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U Hypnosis

Secret Power Strategies 2

Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Re-Introduction of Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann is the author of Secrets of Power: Individual

Empowerment and Societal Depowerment, and
Reality Boxes and Other Black Holes In Human Consciousness.

He is also the creator of the Remote Viewing protocols for

Army Intelligence and the CIA.

This is a continuation of the information in Secret Power

Strategies Part 1 of the U Hypnosis Course.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Paranormal vs. Normal Reality

75% of Americans have had a conscious paranormal

experience which they could not explain.

We have been trained since about the age of 7 to believe these

extra-normal experiences are hallucinations not real.

This 75% majority actually makes these experiences normal.

A mindset or paradigm is now called a reality box which is

formed by our parents, teachers, peers, media and society to
limit our beliefs of what is possible for us to experience.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Context of Reality Box Information

We can be more powerful if we go out side of these rigid

reality boxes.

Most past civilizations considered successful such as Egypt,

Samaria, Babylonia, Assyria, the Roman Empire, Chinese
Dynasties and Nordic cultures were based on massive slavery
or serfdom. Slaves were owned by and served their masters.

In America today, the rich are getting richer and the poor are
getting poorer. How can we each realize our own potential?

We only use about 10% - 15% of our brainpower. Human

consciousness is much greater than we might have imagined.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Intuition and Cosmic Mind

Our ability to tap into the Cosmic Mind is actually limitless. It

depends on our training, awareness and our perceived ability.

Focus on individual experience, which usually exceeds what can

be predicted in a theory or a laboratory.

Most people have a sense that they are more than what is
defined in textbooks as human consciousness. In our dreams,
fantasies or meditations, we can go far deeper into reality.

We can know more intuitively than what is defined by the

culture as normal, or what our parents told us we can or can
not achieve. We can do whatever we set our mind to do.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Divine Intent and the Unconscious

It takes belief, action and a connection with Divine Intent to

make coincidences happen.

Research on the unconscious is not complete. Information in

occult, esoteric or mystical traditions, not included in scientific
studies, shows much is not known.

Have you had a sense that there is more to life? Have you
asked What is the meaning of My Life?, Why am I here?

I want to give you information to get you out of the Reality

Box that you and others have put you in.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Philosophers and Individual Experiences
Philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel,
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, or Nietzsche all have something to
say about the meaning of existence.

They deduce theories with their own observations from which

they generalize as if it applies to everyone.

You might do better to focus on the individual experiences of

someone you know, such as a grandparent or elder, who can
describe the hardships and pleasures and the meaning of their
life to you. They can tell you what existence means to them.

Ultimately, each of us has our own experience. How do we

make our Reality Boxes larger and under our control?
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Intuition as Part of Consciousness
Think about your conscious linkage to your intuitive Self at the
subconscious or unconscious levels of Mind.

Think about the human characteristics of sympathy, insight and


Where does intuition reside? We all are conscious and have


What is the definition of consciousness? Scientists say it comes

from your physical brain patterns. Then how do patients
describe the detailed events in an operating room after their
brainwaves have flat-lined? They can come back from a near-
death experience and report everything that happened.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Definitions of Consciousness
In 1630 consciousness was defined as internal knowledge or
conviction, testimony within oneself. Also, the state of being
mentally conscious or aware of anything.

Modern psychology still defines consciousness as awareness

within oneself; a state being characterized by a sensation,
emotion, volition or thought. Also, the normal state of
conscious life; the upper level of mental life as contrasted with
unconscious processes.

So normal and abnormal are defined and the abnormal are

treated by psychologists as defective.

Note that the definition has been changed from the state of
being aware of anything, to the normal state of conscious life.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Pre-Conscious Processes
That Reality Box says that consciousness is only what we are
normally conscious of, and excludes the subconscious.

Although now there are many accepted activities that are

officially recognized as subconscious activities.

Without these pre-conscious systems or processes information

inside and outside of us would not be able to enter our waking
conscious awareness.

There wouldnt be any deductive or rational processes if we

didnt have these pre-conscious levels.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
States of Consciousness

These subconscious activities there are larger and more

extensive that what goes on in the conscious mind.

Waking consciousness is only a transient wave in an infinite

ocean of consciousness potential.

Everybody experiences dreams in the sleep state which shows

that you experience consciousness activities even when you
are not conscious.

States of consciousness exist that we are not aware of in our

waking state.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Strange Mind Experiences
You may have had experiences outside of your normal Reality
Box called strange mind experiences where the boundaries
between waking and unconscious activities break down.

Examples are precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance or a sudden

solution to a problem. You might have amplified senses or
hearing or touch or awareness.

It might include remote viewing, involving access to deep mind

and far-out dimensions, which are added to your everyday

Water dowsers are sensitive to water locations. Some people

are sensitive to electromagnetic fields, or martial arts skills, or
sexual vibes.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Exceptional Human Experiences
These strange mind activities were not categorized until 1990
when Rhea White a psychologist published her list of
Exceptional Human Experiences now at

Examples include accelerated learning, alien abduction, altered

time perception, automatic writing, channeling, crop circles,
lucid dreaming, or an out-of-body experience.

Strange mind activities tend to be accidental while exceptional

human experiences can be repeated and used to expand your
consciousness to include continual EHEs or consistent peak
performance levels.

Most people experience consciousness as infinite or at least

very large, cosmic, oceanic measured in space, time or distance.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Aspects of Consciousness

But strange mind events and exceptional human experiences

take place with many people with almost any level of intellect.

There is a wide spectrum of consciousness in everyone

although some of it remains inactive and latent because of
circumstances or events after we are born.

Everyone has access to deep consciousness if they develop it.

Consciousness has three major aspects:

1) Average or usual consciousness of the individual
2) The consciousness potential of the whole human species
3) Universal or Cosmic Consciousness
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Meditation and Altered States

Meditation allows us to connect with the 2nd and 3rd aspects of

consciousness. Even gazing at length at the stars allows us to
feel a part of All That Is.

When you have experienced this connection you know that it

is real and it is felt with your senses and interpreted with your
intellect, even though it may be difficult to explain.

Altered states have also been associated with inventiveness, as

used by Thomas Edison and the scientists discovering DNA.

It might be advantageous to develop our access to these

deeper levels of consciousness.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Mind Can Challenge Masters

It is generally agreed the three main parts of each person are:

1) the body
2) the emotions
3) the mind

It is also generally agreed that everyone has the same general

body profile and the same human emotions, but that the mind
is different from one person to the next.

Especially in class societies the overlords dont want the lower

classes to think that they can use their minds to challenge their
masters. This can be done by keeping them as dumbed-down,
ignorant and illiterate as possible.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
The Mind Extends Beyond The Brain

It was greatly feared by the controllers that if the illiterate

discovered knowledge about the power of mind that they
might rise above their station in life and become mind power
equals to the ruling class.

Most of us are taught that the mind is in the brain and the
brain produces the aspects of normal mind and consciousness.
And anything without a physical basis is just a hallucination.

The documented cases of telepathy show mind to mind

communication beyond the limits of the physical brain.

Human knowledge should be based on what people actually

experience via their mind, their seat of consciousness.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
20th Century Age of Progress

However, in many cultures, human knowledge is dependent on

the traditions of the culture, because of what is allowed and
what is taboo.

And of course, some members of the society are allowed to

experience some things and others are not.

With these limitations, it is difficult to discover what humans

might be able to do.

The 20th Century was supposed to be the Age of Progress in

science. But what is the human being capable of experiencing
or what is their potential of consciousness.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Normal/Abnormal Are New Taboos

Scientists began labeling normal and abnormal experiencing by

studying psychotic patients in mental institutions.

But these normal / abnormal categories are very theoretical

and is a way for modern society to continue the age-old
controls over what is acceptable and what is taboo and keep
people from going beyond their place in society.

There ends up being a large vacuum or black hole about the

true knowledge of human experiencing available to each of us.

Control by the power elite might explain why there is a lack of

studies into the area of human consciousness.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Expand Knowledge of Consciousness

New knowledge creates a collision of Reality Boxes.

Knowledge can be intellectually understood if you have

something in your mind to relate it to.

Knowledge may be easily accessible but may not be useful

unless it fits within your Reality Box.

We want to expand our awareness and knowledge of

consciousness even if it is being intentionally kept from us.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Metaphor of Light and Black Holes

Knowledge can be understood with the metaphor of light

traveling through the vacuum of space. There are black holes
which suck light into them.

Knowledge is available if its allowed to be. Sometimes

knowledge is sucked into a black hole because society doesnt
accept it.

An example is the fact that ancient civilizations in Sumer and

Egypt knew that the Earth orbited around the Sun. But during
the Dark Ages, the Church taught that the Sun circled around a
flat Earth. And anyone who didnt accept that was burned at
the stake.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Reality Boxes Imposed by Threat

In modern times, we have had people diagnosed with different

mental challenges who were treated with electroshocks or a
lobotomy in order to make them normal again.

Societies impose their Reality Box on people with the threat of

being tortured or even killed. We have in fact exterminated
over one billion human beings in the last 100 years through the
two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

There must be a powerful group that loves war because they

keep taking us into one war after another, sometimes on the
flimsiest of pretexts (Tonkin Gulf and Weapons of Mass
Destruction lies).
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Sheeple Need to Become Conscious

To restore sanity, increase your knowledge and interaction with

Consciousness and encourage others to do the same.

The elite intellectuals fear an increase in consciousness or the

waking up of those they consider below them.

I want the sheeple to stop following blindly and to become

more conscious.

As long as we look to others to find out what consciousness is,

others will determine what it should and should not consist of,
or who should or should not have more or less of it.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Consciousness Potential Within You

We must discover Consciousness for ourselves within us.

Go beyond the security felt by staying within the approved

Reality Box and aspire to find out this unofficial information to
see beyond the Reality Boxes of others.

This may involve ridicule and the stigma of seeing things others
dont see, or knowing things others say is ridiculous.

You have to want to be an empowered person to study the

consciousness potential that you already have, and lose the
sense of belonging to your current social order.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Human Potential and Ideological Wars

Most experts wont even acknowledge that there is a vacuum

or black hole around the study of consciousness.

Vast human potential might be unleashed by the study of human


There is an ideological war going on between capitalism and

socialism, between the individual and the government, and
between religions.

We must know where we stand to benefit from these wars or

at least protect ourselves from harm.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Ideology Is Just a Mental Construct

So much of human history is caused by an expansion of an

ideology to justify the land grabs or power grabs by one group
over another group.

Remember ideologies are just mental constructs a product of

our consciousness which are manipulated by these groups.

Ideology thinking reflects only an assumed version of reality, for

example, that a few rich people can take care of masses of
poor people. An unintended consequence is they may stop
producing rather than let the government take all of the fruits
of their labor to give to someone who is not producing.

Ideologies are created and can also be changed.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Perceiving Ideas Instead of Reality

The philosopher John Locke can up with the idea that in fact
we do not perceive the electromagnetic vibrations around us
directly. We create mental ideas about reality and perceive that
as our reality. Our understanding is of our ideas about reality.

We then project or perceive reality based on the understanding

of the ideas in our mind about reality.

The resulting versions of reality act as our frames of reference

and our basic formula for our Reality Box.

Understanding this makes it relatively easy to change our

Realty Box.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Mental Framework Determines Reality

Before the 1960s everyone assumed that reality was external

and absolutely objective and people just had their opinions and
viewpoints about it, which could conflict.

Then an intellectual leap took place where people started

thinking about their ideas about reality as their reality.

Scientists showed that reality was dependent on observation.

So the term Realty Box came to mean a frame of reference

that a particular individual used to guide their thinking process.
It was their constructed mental framework that determined
the reality for that individual.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Rigid, Impermeable and Self-Contained

Different people could have different realities (even without

doing drugs) which would determine how they responded to
others or to events outside of their own Reality Box.

Some peoples Reality Boxes include suppositions, hypotheses

and assumptions, and maybe even illusions or hallucinations.

Reality Boxes can incorporate information or knowledge

vacuums and can be so rigid, impermeable and self-contained
that they keep new ideas on the outside from coming in.

It doesnt do much good to compare Reality Boxes by

disparaging others because they may be doing the same thing.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Peak Performance Reality Boxes

Even though people could accept the idea of Reality Boxes and
point out others Reality Boxes, most individuals dont
experience their own realities as boxed or rigidly limited.

People can also have more than one Reality Box, as when
someone turns into a completely different person after
drinking too much alcohol.

Someone can experience a completely different Reality Box if

they have a severe emotional trauma, such as when a mother
lifts a car off of her child to save his life.

We should look at the Reality Boxes of anyone who exhibits

Peak Performance or has become successful and model them.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Cunning, Ruthless, Amoral, Unscrupulous

There are two basic types of Reality Boxes: those that contain
ethics and compassion, and those that contain little or none.

There are cunning, ruthless and amoral Reality Boxes, such as

those written about by Machiavelli in 1532 in The Prince,
which describes how a politician can gain and maintain power,
sometimes in ruthless, cunning and unscrupulous ways.

This activity causes the society to become morally and

economically bankrupt.

Read Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged which describes the Realty

Boxes of inventors, industrialists and managers who make the
world go and work.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Getting Out of Your Reality Box

Atlas Shrugged compared them to those politicians who want

to gain power and influence over those who produce so that
they can distribute the wealth.

Lets look at the individual Reality Box so we can learn how to

get out of the box, to escape our own limitations and access
our full consciousness.

This might depend on how you think about yourself and how
you are thought about by others, because they may not want
you to get out of your box and make them uncomfortable.

When you get out of your box you see a vast panorama of
other peoples Reality Boxes.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Manipulate, Dominate, Influence, Control

The homework from last time asked you to examine what ideas
are in others Reality Box, and also what is missing or absent.

By keeping people ignorant of empowerment methods, the

controllers can easily manipulate, dominate, influence and
control the bodies, minds and assets of the masses.

To affect change in ourselves and our societies we have to at

least become aware of these power games and learn how to
play them.

Ideas contained in peoples Reality Boxes are translated into

their behavior and attitudes, accepted or not by society.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Manipulate, Dominate, Influence, Control

The ideas in our Reality Box can be changed by accepting new

information which is advantageous to us.

But learning new knowledge is not enough if we dont feel an

energizing power and change our Big Picture mind map.

Take action based on the new mind map or Reality Box.

When your personal power begins to unfold, it will do so

within the power contexts of others and your society.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Three Categories of Empowerment

The three major categories of power and empowerment are:

1) the acknowledged power structure which allows a small

group within society to control a much larger group,

2) the not acknowledged full spectrum of innate human powers

within all individuals,

3) the not yet acknowledged sympathetic and harmonic activity

of all fully awakened powers within all individuals.

You can only incorporate the powers you have within your
Reality Box. Begin with what you have now.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Vital Energy and Force

Power is a relationship of what is inside and outside of your

Reality Box.

Look outside to identify the factors that will call forth the
empowerment from within your Reality Box.

Power consists of vital energy and force - the opposite of


Vital energy is that immaterial force or principle which is

present within living beings or organisms by which they are
animated; a manifestation of life.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Becoming Consciously Aware

Human powers have never been described as a spectrum that

is self-organized.

Human powers recognize empowerment whether you are

aware of it or not. A lot of mind dynamic activity takes place
without our being aware of them.

So becoming consciously aware is the first step on the ladder

of empowerment. Become aware that our Reality Boxes are
limiting our perception of information and what it implies.

Empowerment implies that we must escape from the confines

of our Reality Boxes that have been used to disable us.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Awakening, Arousal, Activation

How do we recognize empowerment in ways that ways that

transcend the limits of our Reality Boxes?

The answer was expressed by Marcel Proust as The real

voyage of discover consists not in seeking new landscapes, but
in having new eyes or Reality Boxes.

So we need to have new eyes and new senses to see the best
and easiest way to develop our powers.

Empowerment is the awakening, arousal, activation, incitement

and excitement of our senses and mental abilities.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Thinking, Memory and Intention

Although we have the same human mind, we dont manifest the

same intelligence or power.

The mind has three parts:

1) the thinking part
2) memory
3) intention

Most scientific studies focus on the thinking and memory parts,

but very little is published about the intention part of the mind,
and thats where empowerment comes from.

We have to decide if we will continue to use our mind as a

vehicle of passive conformity to our environment, or
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Intend, Expand, Increase, Assert

Use our minds as an intentional vehicle to empower ourselves

and change our environment.

Intend is a verb meaning to stretch out, go forth, extend, to

expand, increase, intensify, to propose, endeavor or assert.

The intention part of our mind has been gradually subverted

and erased in all of the scientific studies.

So these activities and actions which are the secret of power

have been kept undisclosed from all but a few.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
The Secret of The Ages

The part of our mind which carries a lot of intention is the


This was written about by Robert Collier in1948 in The Secret

of The Ages saying, The subconscious mind occupies the
whole of the human body and has absolute control over all
involuntary functions, conditions and sensations of the body.

The conscious mind controls voluntary functions, the

subconscious controls respiration, circulation, digestion and all
cellular functions. The subconscious mind reveals things that
the conscious mind has no conception of. It glimpses things
that ordinary sight does not behold. It warns of approaching
danger. It can see without the use of physical eyes
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Missions of the Subconscious Mind

It perceives by intuition, and it has the power to communicate

with others without the aid of physical means. It can read the
thoughts of others. It receives information and transmits it to
people at a distance. Distance offers no resistance against the
successful missions of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind has the power of telepathy, intuition

and clairvoyance. These have been deleted from most
descriptions of the mind because the power structure had
rather not encourage any knowledge about their existence.

There is scientific proof the body has receptors for telepathic

information from distant sources, and these have been proven
by many double blind tests, especially in remote viewing.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Conscious Mind Perceives With 5 Senses

The conscious mind, the part we use while awake, is usually

thought of as the largest and most important part of the mind,
having domination over all other aspects.

The conscious mind is actually the smallest part of the body-

mind with the subconscious mind containing 90% of the total
of mental activities.

When we attempt to use only our conscious mind, we are

limiting ourselves to only 10% of our body-mind capacity.

The conscious mind focuses on what it perceives through the

five physical senses, which just scan the surface of whats going
on. The conscious mind only responds to what its learned.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Internal Life Energy Power Source

Lets learn to break out of low gear.

You cant feel powerless unless you sense an innate power

source within yourself thats there even though it might be
inactive or deadened.

You might feel powerless because the educational system has

installed an ignorance about the nature of power and the kinds
of power manipulations that weve been learning about.

This internal power source can be thought of as a bio-mind or

life energy source so we can develop this vital energy.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Four Paths To Empowerment

No matter what kind of Reality Box you have, the concept of

empowerment implies you have to locate the means of access
the door or gateway.

Retool your Reality Box so you can acquire more information

that energizes you in the direction of your vitality. Increase
your awareness of your innate powers to change your
external circumstances.

Four Paths to Empowerment are:

1) Change your beliefs and mental filters,
2) Study depowerment and how your are being depowered,
3) The Principle of Enfoldment,
4) Enhance your sensing and perception.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Beyond the Five Senses

How do you enhance your senses and perceptions? If you cant

sense or see something, then you cant gain power over it. And
what you DONT perceive can have a lot of power over you.

We are taught in school that we have five physical senses:

sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing,

We have know for decades that there are many other methods
of human perception beyond the five senses. There are dozens
of sense organs that have been discovered beyond the five.

Our senses and perception are rarely discussed in the context

of power and empowerment. More perception gives you more
empowerment. Less perception causes depowerment.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Physical and Non-Physical Perception

Perception in defined in two ways:

1) awareness of the environment through physical sensations

2) direct or intuitive insight, cognition or capacity for

comprehension (with non-physical perception).

Remember that the powerful have always engineered society

so that the masses do not have access to empowerment and
stay in a state of powerlessness.

They must conceal the fact that everybody is innately born with
a mind that is equipped to be powerful.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Beyond the Five Senses

The minds of individuals can be conditioned through illiteracy

and ignorance not to realize the extensive and amazing
dimensions of the individual mind.

Even in this country all information on power and

empowerment has remained totally absent, unknown or

You have already learned to be more alert to physical cues such

as eye movements, tone of voice, etc.

So we are now going to focus on the methods of non-physical

Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Every Cell in the Body Is a Receptor

With the advent of the electron microscope, scientists have

determined that every cell in the body is a receptor to changes
going on around it.

Since the 19th Century, scientists have know that cells are
sensitive to electromagnetic impulses.

Here is a list of only a few of the receptors you may not even
be aware of. Some of these were covered last time also.

There are receptors in the nose that can sense others

emotions, motives, sexual receptivity, antagonism or
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Receptors For Temperament and Heat

Receptors in the ears can detect differences in air pressure and

electromagnetic frequencies.

Receptors in the skin can detect imbalances in the bio-body,

extending to great distances via the aura. Receptors in the skin
detect motion outside of the body even while you are asleep.

Some receptors in the skin sense the temperament of others.

Whole body receptors including hair sense fluid movements.

Subliminal sensory systems locate the pitch and identify sounds,

and even heat at a great distance.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Neurological and Bioelectric Receptors

Receptors can sense positive or negative charged particles at

the atomic level.

There are microsystems transducing various forms of

mechanical, chemical and electromagnetic energy.

There are receptors that sense gravitational changes, and

neurological receptors that interpret electronic information
and convert it into signals that our minds can grasp.

There are bioelectric receptors that sense radiation, including x-

rays and ultraviolet light.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Admiration, Sex, Love, Danger

There is a neural network which makes meaning out of at least

130 non-verbal physical gestures.

There are receptors that trigger an alarm even before the

sources of danger are perceived consciously.

Receptors in the pineal gland sense light and darkness, lunar

rhythms, solar flares, sun spots and coming earthquakes and
storms. Thats how animals know how to get out of the way of
a coming earthquake or tsunami.

Millions of whole-body receptors detect pheromones,

emotions of fear, admiration, love, danger, sexual attitudes and
the intentions of others.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Waves, Signals and Impulses

We can now start to tap into this information from these

sensors and train ourselves for increased awareness just like
the martial arts, especially in aikido.

Use these sensors for intuition and ultra-sensory perception

beyond the famous five physical senses.

We have trillions of these receptors which contribute

information to our mind and our intelligence for our

You can now conceptualize yourself not as just a physical body,

but as an elaborate array of sensing systems in a Universe of
information as electromagnetic waves, signals and impulses.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Waves, Signals and Impulses

We can empower ourselves with information from physical as

well as non-physical sources, the seen and unseen, the tangible
and intangible, the visible and invisible.

Use our powers of intuition, insight and foresight to deduce the

proper actions to take in any situation or instance.

Continue to ponder and meditate on these internal sensing

systems to expand your awareness and change your Reality

You can now conceptualize yourself not as just a physical body,

but as an elaborate array of sensing systems in a Universe of
information - electromagnetic waves, signals and impulses.
Reality Boxes Power Strategies
Homework Assignment

Make a quiet attempt to observe others and note the

differences between those who perceive primarily physical
things and those who seem to detect the implications or
hidden meanings behind what they are perceiving

Identify which you think is more powerful.

Continue to learn,

Joseph Mander
U Hypnosis
Secret Power Strategies 2

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