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-red=important note

Truman Doctrine US policy to aid other govts against communist influence
*Set new precedent for US Foreign Policy

Iron Curtain ideological/physical barrier by S.U. after WW2 to seal off itself and
its independent eastern and central european allies from open
contact with non communistic influences

Communism sociopolitical/socio economic system that eliminates private step of society in Marxist theory where the state
has withered away and econ. goods are distributed equally

Democracy form of government where the power is in the hands of the people

Capitalism econ system where t/things that are used to make and transport
products are owned by ind. ppl and companies rather than t/govt

Containment US policy against spread of communism

Equator 0 degrees latitude, splits earth into 2 hemispheres, North + South

Prime Meridian 0 degrees longitude, splits earth into 2 hemispheres, East + West
*Prime Meridian + Equator = N, S, E, W. (Four quarter spheres)

Latitude angular distance N or S from equator

Longitude angular distance E or W from Prime Meridian

Ethnocentrism belief in t/superiority of ones own ethnic group or culture

cultural diffusion when cultural beliefs and social activities spread thru different

globalization worldwide integration from the interchange of world views,

products, ideas and other aspects of culture

NGO non-govt non-profit group, independent from govt, thats organized on a

organization local, national, or international level to address issues in support of
t/public good

WTO world trade only international body dealing with rules of trade b/t nations

IMT intl monetary fund organization of 188 countries, that provides financial aid and advice
to its members

World Bank UN intl financial institution. gives loans to developing countries

Imperialism policy of expanding a countrys power thru diplomacy or military

Paternalism policy where an authority supplies needs or regulates conduct of its

subordinates that doesnt give them responsibility or freedom of

Triangle Trade historical term for trade among three posts/regions

*transatlantic slave trade was a triangle trade.
1st leg of the triangle) manufactured goods from Europe were sent
to africa
2nd leg) slaves from africa were sent across Atlantic Ocean to
t/Americas and t/caribbean islands (caribbean islands aka west
3rd leg) slaves were traded for raw materials, which were sent
back to Europe
P.S.: boats left Europe, went to Africa, then to America, made a
stop in the West Indies for food, supplies or traded stuff for slaves,
then returned to Africa. (the boats were always European)

middle passage leg 2 of the transatlantic-slave-trade-triangle where slaves were

sent from Africa to West Indies.
*estimated 15% of Africans died at sea

social darwinism application of evolutionary concepts (natural selection) and survival

of the fittest to sociology and politics. advocates that the
government not intervene with things like the economy, given that,
inequality, imbalances of power, are just natural.
*was used to support the idea of imperialism

white mans burden the task white colonizers felt they had to do to black inhabitants of
their colonies, that being imposing civilization

Scramble for Africa 1800-1900. rapid colonization of Africa by European powers.

Principle of Effective If this is talking about the law for Africa then it is that if you take
Occupation claim to a country you can not abandon it you must have officials
there and be continuously overseeing it

Berlin Act someone explain this to me

Cash Crop crop grown for money.

Food Crop crop grown to be

Pan-Africanism ideology that all african diaspora should have one nation to call their

Negritude 1930s-1940s. black writers asserting cultural identity through the

Movement french language

African National south africas governing party since south africas transition to
Congress democracy in 1994

Hutus Fought the Tutsi in Rwanda-- governing party was Hutu, and they
are the ones that massacred the tutsis

Tutsis many killed in rwanda genocide

Sharpeville 1960.

Soweto Students protesting what language they will be taught in. In South
Massacre Africa

Homelands Kind of like the places people lived in during the Great depression,
like a village because of how poor they were

Passbooks a passport but with stricter limitations and smaller boundaries

Janjaweed secret police

Lords Resistance Led by Joseph Kony, boys forced to fight girls become sex slaves



Darfur Genocide

Rwandan Between Hutus and tutsi, power struggle



Balfour Declaration

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Arab Revolts

Umayyad Dynasty

Ottoman Empire

Pahlavi Dynasty

1st Intifiada

2nd Intifiada

Jihad the struggle *is real*

Zionist People who wanted the Jews to have their own land




Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah (witnessing) Salat (prayer) Zakah (Charity) Sawm
(Fasting) and Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Koran their bible essentially. Declares that reforming the earth is the ideal
of human endeavor



PLO Palestinian liberation organization

UN Partition

WWI Mandates

Suez Canal Crisis

Six-Day War

Camp David Accords

Oslo Accords
West Bank

Gaza Strip

WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction

Iran-Iraq War

SAVAK Secret Police under Reza Shah with help from US CIA

Iranian Revolution

1st Persian Gulf War

Invasion of Iraq

Arab Spring


Al Queda

Syrian Civil War

Omar Al Bashir President of Sudan came into power in 1989

Menelik II

King Leopold Took over Congo

F.W. DeKlerk South African president from 1989 - 1994 (end of apartheid era)

Nelson Mandela Anti-Apartheid - went to jail - got out and became president in 1994

Joseph Kony leader of the Lords Resistance Army (hes evil)

Prophet The prophet for Islam, did not want paintings of his face because
Muhammed didnt want people to think he was Allah. Married a rich woman
Osman Leader of the Ottoman Turks (Ottoman empire)

Mehmet II Known as Mehmed the conqueror (Ruled during 1400s)

Shah Reza Pahlavi Leader during Pahlavi dynasty,

Emir Hussein Sharif of Mecca 1908 -1917

Prince Feisal Became king of what is now known as Syria in 1920

Prince Abdullah King of Saudi Arabia since 2005

Arthur Balfour Prime Minister of UK 1902-1905

Anwar Sadat 3rd president of Egypt assassinated in 1981

Gamal Nasser 2nd president of egypt until death in 1970, led the 1952 Overthrow

Yasser Arafat Palestinian Leader

Saddam Hussein mean dictator but only person able to control Iraq until America
goofed and got him out (died December 2006)

Ayatollah Khomeini leader of 1979 Iranian revolution

Mohammed democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953,
Mossadegh when his government was overthrown

George W. Bush 43rd president 2001-2009 (tried to help Palestinian Peace talks)

Mohamed Bouazizi Set himself on fire and started the Arab spring revolt

Ben Ali 2nd president of Tunisia

Hosni Mubarak 4th president of Egypt from 1982 - 2011

Muammar Gaddafi Libyan Politician until 2011 (de facto ruler for 42 years)

Bashar al-Assad President of Syria

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