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Mali Principi malus finis. A bad beginning has a bad ending.

He who seeks to infringe the law, justly

loses the benefit of the law.
Your Honors, Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

So far, the affirmative buiilt their arguments around public sentimentality without recognition to the
mandate of the law, therefore failing to discredit our contention at the same time ineffectively proving
their points on their side of the proposition. These hasty declarations begin the impairment of our
own legal system.

Allow me therefore to cut through the confusion and muddle by starting with the fallacies commited
by the affirmative:


Your honors, whatever lead to todays deliberation is the merging of transportation services and
technology - an innovation born out of necessity. We agree that indeed, necessity is the other of
innovation, but neither is necessity a permit for illegality.

So far, our team was able to provide this house with an abundance of reasons as to why our side of
the matter is necessary and beneficial.

We successfully established the necessity that LTFRB should push through with their directive without
delay (Sherwins highlighted points) while our beneficiality remained correct in saying that (Daniels
main point)

Now, our side of the matter is

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