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2392 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2007, 46, 2392-2398

Measurement and Modeling of the Kinetics of Catalyst Decay in Fixed Beds:

The Eurokin Survey
John J. Birtill*
Department of Chemistry, The UniVersity of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, United Kingdom

Experimental techniques for the practical measurement of catalyst decay are reviewed, and some gaps and
needs are suggested for future progress. Catalyst decay kinetics in fixed beds can be modeled according to
a hierarchy of techniques, from purely empirical to rigorously fundamental. Empirical modeling is usually
preferred for practical industrial purposes. Besides the need to decouple reaction kinetics, decay kinetics, and
any influence of pore diffusion, for slowly decaying catalysts, the slow rate of data acquisition is a limiting
factor. Hence, there is a need for better equipment design and better procedures for the efficient and informative
testing of catalyst decay.

1. Introduction Table 1. Power-Law Decay Kinetics1

concentration decay
This review is a concise summary of the main findings of a activity decay dependence rate-da/dt activity-time a
study that was commissioned recently by the Eurokin consor-
independent m ) 1 none kda exp(-kdt)
tium ( The aim of the study was to independent m * 1 none kdam (1+ (m - 1)kdt)-1/ (m-1)
define the current state of learning and best practice for the study parallel/series reactant/product kdCnam complex
of industrial catalyst decay kinetics and to present it in a General reactant/product kd(C)am complex
structured, informative manner. The focus was on fixed catalyst 1 Activity is sometimes expressed mechanistically as a ) (S/S )p, where
beds with a long life. Much of the background information was S is the number of sites still active and p is the reaction site order. If the
collected from an extensive literature survey, covering >700 loss of sites -dS/dt ) kS(C)Sq, then the activity decay can still be
papers from the past 50 years. In this paper, for the purpose of expressed in one of the previous forms by rearrangement: -da/dt )
pkS(C)am, where m ) (p + q - 1)/p.
brevity, references are made to previous literature for some
concepts that have already been well-described.
The requirements for industrial research and development 2. Catalyst Decay Kinetics
include practical and efficient techniques for the experimental Before describing test methods for catalyst decay kinetics, it
measurement of catalyst decay and the empirical modeling of is first necessary to consider the various types of models for
decay kinetics. The end-uses include catalyst development, catalyst decay that are in common use. The deactivation kinetics
catalyst selection, prediction of catalyst life, and monitoring and describes the variation of catalyst activity at each point in the
optimization of process catalyst performance. From limited catalyst bed in response to time, temperature, and composition
published information and background knowledge, it seems that of the fluid phase. The concept of separable reaction and decay
industrial catalyst decay models typically involve significant kinetics is usually assumed to apply.1-3 This should be tested
theoretical approximation and make use of all available per- at various stages of decay,4 basically by showing that the
formance data including studies at the laboratory, pilot, and plant reaction kinetics does not change during decay. The catalyst
scale, post mortem characterization, and, in some cases, activity can also be related to the accumulated quantity of coke
accelerated decay. Exact determination of catalyst decay kinetics and the coking kinetics.5-8
is time-consuming and expensive, and so some compromise
between scientific rigor and industrial pragmatism is inevitable, The interrelation of the effects of pore-diffusion resistance
especially when testing multiple catalyst formulations at an early and decay are considered briefly in section 5. In the absence of
stage of development. Hence, simple empirical models are such effects, the following approaches are commonly used for
favored over fundamental models for plausible fitting to a describing the rate of activity decay.
limited range of data. However, as catalyst and process Table 1 shows examples of well-known empirical power-
development becomes more advanced, progressively more law deactivation kinetics and related activity-time expressions.
accurate knowledge is required. Simple models may be adequate Independent decay is not affected by the composition of the
for catalyst selection and process design, but their reliability fluid phase, and so the decay rate is uniform along a fixed
for extrapolation outside the experimental range is uncertain. isothermal catalyst bed, although it usually varies with
The nature of the decay mechanism should be determined in temperature.1-3,9 If the decay is composition-dependent, then
any serious study of catalyst decay kinetics to provide some the decay rate is not uniform along a fixed catalyst bed but
sense of the physical basis of an empirical rate law and hence varies with the local fluid composition as well as temperature.1-3
also of its likely limitations. However, this paper is concerned Independent decay kinetics can often be fitted wrongly if the
mainly with decay kinetics, and so mechanistic aspects of decay range of data is inadequate (section 4).
and methods of characterization are considered only in outline The use of these empirical expressions can be extended to
with some additional thoughts under Gaps and Needs. include more complex cases such as a residual steady state
activity,10,11 activation-deactivation,12 additive decay kinet-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ics,1,3,13 multiplicative decay kinetics,13-15 and, in principle, Address: 15 Portman Rise, Guisborough bifunctional catalysts. However, as discussed in section 6,
TS14 7LW, UK. Phone: 0044 1287 638265. complex expressions require extensive data for plausible model
10.1021/ie060590v CCC: $37.00 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 03/13/2007
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 8, 2007 2393

Table 2. Activity-Coke Expressions and Activity Decay Kinetics be indirect (e.g., coking rate is dependent on catalyst activity,
activity-coke power-law decay but activity decay is caused by some other mechanism). In
type dependence a kinetics -da/dt1 catalyst development, the coking kinetics may provide useful
linear (1 - RCC) RkCCAna mechanistic insight into the influence of catalyst composition
exponential exp(-RCC) RkCCAna2 on catalyst stability. In some cases, selectivity may be related
hyperbolic 1/(1 + RCC) RkCCAna3 to the quantity of coke (section 3).
1 Same activity-coke relationship for coking and main reaction. This The weakness of the activity power-law expression is that it
example: parallel coking: dCC/dt ) kCCAn contains no hint of the decay mechanism, and if the range of
decay data is limited, then it might obscure and oversimplify
fitting. Some published studies describe the rapid initial loss of complex decay kinetics.
activity to a residual near steady-state, followed by slow decay. Activity power-law expressions are unsuitable when the
If the steady-state is influenced by reaction conditions, then this impact of changes in pore diffusion is significant, in which case,
could be important for an industrial catalyst, but the long, slow if the decay is caused by fouling, it is necessary to study the
decay in the main part of life is usually more important and fouling (coking) kinetics in relation to the pore structure to
more difficult to determine. model the decay kinetics reliably (section 5).
Mechanistic poisoning/balance-of-sites expressions describe Empirical power-law expressions are also used to describe
the loss of active sites due to poisoning by impurities or reaction the loss of surface area due to metal particle sintering. The
byproducts. They are derived from decay mechanisms and may expressions are formally similar to those described previously
be complex and non-separable. Although they provide insight for deactivation kinetics and may incorporate a residual term
into poisoning decay, they often include too many adjustable to describe an eventual steady-state dispersion.10,19 However,
parameters for practical models. Deactivation due to impurity if the empirical activity-surface area relationship is nonlinear,
poisoning can also be considered more simply in terms of axial due to the influence of different crystal faces or surface defects,20
poison conversion models16 with progressive loss of active sites. then it will usually be more useful to model activity decay
Empirical activity-coke relationships are used in combination directly. Fundamental mechanistic models of particle sintering
with coking kinetics.5-8 Activity-coke relationships accounted are difficult to develop and so are outside the scope of this work.
for 25% of all experimental models found in the literature Although there has been significant effort in the development
survey, and the exponential relationship was the most common. of fundamental models of sintering, no examples of fundamental
In practice, many catalysts accumulate quite large amounts of models of activity decay due to sintering were found.
coke due to multilayer adsorption or polymeric structures and,
in some cases, pore filling. The choice between empirical
3. Selectivity Change
activity power-law decay kinetics and empirical coking kinetics
with empirical activity-coke relationships is a matter of Selectivity may increase or decrease as a consequence of
judgment. As shown in Table 2, these approaches are equivalent catalyst decay. If the selectivity-conversion plot at fixed
if the activity-coke relationship for the coking reaction is the temperature does not change, then any observed selectivity
same as for the main reaction.17 Some authors try both change is only apparent. The selectivity can be restored to its
approaches.18 original value by increasing space time so as to restore the
In general, the activity power-law expression provides a conversion to its original value.21 This type of selectivity change
simpler, more direct statement of decay than the combination can be described by the reaction kinetics in combination with
of coking kinetics with an activity-coke relationship. The the deactivation kinetics. An intrinsic selectivity change is
additional error from the measurement of the coke content will caused by a change in the relative rate constants of contributing
increase the overall uncertainty in the decay model as compared parallel or series reactions due to a change in the fundamental
to the activity power-law approach. The choice depends on nature of one type of active site or in the relative abundance of
questions of practicability, purpose, and benefit. different sites or of multi-site clusters. Hence, a decay model
(i) Can the coke content and coking kinetics be well- might need more than one power-law expression or activity-
determined? Although in many cases the bulk coke content can coke relationship to describe the changing activity for different
be determined accurately (e.g., gravimetrically or by complete types of site and different types of reactions.5,8 Selectivity may
oxidation to CO2) bed-average activity-coke data from integral also change due to changes in pore diffusion properties (section
reactors are not reliable for decay modeling (section 4). 5).
Moreover, not all the coke is necessarily deactivating. Methods
for determining coking kinetics are discussed briefly in section 4. Experimental Techniques for Deactivation Kinetics
(ii) Why is it desirable to measure coke? Knowledge of coking To determine a realistic decay model, it is necessary to
kinetics might be important for various reasons, for example, decouple activity and concentration effects in the rate equation.1-3
when feed stock conversion to coke is significant, when detailed The main challenge is to measure a sufficient range of useful
information on coke location and content is required for design data that contains sufficient information for fitting a decay
purposes (e.g., regeneration or reactor pressure drop), for model. This requires decay tests with variation of space time
detailed modeling of intra-particle fouling (see following section W/F and feed composition according to a suitable plan. This
and section 5), or for catalyst development. discussion is limited to slowly decaying catalysts, and for these,
(iii) Is the additional insight justified by the additional effort? the collection of sufficient data in a reasonable period of time
Various mechanistic justifications can be derived for activity- is an additional challenge. The suitability of various types of
coke relationships. Frequently, however, the nature of the reactors for the study of decay kinetics that is not affected by
deactivation by coke is unknown or poorly characterized. An pore diffusion is summarized in Table 3. The capability of the
empirical activity-coke relationship is a correlation with equipment has been graded A-C for the ease of decoupling
unproven physical significance even if it fits well to some data decay kinetics from reaction kinetics and for the range of data
sets. The relationship between coking and catalyst decay could that is generated in each test period.
2394 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 8, 2007

Table 3. Suitability of Experimental Techniques for Studying Decay Kineticsa

controlled variation of decouple reaction data range/ % of
reactor type W/F feed composition and decay test periodb exptl refs other pros and consc
gradientless: Berty and Carberry, yes yes A C 20 commercial Berty and Carberry units;
PFR with recycle can test large pellets
fixed bed/plug-flow simple, inexpensive
no no Cd C 54 limited information
no yes Bd C 54 more information
yese no B C 2 but
yese yes A C 0 slow sequential work
fixed bed multi-portf yes no B B 4 awkward construction;
rixed bed multi-portf yes yes A B axial takeoff must be small
parallel multi-tube fixed-bed yese yes in parallel A Ag 1 commercial multi-tube units;
reactors tests can also vary T
coking micro-balance yes yes B C 5 bypassingh
flow-through micro-balance yes yes A C 4 commercial unit TEOM
pseudo-adiabatic awkward construction.
single fixed-bed
multi-zone fixed-bed
1 } some information from axial T gradient
a Key: A ) good and C ) poor. b Range of conditions (C, W/F, T) per single test period. c Isothermality assumed unless adiabatic. d Better with p-m

activity profile. e Tests at different W/F, not the deactivation-compensation method. f Can also configure reactor tubes in series, at the same or different T.
g Parallel tests can cover a wide range of conditions (C, W/F, T) simultaneously. h Unreliable variation of W/F as the flow can bypass catalyst.

Obviously, uniform composition of the fluid phase is very

desirable, and so gradient-less reactors of various types are ideal
for systematic studies of decay kinetics.1,22a The reaction kinetics
can easily be decoupled from the decay kinetics by maintaining
constant composition during each test period by control of the
reactor feed rate and feed composition. Although the reaction
conditions can be varied over the course of an experiment, only
one decay data point is measured for each test period, and so
this approach is slow unless multiple reactor units are available
for simultaneous tests.
Integral, fixed-bed reactors are the most popular choice for
catalyst research. They are easy to design, build, and operate.
Many decay studies are carried out in these reactors with limited
variation of experimental conditions, but it is not possible to
discriminate between alternative decay models unless the
composition dependence is shown by the data. Integral conver-
sion data from a fixed catalyst bed give a bed-average value
for activity and disguise the effect of any axial decay gradi-
ent.23,24 In some cases, independent decay (or activity-time)
models can be fitted, even though a significant axial decay
gradient develops over time.25 The deactivation-compensation Figure 1. Application of deactivation-compensation method to integral
technique (gradually increasing space time, constant conversion) reactor data. (a) Plot of ln (space time) against process time for simulated
can also be used to fit an independent decay model by selecting parallel decay. (b) Activity profile at various values of process time.
the analytical solution that gives the best fit to the integral Simulated data, parallel decay with m ) 1, decreasing feed rate to maintain
data.1,2,26 However, this method is potentially misleading because fixed 98% conversion.
composition-dependent decay will also give a linear plot.25 A
simulated example for parallel decay is shown in Figure 1. The different space times and two temperatures. Each decay experi-
data have been fitted to a linear plot even though the activity ment lasted only 40 min, and so the sequence of 12 experiments
profile within the bed becomes progressively less uniform with could be completed quite quickly. In Figure 2b, the point activity
time. values for W/F ) 2.0, relative to identical reaction conditions
In general, independent decay models derived from single, (i.e., same conversion) at t ) 0, are derived from the gradients
integral tests are unreliable for process design and optimization. (differential rate values) in Figure 2a. Although the overall data
It is necessary to test for composition dependence by measuring were interpreted in terms of parallel decay, the appearance of
the activity profile along the fixed bed over life and/or by Figure 2a suggests series decay (i.e., decay is more severe at
variation of the feed composition. For fast decay, the activity higher W/F).
profile in an integral reactor can be studied by carrying out
successive experiments with different values of space time W/F For slow decay, the sequential approach described previously
(i.e., different catalyst charge or feed rate). The broad range of is impractical, and it is necessary to generate multiple data points
data can then be fitted by trial and error to alternative decay simultaneously during each test period. In a multi-port reactor,
models.27,28 There are few examples of this approach in the the local fluid composition and catalyst activity at various
literature. One example, which was part of a larger study, positions (i.e., different W/F) along the length of the reactor
including tests under both differential and integral conditions, are monitored continuously using multiple sample ports.31,32 The
is shown in Figure 2. The integral tests were carried out at six flow rate of each sample stream must be very small as compared
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 8, 2007 2395

Coking kinetics is best studied in a microbalance. It is difficult

with conventional equipment to avoid some degree of diffusion
control within the catalyst sample,34 but the development of the
flow-through tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)
has enabled reliable variation of space time in coking decay
studies in a fixed-bed (plug-flow) reactor.32,34,35
Obviously, if the effect of temperature is to be included in a
decay model, then isothermal decay tests must be carried out
at several different temperatures. The ramped temperature,
deactivation-compensation technique (increasing temperature
to maintain constant conversion) is used in industry for catalyst
screening and pilot tests because it mimics plant operation.
However, as discussed previously, the results from integral,
fixed-bed reactors disguise internal axial decay gradients and
so are unsuitable for decay kinetics. The changing axial
temperature gradient during a life test in an adiabatic33 or
pseudo-adiabatic36,37 reactor can provide additional information
about the activity decay gradient.
Finally, the techniques in Table 3 can be used in combination
to generate a broad range of information for a decay model (e.g.,
fixed-bed multi-port reactor and coking microbalance,32 adia-
batic reactor with axial multi-port IR analysis and axial
temperature measurement33).

5. Pore Diffusion
Decay kinetics is more complex when pore diffusion is a
Figure 2. Investigation of catalyst decay by experiments at variable space
time in an integral reactor. (a) Integral conversion vs space time W/F. (b) significant factor. The influence of an intra-pellet concentration
Point activity at W/F ) 2.0 vs process time. Data for dehydrogenation of gradient can lead to a nonuniform intra-pellet decay profile.
benzyl alcohol over 10% copper-0.5% chromia/asbestos catalyst, replotted Foulant deposits can reduce pore dimensions or even block
from Corella et al.27 pores. The pore structure of the pellet or the dispersion of a
to the reactor flow or else compensation must be made in supported active phase can change due to sintering processes.
calculation of the downstream W/F. Alternatively, an in situ These changes may lead to changes in observed selectivity,
analytical probe can be used.33 This problem is also avoided especially for consecutive reaction schemes. These mechanistic
by parallel testing in a multi-tube unit, simultaneously covering phenomena will not be described in detail, but a key consid-
a range of space time and also feed composition.21 This eration for practical studies is the degree to which the decay
technique has been used in industry for catalyst decay, but no kinetics varies with particle size. Activity decay data can be
published studies have been found. The further potential of measured and collated at the active site level (i.e., basic decay
parallel testing for catalyst decay is discussed further in section kinetics without diffusion effects (if possible)) and at the particle
8. level, extending to effective pellet activity decay kinetics.8
If the catalyst is discharged in segments from a fixed bed Likewise, changes to selectivity can also be measured at both
after a decay test, then the post mortem activity decay profile levels. Additional data to link these two levels of kinetics can
can be determined from measurements in a laboratory reactor. be determined by fresh, in situ, and post mortem pellet
This can be used in combination with the integral decay data characterization. The characteristics of some common cases
for fitting a decay model. Indeed, in some cases, approximate (probably not all) of catalyst activity decay and the implications
catalyst decay kinetics can be derived from plant data by for testing have been categorized in Table 4. For cases I-III,
matching the post mortem activity profile of a process catalyst useful decay tests can be carried out on crushed pellets, but
with the process reactor history.21 some confirmatory tests on whole pellets are desirable, and a
The use of pseudo-differential conditions (low integral term is required for the pellet effectiveness factor for case III.
conversion and so almost uniform composition) in a fixed bed For other cases, tests on crushed pellets might still be useful,
is sometimes used for decay modeling, but this approximation but extensive testing over a range of particle sizes, including
is not valid if the small axial composition gradient (e.g., for a whole pellets, is required for a reliable empirical decay model.
product) causes a decay gradient.28 For series decay, this gradient The choice of practical experimental techniques is limited
can be reduced by co-feeding reactants and products. (see section 8), and a lengthy program of work might be
Integral, fixed-bed reactors are often used for the study of unavoidable. Tests can be carried out on various sizes of pellets
coking decay, and bed-average values are determined, not just in gradient-less reactors (Table 3) or in fixed beds, subject to
for activity but for coke content as well. Once again, these bed- the usual design criteria for particle and reactor dimensions,
average values can disguise significant axial gradients within preferably with multi-port analysis for variation of space time
the bed, and so the use of bed-average coke content in the and with segmental catalyst discharge. The activity, pore
Voorhies relation6,29,30 or for bed-average activity-coke expres- properties, and diffusion properties can be measured for fresh
sions is unreliable.7 It is necessary to determine the axial and discharged pellets and related to test conditions. If a catalyst
gradients of both activity and coke. A broad range of data can test is carried out on a mixed range of particle sizes, then the
be collected by operation over a range of space time and segmentally discharged catalyst can be graded by particle size
composition. The axial coke content can also be determined by and retested for effective and intrinsic activity. This particle
segmental discharge and post mortem analysis. grading technique has been used for checking coke content
2396 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 8, 2007

Table 4. Testing Catalyst Activity Decay When Affected by Pore-Diffusion Resistance

characteristics case I case II case III case IV case V case VI case VII/VIII
fresh pellet: pore resistance reduces activity no no yes yes no yes yes/no
uniform loss of active sites throughout the pellet yes no yes no yes yes no
decay reduces pore size and/or access no no no no yes yes yes
examplesa i ii i, iii iv iv v
useful to study crushed pellets yes yes yes may be useful for basic decay model, then vary particle size.b
need to test whole pellets for model check to confirm no effect extensive testing necessary
need to include pellet effects in decay model no yes yes but not yes but may be complex
a Key to examples. i: Fast impurity poisoning (diffusion-limited). ii: Slow impurity poisoning. iii: Parallel or series poisoning. iv: Pore shrinkage

(sintering). v: Foulant growth. b Crystallite size is an additional factor for some microporous solids.

against particle size,29 but no references were found for post its parameters have been well-determined. How much better is
mortem activity tests. If catalyst sample extractors are available the preferred model to other possible models?38 One set of data
at a pilot or commercial scale, then the post mortem charac- in the literature has been fitted to five different models by
terization of catalyst pellets at various stages of decay can be various authors with no real indication of which model should
related to the previous pellet history (C, T, t) within the process. be preferred.
The development of advanced NMR techniques for in situ and
post mortem characterization is noted in section 8. In the single 7. Accelerated Decay
pellet diffusion reactor, the change in concentration of reactant
across a pressed pellet slab is measured over time. 22b This During industrial catalyst development, it is often necessary
technique has been used to assist discrimination between self- to test many catalyst formulations. If decay is slow, then life
poisoning (fouling) models. However, no recent references or tests under normal process conditions take a long time, and so,
examples of commercial application were found for this in practice, only a small proportion of catalyst formulations can
technique. be tested in this way. Accelerated decay is a common com-
If decay is due to any sort of fouling process, then it is mercial approximation used to examine and compare different
necessary to study the fouling kinetics in relation to the diffusion catalysts over a significant range of decay in a short time.21
characteristics, the particle size, and the pore structure to model Accelerated decay has been used successfully in the develop-
the decay kinetics realistically.8 The theoretical problems ment of many industrial catalysts and also for commercial
associated with modeling irregular catalyst pore networks in catalyst selection, but the subject is still controversial. Some
microscopic detail are difficult. However, the growth of accelerated tests are based on industrial conditions (composition,
computing power has led to the development of progressively temperature) in reactor zones where decay is known from
more complex theoretical catalyst decay models, including experience to be severe, but in other cases, there is a tradeoff
probabilistic models to describe changes to pore connectivity. between diminished scientific rigor and increased experimental
space (range of catalyst composition, degree of decay). Although
6. Simplicity versus Complexity: Model Discrimination procedures for FCC and autocatalysts are well-documented,
there has been little published research into the design and
The most suitable approach for decay modeling depends on interpretation of tests in fixed beds. Good knowledge of the
the aims of the work, the effort required, and the value of the decay mechanism and decay kinetics is essential for the design
outcome. Many industrial catalysts decay slowly, and so decay of a reliable test procedure, and post mortem characterization
experiments take a long time. The quantity and range of reliable studies should be carried out to confirm that accelerated decay
data are usually a limiting factor in the study of industrial is similar to normal decay. A simple checklist and risk index
catalyst decay kinetics. Whichever approach is adopted, the have been proposed for assessing the suitability of accelerated
preferred model must be responsive to the key variables that decay tests.21 Parallel testing presents significant opportunities
affect the decay rate but no more complex than can be justified for the study of accelerated decay on crushed pellets. Multiple
by the available data.38 The use of activity-time expressions test strategies can generate an adequate range of data for simple
or the equivalent independent decay kinetics is justified only decay models. Gradient-less reactors can also be used.39
when decay is proven to be independent of composition. Catalysts that are selected for development will usually be
Independent coking kinetics may be justified if reactants and subjected to confirmatory life-testing under realistic conditions
products have similar, additive coking kinetics, but this must in laboratory reactors and/or pilot plant. The scope of these life
be supported by measurements of the axial activity and coke tests may be reduced if there is confidence in experience with
gradients. In 40% of the coking models found in the literature, similar catalysts.
the bed-average coke content was fitted without any evidence
of a uniform coke profile. Any effects due to the coke 8. Gaps and Needs
distribution were effectively smoothed out in the data fitting.
If the decay experiments provide insufficient data to determine There is a range of needs within industry for both catalyst
a model, then computing power cannot correct this deficiency. producers and catalyst users. It is suggested that developments
Good practice includes parametric sensitivity analysis and in the following general areas will lead to improved knowledge
careful model reduction. Would a simpler model fit the data and capability for the measurement and modeling of catalyst
almost as well? In one study, the denominator adsorption term decay kinetics and better justification of underlying mechanisms.
was shown to be redundant because its value varied by <5% 8.1. Better Equipment Design and Procedures for Efficient
over a wide range of space times.32 Statistical fitting does not and Informative Testing of Catalyst Decay. The required
prove the absolute validity of a model, only that it gives a better range of experimental conditions at each stage of catalyst
fit to the available data than other models and, hopefully, that development depends on the required degree of precision. Test
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 8, 2007 2397

equipment and procedures for slow catalyst decay should be 8.9. More Reproducibility Checks during Catalyst Testing
designed to generate the maximum amount of information from at Laboratory Scale. Model parameters determined from small
each experiment. Multi-tubular units can be used to test the scale tests may be sensitive to catalyst variability.
effects of temperature and space time according to a systematic
plan. They can also be adapted in more imaginative ways to 9. Summary and General Conclusions
generate data for an empirical decay model. (i) Even idealized studies of catalyst decay in simple model
Example: parallel series multi-tubular test units with sys- systems take much time and effort. The systematic study of
tematic temperature variation; sets of parallel fixed beds, each industrial catalyst decay is much more demanding. (ii) It is
a multi-zone tube series ABCD with inter-tube analysis (hence essential to investigate the influence of the fluid composition
variable W/F) and different sequences of temperature values on catalyst decay for selection of a useful decay model. An
TA - TD, varying up and down in a systematic manner in each independent decay model, if based on integral studies in a fixed
parallel series. bed, requires evidence that the decay profile is uniform. (iii)
8.2. Better Equipment Design and Procedures for Efficient Simple power-law decay models are often used for industrial
and Informative Testing of the Influence of Pore Diffusion problems, and they can readily be adapted to include the
on Catalyst Decay. In principle, the pellet diffusion reactor22b composition dependence. The determination of coking kinetics
could be adapted for multi-pellet arrays of commercial pellets and the empirical activity-coke relationship is more demanding
covering a range of depths (i.e., similar fluid composition at on time and resources but is preferred in some situations. More
the flat outer faces and a multi-channel analytical probe (e.g., complex, mechanistic models should only be used if the
IR, MS) for determination of fluid composition at different additional parameters are significant and can be well-determined.
values of pellet depth). The time-dependent variation of the intra- (iv) The depth and complexity of the problems that can be
pellet composition profile would provide complementary in- modeled theoretically continues to grow (e.g., fundamental
formation to the activity decay kinetics measured in conventional decay mechanisms at the microscale, intra-particle diffusion,
tests on small particles and whole pellets (Table 3). and poisoning or fouling in ordered and disordered pore
structures). (v) The elements required for a rational study of
8.3. Improved in Situ Analytical Techniques for Catalyst industrial catalyst decay are as follows: understanding the
and Reaction Fluid. For example, NMR and MRI methods problem (scouting studies, post mortem characterization of
can be used for in situ imaging of the intra-pellet coke profile. experimental and plant samples); systematic experimental
They can also be used to study the axial liquid-phase composi- programs; well-defined feed stock; equipment designed to
tion profile in a reactor and, in principle, its variation over time.40 provide the maximum amount of useful information from each
8.4. More Effort for Post Mortem Investigation of Decay experiment; construction of a decay model; pre-validation of
for Samples with Well-Defined Process History, Covering the model and extension to plant feed stocks in pilot studies;
a Range of Conditions (t, T, C). Post mortem investigation of and full validation of the model at the plant scale. (vi) When a
decay with graded particle sizes is discussed in section 5. detailed study has been performed on one representative catalyst,
Catalyst sample points could be used at pilot scale to extract including the impact of different plant feed stocks, then a
catalyst pellets at various stages of decay so that the pellet decay simplified test program can sometimes be devised for examina-
characteristics can be examined over life. tion of other alternative catalysts. (vii) Parallel testing allows
8.5. Continued Development of Advanced Techniques for decay to be monitored simultaneously under a wide range of
the Characterization of Pore Networks and the Measure- test conditions (e.g., feed composition, space time, temperature,
ment and Modeling of Intraparticle Diffusion. and pressure). (viii) There is potential for improved experimental
techniques for measuring catalyst decay under well-defined
8.6. More Supporting Evidence for Complex Mechanistic
process conditions using developments in automation, sampling,
Reaction and Decay Models Published in the Literature.
type, and speed of analysis (ex-reactor or in situ). (ix) There is
How well do they simulate actual decay characteristics observed
potential for combining several concepts in reactor design to
during use and in post mortem characterization (e.g., axial and gain the maximum information from each experiment and for
pellet decay profiles, pellet effectiveness factor, and diffusivity)? imaginative test sequences, designed to provide adequate
8.7. Development and Evaluation of Simplified, Ap- information to test a decay model. (x) The problems of catalyst
proximate Decay Models for Selected Processes, both (a) decay coupled with intra-particle diffusion resistance and
without Significant Pore-Diffusion Effects in Decay and (b) changes to the catalyst pore structure are difficult, and each case
with Significant Pore-Diffusion Effects in Decay such as an requires its own careful research strategy for progress to be made
Intra-pellet Decay Gradient or Pore Blockage. Could pub- on a rational basis. (xi) Models with intra-particle diffusion are
lished complex mechanistic decay models be used to investigate not validated unless the data demonstrate the correct time-
the potential range of validity of simpler models that could be dependent characteristics, including changes to pore structure
determined from shorter experimental programs or simpler and intra-particle activity gradient.
8.8. Practical and Theoretical Validation of Accelerated Acknowledgment
Decay Tests. Hopefully, when a wider range of practical studies I thank Kjell Moljord (Statoil), Hugh Stitt (Johnson Matthey),
has been described in the literature, the improved insight will Rob Berger, and other members of the Eurokin consortium for
lead to better guidelines regarding the reliability and potential support and advice during this study, K.M. and De Chen
dangers of various techniques. In addition, theoretical mecha- (Trondheim) for critical comments during proofreading, and the
nistic models, developed for simulation of poisoning and fouling University of Glasgow for an Honorary Research Fellowship.
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