the two reservoir elevations at the two ends ofthe system and the physical characteristics of the pines, from which the steady-state lows and heads ace computed PIPING SYSTEM ‘The piping system and boundary conditions can be specified as follows. Depending upon the complexity of the system the user may specify the number of pipes to be any integer from 1 t0 40, inchsive. The corresponding number of nodes may range from 2 to 40. In some instances the user ‘may find it desirable 10 break very long actual pipes into several simulated identical pipes ‘Comected by the junction (JUNCT) boundary condition. la this manner the maximum number of reaches (50) for & pipe may be doubled, ete. ‘The boundary conditions and the respective input codes for pipe nades ate specified in tems ofthe typeof node, either terminal or interior. At the beginning ofthe system is Node 1, to which {is auached Pipe 1. Pipe 1 in turn i connected to Node 2 rom which other pipes an lead to other odes, te two oF more pipes are connected to anode its termed aa Interior nods. Termin rhodes have-only one pipe cannested to i, Node I-may be an interior or a terminal node. ‘Rules for Node and Pipe Numbering Jf 1 Monier the notes 90 nt HCL ems be computed fom Node | we 1 4, Number the nodes stating at left end of system (Node 1, except to make the direstion of fow correspond to poste 3. Do not worry about flow direct x fo convenience oni 4 Te drain of piv is important The destin of nal fw may be poste or nea. : Tee mut be atest oe pipe entering every nde Thre docs not hve t0 be a pipe Heating» node Thre maybe ol oo pie at « VALVE contin with «CHECK va a. at nde vih CHECK the pe number hat ob enter seen mais so. Noe thatthe pve distort ~ not he poe lw destin vi tng ot tem et umber ats sng wip wht te nals 6 AGT Ia ying ye hte HO an be comput rom nae 1 oe Nek Show plex destin. a ont ce pipe (Pipe 1 leaves Node Ya, only one pie (pe 1 eters Node > tony ow ple may cna erin ih en bruni cnios cho RES PLS, SALVE, BEAD, and PUMP. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AT NODES van urine ade wih andar cndton JUNCT may havea manu of ES OO $ sit: a Say maa ACCUM, ACER VALE ce 2 i ea ge peed a» wore node. AL sn, mie ote N the possible RA y conn’ are RES, VALVE, PUMP, PULSE, DEAD, o INFIN. “The boundary eonditons wvallable at modes are Boundary Condition at Node Code Terminal Node Node 1 Reservoir at Terminal Node 1 (w/wo valve) RES « Punp at Terminal Node 1 (w/wo valve) PUMP {ir ehamber or accumulator at Terminal Node 1 (w/wo orifice) ACCUM Pubed velocity or head condition at Terminal Node 1 PULSE * Inerior Node-Node 1 “Two-pipe junction at Interior Node 1 (W/W ow demand) * guner awe at Interior Node 1 VALVE * amp at Interior Node 1 (w/wo valve) PUMP ~ (Open surge tank at Interior Node 1 SGTANK (On way Surge tank at Interior Node 1 of wo-pipe junction ‘ONEWAY + Two-Pipe or Muliple-Ppe Interior Nodé N Muliple pipe junton at Interior Node N (w/o fow demand) gunct ¢ ake at Interior Node N of matiplenie junction VALVE” (Open surge tank at Interior Node N of mail junction SGTANK> he way surge tank at Infetio Node N of maltipe pipe junction ONEWAY ~ Two-Pipe (Ont) Interior Node N —a- Relief valve at Inteior Node N of rworpipe junction RVALVE ~ unp at Interior Node N of two-pipe junction PUMP. * ‘Ait chamber or accumulator at Interior Node N of twopipe junction ACCUM * ca Vacuum breaker (air inlet valve) at Interior Node N of two-pipe junction VACBR - Entrapped air at Interior Node N of two-pipe junction VACER 7 Terminal Node N Ress voir at Terminal Node N Pomp at Terminal Node N (w/wo vale) pum ~ ‘Vale at Terminal Node N VALVE ulied condition at Terminal Node N PULSE - Infity condition at Terminal Noce N INFIN, Decd end at Terminal Node N DEAD ~~ peer vale = Retin beak Cpe Hen abec € tmnt wet Resemebie fant ‘At the left end or starting point (Node 1) ofthe system the possible boundary conditions are RES, PUMP, ACCUM, or PULSE. A parallel pump problem may be configured by using PUMP for Node 1 and PUMP for Node 2, with pipe three connected at the juntion of Pipes 1 and 2. The [terior boundary conditions may only be employed at junctions, not at terminal ends of pipes. If, for campo, an acurmlator next to pump isto be investigated, the user may ereat a short pipe ‘one section between the pump and accumulator to accomplish the task with essentially the same fesults For a given piping system more than one pipe may have the same intericr or terminal ‘Doundary condition such as VALVE, PUMP, RES, ct ‘TIME STEP ‘As provided tothe user on the sereen, care must be exercised in prepery eanfiguring the piping stem to alow the program to ptinize te selection of number of computing sections for Br pipe of a mulple-pipe problem. Tnasmuch as the method of characteristics without interpolation is utlized the quanty [pipe lngth/ (wave speed)*(ime step))] must be an integer for each pipe ~a dificult requirement, Since the time step is foreed to be identical for each pipe in order to stay on the characteristic Lines the parameter [pipe length/wave speed] needs to be integer multiples from pipe to pipe in the system. Obviously, there is no such requrement for + tingle pipe problem. The program will attempt 1 optimize the sytem from the given values of ine lagths and wave speeds by slightly varying the wave speed: to yield the rejulred integer Pietiples, There fs an internal rexeaint, however, of a0 more thin w 10% alteration of any wave peed in the system. Tu program will not run until the user modifies the system to satis this eSstraint This modification can usualy be done by generating adeitional pipes, realizing of ‘Course, that the maximum number of computing setions per pipe is SO. COLUMN SEPARATION “The formation and collapse ofa vapor cavity within pipe may be investigated by specifying lively locations such as at the source of depressrization and at high points. The standard procedure of elloving complete liquid columa separation, maiataining viper pressure, and assessing avy volume is employed. The user must choose the station inthe pipe, give its elevation as well the local barometcc pressure and liquid vapor pressure, both in absolute pressure head units ‘No more than two locations may be specified in any one pipe. Caution should be exercised in {pedljing more than two exvties per problem because of the typical generation of spurious waves cenever pressures computed below vapor pressure are reset to vapor presiure, The user must be willing to accept computed pressures at other locations that are Jess than vapor pressure, [Eaperince has shown that column separation i best simulated by concentrating vit formation atthe moat susceptible location, The ser must choose these section ~ often only one per problem wen the soures (valve or pump) with eatremve care. eaccucuamaaccs VALVE CHARACTERISTICS tha nantiing ot» tarmtact a interne node (PUMP), oF at RES at Node 1, VALVE at an inverior node oF at a termiaul nove, the wer owy spect) peration of «standard motor-operated valve. There are four sets of valve curves, representing & ‘ppial bul, butterfly, gate, or globe valve. The user may request the program 1 read any ofthese four files by keying in either BALL, BFLY, GATE, or GLOBE, respectively. For the si boundary Conditions for which a valve may be specified any number and combination of the four types of valves may be chosen. The valve may be speifed to open, close, or remain at fixed postion like 11 orifice, The user provides the size ofthe valve, its inital position (percentage of full open), its final poston, tine of inital motion, and tine of end of motion. In the case ofa fixed postion the final time must be greater than the time of study. The valve characterise as stored on the data fies are represented by the quantly tau, a dimensionless flow coefficient, varying from unity te full open postion to zero at the closed postion. The data are stored as 19 values corresponding to 5 degree increments for a rotary valve. To compute ta for a new valve simply vide the flow coefficient at any postion by the value corresponding to the full open position. (Once the tau cuve is consructed divide the curve along the stroke axis into 18 eqUal steps and ad off the tu values decreating from 1.0 to 00. The user may thea key in these values 48 ‘prompied By the program. The Keyed in values wil be stored in file VALVE.VAL for future access. The other files that ean be accessed are HALL-VAL, BFLY.VAL, GATE.VAL, GLOBE. VAL. Ifthe user has a head lss coefficient K, curve versus sroke tken the tau va simply the square root of the ratio of K, atthe fll epen postion to that at any position, A non-cetuen (check) valve may be specified by the user at PUMP, and VALVE routines. The user inputs the valve diameter, its initial percentage open, and the time it takes to close once Dow reversal occurs. The valve characterises ate stored in CHECK.VAL, a file that ean be altered by the user by using either COPY CON or a ward processor. As with the other valve curves, the wset must give 19 values. PUMP CHARACTERISTICS ‘The program can we any propery constructed st of fou-quadrant pump characterises Indaded! with the code ave three data fies, named RADIALPMP, Mie" PME, and ASIALPMP, for contigs, mited, and axil-fow pimps, respectively. These datasets are the tines widelysed sts from laboratory tess conducted at Cl Tech, and reported in Stepan, aa ‘ASME paper by Donsky, and in books on hysraulie transients by Wylie and Streeter and ‘Chaudhry. The format isnot Suter, bt instead the older mode of represenution proposed by ‘Suecter nd explained In the 1957 book’ "Hydrsule Transient by Stesier and’ Wylie Tee Eilosed Tubes andthe atzomparyag sets s well as a lstng ofthe Gate Tr he three Gata sets deine the head and torque characteristics as used by the program. Only thee of the four Gudrun are necessary at input The three quadeans are reprsonted by sit head curves HAN, VN, HAD, 11D, HAT, und HVT and scone (Bots) ctven wi sila notation Th wa in ing data va GOPY CON cr word procera nto the fourth pum date fie = POMPIME. ‘The program clearly defines the so-called inertial parameter for the pump-notor pipe system, which i @ constant with units of inverse time (1/seconds). Although there may be more than one pump specified in a given problem, all pumps must use the same dra fla "e rated quantities 6 -—headischarge ~ and nesta, may differ, however. The output for rotational speed (wha ~ the Tate of instenluncous speed 10 rated) is fractional for printed output and percentage for graphs Tipetse for the dimensionless torque (beta ~ the ratio of instantaneous torque tothe pump rated value). oureut For each new problem (new file) the program AWHAM automaticaly creates + data fle DA‘, a printed output fe that summarizes input data es well ws printed renal (== OUT), CAPA tar ploting (2-PLT). Both the data fle (DAT) and the output file (OUT) may Tea te for viwing using W/E ser ir @ + ton / a) Dimensionless Suter Torque Curve (Ns = $800) © + ton a) Neo Chorateiatiss for Nem7600 Pump h/e2 or byw 2 ee Torque Choracteritics for Nee7600 Pump Dimensionless Suter Heos Curve (Ne = 7600) 5 swt Tr 6 + tan v/a) = Dimensionless Suter Torque Curve (Ne = 7600) —Ai er tnweay a =z a8 ‘w/o of o/¥ orque cherocterites for Ne=13500 Pum ‘Suter Head Curve (Ns = 13500) / w/t SIE @ + tan /@) Dimensionless Suter Torque Curve (Ns = 13800) nr Biot +) @ + ton W/ 0) sufi PUN. Fao Te Bangle ATURB LO: (9/1788) (laasons re base en peor head (hrc pre in)-nt pres! (GROUP: Genel information unite, fe a (GROUP 5 : Denton of wave arses (GROUP 6 : Deion of ge uk aractrics . ‘GROUP 7 Pipe fern, deter, wave peed, {GROUP Seay atte aleinone on wd ow {GROUP 9 : Contre of prised ott ncaa nd in ‘GROUP 10 Comolli eta ‘GROUP 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT ATURE ‘ATURE ca unalys wanes in syns wih tines ve, anda maxioum of 20 pps and 40 pipe reaches ‘The ser may either ose English or matic (SD us Sace the equations wea tas fad, voc, ad Som, Mint quits we inmate fg (0 mo in wits ie (oond) Abe wch a ge laters ‘ein (niches) or meters Flow aes ae incl cr ns The et my cel ne, ay NEW EAT, by pain in ‘cordance to promps AF the al fhe ra he fle NEW_DAT ie red fr fre ase’ Oupt le NEW OUT fer ‘todas end NEW PLT fr plot aie areal frac on (GROUP: CONFIGURATION OF PIPING AND PIPE NUMBERING ‘Thre maybe up to 20 pipe or a reno, ih each pipe ving ro I up toa maxima of 40 res, Tee maybe say coimtion boundary codon a cae! tx OROUP 5. A PANG Oe eed oe SERIES, oe ve [BRANCHES orto ve LOOPS The dda of se Qui sre ‘SERIES: The gen hs any number ofipes om 1 to 20n serie. STEADY can congue the inl ows aed ed [BRANCHES, Te nls ie hast gin fb hare roo co erin he stem. nial love ms be ape ‘URES. LTURB LLRES ithe een of pipe 1 wth reser [LTURB thee en opp Th mctne ‘Tec pipe wit el end banday ip |The eco boundary ofl ther pipe pid yh ight ca boundary cada fr one ofthe aden pipe i). ight Boundary Codon SUNCT MVALVE MIURE SGTANK DEADND 23S. Ves {UNCT isn junction of two oF more pies witout aes, MVALYE is vale lhe nction of fe or more piper TURE isin tention of 0 pipe SGTANK ise surge an the junction afte or moe pe [DEADND ithe termination a pipe witha Dow IRRES ithe termination of iene eer [RVALVE ithe einai of pipe wave or rior Tue -RTURI ithe teminton of ie aa macie Born condtear LES, LTURB, MTURB, KTURB may bevea vate ‘Boro conden SGTANE may ve noice in ier of ak SSOTANK ny eo emia lhe nd oie [PEND - Inter code fer igh rd boundyEonditon (GROUP 4; CHARACTERISTICS OF TURBINES OR PUMP-TURRINES {Te one ore quant mictnesareterss ae rex in fom le wh extension TUR. Tis le conte sot oy ‘hee acd torue ves, also an efi inating te type machine (TURBINE, PUMP-TURBINE, cr KAPLAN) an the valves of NLIR, QU ard CHIR ted stn) eines of acne charnctrioe TERT = Red ea fut i torts CRT “hated ow of abi cr cs [BEGO = Mximan wie ae opening fom mal uty [DEGC - Minima wsket ae opening fom model dy [DEG Ful wicket ate oping fo roe STROKO - Il somo postioe (9) SIROKI -Final evento ostion OO) ‘CATED ~ a wee alo opening (CATE - Fil wieet ge open [TRATE! - Te sevootr begins to move (tine) RATE! - fit rue of evento moon fom fil are ‘RATED - Ba fit vrvometa ale RATED) [RATED ~ Second tcf enrotr moon om fl ok “TRATES - En of econ sector ie RATED) [RATES ~ Thr te of eonotor eto rm Sl ke “TRATES End of third evometer ate RATES) ‘GROUP 5: CHARACTERISTICS OF VALVES ‘Ava sional speed wah MVALVE aad RVALVE ‘saves optional wih LRES, LTURB, MTURB, cog RTURB ‘Ava mi eter eres ie ein an one or vale ht closing pening many postion say ‘th The earing an enn valve postions pected by pecetge ope, rang foe 0% (100% Defaiion of ae purl DATE Nona dane of ae (fo =) Ko. = Head Joe coeticen wih valve wide open (102%) ‘TAU Ratio of ow coeicet fr ave a ary postion to tha ail open ranges om 0.010 1.0) [BEGIN tia potion rae cen Hans 6 10%) END Fal poston va erm 0 100%) TT Tie when ue bois to move TC Tae when vale coe to ove Fes est fo eal gate, bal bated, lobe, nd ag valves: Nieto aus tae tre on Ge with ner ‘GATE VAL, BALL VAL, BFLY.VAL, GLOBE VAL, and RING VAL. The user may ngut nese vues ofa om 00 {0°10 fe the atl vee bing use” This dita wl be stored in VALVE VAL for Ritu cee Ay eter fle wh esion DAT mays bee set GROUP 6: CHARACTERISTICS OF SURGE TANKS ‘Ara ik rn eo he edo pie Ut bas veh oe aac pps. ko may beat he end pe i ‘ovormeing pipe. Asap srg tank hs roe thea. The ofp ihe eter ef he ake er ‘etn inthe tank compted by ey ow sates Ifa rer wey long rch tht nr nse ander ter an be dea pe th eae tk on its end. A retited once tank hse olan rc DDIANK - Danae of surge kor ta of equate DGATE Daunte of ee at icin are on “TAUL - Vee of charge cox for ow it tak ‘TAU - Vale fcr nce fr flow ot of nk eee cache cnclice cold speach 1.0 for ot tak cb alow as 06 fr Gow sto tankfthe Ble ‘Pceamined fo ow ob bas sap eg on or oe ‘ation of premetes Ts ateger eet by program fr ie mane (1020) DIST - Length of pipe net meters [XX Nhe of ences in exch ie aging fst 40 D> Dametr of pipe in ft o eters ‘A. = Wave pata sec oc ice ‘AW "Spot sound in pre wer (4720 Uo 140 mi) Balk pod of laity of wae (509000 ps) EEtic mods (9, 00,00 pi foto) Pipe wl ces fet or eter Fe Set Gon equon ArAWISQRTC REY") The mumber of eches may wey om 1 0 ra en co ft ree th the ao DISTVATNSD mat be ney w cnet fo a ips an eer weer TEFL Tc proven nl oy he weet at mich at 10% if oeesay, The wer sold ei isog end ptm layrt blr sar ATURD to vod iat, Defeat pt preter fr sexy sae conptsin: THOATE!- Heaton of ese a et cod of em THDOWN Berton of ese righted of sem Po. lial rine oat ois en a) Pi“ tabi oupat (ere ysen n) ‘Q(t fw pps lo ens ‘Gare =i wicket ate oping (GATEL — Fel wise ete opening (GROUP 9: CONTROL OF FRISTED OUTPUT. aaah ctcuion OUT erate he cd ech un This leila tee wa cn re te, pated valves of bad wd wot a selected ross sections log te pipe En. tin fe coped ine Toe wer eo hve compete cool ove the amous of rio wae tee tea a pining end ar of ose for ped eas and fom Tew my SO eee exam com eos cn cra i, The met x ping DTPRT mae {he ring off ne ep fo thei ene TO. Tf exis he co of at in ters ofthe ‘blest Tho wer pete ae prt Defkion of pia oo paramere DATA = The wer may suppres the iting of per init "THIST = The wer ay suppres th nestor siting DI Tune dep fom method of arse DPR = Tne sep fr pling of tinct abet DDXPRT Distance dep (CRI) or ping in ie [EBRINT Parmeter supe ing resin = ‘The maxinum and minimum HOL vais we eye pited. The numberof sections along sth pipe spt nin " cach ie is species by ‘GROUT 10: CONTROL OF FLOTTED ovrrUT ‘These eam ave tina o wo hed aed two vloy plot pis ary miberof age tank evans, tine mes sides Tif (10 ou pee a Wp ean lara a ro Tas to nat the locaton of bead or veo pot. Tine ped (ph s expressed cin ote the enchant ped, ith °.0u 1. ben the rete vahes or pain nd tai rept There aio) slow ton, referee to aval | Ot he bet eee pot toe Age and beta my Plt fray mache sachs opp | Dettion of plotag permet PIIEADG)- Specs plot abe sein in pipe PVEL() « Speiies veloc plata eto ia pipet ‘PHENDAD Species plot ole a sue kine -PALPHAL(D - Spctes po of pede bein pipe BETA). = Species lot of true often pipet GATEA) Specie plot of wicket pe pontion STROKE - Species plot of ever potion

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